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// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <>.
//! Utilities and helpers for transaction dispatch.
mod full;
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pub(crate) mod light;
mod prospective_signer;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "accounts"))]
mod signing;
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "accounts")))]
mod signing {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use super::*;
use v1::helpers::errors;
/// Dummy signer implementation
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Signer;
impl Signer {
/// Create new instance of dummy signer (accept any AccountProvider)
pub fn new<T>(_ap: T) -> Self {
impl super::Accounts for Signer {
fn sign_transaction(
_filled: FilledTransactionRequest,
_chain_id: Option<u64>,
_nonce: U256,
_password: SignWith,
) -> Result<WithToken<SignedTransaction>> {
Err(errors::account("Signing unsupported", "See #9997"))
fn sign_message(
_address: Address,
_password: SignWith,
_hash: SignMessage,
) -> Result<WithToken<Signature>> {
Err(errors::account("Signing unsupported", "See #9997"))
fn decrypt(
_address: Address,
_password: SignWith,
_data: Bytes,
) -> Result<WithToken<Bytes>> {
Err(errors::account("Signing unsupported", "See #9997"))
fn supports_prospective_signing(&self, _address: &Address, _password: &SignWith) -> bool {
fn default_account(&self) -> Address {
fn is_unlocked(&self, _address: &Address) -> bool {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
pub use self::{full::FullDispatcher, light::LightDispatcher, signing::Signer};
pub use v1::helpers::nonce::Reservations;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use std::{fmt::Debug, ops::Deref, sync::Arc};
use bytes::Bytes;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use ethcore::{client::BlockChainClient, miner::MinerService};
use ethereum_types::{Address, H256, H520, U256};
use ethkey::{Password, Signature};
use hash::keccak;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use types::transaction::{PendingTransaction, SignedTransaction};
use jsonrpc_core::{
futures::{future, Future, IntoFuture},
BoxFuture, Error, Result,
use v1::{
helpers::{ConfirmationPayload, FilledTransactionRequest, TransactionRequest},
Bytes as RpcBytes, ConfirmationPayload as RpcConfirmationPayload, ConfirmationResponse,
DecryptRequest as RpcDecryptRequest, EIP191SignRequest as RpcSignRequest,
EthSignRequest as RpcEthSignRequest, RichRawTransaction as RpcRichRawTransaction,
/// Has the capability to dispatch, sign, and decrypt.
/// Requires a clone implementation, with the implication that it be cheap;
/// usually just bumping a reference count or two.
pub trait Dispatcher: Send + Sync + Clone {
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// TODO: when ATC exist, use zero-cost
// type Out<T>: IntoFuture<T, Error>
/// Fill optional fields of a transaction request, fetching gas price but not nonce.
fn fill_optional_fields(
request: TransactionRequest,
default_sender: Address,
force_nonce: bool,
) -> BoxFuture<FilledTransactionRequest>;
/// Sign the given transaction request without dispatching, fetching appropriate nonce.
fn sign<P>(
filled: FilledTransactionRequest,
signer: &Arc<Accounts>,
password: SignWith,
post_sign: P,
) -> BoxFuture<P::Item>
P: PostSign + 'static,
<P::Out as futures::future::IntoFuture>::Future: Send;
/// Converts a `SignedTransaction` into `RichRawTransaction`
fn enrich(&self, SignedTransaction) -> RpcRichRawTransaction;
/// "Dispatch" a local transaction.
fn dispatch_transaction(&self, signed_transaction: PendingTransaction) -> Result<H256>;
/// Payload to sign
pub enum SignMessage {
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/// Eth-sign kind data (requires prefixing)
/// Prefixed data hash
/// Abstract transaction signer.
/// NOTE This signer is semi-correct, it's a temporary measure to avoid moving too much code.
/// If accounts are ultimately removed all password-dealing endpoints will be wiped out.
pub trait Accounts: Send + Sync {
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/// Sign given filled transaction request for the specified chain_id.
fn sign_transaction(
filled: FilledTransactionRequest,
chain_id: Option<u64>,
nonce: U256,
password: SignWith,
) -> Result<WithToken<SignedTransaction>>;
/// Sign given message.
fn sign_message(
address: Address,
password: SignWith,
hash: SignMessage,
) -> Result<WithToken<Signature>>;
/// Decrypt given message.
fn decrypt(
address: Address,
password: SignWith,
data: Bytes,
) -> Result<WithToken<Bytes>>;
/// Returns `true` if the accounts can sign multiple times.
fn supports_prospective_signing(&self, address: &Address, password: &SignWith) -> bool;
/// Returns default account.
fn default_account(&self) -> Address;
/// Returns true if account is unlocked (i.e. can sign without a password)
fn is_unlocked(&self, address: &Address) -> bool;
/// action to execute after signing
/// e.g importing a transaction into the chain
pub trait PostSign: Send {
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/// item that this PostSign returns
type Item: Send;
/// incase you need to perform async PostSign actions
type Out: IntoFuture<Item = Self::Item, Error = Error> + Send;
/// perform an action with the signed transaction
fn execute(self, signer: WithToken<SignedTransaction>) -> Self::Out;
impl PostSign for () {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
type Item = WithToken<SignedTransaction>;
type Out = Result<Self::Item>;
fn execute(self, signed: WithToken<SignedTransaction>) -> Self::Out {
impl<F: Send, T: Send> PostSign for F
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F: FnOnce(WithToken<SignedTransaction>) -> Result<T>,
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type Item = T;
type Out = Result<Self::Item>;
fn execute(self, signed: WithToken<SignedTransaction>) -> Self::Out {
/// Single-use account token.
pub type AccountToken = Password;
/// Values used to unlock accounts for signing.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum SignWith {
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/// Nothing -- implies the account is already unlocked.
/// Unlock with password.
/// Unlock with single-use token.
impl SignWith {
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#[cfg(any(test, feature = "accounts"))]
fn is_password(&self) -> bool {
if let SignWith::Password(_) = *self {
} else {
/// A value, potentially accompanied by a signing token.
pub enum WithToken<T> {
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/// No token.
/// With token.
Yes(T, AccountToken),
impl<T: Debug> Deref for WithToken<T> {
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type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
match *self {
WithToken::No(ref v) => v,
WithToken::Yes(ref v, _) => v,
impl<T: Debug> WithToken<T> {
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/// Map the value with the given closure, preserving the token.
pub fn map<S, F>(self, f: F) -> WithToken<S>
S: Debug,
F: FnOnce(T) -> S,
match self {
WithToken::No(v) => WithToken::No(f(v)),
WithToken::Yes(v, token) => WithToken::Yes(f(v), token),
/// Convert into inner value, ignoring possible token.
pub fn into_value(self) -> T {
match self {
WithToken::No(v) => v,
WithToken::Yes(v, _) => v,
/// Convert the `WithToken` into a tuple.
pub fn into_tuple(self) -> (T, Option<AccountToken>) {
match self {
WithToken::No(v) => (v, None),
WithToken::Yes(v, token) => (v, Some(token)),
impl<T: Debug> From<(T, AccountToken)> for WithToken<T> {
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fn from(tuple: (T, AccountToken)) -> Self {
WithToken::Yes(tuple.0, tuple.1)
impl<T: Debug> From<(T, Option<AccountToken>)> for WithToken<T> {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn from(tuple: (T, Option<AccountToken>)) -> Self {
match tuple.1 {
Some(token) => WithToken::Yes(tuple.0, token),
None => WithToken::No(tuple.0),
/// Execute a confirmation payload.
pub fn execute<D: Dispatcher + 'static>(
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
dispatcher: D,
signer: &Arc<Accounts>,
payload: ConfirmationPayload,
pass: SignWith,
) -> BoxFuture<WithToken<ConfirmationResponse>> {
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match payload {
ConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction(request) => {
let condition = request.condition.clone().map(Into::into);
let cloned_dispatcher = dispatcher.clone();
let post_sign = move |with_token_signed: WithToken<SignedTransaction>| {
let (signed, token) = with_token_signed.into_tuple();
let signed_transaction = PendingTransaction::new(signed, condition);
.map(|hash| (hash, token))
.sign(request, &signer, pass, post_sign)
.map(|(hash, token)| {
WithToken::from((ConfirmationResponse::SendTransaction(hash), token))
ConfirmationPayload::SignTransaction(request) => Box::new(
.sign(request, &signer, pass, ())
.map(move |result| {
.map(move |tx| dispatcher.enrich(tx))
ConfirmationPayload::EthSignMessage(address, data) => {
let res = signer
.sign_message(address, pass, SignMessage::Data(data))
.map(|result| {
.map(|s| H520(s.into_electrum()))
ConfirmationPayload::SignMessage(address, data) => {
let res = signer
.sign_message(address, pass, SignMessage::Hash(data))
.map(|result| {
.map(|rsv| H520(rsv.into_electrum()))
ConfirmationPayload::Decrypt(address, data) => {
let res = signer
.decrypt(address, pass, data)
/// Returns a eth_sign-compatible hash of data to sign.
/// The data is prepended with special message to prevent
/// malicious DApps from using the function to sign forged transactions.
pub fn eth_data_hash(mut data: Bytes) -> H256 {
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let mut message_data = format!("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n{}", data.len()).into_bytes();
message_data.append(&mut data);
/// Extract the default gas price from a client and miner.
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pub fn default_gas_price<C, M>(client: &C, miner: &M, percentile: usize) -> U256
C: BlockChainClient,
M: MinerService,
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.unwrap_or_else(|| miner.sensible_gas_price())
/// Convert RPC confirmation payload to signer confirmation payload.
/// May need to resolve in the future to fetch things like gas price.
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pub fn from_rpc<D>(
payload: RpcConfirmationPayload,
default_account: Address,
dispatcher: &D,
) -> BoxFuture<ConfirmationPayload>
D: Dispatcher,
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match payload {
RpcConfirmationPayload::SendTransaction(request) => Box::new(
.fill_optional_fields(request.into(), default_account, false)
RpcConfirmationPayload::SignTransaction(request) => Box::new(
.fill_optional_fields(request.into(), default_account, false)
RpcConfirmationPayload::Decrypt(RpcDecryptRequest { address, msg }) => Box::new(
future::ok(ConfirmationPayload::Decrypt(address, msg.into())),
RpcConfirmationPayload::EthSignMessage(RpcEthSignRequest { address, data }) => Box::new(
future::ok(ConfirmationPayload::EthSignMessage(address, data.into())),
RpcConfirmationPayload::EIP191SignMessage(RpcSignRequest { address, data }) => {
Box::new(future::ok(ConfirmationPayload::SignMessage(address, data)))