Merge branch 'master' into evm

This commit is contained in:
Tomusdrw 2016-01-15 02:05:32 +01:00
commit 7010e870a4
21 changed files with 782 additions and 733 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ rust-crypto = "0.2.34"
time = "0.1" time = "0.1"
#interpolate_idents = { git = "" } #interpolate_idents = { git = "" }
evmjit = { path = "rust-evmjit", optional = true } evmjit = { path = "rust-evmjit", optional = true }
itertools = "0.4"
[features] [features]
default = ["jit"] default = ["jit"]

View File

@ -1,396 +1,5 @@
use util::*; use util::*;
use itertools::Itertools; use pod_account::*;
pub const SHA3_EMPTY: H256 = H256( [0xc5, 0xd2, 0x46, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x23, 0x3c, 0x92, 0x7e, 0x7d, 0xb2, 0xdc, 0xc7, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xe5, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x53, 0xca, 0x82, 0x27, 0x3b, 0x7b, 0xfa, 0xd8, 0x04, 0x5d, 0x85, 0xa4, 0x70] );
pub enum Diff<T> where T: Eq {
Changed(T, T),
pub enum Existance {
impl<T> Diff<T> where T: Eq {
pub fn new(pre: T, post: T) -> Self { if pre == post { Diff::Same } else { Diff::Changed(pre, post) } }
pub fn pre(&self) -> Option<&T> { match self { &Diff::Died(ref x) | &Diff::Changed(ref x, _) => Some(x), _ => None } }
pub fn post(&self) -> Option<&T> { match self { &Diff::Born(ref x) | &Diff::Changed(_, ref x) => Some(x), _ => None } }
pub fn is_same(&self) -> bool { match self { &Diff::Same => true, _ => false }}
/// Genesis account data. Does not have a DB overlay cache.
pub struct PodAccount {
// Balance of the account.
pub balance: U256,
// Nonce of the account.
pub nonce: U256,
pub code: Bytes,
pub storage: BTreeMap<H256, H256>,
impl fmt::Display for PodAccount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "(bal={}; nonce={}; code={} bytes, #{}; storage={} items)", self.balance, self.nonce, self.code.len(), self.code.sha3(),
pub struct PodState (BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount>);
pub fn map_h256_h256_from_json(json: &Json) -> BTreeMap<H256, H256> {
json.as_object().unwrap().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut m, (key, value)| {
m.insert(H256::from(&u256_from_str(key)), H256::from(&u256_from_json(value)));
impl PodState {
/// Contruct a new object from the `m`.
pub fn from(m: BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount>) -> PodState { PodState(m) }
/// Translate the JSON object into a hash map of account information ready for insertion into State.
pub fn from_json(json: &Json) -> PodState {
PodState(json.as_object().unwrap().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut state, (address, acc)| {
let balance = acc.find("balance").map(&u256_from_json);
let nonce = acc.find("nonce").map(&u256_from_json);
let storage = acc.find("storage").map(&map_h256_h256_from_json);;
let code = acc.find("code").map(&bytes_from_json);
if balance.is_some() || nonce.is_some() || storage.is_some() || code.is_some() {
state.insert(address_from_hex(address), PodAccount{
balance: balance.unwrap_or(U256::zero()),
nonce: nonce.unwrap_or(U256::zero()),
storage: storage.unwrap_or(BTreeMap::new()),
code: code.unwrap_or(Vec::new())
/// Drain object to get the underlying map.
pub fn drain(self) -> BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount> { self.0 }
impl fmt::Display for PodState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
for (add, acc) in &self.0 {
try!(writeln!(f, "{} => {}", add, acc));
pub struct AccountDiff {
pub balance: Diff<U256>, // Allowed to be Same
pub nonce: Diff<U256>, // Allowed to be Same
pub code: Diff<Bytes>, // Allowed to be Same
pub storage: BTreeMap<H256, Diff<H256>>,// Not allowed to be Same
impl AccountDiff {
pub fn existance(&self) -> Existance {
match self.balance {
Diff::Born(_) => Existance::Born,
Diff::Died(_) => Existance::Died,
_ => Existance::Alive,
fn format(u: &H256) -> String {
if u <= &H256::from(0xffffffff) {
format!("{} = 0x{:x}", U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u32(), U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u32())
} else if u <= &H256::from(u64::max_value()) {
format!("{} = 0x{:x}", U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u64(), U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u64())
// } else if u <= &H256::from("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") {
// format!("@{}", Address::from(u))
} else {
format!("#{}", u)
pub struct StateDiff (BTreeMap<Address, AccountDiff>);
impl fmt::Display for AccountDiff {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.nonce {
Diff::Born(ref x) => try!(write!(f, " non {}", x)),
Diff::Changed(ref pre, ref post) => try!(write!(f, "#{} ({} {} {})", post, pre, if pre > post {"-"} else {"+"}, *max(pre, post) - * min(pre, post))),
_ => {},
match self.balance {
Diff::Born(ref x) => try!(write!(f, " bal {}", x)),
Diff::Changed(ref pre, ref post) => try!(write!(f, "${} ({} {} {})", post, pre, if pre > post {"-"} else {"+"}, *max(pre, post) - *min(pre, post))),
_ => {},
match self.code {
Diff::Born(ref x) => try!(write!(f, " code {}", x.pretty())),
_ => {},
try!(write!(f, "\n"));
for (k, dv) in {
match dv {
&Diff::Born(ref v) => try!(write!(f, " + {} => {}\n", format(k), format(v))),
&Diff::Changed(ref pre, ref post) => try!(write!(f, " * {} => {} (was {})\n", format(k), format(post), format(pre))),
&Diff::Died(_) => try!(write!(f, " X {}\n", format(k))),
_ => {},
impl fmt::Display for Existance {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
&Existance::Born => try!(write!(f, "+++")),
&Existance::Alive => try!(write!(f, "***")),
&Existance::Died => try!(write!(f, "XXX")),
impl fmt::Display for StateDiff {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
for (add, acc) in self.0.iter() {
try!(write!(f, "{} {}: {}", acc.existance(), add, acc));
pub fn pod_diff(pre: Option<&PodAccount>, post: Option<&PodAccount>) -> Option<AccountDiff> {
match (pre, post) {
(None, Some(x)) => Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Born(x.balance.clone()),
nonce: Diff::Born(x.nonce.clone()),
code: Diff::Born(x.code.clone()),
storage:|(k, v)| (k.clone(), Diff::Born(v.clone()))).collect(),
(Some(x), None) => Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Died(x.balance.clone()),
nonce: Diff::Died(x.nonce.clone()),
code: Diff::Died(x.code.clone()),
storage:|(k, v)| (k.clone(), Diff::Died(v.clone()))).collect(),
(Some(pre), Some(post)) => {
let storage: Vec<_> =
.filter(|k| !=
let r = AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::new(pre.balance.clone(), post.balance.clone()),
nonce: Diff::new(pre.nonce.clone(), post.nonce.clone()),
code: Diff::new(pre.code.clone(), post.code.clone()),
storage: storage.into_iter().map(|k|
(k.clone(), Diff::new(,
if r.balance.is_same() && r.nonce.is_same() && r.code.is_same() && == 0 {
} else {
_ => None,
pub fn pod_state_diff(pre: &PodState, post: &PodState) -> StateDiff {
StateDiff(pre.0.keys().merge(post.0.keys()).filter_map(|acc| pod_diff(pre.0.get(acc), post.0.get(acc)).map(|d|(acc.clone(), d))).collect())
fn state_diff_create_delete() {
let a = PodState(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
assert_eq!(pod_state_diff(&a, &PodState(map![])), StateDiff(map![
x!(1) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Died(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Died(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Died(vec![]),
storage: map![],
assert_eq!(pod_state_diff(&PodState(map![]), &a), StateDiff(map![
x!(1) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Born(vec![]),
storage: map![],
fn state_diff_cretae_delete_with_unchanged() {
let a = PodState(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
let b = PodState(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
x!(2) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
assert_eq!(pod_state_diff(&a, &b), StateDiff(map![
x!(2) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Born(vec![]),
storage: map![],
assert_eq!(pod_state_diff(&b, &a), StateDiff(map![
x!(2) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Died(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Died(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Died(vec![]),
storage: map![],
fn state_diff_change_with_unchanged() {
let a = PodState(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
x!(2) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
let b = PodState(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(1),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
x!(2) => PodAccount{
balance: x!(69),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: map![]
assert_eq!(pod_state_diff(&a, &b), StateDiff(map![
x!(1) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Same,
nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)),
code: Diff::Same,
storage: map![],
fn account_diff_existence() {
let a = PodAccount{balance: x!(69), nonce: x!(0), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
assert_eq!(pod_diff(Some(&a), Some(&a)), None);
assert_eq!(pod_diff(None, Some(&a)), Some(AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Born(vec![]),
storage: map![],
fn account_diff_basic() {
let a = PodAccount{balance: x!(69), nonce: x!(0), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
let b = PodAccount{balance: x!(42), nonce: x!(1), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
assert_eq!(pod_diff(Some(&a), Some(&b)), Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Changed(x!(69), x!(42)),
nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)),
code: Diff::Same,
storage: map![],
fn account_diff_code() {
let a = PodAccount{balance: x!(0), nonce: x!(0), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
let b = PodAccount{balance: x!(0), nonce: x!(1), code: vec![0], storage: map![]};
assert_eq!(pod_diff(Some(&a), Some(&b)), Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Same,
nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)),
code: Diff::Changed(vec![], vec![0]),
storage: map![],
fn account_diff_storage() {
let a = PodAccount {
balance: x!(0),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: mapx![1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 0, 6 => 0, 7 => 0]
let b = PodAccount {
balance: x!(0),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: mapx![1 => 1, 2 => 3, 3 => 0, 5 => 0, 7 => 7, 8 => 0, 9 => 9]
assert_eq!(pod_diff(Some(&a), Some(&b)), Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Same,
nonce: Diff::Same,
code: Diff::Same,
storage: map![
x!(2) => Diff::new(x!(2), x!(3)),
x!(3) => Diff::new(x!(3), x!(0)),
x!(4) => Diff::new(x!(4), x!(0)),
x!(7) => Diff::new(x!(0), x!(7)),
x!(9) => Diff::new(x!(0), x!(9))
pub enum Filth {
/// Single account in the system. /// Single account in the system.
#[derive(Clone)] #[derive(Clone)]
@ -409,29 +18,6 @@ pub struct Account {
code_cache: Bytes, code_cache: Bytes,
} }
impl PodAccount {
/// Convert Account to a PodAccount.
/// NOTE: This will silently fail unless the account is fully cached.
pub fn from_account(acc: &Account) -> PodAccount {
PodAccount {
balance: acc.balance.clone(),
nonce: acc.nonce.clone(),
storage: acc.storage_overlay.borrow().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut m, (k, &(_, ref v))| {m.insert(k.clone(), v.clone()); m}),
code: acc.code_cache.clone()
pub fn rlp(&self) -> Bytes {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(4);
// TODO.
impl Account { impl Account {
/// General constructor. /// General constructor.
pub fn new(balance: U256, nonce: U256, storage: HashMap<H256, H256>, code: Bytes) -> Account { pub fn new(balance: U256, nonce: U256, storage: HashMap<H256, H256>, code: Bytes) -> Account {
@ -563,18 +149,14 @@ impl Account {
/// Provide a database to lookup `code_hash`. Should not be called if it is a contract without code. /// Provide a database to lookup `code_hash`. Should not be called if it is a contract without code.
pub fn cache_code(&mut self, db: &HashDB) -> bool { pub fn cache_code(&mut self, db: &HashDB) -> bool {
// TODO: fill out self.code_cache; // TODO: fill out self.code_cache;
/* return !self.is_cached() || return self.is_cached() ||
match db.lookup(&self.code_hash.unwrap()) { // why doesn't this work? unwrap causes move?! match self.code_hash {
Some(x) => { self.code_cache = x.to_vec(); true }, Some(ref h) => match db.lookup(h) {
_ => { false } Some(x) => { self.code_cache = x.to_vec(); true },
}*/ _ => false,
if self.is_cached() { return true; } },
return if let Some(ref h) = self.code_hash { _ => false,
match db.lookup(&h) {
Some(x) => { self.code_cache = x.to_vec(); true },
_ => { false }
} }
} else { false }
} }
/// return the storage root associated with this account. /// return the storage root associated with this account.
@ -603,12 +185,15 @@ impl Account {
/// Commit the `storage_overlay` to the backing DB and update `storage_root`. /// Commit the `storage_overlay` to the backing DB and update `storage_root`.
pub fn commit_storage(&mut self, db: &mut HashDB) { pub fn commit_storage(&mut self, db: &mut HashDB) {
let mut t = SecTrieDBMut::new(db, &mut self.storage_root); let mut t = SecTrieDBMut::from_existing(db, &mut self.storage_root);
for (k, &mut (ref mut f, ref mut v)) in self.storage_overlay.borrow_mut().iter_mut() { for (k, &mut (ref mut f, ref mut v)) in self.storage_overlay.borrow_mut().iter_mut() {
if f == &Filth::Dirty { if f == &Filth::Dirty {
// cast key and value to trait type, // cast key and value to trait type,
// so we can call overloaded `to_bytes` method // so we can call overloaded `to_bytes` method
t.insert(k, &encode(&U256::from(v.as_slice()))); match v.is_zero() {
true => { t.remove(k); },
false => { t.insert(k, &encode(&U256::from(v.as_slice()))); },
*f = Filth::Clean; *f = Filth::Clean;
} }
} }
@ -647,98 +232,106 @@ impl fmt::Debug for Account {
#[cfg(test)] #[cfg(test)]
mod tests { mod tests {
use super::*; use util::*;
use std::collections::HashMap; use super::*;
use util::hash::*;
use util::bytes::*;
use util::rlp::*;
use util::uint::*;
use util::overlaydb::*;
#[test] #[test]
fn storage_at() { fn storage_at() {
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp(); let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let rlp = { let rlp = {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
a.set_storage(H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64)), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64)));
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
a.commit_code(&mut db);
let a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp);
assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "c57e1afb758b07f8d2c8f13a3b6e44fa5ff94ab266facc5a4fd3f062426e50b2");
assert_eq!(a.storage_at(&mut db, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64))), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64)));
assert_eq!(a.storage_at(&mut db, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x01u64))), H256::new());
fn note_code() {
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let rlp = {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]);
a.commit_code(&mut db);
let mut a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp);
let mut a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp);
assert_eq!(a.note_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]), Ok(()));
fn commit_storage() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8)); let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
a.set_storage(H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64)), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64))); let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
a.set_storage(x!(0), x!(0x1234));
assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), None);
a.commit_storage(&mut db); a.commit_storage(&mut db);
a.init_code(vec![]); assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "c57e1afb758b07f8d2c8f13a3b6e44fa5ff94ab266facc5a4fd3f062426e50b2");
a.commit_code(&mut db); }
let a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp); #[test]
assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "c57e1afb758b07f8d2c8f13a3b6e44fa5ff94ab266facc5a4fd3f062426e50b2"); fn commit_remove_commit_storage() {
assert_eq!(a.storage_at(&mut db, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64))), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64)));
assert_eq!(a.storage_at(&mut db, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x01u64))), H256::new());
fn note_code() {
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let rlp = {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8)); let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
a.set_storage(x!(0), x!(0x1234));
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
a.set_storage(x!(1), x!(0x1234));
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
a.set_storage(x!(1), x!(0));
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "c57e1afb758b07f8d2c8f13a3b6e44fa5ff94ab266facc5a4fd3f062426e50b2");
fn commit_code() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]); a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]);
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY);
a.commit_code(&mut db); a.commit_code(&mut db);
a.rlp() assert_eq!(a.code_hash().hex(), "af231e631776a517ca23125370d542873eca1fb4d613ed9b5d5335a46ae5b7eb");
}; }
let mut a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp); #[test]
assert_eq!(a.cache_code(&db), true); fn rlpio() {
let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new());
let b = Account::from_rlp(&a.rlp());
assert_eq!(a.balance(), b.balance());
assert_eq!(a.nonce(), b.nonce());
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), b.code_hash());
assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), b.storage_root());
fn new_account() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::ToHex;
let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new());
assert_eq!(a.rlp().to_hex(), "f8448045a056e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421a0c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470");
assert_eq!(a.balance(), &U256::from(69u8));
assert_eq!(a.nonce(), &U256::from(0u8));
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY);
assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap(), &SHA3_NULL_RLP);
fn create_account() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::ToHex;
let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new());
assert_eq!(a.rlp().to_hex(), "f8448045a056e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421a0c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470");
let mut a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp);
assert_eq!(a.note_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]), Ok(()));
} }
fn commit_storage() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
a.set_storage(H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64)), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64)));
assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), None);
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "c57e1afb758b07f8d2c8f13a3b6e44fa5ff94ab266facc5a4fd3f062426e50b2");
fn commit_code() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]);
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY);
a.commit_code(&mut db);
assert_eq!(a.code_hash().hex(), "af231e631776a517ca23125370d542873eca1fb4d613ed9b5d5335a46ae5b7eb");
fn rlpio() {
let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new());
let b = Account::from_rlp(&a.rlp());
assert_eq!(a.balance(), b.balance());
assert_eq!(a.nonce(), b.nonce());
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), b.code_hash());
assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), b.storage_root());
fn new_account() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::ToHex;
let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new());
assert_eq!(a.rlp().to_hex(), "f8448045a056e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421a0c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470");
assert_eq!(a.balance(), &U256::from(69u8));
assert_eq!(a.nonce(), &U256::from(0u8));
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY);
assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap(), &SHA3_NULL_RLP);
fn create_account() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::ToHex;
let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new());
assert_eq!(a.rlp().to_hex(), "f8448045a056e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421a0c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470");

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
use util::*;
use pod_account::*;
/// Change in existance type.
// TODO: include other types of change.
pub enum Existance {
impl fmt::Display for Existance {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
&Existance::Born => try!(write!(f, "+++")),
&Existance::Alive => try!(write!(f, "***")),
&Existance::Died => try!(write!(f, "XXX")),
pub struct AccountDiff {
pub balance: Diff<U256>, // Allowed to be Same
pub nonce: Diff<U256>, // Allowed to be Same
pub code: Diff<Bytes>, // Allowed to be Same
pub storage: BTreeMap<H256, Diff<H256>>,// Not allowed to be Same
impl AccountDiff {
pub fn existance(&self) -> Existance {
match self.balance {
Diff::Born(_) => Existance::Born,
Diff::Died(_) => Existance::Died,
_ => Existance::Alive,
pub fn diff_pod(pre: Option<&PodAccount>, post: Option<&PodAccount>) -> Option<AccountDiff> {
match (pre, post) {
(None, Some(x)) => Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Born(x.balance.clone()),
nonce: Diff::Born(x.nonce.clone()),
code: Diff::Born(x.code.clone()),
storage:|(k, v)| (k.clone(), Diff::Born(v.clone()))).collect(),
(Some(x), None) => Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Died(x.balance.clone()),
nonce: Diff::Died(x.nonce.clone()),
code: Diff::Died(x.code.clone()),
storage:|(k, v)| (k.clone(), Diff::Died(v.clone()))).collect(),
(Some(pre), Some(post)) => {
let storage: Vec<_> =
.filter(|k| !=
let r = AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::new(pre.balance.clone(), post.balance.clone()),
nonce: Diff::new(pre.nonce.clone(), post.nonce.clone()),
code: Diff::new(pre.code.clone(), post.code.clone()),
storage: storage.into_iter().map(|k|
(k.clone(), Diff::new(,
if r.balance.is_same() && r.nonce.is_same() && r.code.is_same() && == 0 {
} else {
_ => None,
// TODO: refactor into something nicer.
fn interpreted_hash(u: &H256) -> String {
if u <= &H256::from(0xffffffff) {
format!("{} = 0x{:x}", U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u32(), U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u32())
} else if u <= &H256::from(u64::max_value()) {
format!("{} = 0x{:x}", U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u64(), U256::from(u.as_slice()).low_u64())
// } else if u <= &H256::from("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") {
// format!("@{}", Address::from(u))
} else {
format!("#{}", u)
impl fmt::Display for AccountDiff {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.nonce {
Diff::Born(ref x) => try!(write!(f, " non {}", x)),
Diff::Changed(ref pre, ref post) => try!(write!(f, "#{} ({} {} {})", post, pre, if pre > post {"-"} else {"+"}, *max(pre, post) - * min(pre, post))),
_ => {},
match self.balance {
Diff::Born(ref x) => try!(write!(f, " bal {}", x)),
Diff::Changed(ref pre, ref post) => try!(write!(f, "${} ({} {} {})", post, pre, if pre > post {"-"} else {"+"}, *max(pre, post) - *min(pre, post))),
_ => {},
match self.code {
Diff::Born(ref x) => try!(write!(f, " code {}", x.pretty())),
_ => {},
try!(write!(f, "\n"));
for (k, dv) in {
match dv {
&Diff::Born(ref v) => try!(write!(f, " + {} => {}\n", interpreted_hash(k), interpreted_hash(v))),
&Diff::Changed(ref pre, ref post) => try!(write!(f, " * {} => {} (was {})\n", interpreted_hash(k), interpreted_hash(post), interpreted_hash(pre))),
&Diff::Died(_) => try!(write!(f, " X {}\n", interpreted_hash(k))),
_ => {},

View File

@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ impl Builtin {
}) })
} }
/// Simple forwarder for cost.
pub fn cost(&self, s: usize) -> U256 { (*self.cost)(s) }
/// Simple forwarder for execute.
pub fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]) { (*self.execute)(input, output); }
/// Create a builtin from JSON. /// Create a builtin from JSON.
/// ///
/// JSON must be of the form `{ "name": "identity", "linear": {"base": 10, "word": 20} }`. /// JSON must be of the form `{ "name": "identity", "linear": {"base": 10, "word": 20} }`.
@ -55,12 +61,6 @@ impl Builtin {
} }
None None
} }
/// Simple forwarder for cost.
pub fn cost(&self, s: usize) -> U256 { (*self.cost)(s) }
/// Simple forwarder for execute.
pub fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]) { (*self.execute)(input, output); }
} }
pub fn copy_to(src: &[u8], dest: &mut[u8]) { pub fn copy_to(src: &[u8], dest: &mut[u8]) {

View File

@ -36,16 +36,18 @@ impl EnvInfo {
gas_used: x!(0), gas_used: x!(0),
} }
} }
pub fn from_json(json: &Json) -> EnvInfo { impl FromJson for EnvInfo {
let current_number = u64_from_json(&json["currentNumber"]); fn from_json(json: &Json) -> EnvInfo {
let current_number: u64 = xjson!(&json["currentNumber"]);
EnvInfo { EnvInfo {
number: current_number, number: current_number,
author: address_from_json(&json["currentCoinbase"]), author: xjson!(&json["currentCoinbase"]),
difficulty: u256_from_json(&json["currentDifficulty"]), difficulty: xjson!(&json["currentDifficulty"]),
gas_limit: u256_from_json(&json["currentGasLimit"]), gas_limit: xjson!(&json["currentGasLimit"]),
timestamp: u64_from_json(&json["currentTimestamp"]), timestamp: xjson!(&json["currentTimestamp"]),
last_hashes: (1..257).map(|i| format!("{}", current_number - i).as_bytes().sha3()).collect(), last_hashes: (1..cmp::min(current_number + 1, 257)).map(|i| format!("{}", current_number - i).as_bytes().sha3()).collect(),
gas_used: x!(0), gas_used: x!(0),
} }
} }

View File

@ -20,15 +20,14 @@ pub trait Ext {
/// Creates new contract. /// Creates new contract.
/// ///
/// If contract creation is successfull, return gas_left and contract address, /// Returns gas_left and contract address if contract creation was succesfull.
/// If depth is too big or transfer value exceeds balance, return None fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> (U256, Option<Address>);
/// Otherwise return appropriate `Error`.
fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> Result<(U256, Option<Address>), Error>;
/// Message call. /// Message call.
/// ///
/// If call is successfull, returns gas left. /// Returns Err, if we run out of gas.
/// otherwise `Error`. /// Otherwise returns call_result which contains gas left
/// and true if subcall was successfull.
fn call(&mut self, fn call(&mut self,
gas: &U256, gas: &U256,
call_gas: &U256, call_gas: &U256,
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ pub trait Ext {
value: &U256, value: &U256,
data: &[u8], data: &[u8],
code_address: &Address, code_address: &Address,
output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<U256, Error>; output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(U256, bool), Error>;
/// Returns code at given address /// Returns code at given address
fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Vec<u8>; fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Vec<u8>;

View File

@ -209,23 +209,12 @@ impl<'a> evmjit::Ext for ExtAdapter<'a> {
init_size: u64, init_size: u64,
address: *mut evmjit::H256) { address: *mut evmjit::H256) {
unsafe { unsafe {
match self.ext.create(&U256::from(*io_gas), &U256::from_jit(&*endowment), slice::from_raw_parts(init_beg, init_size as usize)) { let (gas_left, opt_addr) = self.ext.create(&U256::from(*io_gas), &U256::from_jit(&*endowment), slice::from_raw_parts(init_beg, init_size as usize));
Ok((gas_left, opt)) => { *io_gas = gas_left.low_u64();
*io_gas = gas_left.low_u64(); *address = match opt_addr {
*address = match opt { Some(addr) => addr.into_jit(),
Some(addr) => addr.into_jit(), _ => Address::new().into_jit()
_ => Address::new().into_jit() };
Err(err @ evm::Error::OutOfGas) => {
*self.err = Some(err);
// hack to propagate `OutOfGas` to evmjit and stop
// the execution immediately.
// Works, cause evmjit uses i64, not u64
*io_gas = -1i64 as u64;
Err(err) => *self.err = Some(err)
} }
} }
@ -247,22 +236,21 @@ impl<'a> evmjit::Ext for ExtAdapter<'a> {
slice::from_raw_parts(in_beg, in_size as usize), slice::from_raw_parts(in_beg, in_size as usize),
&Address::from_jit(&*code_address), &Address::from_jit(&*code_address),
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(out_beg, out_size as usize)); slice::from_raw_parts_mut(out_beg, out_size as usize));
match res { match res {
Ok(gas_left) => { Ok((gas_left, ok)) => {
*io_gas = gas_left.low_u64(); *io_gas = gas_left.low_u64();
true ok
}, }
Err(err @ evm::Error::OutOfGas) => { Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) => {
*self.err = Some(err); // hack to propagate out_of_gas to evmjit.
// hack to propagate `OutOfGas` to evmjit and stop // must be negative
// the execution immediately.
// Works, cause evmjit uses i64, not u64
*io_gas = -1i64 as u64; *io_gas = -1i64 as u64;
false false
}, },
Err(err) => { Err(err) => {
// internal error.
*self.err = Some(err); *self.err = Some(err);
*io_gas = -1i64 as u64;
false false
} }
} }

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ mod jit;
mod tests; mod tests;
pub use self::evm::{Evm, Error, Result}; pub use self::evm::{Evm, Error, Result};
pub use self::ext::Ext; pub use self::ext::{Ext};
pub use self::factory::Factory; pub use self::factory::Factory;
pub use self::schedule::Schedule; pub use self::schedule::Schedule;
pub use self::factory::VMType; pub use self::factory::VMType;

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ impl Ext for FakeExt {
self.blockhashes.get(number).unwrap_or(&H256::new()).clone() self.blockhashes.get(number).unwrap_or(&H256::new()).clone()
} }
fn create(&mut self, _gas: &U256, _value: &U256, _code: &[u8]) -> result::Result<(U256, Option<Address>), evm::Error> { fn create(&mut self, _gas: &U256, _value: &U256, _code: &[u8]) -> (U256, Option<Address>) {
unimplemented!(); unimplemented!();
} }
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ impl Ext for FakeExt {
_value: &U256, _value: &U256,
_data: &[u8], _data: &[u8],
_code_address: &Address, _code_address: &Address,
_output: &mut [u8]) -> result::Result<U256, evm::Error> { _output: &mut [u8]) -> result::Result<(U256, bool), evm::Error> {
unimplemented!(); unimplemented!();
} }

View File

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ pub struct Substate {
logs: Vec<LogEntry>, logs: Vec<LogEntry>,
/// Refund counter of SSTORE nonzero->zero. /// Refund counter of SSTORE nonzero->zero.
refunds_count: U256, refunds_count: U256,
/// True if transaction, or one of its subcalls runs out of gas.
excepted: bool,
/// Created contracts. /// Created contracts.
contracts_created: Vec<Address> contracts_created: Vec<Address>
} }
@ -32,9 +34,20 @@ impl Substate {
suicides: HashSet::new(), suicides: HashSet::new(),
logs: vec![], logs: vec![],
refunds_count: U256::zero(), refunds_count: U256::zero(),
excepted: false,
contracts_created: vec![] contracts_created: vec![]
} }
} }
pub fn accrue(&mut self, s: Substate) {
self.refunds_count = self.refunds_count + s.refunds_count;
self.excepted |= s.excepted;
pub fn excepted(&self) -> bool { self.excepted }
} }
/// Transaction execution receipt. /// Transaction execution receipt.
@ -56,7 +69,7 @@ pub struct Executed {
/// Vector of logs generated by transaction. /// Vector of logs generated by transaction.
pub logs: Vec<LogEntry>, pub logs: Vec<LogEntry>,
/// Execution ended running out of gas. /// Execution ended running out of gas.
pub out_of_gas: bool, pub excepted: bool,
/// Addresses of contracts created during execution of transaction. /// Addresses of contracts created during execution of transaction.
/// Ordered from earliest creation. /// Ordered from earliest creation.
/// ///
@ -135,7 +148,6 @@ impl<'a> Executive<'a> {
self.state.sub_balance(&sender, &U256::from(gas_cost)); self.state.sub_balance(&sender, &U256::from(gas_cost));
let mut substate = Substate::new(); let mut substate = Substate::new();
let backup = self.state.clone();
let schedule = self.engine.schedule(; let schedule = self.engine.schedule(;
let init_gas = t.gas - U256::from(t.gas_required(&schedule)); let init_gas = t.gas - U256::from(t.gas_required(&schedule));
@ -172,7 +184,7 @@ impl<'a> Executive<'a> {
}; };
// finalize here! // finalize here!
Ok(try!(self.finalize(t, substate, backup, res))) Ok(try!(self.finalize(t, substate, res)))
} }
/// Calls contract function with given contract params. /// Calls contract function with given contract params.
@ -180,6 +192,9 @@ impl<'a> Executive<'a> {
/// Modifies the substate and the output. /// Modifies the substate and the output.
/// Returns either gas_left or `evm::Error`. /// Returns either gas_left or `evm::Error`.
pub fn call(&mut self, params: &ActionParams, substate: &mut Substate, mut output: BytesRef) -> evm::Result { pub fn call(&mut self, params: &ActionParams, substate: &mut Substate, mut output: BytesRef) -> evm::Result {
// backup used in case of running out of gas
let backup = self.state.clone();
// at first, transfer value to destination // at first, transfer value to destination
self.state.transfer_balance(&params.sender, &params.address, &params.value); self.state.transfer_balance(&params.sender, &params.address, &params.value);
@ -191,12 +206,21 @@ impl<'a> Executive<'a> {
self.engine.execute_builtin(&params.address, &, &mut output); self.engine.execute_builtin(&params.address, &, &mut output);
Ok(params.gas - cost) Ok(params.gas - cost)
}, },
false => Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) // just drain the whole gas
false => Ok(U256::zero())
} }
} else if params.code.len() > 0 { } else if params.code.len() > 0 {
// if destination is a contract, do normal message call // if destination is a contract, do normal message call
let mut ext = Externalities::from_executive(self, params, substate, OutputPolicy::Return(output));
self.engine.vm_factory().create().exec(&params, &mut ext) // part of substate that may be reverted
let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new();
let res = {
let mut ext = Externalities::from_executive(self, params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::Return(output));
self.engine.vm_factory().create().exec(&params, &mut ext)
self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate, backup);
} else { } else {
// otherwise, nothing // otherwise, nothing
Ok(params.gas) Ok(params.gas)
@ -207,17 +231,57 @@ impl<'a> Executive<'a> {
/// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides). /// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides).
/// Modifies the substate. /// Modifies the substate.
fn create(&mut self, params: &ActionParams, substate: &mut Substate) -> evm::Result { fn create(&mut self, params: &ActionParams, substate: &mut Substate) -> evm::Result {
// backup used in case of running out of gas
let backup = self.state.clone();
// part of substate that may be reverted
let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new();
// at first create new contract // at first create new contract
self.state.new_contract(&params.address); self.state.new_contract(&params.address);
// then transfer value to it // then transfer value to it
self.state.transfer_balance(&params.sender, &params.address, &params.value); self.state.transfer_balance(&params.sender, &params.address, &params.value);
let mut ext = Externalities::from_executive(self, params, substate, OutputPolicy::InitContract); let res = {
self.engine.vm_factory().create().exec(&params, &mut ext) let mut ext = Externalities::from_executive(self, params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::InitContract);
self.engine.vm_factory().create().exec(&params, &mut ext)
self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate, backup);
} }
/// Finalizes the transaction (does refunds and suicides). /// Finalizes the transaction (does refunds and suicides).
fn finalize(&mut self, t: &Transaction, substate: Substate, backup: State, result: evm::Result) -> ExecutionResult { fn finalize(&mut self, t: &Transaction, substate: Substate, result: evm::Result) -> ExecutionResult {
let schedule = self.engine.schedule(;
// refunds from SSTORE nonzero -> zero
let sstore_refunds = U256::from(schedule.sstore_refund_gas) * substate.refunds_count;
// refunds from contract suicides
let suicide_refunds = U256::from(schedule.suicide_refund_gas) * U256::from(substate.suicides.len());
// real ammount to refund
let gas_left = match &result { &Ok(x) => x, _ => x!(0) };
let refund = cmp::min(sstore_refunds + suicide_refunds, (t.gas - gas_left) / U256::from(2)) + gas_left;
let refund_value = refund * t.gas_price;
trace!("Refunding sender: gas_left: {}, refund: {}, refund_value: {}, sender: {}", gas_left, refund, refund_value, t.sender().unwrap());
self.state.add_balance(&t.sender().unwrap(), &refund_value);
// fees earned by author
let fees = t.gas - refund;
let fees_value = fees * t.gas_price;
let author = &;
self.state.add_balance(author, &fees_value);
trace!("Compensating author: fees: {}, fees_value: {}, author: {}", fees, fees_value, author);
// perform suicides
for address in substate.suicides.iter() {
trace!("Killing {}", address);
let gas_used = t.gas - gas_left;
match result { match result {
Err(evm::Error::Internal) => Err(ExecutionError::Internal), Err(evm::Error::Internal) => Err(ExecutionError::Internal),
// TODO [ToDr] BadJumpDestination @debris - how to handle that? // TODO [ToDr] BadJumpDestination @debris - how to handle that?
@ -237,43 +301,41 @@ impl<'a> Executive<'a> {
contracts_created: vec![] contracts_created: vec![]
}) })
}, },
Ok(gas_left) => { Ok(_) => {
let schedule = self.engine.schedule(;
// refunds from SSTORE nonzero -> zero
let sstore_refunds = U256::from(schedule.sstore_refund_gas) * substate.refunds_count;
// refunds from contract suicides
let suicide_refunds = U256::from(schedule.suicide_refund_gas) * U256::from(substate.suicides.len());
// real ammount to refund
let refund = cmp::min(sstore_refunds + suicide_refunds, (t.gas - gas_left) / U256::from(2)) + gas_left;
let refund_value = refund * t.gas_price;
self.state.add_balance(&t.sender().unwrap(), &refund_value);
// fees earned by author
let fees = t.gas - refund;
let fees_value = fees * t.gas_price;
let author = &;
self.state.add_balance(author, &fees_value);
// perform suicides
for address in substate.suicides.iter() {
let gas_used = t.gas - gas_left;
Ok(Executed { Ok(Executed {
gas: t.gas, gas: t.gas,
gas_used: gas_used, gas_used: gas_used,
refunded: refund, refunded: refund,
cumulative_gas_used: + gas_used, cumulative_gas_used: + gas_used,
logs: substate.logs, logs: substate.logs,
out_of_gas: false, excepted: substate.excepted,
contracts_created: substate.contracts_created contracts_created: substate.contracts_created
}) })
_err => {
Ok(Executed {
gas: t.gas,
gas_used: t.gas,
refunded: U256::zero(),
cumulative_gas_used: + t.gas,
logs: vec![],
excepted: true,
contracts_created: vec![]
} }
} }
} }
fn enact_result(&mut self, result: &evm::Result, substate: &mut Substate, un_substate: Substate, backup: State) {
// TODO: handle other evm::Errors same as OutOfGas once they are implemented
match result {
&Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) => {
substate.excepted = true;
&Ok(_) | &Err(evm::Error::Internal) => substate.accrue(un_substate)
} }
/// Policy for handling output data on `RETURN` opcode. /// Policy for handling output data on `RETURN` opcode.
@ -357,10 +419,10 @@ impl<'a> Ext for Externalities<'a> {
} }
} }
fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> Result<(U256, Option<Address>), evm::Error> { fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> (U256, Option<Address>) {
// if balance is insufficient or we are to deep, return // if balance is insufficient or we are to deep, return
if self.state.balance(&self.params.address) < *value || self.depth >= self.schedule.max_depth { if self.state.balance(&self.params.address) < *value || self.depth >= self.schedule.max_depth {
return Ok((*gas, None)); return (*gas, None);
} }
// create new contract address // create new contract address
@ -380,10 +442,20 @@ impl<'a> Ext for Externalities<'a> {
let mut ex = Executive::from_parent(self.state,, self.engine, self.depth); let mut ex = Executive::from_parent(self.state,, self.engine, self.depth);
ex.state.inc_nonce(&self.params.address); ex.state.inc_nonce(&self.params.address);
ex.create(&params, self.substate).map(|gas_left| (gas_left, Some(address))) match ex.create(&params, self.substate) {
Ok(gas_left) => (gas_left, Some(address)),
_ => (U256::zero(), None)
} }
fn call(&mut self, gas: &U256, call_gas: &U256, receive_address: &Address, value: &U256, data: &[u8], code_address: &Address, output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<U256, evm::Error> { fn call(&mut self,
gas: &U256,
call_gas: &U256,
receive_address: &Address,
value: &U256,
data: &[u8],
code_address: &Address,
output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(U256, bool), evm::Error> {
let mut gas_cost = *call_gas; let mut gas_cost = *call_gas;
let mut call_gas = *call_gas; let mut call_gas = *call_gas;
@ -399,14 +471,14 @@ impl<'a> Ext for Externalities<'a> {
} }
if gas_cost > *gas { if gas_cost > *gas {
return Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) return Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas);
} }
let gas = *gas - gas_cost; let gas = *gas - gas_cost;
// if balance is insufficient or we are to deep, return // if balance is insufficient or we are to deep, return
if self.state.balance(&self.params.address) < *value || self.depth >= self.schedule.max_depth { if self.state.balance(&self.params.address) < *value || self.depth >= self.schedule.max_depth {
return Ok(gas + call_gas) return Ok((gas + call_gas, true));
} }
let params = ActionParams { let params = ActionParams {
@ -421,7 +493,10 @@ impl<'a> Ext for Externalities<'a> {
}; };
let mut ex = Executive::from_parent(self.state,, self.engine, self.depth); let mut ex = Executive::from_parent(self.state,, self.engine, self.depth);, self.substate, BytesRef::Fixed(output)).map(|gas_left| gas + gas_left) match, self.substate, BytesRef::Fixed(output)) {
Ok(gas_left) => Ok((gas + gas_left, true)),
_ => Ok((gas, false))
} }
fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Vec<u8> { fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Vec<u8> {
@ -846,7 +921,7 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(executed.refunded, U256::from(58_699)); assert_eq!(executed.refunded, U256::from(58_699));
assert_eq!(executed.cumulative_gas_used, U256::from(41_301)); assert_eq!(executed.cumulative_gas_used, U256::from(41_301));
assert_eq!(executed.logs.len(), 0); assert_eq!(executed.logs.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(executed.out_of_gas, false); assert_eq!(executed.excepted, false);
assert_eq!(executed.contracts_created.len(), 0); assert_eq!(executed.contracts_created.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender), U256::from(1)); assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender), U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&contract), U256::from(17)); assert_eq!(state.balance(&contract), U256::from(17));

View File

@ -73,18 +73,19 @@
//! sudo ldconfig //! sudo ldconfig
//! ``` //! ```
#[macro_use] extern crate log; #[macro_use]
extern crate log;
extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate rustc_serialize;
#[macro_use] extern crate itertools;
extern crate flate2; extern crate flate2;
extern crate rocksdb; extern crate rocksdb;
extern crate heapsize; extern crate heapsize;
extern crate crypto; extern crate crypto;
extern crate time; extern crate time;
extern crate env_logger; extern crate env_logger;
#[cfg(feature = "jit" )] extern crate evmjit; #[cfg(feature = "jit" )]
extern crate evmjit;
#[macro_use] extern crate ethcore_util as util; #[macro_use]
extern crate ethcore_util as util;
pub mod common; pub mod common;
pub mod basic_types; pub mod basic_types;
@ -94,6 +95,10 @@ pub mod executive;
pub mod error; pub mod error;
pub mod log_entry; pub mod log_entry;
pub mod env_info; pub mod env_info;
pub mod pod_account;
pub mod pod_state;
pub mod account_diff;
pub mod state_diff;
pub mod engine; pub mod engine;
pub mod state; pub mod state;
pub mod account; pub mod account;

View File

@ -28,16 +28,6 @@ impl LogEntry {
} }
} }
/// Convert given JSON object to a LogEntry.
pub fn from_json(json: &Json) -> LogEntry {
// TODO: check bloom.
LogEntry {
address: address_from_json(&json["address"]),
topics: vec_h256_from_json(&json["topics"]),
data: bytes_from_json(&json["data"]),
/// Returns reference to address. /// Returns reference to address.
pub fn address(&self) -> &Address { pub fn address(&self) -> &Address {
&self.address &self.address
@ -59,6 +49,18 @@ impl LogEntry {
} }
} }
impl FromJson for LogEntry {
/// Convert given JSON object to a LogEntry.
fn from_json(json: &Json) -> LogEntry {
// TODO: check bloom.
LogEntry {
address: xjson!(&json["address"]),
topics: xjson!(&json["topics"]),
data: xjson!(&json["data"]),
#[cfg(test)] #[cfg(test)]
mod tests { mod tests {
use util::*; use util::*;

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
use util::*;
use account::*;
/// Genesis account data. Does not have a DB overlay cache.
pub struct PodAccount {
pub balance: U256,
pub nonce: U256,
pub code: Bytes,
pub storage: BTreeMap<H256, H256>,
impl PodAccount {
/// Construct new object.
pub fn new(balance: U256, nonce: U256, code: Bytes, storage: BTreeMap<H256, H256>) -> PodAccount {
PodAccount { balance: balance, nonce: nonce, code: code, storage: storage }
/// Convert Account to a PodAccount.
/// NOTE: This will silently fail unless the account is fully cached.
pub fn from_account(acc: &Account) -> PodAccount {
PodAccount {
balance: acc.balance().clone(),
nonce: acc.nonce().clone(),
storage: acc.storage_overlay().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut m, (k, &(_, ref v))| {m.insert(k.clone(), v.clone()); m}),
code: acc.code().unwrap().to_vec(),
pub fn rlp(&self) -> Bytes {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(4);
// TODO.
impl fmt::Display for PodAccount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "(bal={}; nonce={}; code={} bytes, #{}; storage={} items)", self.balance, self.nonce, self.code.len(), self.code.sha3(),
mod test {
use common::*;
use account_diff::*;
use super::*;
fn existence() {
let a = PodAccount{balance: x!(69), nonce: x!(0), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
assert_eq!(AccountDiff::diff_pod(Some(&a), Some(&a)), None);
assert_eq!(AccountDiff::diff_pod(None, Some(&a)), Some(AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Born(vec![]),
storage: map![],
fn basic() {
let a = PodAccount{balance: x!(69), nonce: x!(0), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
let b = PodAccount{balance: x!(42), nonce: x!(1), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
assert_eq!(AccountDiff::diff_pod(Some(&a), Some(&b)), Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Changed(x!(69), x!(42)),
nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)),
code: Diff::Same,
storage: map![],
fn code() {
let a = PodAccount{balance: x!(0), nonce: x!(0), code: vec![], storage: map![]};
let b = PodAccount{balance: x!(0), nonce: x!(1), code: vec![0], storage: map![]};
assert_eq!(AccountDiff::diff_pod(Some(&a), Some(&b)), Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Same,
nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)),
code: Diff::Changed(vec![], vec![0]),
storage: map![],
fn storage() {
let a = PodAccount {
balance: x!(0),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: mapx![1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 0, 6 => 0, 7 => 0]
let b = PodAccount {
balance: x!(0),
nonce: x!(0),
code: vec![],
storage: mapx![1 => 1, 2 => 3, 3 => 0, 5 => 0, 7 => 7, 8 => 0, 9 => 9]
assert_eq!(AccountDiff::diff_pod(Some(&a), Some(&b)), Some(AccountDiff {
balance: Diff::Same,
nonce: Diff::Same,
code: Diff::Same,
storage: map![
x!(2) => Diff::new(x!(2), x!(3)),
x!(3) => Diff::new(x!(3), x!(0)),
x!(4) => Diff::new(x!(4), x!(0)),
x!(7) => Diff::new(x!(0), x!(7)),
x!(9) => Diff::new(x!(0), x!(9))

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
use util::*;
use pod_account::*;
pub struct PodState (BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount>);
impl PodState {
/// Contruct a new object from the `m`.
pub fn new(m: BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount>) -> PodState { PodState(m) }
/// Get the underlying map.
pub fn get(&self) -> &BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount> { &self.0 }
/// Drain object to get the underlying map.
pub fn drain(self) -> BTreeMap<Address, PodAccount> { self.0 }
impl FromJson for PodState {
/// Translate the JSON object into a hash map of account information ready for insertion into State.
fn from_json(json: &Json) -> PodState {
PodState(json.as_object().unwrap().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut state, (address, acc)| {
let balance = acc.find("balance").map(&U256::from_json);
let nonce = acc.find("nonce").map(&U256::from_json);
let storage = acc.find("storage").map(&BTreeMap::from_json);
let code = acc.find("code").map(&Bytes::from_json);
if balance.is_some() || nonce.is_some() || storage.is_some() || code.is_some() {
state.insert(address_from_hex(address), PodAccount{
balance: balance.unwrap_or(U256::zero()),
nonce: nonce.unwrap_or(U256::zero()),
storage: storage.unwrap_or(BTreeMap::new()),
code: code.unwrap_or(Vec::new())
impl fmt::Display for PodState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
for (add, acc) in &self.0 {
try!(writeln!(f, "{} => {}", add, acc));

View File

@ -148,9 +148,11 @@ impl Spec {
ret.append_raw(&empty_list, 1); ret.append_raw(&empty_list, 1);
ret.out() ret.out()
} }
impl FromJson for Spec {
/// Loads a chain-specification from a json data structure /// Loads a chain-specification from a json data structure
pub fn from_json(json: Json) -> Spec { fn from_json(json: &Json) -> Spec {
// once we commit ourselves to some json parsing library (serde?) // once we commit ourselves to some json parsing library (serde?)
// move it to proper data structure // move it to proper data structure
let mut state = HashMap::new(); let mut state = HashMap::new();
@ -210,7 +212,9 @@ impl Spec {
state_root_memo: RwLock::new(genesis.find("stateRoot").and_then(|_| genesis["stateRoot"].as_string()).map(|s| H256::from_str(&s[2..]).unwrap())), state_root_memo: RwLock::new(genesis.find("stateRoot").and_then(|_| genesis["stateRoot"].as_string()).map(|s| H256::from_str(&s[2..]).unwrap())),
} }
} }
impl Spec {
/// Ensure that the given state DB has the trie nodes in for the genesis state. /// Ensure that the given state DB has the trie nodes in for the genesis state.
pub fn ensure_db_good(&self, db: &mut HashDB) { pub fn ensure_db_good(&self, db: &mut HashDB) {
if !db.contains(&self.state_root()) { if !db.contains(&self.state_root()) {
@ -229,8 +233,7 @@ impl Spec {
/// Create a new Spec from a JSON string. /// Create a new Spec from a JSON string.
pub fn from_json_str(s: &str) -> Spec { pub fn from_json_str(s: &str) -> Spec {
let json = Json::from_str(s).expect("Json is invalid"); Self::from_json(&Json::from_str(s).expect("Json is invalid"))
} }
/// Create a new Spec which conforms to the Morden chain except that it's a NullEngine consensus. /// Create a new Spec which conforms to the Morden chain except that it's a NullEngine consensus.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
use common::*; use common::*;
use engine::Engine; use engine::Engine;
use executive::Executive; use executive::Executive;
use pod_account::*;
use pod_state::*;
pub type ApplyResult = Result<Receipt, Error>; pub type ApplyResult = Result<Receipt, Error>;
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ impl State {
/// Mutate storage of account `a` so that it is `value` for `key`. /// Mutate storage of account `a` so that it is `value` for `key`.
pub fn set_storage(&mut self, a: &Address, key: H256, value: H256) { pub fn set_storage(&mut self, a: &Address, key: H256, value: H256) {
self.require(a, false).set_storage(key, value); self.require(a, false).set_storage(key, value)
} }
/// Initialise the code of account `a` so that it is `value` for `key`. /// Initialise the code of account `a` so that it is `value` for `key`.
@ -138,10 +140,15 @@ impl State {
/// This will change the state accordingly. /// This will change the state accordingly.
pub fn apply(&mut self, env_info: &EnvInfo, engine: &Engine, t: &Transaction) -> ApplyResult { pub fn apply(&mut self, env_info: &EnvInfo, engine: &Engine, t: &Transaction) -> ApplyResult {
let e = try!(Executive::new(self, env_info, engine).transact(t)); let e = try!(Executive::new(self, env_info, engine).transact(t));
//println!("Executed: {:?}", e);
self.commit(); self.commit();
Ok(Receipt::new(self.root().clone(), e.gas_used, e.logs)) Ok(Receipt::new(self.root().clone(), e.gas_used, e.logs))
} }
pub fn revert(&mut self, backup: State) {
self.cache = backup.cache;
/// Convert into a JSON representation. /// Convert into a JSON representation.
pub fn as_json(&self) -> String { pub fn as_json(&self) -> String {
unimplemented!(); unimplemented!();
@ -201,7 +208,7 @@ impl State {
/// Populate a PodAccount map from this state. /// Populate a PodAccount map from this state.
pub fn to_pod(&self) -> PodState { pub fn to_pod(&self) -> PodState {
// TODO: handle database rather than just the cache. // TODO: handle database rather than just the cache.
PodState::from(self.cache.borrow().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut m, (add, opt)| { PodState::new(self.cache.borrow().iter().fold(BTreeMap::new(), |mut m, (add, opt)| {
if let &Some(ref acc) = opt { if let &Some(ref acc) = opt {
m.insert(add.clone(), PodAccount::from_account(acc)); m.insert(add.clone(), PodAccount::from_account(acc));
} }

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
use util::*;
use pod_state::*;
use account_diff::*;
pub struct StateDiff (BTreeMap<Address, AccountDiff>);
impl StateDiff {
/// Calculate and return diff between `pre` state and `post` state.
pub fn diff_pod(pre: &PodState, post: &PodState) -> StateDiff {
StateDiff(pre.get().keys().merge(post.get().keys()).filter_map(|acc| AccountDiff::diff_pod(pre.get().get(acc), post.get().get(acc)).map(|d|(acc.clone(), d))).collect())
impl fmt::Display for StateDiff {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
for (add, acc) in self.0.iter() {
try!(write!(f, "{} {}: {}", acc.existance(), add, acc));
mod test {
use common::*;
use pod_state::*;
use account_diff::*;
use pod_account::*;
use super::*;
fn create_delete() {
let a = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]);
assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&a, &PodState::new(map![])), StateDiff(map![
x!(1) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Died(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Died(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Died(vec![]),
storage: map![],
assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&PodState::new(map![]), &a), StateDiff(map![
x!(1) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Born(vec![]),
storage: map![],
fn create_delete_with_unchanged() {
let a = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]);
let b = PodState::new(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]),
x!(2) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![])
assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&a, &b), StateDiff(map![
x!(2) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Born(vec![]),
storage: map![],
assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&b, &a), StateDiff(map![
x!(2) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Died(x!(69)),
nonce: Diff::Died(x!(0)),
code: Diff::Died(vec![]),
storage: map![],
fn change_with_unchanged() {
let a = PodState::new(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]),
x!(2) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![])
let b = PodState::new(map![
x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(1), vec![], map![]),
x!(2) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![])
assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&a, &b), StateDiff(map![
x!(1) => AccountDiff{
balance: Diff::Same,
nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)),
code: Diff::Same,
storage: map![],

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ impl Engine for TestEngine {
struct CallCreate { struct CallCreate {
data: Bytes, data: Bytes,
destination: Address, destination: Option<Address>,
_gas_limit: U256, _gas_limit: U256,
value: U256 value: U256
} }
@ -74,33 +74,33 @@ impl<'a> Ext for TestExt<'a> {
self.ext.blockhash(number) self.ext.blockhash(number)
} }
fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> Result<(U256, Option<Address>), evm::Error> { fn create(&mut self, gas: &U256, value: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> (U256, Option<Address>) {
// in call and create we need to check if we exited with insufficient balance or max limit reached. // in call and create we need to check if we exited with insufficient balance or max limit reached.
// in case of reaching max depth, we should store callcreates. Otherwise, ignore. // in case of reaching max depth, we should store callcreates. Otherwise, ignore.
let res = self.ext.create(gas, value, code); let res = self.ext.create(gas, value, code);
let ext = &self.ext; let ext = &self.ext;
match res { match res {
// just record call create // just record call create
Ok((gas_left, Some(address))) => { (gas_left, Some(address)) => {
self.callcreates.push(CallCreate { self.callcreates.push(CallCreate {
data: code.to_vec(), data: code.to_vec(),
destination: address.clone(), destination: Some(address.clone()),
_gas_limit: *gas, _gas_limit: *gas,
value: *value value: *value
}); });
Ok((gas_left, Some(address))) (gas_left, Some(address))
}, },
// creation failed only due to reaching max_depth // creation failed only due to reaching max_depth
Ok((gas_left, None)) if ext.state.balance(&ext.params.address) >= *value => { (gas_left, None) if ext.state.balance(&ext.params.address) >= *value => {
let address = contract_address(&ext.params.address, &ext.state.nonce(&ext.params.address));
self.callcreates.push(CallCreate { self.callcreates.push(CallCreate {
data: code.to_vec(), data: code.to_vec(),
// TODO: address is not stored here? // callcreate test does not need an address
destination: Address::new(), destination: None,
_gas_limit: *gas, _gas_limit: *gas,
value: *value value: *value
}); });
Ok((gas_left, Some(address))) let address = contract_address(&ext.params.address, &ext.state.nonce(&ext.params.address));
(gas_left, Some(address))
}, },
other => other other => other
} }
@ -113,21 +113,20 @@ impl<'a> Ext for TestExt<'a> {
value: &U256, value: &U256,
data: &[u8], data: &[u8],
code_address: &Address, code_address: &Address,
output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<U256, evm::Error> { output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(U256, bool), evm::Error> {
let res =, call_gas, receive_address, value, data, code_address, output); let res =, call_gas, receive_address, value, data, code_address, output);
let ext = &self.ext; let ext = &self.ext;
match res { if let &Ok(_some) = &res {
Ok(gas_left) if ext.state.balance(&ext.params.address) >= *value => { if ext.state.balance(&ext.params.address) >= *value {
self.callcreates.push(CallCreate { self.callcreates.push(CallCreate {
data: data.to_vec(), data: data.to_vec(),
destination: receive_address.clone(), destination: Some(receive_address.clone()),
_gas_limit: *call_gas, _gas_limit: *call_gas,
value: *value value: *value
}); });
Ok(gas_left) }
other => other
} }
} }
fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Vec<u8> { fn extcode(&self, address: &Address) -> Vec<u8> {
@ -168,6 +167,7 @@ fn do_json_test_for(vm: &VMType, json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
let json = Json::from_str(::std::str::from_utf8(json_data).unwrap()).expect("Json is invalid"); let json = Json::from_str(::std::str::from_utf8(json_data).unwrap()).expect("Json is invalid");
let mut failed = Vec::new(); let mut failed = Vec::new();
for (name, test) in json.as_object().unwrap() { for (name, test) in json.as_object().unwrap() {
println!("name: {:?}", name);
// sync io is usefull when something crashes in jit // sync io is usefull when something crashes in jit
// ::std::io::stdout().write(&name.as_bytes()); // ::std::io::stdout().write(&name.as_bytes());
// ::std::io::stdout().write(b"\n"); // ::std::io::stdout().write(b"\n");
@ -184,29 +184,24 @@ fn do_json_test_for(vm: &VMType, json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
test.find("pre").map(|pre| for (addr, s) in pre.as_object().unwrap() { test.find("pre").map(|pre| for (addr, s) in pre.as_object().unwrap() {
let address = Address::from(addr.as_ref()); let address = Address::from(addr.as_ref());
let balance = u256_from_json(&s["balance"]); let balance = xjson!(&s["balance"]);
let code = bytes_from_json(&s["code"]); let code = xjson!(&s["code"]);
let _nonce = u256_from_json(&s["nonce"]); let _nonce: U256 = xjson!(&s["nonce"]);
state.new_contract(&address); state.new_contract(&address);
state.add_balance(&address, &balance); state.add_balance(&address, &balance);
state.init_code(&address, code); state.init_code(&address, code);
BTreeMap::from_json(&s["storage"]).into_iter().foreach(|(k, v)| state.set_storage(&address, k, v));
for (k, v) in s["storage"].as_object().unwrap() {
let key = H256::from(&u256_from_str(k));
let val = H256::from(&u256_from_json(v));
state.set_storage(&address, key, val);
}); });
let mut info = EnvInfo::new(); let mut info = EnvInfo::new();
test.find("env").map(|env| { test.find("env").map(|env| { = address_from_json(&env["currentCoinbase"]); = xjson!(&env["currentCoinbase"]);
info.difficulty = u256_from_json(&env["currentDifficulty"]); info.difficulty = xjson!(&env["currentDifficulty"]);
info.gas_limit = u256_from_json(&env["currentGasLimit"]); info.gas_limit = xjson!(&env["currentGasLimit"]);
info.number = u256_from_json(&env["currentNumber"]).low_u64(); info.number = xjson!(&env["currentNumber"]);
info.timestamp = u256_from_json(&env["currentTimestamp"]).low_u64(); info.timestamp = xjson!(&env["currentTimestamp"]);
}); });
let engine = TestEngine::new(0, vm.clone()); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, vm.clone());
@ -214,14 +209,14 @@ fn do_json_test_for(vm: &VMType, json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
// params // params
let mut params = ActionParams::new(); let mut params = ActionParams::new();
test.find("exec").map(|exec| { test.find("exec").map(|exec| {
params.address = address_from_json(&exec["address"]); params.address = xjson!(&exec["address"]);
params.sender = address_from_json(&exec["caller"]); params.sender = xjson!(&exec["caller"]);
params.origin = address_from_json(&exec["origin"]); params.origin = xjson!(&exec["origin"]);
params.code = bytes_from_json(&exec["code"]); params.code = xjson!(&exec["code"]); = bytes_from_json(&exec["data"]); = xjson!(&exec["data"]);
params.gas = u256_from_json(&exec["gas"]); params.gas = xjson!(&exec["gas"]);
params.gas_price = u256_from_json(&exec["gasPrice"]); params.gas_price = xjson!(&exec["gasPrice"]);
params.value = u256_from_json(&exec["value"]); params.value = xjson!(&exec["value"]);
}); });
let out_of_gas = test.find("callcreates").map(|_calls| { let out_of_gas = test.find("callcreates").map(|_calls| {
@ -243,41 +238,33 @@ fn do_json_test_for(vm: &VMType, json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
match res { match res {
Err(_) => fail_unless(out_of_gas, "didn't expect to run out of gas."), Err(_) => fail_unless(out_of_gas, "didn't expect to run out of gas."),
Ok(gas_left) => { Ok(gas_left) => {
//println!("name: {}, gas_left : {:?}, expected: {:?}", name, gas_left, u256_from_json(&test["gas"])); //println!("name: {}, gas_left : {:?}, expected: {:?}", name, gas_left, U256::from(&test["gas"]));
fail_unless(!out_of_gas, "expected to run out of gas."); fail_unless(!out_of_gas, "expected to run out of gas.");
fail_unless(gas_left == u256_from_json(&test["gas"]), "gas_left is incorrect"); fail_unless(gas_left == xjson!(&test["gas"]), "gas_left is incorrect");
fail_unless(output == bytes_from_json(&test["out"]), "output is incorrect"); fail_unless(output == Bytes::from_json(&test["out"]), "output is incorrect");
test.find("post").map(|pre| for (addr, s) in pre.as_object().unwrap() { test.find("post").map(|pre| for (addr, s) in pre.as_object().unwrap() {
let address = Address::from(addr.as_ref()); let address = Address::from(addr.as_ref());
//let balance = u256_from_json(&s["balance"]);
fail_unless(state.code(&address).unwrap_or(vec![]) == bytes_from_json(&s["code"]), "code is incorrect"); fail_unless(state.code(&address).unwrap_or(vec![]) == Bytes::from_json(&s["code"]), "code is incorrect");
fail_unless(state.balance(&address) == u256_from_json(&s["balance"]), "balance is incorrect"); fail_unless(state.balance(&address) == xjson!(&s["balance"]), "balance is incorrect");
fail_unless(state.nonce(&address) == u256_from_json(&s["nonce"]), "nonce is incorrect"); fail_unless(state.nonce(&address) == xjson!(&s["nonce"]), "nonce is incorrect");
BTreeMap::from_json(&s["storage"]).iter().foreach(|(k, v)| fail_unless(&state.storage_at(&address, &k) == v, "storage is incorrect"));
for (k, v) in s["storage"].as_object().unwrap() {
let key = H256::from(&u256_from_str(k));
let val = H256::from(&u256_from_json(v));
fail_unless(state.storage_at(&address, &key) == val, "storage is incorrect");
}); });
let cc = test["callcreates"].as_array().unwrap(); let cc = test["callcreates"].as_array().unwrap();
fail_unless(callcreates.len() == cc.len(), "callcreates does not match"); fail_unless(callcreates.len() == cc.len(), "callcreates does not match");
for i in { for i in {
let is = &callcreates[i]; let callcreate = &callcreates[i];
let expected = &cc[i]; let expected = &cc[i];
fail_unless( == bytes_from_json(&expected["data"]), "callcreates data is incorrect"); fail_unless( == Bytes::from_json(&expected["data"]), "callcreates data is incorrect");
fail_unless(is.destination == address_from_json(&expected["destination"]), "callcreates destination is incorrect"); fail_unless(callcreate.destination == xjson!(&expected["destination"]), "callcreates destination is incorrect");
fail_unless(is.value == u256_from_json(&expected["value"]), "callcreates value is incorrect"); fail_unless(callcreate.value == xjson!(&expected["value"]), "callcreates value is incorrect");
// TODO: call_gas is calculated in externalities and is not exposed to TestExt. // TODO: call_gas is calculated in externalities and is not exposed to TestExt.
// maybe move it to it's own function to simplify calculation? // maybe move it to it's own function to simplify calculation?
//println!("name: {:?}, is {:?}, expected: {:?}", name, is.gas_limit, u256_from_json(&expected["gasLimit"])); //println!("name: {:?}, callcreate {:?}, expected: {:?}", name, callcreate.gas_limit, U256::from(&expected["gasLimit"]));
//fail_unless(is.gas_limit == u256_from_json(&expected["gasLimit"]), "callcreates gas_limit is incorrect"); //fail_unless(callcreate.gas_limit == U256::from(&expected["gasLimit"]), "callcreates gas_limit is incorrect");
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use super::test_common::*; use super::test_common::*;
use state::*; use state::*;
use pod_state::*;
use state_diff::*;
use ethereum; use ethereum;
fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> { fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
@ -9,13 +11,14 @@ fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
let engine = ethereum::new_frontier_test().to_engine().unwrap(); let engine = ethereum::new_frontier_test().to_engine().unwrap();
for (name, test) in json.as_object().unwrap() { for (name, test) in json.as_object().unwrap() {
println!("name: {:?}", name);
let mut fail = false; let mut fail = false;
let mut fail_unless = |cond: bool| if !cond && !fail { failed.push(name.to_string()); fail = true; true } else {false}; let mut fail_unless = |cond: bool| if !cond && !fail { failed.push(name.to_string()); fail = true; true } else {false};
let t = Transaction::from_json(&test["transaction"]); let t = Transaction::from_json(&test["transaction"]);
let env = EnvInfo::from_json(&test["env"]); let env = EnvInfo::from_json(&test["env"]);
let _out = bytes_from_json(&test["out"]); let _out = Bytes::from_json(&test["out"]);
let post_state_root = h256_from_json(&test["postStateRoot"]); let post_state_root = xjson!(&test["postStateRoot"]);
let pre = PodState::from_json(&test["pre"]); let pre = PodState::from_json(&test["pre"]);
let post = PodState::from_json(&test["post"]); let post = PodState::from_json(&test["post"]);
let logs: Vec<_> = test["logs"].as_array().unwrap().iter().map(&LogEntry::from_json).collect(); let logs: Vec<_> = test["logs"].as_array().unwrap().iter().map(&LogEntry::from_json).collect();
@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
let our_post = s.to_pod(); let our_post = s.to_pod();
println!("Got:\n{}", our_post); println!("Got:\n{}", our_post);
println!("Expect:\n{}", post); println!("Expect:\n{}", post);
println!("Diff ---expect -> +++got:\n{}", pod_state_diff(&post, &our_post)); println!("Diff ---expect -> +++got:\n{}", StateDiff::diff_pod(&post, &our_post));
} }
if fail_unless(logs == r.logs) { if fail_unless(logs == r.logs) {
@ -56,4 +59,7 @@ fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
} }
declare_test!{StateTests_stExample, "StateTests/stExample"} declare_test!{StateTests_stExample, "StateTests/stExample"}
declare_test!{StateTests_stBlockHashTest, "StateTests/stBlockHashTest"}
declare_test!{StateTests_stLogTests, "StateTests/stLogTests"} declare_test!{StateTests_stLogTests, "StateTests/stLogTests"}
declare_test!{StateTests_stCallCodes, "StateTests/stCallCodes"}
declare_test_ignore!{StateTests_stCallCreateCallCodeTest, "StateTests/stCallCreateCallCodeTest"}

View File

@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ fn do_json_test(json_data: &[u8]) -> Vec<String> {
.and_then(|j| j.as_string()) .and_then(|j| j.as_string())
.and_then(|s| BlockNumber::from_str(s).ok()) .and_then(|s| BlockNumber::from_str(s).ok())
.unwrap_or(0) { x if x < 900000 => &old_schedule, _ => &new_schedule }; .unwrap_or(0) { x if x < 900000 => &old_schedule, _ => &new_schedule };
let rlp = bytes_from_json(&test["rlp"]); let rlp = Bytes::from_json(&test["rlp"]);
let res = UntrustedRlp::new(&rlp).as_val().map_err(|e| From::from(e)).and_then(|t: Transaction| t.validate(schedule, schedule.have_delegate_call)); let res = UntrustedRlp::new(&rlp).as_val().map_err(|e| From::from(e)).and_then(|t: Transaction| t.validate(schedule, schedule.have_delegate_call));
fail_unless(test.find("transaction").is_none() == res.is_err()); fail_unless(test.find("transaction").is_none() == res.is_err());
if let (Some(&Json::Object(ref tx)), Some(&Json::String(ref expect_sender))) = (test.find("transaction"), test.find("sender")) { if let (Some(&Json::Object(ref tx)), Some(&Json::String(ref expect_sender))) = (test.find("transaction"), test.find("sender")) {
let t = res.unwrap(); let t = res.unwrap();
fail_unless(t.sender().unwrap() == address_from_hex(clean(expect_sender))); fail_unless(t.sender().unwrap() == address_from_hex(clean(expect_sender)));
fail_unless( == bytes_from_json(&tx["data"])); fail_unless( == Bytes::from_json(&tx["data"]));
fail_unless(t.gas == u256_from_json(&tx["gasLimit"])); fail_unless(t.gas == xjson!(&tx["gasLimit"]));
fail_unless(t.gas_price == u256_from_json(&tx["gasPrice"])); fail_unless(t.gas_price == xjson!(&tx["gasPrice"]));
fail_unless(t.nonce == u256_from_json(&tx["nonce"])); fail_unless(t.nonce == xjson!(&tx["nonce"]));
fail_unless(t.value == u256_from_json(&tx["value"])); fail_unless(t.value == xjson!(&tx["value"]));
if let Action::Call(ref to) = t.action { if let Action::Call(ref to) = t.action {
*ot.borrow_mut() = t.clone(); *ot.borrow_mut() = t.clone();
fail_unless(to == &address_from_json(&tx["to"])); fail_unless(to == &xjson!(&tx["to"]));
} else { } else {
*ot.borrow_mut() = t.clone(); *ot.borrow_mut() = t.clone();
fail_unless(bytes_from_json(&tx["to"]).len() == 0); fail_unless(Bytes::from_json(&tx["to"]).len() == 0);
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ pub struct Transaction {
impl Transaction { impl Transaction {
pub fn new() -> Self { pub fn new() -> Self {
Transaction { Transaction {
nonce: U256::zero(), nonce: x!(0),
gas_price: U256::zero(), gas_price: x!(0),
gas: U256::zero(), gas: x!(0),
action: Action::Create, action: Action::Create,
value: U256::zero(), value: x!(0),
data: vec![], data: vec![],
v: 0, v: 0,
r: U256::zero(), r: x!(0),
s: U256::zero(), s: x!(0),
hash: RefCell::new(None), hash: RefCell::new(None),
sender: RefCell::new(None), sender: RefCell::new(None),
} }
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ impl Transaction {
value: value, value: value,
data: data, data: data,
v: 0, v: 0,
r: U256::zero(), r: x!(0),
s: U256::zero(), s: x!(0),
hash: RefCell::new(None), hash: RefCell::new(None),
sender: RefCell::new(None), sender: RefCell::new(None),
} }
@ -72,39 +72,13 @@ impl Transaction {
value: value, value: value,
data: data, data: data,
v: 0, v: 0,
r: U256::zero(), r: x!(0),
s: U256::zero(), s: x!(0),
hash: RefCell::new(None), hash: RefCell::new(None),
sender: RefCell::new(None), sender: RefCell::new(None),
} }
} }
pub fn from_json(json: &Json) -> Transaction {
let mut r = Transaction {
nonce: u256_from_json(&json["nonce"]),
gas_price: u256_from_json(&json["gasPrice"]),
gas: u256_from_json(&json["gasLimit"]),
action: match bytes_from_json(&json["to"]) {
ref x if x.len() == 0 => Action::Create,
ref x => Action::Call(Address::from_slice(x)),
value: u256_from_json(&json["value"]),
data: bytes_from_json(&json["data"]),
v: match json.find("v") { Some(ref j) => u8_from_json(j), None => 0 },
r: match json.find("r") { Some(ref j) => u256_from_json(j), None => U256::zero() },
s: match json.find("s") { Some(ref j) => u256_from_json(j), None => U256::zero() },
hash: RefCell::new(None),
sender: match json.find("sender") {
Some(&Json::String(ref sender)) => RefCell::new(Some(address_from_hex(clean(sender)))),
_ => RefCell::new(None),
if let Some(&Json::String(ref secret_key)) = json.find("secretKey") {
/// Get the nonce of the transaction. /// Get the nonce of the transaction.
pub fn nonce(&self) -> &U256 { &self.nonce } pub fn nonce(&self) -> &U256 { &self.nonce }
/// Get the gas price of the transaction. /// Get the gas price of the transaction.
@ -144,6 +118,34 @@ impl Transaction {
} }
} }
impl FromJson for Transaction {
fn from_json(json: &Json) -> Transaction {
let mut r = Transaction {
nonce: xjson!(&json["nonce"]),
gas_price: xjson!(&json["gasPrice"]),
gas: xjson!(&json["gasLimit"]),
action: match Bytes::from_json(&json["to"]) {
ref x if x.len() == 0 => Action::Create,
ref x => Action::Call(Address::from_slice(x)),
value: xjson!(&json["value"]),
data: xjson!(&json["data"]),
v: match json.find("v") { Some(ref j) => u16::from_json(j) as u8, None => 0 },
r: match json.find("r") { Some(j) => xjson!(j), None => x!(0) },
s: match json.find("s") { Some(j) => xjson!(j), None => x!(0) },
hash: RefCell::new(None),
sender: match json.find("sender") {
Some(&Json::String(ref sender)) => RefCell::new(Some(address_from_hex(clean(sender)))),
_ => RefCell::new(None),
if let Some(&Json::String(ref secret_key)) = json.find("secretKey") {
impl RlpStandard for Transaction { impl RlpStandard for Transaction {
fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) { self.rlp_append_opt(s, Seal::With) } fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) { self.rlp_append_opt(s, Seal::With) }
} }