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// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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//! Banning Queue
//! Transacton Queue wrapper maintaining additional list of banned senders and contract hashes.
use std::time::Duration;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use transaction::{SignedTransaction, Action};
use transient_hashmap::TransientHashMap;
use miner::{TransactionQueue, TransactionQueueDetailsProvider, TransactionImportResult, TransactionOrigin};
use miner::transaction_queue::QueuingInstant;
use error::{Error, TransactionError};
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, Address};
use hash::keccak;
type Count = u16;
/// Auto-Banning threshold
pub enum Threshold {
/// Should ban after given number of misbehaves reported.
/// Should never ban anything
impl Default for Threshold {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Transaction queue with banlist.
pub struct BanningTransactionQueue {
queue: TransactionQueue,
ban_threshold: Threshold,
senders_bans: TransientHashMap<Address, Count>,
recipients_bans: TransientHashMap<Address, Count>,
codes_bans: TransientHashMap<H256, Count>,
impl BanningTransactionQueue {
/// Creates new banlisting transaction queue
pub fn new(queue: TransactionQueue, ban_threshold: Threshold, ban_lifetime: Duration) -> Self {
let ban_lifetime_sec = ban_lifetime.as_secs() as u32;
assert!(ban_lifetime_sec > 0, "Lifetime has to be specified in seconds.");
BanningTransactionQueue {
queue: queue,
ban_threshold: ban_threshold,
senders_bans: TransientHashMap::new(ban_lifetime_sec),
recipients_bans: TransientHashMap::new(ban_lifetime_sec),
codes_bans: TransientHashMap::new(ban_lifetime_sec),
/// Borrows internal queue.
/// NOTE: you can insert transactions to the queue even
/// if they would be rejected because of ban otherwise.
/// But probably you shouldn't.
pub fn queue(&mut self) -> &mut TransactionQueue {
&mut self.queue
/// Add to the queue taking bans into consideration.
/// May reject transaction because of the banlist.
pub fn add_with_banlist(
&mut self,
transaction: SignedTransaction,
time: QueuingInstant,
details_provider: &TransactionQueueDetailsProvider,
) -> Result<TransactionImportResult, Error> {
if let Threshold::BanAfter(threshold) = self.ban_threshold {
// NOTE In all checks use direct query to avoid increasing ban timeout.
// Check sender
let sender = transaction.sender();
let count =;
if count > threshold {
debug!(target: "txqueue", "Ignoring transaction {:?} because sender is banned.", transaction.hash());
return Err(Error::Transaction(TransactionError::SenderBanned));
// Check recipient
if let Action::Call(recipient) = transaction.action {
let count =;
if count > threshold {
debug!(target: "txqueue", "Ignoring transaction {:?} because recipient is banned.", transaction.hash());
return Err(Error::Transaction(TransactionError::RecipientBanned));
// Check code
if let Action::Create = transaction.action {
let code_hash = keccak(&;
let count =;
if count > threshold {
debug!(target: "txqueue", "Ignoring transaction {:?} because code is banned.", transaction.hash());
return Err(Error::Transaction(TransactionError::CodeBanned));
self.queue.add(transaction, TransactionOrigin::External, time, None, details_provider)
/// Ban transaction with given hash.
/// Transaction has to be in the queue.
/// Bans sender and recipient/code and returns `true` when any ban has reached threshold.
pub fn ban_transaction(&mut self, hash: &H256) -> bool {
let transaction = self.queue.find(hash);
match transaction {
Some(transaction) => {
let sender = transaction.sender();
// Ban sender
let sender_banned = self.ban_sender(sender);
// Ban recipient and codehash
2016-10-29 13:08:49 +02:00
let recipient_or_code_banned = match transaction.action {
Action::Call(recipient) => {
Action::Create => {
2016-10-29 13:08:49 +02:00
sender_banned || recipient_or_code_banned
None => false,
/// Ban given sender.
/// If bans threshold is reached all subsequent transactions from this sender will be rejected.
/// Reaching bans threshold also removes all existsing transaction from this sender that are already in the
/// queue.
fn ban_sender(&mut self, address: Address) -> bool {
let count = {
2017-10-15 15:10:20 +02:00
let count = self.senders_bans.entry(address).or_insert_with(|| 0);
*count = count.saturating_add(1);
match self.ban_threshold {
Threshold::BanAfter(threshold) if count > threshold => {
// Banlist the sender.
// Remove all transactions from the queue.
self.cull(address, !U256::zero());
_ => false
/// Ban given recipient.
/// If bans threshold is reached all subsequent transactions to this address will be rejected.
/// Returns true if bans threshold has been reached.
fn ban_recipient(&mut self, address: Address) -> bool {
let count = {
2017-10-15 15:10:20 +02:00
let count = self.recipients_bans.entry(address).or_insert_with(|| 0);
*count = count.saturating_add(1);
match self.ban_threshold {
// TODO [ToDr] Consider removing other transactions to the same recipient from the queue?
Threshold::BanAfter(threshold) if count > threshold => true,
_ => false
/// Ban given codehash.
/// If bans threshold is reached all subsequent transactions to contracts with this codehash will be rejected.
/// Returns true if bans threshold has been reached.
fn ban_codehash(&mut self, code_hash: H256) -> bool {
2017-10-15 15:10:20 +02:00
let count = self.codes_bans.entry(code_hash).or_insert_with(|| 0);
*count = count.saturating_add(1);
match self.ban_threshold {
// TODO [ToDr] Consider removing other transactions with the same code from the queue?
Threshold::BanAfter(threshold) if *count > threshold => true,
_ => false,
impl Deref for BanningTransactionQueue {
type Target = TransactionQueue;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for BanningTransactionQueue {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
mod tests {
use std::time::Duration;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use hash::keccak;
use super::{BanningTransactionQueue, Threshold};
use ethkey::{Random, Generator};
use transaction::{Transaction, SignedTransaction, Action};
use error::{Error, TransactionError};
use client::TransactionImportResult;
use miner::{TransactionQueue, TransactionOrigin};
use ethereum_types::{U256, Address};
use miner::transaction_queue::test::DummyTransactionDetailsProvider;
fn queue() -> BanningTransactionQueue {
BanningTransactionQueue::new(TransactionQueue::default(), Threshold::BanAfter(1), Duration::from_secs(180))
fn default_tx_provider() -> DummyTransactionDetailsProvider {
fn transaction(action: Action) -> SignedTransaction {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
Transaction {
action: action,
value: U256::from(100),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::from(10),
nonce: U256::from(0),
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None)
fn unwrap_err(res: Result<TransactionImportResult, Error>) -> TransactionError {
match res {
Err(Error::Transaction(e)) => e,
Ok(x) => panic!("Expected error, got: Ok({:?})", x),
Err(e) => panic!("Unexpected error type returned by queue: {:?}", e),
fn should_allow_to_borrow_the_queue() {
// given
let tx = transaction(Action::Create);
let mut txq = queue();
// when
txq.queue().add(tx, TransactionOrigin::External, 0, None, &default_tx_provider()).unwrap();
// then
// should also deref to queue
assert_eq!(txq.status().pending, 1);
fn should_not_accept_transactions_from_banned_sender() {
// given
let tx = transaction(Action::Create);
let mut txq = queue();
// Banlist once (threshold not reached)
let banlist1 = txq.ban_sender(tx.sender());
assert!(!banlist1, "Threshold not reached yet.");
// Insert once
let import1 = txq.add_with_banlist(tx.clone(), 0, &default_tx_provider()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(import1, TransactionImportResult::Current);
// when
let banlist2 = txq.ban_sender(tx.sender());
let import2 = txq.add_with_banlist(tx.clone(), 0, &default_tx_provider());
// then
assert!(banlist2, "Threshold should be reached - banned.");
assert_eq!(unwrap_err(import2), TransactionError::SenderBanned);
// Should also remove transacion from the queue
assert_eq!(txq.find(&tx.hash()), None);
fn should_not_accept_transactions_to_banned_recipient() {
// given
let recipient = Address::default();
let tx = transaction(Action::Call(recipient));
let mut txq = queue();
// Banlist once (threshold not reached)
let banlist1 = txq.ban_recipient(recipient);
assert!(!banlist1, "Threshold not reached yet.");
// Insert once
let import1 = txq.add_with_banlist(tx.clone(), 0, &default_tx_provider()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(import1, TransactionImportResult::Current);
// when
let banlist2 = txq.ban_recipient(recipient);
let import2 = txq.add_with_banlist(tx.clone(), 0, &default_tx_provider());
// then
assert!(banlist2, "Threshold should be reached - banned.");
assert_eq!(unwrap_err(import2), TransactionError::RecipientBanned);
fn should_not_accept_transactions_with_banned_code() {
// given
let tx = transaction(Action::Create);
let codehash = keccak(&;
let mut txq = queue();
// Banlist once (threshold not reached)
let banlist1 = txq.ban_codehash(codehash);
assert!(!banlist1, "Threshold not reached yet.");
// Insert once
let import1 = txq.add_with_banlist(tx.clone(), 0, &default_tx_provider()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(import1, TransactionImportResult::Current);
// when
let banlist2 = txq.ban_codehash(codehash);
let import2 = txq.add_with_banlist(tx.clone(), 0, &default_tx_provider());
// then
assert!(banlist2, "Threshold should be reached - banned.");
assert_eq!(unwrap_err(import2), TransactionError::CodeBanned);