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2020-09-22 14:53:52 +02:00
// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of OpenEthereum.
2020-09-22 14:53:52 +02:00
// OpenEthereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
2020-09-22 14:53:52 +02:00
// OpenEthereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2020-09-22 14:53:52 +02:00
// along with OpenEthereum. If not, see <>.
/// Validator set maintained in a contract, updated using `getValidators` method.
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Weak},
use bytes::Bytes;
use error::{Error as EthcoreError, ErrorKind as EthcoreErrorKind};
use ethabi::FunctionOutputDecoder;
use ethereum_types::{Address, Bloom, H256, U256};
use hash::keccak;
use kvdb::DBValue;
use memory_cache::MemoryLruCache;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use rlp::{Rlp, RlpStream};
use types::{
header::Header, ids::BlockId, log_entry::LogEntry, receipt::TypedReceipt, transaction,
use unexpected::Mismatch;
use super::{simple_list::SimpleList, SystemCall, ValidatorSet};
use client::{traits::TransactionRequest, BlockChainClient, EngineClient};
use machine::{AuxiliaryData, AuxiliaryRequest, Call, EthereumMachine};
use_contract!(validator_set, "res/contracts/validator_set.json");
/// The maximum number of reports to keep queued.
const MAX_QUEUED_REPORTS: usize = 10;
/// The maximum number of malice reports to include when creating a new block.
const MAX_REPORTS_PER_BLOCK: usize = 10;
/// Don't re-send malice reports every block. Skip this many before retrying.
const REPORTS_SKIP_BLOCKS: u64 = 1;
const MEMOIZE_CAPACITY: usize = 500;
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
// TODO: ethabi should be able to generate this.
const EVENT_NAME: &'static [u8] = &*b"InitiateChange(bytes32,address[])";
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
lazy_static! {
static ref EVENT_NAME_HASH: H256 = keccak(EVENT_NAME);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
// state-dependent proofs for the safe contract:
// only "first" proofs are such.
struct StateProof {
contract_address: Address,
header: Header,
impl ::engines::StateDependentProof<EthereumMachine> for StateProof {
fn generate_proof(&self, caller: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
prove_initial(self.contract_address, &self.header, caller)
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn check_proof(&self, machine: &EthereumMachine, proof: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> {
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
let (header, state_items) =
decode_first_proof(&Rlp::new(proof), machine.params().eip1559_transition)
.map_err(|e| format!("proof incorrectly encoded: {}", e))?;
if &header != &self.header {
return Err("wrong header in proof".into());
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
check_first_proof(machine, self.contract_address, header, &state_items).map(|_| ())
/// The validator contract should have the following interface:
pub struct ValidatorSafeContract {
contract_address: Address,
validators: RwLock<MemoryLruCache<H256, SimpleList>>,
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
client: RwLock<Option<Weak<dyn EngineClient>>>, // TODO [keorn]: remove
report_queue: Mutex<ReportQueue>,
/// The block number where we resent the queued reports last time.
resent_reports_in_block: Mutex<BlockNumber>,
/// If set, this is the block number at which the consensus engine switches from AuRa to AuRa
/// with POSDAO modifications.
posdao_transition: Option<BlockNumber>,
// first proof is just a state proof call of `getValidators` at header's state.
fn encode_first_proof(header: &Header, state_items: &[Vec<u8>]) -> Bytes {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
for item in state_items {
// check a first proof: fetch the validator set at the given block.
fn check_first_proof(
machine: &EthereumMachine,
contract_address: Address,
old_header: Header,
state_items: &[DBValue],
) -> Result<Vec<Address>, String> {
use types::transaction::{Action, Transaction, TypedTransaction};
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// TODO: match client contract_call_tx more cleanly without duplication.
const PROVIDED_GAS: u64 = 50_000_000;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let env_info = ::vm::EnvInfo {
number: old_header.number(),
author: *,
difficulty: *old_header.difficulty(),
gas_limit: PROVIDED_GAS.into(),
timestamp: old_header.timestamp(),
last_hashes: {
// this will break if we don't inclue all 256 last hashes.
let mut last_hashes: Vec<_> = (0..256).map(|_| H256::default()).collect();
last_hashes[255] = *old_header.parent_hash();
gas_used: 0.into(),
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
base_fee: old_header.base_fee(),
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// check state proof using given machine.
let number = old_header.number();
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::get_validators::call();
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let from = Address::default();
let tx = TypedTransaction::Legacy(Transaction {
nonce: machine.account_start_nonce(number),
action: Action::Call(contract_address),
gas: PROVIDED_GAS.into(),
gas_price: U256::default(),
value: U256::default(),
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let res = ::state::check_proof(
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
match res {
::state::ProvedExecution::BadProof => Err("Bad proof".into()),
::state::ProvedExecution::Failed(e) => Err(format!("Failed call: {}", e)),
::state::ProvedExecution::Complete(e) => {
decoder.decode(&e.output).map_err(|e| e.to_string())
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
fn decode_first_proof(
rlp: &Rlp,
eip1559_transition: BlockNumber,
) -> Result<(Header, Vec<DBValue>), ::error::Error> {
let header = Header::decode_rlp(&, eip1559_transition)?;
let state_items = rlp
.map(|x| {
let mut val = DBValue::new();
.collect::<Result<_, ::error::Error>>()?;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
Ok((header, state_items))
// inter-contract proofs are a header and receipts.
// checking will involve ensuring that the receipts match the header and
// extracting the validator set from the receipts.
fn encode_proof(header: &Header, receipts: &[TypedReceipt]) -> Bytes {
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
TypedReceipt::rlp_append_list(&mut stream, receipts);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
fn decode_proof(
rlp: &Rlp,
eip1559_transition: BlockNumber,
) -> Result<(Header, Vec<TypedReceipt>), ::error::Error> {
Header::decode_rlp(&, eip1559_transition)?,
// given a provider and caller, generate proof. this will just be a state proof
// of `getValidators`.
fn prove_initial(
contract_address: Address,
header: &Header,
caller: &Call,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
use std::cell::RefCell;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let epoch_proof = RefCell::new(None);
let validators = {
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::get_validators::call();
let (value, proof) = caller(contract_address, data)?;
*epoch_proof.borrow_mut() = Some(encode_first_proof(header, &proof));
decoder.decode(&value).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let proof = epoch_proof
.expect("epoch_proof always set after call; qed");
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
trace!(target: "engine", "obtained proof for initial set: {} validators, {} bytes",
validators.len(), proof.len());
info!(target: "engine", "Signal for switch to contract-based validator set.");
info!(target: "engine", "Initial contract validators: {:?}", validators);
impl ValidatorSafeContract {
pub fn new(contract_address: Address, posdao_transition: Option<BlockNumber>) -> Self {
ValidatorSafeContract {
validators: RwLock::new(MemoryLruCache::new(MEMOIZE_CAPACITY)),
2017-04-12 16:15:35 +02:00
client: RwLock::new(None),
report_queue: Mutex::new(ReportQueue::default()),
resent_reports_in_block: Mutex::new(0),
fn transact(&self, data: Bytes, nonce: U256) -> Result<(), EthcoreError> {
let client = self
.ok_or("No client!")?;
let full_client = client.as_full_client().ok_or("No full client!")?;
let tx_request = TransactionRequest::call(self.contract_address, data)
match full_client.transact(tx_request) {
Ok(()) | Err(transaction::Error::AlreadyImported) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(e)?,
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Puts a malice report into the queue for later resending.
/// # Arguments
/// * `addr` - The address of the misbehaving validator.
/// * `block` - The block number at which the misbehavior occurred.
/// * `data` - The call data for the `reportMalicious` contract call.
pub(crate) fn enqueue_report(&self, addr: Address, block: BlockNumber, data: Vec<u8>) {
// Skip the rest of the function unless there has been a transition to POSDAO AuRa.
if self
.map_or(true, |block_num| block < block_num)
trace!(target: "engine", "Skipping queueing a malicious behavior report");
self.report_queue.lock().push(addr, block, data)
/// Queries the state and gets the set of validators.
fn get_list(&self, caller: &Call) -> Option<SimpleList> {
let contract_address = self.contract_address;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::get_validators::call();
let value = caller(contract_address, data)
.and_then(|x| decoder.decode(&x.0).map_err(|e| e.to_string()));
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
match value {
2017-04-12 16:15:35 +02:00
Ok(new) => {
debug!(target: "engine", "Set of validators obtained: {:?}", new);
Err(s) => {
debug!(target: "engine", "Set of validators could not be updated: {}", s);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
// Whether the header matches the expected bloom.
// The expected log should have 3 topics:
// 1. ETHABI-encoded log name.
// 2. the block's parent hash.
// 3. the "nonce": n for the nth transition in history.
// We can only search for the first 2, since we don't have the third
// just yet.
// The parent hash is included to prevent
// malicious actors from brute forcing other logs that would
// produce the same bloom.
// The log data is an array of all new validator addresses.
fn expected_bloom(&self, header: &Header) -> Bloom {
let topics = vec![*EVENT_NAME_HASH, *header.parent_hash()];
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
debug!(target: "engine", "Expected topics for header {}: {:?}",
header.hash(), topics);
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
LogEntry {
address: self.contract_address,
topics: topics,
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
data: Vec::new(), // irrelevant for bloom.
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// check receipts for log event. bloom should be `expected_bloom` for the
// header the receipts correspond to.
fn extract_from_event(
bloom: Bloom,
header: &Header,
receipts: &[TypedReceipt],
) -> Option<SimpleList> {
let check_log = |log: &LogEntry| {
log.address == self.contract_address
&& log.topics.len() == 2
&& log.topics[0] == *EVENT_NAME_HASH
&& log.topics[1] == *header.parent_hash()
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
//// iterate in reverse because only the _last_ change in a given
//// block actually has any effect.
//// the contract should only increment the nonce once.
let mut decoded_events = receipts
.filter(|r| r.log_bloom.contains_bloom(&bloom))
.flat_map(|r| r.logs.iter())
.filter(move |l| check_log(l))
.filter_map(|log| {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// only last log is taken into account
.map(|matched_event| SimpleList::new(matched_event.new_set))
impl ValidatorSet for ValidatorSafeContract {
fn default_caller(&self, id: BlockId) -> Box<Call> {
let client =;
Box::new(move |addr, data| {
2017-12-21 14:50:58 +01:00
.ok_or_else(|| "No client!".into())
.and_then(|c| match c.as_full_client() {
Some(c) => c.call_contract(id, addr, data),
None => Err("No full client!".into()),
.map(|out| (out, Vec::new()))
}) // generate no proofs in general
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn generate_engine_transactions(
_first: bool,
header: &Header,
caller: &mut SystemCall,
) -> Result<Vec<(Address, Bytes)>, EthcoreError> {
// Skip the rest of the function unless there has been a transition to POSDAO AuRa.
if self
.map_or(true, |block_num| header.number() < block_num)
trace!(target: "engine", "Skipping a call to emitInitiateChange");
return Ok(Vec::new());
let mut transactions = Vec::new();
// Create the `InitiateChange` event if necessary.
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::emit_initiate_change_callable::call();
let emit_initiate_change_callable = caller(self.contract_address, data)
.and_then(|x| {
.map_err(|x| format!("chain spec bug: could not decode: {:?}", x))
if !emit_initiate_change_callable {
trace!(target: "engine", "New block #{} issued ― no need to call emitInitiateChange()", header.number());
} else {
trace!(target: "engine", "New block issued #{} ― calling emitInitiateChange()", header.number());
let (data, _decoder) = validator_set::functions::emit_initiate_change::call();
transactions.push((self.contract_address, data));
let client = self
.ok_or("No client!")?;
let client = client.as_full_client().ok_or("No full client!")?;
// Retry all pending reports.
let mut report_queue = self.report_queue.lock();
report_queue.filter(client,, self.contract_address);
for (_address, _block, data) in report_queue.iter().take(MAX_REPORTS_PER_BLOCK) {
transactions.push((self.contract_address, data.clone()))
fn on_close_block(&self, header: &Header, our_address: &Address) -> Result<(), EthcoreError> {
// Skip the rest of the function unless there has been a transition to POSDAO AuRa.
if self
.map_or(true, |block_num| header.number() < block_num)
trace!(target: "engine", "Skipping resending of queued malicious behavior reports");
return Ok(());
let client = self
.ok_or("No client!")?;
let client = client.as_full_client().ok_or("No full client!")?;
let mut report_queue = self.report_queue.lock();
report_queue.filter(client, our_address, self.contract_address);
let mut resent_reports_in_block = self.resent_reports_in_block.lock();
// Skip at least one block after sending malicious reports last time.
if header.number() > *resent_reports_in_block + REPORTS_SKIP_BLOCKS {
*resent_reports_in_block = header.number();
let mut nonce = client.latest_nonce(our_address);
for (address, block, data) in report_queue.iter() {
debug!(target: "engine", "Retrying to report validator {} for misbehavior on block {} with nonce {}.",
address, block, nonce);
while match self.transact(data.clone(), nonce) {
Ok(()) => false,
)) => true,
Err(err) => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Cannot report validator {} for misbehavior on block {}: {}",
address, block, err);
} {
warn!(target: "engine", "Nonce {} already used. Incrementing.", nonce);
nonce += U256::from(1);
nonce += U256::from(1);
fn on_epoch_begin(
_first: bool,
_header: &Header,
caller: &mut SystemCall,
) -> Result<(), ::error::Error> {
let data = validator_set::functions::finalize_change::encode_input();
caller(self.contract_address, data)
.map(|_| ())
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn genesis_epoch_data(&self, header: &Header, call: &Call) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
prove_initial(self.contract_address, header, call)
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn is_epoch_end(&self, _first: bool, _chain_head: &Header) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
None // no immediate transitions to contract.
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn signals_epoch_end(
first: bool,
header: &Header,
aux: AuxiliaryData,
) -> ::engines::EpochChange<EthereumMachine> {
let receipts = aux.receipts;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// transition to the first block of a contract requires finality but has no log event.
if first {
debug!(target: "engine", "signalling transition to fresh contract.");
let state_proof = Arc::new(StateProof {
contract_address: self.contract_address,
header: header.clone(),
return ::engines::EpochChange::Yes(::engines::Proof::WithState(state_proof as Arc<_>));
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// otherwise, we're checking for logs.
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
let bloom = self.expected_bloom(header);
let header_bloom = header.log_bloom();
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-18 14:19:10 +02:00
if &bloom & header_bloom != bloom {
return ::engines::EpochChange::No;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
trace!(target: "engine", "detected epoch change event bloom");
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
match receipts {
None => ::engines::EpochChange::Unsure(AuxiliaryRequest::Receipts),
Some(receipts) => match self.extract_from_event(bloom, header, receipts) {
None => ::engines::EpochChange::No,
Some(list) => {
info!(target: "engine", "Signal for transition within contract. New list: {:?}",
2017-04-12 18:55:38 +02:00
let proof = encode_proof(&header, receipts);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-12 22:10:18 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn epoch_set(
first: bool,
machine: &EthereumMachine,
_number: ::types::BlockNumber,
proof: &[u8],
) -> Result<(SimpleList, Option<H256>), ::error::Error> {
let rlp = Rlp::new(proof);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
if first {
trace!(target: "engine", "Recovering initial epoch set");
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
let (old_header, state_items) =
decode_first_proof(&rlp, machine.params().eip1559_transition)?;
let number = old_header.number();
let old_hash = old_header.hash();
let addresses =
check_first_proof(machine, self.contract_address, old_header, &state_items)
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
trace!(target: "engine", "extracted epoch set at #{}: {} addresses",
number, addresses.len());
Ok((SimpleList::new(addresses), Some(old_hash)))
} else {
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
let (old_header, receipts) = decode_proof(&rlp, machine.params().eip1559_transition)?;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// ensure receipts match header.
// TODO: optimize? these were just decoded.
let found_root = ::triehash::ordered_trie_root(receipts.iter().map(|r| r.encode()));
if found_root != *old_header.receipts_root() {
return Err(::error::BlockError::InvalidReceiptsRoot(Mismatch {
expected: *old_header.receipts_root(),
found: found_root,
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let bloom = self.expected_bloom(&old_header);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
match self.extract_from_event(bloom, &old_header, &receipts) {
Some(list) => Ok((list, Some(old_header.hash()))),
None => Err(::engines::EngineError::InsufficientProof(
"No log event in proof.".into(),
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn contains_with_caller(&self, block_hash: &H256, address: &Address, caller: &Call) -> bool {
let mut guard = self.validators.write();
let maybe_existing = guard
.map(|list| list.contains(block_hash, address));
maybe_existing.unwrap_or_else(|| {
self.get_list(caller).map_or(false, |list| {
let contains = list.contains(block_hash, address);
guard.insert(block_hash.clone(), list);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn get_with_caller(&self, block_hash: &H256, nonce: usize, caller: &Call) -> Address {
let mut guard = self.validators.write();
let maybe_existing = guard
.map(|list| list.get(block_hash, nonce));
maybe_existing.unwrap_or_else(|| {
self.get_list(caller).map_or_else(Default::default, |list| {
let address = list.get(block_hash, nonce);
guard.insert(block_hash.clone(), list);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn count_with_caller(&self, block_hash: &H256, caller: &Call) -> usize {
let mut guard = self.validators.write();
let maybe_existing = guard.get_mut(block_hash).map(|list| list.count(block_hash));
maybe_existing.unwrap_or_else(|| {
self.get_list(caller).map_or_else(usize::max_value, |list| {
let address = list.count(block_hash);
guard.insert(block_hash.clone(), list);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
fn register_client(&self, client: Weak<dyn EngineClient>) {
trace!(target: "engine", "Setting up contract caller.");
2017-04-12 16:15:35 +02:00
*self.client.write() = Some(client);
/// A queue containing pending reports of malicious validators.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct ReportQueue(VecDeque<(Address, BlockNumber, Vec<u8>)>);
impl ReportQueue {
/// Pushes a report to the end of the queue.
fn push(&mut self, addr: Address, block: BlockNumber, data: Vec<u8>) {
self.0.push_back((addr, block, data));
/// Filters reports of validators that have already been reported or are banned.
fn filter(
&mut self,
client: &dyn BlockChainClient,
our_address: &Address,
contract_address: Address,
) {
self.0.retain(|&(malicious_validator_address, block, ref _data)| {
target: "engine",
"Checking if report of malicious validator {} at block {} should be removed from cache",
// Check if the validator should be reported.
let (data, decoder) = validator_set::functions::should_validator_report::call(
*our_address, malicious_validator_address, block
match client.call_contract(BlockId::Latest, contract_address, data)
.and_then(|result| decoder.decode(&result[..]).map_err(|e| e.to_string()))
Ok(false) => {
trace!(target: "engine", "Successfully removed report from report cache");
Ok(true) => true,
Err(err) => {
warn!(target: "engine", "Failed to query report status {:?}, dropping pending report.", err);
/// Returns an iterator over all transactions in the queue.
fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &(Address, BlockNumber, Vec<u8>)> {
/// Removes reports from the queue if it contains more than `MAX_QUEUED_REPORTS` entries.
fn truncate(&mut self) {
if self.0.len() > MAX_QUEUED_REPORTS {
target: "engine",
"Removing {} reports from report cache, even though it has not been finalized",
self.0.len() - MAX_QUEUED_REPORTS
mod tests {
use super::{super::ValidatorSet, ValidatorSafeContract, EVENT_NAME_HASH};
use accounts::AccountProvider;
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
use client::{
traits::{EngineClient, ForceUpdateSealing},
BlockInfo, ChainInfo, ImportBlock,
use crypto::publickey::Secret;
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
use ethereum_types::Address;
use hash::keccak;
use miner::{self, MinerService};
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use spec::Spec;
2017-07-29 21:56:42 +02:00
use std::sync::Arc;
use test_helpers::generate_dummy_client_with_spec;
use types::{
transaction::{Action, Transaction, TypedTransaction},
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
use verification::queue::kind::blocks::Unverified;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn fetches_validators() {
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract);
let addr: Address = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000005".parse().unwrap();
let vc = Arc::new(ValidatorSafeContract::new(addr, None));
vc.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
let last_hash = client.best_block_header().hash();
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn knows_validators() {
let tap = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let s0: Secret = keccak("1").into();
let v0 = tap.insert_account(s0.clone(), &"".into()).unwrap();
let v1 = tap.insert_account(keccak("0").into(), &"".into()).unwrap();
let chain_id = Spec::new_validator_safe_contract().chain_id();
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract);
.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&client) as _);
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
let validator_contract = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000005"
let signer = Box::new((tap.clone(), v1, "".into()));
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// Remove "1" validator.
let tx = TypedTransaction::Legacy(Transaction {
nonce: 0.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
gas: 500_000.into(),
action: Action::Call(validator_contract),
value: 0.into(),
data: "bfc708a000000000000000000000000082a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1"
.sign(&s0, Some(chain_id));
.import_own_transaction(client.as_ref(), tx.into())
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
EngineClient::update_sealing(&*client, ForceUpdateSealing::No);
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 1);
// Add "1" validator back in.
let tx = TypedTransaction::Legacy(Transaction {
nonce: 1.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
gas: 500_000.into(),
action: Action::Call(validator_contract),
value: 0.into(),
data: "4d238c8e00000000000000000000000082a978b3f5962a5b0957d9ee9eef472ee55b42f1"
.sign(&s0, Some(chain_id));
.import_own_transaction(client.as_ref(), tx.into())
EngineClient::update_sealing(&*client, ForceUpdateSealing::No);
// The transaction is not yet included so still unable to seal.
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 1);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// Switch to the validator that is still there.
let signer = Box::new((tap.clone(), v0, "".into()));
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
EngineClient::update_sealing(&*client, ForceUpdateSealing::No);
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 2);
// Switch back to the added validator, since the state is updated.
let signer = Box::new((tap.clone(), v1, "".into()));
let tx = TypedTransaction::Legacy(Transaction {
nonce: 2.into(),
gas_price: 0.into(),
gas: 21000.into(),
action: Action::Call(Address::default()),
value: 0.into(),
data: Vec::new(),
.sign(&s0, Some(chain_id));
.import_own_transaction(client.as_ref(), tx.into())
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
EngineClient::update_sealing(&*client, ForceUpdateSealing::No);
// Able to seal again.
assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 3);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// Check syncing.
let sync_client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract);
.register_client(Arc::downgrade(&sync_client) as _);
for i in 1..4 {
Sunce86/eip 1559 (#393) * eip1559 hard fork activation * eip1559 hard fork activation 2 * added new transaction type for eip1559 * added base fee field to block header * fmt fix * added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee * fmt * temporarily added modified transaction pool * tx pool fix of PendingIterator * tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator * tx pool added test for set_scoring * transaction pool changes * added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt * added test for eip1559 transaction execution * block gas limit / block gas target handling * base fee verification moved out of engine * calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine * handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal * handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header * eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling * eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning * effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs) * added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification * added Aleut test network configuration * effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price * eip 3198 - Basefee opcode * rpc - updated structs Block and Header * rpc changes for 1559 * variable renaming according to spec * - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price - elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule() * calculate_base_fee simplified * Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit * fmt fix * fixed fake_sign::sign_call * temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually * gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: * tx pool verification fix * env_info base fee changed to Option * fmt fix * pretty format * updated ethereum tests * cache_pending refresh on each update of score * code review fixes * fmt fix * code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator * code review fix - modification.gas_price * Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura * gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil * gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block * transaction verification updated according spec: * updated json tests * ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
2021-06-04 12:12:24 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
assert_eq!(sync_client.chain_info().best_block_number, 3);
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn detects_bloom() {
use engines::EpochChange;
use machine::AuxiliaryRequest;
use types::{header::Header, log_entry::LogEntry};
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract);
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
let engine = client.engine().clone();
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
let validator_contract = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000005"
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
let last_hash = client.best_block_header().hash();
let mut new_header = Header::default();
new_header.set_number(1); // so the validator set looks for a log.
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
// first, try without the parent hash.
let mut event = LogEntry {
address: validator_contract,
topics: vec![*EVENT_NAME_HASH],
data: Vec::new(),
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
match engine.signals_epoch_end(&new_header, Default::default()) {
EpochChange::No => {}
_ => panic!("Expected bloom to be unrecognized."),
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00
// with the last hash, it should need the receipts.
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
match engine.signals_epoch_end(&new_header, Default::default()) {
EpochChange::Unsure(AuxiliaryRequest::Receipts) => {}
_ => panic!("Expected bloom to be recognized."),
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn initial_contract_is_signal() {
use engines::{EpochChange, Proof};
use types::header::Header;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let client = generate_dummy_client_with_spec(Spec::new_validator_safe_contract);
let engine = client.engine().clone();
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let mut new_header = Header::default();
new_header.set_number(0); // so the validator set doesn't look for a log
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
match engine.signals_epoch_end(&new_header, Default::default()) {
EpochChange::Yes(Proof::WithState(_)) => {}
_ => panic!("Expected state to be required to prove initial signal"),
2017-04-20 16:09:43 +02:00