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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Light client implementation. Stores data from light sync
use std::sync::{Weak, Arc};
2017-02-09 19:58:29 +01:00
2016-12-05 17:09:05 +01:00
use ethcore::block_status::BlockStatus;
use ethcore::client::{ClientReport, EnvInfo};
use ethcore::engines::{epoch, EthEngine, EpochChange, EpochTransition, Proof};
use ethcore::machine::EthereumMachine;
use ethcore::error::BlockImportError;
use ethcore::ids::BlockId;
use ethcore::header::{BlockNumber, Header};
use ethcore::verification::queue::{self, HeaderQueue};
2016-12-05 17:09:05 +01:00
use ethcore::blockchain_info::BlockChainInfo;
use ethcore::spec::Spec;
use ethcore::service::ClientIoMessage;
2016-12-28 15:53:11 +01:00
use ethcore::encoded;
use io::IoChannel;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256};
use futures::{IntoFuture, Future};
use kvdb::{self, KeyValueDB};
use self::fetch::ChainDataFetcher;
use self::header_chain::{AncestryIter, HeaderChain};
2017-04-05 13:50:11 +02:00
use cache::Cache;
pub use self::service::Service;
2016-12-12 22:59:05 +01:00
mod header_chain;
mod service;
2016-12-12 22:59:05 +01:00
pub mod fetch;
/// Configuration for the light client.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
/// Verification queue config.
pub queue: queue::Config,
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
/// Chain column in database.
pub chain_column: Option<u32>,
/// Should it do full verification of blocks?
pub verify_full: bool,
/// Should it check the seal of blocks?
pub check_seal: bool,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
queue: Default::default(),
chain_column: None,
verify_full: true,
check_seal: true,
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
/// Trait for interacting with the header chain abstractly.
pub trait LightChainClient: Send + Sync {
/// Adds a new `LightChainNotify` listener.
fn add_listener(&self, listener: Weak<LightChainNotify>);
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
/// Get chain info.
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo;
/// Queue header to be verified. Required that all headers queued have their
/// parent queued prior.
fn queue_header(&self, header: Header) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError>;
/// Attempt to get a block hash by block id.
fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<H256>;
/// Attempt to get block header by block id.
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header>;
2017-02-13 16:49:01 +01:00
/// Get the best block header.
fn best_block_header(&self) -> encoded::Header;
/// Get a block's chain score by ID.
fn score(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<U256>;
/// Get an iterator over a block and its ancestry.
fn ancestry_iter<'a>(&'a self, start: BlockId) -> Box<Iterator<Item=encoded::Header> + 'a>;
/// Get the signing chain ID.
fn signing_chain_id(&self) -> Option<u64>;
/// Get environment info for execution at a given block.
/// Fails if that block's header is not stored.
fn env_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<EnvInfo>;
/// Get a handle to the consensus engine.
fn engine(&self) -> &Arc<EthEngine>;
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
/// Query whether a block is known.
fn is_known(&self, hash: &H256) -> bool;
/// Clear the queue.
fn clear_queue(&self);
/// Flush the queue.
fn flush_queue(&self);
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
/// Get queue info.
fn queue_info(&self) -> queue::QueueInfo;
/// Get the `i`th CHT root.
fn cht_root(&self, i: usize) -> Option<H256>;
/// Get the EIP-86 transition block number.
fn eip86_transition(&self) -> BlockNumber;
/// Get a report of import activity since the last call.
fn report(&self) -> ClientReport;
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
/// An actor listening to light chain events.
pub trait LightChainNotify: Send + Sync {
/// Notifies about imported headers.
fn new_headers(&self, good: &[H256]);
/// Something which can be treated as a `LightChainClient`.
pub trait AsLightClient {
/// The kind of light client this can be treated as.
type Client: LightChainClient;
/// Access the underlying light client.
fn as_light_client(&self) -> &Self::Client;
impl<T: LightChainClient> AsLightClient for T {
type Client = Self;
fn as_light_client(&self) -> &Self { self }
/// Light client implementation.
pub struct Client<T> {
queue: HeaderQueue,
engine: Arc<EthEngine>,
chain: HeaderChain,
report: RwLock<ClientReport>,
2016-12-16 23:53:20 +01:00
import_lock: Mutex<()>,
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
db: Arc<KeyValueDB>,
listeners: RwLock<Vec<Weak<LightChainNotify>>>,
fetcher: T,
verify_full: bool,
impl<T: ChainDataFetcher> Client<T> {
/// Create a new `Client`.
pub fn new(
config: Config,
db: Arc<KeyValueDB>,
chain_col: Option<u32>,
spec: &Spec,
fetcher: T,
io_channel: IoChannel<ClientIoMessage>,
cache: Arc<Mutex<Cache>>
) -> Result<Self, kvdb::Error> {
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
Ok(Client {
queue: HeaderQueue::new(config.queue, spec.engine.clone(), io_channel, config.check_seal),
2017-02-09 19:58:29 +01:00
engine: spec.engine.clone(),
chain: HeaderChain::new(db.clone(), chain_col, &spec, cache)?,
report: RwLock::new(ClientReport::default()),
2016-12-16 23:53:20 +01:00
import_lock: Mutex::new(()),
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
db: db,
listeners: RwLock::new(vec![]),
fetcher: fetcher,
verify_full: config.verify_full,
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
/// Adds a new `LightChainNotify` listener.
pub fn add_listener(&self, listener: Weak<LightChainNotify>) {
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
/// Import a header to the queue for additional verification.
pub fn import_header(&self, header: Header) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError> {
/// Inquire about the status of a given header.
pub fn status(&self, hash: &H256) -> BlockStatus {
match self.queue.status(hash) {
queue::Status::Unknown => self.chain.status(hash),
other => other.into(),
/// Get the chain info.
pub fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
2017-02-04 17:19:39 +01:00
let best_hdr = self.chain.best_header();
let best_td = self.chain.best_block().total_difficulty;
let first_block = self.chain.first_block();
let genesis_hash = self.chain.genesis_hash();
BlockChainInfo {
2017-02-04 17:19:39 +01:00
total_difficulty: best_td,
pending_total_difficulty: best_td + self.queue.total_difficulty(),
genesis_hash: genesis_hash,
2017-02-04 17:19:39 +01:00
best_block_hash: best_hdr.hash(),
best_block_number: best_hdr.number(),
best_block_timestamp: best_hdr.timestamp(),
ancient_block_hash: if first_block.is_some() { Some(genesis_hash) } else { None },
ancient_block_number: if first_block.is_some() { Some(0) } else { None },
first_block_hash: first_block.as_ref().map(|first| first.hash),
first_block_number: first_block.as_ref().map(|first| first.number),
2016-10-27 15:45:59 +02:00
/// Get the header queue info.
pub fn queue_info(&self) -> queue::QueueInfo {
/// Attempt to get a block hash by block id.
pub fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<H256> {
/// Get a block header by Id.
pub fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header> {
2017-02-13 16:49:01 +01:00
/// Get the best block header.
pub fn best_block_header(&self) -> encoded::Header {
/// Get a block's chain score.
pub fn score(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<U256> {
/// Get an iterator over a block and its ancestry.
pub fn ancestry_iter(&self, start: BlockId) -> AncestryIter {
/// Get the signing chain id.
pub fn signing_chain_id(&self) -> Option<u64> {
/// Flush the header queue.
pub fn flush_queue(&self) {
/// Get the `i`th CHT root.
pub fn cht_root(&self, i: usize) -> Option<H256> {
/// Import a set of pre-verified headers from the queue.
pub fn import_verified(&self) {
const MAX: usize = 256;
2016-12-16 23:53:20 +01:00
let _lock = self.import_lock.lock();
let mut bad = Vec::new();
let mut good = Vec::new();
for verified_header in self.queue.drain(MAX) {
2016-12-16 23:53:20 +01:00
let (num, hash) = (verified_header.number(), verified_header.hash());
trace!(target: "client", "importing block {}", num);
if self.verify_full && !self.check_header(&mut bad, &verified_header) {
let write_proof_result = match self.check_epoch_signal(&verified_header) {
Ok(Some(proof)) => self.write_pending_proof(&verified_header, proof),
Ok(None) => Ok(()),
Err(e) =>
panic!("Unable to fetch epoch transition proof: {:?}", e),
if let Err(e) = write_proof_result {
warn!(target: "client", "Error writing pending transition proof to DB: {:?} \
The node may not be able to synchronize further.", e);
let epoch_proof = self.engine.is_epoch_end(
&|h| self.chain.block_header(BlockId::Hash(h)).map(|hdr| hdr.decode()),
&|h| self.chain.pending_transition(h),
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
let mut tx = self.db.transaction();
let pending = match self.chain.insert(&mut tx, verified_header, epoch_proof) {
Ok(pending) => {
good.push(hash); += 1;
Err(e) => {
debug!(target: "client", "Error importing header {:?}: {:?}", (num, hash), e);
2017-03-21 20:57:13 +01:00
if let Err(e) = self.db.flush() {
panic!("Database flush failed: {}. Check disk health and space.", e);
self.notify(|listener| listener.new_headers(&good));
/// Get a report about blocks imported.
pub fn report(&self) -> ClientReport {
2016-12-23 14:54:31 +01:00
/// Get blockchain mem usage in bytes.
pub fn chain_mem_used(&self) -> usize {
use heapsize::HeapSizeOf;
2016-12-23 14:54:31 +01:00
2017-02-09 19:58:29 +01:00
/// Get a handle to the verification engine.
pub fn engine(&self) -> &Arc<EthEngine> {
2017-02-09 19:58:29 +01:00
/// Get the latest environment info.
pub fn latest_env_info(&self) -> EnvInfo {
.expect("Best block header and recent hashes always stored; qed")
/// Get environment info for a given block.
pub fn env_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<EnvInfo> {
let header = match self.block_header(id) {
Some(hdr) => hdr,
None => return None,
Some(EnvInfo {
number: header.number(),
timestamp: header.timestamp(),
difficulty: header.difficulty(),
last_hashes: self.build_last_hashes(header.parent_hash()),
gas_used: Default::default(),
gas_limit: header.gas_limit(),
fn build_last_hashes(&self, mut parent_hash: H256) -> Arc<Vec<H256>> {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(256);
for _ in 0..255 {
match self.block_header(BlockId::Hash(parent_hash)) {
Some(header) => parent_hash = header.hash(),
None => break,
fn notify<F: Fn(&LightChainNotify)>(&self, f: F) {
for listener in &* {
if let Some(listener) = listener.upgrade() {
// return false if should skip, true otherwise. may push onto bad if
// should skip.
fn check_header(&self, bad: &mut Vec<H256>, verified_header: &Header) -> bool {
let hash = verified_header.hash();
let parent_header = match self.chain.block_header(BlockId::Hash(*verified_header.parent_hash())) {
Some(header) => header,
None => {
trace!(target: "client", "No parent for block ({}, {})",
verified_header.number(), hash);
return false // skip import of block with missing parent.
// Verify Block Family
let verify_family_result = self.engine.verify_block_family(&verified_header, &parent_header.decode());
if let Err(e) = verify_family_result {
warn!(target: "client", "Stage 3 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}",
verified_header.number(), verified_header.hash(), e);
return false;
// "external" verification.
let verify_external_result = self.engine.verify_block_external(&verified_header);
if let Err(e) = verify_external_result {
warn!(target: "client", "Stage 4 block verification failed for #{} ({})\nError: {:?}",
verified_header.number(), verified_header.hash(), e);
return false;
fn check_epoch_signal(&self, verified_header: &Header) -> Result<Option<Proof<EthereumMachine>>, T::Error> {
use ethcore::machine::{AuxiliaryRequest, AuxiliaryData};
let mut block: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
let mut receipts: Option<Vec<_>> = None;
loop {
let is_signal = {
let auxiliary = AuxiliaryData {
bytes: block.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]),
receipts: receipts.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]),
self.engine.signals_epoch_end(verified_header, auxiliary)
// check with any auxiliary data fetched so far
match is_signal {
EpochChange::No => return Ok(None),
EpochChange::Yes(proof) => return Ok(Some(proof)),
EpochChange::Unsure(unsure) => {
let (b, r) = match unsure {
AuxiliaryRequest::Body =>
(Some(self.fetcher.block_body(verified_header)), None),
AuxiliaryRequest::Receipts =>
(None, Some(self.fetcher.block_receipts(verified_header))),
AuxiliaryRequest::Both => (
if let Some(b) = b {
block = Some(b.into_future().wait()?.into_inner());
if let Some(r) = r {
receipts = Some(r.into_future().wait()?);
// attempts to fetch the epoch proof from the network until successful.
fn write_pending_proof(&self, header: &Header, proof: Proof<EthereumMachine>) -> Result<(), T::Error> {
let proof = match proof {
Proof::Known(known) => known,
Proof::WithState(state_dependent) => {
let mut batch = self.db.transaction();
self.chain.insert_pending_transition(&mut batch, header.hash(), epoch::PendingTransition {
proof: proof,
impl<T: ChainDataFetcher> LightChainClient for Client<T> {
fn add_listener(&self, listener: Weak<LightChainNotify>) {
Client::add_listener(self, listener)
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo { Client::chain_info(self) }
fn queue_header(&self, header: Header) -> Result<H256, BlockImportError> {
fn block_hash(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<H256> {
Client::block_hash(self, id)
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header> {
Client::block_header(self, id)
2017-02-13 16:49:01 +01:00
fn best_block_header(&self) -> encoded::Header {
fn score(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<U256> {
Client::score(self, id)
fn ancestry_iter<'a>(&'a self, start: BlockId) -> Box<Iterator<Item=encoded::Header> + 'a> {
Box::new(Client::ancestry_iter(self, start))
fn signing_chain_id(&self) -> Option<u64> {
fn env_info(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<EnvInfo> {
Client::env_info(self, id)
fn engine(&self) -> &Arc<EthEngine> {
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
fn is_known(&self, hash: &H256) -> bool {
self.status(hash) == BlockStatus::InChain
fn clear_queue(&self) {
fn flush_queue(&self) {
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
fn queue_info(&self) -> queue::QueueInfo {
fn cht_root(&self, i: usize) -> Option<H256> {
Client::cht_root(self, i)
fn eip86_transition(&self) -> BlockNumber {
fn report(&self) -> ClientReport {
2016-12-14 23:26:15 +01:00
impl<T: ChainDataFetcher> ::ethcore::client::EngineClient for Client<T> {
fn update_sealing(&self) { }
fn submit_seal(&self, _block_hash: H256, _seal: Vec<Vec<u8>>) { }
fn broadcast_consensus_message(&self, _message: Vec<u8>) { }
fn epoch_transition_for(&self, parent_hash: H256) -> Option<EpochTransition> {
self.chain.epoch_transition_for(parent_hash).map(|(hdr, proof)| EpochTransition {
block_hash: hdr.hash(),
block_number: hdr.number(),
proof: proof,
fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
fn as_full_client(&self) -> Option<&::ethcore::client::BlockChainClient> {
fn block_number(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<BlockNumber> {
self.block_header(id).map(|hdr| hdr.number())
Aura: Broadcast empty step messages instead of creating empty blocks (#7605) * aura: broadcast empty step message instead of sealing empty block * aura: add empty_step messages to seal * aura: include parent_hash in empty step message * aura: verify received empty step messages * aura: verify empty step messages in block * aura: fix dead lock on empty_steps * aura: fix EmptyStep Encodable * aura: take number of empty steps into account in chain score * aura: use empty step signers for finality * aura: add empty "empty step" messages to seal when reading from spec * aura: fix EmptyStep rlp encoding * aura: use Vec<u8> instead of Bytes * aura: fix block empty step verification * Update .gitlab-ci.yml fix lint * aura: fix accumulation of empty step signatures for finality * aura: include empty steps in seal signature * aura: configurable max number of empty steps * engine: pass block header to seal_fields method This is necessary to make the number of seal fields dynamic, e.g. activating a transition on a certain block number that changes the seal. * aura: add transition to enable empty step messages * aura: clear old empty step messages on verify_block_external * aura: ignore empty step messages from the future * aura: report skipped primaries when empty steps are not enabled * aura: fix tests * aura: report misbehavior * aura: add tests for rolling finality with multiple signatures * engine: fix validator set test In this test the block validation wasn't failing because the block was in the future (expected failure) but was instead failing because the author of the block isn't the expected authority. Since we added reporting of blocks produced by the wrong authority this test started failing. * aura: reward all the authors of empty step messages * aura: fix reward attribution for new blocks * aura: add tests for empty steps broadcasting and inclusion in blocks * aura: reduce size of empty step messages in seal * aura: add test for empty step inclusion in blocks * aura: add test for rewarding of empty steps * aura: add test for empty steps validation * aura: fix rlp encoding of sealed empty step * aura: fix grumbles
2018-02-15 01:39:29 +01:00
fn block_header(&self, id: BlockId) -> Option<encoded::Header> {
Client::block_header(self, id)