More geth compatibility.

This commit is contained in:
Gav Wood 2016-03-10 21:36:45 +01:00
parent 84a48142de
commit 29916edb91
1 changed files with 52 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ extern crate rpassword;
#[cfg(feature = "rpc")]
extern crate ethcore_rpc as rpc;
use std::net::{SocketAddr};
use std::net::{SocketAddr, IpAddr};
use std::env;
use std::process::exit;
use std::path::PathBuf;
@ -77,21 +77,19 @@ Usage:
Protocol Options:
--chain CHAIN Specify the blockchain type. CHAIN may be either a JSON chain specification file
or olympic, frontier, homestead, mainnet, morden, or testnet [default: homestead].
--testnet Equivalent to --chain testnet (geth-compatible).
--networkid INDEX Override the network identifier from the chain we are on.
--archive Client should not prune the state/storage trie.
-d --datadir PATH Specify the database & configuration directory path [default: $HOME/.parity]
--db-path PATH Specify the database & configuration directory path [default: $HOME/.parity]
--keys-path PATH Specify the path for JSON key files to be found [default: $HOME/.web3/keys]
--identity NAME Specify your node's name.
--archive Client should not prune the state/storage trie.
Networking Options:
--no-bootstrap Don't bother trying to connect to standard bootnodes.
--bootnodes NODES Specify additional comma-separated bootnodes.
--no-discovery Disable new peer discovery.
--port PORT Override the port on which the node should listen [default: 30303].
--peers NUM Try to maintain that many peers [default: 25].
--port PORT Override the port for the node to listen on, supercedes --address.
--nat METHOD Specify method to use for determining public address. Must be one of: any, none,
upnp, extip:(IP) [default: upnp].
upnp, extip:(IP) [default: any].
--bootnodes NODES Specify additional comma-separated bootnodes.
--no-bootstrap Don't bother trying to connect to standard bootnodes.
--no-discovery Disable new peer discovery.
--node-key KEY Specify node secret key, either as 64-character hex string or input to SHA3 operation.
API and Console Options:
@ -115,6 +113,9 @@ Memory Footprint Options:
other cache options (geth-compatible).
Geth-Compatibility Options
--datadir PATH Equivalent to --db-path PATH.
--testnet Equivalent to --chain testnet.
--networkid INDEX Override the network identifier from the chain we are on.
--rpc Equivalent to --jsonrpc.
--rpcaddr HOST Equivalent to --jsonrpc-addr HOST.
--rpcport PORT Equivalent to --jsonrpc-port PORT.
@ -139,22 +140,18 @@ struct Args {
cmd_new: bool,
cmd_list: bool,
arg_pid_file: String,
arg_enode: Vec<String>,
flag_chain: String,
flag_testnet: bool,
flag_datadir: String,
flag_networkid: Option<String>,
flag_db_path: String,
flag_identity: String,
flag_cache: Option<usize>,
flag_keys_path: String,
flag_archive: bool,
flag_bootnodes: Option<String>,
flag_no_bootstrap: bool,
flag_listen_address: String,
flag_public_address: Option<String>,
flag_address: Option<String>,
flag_maxpeers: usize,
flag_port: u16,
flag_peers: usize,
flag_no_discovery: bool,
flag_no_upnp: bool,
flag_nat: String,
flag_node_key: Option<String>,
flag_cache_pref_size: usize,
flag_cache_max_size: usize,
@ -164,15 +161,24 @@ struct Args {
flag_jsonrpc_port: u16,
flag_jsonrpc_cors: String,
flag_jsonrpc_apis: String,
flag_logging: Option<String>,
flag_version: bool,
// geth-compatibility...
flag_nodekey: Option<String>,
flag_nodiscover: bool,
flag_maxpeers: Option<usize>,
flag_author: String,
flag_extra_data: Option<String>,
flag_datadir: Option<String>,
flag_extradata: Option<String>,
flag_etherbase: Option<String>,
flag_rpc: bool,
flag_rpcaddr: Option<String>,
flag_rpcport: Option<u16>,
flag_rpccorsdomain: Option<String>,
flag_rpcapi: Option<String>,
flag_logging: Option<String>,
flag_version: bool,
flag_author: String,
flag_extra_data: Option<String>,
flag_testnet: bool,
flag_networkid: Option<String>,
fn setup_log(init: &Option<String>) {
@ -252,15 +258,17 @@ impl Configuration {
fn path(&self) -> String {
self.args.flag_datadir.replace("$HOME", env::home_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap())
let d = self.args.flag_datadir.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_db_path);
d.replace("$HOME", env::home_dir().unwrap().to_str().unwrap())
fn author(&self) -> Address {
Address::from_str(&self.args.flag_author).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid address for --author. Must be 40 hex characters, without the 0x at the beginning.", self.args.flag_author))
let d = self.args.flag_etherbase.as_ref().unwrap_or(&self.args.flag_author);
Address::from_str(d).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid address for --author. Must be 40 hex characters, without the 0x at the beginning.", self.args.flag_author))
fn extra_data(&self) -> Bytes {
match self.args.flag_extra_data {
match self.args.flag_extradata.as_ref().or(self.args.flag_extra_data.as_ref()) {
Some(ref x) if x.len() <= 32 => x.as_bytes().to_owned(),
None => version_data(),
Some(ref x) => { die!("{}: Extra data must be at most 32 characters.", x); }
@ -292,45 +300,40 @@ impl Configuration {
fn init_nodes(&self, spec: &Spec) -> Vec<String> {
if self.args.flag_no_bootstrap { Vec::new() } else {
match self.args.arg_enode.len() {
0 => spec.nodes().clone(),
_ => self.args.arg_enode.iter().map(|s| Self::normalize_enode(s).unwrap_or_else(||die!("{}: Invalid node address format given for a boot node.", s))).collect(),
let mut r = if self.args.flag_no_bootstrap { Vec::new() } else { spec.nodes().clone() };
if let Some(ref x) = self.args.flag_bootnodes {
r.extend(x.split(",").map(|s| Self::normalize_enode(s).unwrap_or_else(||die!("{}: Invalid node address format given for a boot node.", s))));
#[cfg_attr(all(nightly, feature="dev"), allow(useless_format))]
fn net_addresses(&self) -> (Option<SocketAddr>, Option<SocketAddr>) {
let mut listen_address = None;
let mut public_address = None;
let listen_address = Some(SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(), self.args.flag_port));
let host = if self.args.flag_nat.starts_with("extip:") {
} else {
let public_address = Some(SocketAddr::new(
IpAddr::from_str(&host).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid host given with --net extip:", host)),
if let Some(ref a) = self.args.flag_address {
public_address = Some(SocketAddr::from_str(a.as_ref()).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid listen/public address given with --address", a)));
listen_address = public_address;
if listen_address.is_none() {
listen_address = Some(SocketAddr::from_str(self.args.flag_listen_address.as_ref()).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid listen/public address given with --listen-address", self.args.flag_listen_address)));
if let Some(ref a) = self.args.flag_public_address {
if public_address.is_some() {
die!("Conflicting flags provided: --address and --public-address");
public_address = Some(SocketAddr::from_str(a.as_ref()).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{}: Invalid listen/public address given with --public-address", a)));
(listen_address, public_address)
fn net_settings(&self, spec: &Spec) -> NetworkConfiguration {
let mut ret = NetworkConfiguration::new();
ret.nat_enabled = !self.args.flag_no_upnp;
ret.nat_enabled = self.args.flag_nat == "any" || self.args.flag_nat == "upnp";
ret.boot_nodes = self.init_nodes(spec);
let (listen, public) = self.net_addresses();
ret.listen_address = listen;
ret.public_address = public;
ret.use_secret = self.args.flag_node_key.as_ref().map(|s| Secret::from_str(&s).unwrap_or_else(|_| s.sha3()));
ret.discovery_enabled = !self.args.flag_no_discovery;
ret.ideal_peers = self.args.flag_maxpeers as u32;
ret.discovery_enabled = !self.args.flag_no_discovery && !self.args.flag_nodiscover;
ret.ideal_peers = self.args.flag_maxpeers.unwrap_or(self.args.flag_peers) as u32;
let mut net_path = PathBuf::from(&self.path());
ret.config_path = Some(net_path.to_str().unwrap().to_owned());