Better EVM informant & Slow transactions warning (#2436)

* EVM informant. Slow transactions tracking

* Additional feature for tests
This commit is contained in:
Tomasz Drwięga 2016-10-03 23:29:46 +02:00 committed by Gav Wood
parent d205c0800c
commit 48bb890045
6 changed files with 272 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ stratum = ["ipc"]
ethkey-cli = ["ethcore/ethkey-cli"]
ethstore-cli = ["ethcore/ethstore-cli"]
evm-debug = ["ethcore/evm-debug"]
evm-debug-tests = ["ethcore/evm-debug-tests"]
slow-blocks = ["ethcore/slow-blocks"]
path = "parity/"

View File

@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ default-features = false
jit = ["evmjit"]
evm-debug = []
evm-debug = ["slow-blocks"]
evm-debug-tests = ["evm-debug"]
slow-blocks = [] # Use SLOW_TX_DURATION="50" (compile time!) to track transactions over 50ms
json-tests = []
test-heavy = []
dev = ["clippy"]

View File

@ -16,14 +16,26 @@
//! Blockchain block.
use common::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use rlp::{UntrustedRlp, RlpStream, Encodable, Decodable, Decoder, DecoderError, View, Stream};
use util::{Bytes, Address, Uint, FixedHash, Hashable, U256, H256, ordered_trie_root, SHA3_NULL_RLP};
use util::error::{Mismatch, OutOfBounds};
use basic_types::{LogBloom, Seal};
use env_info::{EnvInfo, LastHashes};
use engines::Engine;
use state::*;
use state_db::StateDB;
use verification::PreverifiedBlock;
use trace::FlatTrace;
use error::{Error, BlockError, TransactionError};
use factory::Factories;
use rlp::*;
use header::Header;
use receipt::Receipt;
use state::State;
use state_db::StateDB;
use trace::FlatTrace;
use transaction::SignedTransaction;
use verification::PreverifiedBlock;
use views::BlockView;
/// A block, encoded as it is on the block chain.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
@ -518,25 +530,38 @@ pub fn enact(
for t in transactions { try!(b.push_transaction(t.clone(), None)); }
for u in uncles { try!(b.push_uncle(u.clone())); }
try!(push_transactions(&mut b, transactions));
for u in uncles {
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header
#[cfg_attr(feature="dev", allow(too_many_arguments))]
pub fn enact_bytes(
block_bytes: &[u8],
engine: &Engine,
tracing: bool,
db: StateDB,
parent: &Header,
last_hashes: Arc<LastHashes>,
factories: Factories,
) -> Result<LockedBlock, Error> {
let block = BlockView::new(block_bytes);
let header = block.header();
enact(&header, &block.transactions(), &block.uncles(), engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories)
#[cfg(not(feature = "slow-blocks"))]
fn push_transactions(block: &mut OpenBlock, transactions: &[SignedTransaction]) -> Result<(), Error> {
for t in transactions {
try!(block.push_transaction(t.clone(), None));
#[cfg(feature = "slow-blocks")]
fn push_transactions(block: &mut OpenBlock, transactions: &[SignedTransaction]) -> Result<(), Error> {
use std::time;
let slow_tx = option_env!("SLOW_TX_DURATION").and_then(|v| v.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(100);
for t in transactions {
let hash = t.hash();
let start = time::Instant::now();
try!(block.push_transaction(t.clone(), None));
let took = start.elapsed();
if took > time::Duration::from_millis(slow_tx) {
warn!("Heavy transaction in block {:?}: {:?}", block.header().number(), hash);
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header
@ -554,26 +579,45 @@ pub fn enact_verified(
enact(&block.header, &block.transactions, &view.uncles(), engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories)
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header. Seal the block aferwards
#[cfg_attr(feature="dev", allow(too_many_arguments))]
pub fn enact_and_seal(
block_bytes: &[u8],
engine: &Engine,
tracing: bool,
db: StateDB,
parent: &Header,
last_hashes: Arc<LastHashes>,
factories: Factories,
) -> Result<SealedBlock, Error> {
let header = BlockView::new(block_bytes).header_view();
Ok(try!(try!(enact_bytes(block_bytes, engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories)).seal(engine, header.seal())))
mod tests {
use tests::helpers::*;
use super::*;
use common::*;
use engines::Engine;
use factory::Factories;
use state_db::StateDB;
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header
#[cfg_attr(feature="dev", allow(too_many_arguments))]
fn enact_bytes(
block_bytes: &[u8],
engine: &Engine,
tracing: bool,
db: StateDB,
parent: &Header,
last_hashes: Arc<LastHashes>,
factories: Factories,
) -> Result<LockedBlock, Error> {
let block = BlockView::new(block_bytes);
let header = block.header();
enact(&header, &block.transactions(), &block.uncles(), engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories)
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header. Seal the block aferwards
#[cfg_attr(feature="dev", allow(too_many_arguments))]
fn enact_and_seal(
block_bytes: &[u8],
engine: &Engine,
tracing: bool,
db: StateDB,
parent: &Header,
last_hashes: Arc<LastHashes>,
factories: Factories,
) -> Result<SealedBlock, Error> {
let header = BlockView::new(block_bytes).header_view();
Ok(try!(try!(enact_bytes(block_bytes, engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories)).seal(engine, header.seal())))
fn open_block() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
pub use self::inner::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "evm-debug"))]
mod inner {
macro_rules! evm_debug {
($x: expr) => {}
pub struct EvmInformant;
impl EvmInformant {
pub fn new(_depth: usize) -> Self {
EvmInformant {}
pub fn done(&mut self) {}
#[cfg(feature = "evm-debug")]
mod inner {
use std::iter;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::{Instant, Duration};
use evm::interpreter::stack::Stack;
use evm::instructions::{Instruction, InstructionInfo, INSTRUCTIONS};
use evm::{CostType};
use util::U256;
macro_rules! evm_debug {
($x: expr) => {
fn print(data: String) {
if cfg!(feature = "evm-debug-tests") {
println!("{}", data);
} else {
debug!(target: "evm", "{}", data);
pub struct EvmInformant {
spacing: String,
last_instruction: Instant,
stats: HashMap<Instruction, Stats>,
impl EvmInformant {
fn color(instruction: Instruction, name: &str) -> String {
let c = instruction as usize % 6;
let colors = [31, 34, 33, 32, 35, 36];
format!("\x1B[1;{}m{}\x1B[0m", colors[c], name)
fn as_micro(duration: &Duration) -> u64 {
let mut sec = duration.as_secs();
let subsec = duration.subsec_nanos() as u64;
sec = sec.saturating_mul(1_000_000u64);
sec += subsec / 1_000;
pub fn new(depth: usize) -> Self {
EvmInformant {
spacing: iter::repeat(".").take(depth).collect(),
last_instruction: Instant::now(),
stats: HashMap::new(),
pub fn before_instruction<Cost: CostType>(&mut self, pc: usize, instruction: Instruction, info: &InstructionInfo, current_gas: &Cost, stack: &Stack<U256>) {
let time = self.last_instruction.elapsed();
self.last_instruction = Instant::now();
print(format!("{}[0x{:<3x}][{:>19}(0x{:<2x}) Gas Left: {:6?} (Previous took: {:10}μs)",
if info.args > 0 {
for (idx, item) in stack.peek_top(info.args).iter().enumerate() {
print(format!("{} |{:2}: {:?}", self.spacing, idx, item));
pub fn after_instruction(&mut self, instruction: Instruction) {
let mut stats = self.stats.entry(instruction).or_insert_with(|| Stats::default());
let took = self.last_instruction.elapsed();
pub fn done(&mut self) {
// Print out stats
let infos = &*INSTRUCTIONS;
let mut stats: Vec<(_,_)> = self.stats.drain().collect();
stats.sort_by(|ref a, ref b| b.1.avg().cmp(&a.1.avg()));
print(format!("\n{}-------OPCODE STATS:", self.spacing));
for (instruction, stats) in stats.into_iter() {
let info = infos[instruction as usize];
print(format!("{}-------{:>19}(0x{:<2x}) count: {:4}, avg: {:10}μs",
struct Stats {
count: u64,
total_duration: Duration,
impl Default for Stats {
fn default() -> Self {
Stats {
count: 0,
total_duration: Duration::from_secs(0),
impl Stats {
fn note(&mut self, took: Duration) {
self.count += 1;
self.total_duration += took;
fn avg(&self) -> u64 {
EvmInformant::as_micro(&self.total_duration) / self.count

View File

@ -16,18 +16,8 @@
//! Rust VM implementation
#[cfg(not(feature = "evm-debug"))]
macro_rules! evm_debug {
($x: expr) => {}
#[cfg(feature = "evm-debug")]
macro_rules! evm_debug {
($x: expr) => {
mod informant;
mod gasometer;
mod stack;
mod memory;
@ -45,13 +35,6 @@ use super::instructions::{self, Instruction, InstructionInfo};
use evm::{self, MessageCallResult, ContractCreateResult, GasLeft, CostType};
use bit_set::BitSet;
#[cfg(feature = "evm-debug")]
fn color(instruction: Instruction, name: &'static str) -> String {
let c = instruction as usize % 6;
let colors = [31, 34, 33, 32, 35, 36];
format!("\x1B[1;{}m{}\x1B[0m", colors[c], name)
type CodePosition = usize;
type ProgramCounter = usize;
@ -74,6 +57,15 @@ struct CodeReader<'a> {
#[cfg_attr(feature="dev", allow(len_without_is_empty))]
impl<'a> CodeReader<'a> {
/// Create new code reader - starting at position 0.
fn new(code: &'a Bytes) -> Self {
CodeReader {
position: 0,
code: code,
/// Get `no_of_bytes` from code and convert to U256. Move PC
fn read(&mut self, no_of_bytes: usize) -> U256 {
let pos = self.position;
@ -110,15 +102,14 @@ impl<Cost: CostType> evm::Evm for Interpreter<Cost> {
fn exec(&mut self, params: ActionParams, ext: &mut evm::Ext) -> evm::Result<GasLeft> {
let mut informant = informant::EvmInformant::new(ext.depth());
let code = &params.code.as_ref().unwrap();
let valid_jump_destinations = self.cache.jump_destinations(&params.code_hash, code);
let mut gasometer = Gasometer::<Cost>::new(try!(Cost::from_u256(params.gas)));
let mut stack = VecStack::with_capacity(ext.schedule().stack_limit, U256::zero());
let mut reader = CodeReader {
position: 0,
code: code
let mut reader = CodeReader::new(code);
let infos = &*instructions::INSTRUCTIONS;
while reader.position < code.len() {
@ -138,15 +129,7 @@ impl<Cost: CostType> evm::Evm for Interpreter<Cost> {
gasometer.current_mem_gas = mem_gas;
gasometer.current_gas = gasometer.current_gas - gas_cost;
println!("[0x{:x}][{}(0x{:x}) Gas: {:?}\n Gas Before: {:?}",
gasometer.current_gas + gas_cost
evm_debug!({ informant.before_instruction(reader.position, instruction, &info, &gasometer.current_gas, &stack) });
let (mem_written, store_written) = match trace_executed {
true => (Self::mem_written(instruction, &stack), Self::store_written(instruction, &stack)),
@ -158,6 +141,8 @@ impl<Cost: CostType> evm::Evm for Interpreter<Cost> {
gasometer.current_gas, &params, ext, instruction, &mut reader, &mut stack
evm_debug!({ informant.after_instruction(instruction) });
if trace_executed {
ext.trace_executed(gasometer.current_gas.as_u256(), stack.peek_top(info.ret),|(o, s)| (o, &(self.mem[o..(o + s)]))), store_written);
@ -179,12 +164,13 @@ impl<Cost: CostType> evm::Evm for Interpreter<Cost> {
reader.position = pos;
InstructionResult::StopExecutionNeedsReturn(gas, off, size) => {
return Ok(GasLeft::NeedsReturn(gas.as_u256(), self.mem.read_slice(off, size)));
InstructionResult::StopExecution => break,

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ pub trait Stack<T> {
/// Get number of elements on Stack
fn size(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns all data on stack.
fn peek_top(&mut self, no_of_elems: usize) -> &[T];
fn peek_top(&self, no_of_elems: usize) -> &[T];
pub struct VecStack<S> {
@ -68,12 +68,7 @@ impl<S : fmt::Display> Stack<S> for VecStack<S> {
fn pop_back(&mut self) -> S {
let val = self.stack.pop();
match val {
Some(x) => {
println!(" POP: {}", x)
Some(x) => x,
None => panic!("Tried to pop from empty stack.")
@ -88,9 +83,6 @@ impl<S : fmt::Display> Stack<S> for VecStack<S> {
fn push(&mut self, elem: S) {
println!(" PUSH: {}", elem)
@ -98,7 +90,7 @@ impl<S : fmt::Display> Stack<S> for VecStack<S> {
fn peek_top(&mut self, no_from_top: usize) -> &[S] {
fn peek_top(&self, no_from_top: usize) -> &[S] {
assert!(self.stack.len() >= no_from_top, "peek_top asked for more items than exist.");
&self.stack[self.stack.len() - no_from_top .. self.stack.len()]