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2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
2015-12-25 14:55:55 +01:00
use util::bytes::Bytes;
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
use util::hash::{H256, FixedHash};
use util::uint::{U256};
use util::sha3::Hashable;
use util::rlp::{self, Rlp, RlpStream, View, Stream};
use util::network::{PeerId, PacketId, Error as NetworkError};
2016-01-04 13:25:32 +01:00
use eth::{BlockChainClient, BlockStatus, BlockNumber, TreeRoute, BlockQueueStatus, BlockChainInfo, ImportResult, QueueStatus};
use header::Header as BlockHeader;
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
use sync::{SyncIo};
use sync::chain::{ChainSync};
2015-12-25 14:55:55 +01:00
struct TestBlockChainClient {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
blocks: HashMap<H256, Bytes>,
numbers: HashMap<usize, H256>,
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
genesis_hash: H256,
last_hash: H256,
difficulty: U256
2015-12-25 14:55:55 +01:00
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
impl TestBlockChainClient {
fn new() -> TestBlockChainClient {
let mut client = TestBlockChainClient {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
blocks: HashMap::new(),
numbers: HashMap::new(),
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
genesis_hash: H256::new(),
last_hash: H256::new(),
difficulty: From::from(0),
client.add_blocks(1, true); // add genesis block
2016-01-04 13:25:32 +01:00
client.genesis_hash = client.last_hash.clone();
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
pub fn add_blocks(&mut self, count: usize, empty: bool) {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
for n in self.numbers.len()..(self.numbers.len() + count) {
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
let mut header = BlockHeader::new();
header.difficulty = From::from(n);
2016-01-04 13:25:32 +01:00
header.parent_hash = self.last_hash.clone();
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
header.number = From::from(n);
let mut uncles = RlpStream::new_list(if empty {0} else {1});
if !empty {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
header.uncles_hash = uncles.raw().sha3();
let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3);
rlp.append_raw(&rlp::NULL_RLP, 1);
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
rlp.append_raw(uncles.raw(), 1);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
impl BlockChainClient for TestBlockChainClient {
fn block_header(&self, h: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
self.blocks.get(h).map(|r| Rlp::new(r).at(0).raw().to_vec())
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block_body(&self, h: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
self.blocks.get(h).map(|r| {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
stream.append_raw(Rlp::new(&r).at(1).raw(), 1);
stream.append_raw(Rlp::new(&r).at(2).raw(), 1);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block(&self, h: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
self.blocks.get(h).map(|b| b.clone())
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block_status(&self, h: &H256) -> BlockStatus {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
match self.blocks.get(h) {
Some(_) => BlockStatus::InChain,
None => BlockStatus::Unknown
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block_header_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option<Bytes> {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
self.numbers.get(&(n as usize)).and_then(|h| self.block_header(h))
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block_body_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option<Bytes> {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
self.numbers.get(&(n as usize)).and_then(|h| self.block_body(h))
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option<Bytes> {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
self.numbers.get(&(n as usize)).map(|h| self.blocks.get(h).unwrap().clone())
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn block_status_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> BlockStatus {
if (n as usize) < self.blocks.len() {
} else {
fn tree_route(&self, _from: &H256, _to: &H256) -> TreeRoute {
TreeRoute {
blocks: Vec::new(),
ancestor: H256::new(),
index: 0
fn state_data(&self, _h: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
fn block_receipts(&self, _h: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
fn import_block(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> ImportResult {
let header = Rlp::new(&b).val_at::<BlockHeader>(0);
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
let number: usize = header.number.low_u64() as usize;
if number > self.blocks.len() {
panic!("Unexpected block number. Expected {}, got {}", self.blocks.len(), number);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
if number > 0 {
match self.blocks.get(&header.parent_hash) {
Some(parent) => {
let parent = Rlp::new(parent).val_at::<BlockHeader>(0);
if parent.number != (header.number - From::from(1)) {
panic!("Unexpected block parent");
None => {
panic!("Unknown block parent {:?} for block {}", header.parent_hash, number);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
if number == self.numbers.len() {
self.difficulty = self.difficulty + header.difficulty;
self.last_hash = header.hash();
self.blocks.insert(header.hash(), b.to_vec());
self.numbers.insert(number, header.hash());
let mut parent_hash = header.parent_hash;
if number > 0 {
let mut n = number - 1;
while n > 0 && self.numbers[&n] != parent_hash {
2016-01-04 13:25:32 +01:00
*self.numbers.get_mut(&n).unwrap() = parent_hash.clone();
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
n -= 1;
parent_hash = Rlp::new(&self.blocks[&parent_hash]).val_at::<BlockHeader>(0).parent_hash;
else {
self.blocks.insert(header.hash(), b.to_vec());
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn queue_status(&self) -> BlockQueueStatus {
BlockQueueStatus {
full: false,
fn clear_queue(&mut self) {
fn info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo {
BlockChainInfo {
total_difficulty: self.difficulty,
pending_total_difficulty: self.difficulty,
2016-01-04 13:25:32 +01:00
genesis_hash: self.genesis_hash.clone(),
last_block_hash: self.last_hash.clone(),
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
last_block_number: self.blocks.len() as BlockNumber - 1,
struct TestIo<'p> {
chain: &'p mut TestBlockChainClient,
queue: &'p mut VecDeque<TestPacket>,
sender: Option<PeerId>,
impl<'p> TestIo<'p> {
fn new(chain: &'p mut TestBlockChainClient, queue: &'p mut VecDeque<TestPacket>, sender: Option<PeerId>) -> TestIo<'p> {
TestIo {
chain: chain,
queue: queue,
sender: sender
impl<'p> SyncIo for TestIo<'p> {
fn disable_peer(&mut self, _peer_id: &PeerId) {
fn respond(&mut self, packet_id: PacketId, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> {
self.queue.push_back(TestPacket {
data: data,
packet_id: packet_id,
recipient: self.sender.unwrap()
fn send(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId, packet_id: PacketId, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), NetworkError> {
self.queue.push_back(TestPacket {
data: data,
packet_id: packet_id,
recipient: peer_id,
fn chain<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut BlockChainClient {
struct TestPacket {
data: Bytes,
packet_id: PacketId,
recipient: PeerId,
struct TestPeer {
chain: TestBlockChainClient,
sync: ChainSync,
queue: VecDeque<TestPacket>,
struct TestNet {
peers: Vec<TestPeer>
impl TestNet {
pub fn new(n: usize) -> TestNet {
let mut net = TestNet {
peers: Vec::new(),
for _ in 0..n {
net.peers.push(TestPeer {
chain: TestBlockChainClient::new(),
sync: ChainSync::new(),
queue: VecDeque::new(),
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
pub fn peer(&self, i: usize) -> &TestPeer {
pub fn peer_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut TestPeer {
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
pub fn start(&mut self) {
for peer in 0..self.peers.len() {
for client in 0..self.peers.len() {
if peer != client {
let mut p = self.peers.get_mut(peer).unwrap();
p.sync.on_peer_connected(&mut TestIo::new(&mut p.chain, &mut p.queue, Some(client as PeerId)), &(client as PeerId));
pub fn sync_step(&mut self) {
for peer in 0..self.peers.len() {
match self.peers[peer].queue.pop_front() {
Some(packet) => {
let mut p = self.peers.get_mut(packet.recipient).unwrap();
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
trace!("--- {} -> {} ---", peer, packet.recipient);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
p.sync.on_packet(&mut TestIo::new(&mut p.chain, &mut p.queue, Some(peer as PeerId)), &(peer as PeerId), packet.packet_id, &;
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
None => {}
let mut p = self.peers.get_mut(peer).unwrap();
p.sync.maintain_sync(&mut TestIo::new(&mut p.chain, &mut p.queue, None));
pub fn sync(&mut self) {
while !self.done() {
pub fn done(&self) -> bool {
self.peers.iter().all(|p| p.queue.is_empty())
fn full_sync_two_peers() {
2015-12-27 02:27:15 +01:00
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
let mut net = TestNet::new(3);
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
net.peer_mut(1).chain.add_blocks(1000, false);
net.peer_mut(2).chain.add_blocks(1000, false);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
assert_eq!(net.peer(0).chain.blocks, net.peer(1).chain.blocks);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
2015-12-25 14:55:55 +01:00
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
fn full_sync_empty_blocks() {
2015-12-27 02:27:15 +01:00
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
let mut net = TestNet::new(3);
for n in 0..200 {
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
net.peer_mut(1).chain.add_blocks(5, n % 2 == 0);
net.peer_mut(2).chain.add_blocks(5, n % 2 == 0);
2015-12-26 15:47:07 +01:00
2015-12-27 00:48:03 +01:00
assert_eq!(net.peer(0).chain.blocks, net.peer(1).chain.blocks);
fn forked_sync() {
let mut net = TestNet::new(3);
net.peer_mut(0).chain.add_blocks(300, false);
net.peer_mut(1).chain.add_blocks(300, false);
net.peer_mut(2).chain.add_blocks(300, false);
net.peer_mut(0).chain.add_blocks(100, true); //fork
net.peer_mut(1).chain.add_blocks(200, false);
net.peer_mut(2).chain.add_blocks(200, false);
net.peer_mut(1).chain.add_blocks(100, false); //fork between 1 and 2
net.peer_mut(2).chain.add_blocks(10, true);
// peer 1 has the best chain of 601 blocks
let peer1_chain = net.peer(1).chain.numbers.clone();
assert_eq!(net.peer(0).chain.numbers, peer1_chain);
assert_eq!(net.peer(1).chain.numbers, peer1_chain);
assert_eq!(net.peer(2).chain.numbers, peer1_chain);
2015-12-25 14:55:55 +01:00