
Ignoring revisions in .git-blame-ignore-revs. Click here to bypass and see the normal blame view.

5231 lines
238 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "aes"
version = "0.3.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"aes-soft 0.3.3 (registry+",
"aesni 0.6.0 (registry+",
"block-cipher-trait 0.6.2 (registry+",
name = "aes-ctr"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"aes-soft 0.3.3 (registry+",
"aesni 0.6.0 (registry+",
"ctr 0.3.2 (registry+",
"stream-cipher 0.3.2 (registry+",
name = "aes-soft"
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-cipher-trait 0.6.2 (registry+",
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+",
name = "aesni"
version = "0.6.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-cipher-trait 0.6.2 (registry+",
"opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+",
"stream-cipher 0.3.2 (registry+",
name = "aho-corasick"
version = "0.6.10"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "aho-corasick"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.7.6"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ansi_term"
version = "0.10.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "ansi_term"
version = "0.11.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
name = "app_dirs"
version = "1.2.1"
source = "git+"
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
dependencies = [
"ole32-sys 0.2.0 (registry+",
"shell32-sys 0.1.2 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"xdg 2.2.0 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
name = "arrayref"
version = "0.3.5"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "arrayvec"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.12"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"nodrop 0.1.14 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "assert_matches"
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "atty"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.13"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "autocfg"
version = "0.1.7"
source = "registry+"
name = "backtrace"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.40"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"backtrace-sys 0.1.32 (registry+",
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rustc-demangle 0.1.16 (registry+",
name = "backtrace-sys"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.32"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cc 1.0.47 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "base-x"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.6"
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
source = "registry+"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "base64"
version = "0.9.3"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"safemem 0.3.3 (registry+",
name = "base64"
version = "0.10.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
name = "bincode"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
"num-traits 0.1.43 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "bit-set"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"bit-vec 0.4.4 (registry+",
name = "bit-vec"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.4.4"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "bitflags"
version = "0.7.0"
source = "registry+"
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
name = "bitflags"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.2.1"
source = "registry+"
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
name = "block-buffer"
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"arrayref 0.3.5 (registry+",
"byte-tools 0.2.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "block-buffer"
version = "0.7.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-padding 0.1.4 (registry+",
"byte-tools 0.3.1 (registry+",
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"generic-array 0.12.3 (registry+",
name = "block-cipher-trait"
version = "0.6.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"generic-array 0.12.3 (registry+",
name = "block-modes"
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-cipher-trait 0.6.2 (registry+",
"block-padding 0.1.4 (registry+",
name = "block-padding"
version = "0.1.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"byte-tools 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "blooms-db"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"criterion 0.3.0 (registry+",
"ethbloom 0.5.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
2017-03-22 02:01:46 +01:00
name = "bn"
2017-03-28 00:42:37 +02:00
version = "0.4.4"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
source = "git+"
dependencies = [
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"crunchy 0.2.2 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"rand 0.5.6 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
name = "bstr"
version = "0.2.8"
source = "registry+"
2017-03-22 02:01:46 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
"regex-automata 0.1.8 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
2017-03-22 02:01:46 +01:00
name = "byte-tools"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "byte-tools"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "byteorder"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.3.2"
source = "registry+"
2016-05-27 13:03:00 +02:00
2016-08-08 17:03:25 +02:00
name = "bytes"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.12"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
name = "c2-chacha"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"ppv-lite86 0.2.6 (registry+",
name = "cast"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "cc"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.47"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "cfg-if"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.10"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "chainspec"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ethjson 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
name = "chrono"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "cid"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.1"
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"integer-encoding 1.0.7 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
"multibase 0.6.0 (registry+",
"multihash 0.8.0 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "clap"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.33.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"atty 0.2.13 (registry+",
"bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+",
"strsim 0.8.0 (registry+",
"textwrap 0.11.0 (registry+",
"unicode-width 0.1.6 (registry+",
"vec_map 0.8.1 (registry+",
name = "cli-signer"
version = "1.4.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"parity-rpc 1.12.0",
"parity-rpc-client 1.4.0",
"rpassword 1.0.2 (registry+",
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
name = "cloudabi"
version = "0.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+",
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
2018-07-13 12:25:46 +02:00
name = "cmake"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.42"
2018-07-13 12:25:46 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cc 1.0.47 (registry+",
2018-07-13 12:25:46 +02:00
name = "common-types"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rlp_derive 0.1.0",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
"unexpected 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "constant_time_eq"
version = "0.1.4"
source = "registry+"
name = "criterion"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.11"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"atty 0.2.13 (registry+",
"cast 0.2.2 (registry+",
"clap 2.33.0 (registry+",
"criterion-plot 0.3.1 (registry+",
"csv 1.1.1 (registry+",
"itertools 0.8.1 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"rand_os 0.1.3 (registry+",
"rand_xoshiro 0.1.0 (registry+",
"rayon 1.2.0 (registry+",
"rayon-core 1.6.0 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tinytemplate 1.0.2 (registry+",
"walkdir 2.2.9 (registry+",
name = "criterion"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"atty 0.2.13 (registry+",
"cast 0.2.2 (registry+",
"clap 2.33.0 (registry+",
"criterion-plot 0.4.0 (registry+",
"csv 1.1.1 (registry+",
"itertools 0.8.1 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
"rand_os 0.2.2 (registry+",
"rand_xoshiro 0.3.1 (registry+",
"rayon 1.2.0 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tinytemplate 1.0.2 (registry+",
"walkdir 2.2.9 (registry+",
name = "criterion-plot"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"cast 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"itertools 0.8.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "criterion-plot"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cast 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"itertools 0.8.1 (registry+",
2018-12-11 13:30:21 +01:00
name = "crossbeam-deque"
version = "0.6.3"
2018-12-11 13:30:21 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crossbeam-epoch 0.7.2 (registry+",
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "crossbeam-deque"
version = "0.7.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crossbeam-epoch 0.7.2 (registry+",
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
name = "crossbeam-epoch"
version = "0.7.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"arrayvec 0.4.12 (registry+",
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"memoffset 0.5.2 (registry+",
"scopeguard 1.0.0 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "crossbeam-queue"
version = "0.1.2"
2018-12-11 13:30:21 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
2018-12-11 13:30:21 +01:00
name = "crossbeam-utils"
version = "0.6.6"
2018-12-11 13:30:21 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
2018-12-11 13:30:21 +01:00
2017-07-18 15:38:10 +02:00
name = "crunchy"
2017-08-22 17:05:28 +02:00
version = "0.1.6"
2017-07-18 15:38:10 +02:00
source = "registry+"
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
name = "crunchy"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "crypto-mac"
version = "0.6.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"constant_time_eq 0.1.4 (registry+",
"generic-array 0.9.0 (registry+",
name = "crypto-mac"
version = "0.7.0"
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"generic-array 0.12.3 (registry+",
"subtle 1.0.0 (registry+",
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
name = "csv"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bstr 0.2.8 (registry+",
"csv-core 0.1.6 (registry+",
"itoa 0.4.4 (registry+",
"ryu 1.0.2 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "csv-core"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
name = "ct-logs"
version = "0.5.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"sct 0.5.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "ctr"
version = "0.3.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-cipher-trait 0.6.2 (registry+",
"stream-cipher 0.3.2 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ctrlc"
2016-02-23 10:14:56 +01:00
version = "1.1.1"
source = "git+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
dependencies = [
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "derive_more"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.14.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
name = "difference"
version = "1.0.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "digest"
version = "0.7.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"generic-array 0.9.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "digest"
version = "0.8.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"generic-array 0.12.3 (registry+",
name = "dir"
version = "0.1.2"
dependencies = [
"app_dirs 1.2.1 (git+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"home 0.3.4 (registry+",
"journaldb 0.2.0",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "docopt"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.1.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"strsim 0.9.2 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "edit-distance"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.1.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "eip-152"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
name = "eip-712"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"failure 0.1.6 (registry+",
"indexmap 1.3.0 (registry+",
"itertools 0.7.11 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"lunarity-lexer 0.2.1 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"validator 0.8.0 (registry+",
"validator_derive 0.8.0 (registry+",
name = "either"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.5.3"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "elastic-array"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.10.2"
2017-04-19 15:35:12 +02:00
source = "registry+"
2016-10-26 13:53:47 +02:00
dependencies = [
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
2016-10-26 13:53:47 +02:00
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "enum_primitive"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"num-traits 0.1.43 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "env_logger"
version = "0.5.13"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"atty 0.2.13 (registry+",
"humantime 1.3.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"termcolor 1.0.5 (registry+",
2017-11-17 17:12:12 +01:00
name = "error-chain"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.12.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"backtrace 0.3.40 (registry+",
"version_check 0.1.5 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "eth-secp256k1"
2017-11-18 23:14:57 +01:00
version = "0.5.7"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
source = "git+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"arrayvec 0.4.12 (registry+",
"cc 1.0.47 (registry+",
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ethabi"
version = "6.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
name = "ethabi-contract"
version = "6.0.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "ethabi-derive"
version = "6.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"heck 0.3.1 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ethash"
version = "1.12.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"criterion 0.2.11 (registry+",
2017-08-22 17:05:28 +02:00
"crunchy 0.1.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"memmap 0.6.2 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"primal 0.2.3 (registry+",
ethash: implement Progpow (#9762) * ethash: initial implementation of progpow * progpow: use wrapping arithmetic * progpow: cleanup comments * progpow: fix keccak_f800 * progpow: reorder definitions * progpow: general fixing * progpow: add basic tests from geth * progpow: generate c_dag and add test * progpow: fix progpow_init and progpow_loop * progpow: fix and add new test * progpow: tabify * progpow: add shared testvectors from geth and aleth * progpow: add benchmarks * progpow: don't read bytes from dag * ethash: use criterion for progpow benchmarks * progpow: dont borrow hash on fnv1a_hash * progpow: don't borrow operand on progpow merge * progpow: hardcode dag lookup function we only support light verification anyway * progpow: read double words directly from the dag * progpow: inline some small functions * progpow: remove some bounds checking from the main loop * progpow: remove unreachable match cases * progpow: remove bounds check in keccak_f800_round * progpow: fix ptr::swap * progpow: force loop unroll in keccak_f800_round * progpow: remove unnecessary branching in progpow_loop * progpow: force loop unroll in fill_mix * progpow: silence unused warning * progpow: dont run last keccak_f800_round out of the loop rustc generates the same assembly, it unrolls the loop * progpow: fix output of keccak_f800_short * ethcore: support progpow in ethash engine * ethash: fix typo * ethcore, ethash: fix tests * json: fix ethash spec tests * ethash: update quick_get_difficulty for progpow * ethash: drop light cache on progpow transition block * ethash: fix quick_get_difficulty tests * progpow: update to spec v0.9.0 * progpow: update to spec v0.9.1 * progpow: update to spec v0.9.2 * ethash: rename progpow benchmarks * fix Cargo.lock bad merge * ethash: only export modules for benchmarks * ethash: progpow: remove unsafe unchecked indexing * ethash: create enum for pow algorithm * ethash: box the progpow cdag * ethash: skip slow progpow test vectors on ci * ethash: don't skip progpow test vectors they don't take too long when running in release mode which is the case for CI. * ethash: progpow: update copyright date Co-Authored-By: andresilva <> * ethcore: remove verification of ci-skip-tests on non-test builds
2019-02-20 10:05:11 +01:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ethbloom"
version = "0.5.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crunchy 0.1.6 (registry+",
"ethereum-types-serialize 0.2.2 (registry+",
"fixed-hash 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ethcore"
version = "1.12.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
"blooms-db 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"common-types 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"criterion 0.2.11 (registry+",
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
"eip-152 0.1.0",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethash 1.12.0",
"ethcore-accounts 0.1.0",
"ethcore-blockchain 0.1.0",
"ethcore-bloom-journal 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"ethcore-builtin 0.1.0",
"ethcore-call-contract 0.1.0",
"ethcore-db 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-miner 1.12.0",
"ethcore-stratum 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"evm 0.1.0",
"fetch 0.1.0",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"hex-literal 0.2.1 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"itertools 0.5.10 (registry+",
"journaldb 0.2.0",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hasher 0.1.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb-rocksdb 0.1.6 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"len-caching-lock 0.1.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
2019-03-29 13:25:15 +01:00
"lru-cache 0.1.2 (registry+",
"macros 0.1.0",
"memory-cache 0.1.0",
"memory-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parity-snappy 0.1.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"patricia-trie-ethereum 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"rayon 1.2.0 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rlp_compress 0.1.0",
"rlp_derive 0.1.0",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
2017-02-17 16:18:31 +01:00
"stats 0.1.0",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
"time-utils 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"trace-time 0.1.2 (registry+",
"trie-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"trie-standardmap 0.1.1 (registry+",
"triehash-ethereum 0.2.0",
"unexpected 0.1.0",
2017-07-29 17:12:07 +02:00
"using_queue 0.1.0",
"vm 0.1.0",
"wasm 0.1.0",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ethcore-accounts"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"ethstore 0.2.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-blockchain"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.11.0 (registry+",
"blooms-db 0.1.0",
"common-types 0.1.0",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethcore-db 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"itertools 0.5.10 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.6.5 (registry+",
"rayon 1.2.0 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rlp_compress 0.1.0",
"rlp_derive 0.1.0",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
"triehash-ethereum 0.2.0",
2016-09-29 12:19:39 +02:00
name = "ethcore-bloom-journal"
version = "0.1.0"
2016-10-21 11:57:30 +02:00
dependencies = [
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"siphasher 0.1.3 (registry+",
2016-10-21 11:57:30 +02:00
2016-09-29 12:19:39 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "ethcore-builtin"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"bn 0.4.4 (git+",
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"eip-152 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"hex-literal 0.2.1 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"macros 0.1.0",
"num 0.1.42 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-crypto 0.4.2 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-call-contract"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-db"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rlp_derive 0.1.0",
name = "ethcore-io"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"crossbeam-deque 0.6.3 (registry+",
"fnv 1.0.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
"timer 0.2.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
2016-12-07 13:52:45 +01:00
name = "ethcore-light"
version = "1.12.0"
2017-03-07 17:29:27 +01:00
dependencies = [
"bincode 0.8.0 (registry+",
"common-types 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-blockchain 0.1.0",
"ethcore-db 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"failsafe 0.3.1 (registry+",
"fastmap 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"itertools 0.5.10 (registry+",
"journaldb 0.2.0",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hasher 0.1.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"memory-cache 0.1.0",
"memory-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"patricia-trie-ethereum 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rlp_derive 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
"stats 0.1.0",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
"trie-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"triehash-ethereum 0.2.0",
"vm 0.1.0",
2016-12-07 13:52:45 +01:00
name = "ethcore-logger"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"arrayvec 0.4.12 (registry+",
"atty 0.2.13 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-miner"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
New Transaction Queue implementation (#8074) * Implementation of Verifier, Scoring and Ready. * Queue in progress. * TransactionPool. * Prepare for txpool release. * Miner refactor [WiP] * WiP reworking miner. * Make it compile. * Add some docs. * Split blockchain access to a separate file. * Work on miner API. * Fix ethcore tests. * Refactor miner interface for sealing/work packages. * Implement next nonce. * RPC compiles. * Implement couple of missing methdods for RPC. * Add transaction queue listeners. * Compiles! * Clean-up and parallelize. * Get rid of RefCell in header. * Revert "Get rid of RefCell in header." This reverts commit 0f2424c9b7319a786e1565ea2a8a6d801a21b4fb. * Override Sync requirement. * Fix status display. * Unify logging. * Extract some cheap checks. * Measurements and optimizations. * Fix scoring bug, heap size of bug and add cache * Disable tx queueing and parallel verification. * Make ethcore and ethcore-miner compile again. * Make RPC compile again. * Bunch of txpool tests. * Migrate transaction queue tests. * Nonce Cap * Nonce cap cache and tests. * Remove stale future transactions from the queue. * Optimize scoring and write some tests. * Simple penalization. * Clean up and support for different scoring algorithms. * Add CLI parameters for the new queue. * Remove banning queue. * Disable debug build. * Change per_sender limit to be 1% instead of 5% * Avoid cloning when propagating transactions. * Remove old todo. * Post-review fixes. * Fix miner options default. * Implement back ready transactions for light client. * Get rid of from_pending_block * Pass rejection reason. * Add more details to drop. * Rollback heap size of. * Avoid cloning hashes when propagating and include more details on rejection. * Fix tests. * Introduce nonces cache. * Remove uneccessary hashes allocation. * Lower the mem limit. * Re-enable parallel verification. * Add miner log. Don't check the type if not below min_gas_price. * Add more traces, fix disabling miner. * Fix creating pending blocks twice on AuRa authorities. * Fix tests. * re-use pending blocks in AuRa * Use reseal_min_period to prevent too frequent update_sealing. * Fix log to contain hash not sender. * Optimize local transactions. * Fix aura tests. * Update locks comments. * Get rid of unsafe Sync impl. * Review fixes. * Remove excessive matches. * Fix compilation errors. * Use new pool in private transactions. * Fix private-tx test. * Fix secret store tests. * Actually use gas_floor_target * Fix config tests. * Fix pool tests. * Address grumbles.
2018-04-13 17:34:27 +02:00
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
"common-types 0.1.0",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethash 1.12.0",
"ethcore-call-contract 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"fetch 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"hyper 0.12.35 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"linked-hash-map 0.5.2 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"price-info 1.12.0",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"trace-time 0.1.2 (registry+",
"transaction-pool 2.0.2 (registry+",
"url 2.1.0 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-network"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"assert_matches 1.3.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"ipnetwork 0.12.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parity-snappy 0.1.0 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
Increase number of requested block bodies in chain sync (#10247) * Increase the number of block bodies requested during Sync. * Increase the number of block bodies requested during Sync. * Check if our peer is an older parity client with the bug of not handling large requests properly * Add a ClientVersion struct and a ClientCapabilites trait * Make ClientVersion its own module * Refactor and extend use of ClientVersion * Replace strings with ClientVersion in PeerInfo * Group further functionality in ClientCapabilities * Move parity client version data from tuple to its own struct. * Implement accessor methods for ParityClientData and remove them from ClientVersion. * Minor fixes * Make functions specific to parity return types specific to parity. * Test for shorter ID strings * Fix formatting and remove unneeded dependencies. * Roll back Cargo.lock * Commit last Cargo.lock * Convert from string to ClientVersion * * When checking if peer accepts service transactions just check if it's parity, remove version check. * Remove dependency on semver in ethcore-sync * Remove unnecessary String instantiation * Rename peer_info to peer_version * Update RPC test helpers * Simplify From<String> * Parse static version string only once * Update RPC tests to new ClientVersion struct * Document public members * More robust parsing of ID string * Minor changes. * Update version in which large block bodies requests appear. * Update ethcore/sync/src/ Co-Authored-By: elferdo <> * Update util/network/src/ Co-Authored-By: elferdo <> * Update util/network/src/ Co-Authored-By: elferdo <> * Update tests. * Minor fixes.
2019-02-07 15:27:09 +01:00
"semver 0.9.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-network-devp2p"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
"assert_matches 1.3.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"igd 0.7.1 (registry+",
"ipnetwork 0.12.8 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
2019-03-29 13:25:15 +01:00
"lru-cache 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parity-path 0.1.2 (registry+",
"parity-snappy 0.1.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rust-crypto 0.2.36 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"slab 0.2.0 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
name = "ethcore-private-tx"
version = "1.0.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"derive_more 0.14.1 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-call-contract 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-miner 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"fetch 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"patricia-trie-ethereum 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.3.23 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
"rlp_derive 0.1.0",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
"transaction-pool 2.0.2 (registry+",
"trie-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"url 2.1.0 (registry+",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
name = "ethcore-secretstore"
version = "1.0.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"common-types 0.1.0",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-accounts 0.1.0",
"ethcore-call-contract 0.1.0",
"ethcore-sync 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"hyper 0.12.35 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-server-utils 14.0.3 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-rocksdb 0.1.6 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"percent-encoding 2.1.0 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-service 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"url 2.1.0 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-service"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-blockchain 0.1.0",
"ethcore-db 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
"ethcore-private-tx 1.0.0",
"ethcore-sync 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-rocksdb 0.1.6 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"trace-time 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "ethcore-stratum"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-tcp-server 14.0.3 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
name = "ethcore-sync"
version = "1.12.0"
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
"enum_primitive 0.1.1 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-light 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network-devp2p 1.12.0",
"ethcore-private-tx 1.0.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"ethstore 0.2.1",
"fastmap 0.1.0",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hasher 0.1.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
"macros 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"trace-time 0.1.2 (registry+",
"triehash-ethereum 0.2.0",
2018-04-10 12:13:49 +02:00
name = "ethereum-types"
version = "0.4.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crunchy 0.1.6 (registry+",
"ethbloom 0.5.0 (registry+",
"ethereum-types-serialize 0.2.2 (registry+",
"fixed-hash 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"uint 0.4.1 (registry+",
name = "ethereum-types-serialize"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
2016-03-15 18:17:48 +01:00
name = "ethjson"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"macros 0.1.0",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
2016-03-15 18:17:48 +01:00
name = "ethkey"
version = "0.3.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"edit-distance 2.1.0 (registry+",
"eth-secp256k1 0.5.7 (git+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"memzero 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parity-wordlist 1.3.0 (registry+",
"quick-error 1.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
name = "ethkey-cli"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"docopt 1.1.0 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"panic_hook 0.1.0",
"parity-wordlist 1.3.0 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"threadpool 1.7.1 (registry+",
name = "ethstore"
version = "0.2.1"
dependencies = [
"dir 0.1.2",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"itertools 0.5.10 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parity-wordlist 1.3.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
name = "ethstore-cli"
version = "0.1.1"
dependencies = [
"dir 0.1.2",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"docopt 1.1.0 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethstore 0.2.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"panic_hook 0.1.0",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
name = "evm"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"bit-set 0.4.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"criterion 0.2.11 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"hex-literal 0.2.1 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"memory-cache 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num-bigint 0.2.3 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
"vm 0.1.0",
name = "evmbin"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"criterion 0.3.0 (registry+",
"docopt 1.1.0 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"evm 0.1.0",
"panic_hook 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
2017-10-20 15:40:25 +02:00
"pretty_assertions 0.1.2 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
2017-08-01 16:41:33 +02:00
"vm 0.1.0",
name = "failsafe"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.6.4 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.5.6 (registry+",
name = "failure"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"backtrace 0.3.40 (registry+",
"failure_derive 0.1.6 (registry+",
name = "failure_derive"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.5 (registry+",
"synstructure 0.12.2 (registry+",
name = "fake-fetch"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
"fetch 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"hyper 0.12.35 (registry+",
name = "fake-simd"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "fastmap"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"plain_hasher 0.2.2 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "fdlimit"
2016-12-05 18:15:05 +01:00
version = "0.1.1"
2016-12-05 14:25:03 +01:00
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "fetch"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"http 0.1.19 (registry+",
"hyper 0.12.35 (registry+",
"hyper-rustls 0.16.1 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"url 2.1.0 (registry+",
name = "fixed-hash"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
name = "fixedbitset"
version = "0.1.9"
source = "registry+"
name = "fnv"
version = "1.0.6"
source = "registry+"
name = "fs-swap"
version = "0.2.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"libloading 0.5.2 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "fs_extra"
version = "1.1.0"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "fuchsia-cprng"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "fuchsia-zircon"
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+",
"fuchsia-zircon-sys 0.3.3 (registry+",
name = "fuchsia-zircon-sys"
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
name = "futures"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.29"
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "futures-cpupool"
version = "0.1.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
name = "fxhash"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "gcc"
version = "0.3.55"
source = "registry+"
name = "generic-array"
version = "0.9.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"typenum 1.11.2 (registry+",
name = "generic-array"
version = "0.12.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"typenum 1.11.2 (registry+",
name = "getopts"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.21"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"unicode-width 0.1.6 (registry+",
name = "getrandom"
version = "0.1.13"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"wasi 0.7.0 (registry+",
name = "globset"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"aho-corasick 0.7.6 (registry+",
"bstr 0.2.8 (registry+",
"fnv 1.0.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
name = "h2"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.26"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"fnv 1.0.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"http 0.1.19 (registry+",
"indexmap 1.3.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"string 0.2.1 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
name = "hamming"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "hash-db"
version = "0.11.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "heapsize"
version = "0.4.2"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
source = "git+"
2016-02-23 10:14:56 +01:00
dependencies = [
"jemallocator 0.1.9 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-02-23 10:14:56 +01:00
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "heck"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"unicode-segmentation 1.5.0 (registry+",
name = "hermit-abi"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
name = "hex-literal"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hex-literal-impl 0.2.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro-hack 0.5.11 (registry+",
name = "hex-literal-impl"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro-hack 0.5.11 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "hmac"
version = "0.6.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crypto-mac 0.6.2 (registry+",
"digest 0.7.6 (registry+",
name = "hmac"
version = "0.7.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crypto-mac 0.7.0 (registry+",
"digest 0.8.1 (registry+",
name = "home"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"scopeguard 0.3.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "home"
version = "0.5.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"scopeguard 1.0.0 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "http"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.19"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"fnv 1.0.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"itoa 0.4.4 (registry+",
name = "http-body"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"http 0.1.19 (registry+",
"tokio-buf 0.1.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "httparse"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.3.4"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "humantime"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"quick-error 1.2.2 (registry+",
name = "hyper"
version = "0.11.27"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"base64 0.9.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"futures-cpupool 0.1.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"httparse 1.3.4 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"language-tags 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mime 0.3.14 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
"percent-encoding 1.0.1 (registry+",
"relay 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
2018-04-16 12:02:23 +02:00
"tokio-core 0.1.17 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-service 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"unicase 2.5.1 (registry+",
"want 0.0.4 (registry+",
name = "hyper"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.12.35"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"futures-cpupool 0.1.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"h2 0.1.26 (registry+",
"http 0.1.19 (registry+",
"http-body 0.1.0 (registry+",
"httparse 1.3.4 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"itoa 0.4.4 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"tokio-buf 0.1.1 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+",
"tokio-tcp 0.1.3 (registry+",
"tokio-threadpool 0.1.16 (registry+",
"tokio-timer 0.2.11 (registry+",
"want 0.2.0 (registry+",
name = "hyper-rustls"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.16.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"ct-logs 0.5.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"hyper 0.12.35 (registry+",
"rustls 0.15.2 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-rustls 0.9.4 (registry+",
"webpki 0.19.1 (registry+",
"webpki-roots 0.16.0 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "idna"
version = "0.1.5"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"unicode-bidi 0.3.4 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"unicode-normalization 0.1.8 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "idna"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
"unicode-bidi 0.3.4 (registry+",
"unicode-normalization 0.1.8 (registry+",
name = "if_chain"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "igd"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.7.1"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"hyper 0.11.27 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"regex 0.2.11 (registry+",
2018-04-16 12:02:23 +02:00
"tokio-core 0.1.17 (registry+",
"tokio-retry 0.1.1 (registry+",
"tokio-timer 0.1.2 (registry+",
"xml-rs 0.7.0 (registry+",
"xmltree 0.7.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "indexmap"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
2017-02-20 16:42:09 +01:00
name = "integer-encoding"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.7"
2017-02-20 16:42:09 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "interleaved-ordered"
2017-11-14 12:59:01 +01:00
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "iovec"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
name = "ipnetwork"
version = "0.12.8"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "itertools"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.5.10"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "itertools"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.7.11"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "itertools"
version = "0.8.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
name = "itoa"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.4"
source = "registry+"
name = "jemalloc-sys"
version = "0.1.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cc 1.0.47 (registry+",
"fs_extra 1.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
name = "jemallocator"
version = "0.1.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"jemalloc-sys 0.1.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
name = "journaldb"
version = "0.2.0"
dependencies = [
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"fastmap 0.1.0",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hasher 0.1.1",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"memory-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-core"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-derive"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro-crate 0.1.4 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.5 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-http-server"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"hyper 0.12.35 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-server-utils 14.0.3 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"unicase 2.5.1 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-ipc-server"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
2016-05-06 12:58:37 +02:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-server-utils 14.0.3 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-tokio-ipc 0.2.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"tokio-service 0.1.0 (registry+",
2016-05-06 12:58:37 +02:00
name = "jsonrpc-pubsub"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-server-utils"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"globset 0.4.4 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"tokio-codec 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"unicase 2.5.1 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-tcp-server"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-server-utils 14.0.3 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"tokio-service 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "jsonrpc-ws-server"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "14.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-server-utils 14.0.3 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ws 0.9.1 (registry+",
2017-11-10 19:04:55 +01:00
name = "keccak-hash"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
2017-11-10 19:04:55 +01:00
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
2017-11-10 19:04:55 +01:00
name = "keccak-hasher"
version = "0.1.1"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"plain_hasher 0.2.2 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "kernel32-sys"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
version = "0.2.2"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
"winapi-build 0.1.1 (registry+",
name = "kvdb"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
name = "kvdb-memorydb"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.6.4 (registry+",
name = "kvdb-rocksdb"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+",
"fs-swap 0.2.4 (registry+",
2017-11-14 12:59:01 +01:00
"interleaved-ordered 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"parity-rocksdb 0.5.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "language-tags"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
2018-01-04 16:12:12 +01:00
name = "lazy_static"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.4.0"
2018-01-04 16:12:12 +01:00
source = "registry+"
2016-10-30 09:56:34 +01:00
name = "lazycell"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.2.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "len-caching-lock"
version = "0.1.1"
dependencies = [
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "libc"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.65"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "libloading"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cc 1.0.47 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "linked-hash-map"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "local-encoding"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
"skeptic 0.4.0 (registry+",
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
name = "lock_api"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"owning_ref 0.4.0 (registry+",
"scopeguard 0.3.3 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "lock_api"
version = "0.3.1"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"scopeguard 1.0.0 (registry+",
name = "log"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
name = "logos"
version = "0.7.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"logos-derive 0.7.7 (registry+",
"toolshed 0.6.3 (registry+",
name = "logos-derive"
version = "0.7.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"regex-syntax 0.6.12 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
"utf8-ranges 1.0.4 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "lru-cache"
2019-03-29 13:25:15 +01:00
version = "0.1.2"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"linked-hash-map 0.5.2 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "lunarity-lexer"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"logos 0.7.7 (registry+",
name = "macros"
version = "0.1.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "matches"
version = "0.1.8"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "maybe-uninit"
version = "2.0.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "memchr"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.2.1"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
name = "memmap"
version = "0.6.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "memoffset"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
name = "memory-cache"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
2019-03-29 13:25:15 +01:00
"lru-cache 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "memory-db"
version = "0.11.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
name = "memory_units"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "memzero"
version = "0.1.0"
name = "migration-rocksdb"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-rocksdb 0.1.6 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"macros 0.1.0",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
name = "mime"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.14"
source = "registry+"
name = "mime_guess"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.0.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"mime 0.3.14 (registry+",
"unicase 2.5.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "mio"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.6.19"
source = "registry+"
2016-08-08 17:03:25 +02:00
dependencies = [
"fuchsia-zircon 0.3.3 (registry+",
"fuchsia-zircon-sys 0.3.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
2016-08-08 17:03:25 +02:00
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
Fixing secretstore TODOs - part 1 (#5386) * ECDKG protocol prototype * added test for enc/dec math * get rid of decryption_session * added licenses * fix after merge * get rid of unused serde dependency * doc * decryption session [without commutative enc] * failed_dec_session * fixed tests * added commen * added more decryption session tests * helper to localize an issue * more computations to localize error * decryption_session::SessionParams * added tests for EC math to localize problem * secretstore network transport * encryption_session_works_over_network * network errors processing * connecting to KeyServer * licenses * get rid of debug println-s * fixed secretstore args * encryption results are stored in KS database * decryption protocol works over network * enc/dec Session traits * fixing warnings * fix after merge * on-chain ACL checker proto * fixed compilation * fixed compilation * finally fixed <odd>-of-N-scheme * temporary commented test * 1-of-N works in math * scheme 1-of-N works * updated AclStorage with real contract ABI * remove unnecessary unsafety * fixed grumbles * wakeup on access denied * encrypt secretstore messages * 'shadow' decryption * fix grumbles * lost files * secretstore cli-options * decryption seccion when ACL check failed on master * disallow regenerating key for existing document * removed obsolete TODO * fix after merge * switched to tokio_io * fix after merge * fix after merge * fix after merge * fix after merge * fix after merge * fixed test * fix after merge
2017-04-08 11:26:16 +02:00
"miow 0.2.1 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-08-08 17:03:25 +02:00
name = "mio-extras"
version = "2.0.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazycell 1.2.1 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
2016-10-30 09:56:34 +01:00
name = "mio-named-pipes"
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
2016-10-30 09:56:34 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"miow 0.3.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-10-30 09:56:34 +01:00
name = "mio-uds"
version = "0.6.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "miow"
version = "0.2.1"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
"ws2_32-sys 0.2.1 (registry+",
2018-06-13 13:02:16 +02:00
name = "miow"
version = "0.3.3"
2018-06-13 13:02:16 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"socket2 0.3.11 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2018-06-13 13:02:16 +02:00
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "multibase"
version = "0.6.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"base-x 0.2.6 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "multihash"
version = "0.8.0"
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"sha1 0.5.0 (registry+",
"sha2 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "nan-preserving-float"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "net2"
version = "0.2.33"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
2017-08-29 14:38:01 +02:00
name = "node-filter"
version = "1.12.0"
2017-08-29 14:38:01 +02:00
dependencies = [
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network-devp2p 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
2019-03-29 13:25:15 +01:00
"lru-cache 0.1.2 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
2017-08-29 14:38:01 +02:00
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "nodrop"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.14"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "num"
version = "0.1.42"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"num-bigint 0.1.44 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
"num-iter 0.1.39 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "num-bigint"
version = "0.1.44"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
"rand 0.3.23 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"rustc-serialize 0.3.24 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "num-bigint"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
"num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "num-integer"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.41"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "num-iter"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.39"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
"num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "num-traits"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
version = "0.1.43"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "num-traits"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.8"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "num_cpus"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.11.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"hermit-abi 0.1.3 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
2016-02-25 14:09:39 +01:00
name = "number_prefix"
version = "0.2.8"
2016-02-25 14:09:39 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-02-25 14:09:39 +01:00
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
name = "ole32-sys"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
"winapi-build 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "opaque-debug"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "order-stat"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "ordermap"
version = "0.3.5"
source = "registry+"
name = "owning_ref"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"stable_deref_trait 1.1.1 (registry+",
name = "panic_hook"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"backtrace 0.3.40 (registry+",
name = "parity-bytes"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "parity-crypto"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"aes 0.3.2 (registry+",
"aes-ctr 0.3.0 (registry+",
"block-modes 0.3.3 (registry+",
"digest 0.8.1 (registry+",
"quick-error 1.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"ring 0.14.6 (registry+",
"ripemd160 0.8.0 (registry+",
"scrypt 0.1.2 (registry+",
"sha2 0.8.0 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
name = "parity-crypto"
version = "0.4.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"aes 0.3.2 (registry+",
"aes-ctr 0.3.0 (registry+",
"block-modes 0.3.3 (registry+",
"digest 0.8.1 (registry+",
"hmac 0.7.1 (registry+",
"pbkdf2 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rand 0.7.2 (registry+",
"ripemd160 0.8.0 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
"scrypt 0.2.0 (registry+",
"sha2 0.8.0 (registry+",
"subtle 2.1.0 (registry+",
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
"zeroize 0.9.3 (registry+",
name = "parity-daemonize"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"failure 0.1.6 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
name = "parity-ethereum"
2019-12-31 00:47:57 +01:00
version = "2.5.13"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"atty 0.2.13 (registry+",
"blooms-db 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"clap 2.33.0 (registry+",
"cli-signer 1.4.0",
"common-types 0.1.0",
"ctrlc 1.1.1 (git+",
"dir 0.1.2",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"docopt 1.1.0 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-accounts 0.1.0",
"ethcore-blockchain 0.1.0",
"ethcore-call-contract 0.1.0",
"ethcore-db 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-light 1.12.0",
"ethcore-logger 1.12.0",
"ethcore-miner 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network 1.12.0",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
"ethcore-private-tx 1.0.0",
"ethcore-secretstore 1.0.0",
"ethcore-service 0.1.0",
"ethcore-sync 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"ethstore 0.2.1",
"fake-fetch 0.0.1",
"fdlimit 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"ipnetwork 0.12.8 (registry+",
"journaldb 0.2.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-rocksdb 0.1.6 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"migration-rocksdb 0.1.0",
"node-filter 1.12.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"number_prefix 0.2.8 (registry+",
"panic_hook 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-daemonize 0.3.0 (registry+",
"parity-hash-fetch 1.12.0",
"parity-ipfs-api 1.12.0",
"parity-local-store 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-path 0.1.2 (registry+",
"parity-rpc 1.12.0",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parity-updater 1.12.0",
2019-12-31 00:47:57 +01:00
"parity-version 2.5.13",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"pretty_assertions 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"registrar 0.0.1",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rpassword 1.0.2 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
"semver 0.9.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
"term_size 0.3.1 (registry+",
"textwrap 0.9.0 (registry+",
"toml 0.4.10 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "parity-hash-fetch"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"fake-fetch 0.0.1",
"fetch 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mime 0.3.14 (registry+",
"mime_guess 2.0.1 (registry+",
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"registrar 0.0.1",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
2016-12-15 18:24:18 +01:00
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "parity-ipfs-api"
version = "1.12.0"
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cid 0.3.1 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-http-server 14.0.3 (registry+",
"multihash 0.8.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"unicase 2.5.1 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "parity-local-store"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+",
"kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
name = "parity-path"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"home 0.5.1 (registry+",
name = "parity-rocksdb"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"local-encoding 0.2.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-rocksdb-sys 0.5.6 (registry+",
name = "parity-rocksdb-sys"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cmake 0.1.42 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"local-encoding 0.2.0 (registry+",
"parity-snappy-sys 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "parity-rpc"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cid 0.3.1 (registry+",
"common-types 0.1.0",
"eip-712 0.1.0",
"ethash 1.12.0",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-accounts 0.1.0",
"ethcore-io 1.12.0",
"ethcore-light 1.12.0",
"ethcore-logger 1.12.0",
"ethcore-miner 1.12.0",
"ethcore-network 1.12.0",
Private transactions integration pr (#6422) * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Private tx execution * Test update * Renamed some methods * Fixed some tests * Reverted submodules * Fixed build * Private transaction message added * Empty line removed * Private transactions logic removed from client into the separate module * Fixed compilation after merge with head * Signed private transaction message added as well * Comments after the review fixed * Encrypted private transaction message and signed reply added * Private tx execution * Test update * Main scenario completed * Merged with the latest head * Private transactions API * Comments after review fixed * Parameters for private transactions added to parity arguments * New files added * New API methods added * Do not process packets from unconfirmed peers * Merge with ptm_ss branch * Encryption and permissioning with key server added * Fixed compilation after merge * Version of Parity protocol incremented in order to support private transactions * Doc strings for constants added * Proper format for doc string added * fixed some grumbles * Private transactions functionality moved to the separate crate * Refactoring in order to remove late initialisation * Tests fixed after moving to the separate crate * Fetch method removed * Sync test helpers refactored * Interaction with encryptor refactored * Contract address retrieving via substate removed * Sensible gas limit for private transactions implemented * New private contract with nonces added * Parsing of the response from key server fixed * Build fixed after the merge, native contracts removed * Crate renamed * Tests moved to the separate directory * Handling of errors reworked in order to use error chain * Encodable macro added, new constructor replaced with default * Native ethabi usage removed * Couple conversions optimized * Interactions with client reworked * Errors omitting removed * Fix after merge * Fix after the merge * private transactions improvements in progress * private_transactions -> ethcore/private-tx * making private transactions more idiomatic * private-tx encryptor uses shared FetchClient and is more idiomatic * removed redundant tests, moved integration tests to tests/ dir * fixed failing service test * reenable add_notify on private tx provider * removed private_tx tests from sync module * removed commented out code * Use plain password instead of unlocking account manager * remove dead code * Link to the contract changed * Transaction signature chain replay protection module created * Redundant type conversion removed * Contract address returned by private provider * Test fixed * Addressing grumbles in PrivateTransactions (#8249) * Tiny fixes part 1. * A bunch of additional comments and todos. * Fix ethsync tests. * resolved merge conflicts * final private tx pr (#8318) * added cli option that enables private transactions * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test * fixed failing test
2018-04-09 16:14:33 +02:00
"ethcore-private-tx 1.0.0",
"ethcore-sync 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"ethkey 0.3.0",
"ethstore 0.2.1",
"fake-fetch 0.0.1",
"fastmap 0.1.0",
"fetch 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"itertools 0.5.10 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-derive 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-http-server 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-ipc-server 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-pubsub 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-ws-server 14.0.3 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"macros 0.1.0",
"multihash 0.8.0 (registry+",
"order-stat 0.1.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parity-updater 1.12.0",
2019-12-31 00:47:57 +01:00
"parity-version 2.5.13",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
"pretty_assertions 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
"semver 0.9.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"stats 0.1.0",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"tokio-timer 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"transaction-pool 2.0.2 (registry+",
"transient-hashmap 0.4.1 (registry+",
"vm 0.1.0",
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
name = "parity-rpc-client"
version = "1.4.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+",
"jsonrpc-ws-server 14.0.3 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
"parity-rpc 1.12.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"url 2.1.0 (registry+",
name = "parity-runtime"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
name = "parity-snappy"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"parity-snappy-sys 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "parity-snappy-sys"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cmake 0.1.42 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
name = "parity-tokio-ipc"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio-named-pipes 0.1.6 (registry+",
"miow 0.3.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.7.2 (registry+",
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"tokio-named-pipes 0.1.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio-uds 0.2.5 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
name = "parity-updater"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"common-types 0.1.0",
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
"ethcore 1.12.0",
"ethcore-sync 1.12.0",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"parity-hash-fetch 1.12.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-path 0.1.2 (registry+",
2019-12-31 00:47:57 +01:00
"parity-version 2.5.13",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"semver 0.9.0 (registry+",
"target_info 0.1.0 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
name = "parity-version"
2019-12-31 00:47:57 +01:00
version = "2.5.13"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
"target_info 0.1.0 (registry+",
"toml 0.4.10 (registry+",
"vergen 0.1.1 (registry+",
name = "parity-wasm"
version = "0.31.3"
2017-07-11 11:06:35 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
2017-04-01 08:26:44 +02:00
name = "parity-wordlist"
version = "1.3.0"
2017-04-01 08:26:44 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"rand 0.6.5 (registry+",
2017-04-01 08:26:44 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "parking_lot"
version = "0.6.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lock_api 0.1.5 (registry+",
"parking_lot_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "parking_lot"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.7.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lock_api 0.1.5 (registry+",
"parking_lot_core 0.4.0 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
name = "parking_lot"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.9.0"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lock_api 0.3.1 (registry+",
"parking_lot_core 0.6.2 (registry+",
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
name = "parking_lot_core"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand 0.5.6 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
name = "parking_lot_core"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"backtrace 0.3.40 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"petgraph 0.4.13 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.6.5 (registry+",
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
"thread-id 3.3.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "parking_lot_core"
version = "0.6.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"cloudabi 0.0.3 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+",
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "patricia-trie-ethereum"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"journaldb 0.2.0",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hasher 0.1.1",
"memory-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"trie-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "pbkdf2"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"crypto-mac 0.6.2 (registry+",
"generic-array 0.9.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "pbkdf2"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"base64 0.9.3 (registry+",
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"crypto-mac 0.7.0 (registry+",
"hmac 0.7.1 (registry+",
"rand 0.5.6 (registry+",
"sha2 0.8.0 (registry+",
"subtle 1.0.0 (registry+",
2016-04-07 12:10:26 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "percent-encoding"
version = "1.0.1"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "percent-encoding"
version = "2.1.0"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "petgraph"
version = "0.4.13"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"fixedbitset 0.1.9 (registry+",
"ordermap 0.3.5 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "plain_hasher"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"crunchy 0.2.2 (registry+",
2016-04-07 12:10:26 +02:00
2017-08-17 20:40:10 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "ppv-lite86"
version = "0.2.6"
source = "registry+"
name = "pretty_assertions"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"difference 1.0.0 (registry+",
name = "price-info"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"fake-fetch 0.0.1",
"fetch 0.1.0",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-runtime 0.1.0",
"parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
name = "primal"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"primal-check 0.2.3 (registry+",
"primal-estimate 0.2.1 (registry+",
"primal-sieve 0.2.9 (registry+",
name = "primal-bit"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.2.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hamming 0.1.3 (registry+",
name = "primal-check"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+",
name = "primal-estimate"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "primal-sieve"
version = "0.2.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hamming 0.1.3 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"primal-bit 0.2.4 (registry+",
"primal-estimate 0.2.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
name = "proc-macro-crate"
version = "0.1.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"toml 0.5.5 (registry+",
name = "proc-macro-hack"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.11"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.5 (registry+",
name = "proc-macro2"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.30"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "proc-macro2"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
name = "pulldown-cmark"
version = "0.0.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"getopts 0.2.21 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
2017-11-25 21:27:58 +01:00
name = "pwasm-run-test"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"clap 2.33.0 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
2017-11-25 21:27:58 +01:00
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
2017-11-25 21:27:58 +01:00
"vm 0.1.0",
"wasm 0.1.0",
2018-03-26 10:55:48 +02:00
name = "pwasm-utils"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.6.2"
2018-03-26 10:55:48 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-wasm 0.31.3 (registry+",
2018-03-26 10:55:48 +02:00
name = "quick-error"
version = "1.2.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "quote"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.6.13"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
name = "quote"
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "rand"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.23"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "rand"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"fuchsia-cprng 0.1.1 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"rdrand 0.4.0 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
name = "rand"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.6"
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cloudabi 0.0.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"fuchsia-cprng 0.1.1 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
name = "rand"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.6.5"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand_chacha 0.1.1 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.4.2 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
"rand_hc 0.1.0 (registry+",
"rand_isaac 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand_jitter 0.1.4 (registry+",
"rand_os 0.1.3 (registry+",
"rand_pcg 0.1.2 (registry+",
"rand_xorshift 0.1.1 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "rand"
version = "0.7.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"getrandom 0.1.13 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand_chacha 0.2.1 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
"rand_hc 0.2.0 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
name = "rand_chacha"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.1"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "rand_chacha"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"c2-chacha 0.2.3 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
name = "rand_core"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand_core 0.4.2 (registry+",
name = "rand_core"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "rand_core"
version = "0.5.1"
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"getrandom 0.1.13 (registry+",
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
name = "rand_hc"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_hc"
version = "0.2.0"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_isaac"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_jitter"
version = "0.1.4"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.4.2 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_os"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cloudabi 0.0.3 (registry+",
"fuchsia-cprng 0.1.1 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.4.2 (registry+",
"rdrand 0.4.0 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_os"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"getrandom 0.1.13 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_pcg"
version = "0.1.2"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.4.2 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_xorshift"
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "rand_xoshiro"
version = "0.1.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "rand_xoshiro"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
name = "rayon"
version = "1.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crossbeam-deque 0.7.1 (registry+",
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
"rayon-core 1.6.0 (registry+",
name = "rayon-core"
version = "1.6.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"crossbeam-deque 0.7.1 (registry+",
"crossbeam-queue 0.1.2 (registry+",
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
name = "rdrand"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+",
name = "redox_syscall"
version = "0.1.56"
source = "registry+"
name = "regex"
version = "0.2.11"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"aho-corasick 0.6.10 (registry+",
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
"regex-syntax 0.5.6 (registry+",
"thread_local 0.3.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"utf8-ranges 1.0.4 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "regex"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"aho-corasick 0.7.6 (registry+",
"memchr 2.2.1 (registry+",
"regex-syntax 0.6.12 (registry+",
"thread_local 0.3.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "regex-automata"
version = "0.1.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
name = "regex-syntax"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"ucd-util 0.1.5 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "regex-syntax"
version = "0.6.12"
source = "registry+"
name = "registrar"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
"ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+",
"ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "relay"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
name = "remove_dir_all"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "ring"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.14.6"
source = "registry+"
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cc 1.0.47 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"spin 0.5.2 (registry+",
"untrusted 0.6.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "ripemd160"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-buffer 0.7.3 (registry+",
"digest 0.8.1 (registry+",
"opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+",
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
name = "rlp"
version = "0.2.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
name = "rlp"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
name = "rlp_compress"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
name = "rlp_derive"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
2016-03-09 14:11:15 +01:00
name = "rpassword"
version = "1.0.2"
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rprompt 1.0.3 (registry+",
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
name = "rprompt"
version = "1.0.3"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "rust-crypto"
2016-06-15 01:27:47 +02:00
version = "0.2.36"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"gcc 0.3.55 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"rand 0.3.23 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"rustc-serialize 0.3.24 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "rustc-demangle"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.16"
source = "registry+"
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
name = "rustc-hex"
version = "1.0.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "rustc-hex"
version = "2.0.1"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "rustc-serialize"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.3.24"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "rustc_version"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"semver 0.9.0 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "rustls"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.15.2"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"base64 0.10.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"ring 0.14.6 (registry+",
"sct 0.5.0 (registry+",
"untrusted 0.6.2 (registry+",
"webpki 0.19.1 (registry+",
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "ryu"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "safemem"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "same-file"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi-util 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "scoped-tls"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "scopeguard"
version = "0.3.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "scopeguard"
version = "1.0.0"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "scrypt"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"byte-tools 0.3.1 (registry+",
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"hmac 0.6.3 (registry+",
"pbkdf2 0.2.3 (registry+",
"sha2 0.7.1 (registry+",
name = "scrypt"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"byte-tools 0.3.1 (registry+",
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"hmac 0.7.1 (registry+",
"pbkdf2 0.3.0 (registry+",
"sha2 0.8.0 (registry+",
name = "sct"
version = "0.5.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"ring 0.14.6 (registry+",
"untrusted 0.6.2 (registry+",
name = "semver"
version = "0.9.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"semver-parser 0.7.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "semver-parser"
version = "0.7.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-27 13:14:58 +01:00
name = "serde"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.102"
2016-02-15 10:47:56 +01:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "serde_derive"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.102"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.5 (registry+",
name = "serde_json"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.41"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"itoa 0.4.4 (registry+",
"ryu 1.0.2 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
2016-05-27 13:03:00 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "sha-1"
version = "0.8.1"
2016-05-27 13:03:00 +02:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"block-buffer 0.7.3 (registry+",
"digest 0.8.1 (registry+",
"fake-simd 0.1.2 (registry+",
"opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+",
2016-05-27 13:03:00 +02:00
name = "sha1"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.5.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "sha2"
version = "0.7.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"block-buffer 0.3.3 (registry+",
"byte-tools 0.2.0 (registry+",
"digest 0.7.6 (registry+",
"fake-simd 0.1.2 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "sha2"
version = "0.8.0"
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"block-buffer 0.7.3 (registry+",
"digest 0.8.1 (registry+",
"fake-simd 0.1.2 (registry+",
"opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "shell32-sys"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
"winapi-build 0.1.1 (registry+",
2016-10-21 11:57:30 +02:00
name = "siphasher"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "skeptic"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"pulldown-cmark 0.0.3 (registry+",
"tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+",
name = "slab"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-10-30 09:56:34 +01:00
name = "slab"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "slab"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.4.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "smallvec"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.6.13"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"maybe-uninit 2.0.0 (registry+",
2018-06-13 13:02:16 +02:00
name = "socket2"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.11"
2018-06-13 13:02:16 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2018-06-13 13:02:16 +02:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "spin"
version = "0.5.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "stable_deref_trait"
version = "1.1.1"
source = "registry+"
2017-02-17 16:18:31 +01:00
name = "stats"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
name = "stream-cipher"
version = "0.3.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"generic-array 0.12.3 (registry+",
2017-02-17 16:18:31 +01:00
name = "string"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
name = "strsim"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.8.0"
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "strsim"
version = "0.9.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "subtle"
version = "1.0.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "subtle"
version = "2.1.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "syn"
version = "0.15.26"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "syn"
version = "1.0.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "synstructure"
version = "0.10.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
"unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "synstructure"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.12.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.5 (registry+",
"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
2016-02-22 09:04:44 +01:00
name = "target_info"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
name = "tempdir"
version = "0.3.7"
2016-11-02 17:14:05 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"rand 0.4.6 (registry+",
"remove_dir_all 0.5.2 (registry+",
name = "term_size"
version = "0.3.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
name = "termcolor"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.5"
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"wincolor 1.0.2 (registry+",
2018-04-11 12:56:37 +02:00
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "textwrap"
version = "0.9.0"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"unicode-width 0.1.6 (registry+",
name = "textwrap"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.11.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"unicode-width 0.1.6 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "thread-id"
version = "3.3.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
name = "thread_local"
version = "0.3.6"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
2016-03-09 14:11:15 +01:00
name = "threadpool"
version = "1.7.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "time"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.42"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "time-utils"
version = "0.1.0"
name = "timer"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"chrono 0.4.9 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "tiny-keccak"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.5.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
2018-03-01 09:54:50 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"crunchy 0.2.2 (registry+",
name = "tinytemplate"
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
2018-03-01 09:54:50 +01:00
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.22"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"tokio-codec 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio-current-thread 0.1.6 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
"tokio-fs 0.1.6 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+",
"tokio-sync 0.1.7 (registry+",
"tokio-tcp 0.1.3 (registry+",
"tokio-threadpool 0.1.16 (registry+",
"tokio-timer 0.2.11 (registry+",
"tokio-udp 0.1.5 (registry+",
"tokio-uds 0.2.5 (registry+",
name = "tokio-buf"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"either 1.5.3 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
name = "tokio-codec"
version = "0.1.1"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-core"
2018-04-16 12:02:23 +02:00
version = "0.1.17"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"scoped-tls 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+",
"tokio-timer 0.2.11 (registry+",
name = "tokio-current-thread"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-executor"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.8"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
name = "tokio-fs"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-threadpool 0.1.16 (registry+",
name = "tokio-io"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.12"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
name = "tokio-named-pipes"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"mio-named-pipes 0.1.6 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio 0.1.22 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-reactor"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.10"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-sync 0.1.7 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-retry"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"rand 0.3.23 (registry+",
2018-04-16 12:02:23 +02:00
"tokio-core 0.1.17 (registry+",
"tokio-service 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "tokio-rustls"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.9.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"rustls 0.15.2 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"webpki 0.19.1 (registry+",
name = "tokio-service"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
name = "tokio-sync"
version = "0.1.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"fnv 1.0.6 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-tcp"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.3"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-threadpool"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.16"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"crossbeam-deque 0.7.1 (registry+",
"crossbeam-queue 0.1.2 (registry+",
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
name = "tokio-timer"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"slab 0.3.0 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-timer"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.11"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-udp"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.5"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"tokio-codec 0.1.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+",
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
name = "tokio-uds"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"mio-uds 0.6.7 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"tokio-codec 0.1.1 (registry+",
"tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+",
"tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+",
2016-09-10 11:37:14 +02:00
name = "toml"
version = "0.4.10"
2016-09-10 11:37:14 +02:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
name = "toml"
version = "0.5.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
2016-09-10 11:37:14 +02:00
name = "toolshed"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.6.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"fxhash 0.2.1 (registry+",
name = "trace-time"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
name = "transaction-pool"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
"trace-time 0.1.2 (registry+",
2016-02-23 18:51:29 +01:00
name = "transient-hashmap"
version = "0.4.1"
2016-02-27 15:56:41 +01:00
source = "registry+"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "trie-db"
version = "0.11.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+",
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"rand 0.6.5 (registry+",
name = "trie-standardmap"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"rlp 0.2.4 (registry+",
name = "triehash"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
name = "triehash-ethereum"
version = "0.2.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"keccak-hasher 0.1.1",
"triehash 0.4.0 (registry+",
name = "try-lock"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "try-lock"
version = "0.2.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "typenum"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.11.2"
source = "registry+"
name = "ucd-util"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.5"
source = "registry+"
name = "uint"
version = "0.4.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"crunchy 0.1.6 (registry+",
"heapsize 0.4.2 (git+",
"rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+",
name = "unexpected"
version = "0.1.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "unicase"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.5.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"version_check 0.1.5 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "unicode-bidi"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.3.4"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "unicode-normalization"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.8"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
dependencies = [
"smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "unicode-segmentation"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.5.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "unicode-width"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.6"
source = "registry+"
name = "unicode-xid"
version = "0.1.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "unicode-xid"
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "untrusted"
version = "0.6.2"
2016-04-24 19:10:56 +02:00
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "url"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.7.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"idna 0.1.5 (registry+",
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
"percent-encoding 1.0.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "url"
version = "2.1.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"idna 0.2.0 (registry+",
"matches 0.1.8 (registry+",
"percent-encoding 2.1.0 (registry+",
name = "using_queue"
version = "0.1.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "utf8-ranges"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.4"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
2016-04-11 13:21:55 +02:00
name = "validator"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"idna 0.1.5 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"serde 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+",
"serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+",
"url 1.7.2 (registry+",
name = "validator_derive"
version = "0.8.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"if_chain 0.1.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"regex 1.3.1 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
"validator 0.8.0 (registry+",
name = "vec_map"
version = "0.8.1"
source = "registry+"
2016-02-21 21:14:09 +01:00
name = "vergen"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
version = "0.1.1"
2016-02-21 21:14:09 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"bitflags 0.7.0 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
2016-02-21 21:14:09 +01:00
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
name = "version_check"
version = "0.1.5"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
source = "registry+"
name = "vm"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
"ethjson 0.1.0",
"keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+",
"patricia-trie-ethereum 0.1.0",
"rlp 0.3.0 (registry+",
name = "walkdir"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.2.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"same-file 1.0.5 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
"winapi-util 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "want"
version = "0.0.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"try-lock 0.1.0 (registry+",
name = "want"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"futures 0.1.29 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"try-lock 0.2.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "wasi"
version = "0.7.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "wasm"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+",
"ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"libc 0.2.65 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parity-wasm 0.31.3 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"pwasm-utils 0.6.2 (registry+",
"vm 0.1.0",
2018-07-05 09:09:01 +02:00
"wasmi 0.3.0 (registry+",
2018-02-05 20:59:27 +01:00
name = "wasmi"
2018-07-05 09:09:01 +02:00
version = "0.3.0"
2018-03-21 10:47:25 +01:00
source = "registry+"
2018-02-05 20:59:27 +01:00
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"memory_units 0.3.0 (registry+",
"nan-preserving-float 0.1.0 (registry+",
"parity-wasm 0.31.3 (registry+",
name = "webpki"
version = "0.19.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"ring 0.14.6 (registry+",
"untrusted 0.6.2 (registry+",
name = "webpki-roots"
version = "0.16.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"untrusted 0.6.2 (registry+",
"webpki 0.19.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "winapi"
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
version = "0.2.8"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
name = "winapi"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.3.8"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+",
"winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "winapi-build"
version = "0.1.1"
source = "registry+"
name = "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "winapi-util"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"
version = "0.4.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "wincolor"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
"winapi-util 0.1.2 (registry+",
name = "ws"
version = "0.9.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"httparse 1.3.4 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.19 (registry+",
"mio-extras 2.0.5 (registry+",
"rand 0.7.2 (registry+",
"sha-1 0.8.1 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"url 2.1.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "ws2_32-sys"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
"winapi-build 0.1.1 (registry+",
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
name = "xdg"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
version = "2.2.0"
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
source = "registry+"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "xml-rs"
version = "0.7.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
name = "xmltree"
version = "0.7.0"
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"xml-rs 0.7.0 (registry+",
2016-02-14 17:35:45 +01:00
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
name = "zeroize"
version = "0.9.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"zeroize_derive 0.9.3 (registry+",
name = "zeroize_derive"
version = "0.9.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+",
"quote 0.6.13 (registry+",
"syn 0.15.26 (registry+",
"synstructure 0.10.1 (registry+",
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum aes 0.3.2 (registry+" = "54eb1d8fe354e5fc611daf4f2ea97dd45a765f4f1e4512306ec183ae2e8f20c9"
"checksum aes-ctr 0.3.0 (registry+" = "d2e5b0458ea3beae0d1d8c0f3946564f8e10f90646cf78c06b4351052058d1ee"
"checksum aes-soft 0.3.3 (registry+" = "cfd7e7ae3f9a1fb5c03b389fc6bb9a51400d0c13053f0dca698c832bfd893a0d"
"checksum aesni 0.6.0 (registry+" = "2f70a6b5f971e473091ab7cfb5ffac6cde81666c4556751d8d5620ead8abf100"
"checksum aho-corasick 0.6.10 (registry+" = "81ce3d38065e618af2d7b77e10c5ad9a069859b4be3c2250f674af3840d9c8a5"
"checksum aho-corasick 0.7.6 (registry+" = "58fb5e95d83b38284460a5fda7d6470aa0b8844d283a0b614b8535e880800d2d"
"checksum ansi_term 0.10.2 (registry+" = "6b3568b48b7cefa6b8ce125f9bb4989e52fbcc29ebea88df04cc7c5f12f70455"
"checksum ansi_term 0.11.0 (registry+" = "ee49baf6cb617b853aa8d93bf420db2383fab46d314482ca2803b40d5fde979b"
"checksum app_dirs 1.2.1 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum arrayref 0.3.5 (registry+" = "0d382e583f07208808f6b1249e60848879ba3543f57c32277bf52d69c2f0f0ee"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum arrayvec 0.4.12 (registry+" = "cd9fd44efafa8690358b7408d253adf110036b88f55672a933f01d616ad9b1b9"
"checksum assert_matches 1.3.0 (registry+" = "7deb0a829ca7bcfaf5da70b073a8d128619259a7be8216a355e23f00763059e5"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum atty 0.2.13 (registry+" = "1803c647a3ec87095e7ae7acfca019e98de5ec9a7d01343f611cf3152ed71a90"
"checksum autocfg 0.1.7 (registry+" = "1d49d90015b3c36167a20fe2810c5cd875ad504b39cff3d4eae7977e6b7c1cb2"
"checksum backtrace 0.3.40 (registry+" = "924c76597f0d9ca25d762c25a4d369d51267536465dc5064bdf0eb073ed477ea"
"checksum backtrace-sys 0.1.32 (registry+" = "5d6575f128516de27e3ce99689419835fce9643a9b215a14d2b5b685be018491"
"checksum base-x 0.2.6 (registry+" = "1b20b618342cf9891c292c4f5ac2cde7287cc5c87e87e9c769d617793607dec1"
"checksum base64 0.10.1 (registry+" = "0b25d992356d2eb0ed82172f5248873db5560c4721f564b13cb5193bda5e668e"
"checksum base64 0.9.3 (registry+" = "489d6c0ed21b11d038c31b6ceccca973e65d73ba3bd8ecb9a2babf5546164643"
"checksum bincode 0.8.0 (registry+" = "e103c8b299b28a9c6990458b7013dc4a8356a9b854c51b9883241f5866fac36e"
"checksum bit-set 0.4.0 (registry+" = "d9bf6104718e80d7b26a68fdbacff3481cfc05df670821affc7e9cbc1884400c"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum bit-vec 0.4.4 (registry+" = "02b4ff8b16e6076c3e14220b39fbc1fabb6737522281a388998046859400895f"
"checksum bitflags 0.7.0 (registry+" = "aad18937a628ec6abcd26d1489012cc0e18c21798210f491af69ded9b881106d"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+" = "cf1de2fe8c75bc145a2f577add951f8134889b4795d47466a54a5c846d691693"
"checksum block-buffer 0.3.3 (registry+" = "a076c298b9ecdb530ed9d967e74a6027d6a7478924520acddcddc24c1c8ab3ab"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum block-buffer 0.7.3 (registry+" = "c0940dc441f31689269e10ac70eb1002a3a1d3ad1390e030043662eb7fe4688b"
"checksum block-cipher-trait 0.6.2 (registry+" = "1c924d49bd09e7c06003acda26cd9742e796e34282ec6c1189404dee0c1f4774"
"checksum block-modes 0.3.3 (registry+" = "31aa8410095e39fdb732909fb5730a48d5bd7c2e3cd76bd1b07b3dbea130c529"
"checksum block-padding 0.1.4 (registry+" = "6d4dc3af3ee2e12f3e5d224e5e1e3d73668abbeb69e566d361f7d5563a4fdf09"
2017-03-28 00:42:37 +02:00
"checksum bn 0.4.4 (git+" = "<none>"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum bstr 0.2.8 (registry+" = "8d6c2c5b58ab920a4f5aeaaca34b4488074e8cc7596af94e6f8c6ff247c60245"
"checksum byte-tools 0.2.0 (registry+" = "560c32574a12a89ecd91f5e742165893f86e3ab98d21f8ea548658eb9eef5f40"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum byte-tools 0.3.1 (registry+" = "e3b5ca7a04898ad4bcd41c90c5285445ff5b791899bb1b0abdd2a2aa791211d7"
"checksum byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+" = "a7c3dd8985a7111efc5c80b44e23ecdd8c007de8ade3b96595387e812b957cf5"
"checksum bytes 0.4.12 (registry+" = "206fdffcfa2df7cbe15601ef46c813fce0965eb3286db6b56c583b814b51c81c"
"checksum c2-chacha 0.2.3 (registry+" = "214238caa1bf3a496ec3392968969cab8549f96ff30652c9e56885329315f6bb"
"checksum cast 0.2.2 (registry+" = "926013f2860c46252efceabb19f4a6b308197505082c609025aa6706c011d427"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum cc 1.0.47 (registry+" = "aa87058dce70a3ff5621797f1506cb837edd02ac4c0ae642b4542dce802908b8"
"checksum cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+" = "4785bdd1c96b2a846b2bd7cc02e86b6b3dbf14e7e53446c4f54c92a361040822"
"checksum chrono 0.4.9 (registry+" = "e8493056968583b0193c1bb04d6f7684586f3726992d6c573261941a895dbd68"
"checksum cid 0.3.1 (registry+" = "6908948032561f2550467a477f659cdc358320a805237b9b5035c0350c441def"
"checksum clap 2.33.0 (registry+" = "5067f5bb2d80ef5d68b4c87db81601f0b75bca627bc2ef76b141d7b846a3c6d9"
2018-07-25 17:40:33 +02:00
"checksum cloudabi 0.0.3 (registry+" = "ddfc5b9aa5d4507acaf872de71051dfd0e309860e88966e1051e462a077aac4f"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum cmake 0.1.42 (registry+" = "81fb25b677f8bf1eb325017cb6bb8452f87969db0fedb4f757b297bee78a7c62"
"checksum constant_time_eq 0.1.4 (registry+" = "995a44c877f9212528ccc74b21a232f66ad69001e40ede5bcee2ac9ef2657120"
"checksum criterion 0.2.11 (registry+" = "0363053954f3e679645fc443321ca128b7b950a6fe288cf5f9335cc22ee58394"
"checksum criterion 0.3.0 (registry+" = "938703e165481c8d612ea3479ac8342e5615185db37765162e762ec3523e2fc6"
"checksum criterion-plot 0.3.1 (registry+" = "76f9212ddf2f4a9eb2d401635190600656a1f88a932ef53d06e7fa4c7e02fb8e"
"checksum criterion-plot 0.4.0 (registry+" = "eccdc6ce8bbe352ca89025bee672aa6d24f4eb8c53e3a8b5d1bc58011da072a2"
"checksum crossbeam-deque 0.6.3 (registry+" = "05e44b8cf3e1a625844d1750e1f7820da46044ff6d28f4d43e455ba3e5bb2c13"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum crossbeam-deque 0.7.1 (registry+" = "b18cd2e169ad86297e6bc0ad9aa679aee9daa4f19e8163860faf7c164e4f5a71"
"checksum crossbeam-epoch 0.7.2 (registry+" = "fedcd6772e37f3da2a9af9bf12ebe046c0dfe657992377b4df982a2b54cd37a9"
"checksum crossbeam-queue 0.1.2 (registry+" = "7c979cd6cfe72335896575c6b5688da489e420d36a27a0b9eb0c73db574b4a4b"
"checksum crossbeam-utils 0.6.6 (registry+" = "04973fa96e96579258a5091af6003abde64af786b860f18622b82e026cca60e6"
2017-08-22 17:05:28 +02:00
"checksum crunchy 0.1.6 (registry+" = "a2f4a431c5c9f662e1200b7c7f02c34e91361150e382089a8f2dec3ba680cbda"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum crunchy 0.2.2 (registry+" = "7a81dae078cea95a014a339291cec439d2f232ebe854a9d672b796c6afafa9b7"
"checksum crypto-mac 0.6.2 (registry+" = "7afa06d05a046c7a47c3a849907ec303504608c927f4e85f7bfff22b7180d971"
"checksum crypto-mac 0.7.0 (registry+" = "4434400df11d95d556bac068ddfedd482915eb18fe8bea89bc80b6e4b1c179e5"
"checksum csv 1.1.1 (registry+" = "37519ccdfd73a75821cac9319d4fce15a81b9fcf75f951df5b9988aa3a0af87d"
"checksum csv-core 0.1.6 (registry+" = "9b5cadb6b25c77aeff80ba701712494213f4a8418fcda2ee11b6560c3ad0bf4c"
"checksum ct-logs 0.5.1 (registry+" = "1b4660f8b07a560a88c02d76286edb9f0d5d64e495d2b0f233186155aa51be1f"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum ctr 0.3.2 (registry+" = "022cd691704491df67d25d006fe8eca083098253c4d43516c2206479c58c6736"
"checksum ctrlc 1.1.1 (git+" = "<none>"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum derive_more 0.14.1 (registry+" = "6d944ac6003ed268757ef1ee686753b57efc5fcf0ebe7b64c9fc81e7e32ff839"
"checksum difference 1.0.0 (registry+" = "b3304d19798a8e067e48d8e69b2c37f0b5e9b4e462504ad9e27e9f3fce02bba8"
"checksum digest 0.7.6 (registry+" = "03b072242a8cbaf9c145665af9d250c59af3b958f83ed6824e13533cf76d5b90"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum digest 0.8.1 (registry+" = "f3d0c8c8752312f9713efd397ff63acb9f85585afbf179282e720e7704954dd5"
"checksum docopt 1.1.0 (registry+" = "7f525a586d310c87df72ebcd98009e57f1cc030c8c268305287a476beb653969"
"checksum edit-distance 2.1.0 (registry+" = "bbbaaaf38131deb9ca518a274a45bfdb8771f139517b073b16c2d3d32ae5037b"
"checksum either 1.5.3 (registry+" = "bb1f6b1ce1c140482ea30ddd3335fc0024ac7ee112895426e0a629a6c20adfe3"
"checksum elastic-array 0.10.2 (registry+" = "073be79b6538296faf81c631872676600616073817dd9a440c477ad09b408983"
"checksum enum_primitive 0.1.1 (registry+" = "be4551092f4d519593039259a9ed8daedf0da12e5109c5280338073eaeb81180"
"checksum env_logger 0.5.13 (registry+" = "15b0a4d2e39f8420210be8b27eeda28029729e2fd4291019455016c348240c38"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum error-chain 0.12.1 (registry+" = "3ab49e9dcb602294bc42f9a7dfc9bc6e936fca4418ea300dbfb84fe16de0b7d9"
"checksum eth-secp256k1 0.5.7 (git+" = "<none>"
"checksum ethabi 6.1.0 (registry+" = "8eb362fde43ed0b50b258bb0c72b72b3dccfd29f8de9506295eaf9251c49ca31"
"checksum ethabi-contract 6.0.0 (registry+" = "795e25fd868e12a59ca235dbe1f6cc8f1eba8f67d6a39438b29535e0126e0c27"
"checksum ethabi-derive 6.0.2 (registry+" = "66a587250c8190be9d6ae28d67b8957ed97cb9eee2e272173a20593ab054a075"
"checksum ethbloom 0.5.0 (registry+" = "1a93a43ce2e9f09071449da36bfa7a1b20b950ee344b6904ff23de493b03b386"
"checksum ethereum-types 0.4.2 (registry+" = "6e742184dc63a01c8ea0637369f8faa27c40f537949908a237f95c05e68d2c96"
"checksum ethereum-types-serialize 0.2.2 (registry+" = "1873d77b32bc1891a79dad925f2acbc318ee942b38b9110f9dbc5fbeffcea350"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum failsafe 0.3.1 (registry+" = "cf04c6ffd217a68c73fdf40eb3331c484fd7a9fa4fd1028fcf74456ef889ca12"
"checksum failure 0.1.6 (registry+" = "f8273f13c977665c5db7eb2b99ae520952fe5ac831ae4cd09d80c4c7042b5ed9"
"checksum failure_derive 0.1.6 (registry+" = "0bc225b78e0391e4b8683440bf2e63c2deeeb2ce5189eab46e2b68c6d3725d08"
"checksum fake-simd 0.1.2 (registry+" = "e88a8acf291dafb59c2d96e8f59828f3838bb1a70398823ade51a84de6a6deed"
2016-12-05 18:15:05 +01:00
"checksum fdlimit 0.1.1 (registry+" = "b1ee15a7050e5580b3712877157068ea713b245b080ff302ae2ca973cfcd9baa"
"checksum fixed-hash 0.2.2 (registry+" = "0d5ec8112f00ea8a483e04748a85522184418fd1cf02890b626d8fc28683f7de"
"checksum fixedbitset 0.1.9 (registry+" = "86d4de0081402f5e88cdac65c8dcdcc73118c1a7a465e2a05f0da05843a8ea33"
"checksum fnv 1.0.6 (registry+" = "2fad85553e09a6f881f739c29f0b00b0f01357c743266d478b68951ce23285f3"
"checksum fs-swap 0.2.4 (registry+" = "921d332c89b3b61a826de38c61ee5b6e02c56806cade1b0e5d81bd71f57a71bb"
"checksum fs_extra 1.1.0 (registry+" = "5f2a4a2034423744d2cc7ca2068453168dcdb82c438419e639a26bd87839c674"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum fuchsia-cprng 0.1.1 (registry+" = "a06f77d526c1a601b7c4cdd98f54b5eaabffc14d5f2f0296febdc7f357c6d3ba"
"checksum fuchsia-zircon 0.3.3 (registry+" = "2e9763c69ebaae630ba35f74888db465e49e259ba1bc0eda7d06f4a067615d82"
"checksum fuchsia-zircon-sys 0.3.3 (registry+" = "3dcaa9ae7725d12cdb85b3ad99a434db70b468c09ded17e012d86b5c1010f7a7"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum futures 0.1.29 (registry+" = "1b980f2816d6ee8673b6517b52cb0e808a180efc92e5c19d02cdda79066703ef"
"checksum futures-cpupool 0.1.8 (registry+" = "ab90cde24b3319636588d0c35fe03b1333857621051837ed769faefb4c2162e4"
"checksum fxhash 0.2.1 (registry+" = "c31b6d751ae2c7f11320402d34e41349dd1016f8d5d45e48c4312bc8625af50c"
"checksum gcc 0.3.55 (registry+" = "8f5f3913fa0bfe7ee1fd8248b6b9f42a5af4b9d65ec2dd2c3c26132b950ecfc2"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum generic-array 0.12.3 (registry+" = "c68f0274ae0e023facc3c97b2e00f076be70e254bc851d972503b328db79b2ec"
"checksum generic-array 0.9.0 (registry+" = "ef25c5683767570c2bbd7deba372926a55eaae9982d7726ee2a1050239d45b9d"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum getopts 0.2.21 (registry+" = "14dbbfd5c71d70241ecf9e6f13737f7b5ce823821063188d7e46c41d371eebd5"
"checksum getrandom 0.1.13 (registry+" = "e7db7ca94ed4cd01190ceee0d8a8052f08a247aa1b469a7f68c6a3b71afcf407"
"checksum globset 0.4.4 (registry+" = "925aa2cac82d8834e2b2a4415b6f6879757fb5c0928fc445ae76461a12eed8f2"
"checksum h2 0.1.26 (registry+" = "a5b34c246847f938a410a03c5458c7fee2274436675e76d8b903c08efc29c462"
"checksum hamming 0.1.3 (registry+" = "65043da274378d68241eb9a8f8f8aa54e349136f7b8e12f63e3ef44043cc30e1"
"checksum hash-db 0.11.0 (registry+" = "1b03501f6e1a2a97f1618879aba3156f14ca2847faa530c4e28859638bd11483"
"checksum heapsize 0.4.2 (git+" = "<none>"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum heck 0.3.1 (registry+" = "20564e78d53d2bb135c343b3f47714a56af2061f1c928fdb541dc7b9fdd94205"
"checksum hermit-abi 0.1.3 (registry+" = "307c3c9f937f38e3534b1d6447ecf090cafcc9744e4a6360e8b037b2cf5af120"
"checksum hex-literal 0.2.1 (registry+" = "961de220ec9a91af2e1e5bd80d02109155695e516771762381ef8581317066e0"
"checksum hex-literal-impl 0.2.1 (registry+" = "9d4c5c844e2fee0bf673d54c2c177f1713b3d2af2ff6e666b49cb7572e6cf42d"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum hmac 0.6.3 (registry+" = "733e1b3ac906631ca01ebb577e9bb0f5e37a454032b9036b5eaea4013ed6f99a"
"checksum hmac 0.7.1 (registry+" = "5dcb5e64cda4c23119ab41ba960d1e170a774c8e4b9d9e6a9bc18aabf5e59695"
"checksum home 0.3.4 (registry+" = "29302b90cfa76231a757a887d1e3153331a63c7f80b6c75f86366334cbe70708"
"checksum home 0.5.1 (registry+" = "a3753954f7bd71f0e671afb8b5a992d1724cf43b7f95a563cd4a0bde94659ca8"
"checksum http 0.1.19 (registry+" = "d7e06e336150b178206af098a055e3621e8336027e2b4d126bda0bc64824baaf"
"checksum http-body 0.1.0 (registry+" = "6741c859c1b2463a423a1dbce98d418e6c3c3fc720fb0d45528657320920292d"
"checksum httparse 1.3.4 (registry+" = "cd179ae861f0c2e53da70d892f5f3029f9594be0c41dc5269cd371691b1dc2f9"
"checksum humantime 1.3.0 (registry+" = "df004cfca50ef23c36850aaaa59ad52cc70d0e90243c3c7737a4dd32dc7a3c4f"
"checksum hyper 0.11.27 (registry+" = "34a590ca09d341e94cddf8e5af0bbccde205d5fbc2fa3c09dd67c7f85cea59d7"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum hyper 0.12.35 (registry+" = "9dbe6ed1438e1f8ad955a4701e9a944938e9519f6888d12d8558b645e247d5f6"
"checksum hyper-rustls 0.16.1 (registry+" = "15b66d1bd4864ef036adf2363409caa3acd63ebb4725957b66e621c8a36631a3"
"checksum idna 0.1.5 (registry+" = "38f09e0f0b1fb55fdee1f17470ad800da77af5186a1a76c026b679358b7e844e"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum idna 0.2.0 (registry+" = "02e2673c30ee86b5b96a9cb52ad15718aa1f966f5ab9ad54a8b95d5ca33120a9"
"checksum if_chain 0.1.3 (registry+" = "4bac95d9aa0624e7b78187d6fb8ab012b41d9f6f54b1bcb61e61c4845f8357ec"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum igd 0.7.1 (registry+" = "c8aef7814a769f156ef3a86169a8b04c066e3aebc324f522c159978466e32a1c"
"checksum indexmap 1.3.0 (registry+" = "712d7b3ea5827fcb9d4fda14bf4da5f136f0db2ae9c8f4bd4e2d1c6fde4e6db2"
"checksum integer-encoding 1.0.7 (registry+" = "1aec89c15e2cfa0f0eae8ca60e03cb10b30d25ea2c0ad7d6be60a95e32729994"
2017-11-14 12:59:01 +01:00
"checksum interleaved-ordered 0.1.1 (registry+" = "141340095b15ed7491bd3d4ced9d20cebfb826174b6bb03386381f62b01e3d77"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum iovec 0.1.4 (registry+" = "b2b3ea6ff95e175473f8ffe6a7eb7c00d054240321b84c57051175fe3c1e075e"
"checksum ipnetwork 0.12.8 (registry+" = "70783119ac90828aaba91eae39db32c6c1b8838deea3637e5238efa0130801ab"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum itertools 0.5.10 (registry+" = "4833d6978da405305126af4ac88569b5d71ff758581ce5a987dbfa3755f694fc"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum itertools 0.7.11 (registry+" = "0d47946d458e94a1b7bcabbf6521ea7c037062c81f534615abcad76e84d4970d"
"checksum itertools 0.8.1 (registry+" = "87fa75c9dea7b07be3138c49abbb83fd4bea199b5cdc76f9804458edc5da0d6e"
"checksum itoa 0.4.4 (registry+" = "501266b7edd0174f8530248f87f99c88fbe60ca4ef3dd486835b8d8d53136f7f"
"checksum jemalloc-sys 0.1.8 (registry+" = "bfc62c8e50e381768ce8ee0428ee53741929f7ebd73e4d83f669bcf7693e00ae"
"checksum jemallocator 0.1.9 (registry+" = "9f0cd42ac65f758063fea55126b0148b1ce0a6354ff78e07a4d6806bc65c4ab3"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum jsonrpc-core 14.0.3 (registry+" = "34651edf3417637cc45e70ed0182ecfa9ced0b7e8131805fccf7400d989845ca"
"checksum jsonrpc-derive 14.0.3 (registry+" = "d5d5c31575cc70a8b21542599028472c80a9248394aeea4d8918a045a0ab08a3"
"checksum jsonrpc-http-server 14.0.3 (registry+" = "aa54c4c2d88cb5e04b251a5031ba0f2ee8c6ef30970e31228955b89a80c3b611"
"checksum jsonrpc-ipc-server 14.0.3 (registry+" = "b579cd0840d7db3ebaadf52f6f31ec601a260e78d610e44f68634f919e34497a"
"checksum jsonrpc-pubsub 14.0.3 (registry+" = "3ee1b8da0b9219a231c4b7cbc7110bfdb457cbcd8d90a6224d0b3cab8aae8443"
"checksum jsonrpc-server-utils 14.0.3 (registry+" = "87bc3c0a9a282211b2ec14abb3e977de33016bbec495332e9f7be858de7c5117"
"checksum jsonrpc-tcp-server 14.0.3 (registry+" = "9c7807563cd721401285b59b54358f5b2325b4de6ff6f1de5494a5879e890fc1"
"checksum jsonrpc-ws-server 14.0.3 (registry+" = "af36a129cef77a9db8028ac7552d927e1bb7b6928cd96b23dd25cc38bff974ab"
"checksum keccak-hash 0.1.2 (registry+" = "253bbe643c32c816bf58fa5a88248fafedeebb139705ad17a62add3517854a86"
"checksum kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+" = "7507624b29483431c0ba2d82aece8ca6cdba9382bff4ddd0f7490560c056098d"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum kvdb 0.1.1 (registry+" = "c1b2f251f01a7224426abdb2563707d856f7de995d821744fd8fa8e2874f69e3"
"checksum kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0 (registry+" = "45bcdf5eb083602cff61a6f8438dce2a7900d714e893fc48781c39fb119d37aa"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum kvdb-rocksdb 0.1.6 (registry+" = "d5c5f57ad492ecfb9e2a91614ff0204bda82e41f832bebd64cd03ffecb74e02b"
"checksum language-tags 0.2.2 (registry+" = "a91d884b6667cd606bb5a69aa0c99ba811a115fc68915e7056ec08a46e93199a"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+" = "e2abad23fbc42b3700f2f279844dc832adb2b2eb069b2df918f455c4e18cc646"
"checksum lazycell 1.2.1 (registry+" = "b294d6fa9ee409a054354afc4352b0b9ef7ca222c69b8812cbea9e7d2bf3783f"
"checksum libc 0.2.65 (registry+" = "1a31a0627fdf1f6a39ec0dd577e101440b7db22672c0901fe00a9a6fbb5c24e8"
"checksum libloading 0.5.2 (registry+" = "f2b111a074963af1d37a139918ac6d49ad1d0d5e47f72fd55388619691a7d753"
"checksum linked-hash-map 0.5.2 (registry+" = "ae91b68aebc4ddb91978b11a1b02ddd8602a05ec19002801c5666000e05e0f83"
"checksum local-encoding 0.2.0 (registry+" = "e1ceb20f39ff7ae42f3ff9795f3986b1daad821caaa1e1732a0944103a5a1a66"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum lock_api 0.1.5 (registry+" = "62ebf1391f6acad60e5c8b43706dde4582df75c06698ab44511d15016bc2442c"
"checksum lock_api 0.3.1 (registry+" = "f8912e782533a93a167888781b836336a6ca5da6175c05944c86cf28c31104dc"
"checksum log 0.4.8 (registry+" = "14b6052be84e6b71ab17edffc2eeabf5c2c3ae1fdb464aae35ac50c67a44e1f7"
"checksum logos 0.7.7 (registry+" = "60ca690691528b32832c7e8aaae8ae1edcdee4e9ffde55b2d31a4795bc7a12d0"
"checksum logos-derive 0.7.7 (registry+" = "917dccdd529d5681f3d28b26bcfdafd2ed67fe4f26d15b5ac679f67b55279f3d"
2019-03-29 13:25:15 +01:00
"checksum lru-cache 0.1.2 (registry+" = "31e24f1ad8321ca0e8a1e0ac13f23cb668e6f5466c2c57319f6a5cf1cc8e3b1c"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum lunarity-lexer 0.2.1 (registry+" = "28a5446c03ed5bd4ae2cca322c4c84d9bd9741b6788f75c404719474cb63d3b7"
"checksum matches 0.1.8 (registry+" = "7ffc5c5338469d4d3ea17d269fa8ea3512ad247247c30bd2df69e68309ed0a08"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum maybe-uninit 2.0.0 (registry+" = "60302e4db3a61da70c0cb7991976248362f30319e88850c487b9b95bbf059e00"
"checksum memchr 2.2.1 (registry+" = "88579771288728879b57485cc7d6b07d648c9f0141eb955f8ab7f9d45394468e"
"checksum memmap 0.6.2 (registry+" = "e2ffa2c986de11a9df78620c01eeaaf27d94d3ff02bf81bfcca953102dd0c6ff"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum memoffset 0.5.2 (registry+" = "4a85c1a8c329f11437034d7313dca647c79096523533a1c79e86f1d0f657c7cc"
"checksum memory-db 0.11.0 (registry+" = "94da53143d45f6bad3753f532e56ad57a6a26c0ca6881794583310c7cb4c885f"
"checksum memory_units 0.3.0 (registry+" = "71d96e3f3c0b6325d8ccd83c33b28acb183edcb6c67938ba104ec546854b0882"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum mime 0.3.14 (registry+" = "dd1d63acd1b78403cc0c325605908475dd9b9a3acbf65ed8bcab97e27014afcf"
"checksum mime_guess 2.0.1 (registry+" = "1a0ed03949aef72dbdf3116a383d7b38b4768e6f960528cd6a6044aa9ed68599"
"checksum mio 0.6.19 (registry+" = "83f51996a3ed004ef184e16818edc51fadffe8e7ca68be67f9dee67d84d0ff23"
"checksum mio-extras 2.0.5 (registry+" = "46e73a04c2fa6250b8d802134d56d554a9ec2922bf977777c805ea5def61ce40"
"checksum mio-named-pipes 0.1.6 (registry+" = "f5e374eff525ce1c5b7687c4cef63943e7686524a387933ad27ca7ec43779cb3"
"checksum mio-uds 0.6.7 (registry+" = "966257a94e196b11bb43aca423754d87429960a768de9414f3691d6957abf125"
"checksum miow 0.2.1 (registry+" = "8c1f2f3b1cf331de6896aabf6e9d55dca90356cc9960cca7eaaf408a355ae919"
"checksum miow 0.3.3 (registry+" = "396aa0f2003d7df8395cb93e09871561ccc3e785f0acb369170e8cc74ddf9226"
2017-02-14 19:30:37 +01:00
"checksum multibase 0.6.0 (registry+" = "b9c35dac080fd6e16a99924c8dfdef0af89d797dd851adab25feaffacf7850d6"
"checksum multihash 0.8.0 (registry+" = "c62469025f45dee2464ef9fc845f4683c543993792c1993e7d903c17a4546b74"
"checksum nan-preserving-float 0.1.0 (registry+" = "34d4f00fcc2f4c9efa8cc971db0da9e28290e28e97af47585e48691ef10ff31f"
"checksum net2 0.2.33 (registry+" = "42550d9fb7b6684a6d404d9fa7250c2eb2646df731d1c06afc06dcee9e1bcf88"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum nodrop 0.1.14 (registry+" = "72ef4a56884ca558e5ddb05a1d1e7e1bfd9a68d9ed024c21704cc98872dae1bb"
"checksum num 0.1.42 (registry+" = "4703ad64153382334aa8db57c637364c322d3372e097840c72000dabdcf6156e"
"checksum num-bigint 0.1.44 (registry+" = "e63899ad0da84ce718c14936262a41cee2c79c981fc0a0e7c7beb47d5a07e8c1"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum num-bigint 0.2.3 (registry+" = "f9c3f34cdd24f334cb265d9bf8bfa8a241920d026916785747a92f0e55541a1a"
"checksum num-integer 0.1.41 (registry+" = "b85e541ef8255f6cf42bbfe4ef361305c6c135d10919ecc26126c4e5ae94bc09"
"checksum num-iter 0.1.39 (registry+" = "76bd5272412d173d6bf9afdf98db8612bbabc9a7a830b7bfc9c188911716132e"
2018-04-04 15:38:04 +02:00
"checksum num-traits 0.1.43 (registry+" = "92e5113e9fd4cc14ded8e499429f396a20f98c772a47cc8622a736e1ec843c31"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum num-traits 0.2.8 (registry+" = "6ba9a427cfca2be13aa6f6403b0b7e7368fe982bfa16fccc450ce74c46cd9b32"
"checksum num_cpus 1.11.0 (registry+" = "155394f924cdddf08149da25bfb932d226b4a593ca7468b08191ff6335941af5"
"checksum number_prefix 0.2.8 (registry+" = "dbf9993e59c894e3c08aa1c2712914e9e6bf1fcbfc6bef283e2183df345a4fee"
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"checksum ole32-sys 0.2.0 (registry+" = "5d2c49021782e5233cd243168edfa8037574afed4eba4bbaf538b3d8d1789d8c"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+" = "2839e79665f131bdb5782e51f2c6c9599c133c6098982a54c794358bf432529c"
"checksum order-stat 0.1.3 (registry+" = "efa535d5117d3661134dbf1719b6f0ffe06f2375843b13935db186cd094105eb"
"checksum ordermap 0.3.5 (registry+" = "a86ed3f5f244b372d6b1a00b72ef7f8876d0bc6a78a4c9985c53614041512063"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum owning_ref 0.4.0 (registry+" = "49a4b8ea2179e6a2e27411d3bca09ca6dd630821cf6894c6c7c8467a8ee7ef13"
"checksum parity-bytes 0.1.1 (registry+" = "0c276d76c5333b8c2579e02d49a06733a55b8282d2d9b13e8d53b6406bd7e30a"
"checksum parity-crypto 0.3.1 (registry+" = "cf1b9c063d87e1507cb3807493c8d21859ef23b5414b39f81c53f0ba267d64c1"
"checksum parity-crypto 0.4.2 (registry+" = "27a9c2b525c93d717a234eb220c26474f8d97b08ac50d79faeac4cb6c74bf0b9"
"checksum parity-daemonize 0.3.0 (registry+" = "69b1910b2793ff52713fca0a4ee92544ebec59ccd218ea74560be6f947b4ca77"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum parity-path 0.1.2 (registry+" = "7b027aab22527061b7005cecf7805e8f42eed94ce89e76bac3a6035394b56627"
"checksum parity-rocksdb 0.5.1 (registry+" = "2d17caf6640e24b70242f3f48615e3f0764f98871e8c7aea25584e29833eb5a8"
"checksum parity-rocksdb-sys 0.5.6 (registry+" = "9581e6b8c63f3808500638372ee56faaaffb57c4d349974bff591606b94d5f57"
"checksum parity-snappy 0.1.0 (registry+" = "e2c5f9d149b13134b8b354d93a92830efcbee6fe5b73a2e6e540fe70d4dd8a63"
"checksum parity-snappy-sys 0.1.2 (registry+" = "1a413d51e5e1927320c9de992998e4a279dffb8c8a7363570198bd8383e66f1b"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum parity-tokio-ipc 0.2.0 (registry+" = "8281bf4f1d6429573f89589bf68d89451c46750977a8264f8ea3edbabeba7947"
"checksum parity-wasm 0.31.3 (registry+" = "511379a8194230c2395d2f5fa627a5a7e108a9f976656ce723ae68fca4097bfc"
"checksum parity-wordlist 1.3.0 (registry+" = "573d08f0d3bc8a6ffcdac1de2725b5daeed8db26345a9c12d91648e2d6457f3e"
"checksum parking_lot 0.6.4 (registry+" = "f0802bff09003b291ba756dc7e79313e51cc31667e94afbe847def490424cde5"
"checksum parking_lot 0.7.1 (registry+" = "ab41b4aed082705d1056416ae4468b6ea99d52599ecf3169b00088d43113e337"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum parking_lot 0.9.0 (registry+" = "f842b1982eb6c2fe34036a4fbfb06dd185a3f5c8edfaacdf7d1ea10b07de6252"
"checksum parking_lot_core 0.3.1 (registry+" = "ad7f7e6ebdc79edff6fdcb87a55b620174f7a989e3eb31b65231f4af57f00b8c"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
"checksum parking_lot_core 0.4.0 (registry+" = "94c8c7923936b28d546dfd14d4472eaf34c99b14e1c973a32b3e6d4eb04298c9"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum parking_lot_core 0.6.2 (registry+" = "b876b1b9e7ac6e1a74a6da34d25c42e17e8862aa409cbbbdcfc8d86c6f3bc62b"
"checksum pbkdf2 0.2.3 (registry+" = "0c09cddfbfc98de7f76931acf44460972edb4023eb14d0c6d4018800e552d8e0"
"checksum pbkdf2 0.3.0 (registry+" = "006c038a43a45995a9670da19e67600114740e8511d4333bf97a56e66a7542d9"
"checksum percent-encoding 1.0.1 (registry+" = "31010dd2e1ac33d5b46a5b413495239882813e0369f8ed8a5e266f173602f831"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum percent-encoding 2.1.0 (registry+" = "d4fd5641d01c8f18a23da7b6fe29298ff4b55afcccdf78973b24cf3175fee32e"
"checksum petgraph 0.4.13 (registry+" = "9c3659d1ee90221741f65dd128d9998311b0e40c5d3c23a62445938214abce4f"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum plain_hasher 0.2.2 (registry+" = "8f1c24f5061a6a53aaa21b0aaaa2e1beb5271a9ecc8c5bd7ae9ac92969070a2a"
"checksum ppv-lite86 0.2.6 (registry+" = "74490b50b9fbe561ac330df47c08f3f33073d2d00c150f719147d7c54522fa1b"
"checksum pretty_assertions 0.1.2 (registry+" = "2412f3332a07c7a2a50168988dcc184f32180a9758ad470390e5f55e089f6b6e"
"checksum primal 0.2.3 (registry+" = "0e31b86efadeaeb1235452171a66689682783149a6249ff334a2c5d8218d00a4"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum primal-bit 0.2.4 (registry+" = "686a64e2f50194c64942992af5799e6b6e8775b8f88c607d72ed0a2fd58b9b21"
"checksum primal-check 0.2.3 (registry+" = "8e65f96c0a171f887198c274392c99a116ef65aa7f53f3b6d4902f493965c2d1"
"checksum primal-estimate 0.2.1 (registry+" = "56ea4531dde757b56906493c8604641da14607bf9cdaa80fb9c9cabd2429f8d5"
"checksum primal-sieve 0.2.9 (registry+" = "da2d6ed369bb4b0273aeeb43f07c105c0117717cbae827b20719438eb2eb798c"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum proc-macro-crate 0.1.4 (registry+" = "e10d4b51f154c8a7fb96fd6dad097cb74b863943ec010ac94b9fd1be8861fe1e"
"checksum proc-macro-hack 0.5.11 (registry+" = "ecd45702f76d6d3c75a80564378ae228a85f0b59d2f3ed43c91b4a69eb2ebfc5"
"checksum proc-macro2 0.4.30 (registry+" = "cf3d2011ab5c909338f7887f4fc896d35932e29146c12c8d01da6b22a80ba759"
"checksum proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+" = "9c9e470a8dc4aeae2dee2f335e8f533e2d4b347e1434e5671afc49b054592f27"
"checksum pulldown-cmark 0.0.3 (registry+" = "8361e81576d2e02643b04950e487ec172b687180da65c731c03cf336784e6c07"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum pwasm-utils 0.6.2 (registry+" = "efb0dcbddbb600f47a7098d33762a00552c671992171637f5bb310b37fe1f0e4"
"checksum quick-error 1.2.2 (registry+" = "9274b940887ce9addde99c4eee6b5c44cc494b182b97e73dc8ffdcb3397fd3f0"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum quote 0.6.13 (registry+" = "6ce23b6b870e8f94f81fb0a363d65d86675884b34a09043c81e5562f11c1f8e1"
"checksum quote 1.0.2 (registry+" = "053a8c8bcc71fcce321828dc897a98ab9760bef03a4fc36693c231e5b3216cfe"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum rand 0.3.23 (registry+" = "64ac302d8f83c0c1974bf758f6b041c6c8ada916fbb44a609158ca8b064cc76c"
"checksum rand 0.4.6 (registry+" = "552840b97013b1a26992c11eac34bdd778e464601a4c2054b5f0bff7c6761293"
"checksum rand 0.5.6 (registry+" = "c618c47cd3ebd209790115ab837de41425723956ad3ce2e6a7f09890947cacb9"
"checksum rand 0.6.5 (registry+" = "6d71dacdc3c88c1fde3885a3be3fbab9f35724e6ce99467f7d9c5026132184ca"
"checksum rand 0.7.2 (registry+" = "3ae1b169243eaf61759b8475a998f0a385e42042370f3a7dbaf35246eacc8412"
"checksum rand_chacha 0.1.1 (registry+" = "556d3a1ca6600bfcbab7c7c91ccb085ac7fbbcd70e008a98742e7847f4f7bcef"
"checksum rand_chacha 0.2.1 (registry+" = "03a2a90da8c7523f554344f921aa97283eadf6ac484a6d2a7d0212fa7f8d6853"
"checksum rand_core 0.3.1 (registry+" = "7a6fdeb83b075e8266dcc8762c22776f6877a63111121f5f8c7411e5be7eed4b"
"checksum rand_core 0.4.2 (registry+" = "9c33a3c44ca05fa6f1807d8e6743f3824e8509beca625669633be0acbdf509dc"
"checksum rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+" = "90bde5296fc891b0cef12a6d03ddccc162ce7b2aff54160af9338f8d40df6d19"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
"checksum rand_hc 0.1.0 (registry+" = "7b40677c7be09ae76218dc623efbf7b18e34bced3f38883af07bb75630a21bc4"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum rand_hc 0.2.0 (registry+" = "ca3129af7b92a17112d59ad498c6f81eaf463253766b90396d39ea7a39d6613c"
2018-12-11 17:22:55 +01:00
"checksum rand_isaac 0.1.1 (registry+" = "ded997c9d5f13925be2a6fd7e66bf1872597f759fd9dd93513dd7e92e5a5ee08"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum rand_jitter 0.1.4 (registry+" = "1166d5c91dc97b88d1decc3285bb0a99ed84b05cfd0bc2341bdf2d43fc41e39b"
"checksum rand_os 0.1.3 (registry+" = "7b75f676a1e053fc562eafbb47838d67c84801e38fc1ba459e8f180deabd5071"
"checksum rand_os 0.2.2 (registry+" = "a788ae3edb696cfcba1c19bfd388cc4b8c21f8a408432b199c072825084da58a"
"checksum rand_pcg 0.1.2 (registry+" = "abf9b09b01790cfe0364f52bf32995ea3c39f4d2dd011eac241d2914146d0b44"
"checksum rand_xorshift 0.1.1 (registry+" = "cbf7e9e623549b0e21f6e97cf8ecf247c1a8fd2e8a992ae265314300b2455d5c"
"checksum rand_xoshiro 0.1.0 (registry+" = "03b418169fb9c46533f326efd6eed2576699c44ca92d3052a066214a8d828929"
"checksum rand_xoshiro 0.3.1 (registry+" = "0e18c91676f670f6f0312764c759405f13afb98d5d73819840cf72a518487bff"
"checksum rayon 1.2.0 (registry+" = "83a27732a533a1be0a0035a111fe76db89ad312f6f0347004c220c57f209a123"
"checksum rayon-core 1.6.0 (registry+" = "98dcf634205083b17d0861252431eb2acbfb698ab7478a2d20de07954f47ec7b"
"checksum rdrand 0.4.0 (registry+" = "678054eb77286b51581ba43620cc911abf02758c91f93f479767aed0f90458b2"
"checksum redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+" = "2439c63f3f6139d1b57529d16bc3b8bb855230c8efcc5d3a896c8bea7c3b1e84"
"checksum regex 0.2.11 (registry+" = "9329abc99e39129fcceabd24cf5d85b4671ef7c29c50e972bc5afe32438ec384"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum regex 1.3.1 (registry+" = "dc220bd33bdce8f093101afe22a037b8eb0e5af33592e6a9caafff0d4cb81cbd"
"checksum regex-automata 0.1.8 (registry+" = "92b73c2a1770c255c240eaa4ee600df1704a38dc3feaa6e949e7fcd4f8dc09f9"
"checksum regex-syntax 0.5.6 (registry+" = "7d707a4fa2637f2dca2ef9fd02225ec7661fe01a53623c1e6515b6916511f7a7"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum regex-syntax 0.6.12 (registry+" = "11a7e20d1cce64ef2fed88b66d347f88bd9babb82845b2b858f3edbf59a4f716"
"checksum relay 0.1.1 (registry+" = "1576e382688d7e9deecea24417e350d3062d97e32e45d70b1cde65994ff1489a"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum remove_dir_all 0.5.2 (registry+" = "4a83fa3702a688b9359eccba92d153ac33fd2e8462f9e0e3fdf155239ea7792e"
"checksum ring 0.14.6 (registry+" = "426bc186e3e95cac1e4a4be125a4aca7e84c2d616ffc02244eef36e2a60a093c"
"checksum ripemd160 0.8.0 (registry+" = "ad5112e0dbbb87577bfbc56c42450235e3012ce336e29c5befd7807bd626da4a"
"checksum rlp 0.2.4 (registry+" = "524c5ad554859785dfc8469df3ed5e0b5784d4d335877ed47c8d90fc0eb238fe"
"checksum rlp 0.3.0 (registry+" = "16d1effe9845d54f90e7be8420ee49e5c94623140b97ee4bc6fb5bfddb745720"
"checksum rpassword 1.0.2 (registry+" = "b273c91bd242ca03ad6d71c143b6f17a48790e61f21a6c78568fa2b6774a24a4"
"checksum rprompt 1.0.3 (registry+" = "1601f32bc5858aae3cbfa1c645c96c4d820cc5c16be0194f089560c00b6eb625"
"checksum rust-crypto 0.2.36 (registry+" = "f76d05d3993fd5f4af9434e8e436db163a12a9d40e1a58a726f27a01dfd12a2a"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum rustc-demangle 0.1.16 (registry+" = "4c691c0e608126e00913e33f0ccf3727d5fc84573623b8d65b2df340b5201783"
2017-07-06 11:36:15 +02:00
"checksum rustc-hex 1.0.0 (registry+" = "0ceb8ce7a5e520de349e1fa172baeba4a9e8d5ef06c47471863530bc4972ee1e"
"checksum rustc-hex 2.0.1 (registry+" = "403bb3a286107a04825a5f82e1270acc1e14028d3d554d7a1e08914549575ab8"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum rustc-serialize 0.3.24 (registry+" = "dcf128d1287d2ea9d80910b5f1120d0b8eede3fbf1abe91c40d39ea7d51e6fda"
"checksum rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+" = "138e3e0acb6c9fb258b19b67cb8abd63c00679d2851805ea151465464fe9030a"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum rustls 0.15.2 (registry+" = "f271e3552cd835fa28c541c34a7e8fdd8cdff09d77fe4eb8f6c42e87a11b096e"
"checksum ryu 1.0.2 (registry+" = "bfa8506c1de11c9c4e4c38863ccbe02a305c8188e85a05a784c9e11e1c3910c8"
"checksum safemem 0.3.3 (registry+" = "ef703b7cb59335eae2eb93ceb664c0eb7ea6bf567079d843e09420219668e072"
"checksum same-file 1.0.5 (registry+" = "585e8ddcedc187886a30fa705c47985c3fa88d06624095856b36ca0b82ff4421"
"checksum scoped-tls 0.1.2 (registry+" = "332ffa32bf586782a3efaeb58f127980944bbc8c4d6913a86107ac2a5ab24b28"
"checksum scopeguard 0.3.3 (registry+" = "94258f53601af11e6a49f722422f6e3425c52b06245a5cf9bc09908b174f5e27"
"checksum scopeguard 1.0.0 (registry+" = "b42e15e59b18a828bbf5c58ea01debb36b9b096346de35d941dcb89009f24a0d"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum scrypt 0.1.2 (registry+" = "8570c5e2fa69cb29d492fd4e9974b6b5facb5a888e1c6da630d4a3cd7ebfef4a"
"checksum scrypt 0.2.0 (registry+" = "656c79d0e90d0ab28ac86bf3c3d10bfbbac91450d3f190113b4e76d9fec3cfdd"
"checksum sct 0.5.0 (registry+" = "2f5adf8fbd58e1b1b52699dc8bed2630faecb6d8c7bee77d009d6bbe4af569b9"
"checksum semver 0.9.0 (registry+" = "1d7eb9ef2c18661902cc47e535f9bc51b78acd254da71d375c2f6720d9a40403"
"checksum semver-parser 0.7.0 (registry+" = "388a1df253eca08550bef6c72392cfe7c30914bf41df5269b68cbd6ff8f570a3"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum serde 1.0.102 (registry+" = "0c4b39bd9b0b087684013a792c59e3e07a46a01d2322518d8a1104641a0b1be0"
"checksum serde_derive 1.0.102 (registry+" = "ca13fc1a832f793322228923fbb3aba9f3f44444898f835d31ad1b74fa0a2bf8"
"checksum serde_json 1.0.41 (registry+" = "2f72eb2a68a7dc3f9a691bfda9305a1c017a6215e5a4545c258500d2099a37c2"
"checksum sha-1 0.8.1 (registry+" = "23962131a91661d643c98940b20fcaffe62d776a823247be80a48fcb8b6fce68"
"checksum sha1 0.5.0 (registry+" = "171698ce4ec7cbb93babeb3190021b4d72e96ccb98e33d277ae4ea959d6f2d9e"
"checksum sha2 0.7.1 (registry+" = "9eb6be24e4c23a84d7184280d2722f7f2731fcdd4a9d886efbfe4413e4847ea0"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum sha2 0.8.0 (registry+" = "7b4d8bfd0e469f417657573d8451fb33d16cfe0989359b93baf3a1ffc639543d"
"checksum shell32-sys 0.1.2 (registry+" = "9ee04b46101f57121c9da2b151988283b6beb79b34f5bb29a58ee48cb695122c"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum siphasher 0.1.3 (registry+" = "833011ca526bd88f16778d32c699d325a9ad302fa06381cd66f7be63351d3f6d"
"checksum skeptic 0.4.0 (registry+" = "24ebf8a06f5f8bae61ae5bbc7af7aac4ef6907ae975130faba1199e5fe82256a"
"checksum slab 0.2.0 (registry+" = "6dbdd334bd28d328dad1c41b0ea662517883d8880d8533895ef96c8003dec9c4"
2016-10-30 09:56:34 +01:00
"checksum slab 0.3.0 (registry+" = "17b4fcaed89ab08ef143da37bc52adbcc04d4a69014f4c1208d6b51f0c47bc23"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum slab 0.4.2 (registry+" = "c111b5bd5695e56cffe5129854aa230b39c93a305372fdbb2668ca2394eea9f8"
"checksum smallvec 0.6.13 (registry+" = "f7b0758c52e15a8b5e3691eae6cc559f08eee9406e548a4477ba4e67770a82b6"
"checksum socket2 0.3.11 (registry+" = "e8b74de517221a2cb01a53349cf54182acdc31a074727d3079068448c0676d85"
"checksum spin 0.5.2 (registry+" = "6e63cff320ae2c57904679ba7cb63280a3dc4613885beafb148ee7bf9aa9042d"
"checksum stable_deref_trait 1.1.1 (registry+" = "dba1a27d3efae4351c8051072d619e3ade2820635c3958d826bfea39d59b54c8"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum stream-cipher 0.3.2 (registry+" = "8131256a5896cabcf5eb04f4d6dacbe1aefda854b0d9896e09cb58829ec5638c"
"checksum string 0.2.1 (registry+" = "d24114bfcceb867ca7f71a0d3fe45d45619ec47a6fbfa98cb14e14250bfa5d6d"
"checksum strsim 0.8.0 (registry+" = "8ea5119cdb4c55b55d432abb513a0429384878c15dde60cc77b1c99de1a95a6a"
"checksum strsim 0.9.2 (registry+" = "032c03039aae92b350aad2e3779c352e104d919cb192ba2fabbd7b831ce4f0f6"
"checksum subtle 1.0.0 (registry+" = "2d67a5a62ba6e01cb2192ff309324cb4875d0c451d55fe2319433abe7a05a8ee"
"checksum subtle 2.1.0 (registry+" = "01dca13cf6c3b179864ab3292bd794e757618d35a7766b7c46050c614ba00829"
"checksum syn 0.15.26 (registry+" = "f92e629aa1d9c827b2bb8297046c1ccffc57c99b947a680d3ccff1f136a3bee9"
"checksum syn 1.0.5 (registry+" = "66850e97125af79138385e9b88339cbcd037e3f28ceab8c5ad98e64f0f1f80bf"
"checksum synstructure 0.10.1 (registry+" = "73687139bf99285483c96ac0add482c3776528beac1d97d444f6e91f203a2015"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum synstructure 0.12.2 (registry+" = "575be94ccb86e8da37efb894a87e2b660be299b41d8ef347f9d6d79fbe61b1ba"
"checksum target_info 0.1.0 (registry+" = "c63f48baada5c52e65a29eef93ab4f8982681b67f9e8d29c7b05abcfec2b9ffe"
"checksum tempdir 0.3.7 (registry+" = "15f2b5fb00ccdf689e0149d1b1b3c03fead81c2b37735d812fa8bddbbf41b6d8"
"checksum term_size 0.3.1 (registry+" = "9e5b9a66db815dcfd2da92db471106457082577c3c278d4138ab3e3b4e189327"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum termcolor 1.0.5 (registry+" = "96d6098003bde162e4277c70665bd87c326f5a0c3f3fbfb285787fa482d54e6e"
"checksum textwrap 0.11.0 (registry+" = "d326610f408c7a4eb6f51c37c330e496b08506c9457c9d34287ecc38809fb060"
"checksum textwrap 0.9.0 (registry+" = "c0b59b6b4b44d867f1370ef1bd91bfb262bf07bf0ae65c202ea2fbc16153b693"
"checksum thread-id 3.3.0 (registry+" = "c7fbf4c9d56b320106cd64fd024dadfa0be7cb4706725fc44a7d7ce952d820c1"
"checksum thread_local 0.3.6 (registry+" = "c6b53e329000edc2b34dbe8545fd20e55a333362d0a321909685a19bd28c3f1b"
"checksum threadpool 1.7.1 (registry+" = "e2f0c90a5f3459330ac8bc0d2f879c693bb7a2f59689c1083fc4ef83834da865"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum time 0.1.42 (registry+" = "db8dcfca086c1143c9270ac42a2bbd8a7ee477b78ac8e45b19abfb0cbede4b6f"
"checksum timer 0.2.0 (registry+" = "31d42176308937165701f50638db1c31586f183f1aab416268216577aec7306b"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum tiny-keccak 1.5.0 (registry+" = "1d8a021c69bb74a44ccedb824a046447e2c84a01df9e5c20779750acb38e11b2"
"checksum tinytemplate 1.0.2 (registry+" = "4574b75faccaacddb9b284faecdf0b544b80b6b294f3d062d325c5726a209c20"
"checksum tokio 0.1.22 (registry+" = "5a09c0b5bb588872ab2f09afa13ee6e9dac11e10a0ec9e8e3ba39a5a5d530af6"
"checksum tokio-buf 0.1.1 (registry+" = "8fb220f46c53859a4b7ec083e41dec9778ff0b1851c0942b211edb89e0ccdc46"
"checksum tokio-codec 0.1.1 (registry+" = "5c501eceaf96f0e1793cf26beb63da3d11c738c4a943fdf3746d81d64684c39f"
2018-04-16 12:02:23 +02:00
"checksum tokio-core 0.1.17 (registry+" = "aeeffbbb94209023feaef3c196a41cbcdafa06b4a6f893f68779bb5e53796f71"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum tokio-current-thread 0.1.6 (registry+" = "d16217cad7f1b840c5a97dfb3c43b0c871fef423a6e8d2118c604e843662a443"
"checksum tokio-executor 0.1.8 (registry+" = "0f27ee0e6db01c5f0b2973824547ce7e637b2ed79b891a9677b0de9bd532b6ac"
"checksum tokio-fs 0.1.6 (registry+" = "3fe6dc22b08d6993916647d108a1a7d15b9cd29c4f4496c62b92c45b5041b7af"
"checksum tokio-io 0.1.12 (registry+" = "5090db468dad16e1a7a54c8c67280c5e4b544f3d3e018f0b913b400261f85926"
"checksum tokio-named-pipes 0.1.0 (registry+" = "9d282d483052288b2308ba5ee795f5673b159c9bdf63c385a05609da782a5eae"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum tokio-reactor 0.1.10 (registry+" = "c56391be9805bc80163151c0b9e5164ee64f4b0200962c346fea12773158f22d"
"checksum tokio-retry 0.1.1 (registry+" = "f05746ae87dca83a2016b4f5dba5b237b897dd12fd324f60afe282112f16969a"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum tokio-rustls 0.9.4 (registry+" = "95a199832a67452c60bed18ed951d28d5755ff57b02b3d2d535d9f13a81ea6c9"
"checksum tokio-service 0.1.0 (registry+" = "24da22d077e0f15f55162bdbdc661228c1581892f52074fb242678d015b45162"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum tokio-sync 0.1.7 (registry+" = "d06554cce1ae4a50f42fba8023918afa931413aded705b560e29600ccf7c6d76"
"checksum tokio-tcp 0.1.3 (registry+" = "1d14b10654be682ac43efee27401d792507e30fd8d26389e1da3b185de2e4119"
"checksum tokio-threadpool 0.1.16 (registry+" = "2bd2c6a3885302581f4401c82af70d792bb9df1700e7437b0aeb4ada94d5388c"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum tokio-timer 0.1.2 (registry+" = "6131e780037787ff1b3f8aad9da83bca02438b72277850dd6ad0d455e0e20efc"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum tokio-timer 0.2.11 (registry+" = "f2106812d500ed25a4f38235b9cae8f78a09edf43203e16e59c3b769a342a60e"
"checksum tokio-udp 0.1.5 (registry+" = "f02298505547f73e60f568359ef0d016d5acd6e830ab9bc7c4a5b3403440121b"
"checksum tokio-uds 0.2.5 (registry+" = "037ffc3ba0e12a0ab4aca92e5234e0dedeb48fddf6ccd260f1f150a36a9f2445"
"checksum toml 0.4.10 (registry+" = "758664fc71a3a69038656bee8b6be6477d2a6c315a6b81f7081f591bffa4111f"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum toml 0.5.5 (registry+" = "01d1404644c8b12b16bfcffa4322403a91a451584daaaa7c28d3152e6cbc98cf"
"checksum toolshed 0.6.3 (registry+" = "54a272adbf14cfbb486774d09ee3e00c38d488cd390084a528f70e10e3a184a8"
"checksum trace-time 0.1.2 (registry+" = "c9adf04084eeb9a1ea91be6c3f8ef3df392391c91fc7d8f696d4875f6754e715"
"checksum transaction-pool 2.0.2 (registry+" = "d8bbee24c711a878e7d8f89460569034cacf2d8c58dde785b5ffa06ed6b59663"
"checksum transient-hashmap 0.4.1 (registry+" = "aeb4b191d033a35edfce392a38cdcf9790b6cebcb30fa690c312c29da4dc433e"
"checksum trie-db 0.11.0 (registry+" = "3c7319e28ca295f27359d944a682f7f65b419158bf1590c92cadc0000258d788"
"checksum trie-standardmap 0.1.1 (registry+" = "0e26f52976a57a0859616d6fcec87092ac35d08eabbd78dc3dabee93b480ea5f"
"checksum triehash 0.4.0 (registry+" = "0d26efb4ddf87870fc08dc9a6580dc3061be350d7b9d0eb30aef1c8b4227aa46"
"checksum try-lock 0.1.0 (registry+" = "ee2aa4715743892880f70885373966c83d73ef1b0838a664ef0c76fffd35e7c2"
"checksum try-lock 0.2.2 (registry+" = "e604eb7b43c06650e854be16a2a03155743d3752dd1c943f6829e26b7a36e382"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum typenum 1.11.2 (registry+" = "6d2783fe2d6b8c1101136184eb41be8b1ad379e4657050b8aaff0c79ee7575f9"
"checksum ucd-util 0.1.5 (registry+" = "fa9b3b49edd3468c0e6565d85783f51af95212b6fa3986a5500954f00b460874"
"checksum uint 0.4.1 (registry+" = "754ba11732b9161b94c41798e5197e5e75388d012f760c42adb5000353e98646"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum unicase 2.5.1 (registry+" = "2e2e6bd1e59e56598518beb94fd6db628ded570326f0a98c679a304bd9f00150"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum unicode-bidi 0.3.4 (registry+" = "49f2bd0c6468a8230e1db229cff8029217cf623c767ea5d60bfbd42729ea54d5"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum unicode-normalization 0.1.8 (registry+" = "141339a08b982d942be2ca06ff8b076563cbe223d1befd5450716790d44e2426"
"checksum unicode-segmentation 1.5.0 (registry+" = "49f5526225fd8b77342d5986ab5f6055552e9c0776193b5b63fd53b46debfad7"
"checksum unicode-width 0.1.6 (registry+" = "7007dbd421b92cc6e28410fe7362e2e0a2503394908f417b68ec8d1c364c4e20"
"checksum unicode-xid 0.1.0 (registry+" = "fc72304796d0818e357ead4e000d19c9c174ab23dc11093ac919054d20a6a7fc"
"checksum unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+" = "826e7639553986605ec5979c7dd957c7895e93eabed50ab2ffa7f6128a75097c"
"checksum untrusted 0.6.2 (registry+" = "55cd1f4b4e96b46aeb8d4855db4a7a9bd96eeeb5c6a1ab54593328761642ce2f"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum url 1.7.2 (registry+" = "dd4e7c0d531266369519a4aa4f399d748bd37043b00bde1e4ff1f60a120b355a"
"checksum url 2.1.0 (registry+" = "75b414f6c464c879d7f9babf951f23bc3743fb7313c081b2e6ca719067ea9d61"
"checksum utf8-ranges 1.0.4 (registry+" = "b4ae116fef2b7fea257ed6440d3cfcff7f190865f170cdad00bb6465bf18ecba"
"checksum validator 0.8.0 (registry+" = "236a5eda3df2c877872e98dbc55d497d943792e6405d8fc65bd4f8a5e3b53c99"
"checksum validator_derive 0.8.0 (registry+" = "d360d6f5754972c0c1da14fb3d5580daa31aee566e1e45e2f8d3bf5950ecd3e9"
"checksum vec_map 0.8.1 (registry+" = "05c78687fb1a80548ae3250346c3db86a80a7cdd77bda190189f2d0a0987c81a"
Trezor Support (#6403) * Copy modal from keepkey branch and generalize The keepkey PinMatrix modal needs to be the same for Trezor, but we should probably try to keep it general since it can be used for both. * Add trezor communication code This is a result of much trial-and-error and a couple of dead-ends in how to communicate and wire everything up. Code here is still a bit WIP with lots of debug prints and stuff. The test works though, it is possible to sign a transaction. * Extend the basic lib to allow Trezor This is kind of ugly and needs some cleanup and generalization. I’ve just copy-pasted some things to bring in the trezor wallets. I’ve also had to add a lock to the USB API so that only one thing talks to the USB at once. * Add RPC plumbing needed We need to be able to get “locked” devices from the frontend to figure out if we’re going to display the PinMatrix or not. Then we need to be able to send a pin to a device. * Add logic to query backend for Trezor and display PinMatrix There’s a bug somewhere here because signing a transaction fails if you take too long to press the confirm button on the device. * Change back to paritytech branch As my fork has been merged in. * Converting spaces to tabs, as it should be * Incorporate correct handling of EIP-155 Turns out the Trezor was adjusting the v part of the signature, and we’re already doing that so it was done twice. * Some circular logic here that was incorrect BE-encoded U256 is almost the same as RLP encoded without the size-byte, except for <u8 sized values. What’s really done is BE-encoded U256 and then left-trimmed to the smallest size. Kind of obvious in hindsight. * Resolve issue where not clicking fast enough fails The device will not repeat a ButtonRequest when you read from it, so you need to have a blocking `read` for whatever amount of time that you want to give the user to click. You could also have a shorter timeout but keep retrying for some amount of time, but it would amount to the same thing. * Scan after pin entry to make accepting it faster * Remove ability to cancel pin request * Some slight cleanup * Probe for the correct HID Version to determine padding * Move the PinMatrix from Accounts to Application * Removing unused dependencies * Mistake in copying over stuff from keepkey branch * Simplify FormattedMessage * Move generated code to external crate * Remove ethcore-util dependency * Fix broken import in test This test is useless without a connected Trezor, not sure how to make it useful without one. * Merge branch 'master' into fh-4500-trezor-support # Conflicts: # rpc/src/v1/helpers/ * Ignore test that can't be run without trezor device * Fixing grumbles * Avoiding owning data in RPC method * Checking for overflow in v part of signature * s/network_id/chain_id * Propagating an error from the HID Api * Condensing code a little bit * Fixing UI. * Debugging trezor. * Minor styling tweak * Make message type into an actual type This makes the message type that the RPC message accepts into an actual type as opposed to just a string, based on feedback. Although I’m not 100% sure this has actually improved the situation. Overall I think the hardware wallet interface needs some refactoring love. * Split the trezor RPC endpoint It’s split into two more generic endpoints that should be suitable for any hardware wallets with the same behavior to sit behind. * Reflect RPC method split in javascript * Fix bug with pin entry * Fix deadlock for Ledger * Avoid having a USB lock in just listing locked wallets * Fix javascript issue (see #6509) * Replace Mutex with RwLock * Update Ledger test * Fix typo causing faulty signatures (sometimes) * *Actually* fix tests * Update git submodule Needed to make tests pass * Swap line orders to prevent possible deadlock * Make setPinMatrixRequest an @action
2017-09-14 19:28:43 +02:00
"checksum vergen 0.1.1 (registry+" = "8c3365f36c57e5df714a34be40902b27a992eeddb9996eca52d0584611cf885d"
"checksum version_check 0.1.5 (registry+" = "914b1a6776c4c929a602fafd8bc742e06365d4bcbe48c30f9cca5824f70dc9dd"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum walkdir 2.2.9 (registry+" = "9658c94fa8b940eab2250bd5a457f9c48b748420d71293b165c8cdbe2f55f71e"
"checksum want 0.0.4 (registry+" = "a05d9d966753fa4b5c8db73fcab5eed4549cfe0e1e4e66911e5564a0085c35d1"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum want 0.2.0 (registry+" = "b6395efa4784b027708f7451087e647ec73cc74f5d9bc2e418404248d679a230"
"checksum wasi 0.7.0 (registry+" = "b89c3ce4ce14bdc6fb6beaf9ec7928ca331de5df7e5ea278375642a2f478570d"
2018-07-05 09:09:01 +02:00
"checksum wasmi 0.3.0 (registry+" = "9b4a6d379e9332b1b1f52c5a87f2481c85c7c931d8ec411963dfb8f26b1ec1e3"
"checksum webpki 0.19.1 (registry+" = "4f7e1cd7900a3a6b65a3e8780c51a3e6b59c0e2c55c6dc69578c288d69f7d082"
"checksum webpki-roots 0.16.0 (registry+" = "c10fa4212003ba19a564f25cd8ab572c6791f99a03cc219c13ed35ccab00de0e"
2016-12-13 23:38:29 +01:00
"checksum winapi 0.2.8 (registry+" = "167dc9d6949a9b857f3451275e911c3f44255842c1f7a76f33c55103a909087a"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum winapi 0.3.8 (registry+" = "8093091eeb260906a183e6ae1abdba2ef5ef2257a21801128899c3fc699229c6"
"checksum winapi-build 0.1.1 (registry+" = "2d315eee3b34aca4797b2da6b13ed88266e6d612562a0c46390af8299fc699bc"
"checksum winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+" = "ac3b87c63620426dd9b991e5ce0329eff545bccbbb34f3be09ff6fb6ab51b7b6"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum winapi-util 0.1.2 (registry+" = "7168bab6e1daee33b4557efd0e95d5ca70a03706d39fa5f3fe7a236f584b03c9"
"checksum winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 (registry+" = "712e227841d057c1ee1cd2fb22fa7e5a5461ae8e48fa2ca79ec42cfc1931183f"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum wincolor 1.0.2 (registry+" = "96f5016b18804d24db43cebf3c77269e7569b8954a8464501c216cc5e070eaa9"
"checksum ws 0.9.1 (registry+" = "c51a2c47b5798ccc774ffb93ff536aec7c4275d722fd9c740c83cdd1af1f2d94"
"checksum ws2_32-sys 0.2.1 (registry+" = "d59cefebd0c892fa2dd6de581e937301d8552cb44489cdff035c6187cb63fa5e"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum xdg 2.2.0 (registry+" = "d089681aa106a86fade1b0128fb5daf07d5867a509ab036d99988dec80429a57"
"checksum xml-rs 0.7.0 (registry+" = "3c1cb601d29fe2c2ac60a2b2e5e293994d87a1f6fa9687a31a15270f909be9c2"
"checksum xmltree 0.7.0 (registry+" = "a9cfb54ca6b8f17d2377219ce485b134d53561b77e1393c7ea416f543a527431"
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"checksum zeroize 0.9.3 (registry+" = "45af6a010d13e4cf5b54c94ba5a2b2eba5596b9e46bf5875612d332a1f2b3f86"
"checksum zeroize_derive 0.9.3 (registry+" = "080616bd0e31f36095288bb0acdf1f78ef02c2fa15527d7e993f2a6c7591643e"