dispatch batched requests

This commit is contained in:
Robert Habermeier 2017-04-06 15:34:48 +02:00
parent 3eea77709b
commit 574cfae470
4 changed files with 403 additions and 380 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ use request::{self as basic_request, Request as NetworkRequest, Response as Netw
pub mod request;
pub use self::request::{CheckedRequest ,Request, Response};
// relevant peer info.
struct Peer {
status: Status,
@ -50,23 +52,13 @@ struct Peer {
impl Peer {
// Whether a given peer can handle a specific request.
fn can_handle(&self, pending: &Pending) -> bool {
match *pending {
Pending::HeaderProof(ref req, _) =>
self.capabilities.serve_headers && self.status.head_num > req.num(),
Pending::HeaderByHash(_, _) => self.capabilities.serve_headers,
Pending::Block(ref req, _) =>
self.capabilities.serve_chain_since.as_ref().map_or(false, |x| *x <= req.header.number()),
Pending::BlockReceipts(ref req, _) =>
self.capabilities.serve_chain_since.as_ref().map_or(false, |x| *x <= req.0.number()),
Pending::Account(ref req, _) =>
self.capabilities.serve_state_since.as_ref().map_or(false, |x| *x <= req.header.number()),
Pending::Code(ref req, _) =>
self.capabilities.serve_state_since.as_ref().map_or(false, |x| *x <= req.block_id.1),
Pending::TxProof(ref req, _) =>
self.capabilities.serve_state_since.as_ref().map_or(false, |x| *x <= req.header.number()),
// whether this peer can fulfill the
fn can_fulfill(&self, c: &Capabilities) -> bool {
let caps = &self.capabilities;
caps.serve_headers == c.serve_headers &&
caps.serve_chain_since >= c.serve_chain_since &&
caps.serve_state_since >= c.serve_chain_since
@ -78,262 +70,256 @@ enum ChtProofSender {
// Attempted request info and sender to put received value.
enum Pending {
HeaderProof(request::HeaderProof, ChtProofSender),
HeaderByHash(request::HeaderByHash, Sender<encoded::Header>),
Block(request::Body, Sender<encoded::Block>),
BlockReceipts(request::BlockReceipts, Sender<Vec<Receipt>>),
Account(request::Account, Sender<BasicAccount>),
Code(request::Code, Sender<Bytes>),
TxProof(request::TransactionProof, Sender<Result<Executed, ExecutionError>>),
struct Pending {
requests: basic_request::Requests<CheckedRequest>,
net_requests: basic_request::Requests<NetworkRequest>,
required_capabilities: Capabilities,
responses: Vec<Response>,
sender: oneshot::Sender<Vec<Response>>,
impl Pending {
// Create a network request.
fn make_request(&self) -> NetworkRequest {
match *self {
Pending::HeaderByHash(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::Headers(basic_request::IncompleteHeadersRequest {
start: basic_request::HashOrNumber::Hash(req.0).into(),
skip: 0,
max: 1,
reverse: false,
Pending::HeaderProof(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::HeaderProof(basic_request::IncompleteHeaderProofRequest {
num: req.num().into(),
Pending::Block(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::Body(basic_request::IncompleteBodyRequest {
hash: req.hash.into(),
Pending::BlockReceipts(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::Receipts(basic_request::IncompleteReceiptsRequest {
hash: req.0.hash().into(),
Pending::Account(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::Account(basic_request::IncompleteAccountRequest {
block_hash: req.header.hash().into(),
address_hash: ::util::Hashable::sha3(&req.address).into(),
Pending::Code(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::Code(basic_request::IncompleteCodeRequest {
block_hash: req.block_id.0.into(),
code_hash: req.code_hash.into(),
Pending::TxProof(ref req, _) => NetworkRequest::Execution(basic_request::IncompleteExecutionRequest {
block_hash: req.header.hash().into(),
from: req.tx.sender(),
gas: req.tx.gas,
gas_price: req.tx.gas_price,
action: req.tx.action.clone(),
value: req.tx.value,
data: req.tx.data.clone(),
// helper to guess capabilities required for a given batch of network requests.
fn guess_capabilities(requests: &[CheckedRequest]) -> Capabilities {
let mut caps = Capabilities {
serve_headers: false,
serve_chain_since: None,
serve_state_since: None,
tx_relay: false,
let update_since = |current: &mut Option<u64>, new|
*current = match *current {
Some(x) => Some(::std::cmp::min(x, new)),
None => Some(new),
for request in requests {
match *request {
// TODO: might be worth returning a required block number for this also.
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(_, _) =>
caps.serve_headers = true,
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(_, _) =>
caps.serve_headers = true,
CheckedRequest::Body(ref req, _) =>
update_since(&mut caps.serve_chain_since, req.header.number()),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(ref req, _) =>
update_since(&mut caps.serve_chain_since, req.0.number()),
CheckedRequest::Account(ref req, _) =>
update_since(&mut caps.serve_state_since, req.header.number()),
CheckedRequest::Code(ref req, _) =>
update_since(&mut caps.serve_state_since, req.block_id.1),
CheckedRequest::Execution(ref req, _) =>
update_since(&mut caps.serve_state_since, req.header.number()),
/// On demand request service. See module docs for more details.
/// Accumulates info about all peers' capabilities and dispatches
/// requests to them accordingly.
// lock in declaration order.
pub struct OnDemand {
pending: RwLock<Vec<Pending>>,
peers: RwLock<HashMap<PeerId, Peer>>,
pending_requests: RwLock<HashMap<ReqId, Pending>>,
in_transit: RwLock<HashMap<ReqId, Pending>>,
cache: Arc<Mutex<Cache>>,
orphaned_requests: RwLock<Vec<Pending>>,
start_nonce: U256,
const RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE: &'static str = "Receiver is still in scope, so it's not dropped; qed";
impl OnDemand {
/// Create a new `OnDemand` service with the given cache.
pub fn new(cache: Arc<Mutex<Cache>>, account_start_nonce: U256) -> Self {
pub fn new(cache: Arc<Mutex<Cache>>) -> Self {
OnDemand {
pending: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
peers: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
pending_requests: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
in_transit: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
cache: cache,
orphaned_requests: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
start_nonce: account_start_nonce,
/// Request a header's hash by block number and CHT root hash.
/// Returns the hash.
pub fn hash_by_number(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderProof) -> Receiver<H256> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let cached = {
let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
// /// Request a header's hash by block number and CHT root hash.
// /// Returns the hash.
// pub fn hash_by_number(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderProof) -> Receiver<H256> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// let cached = {
// let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
// cache.block_hash(&req.num())
// };
match cached {
Some(hash) => sender.send(hash).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderProof(req, ChtProofSender::Hash(sender))),
// match cached {
// Some(hash) => sender.send(hash).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
// None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderProof(req, ChtProofSender::Hash(sender))),
// }
// receiver
// }
/// Request a canonical block's chain score.
/// Returns the chain score.
pub fn chain_score_by_number(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderProof) -> Receiver<U256> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let cached = {
let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
cache.block_hash(&req.num()).and_then(|hash| cache.chain_score(&hash))
// /// Request a canonical block's chain score.
// /// Returns the chain score.
// pub fn chain_score_by_number(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderProof) -> Receiver<U256> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// let cached = {
// let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
// cache.block_hash(&req.num()).and_then(|hash| cache.chain_score(&hash))
// };
match cached {
Some(score) => sender.send(score).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderProof(req, ChtProofSender::ChainScore(sender))),
// match cached {
// Some(score) => sender.send(score).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
// None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderProof(req, ChtProofSender::ChainScore(sender))),
// }
// receiver
// }
/// Request a canonical block's hash and chain score by number.
/// Returns the hash and chain score.
pub fn hash_and_score_by_number(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderProof) -> Receiver<(H256, U256)> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let cached = {
let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
let hash = cache.block_hash(&req.num());
hash.and_then(|hash| cache.chain_score(&hash)),
// /// Request a canonical block's hash and chain score by number.
// /// Returns the hash and chain score.
// pub fn hash_and_score_by_number(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderProof) -> Receiver<(H256, U256)> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// let cached = {
// let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
// let hash = cache.block_hash(&req.num());
// (
// hash.clone(),
// hash.and_then(|hash| cache.chain_score(&hash)),
// )
// };
match cached {
(Some(hash), Some(score)) => sender.send((hash, score)).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
_ => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderProof(req, ChtProofSender::Both(sender))),
// match cached {
// (Some(hash), Some(score)) => sender.send((hash, score)).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
// _ => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderProof(req, ChtProofSender::Both(sender))),
// }
// receiver
// }
/// Request a header by hash. This is less accurate than by-number because we don't know
/// where in the chain this header lies, and therefore can't find a peer who is supposed to have
/// it as easily.
pub fn header_by_hash(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderByHash) -> Receiver<encoded::Header> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
match { self.cache.lock().block_header(&req.0) } {
Some(hdr) => sender.send(hdr).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderByHash(req, sender)),
// /// Request a header by hash. This is less accurate than by-number because we don't know
// /// where in the chain this header lies, and therefore can't find a peer who is supposed to have
// /// it as easily.
// pub fn header_by_hash(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::HeaderByHash) -> Receiver<encoded::Header> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// match { self.cache.lock().block_header(&req.0) } {
// Some(hdr) => sender.send(hdr).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
// None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::HeaderByHash(req, sender)),
// }
// receiver
// }
/// Request a block, given its header. Block bodies are requestable by hash only,
/// and the header is required anyway to verify and complete the block body
/// -- this just doesn't obscure the network query.
pub fn block(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::Body) -> Receiver<encoded::Block> {
// /// Request a block, given its header. Block bodies are requestable by hash only,
// /// and the header is required anyway to verify and complete the block body
// /// -- this just doesn't obscure the network query.
// pub fn block(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::Body) -> Receiver<encoded::Block> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// // fast path for empty body.
// if req.header.transactions_root() == SHA3_NULL_RLP && req.header.uncles_hash() == SHA3_EMPTY_LIST_RLP {
// let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
// stream.append_raw(&req.header.into_inner(), 1);
// stream.begin_list(0);
// stream.begin_list(0);
// sender.send(encoded::Block::new(stream.out())).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE);
// } else {
// match { self.cache.lock().block_body(&req.hash) } {
// Some(body) => {
// let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
// let body = body.rlp();
// stream.append_raw(&req.header.into_inner(), 1);
// stream.append_raw(&body.at(0).as_raw(), 1);
// stream.append_raw(&body.at(1).as_raw(), 1);
// sender.send(encoded::Block::new(stream.out())).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE);
// }
// None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::Block(req, sender)),
// }
// }
// receiver
// }
// /// Request the receipts for a block. The header serves two purposes:
// /// provide the block hash to fetch receipts for, and for verification of the receipts root.
// pub fn block_receipts(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::BlockReceipts) -> Receiver<Vec<Receipt>> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// // fast path for empty receipts.
// if req.0.receipts_root() == SHA3_NULL_RLP {
// sender.send(Vec::new()).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE);
// } else {
// match { self.cache.lock().block_receipts(&req.0.hash()) } {
// Some(receipts) => sender.send(receipts).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
// None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::BlockReceipts(req, sender)),
// }
// }
// receiver
// }
// /// Request an account by address and block header -- which gives a hash to query and a state root
// /// to verify against.
// pub fn account(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::Account) -> Receiver<BasicAccount> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::Account(req, sender));
// receiver
// }
// /// Request code by address, known code hash, and block header.
// pub fn code(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::Code) -> Receiver<Bytes> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// // fast path for no code.
// if req.code_hash == SHA3_EMPTY {
// sender.send(Vec::new()).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE)
// } else {
// self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::Code(req, sender));
// }
// receiver
// }
// /// Request proof-of-execution for a transaction.
// pub fn transaction_proof(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::TransactionProof) -> Receiver<Result<Executed, ExecutionError>> {
// let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::TxProof(req, sender));
// receiver
// }
/// Submit a batch of requests.
/// Fails if back-references are not coherent.
/// The returned vector of responses will match the requests exactly.
pub fn make_requests(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, requests: Vec<Request>)
-> Result<Receiver<Vec<Response>>, basic_request::NoSuchOutput>
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// fast path for empty body.
if req.header.transactions_root() == SHA3_NULL_RLP && req.header.uncles_hash() == SHA3_EMPTY_LIST_RLP {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
stream.append_raw(&req.header.into_inner(), 1);
} else {
match { self.cache.lock().block_body(&req.hash) } {
Some(body) => {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(3);
let body = body.rlp();
stream.append_raw(&req.header.into_inner(), 1);
stream.append_raw(&body.at(0).as_raw(), 1);
stream.append_raw(&body.at(1).as_raw(), 1);
None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::Block(req, sender)),
/// Request the receipts for a block. The header serves two purposes:
/// provide the block hash to fetch receipts for, and for verification of the receipts root.
pub fn block_receipts(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::BlockReceipts) -> Receiver<Vec<Receipt>> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// fast path for empty receipts.
if req.0.receipts_root() == SHA3_NULL_RLP {
} else {
match { self.cache.lock().block_receipts(&req.0.hash()) } {
Some(receipts) => sender.send(receipts).expect(RECEIVER_IN_SCOPE),
None => self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::BlockReceipts(req, sender)),
/// Request an account by address and block header -- which gives a hash to query and a state root
/// to verify against.
pub fn account(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::Account) -> Receiver<BasicAccount> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::Account(req, sender));
/// Request code by address, known code hash, and block header.
pub fn code(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::Code) -> Receiver<Bytes> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
// fast path for no code.
if req.code_hash == SHA3_EMPTY {
} else {
self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::Code(req, sender));
/// Request proof-of-execution for a transaction.
pub fn transaction_proof(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, req: request::TransactionProof) -> Receiver<Result<Executed, ExecutionError>> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
self.dispatch(ctx, Pending::TxProof(req, sender));
// dispatch the request, with a "suitability" function to filter acceptable peers.
fn dispatch(&self, ctx: &BasicContext, pending: Pending) {
let mut builder = basic_request::RequestBuilder::default();
.expect("make_request always returns fully complete request; qed");
let complete = builder.build();
let kind = complete.requests()[0].kind();
for (id, peer) in self.peers.read().iter() {
if !peer.can_handle(&pending) { continue }
match ctx.request_from(*id, complete.clone()) {
Ok(req_id) => {
trace!(target: "on_demand", "{}: Assigned {:?} to peer {}",
req_id, kind, id);
Err(net::Error::NoCredits) => {}
Err(e) =>
trace!(target: "on_demand", "Failed to make request of peer {}: {:?}", id, e),
let responses = Vec::with_capacity(requests.len());
for request in requests {
let requests = builder.build();
let net_requests = requests.clone().map_requests(|req| req.into_net_request());
let capabilities = guess_capabilities(requests.requests());
self.pending.write().push(Pending {
requests: requests,
net_requests: net_requests,
required_capabilities: capabilities,
responses: responses,
sender: sender,
// dispatch orphaned requests, and discard those for which the corresponding
// dispatch pending requests, and discard those for which the corresponding
// receiver has been dropped.
fn dispatch_orphaned(&self, ctx: &BasicContext) {
fn dispatch_pending(&self, ctx: &BasicContext) {
// wrapper future for calling `poll_cancel` on our `Senders` to preserve
// the invariant that it's always within a task.
struct CheckHangup<'a, T: 'a>(&'a mut Sender<T>);
@ -356,35 +342,42 @@ impl OnDemand {
CheckHangup(send).wait().expect("CheckHangup always returns ok; qed")
if self.orphaned_requests.read().is_empty() { return }
if self.pending.read().is_empty() { return }
let mut pending = self.pending.write();
let to_dispatch = ::std::mem::replace(&mut *self.orphaned_requests.write(), Vec::new());
// iterate over all pending requests, and check them for hang-up.
// then, try and find a peer who can serve it.
let peers = self.peers.read();
*pending = ::std::mem::replace(&mut *pending, Vec::new()).into_iter()
.filter_map(|mut pending| match check_hangup(&mut pending.sender) {
true => Some(pending),
false => None,
.filter_map(|pending| {
for (peer_id, peer) in peers.iter() { // .shuffle?
if !peer.can_fulfill(&pending.required_capabilities) {
trace!(target: "on_demand", "Attempting to dispatch {} orphaned requests.", to_dispatch.len());
for mut orphaned in to_dispatch {
let hung_up = match orphaned {
Pending::HeaderProof(_, ref mut sender) => match *sender {
ChtProofSender::Both(ref mut s) => check_hangup(s),
ChtProofSender::Hash(ref mut s) => check_hangup(s),
ChtProofSender::ChainScore(ref mut s) => check_hangup(s),
Pending::HeaderByHash(_, ref mut sender) => check_hangup(sender),
Pending::Block(_, ref mut sender) => check_hangup(sender),
Pending::BlockReceipts(_, ref mut sender) => check_hangup(sender),
Pending::Account(_, ref mut sender) => check_hangup(sender),
Pending::Code(_, ref mut sender) => check_hangup(sender),
Pending::TxProof(_, ref mut sender) => check_hangup(sender),
if !hung_up { self.dispatch(ctx, orphaned) }
match ctx.request_from(*peer_id, pending.net_requests.clone()) {
Ok(req_id) => {
self.in_transit.write().insert(req_id, pending);
return None
Err(net::Error::NoCredits) => {}
Err(e) => debug!(target: "on_demand", "Error dispatching request to peer: {}", e),
.collect(); // `pending` now contains all requests we couldn't dispatch.
impl Handler for OnDemand {
fn on_connect(&self, ctx: &EventContext, status: &Status, capabilities: &Capabilities) {
self.peers.write().insert(ctx.peer(), Peer { status: status.clone(), capabilities: capabilities.clone() });
fn on_disconnect(&self, ctx: &EventContext, unfulfilled: &[ReqId]) {
@ -392,16 +385,16 @@ impl Handler for OnDemand {
let ctx = ctx.as_basic();
let mut orphaned = self.orphaned_requests.write();
let mut pending = self.pending.write();
for unfulfilled in unfulfilled {
if let Some(pending) = self.pending_requests.write().remove(unfulfilled) {
if let Some(unfulfilled) = self.in_transit.write().remove(unfulfilled) {
trace!(target: "on_demand", "Attempting to reassign dropped request");
fn on_announcement(&self, ctx: &EventContext, announcement: &Announcement) {
@ -413,142 +406,68 @@ impl Handler for OnDemand {
fn on_responses(&self, ctx: &EventContext, req_id: ReqId, responses: &[basic_request::Response]) {
use request::IncompleteRequest;
let peer = ctx.peer();
let req = match self.pending_requests.write().remove(&req_id) {
let mut pending = match self.in_transit.write().remove(&req_id) {
Some(req) => req,
None => return,
let response = match responses.get(0) {
Some(response) => response,
None => {
trace!(target: "on_demand", "Ignoring empty response for request {}", req_id);
self.dispatch(ctx.as_basic(), req);
// for each incoming response
// 1. ensure verification data filled.
// 2. pending.requests.supply_response
// 3. if extracted on-demand response
for response in responses {
match pending.requests.supply_response(response) {
Ok(response) => pending.responses.push(response),
Err(e) => {
let peer = ctx.peer();
debug!(target: "on_demand", "Peer {} gave bad response: {:?}", peer, e);
trace!(target: "on_demand", "Handling response for request {}, kind={:?}", req_id, response.kind());
// handle the response appropriately for the request.
// all branches which do not return early lead to disabling of the peer
// due to misbehavior.
match req {
Pending::HeaderProof(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::HeaderProof(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(&response.proof) {
Ok((hash, score)) => {
let mut cache = self.cache.lock();
cache.insert_block_hash(req.num(), hash);
cache.insert_chain_score(hash, score);
match sender {
ChtProofSender::Both(sender) => { let _ = sender.send((hash, score)); }
ChtProofSender::Hash(sender) => { let _ = sender.send(hash); }
ChtProofSender::ChainScore(sender) => { let _ = sender.send(score); }
Err(e) => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for header request: {:?}", e),
Pending::HeaderByHash(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::Headers(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(&response.headers) {
Ok(header) => {
self.cache.lock().insert_block_header(req.0, header.clone());
let _ = sender.send(header);
Err(e) => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for header request: {:?}", e),
Pending::Block(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::Body(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(&response.body) {
Ok(block) => {
self.cache.lock().insert_block_body(req.hash, response.body.clone());
let _ = sender.send(block);
Err(e) => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for block request: {:?}", e),
Pending::BlockReceipts(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::Receipts(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(&response.receipts) {
Ok(receipts) => {
let hash = req.0.hash();
self.cache.lock().insert_block_receipts(hash, receipts.clone());
let _ = sender.send(receipts);
Err(e) => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for receipts request: {:?}", e),
Pending::Account(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::Account(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(&response.proof) {
Ok(account) => {
let account = account.unwrap_or_else(|| {
BasicAccount {
balance: 0.into(),
nonce: self.start_nonce,
code_hash: SHA3_EMPTY,
storage_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP
// TODO: validate against request outputs.
// needs engine + env info as part of request.
let _ = sender.send(account);
Err(e) => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for state request: {:?}", e),
Pending::Code(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::Code(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(response.code.as_slice()) {
Ok(code) => {
let _ = sender.send(code);
Err(e) => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for code request: {:?}", e),
Pending::TxProof(req, sender) => {
if let NetworkResponse::Execution(ref response) = *response {
match req.check_response(&response.items) {
ProvedExecution::Complete(executed) => {
let _ = sender.send(Ok(executed));
ProvedExecution::Failed(err) => {
let _ = sender.send(Err(err));
ProvedExecution::BadProof => warn!(target: "on_demand", "Error handling response for transaction proof request"),
if pending.requests.is_complete() {
let _ = pending.sender.send(pending.responses);
// update network requests (unless we're done, in which case fulfill the future.)
let mut builder = basic_request::RequestBuilder::default();
let num_answered = pending.requests.num_answered();
let mut mapping = move |idx| idx - num_answered;
for request in pending.requests.requests().iter().skip(num_answered) {
let mut net_req = request.clone().into_net_request();
// all back-references with request index less than `num_answered` have
// been filled by now. all remaining requests point to nothing earlier
// than the next unanswered request.
net_req.adjust_refs(&mut mapping);
.expect("all back-references to answered requests have been filled; qed");
// update pending fields and re-queue.
let capabilities = guess_capabilities(&pending.requests.requests()[num_answered..]);
pending.net_requests = builder.build();
pending.required_capabilities = capabilities;
fn tick(&self, ctx: &BasicContext) {
@ -587,7 +506,7 @@ mod tests {
assert!(on_demand.orphaned_requests.read().len() == 1);

View File

@ -126,6 +126,23 @@ impl From<Request> for CheckedRequest {
impl CheckedRequest {
/// Convert this into a network request.
pub fn into_net_request(self) -> net_request::Request {
use ::request::Request as NetRequest;
match self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(_, req) => NetRequest::HeaderProof(req),
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(_, req) => NetRequest::Headers(req),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(_, req) => NetRequest::Receipts(req),
CheckedRequest::Body(_, req) => NetRequest::Body(req),
CheckedRequest::Account(_, req) => NetRequest::Account(req),
CheckedRequest::Code(_, req) => NetRequest::Code(req),
CheckedRequest::Execution(_, req) => NetRequest::Execution(req),
impl IncompleteRequest for CheckedRequest {
type Complete = net_request::CompleteRequest;
type Response = net_request::Response;
@ -192,6 +209,19 @@ impl IncompleteRequest for CheckedRequest {
CheckedRequest::Execution(_, req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Execution),
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
match *self {
CheckedRequest::HeaderProof(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
CheckedRequest::HeaderByHash(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
CheckedRequest::Receipts(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
CheckedRequest::Body(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
CheckedRequest::Account(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
CheckedRequest::Code(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
CheckedRequest::Execution(_, ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
impl net_request::CheckedRequest for CheckedRequest {

View File

@ -87,9 +87,14 @@ impl<T: IncompleteRequest + Clone> Requests<T> {
/// Get the number of answered requests.
pub fn num_answered(&self) -> usize { self.answered }
/// Whether the batch is complete.
pub fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
self.answered == self.requests.len()
/// Get the next request as a filled request. Returns `None` when all requests answered.
pub fn next_complete(&self) -> Option<T::Complete> {
if self.answered == self.requests.len() {
if self.is_complete() {
} else {
@ -97,6 +102,17 @@ impl<T: IncompleteRequest + Clone> Requests<T> {
.expect("All outputs checked as invariant of `Requests` object; qed"))
/// Map requests from one type into another.
pub fn map_requests<F, U>(self, f: F) -> Requests<U>
where F: FnMut(T) -> U, U: IncompleteRequest
Requests {
outputs: self.outputs,
requests: self.requests.into_iter().map(f).collect(),
answered: self.answered,
impl<T: super::CheckedRequest> Requests<T> {
@ -122,8 +138,8 @@ impl<T: super::CheckedRequest> Requests<T> {
self.answered += 1;
// fill as much of the next request as we can.
if let Some(ref mut req) = self.requests.get_mut(self.answered) {
// fill as much of each remaining request as we can.
for req in self.requests.iter_mut().skip(self.answered) {
req.fill(|req_idx, out_idx| outputs.get(&(req_idx, out_idx)).cloned().ok_or(NoSuchOutput))

View File

@ -100,6 +100,12 @@ impl<T> Field<T> {
_ => Err(NoSuchOutput),
fn adjust_req<F>(&mut self, mut mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
if let Field::BackReference(ref mut req_idx, _) = *self {
*req_idx = mapping(*req_idx)
impl<T> From<T> for Field<T> {
@ -358,6 +364,19 @@ impl IncompleteRequest for Request {
Request::Execution(req) => req.complete().map(CompleteRequest::Execution),
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
match *self {
Request::Headers(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::HeaderProof(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::Receipts(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::Body(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::Account(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::Storage(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::Code(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
Request::Execution(ref mut req) => req.adjust_refs(mapping),
impl CheckedRequest for Request {
@ -536,6 +555,9 @@ pub trait IncompleteRequest: Sized {
/// Attempt to convert this request into its complete variant.
/// Will succeed if all fields have been filled, will fail otherwise.
fn complete(self) -> Result<Self::Complete, NoSuchOutput>;
/// Adjust back-reference request indices.
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize;
/// A request which can be checked against its response for more validity.
@ -631,6 +653,10 @@ pub mod header {
reverse: self.reverse,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
/// A complete header request.
@ -745,6 +771,10 @@ pub mod header_proof {
num: self.num.into_scalar()?,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
/// A complete header proof request.
@ -849,6 +879,10 @@ pub mod block_receipts {
hash: self.hash.into_scalar()?,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
/// A complete block receipts request.
@ -942,6 +976,10 @@ pub mod block_body {
hash: self.hash.into_scalar()?,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
/// A complete block body request.
@ -1062,6 +1100,11 @@ pub mod account {
address_hash: self.address_hash.into_scalar()?,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mut mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
self.block_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
self.address_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
/// A complete request for an account.
@ -1212,6 +1255,12 @@ pub mod storage {
key_hash: self.key_hash.into_scalar()?,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mut mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
self.block_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
self.address_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
self.key_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
/// A complete request for a storage proof.
@ -1332,6 +1381,11 @@ pub mod contract_code {
code_hash: self.code_hash.into_scalar()?,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mut mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
self.block_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
self.code_hash.adjust_req(&mut mapping);
/// A complete request.
@ -1464,6 +1518,10 @@ pub mod execution {
data: self.data,
fn adjust_refs<F>(&mut self, mapping: F) where F: FnMut(usize) -> usize {
/// A complete request.