add evmbin, ethstore, ethkey
This commit is contained in:
Denis S. Soldatov aka General-Beck 2017-06-28 13:54:05 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 71c68cc000
commit 201f34620a
1 changed files with 64 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ linux-stable-debian:
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release --features final $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p evmbin
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethstore
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethkey
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethstore-cli
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethkey-cli
- strip target/release/parity
- strip target/release/parity-evm
- strip target/release/ethstore
@ -191,8 +191,17 @@ linux-centos:
- export CC="gcc"
- export PLATFORM=x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release --features final $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p evmbin
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethstore-cli
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethkey-cli
- strip target/release/parity
- strip target/release/parity-evm
- strip target/release/ethstore
- strip target/release/ethkey
- md5sum target/release/parity > parity.md5
- md5sum target/release/parity-evm > parity-evm.md5
- md5sum target/release/ethstore > ethstore.md5
- md5sum target/release/ethkey > ethkey.md5
- export SHA3=$(target/release/parity tools hash target/release/parity)
- aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key
- aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret
@ -200,6 +209,12 @@ linux-centos:
- aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity --body target/release/parity
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity.md5 --body parity.md5
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity-evm --body target/release/parity-evm
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity-evm.md5 --body parity-evm.md5
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethstore --body target/release/ethstore
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethstore.md5 --body ethstore.md5
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethkey --body target/release/ethkey
- aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethkey.md5 --body ethkey.md5
- curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET"$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM
- curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET"$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM
@ -222,12 +237,22 @@ linux-i686:
- export HOST_CXX=g++
- export COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- export PLATFORM=i686-unknown-linux-gnu
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target i686-unknown-linux-gnu --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli
- strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm
- strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore
- strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey
- strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5
- export SHA3=$(target/$PLATFORM/release/parity tools hash target/$PLATFORM/release/parity)
- sh scripts/ i386
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey
- export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n")
- dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb"
- md5sum "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb.md5"
@ -269,11 +294,23 @@ linux-armv7:
- echo "linker= \"arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config
- cat .cargo/config
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli
- md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5
- export SHA3=$(target/$PLATFORM/release/parity tools hash target/$PLATFORM/release/parity)
- sh scripts/ i386
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey
- export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h)
- md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5
- sh scripts/ armhf
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey
- export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n")
- dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb"
- md5sum "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5"
@ -315,11 +352,20 @@ linux-arm:
- echo "linker= \"arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config
- cat .cargo/config
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore
- arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey
- export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h)
- md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5
- sh scripts/ armhf
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey
- export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n")
- dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb"
- md5sum "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5"
@ -341,45 +387,6 @@ linux-arm:
- target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/parity
name: "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf_parity"
allow_failure: true
stage: build
image: ethcore/rust-armv6:latest
- beta
# - tags
# - stable
# - triggers
- export CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
- export CXX=arm-linux-gnueabi-g++
- export HOST_CC=gcc
- export HOST_CXX=g++
- export PLATFORM=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
- rm -rf .cargo
- mkdir -p .cargo
- echo "[target.$PLATFORM]" >> .cargo/config
- echo "linker= \"arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config
- cat .cargo/config
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS
- arm-linux-gnueabi-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h)
- md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5
- aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key
- aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret
- if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi
- aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM
- aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5
- curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET"$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM
- curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET"$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM
- rust
- rust-arm
- target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/release/parity
name: "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi_parity"
allow_failure: true
stage: build
image: parity/rust-arm64:gitlab-ci
@ -400,11 +407,20 @@ linux-aarch64:
- echo "linker= \"aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config
- cat .cargo/config
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli
- cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli
- aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity
- aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm
- aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore
- aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey
- export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h)
- md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5
- sh scripts/ arm64
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore
- cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey
- export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n")
- dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb"
- md5sum "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb.md5"
@ -437,7 +453,9 @@ darwin:
export PLATFORM=x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup default stable
cargo build -j 8 --features final --release #$CARGOFLAGS
cargo build -j 8 --features final --release -p ethstore-cli #$CARGOFLAGS
cargo build -j 8 --release -p ethstore-cli #$CARGOFLAGS
cargo build -j 8 --release -p ethkey-cli #$CARGOFLAGS
cargo build -j 8 --release -p evmbin #$CARGOFLAGS
rm -rf parity.md5
md5sum target/release/parity > parity.md5
export SHA3=$(target/release/parity tools hash target/release/parity)
@ -483,6 +501,9 @@ windows:
- rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
- cargo build --features final --release #%CARGOFLAGS%
- cargo build --release -p ethstore-cli #%CARGOFLAGS%
- cargo build --release -p ethkey-cli #%CARGOFLAGS%
- cargo build --release -p evmbin #%CARGOFLAGS%
- signtool sign /f %keyfile% /p %certpass% target\release\parity.exe
- target\release\parity.exe tools hash target\release\parity.exe > parity.sha3
- set /P SHA3=<parity.sha3