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// Copyright 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! rpc integration tests.
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use ethcore::client::{BlockChainClient, Client, ClientConfig};
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
use ethcore::ids::BlockID;
use ethcore::spec::{Genesis, Spec};
use ethcore::block::Block;
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
use ethcore::views::BlockView;
use ethcore::ethereum;
use ethcore::miner::{MinerOptions, Banning, GasPricer, MinerService, ExternalMiner, Miner, PendingSet, PrioritizationStrategy, GasLimit};
use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider;
use devtools::RandomTempPath;
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
use util::Hashable;
use io::IoChannel;
use util::{U256, H256, Uint, Address};
use jsonrpc_core::IoHandler;
use ethjson::blockchain::BlockChain;
use v1::impls::{EthClient, EthSigningUnsafeClient};
use v1::types::U256 as NU256;
use v1::traits::eth::Eth;
use v1::traits::eth_signing::EthSigning;
use v1::tests::helpers::{TestSnapshotService, TestSyncProvider, Config};
fn account_provider() -> Arc<AccountProvider> {
fn sync_provider() -> Arc<TestSyncProvider> {
Arc::new(TestSyncProvider::new(Config {
network_id: 3,
num_peers: 120,
fn miner_service(spec: &Spec, accounts: Arc<AccountProvider>) -> Arc<Miner> {
MinerOptions {
new_work_notify: vec![],
force_sealing: true,
reseal_on_external_tx: true,
reseal_on_own_tx: true,
tx_queue_size: 1024,
2016-06-28 10:40:35 +02:00
tx_gas_limit: !U256::zero(),
tx_queue_strategy: PrioritizationStrategy::GasPriceOnly,
tx_queue_gas_limit: GasLimit::None,
tx_queue_banning: Banning::Disabled,
2016-06-27 19:16:26 +02:00
pending_set: PendingSet::SealingOrElseQueue,
reseal_min_period: Duration::from_secs(0),
work_queue_size: 50,
enable_resubmission: true,
2016-07-09 16:39:59 +02:00
fn snapshot_service() -> Arc<TestSnapshotService> {
fn make_spec(chain: &BlockChain) -> Spec {
let genesis = Genesis::from(chain.genesis());
let mut spec = ethereum::new_frontier_test();
let state = chain.pre_state.clone().into();
struct EthTester {
2016-06-01 13:03:26 +02:00
client: Arc<Client>,
_miner: Arc<MinerService>,
_snapshot: Arc<TestSnapshotService>,
accounts: Arc<AccountProvider>,
handler: IoHandler,
impl EthTester {
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
fn from_chain(chain: &BlockChain) -> Self {
let tester = Self::from_spec(make_spec(chain));
for b in &chain.blocks_rlp() {
if Block::is_good(&b) {
let _ = tester.client.import_block(b.clone());
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
assert!(tester.client.chain_info().best_block_hash == chain.best_block.clone().into());
fn from_spec(spec: Spec) -> Self {
let dir = RandomTempPath::new();
let account_provider = account_provider();
let miner_service = miner_service(&spec, account_provider.clone());
let snapshot_service = snapshot_service();
let db_config = ::util::kvdb::DatabaseConfig::with_columns(::ethcore::db::NUM_COLUMNS);
let client = Client::new(
2016-06-01 13:03:26 +02:00
let sync_provider = sync_provider();
let external_miner = Arc::new(ExternalMiner::default());
2016-05-31 21:50:25 +02:00
let eth_client = EthClient::new(
2016-05-31 21:50:25 +02:00
2016-05-31 21:50:25 +02:00
let eth_sign = EthSigningUnsafeClient::new(
let handler = IoHandler::new();
EthTester {
_miner: miner_service,
_snapshot: snapshot_service,
client: client,
accounts: account_provider,
handler: handler,
fn harness_works() {
let chain: BlockChain = extract_chain!("BlockchainTests/bcUncleTest");
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let _ = EthTester::from_chain(&chain);
fn eth_get_balance() {
let chain = extract_chain!("BlockchainTests/bcWalletTest", "wallet2outOf3txs");
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let tester = EthTester::from_chain(&chain);
// final account state
let req_latest = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": ["0xaaaf5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebaaa", "latest"],
"id": 1
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
let res_latest = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x9","id":1}"#.to_owned();
assert_eq!(tester.handler.handle_request_sync(req_latest).unwrap(), res_latest);
// non-existant account
let req_new_acc = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBalance",
"params": ["0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"],
"id": 3
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
let res_new_acc = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0","id":3}"#.to_owned();
assert_eq!(tester.handler.handle_request_sync(req_new_acc).unwrap(), res_new_acc);
fn eth_block_number() {
let chain = extract_chain!("BlockchainTests/bcRPC_API_Test");
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let tester = EthTester::from_chain(&chain);
let req_number = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_blockNumber",
"params": [],
"id": 1
let res_number = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x20","id":1}"#.to_owned();
assert_eq!(tester.handler.handle_request_sync(req_number).unwrap(), res_number);
// a frontier-like test with an expanded gas limit and balance on known account.
const TRANSACTION_COUNT_SPEC: &'static [u8] = br#"{
"name": "Frontier (Test)",
"engine": {
"Ethash": {
"params": {
"gasLimitBoundDivisor": "0x0400",
"minimumDifficulty": "0x020000",
"difficultyBoundDivisor": "0x0800",
"durationLimit": "0x0d",
"blockReward": "0x4563918244F40000",
"registrar" : "0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b",
"homesteadTransition": "0xffffffffffffffff",
"daoHardforkTransition": "0xffffffffffffffff",
"daoHardforkBeneficiary": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"daoHardforkAccounts": []
"params": {
"accountStartNonce": "0x00",
"maximumExtraDataSize": "0x20",
"minGasLimit": "0x50000",
"networkID" : "0x1"
"genesis": {
"seal": {
"ethereum": {
"nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
"mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"difficulty": "0x400000000",
"author": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"timestamp": "0x00",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"extraData": "0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa",
"gasLimit": "0x50000"
"accounts": {
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": { "builtin": { "name": "ecrecover", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 3000, "word": 0 } } } },
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": { "builtin": { "name": "sha256", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 60, "word": 12 } } } },
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": { "builtin": { "name": "ripemd160", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 600, "word": 120 } } } },
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000004": { "builtin": { "name": "identity", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 15, "word": 3 } } } },
"faa34835af5c2ea724333018a515fbb7d5bc0b33": { "balance": "10000000000000", "nonce": "0" }
const POSITIVE_NONCE_SPEC: &'static [u8] = br#"{
"name": "Frontier (Test)",
"engine": {
"Ethash": {
"params": {
"gasLimitBoundDivisor": "0x0400",
"minimumDifficulty": "0x020000",
"difficultyBoundDivisor": "0x0800",
"durationLimit": "0x0d",
"blockReward": "0x4563918244F40000",
"registrar" : "0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b",
"homesteadTransition": "0xffffffffffffffff",
"daoHardforkTransition": "0xffffffffffffffff",
"daoHardforkBeneficiary": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"daoHardforkAccounts": []
"params": {
"accountStartNonce": "0x0100",
"maximumExtraDataSize": "0x20",
"minGasLimit": "0x50000",
"networkID" : "0x1"
"genesis": {
"seal": {
"ethereum": {
"nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
"mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"difficulty": "0x400000000",
"author": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"timestamp": "0x00",
"parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"extraData": "0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa",
"gasLimit": "0x50000"
"accounts": {
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000001": { "builtin": { "name": "ecrecover", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 3000, "word": 0 } } } },
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000002": { "builtin": { "name": "sha256", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 60, "word": 12 } } } },
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000003": { "builtin": { "name": "ripemd160", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 600, "word": 120 } } } },
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000004": { "builtin": { "name": "identity", "pricing": { "linear": { "base": 15, "word": 3 } } } },
"faa34835af5c2ea724333018a515fbb7d5bc0b33": { "balance": "10000000000000", "nonce": "0" }
fn eth_transaction_count() {
let secret = "8a283037bb19c4fed7b1c569e40c7dcff366165eb869110a1b11532963eb9cb2".into();
2016-09-07 10:36:18 +02:00
let tester = EthTester::from_spec(Spec::load(TRANSACTION_COUNT_SPEC).expect("invalid chain spec"));
let address = tester.accounts.insert_account(secret, "").unwrap();
tester.accounts.unlock_account_permanently(address, "".into()).unwrap();
let req_before = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getTransactionCount",
"params": [""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", address).as_ref() + r#"", "latest"],
"id": 15
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
let res_before = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0","id":15}"#;
assert_eq!(tester.handler.handle_request_sync(&req_before).unwrap(), res_before);
let req_send_trans = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_sendTransaction",
"params": [{
"from": ""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", address).as_ref() + r#"",
"to": "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567",
"gas": "0x30000",
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
"gasPrice": "0x1",
"value": "0x9184e72a"
"id": 16
// dispatch the transaction.
// we have submitted the transaction -- but this shouldn't be reflected in a "latest" query.
let req_after_latest = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getTransactionCount",
"params": [""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", address).as_ref() + r#"", "latest"],
"id": 17
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
let res_after_latest = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0","id":17}"#;
assert_eq!(&tester.handler.handle_request_sync(&req_after_latest).unwrap(), res_after_latest);
// the pending transactions should have been updated.
let req_after_pending = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getTransactionCount",
"params": [""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", address).as_ref() + r#"", "pending"],
"id": 18
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
let res_after_pending = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x1","id":18}"#;
assert_eq!(&tester.handler.handle_request_sync(&req_after_pending).unwrap(), res_after_pending);
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
fn verify_transaction_counts(name: String, chain: BlockChain) {
struct PanicHandler(String);
impl Drop for PanicHandler {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if ::std::thread::panicking() {
println!("Test failed: {}", self.0);
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let _panic = PanicHandler(name);
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
fn by_hash(hash: H256, count: usize, id: &mut usize) -> (String, String) {
let req = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
"method": "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash",
"params": [
""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", hash).as_ref() + r#""
"id": "# + format!("{}", *id).as_ref() + r#"
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let res = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":""#.to_owned()
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
+ format!("0x{:x}", count).as_ref()
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
+ r#"","id":"#
+ format!("{}", *id).as_ref() + r#"}"#;
*id += 1;
(req, res)
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
fn by_number(num: u64, count: usize, id: &mut usize) -> (String, String) {
let req = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
"method": "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber",
"params": [
"#.to_owned() + &::serde_json::to_string(&NU256::from(num)).unwrap() + r#"
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
"id": "# + format!("{}", *id).as_ref() + r#"
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let res = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":""#.to_owned()
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
+ format!("0x{:x}", count).as_ref()
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
+ r#"","id":"#
+ format!("{}", *id).as_ref() + r#"}"#;
*id += 1;
(req, res)
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let tester = EthTester::from_chain(&chain);
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let mut id = 1;
for b in chain.blocks_rlp().iter().filter(|b| Block::is_good(b)).map(|b| BlockView::new(b)) {
let count = b.transactions_count();
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let hash = b.sha3();
let number = b.header_view().number();
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
let (req, res) = by_hash(hash, count, &mut id);
assert_eq!(tester.handler.handle_request_sync(&req), Some(res));
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
// uncles can share block numbers, so skip them.
if tester.client.block_hash(BlockID::Number(number)) == Some(hash) {
let (req, res) = by_number(number, count, &mut id);
assert_eq!(tester.handler.handle_request_sync(&req), Some(res));
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
fn starting_nonce_test() {
2016-09-07 10:36:18 +02:00
let tester = EthTester::from_spec(Spec::load(POSITIVE_NONCE_SPEC).expect("invalid chain spec"));
let address = Address::from(10);
let sample = tester.handler.handle_request_sync(&(r#"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getTransactionCount",
"params": [""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", address).as_ref() + r#"", "latest"],
"id": 15
2016-09-02 11:38:16 +02:00
assert_eq!(r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x100","id":15}"#, &sample);
2016-05-31 19:30:40 +02:00
register_test!(eth_transaction_count_1, verify_transaction_counts, "BlockchainTests/bcWalletTest");
register_test!(eth_transaction_count_2, verify_transaction_counts, "BlockchainTests/bcTotalDifficultyTest");
2016-06-01 12:54:47 +02:00
register_test!(eth_transaction_count_3, verify_transaction_counts, "BlockchainTests/bcGasPricerTest");