2019-01-07 11:33:07 +01:00
// Copyright 2015-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Ethereum.
2016-02-05 13:40:41 +01:00
2019-01-07 11:33:07 +01:00
// Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2016-02-05 13:40:41 +01:00
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
2019-01-07 11:33:07 +01:00
// Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
2016-02-05 13:40:41 +01:00
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2019-01-07 11:33:07 +01:00
// along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2016-02-05 13:40:41 +01:00
2016-02-02 15:29:53 +01:00
//! Blockchain database.
2015-12-17 17:20:10 +01:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use std ::{
collections ::{ HashMap , HashSet } ,
io , mem ,
path ::Path ,
sync ::Arc ,
} ;
2018-07-02 18:50:05 +02:00
use ansi_term ::Colour ;
use blooms_db ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use common_types ::{
blockchain_info ::BlockChainInfo ,
encoded ,
engines ::{
epoch ::{ PendingTransition as PendingEpochTransition , Transition as EpochTransition } ,
ForkChoice ,
} ,
header ::{ ExtendedHeader , Header } ,
log_entry ::{ LocalizedLogEntry , LogEntry } ,
receipt ::Receipt ,
transaction ::LocalizedTransaction ,
tree_route ::TreeRoute ,
view ,
views ::{ BlockView , HeaderView } ,
BlockNumber ,
} ;
use ethcore_db ::{
self as db ,
cache_manager ::CacheManager ,
keys ::{ BlockDetails , BlockReceipts , EpochTransitions , TransactionAddress , EPOCH_KEY_PREFIX } ,
CacheUpdatePolicy , Readable , Writable ,
} ;
use ethereum_types ::{ Bloom , BloomRef , H256 , U256 } ;
2018-07-02 18:50:05 +02:00
use heapsize ::HeapSizeOf ;
use itertools ::Itertools ;
2017-10-10 20:01:27 +02:00
use kvdb ::{ DBTransaction , KeyValueDB } ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use log ::{ info , trace , warn } ;
2019-01-04 14:05:46 +01:00
use parity_bytes ::Bytes ;
2018-07-02 18:50:05 +02:00
use parking_lot ::{ Mutex , RwLock } ;
use rayon ::prelude ::* ;
use rlp ::RlpStream ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use rlp_compress ::{ blocks_swapper , compress , decompress } ;
2019-01-04 14:05:46 +01:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use crate ::{
best_block ::{ BestAncientBlock , BestBlock } ,
block_info ::{ BlockInfo , BlockLocation , BranchBecomingCanonChainData } ,
update ::{ ExtrasInsert , ExtrasUpdate } ,
CacheSize , Config , ImportRoute ,
} ;
2016-02-16 14:46:21 +01:00
2018-06-20 15:13:07 +02:00
/// Database backing `BlockChain`.
pub trait BlockChainDB : Send + Sync {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Generic key value store.
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
fn key_value ( & self ) -> & Arc < dyn KeyValueDB > ;
2018-06-20 15:13:07 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Header blooms database.
fn blooms ( & self ) -> & blooms_db ::Database ;
2018-06-20 15:13:07 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Trace blooms database.
fn trace_blooms ( & self ) -> & blooms_db ::Database ;
2018-09-10 17:21:57 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Restore the DB from the given path
fn restore ( & self , new_db : & str ) -> Result < ( ) , io ::Error > {
// First, close the Blooms databases
self . blooms ( ) . close ( ) ? ;
self . trace_blooms ( ) . close ( ) ? ;
2018-09-10 17:21:57 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// Restore the key_value DB
self . key_value ( ) . restore ( new_db ) ? ;
2018-09-10 17:21:57 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// Re-open the Blooms databases
self . blooms ( ) . reopen ( ) ? ;
self . trace_blooms ( ) . reopen ( ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
2018-06-20 15:13:07 +02:00
/// Generic database handler. This trait contains one function `open`. When called, it opens database with a
/// predefined config.
pub trait BlockChainDBHandler : Send + Sync {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Open the predefined key-value database.
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
fn open ( & self , path : & Path ) -> io ::Result < Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > > ;
2018-06-20 15:13:07 +02:00
2018-03-12 21:15:55 +01:00
2016-01-12 13:14:01 +01:00
/// Interface for querying blocks by hash and by number.
pub trait BlockProvider {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Returns true if the given block is known
/// (though not necessarily a part of the canon chain).
fn is_known ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> bool ;
/// Returns true if the given block is known and in the canon chain.
fn is_canon ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> bool {
let is_canon = | | Some ( hash = = & self . block_hash ( self . block_number ( hash ) ? ) ? ) ;
is_canon ( ) . unwrap_or ( false )
/// Get the first block of the best part of the chain.
/// Return `None` if there is no gap and the first block is the genesis.
/// Any queries of blocks which precede this one are not guaranteed to
/// succeed.
fn first_block ( & self ) -> Option < H256 > ;
/// Get the number of the first block.
fn first_block_number ( & self ) -> Option < BlockNumber > {
self . first_block ( ) . map ( | b | self . block_number ( & b ) . expect ( " First block is always set to an existing block or `None`. Existing block always has a number; qed " ) )
/// Get the best block of an first block sequence if there is a gap.
fn best_ancient_block ( & self ) -> Option < H256 > ;
/// Get the number of the first block.
fn best_ancient_number ( & self ) -> Option < BlockNumber > {
self . best_ancient_block ( ) . map ( | h | self . block_number ( & h ) . expect ( " Ancient block is always set to an existing block or `None`. Existing block always has a number; qed " ) )
/// Get raw block data
fn block ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < encoded ::Block > ;
/// Get the familial details concerning a block.
fn block_details ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockDetails > ;
/// Get the hash of given block's number.
fn block_hash ( & self , index : BlockNumber ) -> Option < H256 > ;
/// Get the address of transaction with given hash.
fn transaction_address ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < TransactionAddress > ;
/// Get receipts of block with given hash.
fn block_receipts ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockReceipts > ;
/// Get the header RLP of a block.
fn block_header_data ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < encoded ::Header > ;
/// Get the block body (uncles and transactions).
fn block_body ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < encoded ::Body > ;
/// Get a list of uncles for a given block.
/// Returns None if block does not exist.
fn uncles ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < Vec < Header > > {
self . block_body ( hash ) . map ( | body | body . uncles ( ) )
/// Get a list of uncle hashes for a given block.
/// Returns None if block does not exist.
fn uncle_hashes ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < Vec < H256 > > {
self . block_body ( hash ) . map ( | body | body . uncle_hashes ( ) )
/// Get the number of given block's hash.
fn block_number ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockNumber > {
self . block_header_data ( hash ) . map ( | header | header . number ( ) )
/// Get transaction with given transaction hash.
fn transaction ( & self , address : & TransactionAddress ) -> Option < LocalizedTransaction > {
self . block_body ( & address . block_hash ) . and_then ( | body | {
self . block_number ( & address . block_hash ) . and_then ( | n | {
body . view ( )
. localized_transaction_at ( & address . block_hash , n , address . index )
} )
} )
/// Get a list of transactions for a given block.
/// Returns None if block does not exist.
fn transactions ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < Vec < LocalizedTransaction > > {
self . block_body ( hash ) . and_then ( | body | {
self . block_number ( hash )
. map ( | n | body . view ( ) . localized_transactions ( hash , n ) )
} )
/// Returns reference to genesis hash.
fn genesis_hash ( & self ) -> H256 {
self . block_hash ( 0 )
. expect ( " Genesis hash should always exist " )
/// Returns the header of the genesis block.
fn genesis_header ( & self ) -> encoded ::Header {
self . block_header_data ( & self . genesis_hash ( ) )
. expect ( " Genesis header always stored; qed " )
/// Returns numbers of blocks containing given bloom.
fn blocks_with_bloom < ' a , B , I , II > (
& self ,
blooms : II ,
from_block : BlockNumber ,
to_block : BlockNumber ,
) -> Vec < BlockNumber >
BloomRef < ' a > : From < B > ,
II : IntoIterator < Item = B , IntoIter = I > + Copy ,
I : Iterator < Item = B > ,
Self : Sized ;
/// Returns logs matching given filter.
fn logs < F > (
& self ,
blocks : Vec < H256 > ,
matches : F ,
limit : Option < usize > ,
) -> Vec < LocalizedLogEntry >
F : Fn ( & LogEntry ) -> bool + Send + Sync ,
Self : Sized ;
2016-01-12 13:14:01 +01:00
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
/// Interface for querying blocks with pending db transaction by hash and by number.
trait InTransactionBlockProvider {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Get the familial details concerning a block.
fn uncommitted_block_details ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockDetails > ;
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
2016-01-18 15:48:38 +01:00
#[ derive(Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone) ]
2016-12-09 23:01:43 +01:00
enum CacheId {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
BlockHeader ( H256 ) ,
BlockBody ( H256 ) ,
BlockDetails ( H256 ) ,
BlockHashes ( BlockNumber ) ,
TransactionAddresses ( H256 ) ,
BlockReceipts ( H256 ) ,
2016-01-18 15:48:38 +01:00
2015-12-17 17:20:10 +01:00
/// Structure providing fast access to blockchain data.
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
2015-12-21 15:25:58 +01:00
/// **Does not do input data verification.**
2015-12-09 19:03:25 +01:00
pub struct BlockChain {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// All locks must be captured in the order declared here.
best_block : RwLock < BestBlock > ,
// Stores best block of the first uninterrupted sequence of blocks. `None` if there are no gaps.
// Only updated with `insert_unordered_block`.
best_ancient_block : RwLock < Option < BestAncientBlock > > ,
// Stores the last block of the last sequence of blocks. `None` if there are no gaps.
// This is calculated on start and does not get updated.
first_block : Option < H256 > ,
// block cache
block_headers : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , encoded ::Header > > ,
block_bodies : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , encoded ::Body > > ,
// extra caches
block_details : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , BlockDetails > > ,
block_hashes : RwLock < HashMap < BlockNumber , H256 > > ,
transaction_addresses : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , TransactionAddress > > ,
block_receipts : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , BlockReceipts > > ,
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
db : Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > ,
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
cache_man : Mutex < CacheManager < CacheId > > ,
pending_best_ancient_block : RwLock < Option < Option < BestAncientBlock > > > ,
pending_best_block : RwLock < Option < BestBlock > > ,
pending_block_hashes : RwLock < HashMap < BlockNumber , H256 > > ,
pending_block_details : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , BlockDetails > > ,
pending_transaction_addresses : RwLock < HashMap < H256 , Option < TransactionAddress > > > ,
2015-12-09 19:03:25 +01:00
2016-01-12 13:14:01 +01:00
impl BlockProvider for BlockChain {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Returns true if the given block is known
/// (though not necessarily a part of the canon chain).
fn is_known ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> bool {
self . db
. key_value ( )
. exists_with_cache ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & self . block_details , hash )
fn first_block ( & self ) -> Option < H256 > {
self . first_block . clone ( )
fn best_ancient_block ( & self ) -> Option < H256 > {
self . best_ancient_block . read ( ) . as_ref ( ) . map ( | b | b . hash )
fn best_ancient_number ( & self ) -> Option < BlockNumber > {
self . best_ancient_block . read ( ) . as_ref ( ) . map ( | b | b . number )
/// Get raw block data
fn block ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < encoded ::Block > {
let header = self . block_header_data ( hash ) ? ;
let body = self . block_body ( hash ) ? ;
Some ( encoded ::Block ::new_from_header_and_body (
& header . view ( ) ,
& body . view ( ) ,
) )
/// Get block header data
fn block_header_data ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < encoded ::Header > {
// Check cache first
let read = self . block_headers . read ( ) ;
if let Some ( v ) = read . get ( hash ) {
return Some ( v . clone ( ) ) ;
// Check if it's the best block
let best_block = self . best_block . read ( ) ;
if & best_block . header . hash ( ) = = hash {
return Some ( best_block . header . encoded ( ) ) ;
// Read from DB and populate cache
let b = self . db . key_value ( ) . get ( db ::COL_HEADERS , hash ) . expect (
" Low level database error when fetching block header data. Some issue with disk? " ,
) ? ;
let header = encoded ::Header ::new ( decompress ( & b , blocks_swapper ( ) ) . into_vec ( ) ) ;
let mut write = self . block_headers . write ( ) ;
write . insert ( * hash , header . clone ( ) ) ;
self . cache_man . lock ( ) . note_used ( CacheId ::BlockHeader ( * hash ) ) ;
Some ( header )
/// Get block body data
fn block_body ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < encoded ::Body > {
// Check cache first
let read = self . block_bodies . read ( ) ;
if let Some ( v ) = read . get ( hash ) {
return Some ( v . clone ( ) ) ;
// Check if it's the best block
let best_block = self . best_block . read ( ) ;
if & best_block . header . hash ( ) = = hash {
return Some ( encoded ::Body ::new ( Self ::block_to_body (
best_block . block . rlp ( ) . as_raw ( ) ,
) ) ) ;
// Read from DB and populate cache
let b = self . db . key_value ( ) . get ( db ::COL_BODIES , hash ) . expect (
" Low level database error when fetching block body data. Some issue with disk? " ,
) ? ;
let body = encoded ::Body ::new ( decompress ( & b , blocks_swapper ( ) ) . into_vec ( ) ) ;
let mut write = self . block_bodies . write ( ) ;
write . insert ( * hash , body . clone ( ) ) ;
self . cache_man . lock ( ) . note_used ( CacheId ::BlockBody ( * hash ) ) ;
Some ( body )
/// Get the familial details concerning a block.
fn block_details ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockDetails > {
let result =
self . db
. key_value ( )
. read_with_cache ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & self . block_details , hash ) ? ;
self . cache_man
. lock ( )
. note_used ( CacheId ::BlockDetails ( * hash ) ) ;
Some ( result )
/// Get the hash of given block's number.
fn block_hash ( & self , index : BlockNumber ) -> Option < H256 > {
let result =
self . db
. key_value ( )
. read_with_cache ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & self . block_hashes , & index ) ? ;
self . cache_man . lock ( ) . note_used ( CacheId ::BlockHashes ( index ) ) ;
Some ( result )
/// Get the address of transaction with given hash.
fn transaction_address ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < TransactionAddress > {
let result = self . db . key_value ( ) . read_with_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& self . transaction_addresses ,
hash ,
) ? ;
self . cache_man
. lock ( )
. note_used ( CacheId ::TransactionAddresses ( * hash ) ) ;
Some ( result )
/// Get receipts of block with given hash.
fn block_receipts ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockReceipts > {
let result =
self . db
. key_value ( )
. read_with_cache ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & self . block_receipts , hash ) ? ;
self . cache_man
. lock ( )
. note_used ( CacheId ::BlockReceipts ( * hash ) ) ;
Some ( result )
/// Returns numbers of blocks containing given bloom.
fn blocks_with_bloom < ' a , B , I , II > (
& self ,
blooms : II ,
from_block : BlockNumber ,
to_block : BlockNumber ,
) -> Vec < BlockNumber >
BloomRef < ' a > : From < B > ,
II : IntoIterator < Item = B , IntoIter = I > + Copy ,
I : Iterator < Item = B > ,
self . db
. blooms ( )
. filter ( from_block , to_block , blooms )
. expect ( " Low level database error when searching blooms. Some issue with disk? " )
/// Returns logs matching given filter. The order of logs returned will be the same as the order of the blocks
/// provided. And it's the callers responsibility to sort blocks provided in advance.
fn logs < F > (
& self ,
mut blocks : Vec < H256 > ,
matches : F ,
limit : Option < usize > ,
) -> Vec < LocalizedLogEntry >
F : Fn ( & LogEntry ) -> bool + Send + Sync ,
Self : Sized ,
// sort in reverse order
blocks . reverse ( ) ;
let mut logs = blocks
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
. chunks ( 128 )
. flat_map ( move | blocks_chunk | {
blocks_chunk . into_par_iter ( )
2018-05-02 09:40:27 +02:00
. filter_map ( | hash | self . block_number ( & hash ) . map ( | r | ( r , hash ) ) )
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
. filter_map ( | ( number , hash ) | self . block_receipts ( & hash ) . map ( | r | ( number , hash , r . receipts ) ) )
. filter_map ( | ( number , hash , receipts ) | self . block_body ( & hash ) . map ( | ref b | ( number , hash , receipts , b . transaction_hashes ( ) ) ) )
2018-03-12 21:15:55 +01:00
. flat_map ( | ( number , hash , mut receipts , mut hashes ) | {
if receipts . len ( ) ! = hashes . len ( ) {
warn! ( " Block {} ({}) has different number of receipts ({}) to transactions ({}). Database corrupt? " , number , hash , receipts . len ( ) , hashes . len ( ) ) ;
assert! ( false ) ;
let mut log_index = receipts . iter ( ) . fold ( 0 , | sum , receipt | sum + receipt . logs . len ( ) ) ;
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
let receipts_len = receipts . len ( ) ;
2018-03-12 21:15:55 +01:00
hashes . reverse ( ) ;
receipts . reverse ( ) ;
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
receipts . into_iter ( )
. map ( | receipt | receipt . logs )
. zip ( hashes )
2016-09-14 12:02:30 +02:00
. enumerate ( )
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
. flat_map ( move | ( index , ( mut logs , tx_hash ) ) | {
let current_log_index = log_index ;
let no_of_logs = logs . len ( ) ;
log_index - = no_of_logs ;
logs . reverse ( ) ;
logs . into_iter ( )
. enumerate ( )
. map ( move | ( i , log ) | LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : log ,
2018-05-02 09:40:27 +02:00
block_hash : * hash ,
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
block_number : number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash ,
// iterating in reverse order
transaction_index : receipts_len - index - 1 ,
transaction_log_index : no_of_logs - i - 1 ,
log_index : current_log_index - i - 1 ,
} )
2016-09-14 12:02:30 +02:00
} )
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
. filter ( | log_entry | matches ( & log_entry . entry ) )
. take ( limit . unwrap_or ( ::std ::usize ::MAX ) )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( )
2016-09-14 12:02:30 +02:00
} )
2017-09-10 18:03:35 +02:00
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( )
2016-09-14 12:02:30 +02:00
} )
. take ( limit . unwrap_or ( ::std ::usize ::MAX ) )
. collect ::< Vec < LocalizedLogEntry > > ( ) ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
logs . reverse ( ) ;
2016-01-12 13:14:01 +01:00
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
impl InTransactionBlockProvider for BlockChain {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
fn uncommitted_block_details ( & self , hash : & H256 ) -> Option < BlockDetails > {
let result = self . db . key_value ( ) . read_with_two_layer_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& self . pending_block_details ,
& self . block_details ,
hash ,
) ? ;
self . cache_man
. lock ( )
. note_used ( CacheId ::BlockDetails ( * hash ) ) ;
Some ( result )
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
2016-10-24 18:27:23 +02:00
/// An iterator which walks the blockchain towards the genesis.
#[ derive(Clone) ]
2016-03-02 17:04:44 +01:00
pub struct AncestryIter < ' a > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
current : H256 ,
chain : & ' a BlockChain ,
2016-03-02 17:04:44 +01:00
2016-03-02 17:31:42 +01:00
2016-03-02 17:04:44 +01:00
impl < ' a > Iterator for AncestryIter < ' a > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
type Item = H256 ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < H256 > {
if self . current . is_zero ( ) {
} else {
self . chain
. block_details ( & self . current )
. map ( | details | mem ::replace ( & mut self . current , details . parent ) )
2016-03-02 17:04:44 +01:00
2018-05-16 08:58:01 +02:00
/// An iterator which walks the blockchain towards the genesis, with metadata information.
pub struct AncestryWithMetadataIter < ' a > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
current : H256 ,
chain : & ' a BlockChain ,
2018-05-16 08:58:01 +02:00
impl < ' a > Iterator for AncestryWithMetadataIter < ' a > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
type Item = ExtendedHeader ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < ExtendedHeader > {
if self . current . is_zero ( ) {
} else {
let details = self . chain . block_details ( & self . current ) ;
let header = self . chain . block_header_data ( & self . current ) . map ( | h | {
h . decode ( )
. expect ( " Stored block header data is valid RLP; qed " )
} ) ;
match ( details , header ) {
( Some ( details ) , Some ( header ) ) = > {
self . current = details . parent ;
Some ( ExtendedHeader {
parent_total_difficulty : details . total_difficulty - * header . difficulty ( ) ,
is_finalized : details . is_finalized ,
header ,
} )
_ = > {
self . current = H256 ::default ( ) ;
2018-05-16 08:58:01 +02:00
2017-04-19 16:27:45 +02:00
/// An iterator which walks all epoch transitions.
/// Returns epoch transitions.
pub struct EpochTransitionIter < ' a > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
chain : & ' a BlockChain ,
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
prefix_iter : Box < dyn Iterator < Item = ( Box < [ u8 ] > , Box < [ u8 ] > ) > + ' a > ,
2017-04-19 16:27:45 +02:00
impl < ' a > Iterator for EpochTransitionIter < ' a > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
type Item = ( u64 , EpochTransition ) ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < Self ::Item > {
loop {
// some epochs never occurred on the main chain.
let ( key , val ) = self . prefix_iter . next ( ) ? ;
// iterator may continue beyond values beginning with this
// prefix.
if ! key . starts_with ( & EPOCH_KEY_PREFIX [ .. ] ) {
return None ;
let transitions : EpochTransitions = ::rlp ::decode ( & val [ .. ] )
. expect ( " decode error: the db is corrupted or the data structure has changed " ) ;
// if there are multiple candidates, at most one will be on the
// canon chain.
for transition in transitions . candidates . into_iter ( ) {
let is_in_canon_chain = self
. chain
. block_hash ( transition . block_number )
. map_or ( false , | hash | hash = = transition . block_hash ) ;
// if the transition is within the block gap, there will only be
// one candidate, and it will be from a snapshot restored from.
let is_ancient = self
. chain
. first_block_number ( )
. map_or ( false , | first | first > transition . block_number ) ;
if is_ancient | | is_in_canon_chain {
return Some ( ( transitions . number , transition ) ) ;
2017-04-19 16:27:45 +02:00
2015-12-09 19:03:25 +01:00
impl BlockChain {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
/// Create new instance of blockchain from given Genesis.
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
pub fn new ( config : Config , genesis : & [ u8 ] , db : Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > ) -> BlockChain {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
// 400 is the average size of the key
let cache_man = CacheManager ::new ( config . pref_cache_size , config . max_cache_size , 400 ) ;
let mut bc = BlockChain {
first_block : None ,
best_block : RwLock ::new ( BestBlock {
// BestBlock will be overwritten anyway.
header : Default ::default ( ) ,
total_difficulty : Default ::default ( ) ,
block : encoded ::Block ::new ( genesis . into ( ) ) ,
} ) ,
best_ancient_block : RwLock ::new ( None ) ,
block_headers : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
block_bodies : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
block_details : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
block_hashes : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
transaction_addresses : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
block_receipts : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
db : db . clone ( ) ,
cache_man : Mutex ::new ( cache_man ) ,
pending_best_ancient_block : RwLock ::new ( None ) ,
pending_best_block : RwLock ::new ( None ) ,
pending_block_hashes : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
pending_block_details : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
pending_transaction_addresses : RwLock ::new ( HashMap ::new ( ) ) ,
} ;
// load best block
let best_block_hash =
match bc . db . key_value ( ) . get ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " best " ) . expect (
" Low-level database error when fetching 'best' block. Some issue with disk? " ,
) {
Some ( best ) = > H256 ::from_slice ( & best ) ,
None = > {
// best block does not exist
// we need to insert genesis into the cache
let block = view! ( BlockView , genesis ) ;
let header = block . header_view ( ) ;
let hash = block . hash ( ) ;
let details = BlockDetails {
number : header . number ( ) ,
total_difficulty : header . difficulty ( ) ,
parent : header . parent_hash ( ) ,
children : vec ! [ ] ,
is_finalized : false ,
} ;
let mut batch = DBTransaction ::new ( ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_HEADERS , & hash , block . header_rlp ( ) . as_raw ( ) ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_BODIES , & hash , & Self ::block_to_body ( genesis ) ) ;
batch . write ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & hash , & details ) ;
batch . write ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & header . number ( ) , & hash ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " best " , & hash ) ;
bc . db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . expect (
" Low level database error when fetching 'best' block. Some issue with disk? " ,
) ;
} ;
// Fetch best block details
let best_block_total_difficulty = bc . block_details ( & best_block_hash )
2018-07-25 18:45:06 +02:00
. expect ( " Best block is from a known block hash; a known block hash always comes with a known block detail; qed " )
. total_difficulty ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let best_block_rlp = bc
. block ( & best_block_hash )
. expect ( " Best block is from a known block hash; qed " ) ;
// and write them to the cache.
let mut best_block = bc . best_block . write ( ) ;
* best_block = BestBlock {
total_difficulty : best_block_total_difficulty ,
header : best_block_rlp . decode_header ( ) ,
block : best_block_rlp ,
} ;
let best_block_number = bc . best_block . read ( ) . header . number ( ) ;
// Fetch first and best ancient block details
let raw_first = bc
. db
. key_value ( )
. get ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " first " )
. expect (
" Low level database error when fetching 'first' block. Some issue with disk? " ,
. map ( | v | v . into_vec ( ) ) ;
let mut best_ancient = bc . db . key_value ( ) . get ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " ancient " )
2018-07-25 18:45:06 +02:00
. expect ( " Low level database error when fetching 'best ancient' block. Some issue with disk? " )
. map ( | h | H256 ::from_slice ( & h ) ) ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let best_ancient_number ;
if best_ancient . is_none ( ) & & best_block_number > 1 & & bc . block_hash ( 1 ) . is_none ( ) {
best_ancient = Some ( bc . genesis_hash ( ) ) ;
best_ancient_number = Some ( 0 ) ;
} else {
best_ancient_number = best_ancient . as_ref ( ) . and_then ( | h | bc . block_number ( h ) ) ;
// binary search for the first block.
match raw_first {
None = > {
let ( mut f , mut hash ) = ( best_block_number , best_block_hash ) ;
let mut l = best_ancient_number . unwrap_or ( 0 ) ;
loop {
if l > = f {
break ;
let step = ( f - l ) > > 1 ;
let m = l + step ;
match bc . block_hash ( m ) {
Some ( h ) = > {
f = m ;
hash = h
None = > l = m + 1 ,
if hash ! = bc . genesis_hash ( ) {
trace! ( " First block calculated: {:?} " , hash ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " first " , & hash ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . expect ( " Low level database error when writing 'first' block. Some issue with disk? " ) ;
bc . first_block = Some ( hash ) ;
Some ( raw_first ) = > {
bc . first_block = Some ( H256 ::from_slice ( & raw_first ) ) ;
// and write them
if let ( Some ( hash ) , Some ( number ) ) = ( best_ancient , best_ancient_number ) {
let mut best_ancient_block = bc . best_ancient_block . write ( ) ;
* best_ancient_block = Some ( BestAncientBlock {
hash : hash ,
number : number ,
} ) ;
/// Returns true if the given parent block has given child
/// (though not necessarily a part of the canon chain).
fn is_known_child ( & self , parent : & H256 , hash : & H256 ) -> bool {
self . db
. key_value ( )
. read_with_cache ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & self . block_details , parent )
. map_or ( false , | d | d . children . contains ( hash ) )
/// Returns a tree route between `from` and `to`, which is a tuple of:
/// - a vector of hashes of all blocks, ordered from `from` to `to`.
/// - common ancestor of these blocks.
/// - an index where best common ancestor would be
/// 1.) from newer to older
/// - bc: `A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4 -> A5`
/// - from: A5, to: A4
/// - route:
/// ```json
/// { blocks: [A5], ancestor: A4, index: 1 }
/// ```
/// 2.) from older to newer
/// - bc: `A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4 -> A5`
/// - from: A3, to: A4
/// - route:
/// ```json
/// { blocks: [A4], ancestor: A3, index: 0 }
/// ```
/// 3.) fork:
/// - bc:
/// ```text
/// A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4
/// -> B3 -> B4
/// ```
/// - from: B4, to: A4
/// - route:
/// ```json
/// { blocks: [B4, B3, A3, A4], ancestor: A2, index: 2 }
/// ```
/// If the tree route verges into pruned or unknown blocks,
/// `None` is returned.
/// `is_from_route_finalized` returns whether the `from` part of the
/// route contains a finalized block. This only holds if the two parts (from
/// and to) are on different branches, ie. on 2 different forks.
pub fn tree_route ( & self , from : H256 , to : H256 ) -> Option < TreeRoute > {
let mut from_branch = vec! [ ] ;
let mut is_from_route_finalized = false ;
let mut to_branch = vec! [ ] ;
let mut from_details = self . block_details ( & from ) ? ;
let mut to_details = self . block_details ( & to ) ? ;
let mut current_from = from ;
let mut current_to = to ;
// reset from && to to the same level
while from_details . number > to_details . number {
from_branch . push ( current_from ) ;
is_from_route_finalized = is_from_route_finalized | | from_details . is_finalized ;
current_from = from_details . parent . clone ( ) ;
from_details = self . block_details ( & from_details . parent ) ? ;
while to_details . number > from_details . number {
to_branch . push ( current_to ) ;
current_to = to_details . parent . clone ( ) ;
to_details = self . block_details ( & to_details . parent ) ? ;
assert_eq! ( from_details . number , to_details . number ) ;
// move to shared parent
while current_from ! = current_to {
from_branch . push ( current_from ) ;
is_from_route_finalized = is_from_route_finalized | | from_details . is_finalized ;
current_from = from_details . parent . clone ( ) ;
from_details = self . block_details ( & from_details . parent ) ? ;
to_branch . push ( current_to ) ;
current_to = to_details . parent . clone ( ) ;
to_details = self . block_details ( & to_details . parent ) ? ;
let index = from_branch . len ( ) ;
from_branch . extend ( to_branch . into_iter ( ) . rev ( ) ) ;
Some ( TreeRoute {
blocks : from_branch ,
ancestor : current_from ,
index : index ,
is_from_route_finalized : is_from_route_finalized ,
} )
/// Inserts a verified, known block from the canonical chain.
/// Can be performed out-of-order, but care must be taken that the final chain is in a correct state.
/// This is used by snapshot restoration and when downloading missing blocks for the chain gap.
/// `is_best` forces the best block to be updated to this block.
/// `is_ancient` forces the best block of the first block sequence to be updated to this block.
/// `parent_td` is a parent total diffuculty
/// Supply a dummy parent total difficulty when the parent block may not be in the chain.
/// Returns true if the block is disconnected.
pub fn insert_unordered_block (
& self ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
block : encoded ::Block ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
parent_td : Option < U256 > ,
is_best : bool ,
is_ancient : bool ,
) -> bool {
let block_number = block . header_view ( ) . number ( ) ;
let block_parent_hash = block . header_view ( ) . parent_hash ( ) ;
let block_difficulty = block . header_view ( ) . difficulty ( ) ;
let hash = block . header_view ( ) . hash ( ) ;
if self . is_known ( & hash ) {
return false ;
assert! ( self . pending_best_block . read ( ) . is_none ( ) ) ;
let compressed_header = compress ( block . header_view ( ) . rlp ( ) . as_raw ( ) , blocks_swapper ( ) ) ;
let compressed_body = compress ( & Self ::block_to_body ( block . raw ( ) ) , blocks_swapper ( ) ) ;
// store block in db
batch . put ( db ::COL_HEADERS , & hash , & compressed_header ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_BODIES , & hash , & compressed_body ) ;
let maybe_parent = self . uncommitted_block_details ( & block_parent_hash ) ;
if let Some ( parent_details ) = maybe_parent {
// parent known to be in chain.
let info = BlockInfo {
hash : hash ,
number : block_number ,
total_difficulty : parent_details . total_difficulty + block_difficulty ,
location : BlockLocation ::CanonChain ,
} ;
self . prepare_update (
batch ,
ExtrasUpdate {
block_hashes : self . prepare_block_hashes_update ( & info ) ,
block_details : self . prepare_block_details_update (
block_parent_hash ,
& info ,
false ,
) ,
block_receipts : self . prepare_block_receipts_update ( receipts , & info ) ,
blocks_blooms : self
. prepare_block_blooms_update ( block . header_view ( ) . log_bloom ( ) , & info ) ,
transactions_addresses : self . prepare_transaction_addresses_update (
block . view ( ) . transaction_hashes ( ) ,
& info ,
) ,
info : info ,
block ,
} ,
is_best ,
) ;
if is_ancient {
self . set_best_ancient_block ( block_number , & hash , batch ) ;
} else {
// parent not in the chain yet. we need the parent difficulty to proceed.
let d = parent_td
2016-08-05 17:00:46 +02:00
. expect ( " parent total difficulty always supplied for first block in chunk. only first block can have missing parent; qed " ) ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let info = BlockInfo {
hash : hash ,
number : block_number ,
total_difficulty : d + block_difficulty ,
location : BlockLocation ::CanonChain ,
} ;
// TODO [sorpaas] support warp sync insertion of finalization and metadata.
let block_details = BlockDetails {
number : block_number ,
total_difficulty : info . total_difficulty ,
parent : block_parent_hash ,
children : Vec ::new ( ) ,
is_finalized : false ,
} ;
let mut update = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
update . insert ( hash , block_details ) ;
self . prepare_update (
batch ,
ExtrasUpdate {
block_hashes : self . prepare_block_hashes_update ( & info ) ,
block_details : update ,
block_receipts : self . prepare_block_receipts_update ( receipts , & info ) ,
blocks_blooms : self
. prepare_block_blooms_update ( block . header_view ( ) . log_bloom ( ) , & info ) ,
transactions_addresses : self . prepare_transaction_addresses_update (
block . view ( ) . transaction_hashes ( ) ,
& info ,
) ,
info : info ,
block ,
} ,
is_best ,
) ;
/// clears all caches, re-loads best block from disk for testing purposes
pub fn clear_cache ( & self ) {
self . block_bodies . write ( ) . clear ( ) ;
self . block_details . write ( ) . clear ( ) ;
self . block_hashes . write ( ) . clear ( ) ;
self . block_headers . write ( ) . clear ( ) ;
// Fetch best block details from disk
let best_block_hash = self
. db
. key_value ( )
. get ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " best " )
. expect ( " Low-level database error when fetching 'best' block. Some issue with disk? " )
. as_ref ( )
. map ( | r | H256 ::from_slice ( r ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let best_block_total_difficulty = self . block_details ( & best_block_hash )
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
. expect ( " Best block is from a known block hash; a known block hash always comes with a known block detail; qed " )
. total_difficulty ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let best_block_rlp = self
. block ( & best_block_hash )
. expect ( " Best block is from a known block hash; qed " ) ;
// and write them to the cache
let mut best_block = self . best_block . write ( ) ;
* best_block = BestBlock {
total_difficulty : best_block_total_difficulty ,
header : best_block_rlp . decode_header ( ) ,
block : best_block_rlp ,
} ;
/// Update the best ancient block to the given hash, after checking that
/// it's directly linked to the currently known best ancient block
pub fn update_best_ancient_block ( & self , hash : & H256 ) {
// Get the block view of the next ancient block (it must
// be in DB at this point)
let block_view = match self . block ( hash ) {
Some ( v ) = > v ,
None = > return ,
} ;
// So that `best_ancient_block` gets unlocked before calling
// `set_best_ancient_block`
// Get the target hash ; if there are no ancient block,
// it means that the chain is already fully linked
// Release the `best_ancient_block` RwLock
let target_hash = {
let best_ancient_block = self . best_ancient_block . read ( ) ;
let cur_ancient_block = match * best_ancient_block {
Some ( ref b ) = > b ,
None = > return ,
} ;
// Ensure that the new best ancient block is after the current one
if block_view . number ( ) < = cur_ancient_block . number {
return ;
cur_ancient_block . hash . clone ( )
} ;
let mut block_hash = * hash ;
let mut is_linked = false ;
loop {
if block_hash = = target_hash {
is_linked = true ;
break ;
match self . block_details ( & block_hash ) {
Some ( block_details ) = > {
block_hash = block_details . parent ;
None = > break ,
if ! is_linked {
trace! ( target : " blockchain " , " The given block {:x} is not linked to the known ancient block {:x} " , hash , target_hash ) ;
return ;
let mut batch = self . db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
self . set_best_ancient_block ( block_view . number ( ) , hash , & mut batch ) ;
self . db
. key_value ( )
. write ( batch )
. expect ( " Low level database error. " ) ;
/// Set the best ancient block with the given value: private method
/// `best_ancient_block` must not be locked, otherwise a DeadLock would occur
fn set_best_ancient_block (
& self ,
block_number : BlockNumber ,
block_hash : & H256 ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
) {
let mut pending_best_ancient_block = self . pending_best_ancient_block . write ( ) ;
let ancient_number = self
. best_ancient_block
. read ( )
. as_ref ( )
. map_or ( 0 , | b | b . number ) ;
if self . block_hash ( block_number + 1 ) . is_some ( ) {
trace! ( target : " blockchain " , " The two ends of the chain have met. " ) ;
batch . delete ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " ancient " ) ;
* pending_best_ancient_block = Some ( None ) ;
} else if block_number > ancient_number {
trace! ( target : " blockchain " , " Updating the best ancient block to {}. " , block_number ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " ancient " , & block_hash ) ;
* pending_best_ancient_block = Some ( Some ( BestAncientBlock {
hash : * block_hash ,
number : block_number ,
} ) ) ;
/// Insert an epoch transition. Provide an epoch number being transitioned to
/// and epoch transition object.
/// The block the transition occurred at should have already been inserted into the chain.
pub fn insert_epoch_transition (
& self ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
epoch_num : u64 ,
transition : EpochTransition ,
) {
let mut transitions = match self . db . key_value ( ) . read ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & epoch_num ) {
Some ( existing ) = > existing ,
None = > EpochTransitions {
number : epoch_num ,
candidates : Vec ::with_capacity ( 1 ) ,
} ,
} ;
// ensure we don't write any duplicates.
if transitions
. candidates
. iter ( )
. find ( | c | c . block_hash = = transition . block_hash )
. is_none ( )
transitions . candidates . push ( transition ) ;
batch . write ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & epoch_num , & transitions ) ;
/// Iterate over all epoch transitions.
/// This will only return transitions within the canonical chain.
pub fn epoch_transitions ( & self ) -> EpochTransitionIter {
let iter = self
. db
. key_value ( )
. iter_from_prefix ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & EPOCH_KEY_PREFIX [ .. ] ) ;
EpochTransitionIter {
chain : self ,
prefix_iter : iter ,
/// Get a specific epoch transition by block number and provided block hash.
pub fn epoch_transition ( & self , block_num : u64 , block_hash : H256 ) -> Option < EpochTransition > {
trace! ( target : " blockchain " , " Loading epoch transition at block {}, {} " ,
2017-06-28 13:17:36 +02:00
block_num , block_hash ) ;
2017-05-17 12:41:33 +02:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
self . db
. key_value ( )
. read ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & block_num )
. and_then ( | transitions : EpochTransitions | {
. candidates
. into_iter ( )
. find ( | c | c . block_hash = = block_hash )
} )
/// Get the transition to the epoch the given parent hash is part of
/// or transitions to.
/// This will give the epoch that any children of this parent belong to.
/// The block corresponding the the parent hash must be stored already.
pub fn epoch_transition_for ( & self , parent_hash : H256 ) -> Option < EpochTransition > {
// slow path: loop back block by block
for hash in self . ancestry_iter ( parent_hash ) ? {
let details = self . block_details ( & hash ) ? ;
// look for transition in database.
if let Some ( transition ) = self . epoch_transition ( details . number , hash ) {
return Some ( transition ) ;
// canonical hash -> fast breakout:
// get the last epoch transition up to this block.
// if `block_hash` is canonical it will only return transitions up to
// the parent.
if self . block_hash ( details . number ) ? = = hash {
return self
. epoch_transitions ( )
. map ( | ( _ , t ) | t )
. take_while ( | t | t . block_number < = details . number )
. last ( ) ;
// should never happen as the loop will encounter genesis before concluding.
/// Write a pending epoch transition by block hash.
pub fn insert_pending_transition (
& self ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
hash : H256 ,
t : PendingEpochTransition ,
) {
batch . write ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & hash , & t ) ;
/// Get a pending epoch transition by block hash.
// TODO: implement removal safely: this can only be done upon finality of a block
// that _uses_ the pending transition.
pub fn get_pending_transition ( & self , hash : H256 ) -> Option < PendingEpochTransition > {
self . db . key_value ( ) . read ( db ::COL_EXTRA , & hash )
/// Add a child to a given block. Assumes that the block hash is in
/// the chain and the child's parent is this block.
/// Used in snapshots to glue the chunks together at the end.
pub fn add_child ( & self , batch : & mut DBTransaction , block_hash : H256 , child_hash : H256 ) {
let mut parent_details = self
. uncommitted_block_details ( & block_hash )
. unwrap_or_else ( | | panic! ( " Invalid block hash: {:?} " , block_hash ) ) ;
parent_details . children . push ( child_hash ) ;
let mut update = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
update . insert ( block_hash , parent_details ) ;
let mut write_details = self . block_details . write ( ) ;
batch . extend_with_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& mut * write_details ,
update ,
CacheUpdatePolicy ::Overwrite ,
) ;
self . cache_man
. lock ( )
. note_used ( CacheId ::BlockDetails ( block_hash ) ) ;
/// Inserts the block into backing cache database.
/// Expects the block to be valid and already verified.
/// If the block is already known, does nothing.
pub fn insert_block (
& self ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
block : encoded ::Block ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
extras : ExtrasInsert ,
) -> ImportRoute {
let parent_hash = block . header_view ( ) . parent_hash ( ) ;
let best_hash = self . best_block_hash ( ) ;
let route = self . tree_route ( best_hash , parent_hash ) . expect ( " forks are only kept when it has common ancestors; tree route from best to prospective's parent always exists; qed " ) ;
self . insert_block_with_route ( batch , block , receipts , route , extras )
/// Inserts the block into backing cache database with already generated route information.
/// Expects the block to be valid and already verified and route is tree route information from current best block to new block's parent.
/// If the block is already known, does nothing.
pub fn insert_block_with_route (
& self ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
block : encoded ::Block ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
route : TreeRoute ,
extras : ExtrasInsert ,
) -> ImportRoute {
let hash = block . header_view ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let parent_hash = block . header_view ( ) . parent_hash ( ) ;
if self . is_known_child ( & parent_hash , & hash ) {
return ImportRoute ::none ( ) ;
assert! ( self . pending_best_block . read ( ) . is_none ( ) ) ;
let compressed_header = compress ( block . header_view ( ) . rlp ( ) . as_raw ( ) , blocks_swapper ( ) ) ;
let compressed_body = compress ( & Self ::block_to_body ( block . raw ( ) ) , blocks_swapper ( ) ) ;
// store block in db
batch . put ( db ::COL_HEADERS , & hash , & compressed_header ) ;
batch . put ( db ::COL_BODIES , & hash , & compressed_body ) ;
let info = self . block_info ( & block . header_view ( ) , route , & extras ) ;
if let BlockLocation ::BranchBecomingCanonChain ( ref d ) = info . location {
info! ( target : " reorg " , " Reorg to {} ({} {} {}) " ,
Colour ::Yellow . bold ( ) . paint ( format! ( " # {} {} " , info . number , info . hash ) ) ,
Colour ::Red . paint ( d . retracted . iter ( ) . join ( " " ) ) ,
Colour ::White . paint ( format! ( " # {} {} " , self . block_details ( & d . ancestor ) . expect ( " `ancestor` is in the route; qed " ) . number , d . ancestor ) ) ,
Colour ::Green . paint ( d . enacted . iter ( ) . join ( " " ) )
) ;
self . prepare_update (
batch ,
ExtrasUpdate {
block_hashes : self . prepare_block_hashes_update ( & info ) ,
block_details : self . prepare_block_details_update (
parent_hash ,
& info ,
extras . is_finalized ,
) ,
block_receipts : self . prepare_block_receipts_update ( receipts , & info ) ,
blocks_blooms : self
. prepare_block_blooms_update ( block . header_view ( ) . log_bloom ( ) , & info ) ,
transactions_addresses : self
. prepare_transaction_addresses_update ( block . view ( ) . transaction_hashes ( ) , & info ) ,
info : info . clone ( ) ,
block ,
} ,
true ,
) ;
ImportRoute ::from ( info )
/// Get inserted block info which is critical to prepare extras updates.
fn block_info (
& self ,
header : & HeaderView ,
route : TreeRoute ,
extras : & ExtrasInsert ,
) -> BlockInfo {
let hash = header . hash ( ) ;
let number = header . number ( ) ;
let parent_hash = header . parent_hash ( ) ;
let parent_details = self
. block_details ( & parent_hash )
. unwrap_or_else ( | | panic! ( " Invalid parent hash: {:?} " , parent_hash ) ) ;
BlockInfo {
hash : hash ,
number : number ,
total_difficulty : parent_details . total_difficulty + header . difficulty ( ) ,
location : match extras . fork_choice {
ForkChoice ::New = > {
// On new best block we need to make sure that all ancestors
// are moved to "canon chain"
// find the route between old best block and the new one
match route . blocks . len ( ) {
0 = > BlockLocation ::CanonChain ,
_ = > {
let retracted = route
. blocks
. iter ( )
. take ( route . index )
. cloned ( )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( )
. into_iter ( )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
let enacted = route
. blocks
. into_iter ( )
. skip ( route . index )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
BlockLocation ::BranchBecomingCanonChain ( BranchBecomingCanonChainData {
ancestor : route . ancestor ,
enacted : enacted ,
retracted : retracted ,
} )
ForkChoice ::Old = > BlockLocation ::Branch ,
} ,
/// Mark a block to be considered finalized. Returns `Some(())` if the operation succeeds, and `None` if the block
/// hash is not found.
pub fn mark_finalized ( & self , batch : & mut DBTransaction , block_hash : H256 ) -> Option < ( ) > {
let mut block_details = self . uncommitted_block_details ( & block_hash ) ? ;
block_details . is_finalized = true ;
self . update_block_details ( batch , block_hash , block_details ) ;
Some ( ( ) )
/// Prepares extras block detail update.
fn update_block_details (
& self ,
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
block_hash : H256 ,
block_details : BlockDetails ,
) {
let mut details_map = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
details_map . insert ( block_hash , block_details ) ;
// We're only updating one existing value. So it shouldn't suffer from cache decoherence problem.
let mut write_details = self . pending_block_details . write ( ) ;
batch . extend_with_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& mut * write_details ,
details_map ,
CacheUpdatePolicy ::Overwrite ,
) ;
/// Prepares extras update.
fn prepare_update ( & self , batch : & mut DBTransaction , update : ExtrasUpdate , is_best : bool ) {
let mut write_receipts = self . block_receipts . write ( ) ;
batch . extend_with_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& mut * write_receipts ,
update . block_receipts ,
CacheUpdatePolicy ::Remove ,
) ;
if let Some ( ( block , blooms ) ) = update . blocks_blooms {
self . db
. blooms ( )
. insert_blooms ( block , blooms . iter ( ) )
. expect ( " Low level database error when updating blooms. Some issue with disk? " ) ;
// These cached values must be updated last with all four locks taken to avoid
// cache decoherence
let mut best_block = self . pending_best_block . write ( ) ;
if is_best & & update . info . location ! = BlockLocation ::Branch {
batch . put ( db ::COL_EXTRA , b " best " , & update . info . hash ) ;
* best_block = Some ( BestBlock {
total_difficulty : update . info . total_difficulty ,
header : update . block . decode_header ( ) ,
block : update . block ,
} ) ;
let mut write_hashes = self . pending_block_hashes . write ( ) ;
let mut write_details = self . pending_block_details . write ( ) ;
let mut write_txs = self . pending_transaction_addresses . write ( ) ;
batch . extend_with_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& mut * write_details ,
update . block_details ,
CacheUpdatePolicy ::Overwrite ,
) ;
batch . extend_with_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& mut * write_hashes ,
update . block_hashes ,
CacheUpdatePolicy ::Overwrite ,
) ;
batch . extend_with_option_cache (
db ::COL_EXTRA ,
& mut * write_txs ,
update . transactions_addresses ,
CacheUpdatePolicy ::Overwrite ,
) ;
/// Apply pending insertion updates
pub fn commit ( & self ) {
let mut pending_best_ancient_block = self . pending_best_ancient_block . write ( ) ;
let mut pending_best_block = self . pending_best_block . write ( ) ;
let mut pending_write_hashes = self . pending_block_hashes . write ( ) ;
let mut pending_block_details = self . pending_block_details . write ( ) ;
let mut pending_write_txs = self . pending_transaction_addresses . write ( ) ;
let mut best_block = self . best_block . write ( ) ;
let mut best_ancient_block = self . best_ancient_block . write ( ) ;
let mut write_block_details = self . block_details . write ( ) ;
let mut write_hashes = self . block_hashes . write ( ) ;
let mut write_txs = self . transaction_addresses . write ( ) ;
// update best ancient block
if let Some ( block_option ) = pending_best_ancient_block . take ( ) {
* best_ancient_block = block_option ;
// update best block
if let Some ( block ) = pending_best_block . take ( ) {
* best_block = block ;
let pending_txs = mem ::replace ( & mut * pending_write_txs , HashMap ::new ( ) ) ;
let ( retracted_txs , enacted_txs ) = pending_txs
. into_iter ( )
. partition ::< HashMap < _ , _ > , _ > ( | & ( _ , ref value ) | value . is_none ( ) ) ;
let pending_hashes_keys : Vec < _ > = pending_write_hashes . keys ( ) . cloned ( ) . collect ( ) ;
let enacted_txs_keys : Vec < _ > = enacted_txs . keys ( ) . cloned ( ) . collect ( ) ;
let pending_block_hashes : Vec < _ > = pending_block_details . keys ( ) . cloned ( ) . collect ( ) ;
write_hashes . extend ( mem ::replace ( & mut * pending_write_hashes , HashMap ::new ( ) ) ) ;
write_txs . extend (
. into_iter ( )
. map ( | ( k , v ) | ( k , v . expect ( " Transactions were partitioned; qed " ) ) ) ,
) ;
write_block_details . extend ( mem ::replace ( & mut * pending_block_details , HashMap ::new ( ) ) ) ;
for hash in retracted_txs . keys ( ) {
write_txs . remove ( hash ) ;
let mut cache_man = self . cache_man . lock ( ) ;
for n in pending_hashes_keys {
cache_man . note_used ( CacheId ::BlockHashes ( n ) ) ;
for hash in enacted_txs_keys {
cache_man . note_used ( CacheId ::TransactionAddresses ( hash ) ) ;
for hash in pending_block_hashes {
cache_man . note_used ( CacheId ::BlockDetails ( hash ) ) ;
/// Iterator that lists `first` and then all of `first`'s ancestors, by hash.
pub fn ancestry_iter ( & self , first : H256 ) -> Option < AncestryIter > {
if self . is_known ( & first ) {
Some ( AncestryIter {
current : first ,
chain : self ,
} )
} else {
/// Iterator that lists `first` and then all of `first`'s ancestors, by extended header.
pub fn ancestry_with_metadata_iter < ' a > ( & ' a self , first : H256 ) -> AncestryWithMetadataIter {
AncestryWithMetadataIter {
current : if self . is_known ( & first ) {
} else {
H256 ::default ( ) // zero hash
} ,
chain : self ,
/// Given a block's `parent`, find every block header which represents a valid possible uncle.
pub fn find_uncle_headers (
& self ,
parent : & H256 ,
uncle_generations : usize ,
) -> Option < Vec < encoded ::Header > > {
self . find_uncle_hashes ( parent , uncle_generations ) . map ( | v | {
v . into_iter ( )
. filter_map ( | h | self . block_header_data ( & h ) )
. collect ( )
} )
/// Given a block's `parent`, find every block hash which represents a valid possible uncle.
pub fn find_uncle_hashes ( & self , parent : & H256 , uncle_generations : usize ) -> Option < Vec < H256 > > {
if ! self . is_known ( parent ) {
return None ;
let mut excluded = HashSet ::new ( ) ;
let ancestry = self . ancestry_iter ( parent . clone ( ) ) ? ;
for a in ancestry . clone ( ) . take ( uncle_generations ) {
if let Some ( uncles ) = self . uncle_hashes ( & a ) {
excluded . extend ( uncles ) ;
excluded . insert ( a ) ;
} else {
break ;
let mut ret = Vec ::new ( ) ;
for a in ancestry . skip ( 1 ) . take ( uncle_generations ) {
if let Some ( details ) = self . block_details ( & a ) {
ret . extend ( details . children . iter ( ) . filter ( | h | ! excluded . contains ( h ) ) )
} else {
break ;
Some ( ret )
/// This function returns modified block hashes.
fn prepare_block_hashes_update ( & self , info : & BlockInfo ) -> HashMap < BlockNumber , H256 > {
let mut block_hashes = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
match info . location {
BlockLocation ::Branch = > ( ) ,
BlockLocation ::CanonChain = > {
block_hashes . insert ( info . number , info . hash ) ;
BlockLocation ::BranchBecomingCanonChain ( ref data ) = > {
let ancestor_number = self
. block_number ( & data . ancestor )
. expect ( " Block number of ancestor is always in DB " ) ;
let start_number = ancestor_number + 1 ;
for ( index , hash ) in data . enacted . iter ( ) . cloned ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
block_hashes . insert ( start_number + index as BlockNumber , hash ) ;
block_hashes . insert ( info . number , info . hash ) ;
/// This function returns modified block details.
/// Uses the given parent details or attempts to load them from the database.
fn prepare_block_details_update (
& self ,
parent_hash : H256 ,
info : & BlockInfo ,
is_finalized : bool ,
) -> HashMap < H256 , BlockDetails > {
// update parent
let mut parent_details = self
. uncommitted_block_details ( & parent_hash )
. unwrap_or_else ( | | panic! ( " Invalid parent hash: {:?} " , parent_hash ) ) ;
parent_details . children . push ( info . hash ) ;
// create current block details.
let details = BlockDetails {
number : info . number ,
total_difficulty : info . total_difficulty ,
parent : parent_hash ,
children : vec ! [ ] ,
is_finalized : is_finalized ,
} ;
// write to batch
let mut block_details = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
block_details . insert ( parent_hash , parent_details ) ;
block_details . insert ( info . hash , details ) ;
/// This function returns modified block receipts.
fn prepare_block_receipts_update (
& self ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
info : & BlockInfo ,
) -> HashMap < H256 , BlockReceipts > {
let mut block_receipts = HashMap ::new ( ) ;
block_receipts . insert ( info . hash , BlockReceipts ::new ( receipts ) ) ;
/// This function returns modified transaction addresses.
fn prepare_transaction_addresses_update (
& self ,
transaction_hashes : Vec < H256 > ,
info : & BlockInfo ,
) -> HashMap < H256 , Option < TransactionAddress > > {
match info . location {
BlockLocation ::CanonChain = > transaction_hashes
. into_iter ( )
. enumerate ( )
. map ( | ( i , tx_hash ) | {
tx_hash ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : info . hash ,
index : i ,
} ) ,
} )
. collect ( ) ,
BlockLocation ::BranchBecomingCanonChain ( ref data ) = > {
let addresses = data . enacted . iter ( ) . flat_map ( | hash | {
let body = self
. block_body ( hash )
. expect ( " Enacted block must be in database. " ) ;
let hashes = body . transaction_hashes ( ) ;
. into_iter ( )
. enumerate ( )
. map ( | ( i , tx_hash ) | {
tx_hash ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : * hash ,
index : i ,
} ) ,
} )
. collect ::< HashMap < H256 , Option < TransactionAddress > > > ( )
} ) ;
let current_addresses =
. into_iter ( )
. enumerate ( )
. map ( | ( i , tx_hash ) | {
tx_hash ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : info . hash ,
index : i ,
} ) ,
} ) ;
let retracted = data . retracted . iter ( ) . flat_map ( | hash | {
let body = self
. block_body ( hash )
. expect ( " Retracted block must be in database. " ) ;
let hashes = body . transaction_hashes ( ) ;
. into_iter ( )
. map ( | hash | ( hash , None ) )
. collect ::< HashMap < H256 , Option < TransactionAddress > > > ( )
} ) ;
// The order here is important! Don't remove transaction if it was part of enacted blocks as well.
. chain ( addresses )
. chain ( current_addresses )
. collect ( )
BlockLocation ::Branch = > HashMap ::new ( ) ,
/// This functions returns modified blocks blooms.
/// To accelerate blooms lookups, blomms are stored in multiple
/// layers (BLOOM_LEVELS, currently 3).
/// ChainFilter is responsible for building and rebuilding these layers.
/// It returns them in HashMap, where values are Blooms and
/// keys are BloomIndexes. BloomIndex represents bloom location on one
/// of these layers.
/// To reduce number of queries to databse, block blooms are stored
/// in BlocksBlooms structure which contains info about several
/// (BLOOM_INDEX_SIZE, currently 16) consecutive blocks blooms.
/// Later, BloomIndexer is used to map bloom location on filter layer (BloomIndex)
/// to bloom location in database (BlocksBloomLocation).
fn prepare_block_blooms_update (
& self ,
log_bloom : Bloom ,
info : & BlockInfo ,
) -> Option < ( u64 , Vec < Bloom > ) > {
match info . location {
BlockLocation ::Branch = > None ,
BlockLocation ::CanonChain = > {
if log_bloom . is_zero ( ) {
} else {
Some ( ( info . number , vec! [ log_bloom ] ) )
BlockLocation ::BranchBecomingCanonChain ( ref data ) = > {
let ancestor_number = self . block_number ( & data . ancestor )
2018-07-25 18:45:06 +02:00
. expect ( " hash belongs to an ancestor of an inserted block; this branch is only reachable for normal block insertion (non-ancient); ancestors of an inserted block are always available for normal block insertion; block number of an inserted block is always available; qed " ) ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let start_number = ancestor_number + 1 ;
2018-03-12 21:15:55 +01:00
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let mut blooms : Vec < Bloom > = data . enacted . iter ( )
2018-07-25 18:45:06 +02:00
. map ( | hash | self . block_header_data ( hash )
. expect ( " hash belongs to an inserted block; block header data of an inserted block is always available; qed " ) )
2018-03-12 21:15:55 +01:00
. map ( | h | h . log_bloom ( ) )
. collect ( ) ;
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
blooms . push ( log_bloom ) ;
Some ( ( start_number , blooms ) )
/// Get best block hash.
pub fn best_block_hash ( & self ) -> H256 {
self . best_block . read ( ) . header . hash ( )
/// Get best block number.
pub fn best_block_number ( & self ) -> BlockNumber {
self . best_block . read ( ) . header . number ( )
/// Get best block timestamp.
pub fn best_block_timestamp ( & self ) -> u64 {
self . best_block . read ( ) . header . timestamp ( )
/// Get best block total difficulty.
pub fn best_block_total_difficulty ( & self ) -> U256 {
self . best_block . read ( ) . total_difficulty
/// Get best block header
pub fn best_block_header ( & self ) -> Header {
self . best_block . read ( ) . header . clone ( )
/// Get current cache size.
pub fn cache_size ( & self ) -> CacheSize {
CacheSize {
blocks : self . block_headers . read ( ) . heap_size_of_children ( )
+ self . block_bodies . read ( ) . heap_size_of_children ( ) ,
block_details : self . block_details . read ( ) . heap_size_of_children ( ) ,
transaction_addresses : self . transaction_addresses . read ( ) . heap_size_of_children ( ) ,
block_receipts : self . block_receipts . read ( ) . heap_size_of_children ( ) ,
/// Ticks our cache system and throws out any old data.
pub fn collect_garbage ( & self ) {
let current_size = self . cache_size ( ) . total ( ) ;
let mut block_headers = self . block_headers . write ( ) ;
let mut block_bodies = self . block_bodies . write ( ) ;
let mut block_details = self . block_details . write ( ) ;
let mut block_hashes = self . block_hashes . write ( ) ;
let mut transaction_addresses = self . transaction_addresses . write ( ) ;
let mut block_receipts = self . block_receipts . write ( ) ;
let mut cache_man = self . cache_man . lock ( ) ;
cache_man . collect_garbage ( current_size , | ids | {
for id in & ids {
match * id {
CacheId ::BlockHeader ( ref h ) = > {
block_headers . remove ( h ) ;
CacheId ::BlockBody ( ref h ) = > {
block_bodies . remove ( h ) ;
CacheId ::BlockDetails ( ref h ) = > {
block_details . remove ( h ) ;
CacheId ::BlockHashes ( ref h ) = > {
block_hashes . remove ( h ) ;
CacheId ::TransactionAddresses ( ref h ) = > {
transaction_addresses . remove ( h ) ;
CacheId ::BlockReceipts ( ref h ) = > {
block_receipts . remove ( h ) ;
block_headers . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
block_bodies . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
block_details . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
block_hashes . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
transaction_addresses . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
block_receipts . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
block_headers . heap_size_of_children ( )
+ block_bodies . heap_size_of_children ( )
+ block_details . heap_size_of_children ( )
+ block_hashes . heap_size_of_children ( )
+ transaction_addresses . heap_size_of_children ( )
+ block_receipts . heap_size_of_children ( )
} ) ;
/// Create a block body from a block.
pub fn block_to_body ( block : & [ u8 ] ) -> Bytes {
let mut body = RlpStream ::new_list ( 2 ) ;
let block_view = view! ( BlockView , block ) ;
body . append_raw ( block_view . transactions_rlp ( ) . as_raw ( ) , 1 ) ;
body . append_raw ( block_view . uncles_rlp ( ) . as_raw ( ) , 1 ) ;
body . out ( )
/// Returns general blockchain information
pub fn chain_info ( & self ) -> BlockChainInfo {
// Make sure to call internal methods first to avoid
// recursive locking of `best_block`.
let first_block_hash = self . first_block ( ) ;
let first_block_number = self . first_block_number ( ) . into ( ) ;
let genesis_hash = self . genesis_hash ( ) ;
// ensure data consistencly by locking everything first
let best_block = self . best_block . read ( ) ;
let best_ancient_block = self . best_ancient_block . read ( ) ;
BlockChainInfo {
total_difficulty : best_block . total_difficulty ,
pending_total_difficulty : best_block . total_difficulty ,
genesis_hash ,
best_block_hash : best_block . header . hash ( ) ,
best_block_number : best_block . header . number ( ) ,
best_block_timestamp : best_block . header . timestamp ( ) ,
first_block_hash ,
first_block_number ,
ancient_block_hash : best_ancient_block . as_ref ( ) . map ( | b | b . hash ) ,
ancient_block_number : best_ancient_block . as_ref ( ) . map ( | b | b . number ) ,
2015-12-09 19:03:25 +01:00
2015-12-13 22:39:01 +01:00
2015-12-17 17:20:10 +01:00
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
use super ::* ;
use std ::iter ;
use crate ::generator ::{ BlockBuilder , BlockGenerator , BlockOptions } ;
use common_types ::{
receipt ::{ Receipt , TransactionOutcome } ,
transaction ::{ Action , Transaction } ,
} ;
use ethkey ::Secret ;
use keccak_hash ::keccak ;
use rustc_hex ::FromHex ;
use tempdir ::TempDir ;
struct TestBlockChainDB {
_blooms_dir : TempDir ,
_trace_blooms_dir : TempDir ,
blooms : blooms_db ::Database ,
trace_blooms : blooms_db ::Database ,
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
key_value : Arc < dyn KeyValueDB > ,
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
impl BlockChainDB for TestBlockChainDB {
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
fn key_value ( & self ) -> & Arc < dyn KeyValueDB > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
& self . key_value
fn blooms ( & self ) -> & blooms_db ::Database {
& self . blooms
fn trace_blooms ( & self ) -> & blooms_db ::Database {
& self . trace_blooms
/// Creates new test instance of `BlockChainDB`
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
pub fn new_db ( ) -> Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
let blooms_dir = TempDir ::new ( " " ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let trace_blooms_dir = TempDir ::new ( " " ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let db = TestBlockChainDB {
blooms : blooms_db ::Database ::open ( blooms_dir . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ,
trace_blooms : blooms_db ::Database ::open ( trace_blooms_dir . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ,
_blooms_dir : blooms_dir ,
_trace_blooms_dir : trace_blooms_dir ,
key_value : Arc ::new ( kvdb_memorydb ::create ( ethcore_db ::NUM_COLUMNS . unwrap ( ) ) ) ,
} ;
Arc ::new ( db )
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
fn new_chain ( genesis : encoded ::Block , db : Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > ) -> BlockChain {
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
BlockChain ::new ( Config ::default ( ) , genesis . raw ( ) , db )
fn insert_block (
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
db : & Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > ,
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
bc : & BlockChain ,
block : encoded ::Block ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
) -> ImportRoute {
insert_block_commit ( db , bc , block , receipts , true )
fn insert_block_commit (
2020-07-29 10:36:15 +02:00
db : & Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > ,
2020-08-05 06:08:03 +02:00
bc : & BlockChain ,
block : encoded ::Block ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
commit : bool ,
) -> ImportRoute {
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let res = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , bc , block , receipts ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if commit {
bc . commit ( ) ;
fn insert_block_batch (
batch : & mut DBTransaction ,
bc : & BlockChain ,
block : encoded ::Block ,
receipts : Vec < Receipt > ,
) -> ImportRoute {
let fork_choice = {
let header = block . header_view ( ) ;
let parent_hash = header . parent_hash ( ) ;
let parent_details = bc
. uncommitted_block_details ( & parent_hash )
. unwrap_or_else ( | | panic! ( " Invalid parent hash: {:?} " , parent_hash ) ) ;
let block_total_difficulty = parent_details . total_difficulty + header . difficulty ( ) ;
if block_total_difficulty > bc . best_block_total_difficulty ( ) {
common_types ::engines ::ForkChoice ::New
} else {
common_types ::engines ::ForkChoice ::Old
} ;
bc . insert_block (
batch ,
block ,
receipts ,
ExtrasInsert {
fork_choice : fork_choice ,
is_finalized : false ,
} ,
#[ test ]
fn should_cache_best_block ( ) {
// given
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let first = genesis . add_block ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 0 ) ;
// when
insert_block_commit ( & db , & bc , first . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] , false ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 0 ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
// NOTE no db.write here (we want to check if best block is cached)
// then
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert! (
bc . block ( & bc . best_block_hash ( ) ) . is_some ( ) ,
" Best block should be queryable even without DB write. "
) ;
#[ test ]
fn basic_blockchain_insert ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let first = genesis . add_block ( ) ;
let genesis = genesis . last ( ) ;
let first = first . last ( ) ;
let genesis_hash = genesis . hash ( ) ;
let first_hash = first . hash ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . genesis_hash ( ) , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 0 ) , Some ( genesis_hash ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 1 ) , None ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_details ( & genesis_hash ) . unwrap ( ) . children , vec! [ ] ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , first . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 0 ) , Some ( genesis_hash ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , first_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 1 ) , Some ( first_hash ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_details ( & first_hash ) . unwrap ( ) . parent , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . block_details ( & genesis_hash ) . unwrap ( ) . children ,
vec! [ first_hash ]
) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 2 ) , None ) ;
#[ test ]
fn check_ancestry_iter ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let first_10 = genesis . add_blocks ( 10 ) ;
let generator = BlockGenerator ::new ( vec! [ first_10 ] ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut block_hashes = vec! [ genesis . last ( ) . hash ( ) ] ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
for block in generator {
block_hashes . push ( block . hash ( ) ) ;
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , block . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
block_hashes . reverse ( ) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . ancestry_iter ( block_hashes [ 0 ] . clone ( ) )
. unwrap ( )
. collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
) ;
assert_eq! ( block_hashes . len ( ) , 11 ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_find_uncles ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1a = genesis . add_block ( ) ;
let b2a = b1a . add_block ( ) ;
let b3a = b2a . add_block ( ) ;
let b4a = b3a . add_block ( ) ;
let b5a = b4a . add_block ( ) ;
let b1b = genesis . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let b2b = b1a . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let b3b = b2a . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let b4b = b3a . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let b5b = b4a . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let uncle_headers = vec! [
b4b . last ( ) . header ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
b3b . last ( ) . header ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
b2b . last ( ) . header ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
] ;
let b4a_hash = b4a . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let generator = BlockGenerator ::new ( vec! [ b1a , b1b , b2a , b2b , b3a , b3b , b4a , b4b , b5a , b5b ] ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
for b in generator {
insert_block ( & db , & bc , b . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( uncle_headers , bc . find_uncle_headers ( & b4a_hash , 3 ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
// TODO: insert block that already includes one of them as an uncle to check it's not allowed.
fn secret ( ) -> Secret {
keccak ( " " ) . into ( )
#[ test ]
fn test_fork_transaction_addresses ( ) {
let t1 = Transaction {
nonce : 0. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 100. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let t1_hash = t1 . hash ( ) ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1a = genesis . add_block_with_transactions ( iter ::once ( t1 ) ) ;
let b1b = genesis . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let b2 = b1b . add_block ( ) ;
let b1a_hash = b1a . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b2_hash = b2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let _ = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b1a . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
let _ = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b1b . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , b1a_hash ) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction_address ( & t1_hash ) ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : b1a_hash ,
index : 0 ,
} )
) ;
// now let's make forked chain the canon chain
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let _ = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b2 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// Transaction should be retracted
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , b2_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . transaction_address ( & t1_hash ) , None ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_overwriting_transaction_addresses ( ) {
let t1 = Transaction {
nonce : 0. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 100. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let t2 = Transaction {
nonce : 1. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 100. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let t3 = Transaction {
nonce : 2. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 100. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1a = genesis . add_block_with_transactions ( vec! [ t1 . clone ( ) , t2 . clone ( ) ] ) ;
// insert transactions in different order,
// the block has lower difficulty, so the hash is also different
let b1b = genesis . add_block_with ( | | BlockOptions {
difficulty : 9. into ( ) ,
transactions : vec ! [ t2 . clone ( ) , t1 . clone ( ) ] ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ) ;
let b2 = b1b . add_block_with_transactions ( iter ::once ( t3 . clone ( ) ) ) ;
let b1a_hash = b1a . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b1b_hash = b1b . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b2_hash = b2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let t1_hash = t1 . hash ( ) ;
let t2_hash = t2 . hash ( ) ;
let t3_hash = t3 . hash ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let _ = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b1a . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
let _ = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b1b . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , b1a_hash ) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction_address ( & t1_hash ) ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : b1a_hash ,
index : 0 ,
} )
) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction_address ( & t2_hash ) ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : b1a_hash ,
index : 1 ,
} )
) ;
// now let's make forked chain the canon chain
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let _ = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b2 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , b2_hash ) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction_address ( & t1_hash ) ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : b1b_hash ,
index : 1 ,
} )
) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction_address ( & t2_hash ) ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : b1b_hash ,
index : 0 ,
} )
) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction_address ( & t3_hash ) ,
Some ( TransactionAddress {
block_hash : b2_hash ,
index : 0 ,
} )
) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_small_fork ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1 = genesis . add_block ( ) ;
let b2 = b1 . add_block ( ) ;
let b3a = b2 . add_block ( ) ;
let b3b = b2 . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let genesis_hash = genesis . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b1_hash = b1 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b2_hash = b2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b3a_hash = b3a . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b3b_hash = b3b . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
// b3a is a part of canon chain, whereas b3b is part of sidechain
let best_block_hash = b3a_hash ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let ir1 = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b1 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
let ir2 = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b2 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
let ir3b = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b3b . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 3 ) . unwrap ( ) , b3b_hash ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
let ir3a = insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , b3a . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! (
ir1 ,
ImportRoute {
enacted : vec ! [ b1_hash ] ,
retracted : vec ! [ ] ,
omitted : vec ! [ ] ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
ir2 ,
ImportRoute {
enacted : vec ! [ b2_hash ] ,
retracted : vec ! [ ] ,
omitted : vec ! [ ] ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
ir3b ,
ImportRoute {
enacted : vec ! [ b3b_hash ] ,
retracted : vec ! [ ] ,
omitted : vec ! [ ] ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
ir3a ,
ImportRoute {
enacted : vec ! [ b3a_hash ] ,
retracted : vec ! [ b3b_hash ] ,
omitted : vec ! [ ] ,
) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , best_block_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_number ( & genesis_hash ) . unwrap ( ) , 0 ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_number ( & b1_hash ) . unwrap ( ) , 1 ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_number ( & b2_hash ) . unwrap ( ) , 2 ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_number ( & b3a_hash ) . unwrap ( ) , 3 ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_number ( & b3b_hash ) . unwrap ( ) , 3 ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 0 ) . unwrap ( ) , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 1 ) . unwrap ( ) , b1_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 2 ) . unwrap ( ) , b2_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 3 ) . unwrap ( ) , b3a_hash ) ;
// test trie route
let r0_1 = bc . tree_route ( genesis_hash , b1_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r0_1 . ancestor , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r0_1 . blocks , [ b1_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r0_1 . index , 0 ) ;
let r0_2 = bc . tree_route ( genesis_hash , b2_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r0_2 . ancestor , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r0_2 . blocks , [ b1_hash , b2_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r0_2 . index , 0 ) ;
let r1_3a = bc . tree_route ( b1_hash , b3a_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_3a . ancestor , b1_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_3a . blocks , [ b2_hash , b3a_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_3a . index , 0 ) ;
let r1_3b = bc . tree_route ( b1_hash , b3b_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_3b . ancestor , b1_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_3b . blocks , [ b2_hash , b3b_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_3b . index , 0 ) ;
let r3a_3b = bc . tree_route ( b3a_hash , b3b_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3a_3b . ancestor , b2_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3a_3b . blocks , [ b3a_hash , b3b_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3a_3b . index , 1 ) ;
let r1_0 = bc . tree_route ( b1_hash , genesis_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_0 . ancestor , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_0 . blocks , [ b1_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r1_0 . index , 1 ) ;
let r2_0 = bc . tree_route ( b2_hash , genesis_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r2_0 . ancestor , genesis_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r2_0 . blocks , [ b2_hash , b1_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r2_0 . index , 2 ) ;
let r3a_1 = bc . tree_route ( b3a_hash , b1_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3a_1 . ancestor , b1_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3a_1 . blocks , [ b3a_hash , b2_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3a_1 . index , 2 ) ;
let r3b_1 = bc . tree_route ( b3b_hash , b1_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3b_1 . ancestor , b1_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3b_1 . blocks , [ b3b_hash , b2_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3b_1 . index , 2 ) ;
let r3b_3a = bc . tree_route ( b3b_hash , b3a_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3b_3a . ancestor , b2_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3b_3a . blocks , [ b3b_hash , b3a_hash ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( r3b_3a . index , 1 ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_reopen_blockchain_db ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let first = genesis . add_block ( ) ;
let genesis_hash = genesis . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let first_hash = first . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , genesis_hash ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , first . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , first_hash ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , first_hash ) ;
#[ test ]
fn find_transaction_by_hash ( ) {
let genesis = " 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 " . from_hex ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let b1 = " f904a8f901faa0ce1f26f798dd03c8782d63b3e42e79a64eaea5694ea686ac5d7ce3df5171d1aea01dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347948888f1f195afa192cfee860698584c030f4c9db1a0a65c2364cd0f1542d761823dc0109c6b072f14c20459598c5455c274601438f4a070616ebd7ad2ed6fb7860cf7e9df00163842351c38a87cac2c1cb193895035a2a05c5b4fc43c2d45787f54e1ae7d27afdb4ad16dfc567c5692070d5c4556e0b1d7b9010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000830200000183023ec683021536845685109780a029f07836e4e59229b3a065913afc27702642c683bba689910b2b2fd45db310d3888957e6d004a31802f902a7f85f800a8255f094aaaf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ca0575da4e21b66fa764be5f74da9389e67693d066fb0d1312e19e17e501da00ecda06baf5a5327595f6619dfc2fcb3f2e6fb410b5810af3cb52d0e7508038e91a188f85f010a82520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ba04fa966bf34b93abc1bcd665554b7f316b50f928477b50be0f3285ead29d18c5ba017bba0eeec1625ab433746955e125d46d80b7fdc97386c51266f842d8e02192ef85f020a82520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ca004377418ae981cc32b1312b4a427a1d69a821b28db8584f5f2bd8c6d42458adaa053a1dba1af177fac92f3b6af0a9fa46a22adf56e686c93794b6a012bf254abf5f85f030a82520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ca04fe13febd28a05f4fcb2f451d7ddc2dda56486d9f8c79a62b0ba4da775122615a0651b2382dd402df9ebc27f8cb4b2e0f3cea68dda2dca0ee9603608f0b6f51668f85f040a82520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ba078e6a0ba086a08f8450e208a399bb2f2d2a0d984acd2517c7c7df66ccfab567da013254002cd45a97fac049ae00afbc43ed0d9961d0c56a3b2382c80ce41c198ddf85f050a82520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ba0a7174d8f43ea71c8e3ca9477691add8d80ac8e0ed89d8d8b572041eef81f4a54a0534ea2e28ec4da3b5b944b18c51ec84a5cf35f5b3343c5fb86521fd2d388f506f85f060a82520894bbbf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a801ba034bd04065833536a10c77ee2a43a5371bc6d34837088b861dd9d4b7f44074b59a078807715786a13876d3455716a6b9cb2186b7a4887a5c31160fc877454958616c0 " . from_hex ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let b1_hash : H256 =
" f53f268d23a71e85c7d6d83a9504298712b84c1a2ba220441c86eeda0bf0b6e3 " . into ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( encoded ::Block ::new ( genesis ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , encoded ::Block ::new ( b1 ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
let transactions = bc . transactions ( & b1_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( transactions . len ( ) , 7 ) ;
for t in transactions {
assert_eq! (
bc . transaction ( & bc . transaction_address ( & t . hash ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ,
) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_logs ( ) {
let t1 = Transaction {
nonce : 0. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 101. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let t2 = Transaction {
nonce : 0. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 102. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let t3 = Transaction {
nonce : 0. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 103. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let t4 = Transaction {
nonce : 0. into ( ) ,
gas_price : 0. into ( ) ,
gas : 100_000. into ( ) ,
action : Action ::Create ,
value : 104. into ( ) ,
data : " 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 "
. from_hex ( )
. unwrap ( ) ,
. sign ( & secret ( ) , None ) ;
let tx_hash1 = t1 . hash ( ) ;
let tx_hash2 = t2 . hash ( ) ;
let tx_hash3 = t3 . hash ( ) ;
let tx_hash4 = t4 . hash ( ) ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1 = genesis . add_block_with_transactions ( vec! [ t1 , t2 ] ) ;
let b2 = b1 . add_block_with_transactions ( iter ::once ( t3 ) ) ;
let b3 = genesis . add_block_with ( | | BlockOptions {
transactions : vec ! [ t4 . clone ( ) ] ,
difficulty : U256 ::from ( 9 ) ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ) ; // Branch block
let b1_hash = b1 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b1_number = b1 . last ( ) . number ( ) ;
let b2_hash = b2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b2_number = b2 . last ( ) . number ( ) ;
let b3_hash = b3 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b3_number = b3 . last ( ) . number ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
insert_block (
& db ,
& bc ,
b1 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
vec! [
Receipt {
outcome : TransactionOutcome ::StateRoot ( H256 ::default ( ) ) ,
gas_used : 10_000. into ( ) ,
log_bloom : Default ::default ( ) ,
logs : vec ! [
LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 1 ] ,
} ,
LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 2 ] ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
Receipt {
outcome : TransactionOutcome ::StateRoot ( H256 ::default ( ) ) ,
gas_used : 10_000. into ( ) ,
log_bloom : Default ::default ( ) ,
logs : vec ! [ LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 3 ] ,
} ] ,
} ,
] ,
) ;
insert_block (
& db ,
& bc ,
b2 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
vec! [ Receipt {
outcome : TransactionOutcome ::StateRoot ( H256 ::default ( ) ) ,
gas_used : 10_000. into ( ) ,
log_bloom : Default ::default ( ) ,
logs : vec ! [ LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 4 ] ,
} ] ,
} ] ,
) ;
insert_block (
& db ,
& bc ,
b3 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
vec! [ Receipt {
outcome : TransactionOutcome ::StateRoot ( H256 ::default ( ) ) ,
gas_used : 10_000. into ( ) ,
log_bloom : Default ::default ( ) ,
logs : vec ! [ LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 5 ] ,
} ] ,
} ] ,
) ;
// when
let logs1 = bc . logs ( vec! [ b1_hash , b2_hash ] , | _ | true , None ) ;
let logs2 = bc . logs ( vec! [ b1_hash , b2_hash ] , | _ | true , Some ( 1 ) ) ;
let logs3 = bc . logs ( vec! [ b3_hash ] , | _ | true , None ) ;
// then
assert_eq! (
logs1 ,
vec! [
LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 1 ]
} ,
block_hash : b1_hash ,
block_number : b1_number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash1 ,
transaction_index : 0 ,
transaction_log_index : 0 ,
log_index : 0 ,
} ,
LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 2 ]
} ,
block_hash : b1_hash ,
block_number : b1_number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash1 ,
transaction_index : 0 ,
transaction_log_index : 1 ,
log_index : 1 ,
} ,
LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 3 ]
} ,
block_hash : b1_hash ,
block_number : b1_number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash2 ,
transaction_index : 1 ,
transaction_log_index : 0 ,
log_index : 2 ,
} ,
LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 4 ]
} ,
block_hash : b2_hash ,
block_number : b2_number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash3 ,
transaction_index : 0 ,
transaction_log_index : 0 ,
log_index : 0 ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
logs2 ,
vec! [ LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 4 ]
} ,
block_hash : b2_hash ,
block_number : b2_number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash3 ,
transaction_index : 0 ,
transaction_log_index : 0 ,
log_index : 0 ,
} ]
) ;
assert_eq! (
logs3 ,
vec! [ LocalizedLogEntry {
entry : LogEntry {
address : Default ::default ( ) ,
topics : vec ! [ ] ,
data : vec ! [ 5 ]
} ,
block_hash : b3_hash ,
block_number : b3_number ,
transaction_hash : tx_hash4 ,
transaction_index : 0 ,
transaction_log_index : 0 ,
log_index : 0 ,
} ]
) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_bloom_filter_simple ( ) {
let bloom_b1 : Bloom = " 00000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000400000000000000000000002000 " . into ( ) ;
let bloom_b2 : Bloom = " 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " . into ( ) ;
let bloom_ba : Bloom = " 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " . into ( ) ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1 = genesis . add_block_with ( | | BlockOptions {
bloom : bloom_b1 . clone ( ) ,
difficulty : 9. into ( ) ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ) ;
let b2 = b1 . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_b2 ) ;
let b3 = b2 . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_ba ) ;
let b1a = genesis . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_ba ) ;
let b2a = b1a . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_ba ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
assert! ( blocks_b1 . is_empty ( ) ) ;
assert! ( blocks_b2 . is_empty ( ) ) ;
insert_block ( & db , & bc , b1 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b1 , vec! [ 1 ] ) ;
assert! ( blocks_b2 . is_empty ( ) ) ;
insert_block ( & db , & bc , b2 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b1 , vec! [ 1 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b2 , vec! [ 2 ] ) ;
// hasn't been forked yet
insert_block ( & db , & bc , b1a . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_ba = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_ba ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b1 , vec! [ 1 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b2 , vec! [ 2 ] ) ;
assert! ( blocks_ba . is_empty ( ) ) ;
// fork has happend
insert_block ( & db , & bc , b2a . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_ba = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_ba ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
assert! ( blocks_b1 . is_empty ( ) ) ;
assert! ( blocks_b2 . is_empty ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_ba , vec! [ 1 , 2 ] ) ;
// fork back
insert_block ( & db , & bc , b3 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
let blocks_ba = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_ba ) , 0 , 5 ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b1 , vec! [ 1 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b2 , vec! [ 2 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_ba , vec! [ 3 ] ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_insert_unordered ( ) {
let bloom_b1 : Bloom = " 00000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000400000000000000000000002000 " . into ( ) ;
let bloom_b2 : Bloom = " 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " . into ( ) ;
let bloom_b3 : Bloom = " 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " . into ( ) ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let b1 = genesis . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_b1 ) ;
let b2 = b1 . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_b2 ) ;
let b3 = b2 . add_block_with_bloom ( bloom_b3 ) ;
let b1_total_difficulty = genesis . last ( ) . difficulty ( ) + b1 . last ( ) . difficulty ( ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
bc . insert_unordered_block (
& mut batch ,
b2 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) ,
vec! [ ] ,
Some ( b1_total_difficulty ) ,
false ,
false ,
) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
bc . insert_unordered_block ( & mut batch , b3 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] , None , true , false ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
bc . insert_unordered_block ( & mut batch , b1 . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] , None , false , false ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , b3 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 1 ) . unwrap ( ) , b1 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 2 ) . unwrap ( ) , b2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 3 ) . unwrap ( ) , b3 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
let blocks_b1 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b1 ) , 0 , 3 ) ;
let blocks_b2 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b2 ) , 0 , 3 ) ;
let blocks_b3 = bc . blocks_with_bloom ( Some ( & bloom_b3 ) , 0 , 3 ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b1 , vec! [ 1 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b2 , vec! [ 2 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( blocks_b3 , vec! [ 3 ] ) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_best_block_update ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let next_5 = genesis . add_blocks ( 5 ) ;
let uncle = genesis . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let generator = BlockGenerator ::new ( iter ::once ( next_5 ) ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
// create a longer fork
for block in generator {
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , block . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 5 ) ;
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , uncle . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
// re-loading the blockchain should load the correct best block.
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 5 ) ;
#[ test ]
fn epoch_transitions_iter ( ) {
use common_types ::engines ::epoch ::Transition as EpochTransition ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let next_5 = genesis . add_blocks ( 5 ) ;
let uncle = genesis . add_block_with_difficulty ( 9 ) ;
let generator = BlockGenerator ::new ( iter ::once ( next_5 ) ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
// create a longer fork
for ( i , block ) in generator . into_iter ( ) . enumerate ( ) {
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , block . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . insert_epoch_transition (
& mut batch ,
i as u64 ,
EpochTransition {
block_hash : block . hash ( ) ,
block_number : i as u64 + 1 ,
proof : vec ! [ ] ,
} ,
) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 5 ) ;
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , uncle . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . insert_epoch_transition (
& mut batch ,
999 ,
EpochTransition {
block_hash : uncle . last ( ) . hash ( ) ,
block_number : 1 ,
proof : vec ! [ ] ,
} ,
) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
// epoch 999 not in canonical chain.
assert_eq! (
bc . epoch_transitions ( ) . map ( | ( i , _ ) | i ) . collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
vec! [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
) ;
// re-loading the blockchain should load the correct best block.
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 5 ) ;
assert_eq! (
bc . epoch_transitions ( ) . map ( | ( i , _ ) | i ) . collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ,
vec! [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
) ;
#[ test ]
fn epoch_transition_for ( ) {
use common_types ::engines ::epoch ::Transition as EpochTransition ;
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let fork_7 = genesis . add_blocks_with ( 7 , | | BlockOptions {
difficulty : 9. into ( ) ,
.. Default ::default ( )
} ) ;
let next_10 = genesis . add_blocks ( 10 ) ;
let fork_generator = BlockGenerator ::new ( iter ::once ( fork_7 ) ) ;
let next_generator = BlockGenerator ::new ( iter ::once ( next_10 ) ) ;
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
bc . insert_epoch_transition (
& mut batch ,
0 ,
EpochTransition {
block_hash : bc . genesis_hash ( ) ,
block_number : 0 ,
proof : vec ! [ ] ,
} ,
) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// set up a chain where we have a canonical chain of 10 blocks
// and a non-canonical fork of 8 from genesis.
let fork_hash = {
for block in fork_generator {
insert_block ( & db , & bc , block . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 7 ) ;
bc . chain_info ( ) . best_block_hash
} ;
for block in next_generator {
insert_block ( & db , & bc , block . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_number ( ) , 10 ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
bc . insert_epoch_transition (
& mut batch ,
4 ,
EpochTransition {
block_hash : bc . block_hash ( 4 ) . unwrap ( ) ,
block_number : 4 ,
proof : vec ! [ ] ,
} ,
) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// blocks where the parent is one of the first 4 will be part of genesis epoch.
for i in 0 .. 4 {
let hash = bc . block_hash ( i ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . epoch_transition_for ( hash ) . unwrap ( ) . block_number , 0 ) ;
// blocks where the parent is the transition at 4 or after will be
// part of that epoch.
for i in 4 .. 11 {
let hash = bc . block_hash ( i ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . epoch_transition_for ( hash ) . unwrap ( ) . block_number , 4 ) ;
let fork_hashes = bc . ancestry_iter ( fork_hash ) . unwrap ( ) . collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( fork_hashes . len ( ) , 8 ) ;
// non-canonical fork blocks should all have genesis transition
for fork_hash in fork_hashes {
assert_eq! ( bc . epoch_transition_for ( fork_hash ) . unwrap ( ) . block_number , 0 ) ;
#[ test ]
fn tree_rout_with_finalization ( ) {
let genesis = BlockBuilder ::genesis ( ) ;
let a = genesis . add_block ( ) ;
// First branch
let a1 = a . add_block_with_random_transactions ( ) ;
let a2 = a1 . add_block_with_random_transactions ( ) ;
let a3 = a2 . add_block_with_random_transactions ( ) ;
// Second branch
let b1 = a . add_block_with_random_transactions ( ) ;
let b2 = b1 . add_block_with_random_transactions ( ) ;
let a_hash = a . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let a1_hash = a1 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let a2_hash = a2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let a3_hash = a3 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let b2_hash = b2 . last ( ) . hash ( ) ;
let bootstrap_chain = | blocks : Vec < & BlockBuilder > | {
let db = new_db ( ) ;
let bc = new_chain ( genesis . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , db . clone ( ) ) ;
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
for block in blocks {
insert_block_batch ( & mut batch , & bc , block . last ( ) . encoded ( ) , vec! [ ] ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
( db , bc )
} ;
let mark_finalized = | block_hash : H256 , db : & Arc < dyn BlockChainDB > , bc : & BlockChain | {
let mut batch = db . key_value ( ) . transaction ( ) ;
bc . mark_finalized ( & mut batch , block_hash ) . unwrap ( ) ;
bc . commit ( ) ;
db . key_value ( ) . write ( batch ) . unwrap ( ) ;
} ;
// Case 1: fork, with finalized common ancestor
let ( db , bc ) = bootstrap_chain ( vec! [ & a , & a1 , & a2 , & a3 , & b1 , & b2 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , a3_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 2 ) . unwrap ( ) , a1_hash ) ;
mark_finalized ( a_hash , & db , & bc ) ;
assert! (
! bc . tree_route ( a3_hash , b2_hash )
. unwrap ( )
. is_from_route_finalized
) ;
assert! (
! bc . tree_route ( b2_hash , a3_hash )
. unwrap ( )
. is_from_route_finalized
) ;
// Case 2: fork with a finalized block on a branch
let ( db , bc ) = bootstrap_chain ( vec! [ & a , & a1 , & a2 , & a3 , & b1 , & b2 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , a3_hash ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . block_hash ( 2 ) . unwrap ( ) , a1_hash ) ;
mark_finalized ( a2_hash , & db , & bc ) ;
assert! (
bc . tree_route ( a3_hash , b2_hash )
. unwrap ( )
. is_from_route_finalized
) ;
assert! (
! bc . tree_route ( b2_hash , a3_hash )
. unwrap ( )
. is_from_route_finalized
) ;
// Case 3: no-fork, with a finalized block
let ( db , bc ) = bootstrap_chain ( vec! [ & a , & a1 , & a2 ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( bc . best_block_hash ( ) , a2_hash ) ;
mark_finalized ( a1_hash , & db , & bc ) ;
assert! (
! bc . tree_route ( a1_hash , a2_hash )
. unwrap ( )
. is_from_route_finalized
) ;
assert! (
! bc . tree_route ( a2_hash , a1_hash )
. unwrap ( )
. is_from_route_finalized
) ;
2015-12-17 17:20:10 +01:00