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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use block_sync::{BlockDownloaderImportError as DownloaderImportError, DownloadAction};
use bytes::Bytes;
use ethcore::client::{BlockId, BlockStatus};
use ethcore::error::{Error as EthcoreError, ErrorKind as EthcoreErrorKind, ImportErrorKind, BlockError};
use ethcore::header::BlockNumber;
use ethcore::snapshot::{ManifestData, RestorationStatus};
use ethcore::verification::queue::kind::blocks::Unverified;
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256};
use hash::keccak;
use network::PeerId;
use rlp::Rlp;
use snapshot::ChunkType;
use std::cmp;
use std::mem;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::time::Instant;
use sync_io::SyncIo;
use super::{
/// The Chain Sync Handler: handles responses from peers
pub struct SyncHandler;
impl SyncHandler {
/// Handle incoming packet from peer
pub fn on_packet(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer: PeerId, packet_id: u8, data: &[u8]) {
if packet_id != STATUS_PACKET && !sync.peers.contains_key(&peer) {
debug!(target:"sync", "Unexpected packet {} from unregistered peer: {}:{}", packet_id, peer, io.peer_info(peer));
let rlp = Rlp::new(data);
let result = match packet_id {
STATUS_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_status(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
TRANSACTIONS_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_transactions(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
BLOCK_HEADERS_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_block_headers(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
BLOCK_BODIES_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_block_bodies(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
RECEIPTS_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_block_receipts(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
NEW_BLOCK_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
NEW_BLOCK_HASHES_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_peer_new_hashes(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_snapshot_manifest(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
SNAPSHOT_DATA_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_snapshot_data(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
PRIVATE_TRANSACTION_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_private_transaction(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
SIGNED_PRIVATE_TRANSACTION_PACKET => SyncHandler::on_signed_private_transaction(sync, io, peer, &rlp),
_ => {
debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Unknown packet {}", peer, packet_id);
match result {
Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid) => {
debug!(target:"sync", "{} -> Invalid packet {}", peer, packet_id);
sync.deactivate_peer(io, peer);
Err(DownloaderImportError::Useless) => {
sync.deactivate_peer(io, peer);
Ok(()) => {
// give a task to the same peer first
sync.sync_peer(io, peer, false);
// give tasks to other peers
/// Called when peer sends us new consensus packet
pub fn on_consensus_packet(io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), PacketDecodeError> {
trace!(target: "sync", "Received consensus packet from {:?}", peer_id);
/// Called by peer when it is disconnecting
pub fn on_peer_aborting(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId) {
trace!(target: "sync", "== Disconnecting {}: {}", peer_id, io.peer_info(peer_id));
if sync.peers.contains_key(&peer_id) {
debug!(target: "sync", "Disconnected {}", peer_id);
if sync.state == SyncState::SnapshotManifest {
// Check if we are asking other peers for
// the snapshot manifest as well.
// If not, return to initial state
let still_asking_manifest = sync.peers.iter()
.filter(|&(id, p)| sync.active_peers.contains(id) && p.asking == PeerAsking::SnapshotManifest)
if still_asking_manifest {
sync.state = ChainSync::get_init_state(sync.warp_sync, io.chain());
/// Called when a new peer is connected
pub fn on_peer_connected(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer: PeerId) {
trace!(target: "sync", "== Connected {}: {}", peer, io.peer_info(peer));
if let Err(e) = sync.send_status(io, peer) {
debug!(target:"sync", "Error sending status request: {:?}", e);
} else {
sync.handshaking_peers.insert(peer, Instant::now());
/// Called by peer once it has new block bodies
pub fn on_peer_new_block(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring new block from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let difficulty: U256 = r.val_at(1)?;
if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
if peer.difficulty.map_or(true, |pd| difficulty > pd) {
peer.difficulty = Some(difficulty);
let block = Unverified::from_rlp(;
let hash = block.header.hash();
let number = block.header.number();
trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> NewBlock ({})", peer_id, hash);
if number > sync.highest_block.unwrap_or(0) {
sync.highest_block = Some(number);
let mut unknown = false;
if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
peer.latest_hash = hash;
let last_imported_number = sync.new_blocks.last_imported_block_number();
if last_imported_number > number && last_imported_number - number > MAX_NEW_BLOCK_AGE {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored ancient new block {:?}", hash);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
match io.chain().import_block(block) {
Err(EthcoreError(EthcoreErrorKind::Import(ImportErrorKind::AlreadyInChain), _)) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "New block already in chain {:?}", hash);
Err(EthcoreError(EthcoreErrorKind::Import(ImportErrorKind::AlreadyQueued), _)) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "New block already queued {:?}", hash);
Ok(_) => {
// abort current download of the same block
sync.new_blocks.mark_as_known(&hash, number);
trace!(target: "sync", "New block queued {:?} ({})", hash, number);
Err(EthcoreError(EthcoreErrorKind::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(p)), _)) => {
unknown = true;
trace!(target: "sync", "New block with unknown parent ({:?}) {:?}", p, hash);
Err(e) => {
debug!(target: "sync", "Bad new block {:?} : {:?}", hash, e);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
if unknown {
if sync.state != SyncState::Idle {
trace!(target: "sync", "NewBlock ignored while seeking");
} else {
trace!(target: "sync", "New unknown block {:?}", hash);
//TODO: handle too many unknown blocks
sync.sync_peer(io, peer_id, true);
/// Handles `NewHashes` packet. Initiates headers download for any unknown hashes.
pub fn on_peer_new_hashes(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring new hashes from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let hashes: Vec<_> = r.iter().take(MAX_NEW_HASHES).map(|item| (item.val_at::<H256>(0), item.val_at::<BlockNumber>(1))).collect();
if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
// Peer has new blocks with unknown difficulty
peer.difficulty = None;
if let Some(&(Ok(ref h), _)) = hashes.last() {
peer.latest_hash = h.clone();
if sync.state != SyncState::Idle {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring new hashes since we're already downloading.");
let max = r.iter().take(MAX_NEW_HASHES).map(|item| item.val_at::<BlockNumber>(1).unwrap_or(0)).fold(0u64, cmp::max);
if max > sync.highest_block.unwrap_or(0) {
sync.highest_block = Some(max);
return Ok(());
trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> NewHashes ({} entries)", peer_id, r.item_count()?);
let mut max_height: BlockNumber = 0;
let mut new_hashes = Vec::new();
let last_imported_number = sync.new_blocks.last_imported_block_number();
for (rh, rn) in hashes {
let hash = rh?;
let number = rn?;
if number > sync.highest_block.unwrap_or(0) {
sync.highest_block = Some(number);
if sync.new_blocks.is_downloading(&hash) {
if last_imported_number > number && last_imported_number - number > MAX_NEW_BLOCK_AGE {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored ancient new block hash {:?}", hash);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
match io.chain().block_status(BlockId::Hash(hash.clone())) {
BlockStatus::InChain => {
trace!(target: "sync", "New block hash already in chain {:?}", hash);
BlockStatus::Queued => {
trace!(target: "sync", "New hash block already queued {:?}", hash);
BlockStatus::Unknown => {
if number > max_height {
trace!(target: "sync", "New unknown block hash {:?}", hash);
if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
peer.latest_hash = hash.clone();
max_height = number;
BlockStatus::Bad => {
debug!(target: "sync", "Bad new block hash {:?}", hash);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
if max_height != 0 {
trace!(target: "sync", "Downloading blocks for new hashes");
sync.state = SyncState::NewBlocks;
sync.sync_peer(io, peer_id, true);
/// Called by peer once it has new block bodies
fn on_peer_block_bodies(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
let block_set = sync.peers.get(&peer_id)
.and_then(|p| p.block_set)
Fix ancient blocks sync (#9531) * Log block set in block_sync for easier debugging * logging macros * Match no args in sync logging macros * Add QueueFull error * Only allow importing headers if the first matches requested * WIP * Test for chain head gaps and log * Calc distance even with 2 heads * Revert previous commits, preparing simple fix This reverts commit 5f38aa885b22ebb0e3a1d60120cea69f9f322628. * Reject headers with no gaps when ChainHead * Reset block sync download when queue full * Simplify check for subchain heads * Add comment to explain subchain heads filter * Fix is_subchain_heads check and comment * Prevent premature round completion after restart This is a problem on mainnet where multiple stale peer requests will force many rounds to complete quickly, forcing the retraction. * Reset stale old blocks request after queue full * Revert "Reject headers with no gaps when ChainHead" This reverts commit 0eb865539e5dee37ab34f168f5fb643300de5ace. * Add BlockSet to BlockDownloader logging Currently it is difficult to debug this because there are two instances, one for OldBlocks and one for NewBlocks. This adds the BlockSet to all log messages for easy log filtering. * Reset OldBlocks download from last enqueued Previously when the ancient block queue was full it would restart the download from the last imported block, so the ones still in the queue would be redownloaded. Keeping the existing downloader instance and just resetting it will start again from the last enqueued block.:wq * Ignore expired Body and Receipt requests * Log when ancient block download being restarted * Only request old blocks from peers with >= difficulty might be too permissive and causing the behaviour of the retraction soon after the fork block. With this change the peer difficulty has to be greater than or euqal to our syncing difficulty, so should still fix * Some logging and clear stalled blocks head * Revert "Some logging and clear stalled blocks head" This reverts commit 757641d9b817ae8b63fec684759b0815af9c4d0e. * Reset stalled header if useless more than once * Store useless headers in HashSet * Add sync target to logging macro * Don't disable useless peer and fix log macro * Clear useless headers on reset and comments * Use custom error for collecting blocks Previously we resued BlockImportError, however only the Invalid case and this made little sense with the QueueFull error. * Remove blank line * Test for reset sync after consecutive useless headers * Don't reset after consecutive headers when chain head * Delete commented out imports * Return DownloadAction from collect_blocks instead of error * Don't reset after round complete, was causing test hangs * Add comment explaining reset after useless * Replace HashSet with counter for useless headers * Refactor sync reset on bad block/queue full * Add missing target for log message * Fix compiler errors and test after merge * ethcore: revert ethereum tests submodule update
2018-10-09 15:31:40 +02:00
let allowed = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map(|p| p.is_allowed()).unwrap_or(false);
if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::BlockBodies) || !allowed {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected bodies", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let expected_blocks = match sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
Some(peer) => mem::replace(&mut peer.asking_blocks, Vec::new()),
None => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected bodies (peer not found)", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let item_count = r.item_count()?;
trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> BlockBodies ({} entries), set = {:?}", peer_id, item_count, block_set);
if item_count == 0 {
} else if sync.state == SyncState::Waiting {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block bodies while waiting");
} else {
let downloader = match block_set {
BlockSet::NewBlocks => &mut sync.new_blocks,
BlockSet::OldBlocks => match sync.old_blocks {
None => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while block download is inactive");
return Ok(());
Some(ref mut blocks) => blocks,
downloader.import_bodies(r, expected_blocks.as_slice())?;
sync.collect_blocks(io, block_set);
fn on_peer_fork_header(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
let peer = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id).expect("Is only called when peer is present in peers");
peer.asking = PeerAsking::Nothing;
let item_count = r.item_count()?;
let (fork_number, fork_hash) = sync.fork_block.expect("ForkHeader request is sent only fork block is Some; qed").clone();
if item_count == 0 || item_count != 1 {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Chain is too short to confirm the block", peer_id);
peer.confirmation = ForkConfirmation::TooShort;
} else {
let header =;
if keccak(&header) != fork_hash {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Fork mismatch", peer_id);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Confirmed peer", peer_id);
peer.confirmation = ForkConfirmation::Confirmed;
if !io.chain_overlay().read().contains_key(&fork_number) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Inserting (fork) block {} header", fork_number);
io.chain_overlay().write().insert(fork_number, header.to_vec());
return Ok(());
/// Called by peer once it has new block headers during sync
fn on_peer_block_headers(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
let is_fork_header_request = match sync.peers.get(&peer_id) {
Some(peer) if peer.asking == PeerAsking::ForkHeader => true,
_ => false,
if is_fork_header_request {
return SyncHandler::on_peer_fork_header(sync, io, peer_id, r);
let expected_hash = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).and_then(|p| p.asking_hash);
let allowed = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map(|p| p.is_allowed()).unwrap_or(false);
let block_set = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).and_then(|p| p.block_set).unwrap_or(BlockSet::NewBlocks);
if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::BlockHeaders) {
debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected headers", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let expected_hash = match expected_hash {
Some(hash) => hash,
None => {
debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected headers (expected_hash is None)", peer_id);
return Ok(());
if !allowed {
debug!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected headers (peer not allowed)", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let item_count = r.item_count()?;
trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> BlockHeaders ({} entries), state = {:?}, set = {:?}", peer_id, item_count, sync.state, block_set);
if (sync.state == SyncState::Idle || sync.state == SyncState::WaitingPeers) && sync.old_blocks.is_none() {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored unexpected block headers");
return Ok(());
if sync.state == SyncState::Waiting {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while waiting");
return Ok(());
let result = {
let downloader = match block_set {
BlockSet::NewBlocks => &mut sync.new_blocks,
BlockSet::OldBlocks => {
match sync.old_blocks {
None => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while block download is inactive");
return Ok(());
Some(ref mut blocks) => blocks,
downloader.import_headers(io, r, expected_hash)?
Fix ancient blocks sync (#9531) * Log block set in block_sync for easier debugging * logging macros * Match no args in sync logging macros * Add QueueFull error * Only allow importing headers if the first matches requested * WIP * Test for chain head gaps and log * Calc distance even with 2 heads * Revert previous commits, preparing simple fix This reverts commit 5f38aa885b22ebb0e3a1d60120cea69f9f322628. * Reject headers with no gaps when ChainHead * Reset block sync download when queue full * Simplify check for subchain heads * Add comment to explain subchain heads filter * Fix is_subchain_heads check and comment * Prevent premature round completion after restart This is a problem on mainnet where multiple stale peer requests will force many rounds to complete quickly, forcing the retraction. * Reset stale old blocks request after queue full * Revert "Reject headers with no gaps when ChainHead" This reverts commit 0eb865539e5dee37ab34f168f5fb643300de5ace. * Add BlockSet to BlockDownloader logging Currently it is difficult to debug this because there are two instances, one for OldBlocks and one for NewBlocks. This adds the BlockSet to all log messages for easy log filtering. * Reset OldBlocks download from last enqueued Previously when the ancient block queue was full it would restart the download from the last imported block, so the ones still in the queue would be redownloaded. Keeping the existing downloader instance and just resetting it will start again from the last enqueued block.:wq * Ignore expired Body and Receipt requests * Log when ancient block download being restarted * Only request old blocks from peers with >= difficulty might be too permissive and causing the behaviour of the retraction soon after the fork block. With this change the peer difficulty has to be greater than or euqal to our syncing difficulty, so should still fix * Some logging and clear stalled blocks head * Revert "Some logging and clear stalled blocks head" This reverts commit 757641d9b817ae8b63fec684759b0815af9c4d0e. * Reset stalled header if useless more than once * Store useless headers in HashSet * Add sync target to logging macro * Don't disable useless peer and fix log macro * Clear useless headers on reset and comments * Use custom error for collecting blocks Previously we resued BlockImportError, however only the Invalid case and this made little sense with the QueueFull error. * Remove blank line * Test for reset sync after consecutive useless headers * Don't reset after consecutive headers when chain head * Delete commented out imports * Return DownloadAction from collect_blocks instead of error * Don't reset after round complete, was causing test hangs * Add comment explaining reset after useless * Replace HashSet with counter for useless headers * Refactor sync reset on bad block/queue full * Add missing target for log message * Fix compiler errors and test after merge * ethcore: revert ethereum tests submodule update
2018-10-09 15:31:40 +02:00
if result == DownloadAction::Reset {
sync.collect_blocks(io, block_set);
/// Called by peer once it has new block receipts
fn on_peer_block_receipts(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
let block_set = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).and_then(|p| p.block_set).unwrap_or(BlockSet::NewBlocks);
Fix ancient blocks sync (#9531) * Log block set in block_sync for easier debugging * logging macros * Match no args in sync logging macros * Add QueueFull error * Only allow importing headers if the first matches requested * WIP * Test for chain head gaps and log * Calc distance even with 2 heads * Revert previous commits, preparing simple fix This reverts commit 5f38aa885b22ebb0e3a1d60120cea69f9f322628. * Reject headers with no gaps when ChainHead * Reset block sync download when queue full * Simplify check for subchain heads * Add comment to explain subchain heads filter * Fix is_subchain_heads check and comment * Prevent premature round completion after restart This is a problem on mainnet where multiple stale peer requests will force many rounds to complete quickly, forcing the retraction. * Reset stale old blocks request after queue full * Revert "Reject headers with no gaps when ChainHead" This reverts commit 0eb865539e5dee37ab34f168f5fb643300de5ace. * Add BlockSet to BlockDownloader logging Currently it is difficult to debug this because there are two instances, one for OldBlocks and one for NewBlocks. This adds the BlockSet to all log messages for easy log filtering. * Reset OldBlocks download from last enqueued Previously when the ancient block queue was full it would restart the download from the last imported block, so the ones still in the queue would be redownloaded. Keeping the existing downloader instance and just resetting it will start again from the last enqueued block.:wq * Ignore expired Body and Receipt requests * Log when ancient block download being restarted * Only request old blocks from peers with >= difficulty might be too permissive and causing the behaviour of the retraction soon after the fork block. With this change the peer difficulty has to be greater than or euqal to our syncing difficulty, so should still fix * Some logging and clear stalled blocks head * Revert "Some logging and clear stalled blocks head" This reverts commit 757641d9b817ae8b63fec684759b0815af9c4d0e. * Reset stalled header if useless more than once * Store useless headers in HashSet * Add sync target to logging macro * Don't disable useless peer and fix log macro * Clear useless headers on reset and comments * Use custom error for collecting blocks Previously we resued BlockImportError, however only the Invalid case and this made little sense with the QueueFull error. * Remove blank line * Test for reset sync after consecutive useless headers * Don't reset after consecutive headers when chain head * Delete commented out imports * Return DownloadAction from collect_blocks instead of error * Don't reset after round complete, was causing test hangs * Add comment explaining reset after useless * Replace HashSet with counter for useless headers * Refactor sync reset on bad block/queue full * Add missing target for log message * Fix compiler errors and test after merge * ethcore: revert ethereum tests submodule update
2018-10-09 15:31:40 +02:00
let allowed = sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map(|p| p.is_allowed()).unwrap_or(false);
if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::BlockReceipts) || !allowed {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected receipts", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let expected_blocks = match sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
Some(peer) => mem::replace(&mut peer.asking_blocks, Vec::new()),
None => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected bodies (peer not found)", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let item_count = r.item_count()?;
trace!(target: "sync", "{} -> BlockReceipts ({} entries)", peer_id, item_count);
if item_count == 0 {
} else if sync.state == SyncState::Waiting {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block receipts while waiting");
} else {
let downloader = match block_set {
BlockSet::NewBlocks => &mut sync.new_blocks,
BlockSet::OldBlocks => match sync.old_blocks {
None => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignored block headers while block download is inactive");
return Ok(());
Some(ref mut blocks) => blocks,
downloader.import_receipts(r, expected_blocks.as_slice())?;
sync.collect_blocks(io, block_set);
/// Called when snapshot manifest is downloaded from a peer.
fn on_snapshot_manifest(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring snapshot manifest from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id);
return Ok(());
if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::SnapshotManifest) || sync.state != SyncState::SnapshotManifest {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected/expired manifest", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let manifest_rlp =;
let manifest = ManifestData::from_rlp(manifest_rlp.as_raw())?;
let is_supported_version = io.snapshot_service().supported_versions()
.map_or(false, |(l, h)| manifest.version >= l && manifest.version <= h);
if !is_supported_version {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Snapshot manifest version not supported: {}", peer_id, manifest.version);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
sync.snapshot.reset_to(&manifest, &keccak(manifest_rlp.as_raw()));
sync.state = SyncState::SnapshotData;
/// Called when snapshot data is downloaded from a peer.
fn on_snapshot_data(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring snapshot data from unconfirmed peer {}", peer_id);
return Ok(());
if !sync.reset_peer_asking(peer_id, PeerAsking::SnapshotData) || (sync.state != SyncState::SnapshotData && sync.state != SyncState::SnapshotWaiting) {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Ignored unexpected snapshot data", peer_id);
return Ok(());
// check service status
let status = io.snapshot_service().status();
match status {
RestorationStatus::Inactive | RestorationStatus::Failed => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Snapshot restoration aborted", peer_id);
sync.state = SyncState::WaitingPeers;
// only note bad if restoration failed.
if let (Some(hash), RestorationStatus::Failed) = (sync.snapshot.snapshot_hash(), status) {
trace!(target: "sync", "Noting snapshot hash {} as bad", hash);
return Ok(());
RestorationStatus::Initializing { .. } => {
trace!(target: "warp", "{}: Snapshot restoration is initializing", peer_id);
return Ok(());
RestorationStatus::Ongoing { .. } => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Snapshot restoration is ongoing", peer_id);
let snapshot_data: Bytes = r.val_at(0)?;
match sync.snapshot.validate_chunk(&snapshot_data) {
Ok(ChunkType::Block(hash)) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Processing block chunk", peer_id);
io.snapshot_service().restore_block_chunk(hash, snapshot_data);
Ok(ChunkType::State(hash)) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Processing state chunk", peer_id);
io.snapshot_service().restore_state_chunk(hash, snapshot_data);
Err(()) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "{}: Got bad snapshot chunk", peer_id);
return Ok(());
if sync.snapshot.is_complete() {
// wait for snapshot restoration process to complete
sync.state = SyncState::SnapshotWaiting;
/// Called by peer to report status
fn on_peer_status(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
let protocol_version: u8 = r.val_at(0)?;
let warp_protocol = io.protocol_version(&WARP_SYNC_PROTOCOL_ID, peer_id) != 0;
let peer = PeerInfo {
protocol_version: protocol_version,
network_id: r.val_at(1)?,
difficulty: Some(r.val_at(2)?),
latest_hash: r.val_at(3)?,
genesis: r.val_at(4)?,
asking: PeerAsking::Nothing,
asking_blocks: Vec::new(),
asking_hash: None,
ask_time: Instant::now(),
last_sent_transactions: HashSet::new(),
last_sent_private_transactions: HashSet::new(),
expired: false,
confirmation: if sync.fork_block.is_none() { ForkConfirmation::Confirmed } else { ForkConfirmation::Unconfirmed },
asking_snapshot_data: None,
snapshot_hash: if warp_protocol { Some(r.val_at(5)?) } else { None },
snapshot_number: if warp_protocol { Some(r.val_at(6)?) } else { None },
block_set: None,
trace!(target: "sync", "New peer {} (protocol: {}, network: {:?}, difficulty: {:?}, latest:{}, genesis:{}, snapshot:{:?})",
peer_id, peer.protocol_version, peer.network_id, peer.difficulty, peer.latest_hash, peer.genesis, peer.snapshot_number);
if io.is_expired() {
trace!(target: "sync", "Status packet from expired session {}:{}", peer_id, io.peer_info(peer_id));
return Ok(());
if sync.peers.contains_key(&peer_id) {
debug!(target: "sync", "Unexpected status packet from {}:{}", peer_id, io.peer_info(peer_id));
return Ok(());
let chain_info = io.chain().chain_info();
if peer.genesis != chain_info.genesis_hash {
trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} genesis hash mismatch (ours: {}, theirs: {})", peer_id, chain_info.genesis_hash, peer.genesis);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
if peer.network_id != sync.network_id {
trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} network id mismatch (ours: {}, theirs: {})", peer_id, sync.network_id, peer.network_id);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
if false
|| (warp_protocol && (peer.protocol_version < PAR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_1.0 || peer.protocol_version > PAR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_3.0))
|| (!warp_protocol && (peer.protocol_version < ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_62.0 || peer.protocol_version > ETH_PROTOCOL_VERSION_63.0))
trace!(target: "sync", "Peer {} unsupported eth protocol ({})", peer_id, peer.protocol_version);
return Err(DownloaderImportError::Invalid);
if sync.sync_start_time.is_none() {
sync.sync_start_time = Some(Instant::now());
sync.peers.insert(peer_id.clone(), peer);
// Don't activate peer immediatelly when searching for common block.
// Let the current sync round complete first.
debug!(target: "sync", "Connected {}:{}", peer_id, io.peer_info(peer_id));
if let Some((fork_block, _)) = sync.fork_block {
SyncRequester::request_fork_header(sync, io, peer_id, fork_block);
/// Called when peer sends us new transactions
fn on_peer_transactions(sync: &mut ChainSync, io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
// Accept transactions only when fully synced
if !io.is_chain_queue_empty() || (sync.state != SyncState::Idle && sync.state != SyncState::NewBlocks) {
trace!(target: "sync", "{} Ignoring transactions while syncing", peer_id);
return Ok(());
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "{} Ignoring transactions from unconfirmed/unknown peer", peer_id);
return Ok(());
let item_count = r.item_count()?;
trace!(target: "sync", "{:02} -> Transactions ({} entries)", peer_id, item_count);
let mut transactions = Vec::with_capacity(item_count);
for i in 0 .. item_count {
let rlp =;
let tx = rlp.as_raw().to_vec();
io.chain().queue_transactions(transactions, peer_id);
/// Called when peer sends us signed private transaction packet
fn on_signed_private_transaction(sync: &mut ChainSync, _io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "{} Ignoring packet from unconfirmed/unknown peer", peer_id);
return Ok(());
trace!(target: "sync", "Received signed private transaction packet from {:?}", peer_id);
match sync.private_tx_handler.import_signed_private_transaction(r.as_raw()) {
Ok(transaction_hash) => {
//don't send the packet back
if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
Err(e) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring the message, error queueing: {}", e);
/// Called when peer sends us new private transaction packet
fn on_private_transaction(sync: &mut ChainSync, _io: &mut SyncIo, peer_id: PeerId, r: &Rlp) -> Result<(), DownloaderImportError> {
if !sync.peers.get(&peer_id).map_or(false, |p| p.can_sync()) {
trace!(target: "sync", "{} Ignoring packet from unconfirmed/unknown peer", peer_id);
return Ok(());
trace!(target: "sync", "Received private transaction packet from {:?}", peer_id);
match sync.private_tx_handler.import_private_transaction(r.as_raw()) {
Ok(transaction_hash) => {
//don't send the packet back
if let Some(ref mut peer) = sync.peers.get_mut(&peer_id) {
Err(e) => {
trace!(target: "sync", "Ignoring the message, error queueing: {}", e);
mod tests {
use ethcore::client::{ChainInfo, EachBlockWith, TestBlockChainClient};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use rlp::{Rlp};
use std::collections::{VecDeque};
use tests::helpers::{TestIo};
use tests::snapshot::TestSnapshotService;
use super::*;
use super::super::tests::{
fn handles_peer_new_hashes() {
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new();
client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle);
let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new());
let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client);
let ss = TestSnapshotService::new();
let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None);
let hashes_data = get_dummy_hashes();
let hashes_rlp = Rlp::new(&hashes_data);
let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_hashes(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &hashes_rlp);
fn handles_peer_new_block_malformed() {
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new();
client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle);
let block_data = get_dummy_block(11, client.chain_info().best_block_hash);
let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new());
let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client);
//sync.have_common_block = true;
let ss = TestSnapshotService::new();
let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None);
let block = Rlp::new(&block_data);
let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &block);
fn handles_peer_new_block() {
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new();
client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle);
let block_data = get_dummy_blocks(11, client.chain_info().best_block_hash);
let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new());
let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client);
let ss = TestSnapshotService::new();
let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None);
let block = Rlp::new(&block_data);
SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &block).expect("result to be ok");
fn handles_peer_new_block_empty() {
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new();
client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle);
let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new());
let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client);
let ss = TestSnapshotService::new();
let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None);
let empty_data = vec![];
let block = Rlp::new(&empty_data);
let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_block(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &block);
fn handles_peer_new_hashes_empty() {
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient::new();
client.add_blocks(10, EachBlockWith::Uncle);
let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new());
let mut sync = dummy_sync_with_peer(client.block_hash_delta_minus(5), &client);
let ss = TestSnapshotService::new();
let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut client, &ss, &queue, None);
let empty_hashes_data = vec![];
let hashes_rlp = Rlp::new(&empty_hashes_data);
let result = SyncHandler::on_peer_new_hashes(&mut sync, &mut io, 0, &hashes_rlp);