
175 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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"name": "alt_bn128_add",
"pricing": {
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"0x21e88e": {
"price": { "alt_bn128_const_operations": { "price": 500 }}
"0x7fffffffffffff": {
"info": "EIP 1108 transition",
"price": { "alt_bn128_const_operations": { "price": 150 }}
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000007": {
"builtin": {
"name": "alt_bn128_mul",
"pricing": {
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"0x21e88e": {
"price": { "alt_bn128_const_operations": { "price": 40000 }}
"0x7fffffffffffff": {
"info": "EIP 1108 transition",
"price": { "alt_bn128_const_operations": { "price": 6000 }}
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000008": {
"builtin": {
"name": "alt_bn128_pairing",
"pricing": {
v2.5.10 stable (#11239) * ropsten #6631425 foundation #8798209 (#11201) * [stable] builtin, istanbul and mordor testnet backports (#11234) * ethcore-builtin (#10850) * [builtin]: support `multiple prices and activations` in chain spec (#11039) * [chain specs]: activate `Istanbul` on mainnet (#11228) * ethcore/res: add mordor testnet configuration (#11200) * Update list of bootnodes for xDai chain (#11236) * ethcore: remove `test-helper feat` from build (#11047) * Secret store: fix Instant::now() related race in net_keep_alive (#11155) (#11159) * [stable]: backport #10691 and #10683 (#11143) * Fix compiler warning (that will become an error) (#10683) * Refactor Clique stepping (#10691) * Add Constantinople eips to the dev (instant_seal) config (#10809) * Add cargo-remote dir to .gitignore (?) * Insert explicit warning into the panic hook (#11225) * Fix docker centos build (#11226) * Update MIX bootnodes. (#11203) * Use provided usd-per-eth value if an endpoint is specified (#11209) * Add new line after writing block to hex file. (#10984) * Type annotation for next_key() matching of json filter options (#11192) (but no `FilterOption` in 2.5 so…) * Upgrade jsonrpc to latest (#11206) * [CI] check evmbin build (#11096) * Correct EIP-712 encoding (#11092) * [client]: Fix for incorrectly dropped consensus messages (#11086) * Fix block detail updating (#11015) * Switching sccache from local to Redis (#10971) * Made ecrecover implementation trait public (#11188) * [dependencies]: jsonrpc `14.0.1` (#11183) * [receipt]: add `sender` & `receiver` to `RichReceipts` (#11179) * [ethcore/builtin]: do not panic in blake2pricer on short input (#11180) * util Host: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Host::session_readable() (#11175) * ethcore client: fix a double Read Lock bug in fn Client::logs() (#11172) * Change how RPCs eth_call and eth_estimateGas handle "Pending" (#11127) * Cleanup stratum a bit (#11161) * Upgrade to jsonrpc v14 (#11151) * SecretStore: expose restore_key_public in HTTP API (#10241)
2019-11-11 21:57:38 +01:00
"0x21e88e": {
"price": { "alt_bn128_pairing": { "base": 100000, "pair": 80000 }}
"0x7fffffffffffff": {
"info": "EIP 1108 transition",
"price": { "alt_bn128_pairing": { "base": 45000, "pair": 34000 }}