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// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Hyper Server Handler that fetches a file during a request (proxy).
use std::{fmt, mem};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use fetch::{self, Fetch};
use futures::sync::oneshot;
use futures::{self, Future};
use futures_cpupool::CpuPool;
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
use hyper::{self, StatusCode};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use endpoint::{self, EndpointPath};
use handlers::{ContentHandler, StreamingHandler};
use page::local;
2017-07-04 16:04:09 +02:00
use {Embeddable};
const FETCH_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(300);
pub enum ValidatorResponse {
pub trait ContentValidator: Sized + Send + 'static {
type Error: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display;
fn validate_and_install(self, fetch::Response) -> Result<ValidatorResponse, Self::Error>;
2016-12-15 14:46:10 +01:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FetchControl {
abort: Arc<AtomicBool>,
listeners: Arc<Mutex<Vec<oneshot::Sender<WaitResult>>>>,
deadline: Instant,
impl Default for FetchControl {
fn default() -> Self {
FetchControl {
abort: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
listeners: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())),
deadline: Instant::now() + FETCH_TIMEOUT,
impl FetchControl {
pub fn is_deadline_reached(&self) -> bool {
self.deadline < Instant::now()
pub fn abort(&self) {, Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn to_response(&self, path: EndpointPath) -> endpoint::Response {
let (tx, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
Box::new(WaitingHandler {
state: WaitState::Waiting(receiver),
2016-12-15 14:46:10 +01:00
fn notify<F: Fn() -> WaitResult>(&self, status: F) {
let mut listeners = self.listeners.lock();
for sender in listeners.drain(..) {
2016-12-15 14:46:10 +01:00
trace!(target: "dapps", "Resuming request waiting for content...");
if let Err(_) = sender.send(status()) {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Waiting listener notification failed.");
fn set_status(&self, status: &FetchState) {
match *status {
2016-12-15 14:46:10 +01:00
FetchState::Error(ref handler) => self.notify(|| WaitResult::Error(handler.clone())),
FetchState::Done(ref endpoint, _) => self.notify(|| WaitResult::Done(endpoint.clone())),
FetchState::Streaming(_) => self.notify(|| WaitResult::NonAwaitable),
FetchState::InProgress(_) => {},
FetchState::Empty => {},
enum WaitState {
enum WaitResult {
pub struct WaitingHandler {
2016-12-15 14:46:10 +01:00
path: EndpointPath,
state: WaitState,
impl Future for WaitingHandler {
type Item = hyper::Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
loop {
let new_state = match self.state {
WaitState::Waiting(ref mut receiver) => {
let result = try_ready!(receiver.poll().map_err(|_| hyper::Error::Timeout));
match result {
WaitResult::Error(handler) => {
return Ok(futures::Async::Ready(handler.into()));
WaitResult::NonAwaitable => {
let errors = Errors { embeddable_on: None };
return Ok(futures::Async::Ready(errors.streaming().into()));
WaitResult::Done(endpoint) => {
WaitState::Done(ref mut response) => {
return response.poll()
self.state = new_state;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Errors {
2017-07-04 16:04:09 +02:00
embeddable_on: Embeddable,
impl Errors {
fn streaming(&self) -> ContentHandler {
"Streaming Error",
"This content is being streamed in other place.",
fn download_error<E: fmt::Debug>(&self, e: E) -> ContentHandler {
"Download Error",
"There was an error when fetching the content.",
Some(&format!("{:?}", e)),
fn invalid_content<E: fmt::Debug>(&self, e: E) -> ContentHandler {
"Invalid Dapp",
"Downloaded bundle does not contain a valid content.",
Some(&format!("{:?}", e)),
fn timeout_error(&self) -> ContentHandler {
"Download Timeout",
&format!("Could not fetch content within {} seconds.", FETCH_TIMEOUT.as_secs()),
fn method_not_allowed(&self) -> ContentHandler {
"Method Not Allowed",
"Only <code>GET</code> requests are allowed.",
enum FetchState {
2017-11-14 11:38:17 +01:00
InProgress(Box<Future<Item=FetchState, Error=()> + Send>),
Done(local::Dapp, endpoint::Response),
impl fmt::Debug for FetchState {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::FetchState::*;
write!(fmt, "FetchState(")?;
match *self {
Error(ref error) => write!(fmt, "error: {:?}", error),
InProgress(_) => write!(fmt, "in progress"),
Streaming(ref res) => write!(fmt, "streaming: {:?}", res),
Done(ref endpoint, _) => write!(fmt, "done: {:?}", endpoint),
Empty => write!(fmt, "?"),
write!(fmt, ")")
pub struct ContentFetcherHandler {
fetch_control: FetchControl,
status: FetchState,
errors: Errors,
impl ContentFetcherHandler {
pub fn fetch_control(&self) -> FetchControl {
pub fn new<H: ContentValidator, F: Fetch>(
method: &hyper::Method,
url: &str,
2016-12-15 14:46:10 +01:00
path: EndpointPath,
installer: H,
2017-07-04 16:04:09 +02:00
embeddable_on: Embeddable,
fetch: F,
pool: CpuPool,
) -> Self {
let fetch_control = FetchControl::default();
let errors = Errors { embeddable_on };
// Validation of method
let status = match *method {
// Start fetching content
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
hyper::Method::Get => {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Fetching content from: {:?}", url);
// or return error
_ => FetchState::Error(errors.method_not_allowed()),
ContentFetcherHandler {
fn fetch_content<H: ContentValidator, F: Fetch>(
pool: CpuPool,
fetch: F,
url: &str,
abort: Arc<AtomicBool>,
path: EndpointPath,
errors: Errors,
installer: H,
2017-11-14 11:38:17 +01:00
) -> Box<Future<Item=FetchState, Error=()> + Send> {
// Start fetching the content
let pool2 = pool.clone();
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
let future = fetch.get(url, abort.into()).then(move |result| {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Fetching content finished. Starting validation: {:?}", result);
Ok(match result {
Ok(response) => match installer.validate_and_install(response) {
Ok(ValidatorResponse::Local(endpoint)) => {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Validation OK. Returning response.");
let response = endpoint.to_response(&path);
FetchState::Done(endpoint, response)
Ok(ValidatorResponse::Streaming(stream)) => {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Validation OK. Streaming response.");
let (reading, response) = stream.into_response();
Err(e) => {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Error while validating content: {:?}", e);
Err(e) => {
warn!(target: "dapps", "Unable to fetch content: {:?}", e);
// make sure to run within fetch thread pool.
impl Future for ContentFetcherHandler {
type Item = hyper::Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
loop {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Polling status: {:?}", self.status);
self.status = match mem::replace(&mut self.status, FetchState::Empty) {
FetchState::Error(error) => {
return Ok(futures::Async::Ready(error.into()));
FetchState::Streaming(response) => {
return Ok(futures::Async::Ready(response));
any => any,
let status = match self.status {
// Request may time out
FetchState::InProgress(_) if self.fetch_control.is_deadline_reached() => {
trace!(target: "dapps", "Fetching dapp failed because of timeout.");
FetchState::InProgress(ref mut receiver) => {
// Check if there is a response
trace!(target: "dapps", "Polling streaming response.");
try_ready!(receiver.poll().map_err(|err| {
warn!(target: "dapps", "Error while fetching response: {:?}", err);
FetchState::Done(_, ref mut response) => {
return response.poll()
FetchState::Empty => panic!("Future polled twice."),
_ => unreachable!(),
trace!(target: "dapps", "New status: {:?}", status);
self.status = status;