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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::collections::btree_map::Entry;
use std::io;
use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use futures::{future, Future, Stream};
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use tokio::timer::{Interval, timeout::Error as TimeoutError};
use tokio_io::IoFuture;
use crypto::publickey::KeyPair;
use parity_runtime::Executor;
use key_server_cluster::{Error, NodeId, ClusterConfiguration, NodeKeyPair};
use key_server_cluster::cluster_connections::{ConnectionProvider, Connection, ConnectionManager};
use key_server_cluster::connection_trigger::{Maintain, ConnectionTrigger};
use key_server_cluster::cluster_message_processor::MessageProcessor;
use key_server_cluster::io::{DeadlineStatus, ReadMessage, SharedTcpStream,
read_encrypted_message, WriteMessage, write_encrypted_message};
use key_server_cluster::message::{self, ClusterMessage, Message};
use key_server_cluster::net::{accept_connection as io_accept_connection,
connect as io_connect, Connection as IoConnection};
/// Empty future.
pub type BoxedEmptyFuture = Box<dyn Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send>;
/// Maintain interval (seconds). Every MAINTAIN_INTERVAL seconds node:
/// 1) checks if connected nodes are responding to KeepAlive messages
/// 2) tries to connect to disconnected nodes
/// 3) checks if enc/dec sessions are time-outed
const MAINTAIN_INTERVAL: u64 = 10;
/// When no messages have been received from node within KEEP_ALIVE_SEND_INTERVAL seconds,
/// we must send KeepAlive message to the node to check if it still responds to messages.
const KEEP_ALIVE_SEND_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
/// When no messages have been received from node within KEEP_ALIVE_DISCONNECT_INTERVAL seconds,
/// we must treat this node as non-responding && disconnect from it.
const KEEP_ALIVE_DISCONNECT_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
/// Network connection manager configuration.
pub struct NetConnectionsManagerConfig {
/// Allow connecting to 'higher' nodes.
pub allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: bool,
/// Interface to listen to.
pub listen_address: (String, u16),
/// True if we should autostart key servers set change session when servers set changes?
/// This will only work when servers set is configured using KeyServerSet contract.
pub auto_migrate_enabled: bool,
/// Network connections manager.
pub struct NetConnectionsManager {
/// Address we're listening for incoming connections.
listen_address: SocketAddr,
/// Shared cluster connections data reference.
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
/// Network connections data. Shared among NetConnectionsManager and spawned futures.
struct NetConnectionsData {
/// Allow connecting to 'higher' nodes.
allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: bool,
/// Reference to tokio task executor.
executor: Executor,
/// Key pair of this node.
self_key_pair: Arc<dyn NodeKeyPair>,
/// Network messages processor.
message_processor: Arc<dyn MessageProcessor>,
/// Connections trigger.
trigger: Mutex<Box<dyn ConnectionTrigger>>,
/// Mutable connection data.
container: Arc<RwLock<NetConnectionsContainer>>,
/// Network connections container. This is the only mutable data of NetConnectionsManager.
/// The set of nodes is mutated by the connection trigger and the connections set is also
/// mutated by spawned futures.
pub struct NetConnectionsContainer {
/// Is this node isolated from cluster?
pub is_isolated: bool,
/// Current key servers set.
pub nodes: BTreeMap<NodeId, SocketAddr>,
/// Active connections to key servers.
pub connections: BTreeMap<NodeId, Arc<NetConnection>>,
/// Network connection to single key server node.
pub struct NetConnection {
executor: Executor,
/// Id of the peer node.
node_id: NodeId,
/// Address of the peer node.
node_address: SocketAddr,
/// Is this inbound (true) or outbound (false) connection?
is_inbound: bool,
/// Key pair that is used to encrypt connection' messages.
key: KeyPair,
/// Last message time.
last_message_time: RwLock<Instant>,
/// Underlying TCP stream.
stream: SharedTcpStream,
impl NetConnectionsManager {
/// Create new network connections manager.
pub fn new(
executor: Executor,
message_processor: Arc<dyn MessageProcessor>,
trigger: Box<dyn ConnectionTrigger>,
container: Arc<RwLock<NetConnectionsContainer>>,
config: &ClusterConfiguration,
net_config: NetConnectionsManagerConfig,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let listen_address = make_socket_address(
Ok(NetConnectionsManager {
data: Arc::new(NetConnectionsData {
allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes: net_config.allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes,
self_key_pair: config.self_key_pair.clone(),
trigger: Mutex::new(trigger),
/// Start listening for connections and schedule connections maintenance.
pub fn start(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl ConnectionManager for NetConnectionsManager {
fn provider(&self) -> Arc<dyn ConnectionProvider> {
fn connect(&self) {
impl ConnectionProvider for RwLock<NetConnectionsContainer> {
fn connected_nodes(&self) -> Result<BTreeSet<NodeId>, Error> {
let connections =;
if connections.is_isolated {
return Err(Error::NodeDisconnected);
fn disconnected_nodes(&self) -> BTreeSet<NodeId> {
let connections =;
.filter(|node_id| !connections.connections.contains_key(node_id))
fn connection(&self, node: &NodeId) -> Option<Arc<dyn Connection>> {
match {
Some(connection) => Some(connection),
None => None,
impl NetConnection {
/// Create new connection.
pub fn new(executor: Executor, is_inbound: bool, connection: IoConnection) -> NetConnection {
NetConnection {
node_id: connection.node_id,
node_address: connection.address,
is_inbound: is_inbound,
key: connection.key,
last_message_time: RwLock::new(Instant::now()),
/// Get last message time.
pub fn last_message_time(&self) -> Instant {
/// Update last message time
pub fn set_last_message_time(&self, last_message_time: Instant) {
*self.last_message_time.write() = last_message_time
/// Returns future that sends encrypted message over this connection.
pub fn send_message_future(&self, message: Message) -> WriteMessage<SharedTcpStream> {
write_encrypted_message(, &self.key, message)
/// Returns future that reads encrypted message from this connection.
pub fn read_message_future(&self) -> ReadMessage<SharedTcpStream> {
read_encrypted_message(, self.key.clone())
impl Connection for NetConnection {
fn is_inbound(&self) -> bool {
fn node_id(&self) -> &NodeId {
fn node_address(&self) -> String {
format!("{}", self.node_address)
fn send_message(&self, message: Message) {
execute(&self.executor, self.send_message_future(message).then(|_| Ok(())));
impl NetConnectionsData {
/// Executes closure for each active connection.
pub fn active_connections(&self) -> Vec<Arc<NetConnection>> {
/// Executes closure for each disconnected node.
pub fn disconnected_nodes(&self) -> Vec<(NodeId, SocketAddr)> {
let container =;
.filter(|(node_id, _)| !container.connections.contains_key(node_id))
.map(|(node_id, addr)| (*node_id, *addr))
/// Try to insert new connection. Returns true if connection has been inserted.
/// Returns false (and ignores connections) if:
/// - we do not expect connection from this node
/// - we are already connected to the node and existing connection 'supersede'
/// new connection by agreement
pub fn insert(&self, connection: Arc<NetConnection>) -> bool {
let node = *connection.node_id();
let mut container = self.container.write();
if !container.nodes.contains_key(&node) {
trace!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: ignoring unknown connection from {} at {}",
self.self_key_pair.public(), node, connection.node_address());
return false;
if container.connections.contains_key(&node) {
// we have already connected to the same node
// the agreement is that node with lower id must establish connection to node with higher id
if (*self.self_key_pair.public() < node && connection.is_inbound())
|| (*self.self_key_pair.public() > node && !connection.is_inbound()) {
return false;
trace!(target: "secretstore_net",
"{}: inserting connection to {} at {}. Connected to {} of {} nodes",
self.self_key_pair.public(), node, connection.node_address(),
container.connections.len() + 1, container.nodes.len());
container.connections.insert(node, connection);
/// Tries to remove connection. Returns true if connection has been removed.
/// Returns false if we do not know this connection.
pub fn remove(&self, connection: &NetConnection) -> bool {
let node_id = *connection.node_id();
let is_inbound = connection.is_inbound();
let mut container = self.container.write();
if let Entry::Occupied(entry) = container.connections.entry(node_id) {
if entry.get().is_inbound() != is_inbound {
return false;
trace!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: removing connection to {} at {}",
self.self_key_pair.public(), node_id, entry.get().node_address());
} else {
/// Listen incoming connections.
fn net_listen(
listen_address: &SocketAddr,
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
execute(&data.executor, net_listen_future(listen_address, data.clone())?);
/// Listen incoming connections future.
fn net_listen_future(
listen_address: &SocketAddr,
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
) -> Result<BoxedEmptyFuture, Error> {
.and_then(move |stream| {
net_accept_connection(data.clone(), stream);
.for_each(|_| Ok(()))
.then(|_| future::ok(()))))
/// Accept incoming connection.
fn net_accept_connection(
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
stream: TcpStream,
) {
execute(&data.executor, net_accept_connection_future(data.clone(), stream));
/// Accept incoming connection future.
fn net_accept_connection_future(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>, stream: TcpStream) -> BoxedEmptyFuture {
Box::new(io_accept_connection(stream, data.self_key_pair.clone())
.then(move |result| net_process_connection_result(data, None, result))
.then(|_| future::ok(())))
/// Connect to remote node.
fn net_connect(
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
remote: SocketAddr,
) {
execute(&data.executor, net_connect_future(data.clone(), remote));
/// Connect to remote node future.
fn net_connect_future(
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
remote: SocketAddr,
) -> BoxedEmptyFuture {
let disconnected_nodes = data.container.disconnected_nodes();
Box::new(io_connect(&remote, data.self_key_pair.clone(), disconnected_nodes)
.then(move |result| net_process_connection_result(data, Some(remote), result))
.then(|_| future::ok(())))
/// Process network connection result.
fn net_process_connection_result(
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
outbound_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
result: Result<DeadlineStatus<Result<IoConnection, Error>>, TimeoutError<io::Error>>,
) -> IoFuture<Result<(), Error>> {
match result {
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Meet(Ok(connection))) => {
let connection = Arc::new(NetConnection::new(data.executor.clone(), outbound_addr.is_none(), connection));
if data.insert(connection.clone()) {
let maintain_action = data.trigger.lock().on_connection_established(connection.node_id());
maintain_connection_trigger(data.clone(), maintain_action);
return net_process_connection_messages(data, connection);
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Meet(Err(err))) => {
warn!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: protocol error '{}' when establishing {} connection{}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), err, if outbound_addr.is_some() { "outbound" } else { "inbound" },|a| format!(" with {}", a)).unwrap_or_default());
Ok(DeadlineStatus::Timeout) => {
warn!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: timeout when establishing {} connection{}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), if outbound_addr.is_some() { "outbound" } else { "inbound" },|a| format!(" with {}", a)).unwrap_or_default());
Err(err) => {
warn!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: network error '{}' when establishing {} connection{}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), err, if outbound_addr.is_some() { "outbound" } else { "inbound" },|a| format!(" with {}", a)).unwrap_or_default());
/// Process connection messages.
fn net_process_connection_messages(
data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>,
connection: Arc<NetConnection>,
) -> IoFuture<Result<(), Error>> {
.then(move |result|
match result {
Ok((_, Ok(message))) => {
data.message_processor.process_connection_message(connection.clone(), message);
// continue serving connection
let process_messages_future = net_process_connection_messages(
data.clone(), connection).then(|_| Ok(()));
execute(&data.executor, process_messages_future);
Ok((_, Err(err))) => {
warn!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: protocol error '{}' when reading message from node {}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), err, connection.node_id());
// continue serving connection
let process_messages_future = net_process_connection_messages(
data.clone(), connection).then(|_| Ok(()));
execute(&data.executor, process_messages_future);
Err(err) => {
let node_id = *connection.node_id();
warn!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: network error '{}' when reading message from node {}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), err, node_id);
// close connection
if data.remove(&*connection) {
let maintain_action = data.trigger.lock().on_connection_closed(&node_id);
maintain_connection_trigger(data, maintain_action);
/// Schedule connections. maintain.
fn net_schedule_maintain(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>) {
let closure_data = data.clone();
execute(&data.executor, Interval::new_interval(Duration::new(MAINTAIN_INTERVAL, 0))
.and_then(move |_| Ok(net_maintain(closure_data.clone())))
.for_each(|_| Ok(()))
.then(|_| future::ok(())));
/// Maintain network connections.
fn net_maintain(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>) {
trace!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: executing maintain procedures", data.self_key_pair.public());
/// Send keep alive messages to remote nodes.
fn net_keep_alive(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>) {
let active_connections = data.active_connections();
for connection in active_connections {
// the last_message_time could change after active_connections() call
// => we always need to call Instant::now() after getting last_message_time
let last_message_time = connection.last_message_time();
let now = Instant::now();
let last_message_diff = now - last_message_time;
if last_message_diff > KEEP_ALIVE_DISCONNECT_INTERVAL {
warn!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: keep alive timeout for node {}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), connection.node_id());
let node_id = *connection.node_id();
if data.remove(&*connection) {
let maintain_action = data.trigger.lock().on_connection_closed(&node_id);
maintain_connection_trigger(data.clone(), maintain_action);
else if last_message_diff > KEEP_ALIVE_SEND_INTERVAL {
connection.send_message(Message::Cluster(ClusterMessage::KeepAlive(message::KeepAlive {})));
/// Connect disconnected nodes.
fn net_connect_disconnected(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>) {
let disconnected_nodes = data.disconnected_nodes();
for (node_id, address) in disconnected_nodes {
if data.allow_connecting_to_higher_nodes || *data.self_key_pair.public() < node_id {
net_connect(data.clone(), address);
/// Schedule future execution.
fn execute<F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send + 'static>(executor: &Executor, f: F) {
if let Err(err) = future::Executor::execute(executor, Box::new(f)) {
error!("Secret store runtime unable to spawn task. Runtime is shutting down. ({:?})", err);
/// Try to update active nodes set from connection trigger.
fn update_nodes_set(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>) {
let maintain_action = data.trigger.lock().on_maintain();
maintain_connection_trigger(data, maintain_action);
/// Execute maintain procedures of connections trigger.
fn maintain_connection_trigger(data: Arc<NetConnectionsData>, maintain_action: Option<Maintain>) {
if maintain_action == Some(Maintain::SessionAndConnections) || maintain_action == Some(Maintain::Session) {
let session_params = data.trigger.lock().maintain_session();
if let Some(session_params) = session_params {
let session = data.message_processor.start_servers_set_change_session(session_params);
match session {
Ok(_) => trace!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: started auto-migrate session",
Err(err) => trace!(target: "secretstore_net", "{}: failed to start auto-migrate session with: {}",
data.self_key_pair.public(), err),
if maintain_action == Some(Maintain::SessionAndConnections) || maintain_action == Some(Maintain::Connections) {
let mut trigger = data.trigger.lock();
let mut data = data.container.write();
trigger.maintain_connections(&mut *data);
/// Compose SocketAddr from configuration' address and port.
fn make_socket_address(address: &str, port: u16) -> Result<SocketAddr, Error> {
let ip_address: IpAddr = address.parse().map_err(|_| Error::InvalidNodeAddress)?;
Ok(SocketAddr::new(ip_address, port))