Fix linting issues (#5511)

This commit is contained in:
Jaco Greeff 2017-04-26 11:10:36 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3344d96329
commit 8fc453658b
58 changed files with 606 additions and 606 deletions

View File

@ -16,24 +16,24 @@
export default {
button: {
delete: `刪除`,//delete
edit: `編輯`,//edit
faucet: `Kovan測試網路以太幣`,//Kovan ETH
password: `密碼`,//password
delete: `刪除`, // delete
edit: `編輯`, // edit
faucet: `Kovan測試網路以太幣`, // Kovan ETH
password: `密碼`, // password
shapeshift: `shapeshift`,
transfer: `轉帳`,//transfer
verify: `確認`//verify
transfer: `轉帳`, // transfer
verify: `確認`// verify
hardware: {
confirmDelete: `你確定從你的帳戶列表中移除下面的硬體地址嗎?`
},//Are you sure you want to remove the following hardware address from your account list?
}, // Are you sure you want to remove the following hardware address from your account list?
header: {
outgoingTransactions: `{count}筆正在發生的轉帳`,//{count} outgoing transactions
outgoingTransactions: `{count}筆正在發生的轉帳`, // {count} outgoing transactions
uuid: `uuid: {uuid}`
title: `帳戶管理`,//Account Management
title: `帳戶管理`, // Account Management
transactions: {
poweredBy: `Transaction list powered by {etherscan}提供的交易列表`,
title: `交易`//transactions
title: `交易`// transactions

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@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
export default {
button: {
newAccount: `帳戶`,//account
newWallet: `錢包`,//wallet
vaults: `保險庫`//vaults
newAccount: `帳戶`, // account
newWallet: `錢包`, // wallet
vaults: `保險庫`// vaults
summary: {
minedBlock: `在第#{blockNumber}個區塊被挖出`//Mined at block #{blockNumber}
minedBlock: `在第#{blockNumber}個區塊被挖出`// Mined at block #{blockNumber}
title: `帳戶總覽`,//Accounts Overview
title: `帳戶總覽`, // Accounts Overview
tooltip: {
actions: `與當前視窗有關的操作可以在工具欄中快速被找到,不論是執行操作還是建立新項`,
//actions relating to the current view are available on the toolbar for quick access, be it for performing actions or creating a new item
// actions relating to the current view are available on the toolbar for quick access, be it for performing actions or creating a new item
overview: `你的帳戶很容易使用,使你可以編輯元資訊、轉帳、檢視交易和向帳戶充值`
//your accounts are visible for easy access, allowing you to edit the meta information, make transfers, view transactions and fund the account
// your accounts are visible for easy access, allowing you to edit the meta information, make transfers, view transactions and fund the account
tooltips: {
owner: `{name}持有者`//{name} (owner)
owner: `{name}持有者`// {name} (owner)

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@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
export default {
buttons: {
edit: `編輯`,//edit
forget: `忘記`,//forget
save: `儲存`//save
edit: `編輯`, // edit
forget: `忘記`, // forget
save: `儲存`// save
delete: {
confirmInfo: `你確定你想把下面的地址從你的地址簿中移除嗎?`,//Are you sure you want to remove the following address from your addressbook?
title: `確認移除`//confirm removal
confirmInfo: `你確定你想把下面的地址從你的地址簿中移除嗎?`, // Are you sure you want to remove the following address from your addressbook?
title: `確認移除`// confirm removal
title: `地址資訊`//Address Information
title: `地址資訊`// Address Information

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@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
export default {
fromEmail: `使用郵箱{email}進行確認`,//Verified using email {email}
fromRegistry: `{name}(來自注冊)`,//{name} (from registry)
fromEmail: `使用郵箱{email}進行確認`, // Verified using email {email}
fromRegistry: `{name}(來自注冊)`, // {name} (from registry)
labels: {
accounts: `帳戶`,//accounts
contacts: `合約`,//contacts
contracts: `合約`//contracts
accounts: `帳戶`, // accounts
contacts: `合約`, // contacts
contracts: `合約`// contracts
noAccount: `查不到這個帳戶`//No account matches this query...
noAccount: `查不到這個帳戶`// No account matches this query...

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@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
export default {
buttons: {
add: `地址` //address
add: `地址` // address
errors: {
invalidFile: `提供的檔案是無效的`//The provided file is invalid...
invalidFile: `提供的檔案是無效的`// The provided file is invalid...
title: `儲存的地址`//Saved Addresses
title: `儲存的地址`// Saved Addresses

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@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
export default {
frame: {
error: `錯誤:這個應用不能也不應該載入到內建框架中`//ERROR: This application cannot and should not be loaded in an embedded iFrame
error: `錯誤:這個應用不能也不應該載入到內建框架中`// ERROR: This application cannot and should not be loaded in an embedded iFrame
status: {
consensus: {
capable: `可行`,//Capable
capableUntil: `到第 #{blockNumber} 區塊前可行`,//Capable until #{blockNumber}
incapableSince: `自第 #{blockNumber} 區塊後不可行`,//Incapable since #{blockNumber}
unknown: `未知能力`//Unknown capability
capable: `可行`, // Capable
capableUntil: `到第 #{blockNumber} 區塊前可行`, // Capable until #{blockNumber}
incapableSince: `自第 #{blockNumber} 區塊後不可行`, // Incapable since #{blockNumber}
unknown: `未知能力`// Unknown capability
upgrade: `升級`//Upgrade
upgrade: `升級`// Upgrade

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@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
export default {
loading: `正在載入`,//Loading
unavailable: `不能獲取這個dapp`//The dapp cannot be reached
loading: `正在載入`, // Loading
unavailable: `不能獲取這個dapp`// The dapp cannot be reached

View File

@ -18,31 +18,31 @@ export default {
add: {
builtin: {
desc: `Parity團隊開發的實驗性的用以展示dapp的效能、整合、實驗性特性和控制特定網路的的客戶端行為`,
//Experimental applications developed by the Parity team to show off dapp capabilities, integration, experimental features and to control certain network-wide client behaviour.
label: `與Parity繫結的應用`//Applications bundled with Parity
// Experimental applications developed by the Parity team to show off dapp capabilities, integration, experimental features and to control certain network-wide client behaviour.
label: `與Parity繫結的應用`// Applications bundled with Parity
label: `visible applications可見的應用`,//visible applications
label: `visible applications可見的應用`, // visible applications
local: {
desc: `All applications installed locally on the machine by the user for access by the Parity client.`,
label: `本地可用的應用`//Applications locally available
label: `本地可用的應用`// Applications locally available
network: {
desc: `這些應用與Parity沒有關聯也不是Parity釋出的。 它們是由各自的作者控制的。 在使用以前,請確保你理解每個應用的目標。`,
//These applications are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity.Each remain under the control of their respective authors.Please ensure that you understand the goals for each application before interacting.
label: `全球網路上的應用`//Applications on the global network
// These applications are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity.Each remain under the control of their respective authors.Please ensure that you understand the goals for each application before interacting.
label: `全球網路上的應用`// Applications on the global network
button: {
edit: `編輯`,//edit
permissions: `許可`//permissions
edit: `編輯`, // edit
permissions: `許可`// permissions
external: {
accept: `我理解這些應用和Parity沒有關聯`,//I understand that these applications are not affiliated with Parity
accept: `我理解這些應用和Parity沒有關聯`, // I understand that these applications are not affiliated with Parity
warning: `第三方開發者開發的應用與Parity沒有關聯也不是Parity釋出的。 它們是由各自的作者控制的。 在使用以前,請確保你理解每個應用的目標。`
//Applications made available on the network by 3rd-party authors are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity. Each remain under the control of their respective authors. Please ensure that you understand the goals for each before interacting.
// Applications made available on the network by 3rd-party authors are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity. Each remain under the control of their respective authors. Please ensure that you understand the goals for each before interacting.
label: `去中心化應用`,//Decentralized Applications
label: `去中心化應用`, // Decentralized Applications
permissions: {
label: `可見的dapp帳戶`//visible dapp accounts
label: `可見的dapp帳戶`// visible dapp accounts

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@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
export default {
password: {
hint: `提供帳戶密碼,確認刪除帳戶`,//provide the account password to confirm the account deletion
label: `帳戶密碼`//account password
hint: `提供帳戶密碼,確認刪除帳戶`, // provide the account password to confirm the account deletion
label: `帳戶密碼`// account password
question: `你確定你想永久地刪除下面的帳戶?`,//Are you sure you want to permanently delete the following account?
title: `確認刪除`//confirm removal
question: `你確定你想永久地刪除下面的帳戶?`, // Are you sure you want to permanently delete the following account?
title: `確認刪除`// confirm removal

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@ -16,75 +16,75 @@
export default {
busy: {
title: `部署正在進行中`//The deployment is currently in progress
title: `部署正在進行中`// The deployment is currently in progress
button: {
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
close: `關閉`,//Close
create: `建立`,//Create
done: `完成`,//Done
next: `下一個`//Next
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
close: `關閉`, // Close
create: `建立`, // Create
done: `完成`, // Done
next: `下一個`// Next
completed: {
description: `你的合約已經被部署在`//Your contract has been deployed at
description: `你的合約已經被部署在`// Your contract has been deployed at
details: {
abi: {
hint: `合約的abi或者solc 組合輸出`,//the abi of the contract to deploy or solc combined-output
label: `abi / solc 組合輸出 `//abi / solc combined-output
hint: `合約的abi或者solc 組合輸出`, // the abi of the contract to deploy or solc combined-output
label: `abi / solc 組合輸出 `// abi / solc combined-output
address: {
hint: `這個合約所有者的帳戶`,//the owner account for this contract
label: `來自帳戶(合約所有者)`//from account (contract owner)
hint: `這個合約所有者的帳戶`, // the owner account for this contract
label: `來自帳戶(合約所有者)`// from account (contract owner)
advanced: {
label: `高階的傳送選項`//advanced sending options
label: `高階的傳送選項`// advanced sending options
amount: {
hint: `轉到這個合約中的數額`,//the amount to transfer to the contract
label: `傳送數額{tag}`//amount to transfer (in {tag})
hint: `轉到這個合約中的數額`, // the amount to transfer to the contract
label: `傳送數額{tag}`// amount to transfer (in {tag})
code: {
hint: `編譯好的合約程式碼`,//the compiled code of the contract to deploy
label: `程式碼`//code
hint: `編譯好的合約程式碼`, // the compiled code of the contract to deploy
label: `程式碼`// code
contract: {
label: `選擇一個合約`//select a contract
label: `選擇一個合約`// select a contract
description: {
hint: `對這個合約的描述`,//a description for the contract
label: `合約描述(可選)`//contract description (optional)
hint: `對這個合約的描述`, // a description for the contract
label: `合約描述(可選)`// contract description (optional)
name: {
hint: `已經部署合約的名字`,//a name for the deployed contract
label: `合約名字`//contract name
hint: `已經部署合約的名字`, // a name for the deployed contract
label: `合約名字`// contract name
owner: {
noneSelected: `選擇一個有效的地址作為合約的所有者`//a valid account as the contract owner needs to be selected
noneSelected: `選擇一個有效的地址作為合約的所有者`// a valid account as the contract owner needs to be selected
parameters: {
choose: `選擇合約引數`//Choose the contract parameters
choose: `選擇合約引數`// Choose the contract parameters
rejected: {
description: `你可以安全地關閉視窗,合約部署不會發生。`,//You can safely close this window, the contract deployment will not occur.
title: `部署已經被拒絕`//The deployment has been rejected
description: `你可以安全地關閉視窗,合約部署不會發生。`, // You can safely close this window, the contract deployment will not occur.
title: `部署已經被拒絕`// The deployment has been rejected
state: {
completed: `合約部署已經完成`,//The contract deployment has been completed
confirmationNeeded: `這一操作需要這個合約其他所有人的確認。`,//The operation needs confirmations from the other owners of the contract
preparing: `為網路傳輸準備交易`,//Preparing transaction for network transmission
validatingCode: `驗證已經部署的合約的程式碼`,//Validating the deployed contract code
waitReceipt: `等待合約部署交易收據`,//Waiting for the contract deployment transaction receipt
waitSigner: `等待Parity Secure Signer中的交易被確認 `//Waiting for confirmation of the transaction in the Parity Secure Signer
completed: `合約部署已經完成`, // The contract deployment has been completed
confirmationNeeded: `這一操作需要這個合約其他所有人的確認。`, // The operation needs confirmations from the other owners of the contract
preparing: `為網路傳輸準備交易`, // Preparing transaction for network transmission
validatingCode: `驗證已經部署的合約的程式碼`, // Validating the deployed contract code
waitReceipt: `等待合約部署交易收據`, // Waiting for the contract deployment transaction receipt
waitSigner: `等待Parity Secure Signer中的交易被確認 `// Waiting for confirmation of the transaction in the Parity Secure Signer
title: {
completed: `完成`,//completed
deployment: `部署`,//deployment
details: `合約細節`,//contract details
extras: `額外資訊`,//extra information
failed: `部署失敗`,//deployment failed
parameters: `s合約引數`,//contract parameter
rejected: `拒絕`//rejected
completed: `完成`, // completed
deployment: `部署`, // deployment
details: `合約細節`, // contract details
extras: `額外資訊`, // extra information
failed: `部署失敗`, // deployment failed
parameters: `s合約引數`, // contract parameter
rejected: `拒絕`// rejected

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@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
export default {
buttons: {
close: `關閉`,//close
done: `關閉`,//close
request: `請求`//request
close: `關閉`, // close
done: `關閉`, // close
request: `請求`// request
summary: {
done: `你已經向水龍頭請求Kovan ETH測試幣`,//Your Kovan ETH has been requested from the faucet which responded with -
done: `你已經向水龍頭請求Kovan ETH測試幣`, // Your Kovan ETH has been requested from the faucet which responded with -
info: `如果請求將Kovan ETH測試幣存入這個地址你需要確定這個地址在主網路上已經用簡訊驗證過了。 一旦執行水龍頭將向當前帳戶存入Kovan ETH測試幣。`
//To request a deposit of Kovan ETH to this address, you need to ensure that the address is sms-verified on the mainnet.Once executed the faucet will deposit Kovan ETH into the current account.
// To request a deposit of Kovan ETH to this address, you need to ensure that the address is sms-verified on the mainnet.Once executed the faucet will deposit Kovan ETH into the current account.
title: `Kovan ETH測試幣水龍頭`//Kovan ETH Faucet Kovan
title: `Kovan ETH測試幣水龍頭`// Kovan ETH Faucet Kovan

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@ -16,37 +16,37 @@
export default {
button: {
close: `關閉`,//Close
create: `建立`,//Create
next: `下一步`,//Next
print: `列印片語`,//Print Phrase
skip: `跳過`//Skip
close: `關閉`, // Close
create: `建立`, // Create
next: `下一步`, // Next
print: `列印片語`, // Print Phrase
skip: `跳過`// Skip
completed: {
congrats: `恭喜!你的節點設定已經完成,你現在可以使用應用了。`,
//Congratulations! Your node setup has been completed successfully and you are ready to use the application.
// Congratulations! Your node setup has been completed successfully and you are ready to use the application.
next: `下面你將瀏覽可用的功能和通用的應用介面讓你最快速地使用Parity。`
//Next you will receive a walk-through of the available functions and the general application interface to get you up and running in record time.
// Next you will receive a walk-through of the available functions and the general application interface to get you up and running in record time.
title: {
completed: `完成`,//completed
newAccount: `新帳戶`,//new account
recovery: `恢復`,//recovery
terms: `條款`,//terms
welcome: `歡迎`//welcome
completed: `完成`, // completed
newAccount: `新帳戶`, // new account
recovery: `恢復`, // recovery
terms: `條款`, // terms
welcome: `歡迎`// welcome
tnc: {
accept: `我接受這些條款和條件`//I accept these terms and conditions
accept: `我接受這些條款和條件`// I accept these terms and conditions
welcome: {
description: `作為初次安裝的一部分下面的幾個步驟將指導你如何設定你的Parity和相關帳戶。我們的目標是使得使用Parity變得儘可能的簡單讓你成功執行所以請有點耐心。 一旦完成,你將擁有`,
//As part of a new installation, the next few steps will guide you through the process of setting up you Parity instance and your associated accounts.Our aim is to make it as simple as possible and to get you up and running in record-time, so please bear with us.Once completed you will have -
greeting: `歡迎使用Parity這是執行以太坊節點的最快和最簡單的方式。`,//Welcome to Parity, the fastest and simplest way to run your node.
next: `點選下一步繼續`,//Click Next to continue your journey.
// As part of a new installation, the next few steps will guide you through the process of setting up you Parity instance and your associated accounts.Our aim is to make it as simple as possible and to get you up and running in record-time, so please bear with us.Once completed you will have -
greeting: `歡迎使用Parity這是執行以太坊節點的最快和最簡單的方式。`, // Welcome to Parity, the fastest and simplest way to run your node.
next: `點選下一步繼續`, // Click Next to continue your journey.
step: {
account: `建立你的第一個Parity帳戶`,//Created your first Parity account
privacy: `理解你的隱私政策和運作條款`,//Understood our privacy policy & terms of operation
recovery: `有能力可以恢復你的帳戶`//Have the ability to recover your account
account: `建立你的第一個Parity帳戶`, // Created your first Parity account
privacy: `理解你的隱私政策和運作條款`, // Understood our privacy policy & terms of operation
recovery: `有能力可以恢復你的帳戶`// Have the ability to recover your account

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export default {
requestsPage: {
noPending: `沒有請求需要你的確認`, // There are no requests requiring your confirmation.
pendingTitle: `待處理請求`, //Pending Requests
pendingTitle: `待處理請求`, // Pending Requests
queueTitle: `本地交易` // Local Transactions
sending: {

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@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
export default {
tooltip: {
overview: `在應用的不同部分和不同介面進行導航,在帳戶介面、代幣介面和分散式應用介面之間切換。`
//navigate between the different parts and views of the application, switching between an account view, token view and distributed application view
// navigate between the different parts and views of the application, switching between an account view, token view and distributed application view

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@ -17,46 +17,46 @@
export default {
advanced: {
data: {
hint: `交易附帶資料`,//the data to pass through with the transaction
label: `交易資料`//transaction data
hint: `交易附帶資料`, // the data to pass through with the transaction
label: `交易資料`// transaction data
buttons: {
back: `返回`,//Back
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
close: `關閉`,//Close
next: `下一步`,//Next
send: `傳送`//Send
back: `返回`, // Back
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
close: `關閉`, // Close
next: `下一步`, // Next
send: `傳送`// Send
details: {
advanced: {
label: `高階傳送選項`//advanced sending options
label: `高階傳送選項`// advanced sending options
amount: {
hint: `傳送數額`,//the amount to transfer to the recipient
label: `傳送數額{tag}`//amount to transfer (in {tag})
hint: `傳送數額`, // the amount to transfer to the recipient
label: `傳送數額{tag}`// amount to transfer (in {tag})
fullBalance: {
label: `所有的餘額`//full account balance
label: `所有的餘額`// full account balance
recipient: {
hint: `收款人地址`,//the recipient address
label: `收款人地址`//recipient address
hint: `收款人地址`, // the recipient address
label: `收款人地址`// recipient address
sender: {
hint: `傳送人地址`,//the sender address
label: `傳送人地址`//sender address
hint: `傳送人地址`, // the sender address
label: `傳送人地址`// sender address
total: {
label: `傳送數額`//total transaction amount
label: `傳送數額`// total transaction amount
wallet: {
confirmation: `這筆交易需要其他人的確認。`,//This transaction needs confirmation from other owners.
operationHash: `操作雜湊`//operation hash
confirmation: `這筆交易需要其他人的確認。`, // This transaction needs confirmation from other owners.
operationHash: `操作雜湊`// operation hash
warning: {
wallet_spent_limit: `這筆轉帳的數額超過了每日轉帳數額上限。此交易需要其他人的確認才可以傳送成功。`
//This transaction value is above the remaining daily limit. It will need to be confirmed by other owners.
// This transaction value is above the remaining daily limit. It will need to be confirmed by other owners.

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@ -17,24 +17,24 @@
export default {
condition: {
block: {
hint: `在某個區塊高度後傳送`,//The minimum block to send from
label: `交易傳送區塊`//Transaction send block
hint: `在某個區塊高度後傳送`, // The minimum block to send from
label: `交易傳送區塊`// Transaction send block
blocknumber: `在某個區塊後傳送`,//Send after BlockNumber
blocknumber: `在某個區塊後傳送`, // Send after BlockNumber
date: {
hint: `在某日後傳送`,//The minimum date to send from
label: `交易傳送日期`//Transaction send date
hint: `在某日後傳送`, // The minimum date to send from
label: `交易傳送日期`// Transaction send date
datetime: `在某日某時後傳送`,//Send after Date & Tim
label: `交易啟用的條件`,//Condition where transaction activates
none: `無條件`,//No conditions
datetime: `在某日某時後傳送`, // Send after Date & Tim
label: `交易啟用的條件`, // Condition where transaction activates
none: `無條件`, // No conditions
time: {
hint: `在某時間後傳送`,//The minimum time to send from
label: `交易傳送時間`//Transaction send time
hint: `在某時間後傳送`, // The minimum time to send from
label: `交易傳送時間`// Transaction send time
gas: {
info: `你可以基於最近的交易gas價格的分佈選擇gas價格。 gas價格越低交易費用越便宜。 gas 價格越高,交易被網路打包的速度越快。`
//You can choose the gas price based on the distribution of recent included transaction gas prices.The lower the gas price is, the cheaper the transaction will be.The higher the gas price is, the faster it should get mined by the network.
// You can choose the gas price based on the distribution of recent included transaction gas prices.The lower the gas price is, the cheaper the transaction will be.The higher the gas price is, the faster it should get mined by the network.

View File

@ -18,56 +18,56 @@ export default {
actionbar: {
export: {
button: {
export: `匯出`//export
export: `匯出`// export
import: {
button: {
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
confirm: `確認`,//Confirm
import: `匯入`//import
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
confirm: `確認`, // Confirm
import: `匯入`// import
confirm: `確認這是你想匯入的`,//Confirm that this is what was intended to import.
error: `發生錯誤:{errorText}`,//An error occured: {errorText}
confirm: `確認這是你想匯入的`, // Confirm that this is what was intended to import.
error: `發生錯誤:{errorText}`, // An error occured: {errorText}
step: {
error: `錯誤`,//error
select: `選擇一個檔案`,//select a file
validate: `確認`//validate
error: `錯誤`, // error
select: `選擇一個檔案`, // select a file
validate: `確認`// validate
title: `從一個檔案匯入`//Import from a file
title: `從一個檔案匯入`// Import from a file
search: {
hint: `輸入搜尋內容……`//Enter search input...
hint: `輸入搜尋內容……`// Enter search input...
sort: {
sortBy: `根據{label}排序`,//Sort by {label}
typeDefault: `預設`,//Default
typeEth: `根據以太幣數額排序`,//Sort by ETH
typeName: `根據帳戶名字排序`,//Sort by name
typeTags: `根據標籤排序`//Sort by tags
sortBy: `根據{label}排序`, // Sort by {label}
typeDefault: `預設`, // Default
typeEth: `根據以太幣數額排序`, // Sort by ETH
typeName: `根據帳戶名字排序`, // Sort by name
typeTags: `根據標籤排序`// Sort by tags
balance: {
none: `這個帳戶沒有餘額`//No balances associated with this account
none: `這個帳戶沒有餘額`// No balances associated with this account
blockStatus: {
bestBlock: `最新區塊{blockNumber}`,//{blockNumber} best block
syncStatus: `currentBlock}/{highestBlock}區塊同步`,//{currentBlock}/{highestBlock} syncing{
warpRestore: `{percentage}%恢復`,//{percentage}% warp restore
warpStatus: `, {percentage}%歷史`//{percentage}% historic
bestBlock: `最新區塊{blockNumber}`, // {blockNumber} best block
syncStatus: `currentBlock}/{highestBlock}區塊同步`, // {currentBlock}/{highestBlock} syncing{
warpRestore: `{percentage}%恢復`, // {percentage}% warp restore
warpStatus: `, {percentage}%歷史`// {percentage}% historic
confirmDialog: {
no: `不是`,//no
yes: ``//yes
no: `不是`, // no
yes: ``// yes
copyToClipboard: {
copied: `複製{data}到貼上板`//copied {data} to clipboard
copied: `複製{data}到貼上板`// copied {data} to clipboard
errors: {
close: `關閉`//close
close: `關閉`// close
fileSelect: {
defaultLabel: `拉一個檔案到這裡,或者選擇一個檔案上傳`//Drop a file here, or click to select a file to upload
defaultLabel: `拉一個檔案到這裡,或者選擇一個檔案上傳`// Drop a file here, or click to select a file to upload
gasPriceSelector: {
customTooltip: {
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ export default {
identityName: {
null: ``,//NULL
unnamed: `未命名`//UNNAMED
null: ``, // NULL
unnamed: `未命名`// UNNAMED
methodDecoding: {
condition: {
@ -84,20 +84,20 @@ export default {
time: `, {historic, select, true {Submitted} false {Submission}} at {timestamp}`
deploy: {
address: `在地址上部署一個合約`,//Deployed a contract at address
params: `附帶下面的引數:`,//with the following parameters:
willDeploy: `將要部署一個合約`,//Will deploy a contract
withValue: `, 傳送{value}`//sending {value}
address: `在地址上部署一個合約`, // Deployed a contract at address
params: `附帶下面的引數:`, // with the following parameters:
willDeploy: `將要部署一個合約`, // Will deploy a contract
withValue: `, 傳送{value}`// sending {value}
gasUsed: `({gas}gas消耗)`,//{gas} gas used
gasUsed: `({gas}gas消耗)`, // {gas} gas used
gasValues: `{gas} gas ({gasPrice}M/{tag})`,
input: {
data: `資料`,//data
input: `輸入`,//input
data: `資料`, // data
input: `輸入`, // input
withInput: `with the {inputDesc} {inputValue}`
receive: {
contract: `合約`,//the contract
contract: `合約`, // the contract
info: `{historic, select, true {Received} false {Will receive}} {valueEth} from {aContract}{address}`
signature: {
@ -116,48 +116,48 @@ export default {
passwordStrength: {
label: `密碼強度`//password strength
label: `密碼強度`// password strength
tooltips: {
button: {
done: `完成`,//Done
next: `下一步`,//Next
skip: `跳過`//Skip
done: `完成`, // Done
next: `下一步`, // Next
skip: `跳過`// Skip
txHash: {
confirmations: `{count} {value, plural, one {confirmation} other {confirmations}}`,
oog: `這筆交易已經耗光了gas。請用更多的gas嘗試。`,//The transaction might have gone out of gas. Try again with more gas.
posted: `這筆交易已經被髮送到網路,附帶雜湊是{hashLink}`,//The transaction has been posted to the network with a hash of {hashLink}
waiting: `等待確認`//waiting for confirmations
oog: `這筆交易已經耗光了gas。請用更多的gas嘗試。`, // The transaction might have gone out of gas. Try again with more gas.
posted: `這筆交易已經被髮送到網路,附帶雜湊是{hashLink}`, // The transaction has been posted to the network with a hash of {hashLink}
waiting: `等待確認`// waiting for confirmations
vaultSelect: {
hint: `這個帳戶繫結的保險庫是`,//the vault this account is attached to
label: `相關保險庫`//associated vault
hint: `這個帳戶繫結的保險庫是`, // the vault this account is attached to
label: `相關保險庫`// associated vault
verification: {
gatherData: {
accountHasRequested: {
false: `.你還沒有從這個帳戶請求確認。`,//You did not request verification from this account yet
pending: `檢查一下你是否請求了驗證……`,//Checking if you requested verification…
true: `你已經從這個帳戶請求到驗證。`//You already requested verification from this account.
false: `.你還沒有從這個帳戶請求確認。`, // You did not request verification from this account yet
pending: `檢查一下你是否請求了驗證……`, // Checking if you requested verification…
true: `你已經從這個帳戶請求到驗證。`// You already requested verification from this account.
accountIsVerified: {
false: `你的帳戶還沒有被驗證。`,//Your account is not verified yet.
pending: `檢查一下你的帳戶是否已經被驗證……`,//Checking if your account is verified…
true: `你的帳戶已經被驗證。`//Your account is already verified.
false: `你的帳戶還沒有被驗證。`, // Your account is not verified yet.
pending: `檢查一下你的帳戶是否已經被驗證……`, // Checking if your account is verified…
true: `你的帳戶已經被驗證。`// Your account is already verified.
fee: `額外的費用是{amount}ETH`,//The additional fee is {amount} ETH.
fee: `額外的費用是{amount}ETH`, // The additional fee is {amount} ETH.
isAbleToRequest: {
pending: `驗證你的輸入……`//Validating your input…
pending: `驗證你的輸入……`// Validating your input…
isServerRunning: {
false: `驗證伺服器沒有在執行。`,//The verification server is not running.
pending: `檢查一下驗證伺服器是否在執行……`,//Checking if the verification server is running…
true: `驗證伺服器正在執行。`//The verification server is running.
false: `驗證伺服器沒有在執行。`, // The verification server is not running.
pending: `檢查一下驗證伺服器是否在執行……`, // Checking if the verification server is running…
true: `驗證伺服器正在執行。`// The verification server is running.
nofee: `沒有額外的費用。`,//There is no additional fee.
termsOfService: `我同意下面的條款和條件。`//I agree to the terms and conditions below.
nofee: `沒有額外的費用。`, // There is no additional fee.
termsOfService: `我同意下面的條款和條件。`// I agree to the terms and conditions below.

View File

@ -16,40 +16,40 @@
export default {
busy: `你正在升級到Parity最新版本{newversion}。請等待升級過程完成。`,
//Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} is currently in progress. Please wait until the process completes.
// Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} is currently in progress. Please wait until the process completes.
button: {
close: `關閉`,//close
done: `完成`,//done
upgrade: `現在升級`//upgrade now
close: `關閉`, // close
done: `完成`, // done
upgrade: `現在升級`// upgrade now
completed: `你升級到Parity最新版本{newversion}的操作已經完成。點選“完成”將自動重新載入這個應用。`,
//Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has been successfully completed. Click "done" to automatically reload the application.
// Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has been successfully completed. Click "done" to automatically reload the application.
consensus: {
capable: `你當前的Parity版本能夠處理網路請求。`,
//Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
// Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
capableUntil: `你當前的Parity版本能夠處理直到第{blockNumber}個區塊的網路請求。`,
//Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements until block {blockNumber}
// Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements until block {blockNumber}
incapableSince: `你當前的Parity版本能夠處理第{blockNumber}個區塊以後的網路請求。`,
//Your current Parity version is incapable of handling the network requirements since block {blockNumber}
// Your current Parity version is incapable of handling the network requirements since block {blockNumber}
unknown: `你當前的Parity版本能夠處理網路請求。`
//Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
// Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
failed: `升級到Parity最新版本{newversion}遇到錯誤,升級失敗。`,
//Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has failed with an error.
// Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has failed with an error.
info: {
currentVersion: `你現在正在執行{currentversion}版本。`,//You are currently running {currentversion}
next: `點選“現在升級”開始Parity升級。`,//Proceed with "upgrade now" to start your Parity upgrade.
upgrade: `可以升級到最新版本{newversion}`,//An upgrade to version {newversion} is available
currentVersion: `你現在正在執行{currentversion}版本。`, // You are currently running {currentversion}
next: `點選“現在升級”開始Parity升級。`, // Proceed with "upgrade now" to start your Parity upgrade.
upgrade: `可以升級到最新版本{newversion}`, // An upgrade to version {newversion} is available
welcome: `迎來到Parity升級指南讓你享受無縫升級到Parity最新版本的體驗。`
//Welcome to the Parity upgrade wizard, allowing you a completely seamless upgrade experience to the next version of Parity.歡
// Welcome to the Parity upgrade wizard, allowing you a completely seamless upgrade experience to the next version of Parity.歡
step: {
completed: `升級完成`,//upgrade completed
error: `錯誤`,//error
info: `可以升級`,//upgrade available
updating: `升級Parity`//upgrading parity
completed: `升級完成`, // upgrade completed
error: `錯誤`, // error
info: `可以升級`, // upgrade available
updating: `升級Parity`// upgrading parity
version: {
unknown: `未知`//unknown
unknown: `未知`// unknown

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@ -16,70 +16,70 @@
export default {
button: {
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
done: `完成`,//Done
next: `下一步`//Next
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
done: `完成`, // Done
next: `下一步`// Next
code: {
error: `無效驗證碼`,//invalid code
hint: `輸入你收到的驗證碼。`,//Enter the code you received.
label: `驗證碼`,//verification code
sent: `驗證碼被髮送到接收者{receiver}.`//The verification code has been sent to {receiver}
error: `無效驗證碼`, // invalid code
hint: `輸入你收到的驗證碼。`, // Enter the code you received.
label: `驗證碼`, // verification code
sent: `驗證碼被髮送到接收者{receiver}.`// The verification code has been sent to {receiver}
confirmation: {
authorise: `驗證碼將被髮送到合約。請使用Parity Signer進行授權。`,//The verification code will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
windowOpen: `請保持這個視窗開啟狀態。`//Please keep this window open.
authorise: `驗證碼將被髮送到合約。請使用Parity Signer進行授權。`, // The verification code will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
windowOpen: `請保持這個視窗開啟狀態。`// Please keep this window open.
done: {
message: `恭喜,你的帳戶已經被認證。`//Congratulations, your account is verified!
message: `恭喜,你的帳戶已經被認證。`// Congratulations, your account is verified!
email: {
enterCode: `輸入你從郵箱獲得驗證碼。`//Enter the code you received via e-mail.
enterCode: `輸入你從郵箱獲得驗證碼。`// Enter the code you received via e-mail.
gatherData: {
email: {
hint: `驗證碼將被髮送到這個地址`,//the code will be sent to this address
label: `郵箱地址`//e-mail address
hint: `驗證碼將被髮送到這個地址`, // the code will be sent to this address
label: `郵箱地址`// e-mail address
phoneNumber: {
hint: `簡訊將被髮送到這個號碼`,//the SMS will be sent to this number
label: `國際格式的手機號碼`//phone number in international format
hint: `簡訊將被髮送到這個號碼`, // the SMS will be sent to this number
label: `國際格式的手機號碼`// phone number in international format
gatherDate: {
email: {
error: `無效郵箱`//invalid e-mail
error: `無效郵箱`// invalid e-mail
phoneNumber: {
error: `無效數字`//invalid number
error: `無效數字`// invalid number
loading: `載入驗證資料`,//Loading verification data.
loading: `載入驗證資料`, // Loading verification data.
request: {
authorise: `驗證請求將被髮送到這個合約。請使用Parity Signer進行授權。`,//A verification request will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
requesting: `正在從Parity伺服器請求一個驗證碼等待它被輸入到合約。`,//Requesting a code from the Parity server and waiting for the puzzle to be put into the contract.
windowOpen: `請保持視窗為開啟狀態。`//Please keep this window open.
authorise: `驗證請求將被髮送到這個合約。請使用Parity Signer進行授權。`, // A verification request will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
requesting: `正在從Parity伺服器請求一個驗證碼等待它被輸入到合約。`, // Requesting a code from the Parity server and waiting for the puzzle to be put into the contract.
windowOpen: `請保持視窗為開啟狀態。`// Please keep this window open.
sms: {
enterCode: `輸入你從簡訊收到的驗證碼。`//Enter the code you received via SMS.
enterCode: `輸入你從簡訊收到的驗證碼。`// Enter the code you received via SMS.
steps: {
code: `輸入驗證碼`,//Enter Code
completed: `完成`,//Completed
confirm: `確認`,//Confirm
data: `輸入資料`,//Enter Data
method: `方式`,//Method
request: `請求`//Request
code: `輸入驗證碼`, // Enter Code
completed: `完成`, // Completed
confirm: `確認`, // Confirm
data: `輸入資料`, // Enter Data
method: `方式`, // Method
request: `請求`// Request
title: `t驗證你的帳戶`,//verify your accoun
title: `t驗證你的帳戶`, // verify your accoun
types: {
email: {
description: `你所控制的郵箱地址的雜湊值將被儲存在區塊鏈。`,//The hash of the e-mail address you prove control over will be stored on the blockchain.
label: `郵箱驗證`//E-mail Verification
description: `你所控制的郵箱地址的雜湊值將被儲存在區塊鏈。`, // The hash of the e-mail address you prove control over will be stored on the blockchain.
label: `郵箱驗證`// E-mail Verification
sms: {
description: `你所控制的手機號碼將被儲存在區塊鏈。`,//It will be stored on the blockchain that you control a phone number (not <em>which</em>).
label: `簡訊驗證`//SMS Verification
description: `你所控制的手機號碼將被儲存在區塊鏈。`, // It will be stored on the blockchain that you control a phone number (not <em>which</em>).
label: `簡訊驗證`// SMS Verification

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@ -16,31 +16,31 @@
export default {
buttons: {
edit: `編輯`,//edit
edit: `編輯`, // edit
forget: `forget`,
settings: `設定`,//settings
transfer: `轉帳`//transfer
settings: `設定`, // settings
transfer: `轉帳`// transfer
confirmations: {
buttons: {
confirmAs: `確定為……`,//Confirm As...
revokeAs: `撤回為……`//Revoke As...
confirmAs: `確定為……`, // Confirm As...
revokeAs: `撤回為……`// Revoke As...
none: `現在沒有交易需要確認。`,//No transactions needs confirmation right now.
none: `現在沒有交易需要確認。`, // No transactions needs confirmation right now.
tooltip: {
confirmed: `被{number}/{required}所有人確認`//Confirmed by {number}/{required} owners
confirmed: `被{number}/{required}所有人確認`// Confirmed by {number}/{required} owners
details: {
requiredOwners: `這個錢包需要至少{owners}所有人驗證所有的操作(交易,修改)`,
//This wallet requires at least {owners} to validate any action (transactions, modifications).
// This wallet requires at least {owners} to validate any action (transactions, modifications).
requiredOwnersNumber: `{number} {numberValue, plural, one {owner} other {owners}}`,
spent: `{spent} has been spent today, out of {limit} set as the daily limit, which has been reset on {date}`,
title: `細節`//Details
title: `細節`// Details
title: `錢包管理`,//Wallet Management
title: `錢包管理`, // Wallet Management
transactions: {
none: `沒有交易被髮送。`,//No transactions has been sent.
title: `交易`//Transactions
none: `沒有交易被髮送。`, // No transactions has been sent.
title: `交易`// Transactions

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export default {
modifications: {
daylimit: {
hint: `不需要確認即可傳送的ETH數量`, // amount of ETH spendable without confirmations
label: `錢包每日限額` //wallet day limit
label: `錢包每日限額` // wallet day limit
fromString: {
label: `修改` // modifications

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export default {
new: `新建Solidity合約`, // New Solidity Contract
parameters: `變數`, // Parameters
saved: `已儲存 @ {timestamp}`, // saved @ {timestamp}
selectSolidity: `選擇Solidity版本`, //Select a Solidity version
selectSolidity: `選擇Solidity版本`, // Select a Solidity version
solidity: `正在載入Solidity {version}` // Loading Solidity {version}
type: {

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@ -16,24 +16,24 @@
export default {
button: {
delete: `删除`,//delete
edit: `编辑`,//edit
faucet: `Kovan测试网络以太币`,//Kovan ETH
password: `密码`,//password
delete: `删除`, // delete
edit: `编辑`, // edit
faucet: `Kovan测试网络以太币`, // Kovan ETH
password: `密码`, // password
shapeshift: `shapeshift`,
transfer: `转账`,//transfer
verify: `确认`//verify
transfer: `转账`, // transfer
verify: `确认`// verify
hardware: {
confirmDelete: `你确定从你的账户列表中移除下面的硬件地址吗?`
},//Are you sure you want to remove the following hardware address from your account list?
}, // Are you sure you want to remove the following hardware address from your account list?
header: {
outgoingTransactions: `{count}笔正在发生的转账`,//{count} outgoing transactions
outgoingTransactions: `{count}笔正在发生的转账`, // {count} outgoing transactions
uuid: `uuid: {uuid}`
title: `账户管理`,//Account Management
title: `账户管理`, // Account Management
transactions: {
poweredBy: `Transaction list powered by {etherscan}提供的交易列表`,
title: `交易`//transactions
title: `交易`// transactions

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@ -16,21 +16,21 @@
export default {
button: {
newAccount: `账户`,//account
newWallet: `钱包`,//wallet
vaults: `保险库`//vaults
newAccount: `账户`, // account
newWallet: `钱包`, // wallet
vaults: `保险库`// vaults
summary: {
minedBlock: `在第#{blockNumber}个区块被挖出`//Mined at block #{blockNumber}
minedBlock: `在第#{blockNumber}个区块被挖出`// Mined at block #{blockNumber}
title: `账户总览`,//Accounts Overview
title: `账户总览`, // Accounts Overview
tooltip: {
actions: `与当前视窗有关的操作可以在工具栏中快速被找到,不论是执行操作还是创建新项`,
//actions relating to the current view are available on the toolbar for quick access, be it for performing actions or creating a new item
// actions relating to the current view are available on the toolbar for quick access, be it for performing actions or creating a new item
overview: `你的账户很容易使用,使你可以编辑元信息、转账、查看交易和向账户充值`
//your accounts are visible for easy access, allowing you to edit the meta information, make transfers, view transactions and fund the account
// your accounts are visible for easy access, allowing you to edit the meta information, make transfers, view transactions and fund the account
tooltips: {
owner: `{name}持有者`//{name} (owner)
owner: `{name}持有者`// {name} (owner)

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@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
export default {
buttons: {
edit: `编辑`,//edit
forget: `忘记`,//forget
save: `保存`//save
edit: `编辑`, // edit
forget: `忘记`, // forget
save: `保存`// save
delete: {
confirmInfo: `你确定你想把下面的地址从你的地址簿中移除吗?`,//Are you sure you want to remove the following address from your addressbook?
title: `确认移除`//confirm removal
confirmInfo: `你确定你想把下面的地址从你的地址簿中移除吗?`, // Are you sure you want to remove the following address from your addressbook?
title: `确认移除`// confirm removal
title: `地址信息`//Address Information
title: `地址信息`// Address Information

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@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
export default {
fromEmail: `使用邮箱{email}进行确认`,//Verified using email {email}
fromRegistry: `{name}(来自注册)`,//{name} (from registry)
fromEmail: `使用邮箱{email}进行确认`, // Verified using email {email}
fromRegistry: `{name}(来自注册)`, // {name} (from registry)
labels: {
accounts: `账户`,//accounts
contacts: `合约`,//contacts
contracts: `合约`//contracts
accounts: `账户`, // accounts
contacts: `合约`, // contacts
contracts: `合约`// contracts
noAccount: `查不到这个账户`//No account matches this query...
noAccount: `查不到这个账户`// No account matches this query...

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@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
export default {
buttons: {
add: `地址` //address
add: `地址` // address
errors: {
invalidFile: `提供的文件是无效的`//The provided file is invalid...
invalidFile: `提供的文件是无效的`// The provided file is invalid...
title: `保存的地址`//Saved Addresses
title: `保存的地址`// Saved Addresses

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@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
export default {
frame: {
error: `错误:这个应用不能也不应该载入到内置框架中`//ERROR: This application cannot and should not be loaded in an embedded iFrame
error: `错误:这个应用不能也不应该载入到内置框架中`// ERROR: This application cannot and should not be loaded in an embedded iFrame
status: {
consensus: {
capable: `可行`,//Capable
capableUntil: `到第 #{blockNumber} 区块前可行`,//Capable until #{blockNumber}
incapableSince: `自第 #{blockNumber} 区块后不可行`,//Incapable since #{blockNumber}
unknown: `未知能力`//Unknown capability
capable: `可行`, // Capable
capableUntil: `到第 #{blockNumber} 区块前可行`, // Capable until #{blockNumber}
incapableSince: `自第 #{blockNumber} 区块后不可行`, // Incapable since #{blockNumber}
unknown: `未知能力`// Unknown capability
upgrade: `升级`//Upgrade
upgrade: `升级`// Upgrade

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@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
export default {
loading: `正在加载`,//Loading
unavailable: `不能获取这个dapp`//The dapp cannot be reached
loading: `正在加载`, // Loading
unavailable: `不能获取这个dapp`// The dapp cannot be reached

View File

@ -18,31 +18,31 @@ export default {
add: {
builtin: {
desc: `Parity团队开发的实验性的用以展示dapp的性能、集成、实验性特性和控制特定网络的的客户端行为`,
//Experimental applications developed by the Parity team to show off dapp capabilities, integration, experimental features and to control certain network-wide client behaviour.
label: `与Parity绑定的应用`//Applications bundled with Parity
// Experimental applications developed by the Parity team to show off dapp capabilities, integration, experimental features and to control certain network-wide client behaviour.
label: `与Parity绑定的应用`// Applications bundled with Parity
label: `visible applications可见的应用`,//visible applications
label: `visible applications可见的应用`, // visible applications
local: {
desc: `All applications installed locally on the machine by the user for access by the Parity client.`,
label: `本地可用的应用`//Applications locally available
label: `本地可用的应用`// Applications locally available
network: {
desc: `这些应用与Parity没有关联也不是Parity发布的。 它们是由各自的作者控制的。 在使用以前,请确保你理解每个应用的目标。`,
//These applications are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity.Each remain under the control of their respective authors.Please ensure that you understand the goals for each application before interacting.
label: `全球网络上的应用`//Applications on the global network
// These applications are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity.Each remain under the control of their respective authors.Please ensure that you understand the goals for each application before interacting.
label: `全球网络上的应用`// Applications on the global network
button: {
edit: `编辑`,//edit
permissions: `许可`//permissions
edit: `编辑`, // edit
permissions: `许可`// permissions
external: {
accept: `我理解这些应用和Parity没有关联`,//I understand that these applications are not affiliated with Parity
accept: `我理解这些应用和Parity没有关联`, // I understand that these applications are not affiliated with Parity
warning: `第三方开发者开发的应用与Parity没有关联也不是Parity发布的。 它们是由各自的作者控制的。 在使用以前,请确保你理解每个应用的目标。`
//Applications made available on the network by 3rd-party authors are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity. Each remain under the control of their respective authors. Please ensure that you understand the goals for each before interacting.
// Applications made available on the network by 3rd-party authors are not affiliated with Parity nor are they published by Parity. Each remain under the control of their respective authors. Please ensure that you understand the goals for each before interacting.
label: `去中心化应用`,//Decentralized Applications
label: `去中心化应用`, // Decentralized Applications
permissions: {
label: `可见的dapp账户`//visible dapp accounts
label: `可见的dapp账户`// visible dapp accounts

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@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
export default {
password: {
hint: `提供账户密码,确认删除账户`,//provide the account password to confirm the account deletion
label: `账户密码`//account password
hint: `提供账户密码,确认删除账户`, // provide the account password to confirm the account deletion
label: `账户密码`// account password
question: `你确定你想永久地删除下面的账户?`,//Are you sure you want to permanently delete the following account?
title: `确认删除`//confirm removal
question: `你确定你想永久地删除下面的账户?`, // Are you sure you want to permanently delete the following account?
title: `确认删除`// confirm removal

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@ -16,75 +16,75 @@
export default {
busy: {
title: `部署正在进行中`//The deployment is currently in progress
title: `部署正在进行中`// The deployment is currently in progress
button: {
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
close: `关闭`,//Close
create: `创建`,//Create
done: `完成`,//Done
next: `下一个`//Next
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
close: `关闭`, // Close
create: `创建`, // Create
done: `完成`, // Done
next: `下一个`// Next
completed: {
description: `你的合约已经被部署在`//Your contract has been deployed at
description: `你的合约已经被部署在`// Your contract has been deployed at
details: {
abi: {
hint: `合约的abi或者solc 组合输出`,//the abi of the contract to deploy or solc combined-output
label: `abi / solc 组合输出 `//abi / solc combined-output
hint: `合约的abi或者solc 组合输出`, // the abi of the contract to deploy or solc combined-output
label: `abi / solc 组合输出 `// abi / solc combined-output
address: {
hint: `这个合约所有者的账户`,//the owner account for this contract
label: `来自账户(合约所有者)`//from account (contract owner)
hint: `这个合约所有者的账户`, // the owner account for this contract
label: `来自账户(合约所有者)`// from account (contract owner)
advanced: {
label: `高级的发送选项`//advanced sending options
label: `高级的发送选项`// advanced sending options
amount: {
hint: `转到这个合约中的数额`,//the amount to transfer to the contract
label: `发送数额{tag}`//amount to transfer (in {tag})
hint: `转到这个合约中的数额`, // the amount to transfer to the contract
label: `发送数额{tag}`// amount to transfer (in {tag})
code: {
hint: `编译好的合约代码`,//the compiled code of the contract to deploy
label: `代码`//code
hint: `编译好的合约代码`, // the compiled code of the contract to deploy
label: `代码`// code
contract: {
label: `选择一个合约`//select a contract
label: `选择一个合约`// select a contract
description: {
hint: `对这个合约的描述`,//a description for the contract
label: `合约描述(可选)`//contract description (optional)
hint: `对这个合约的描述`, // a description for the contract
label: `合约描述(可选)`// contract description (optional)
name: {
hint: `已经部署合约的名字`,//a name for the deployed contract
label: `合约名字`//contract name
hint: `已经部署合约的名字`, // a name for the deployed contract
label: `合约名字`// contract name
owner: {
noneSelected: `选择一个有效的地址作为合约的所有者`//a valid account as the contract owner needs to be selected
noneSelected: `选择一个有效的地址作为合约的所有者`// a valid account as the contract owner needs to be selected
parameters: {
choose: `选择合约参数`//Choose the contract parameters
choose: `选择合约参数`// Choose the contract parameters
rejected: {
description: `你可以安全地关闭窗口,合约部署不会发生。`,//You can safely close this window, the contract deployment will not occur.
title: `部署已经被拒绝`//The deployment has been rejected
description: `你可以安全地关闭窗口,合约部署不会发生。`, // You can safely close this window, the contract deployment will not occur.
title: `部署已经被拒绝`// The deployment has been rejected
state: {
completed: `合约部署已经完成`,//The contract deployment has been completed
confirmationNeeded: `这一操作需要这个合约其他所有人的确认。`,//The operation needs confirmations from the other owners of the contract
preparing: `为网络传输准备交易`,//Preparing transaction for network transmission
validatingCode: `验证已经部署的合约的代码`,//Validating the deployed contract code
waitReceipt: `等待合约部署交易收据`,//Waiting for the contract deployment transaction receipt
waitSigner: `等待Parity Secure Signer中的交易被确认 `//Waiting for confirmation of the transaction in the Parity Secure Signer
completed: `合约部署已经完成`, // The contract deployment has been completed
confirmationNeeded: `这一操作需要这个合约其他所有人的确认。`, // The operation needs confirmations from the other owners of the contract
preparing: `为网络传输准备交易`, // Preparing transaction for network transmission
validatingCode: `验证已经部署的合约的代码`, // Validating the deployed contract code
waitReceipt: `等待合约部署交易收据`, // Waiting for the contract deployment transaction receipt
waitSigner: `等待Parity Secure Signer中的交易被确认 `// Waiting for confirmation of the transaction in the Parity Secure Signer
title: {
completed: `完成`,//completed
deployment: `部署`,//deployment
details: `合约细节`,//contract details
extras: `额外信息`,//extra information
failed: `部署失败`,//deployment failed
parameters: `s合约参数`,//contract parameter
rejected: `拒绝`//rejected
completed: `完成`, // completed
deployment: `部署`, // deployment
details: `合约细节`, // contract details
extras: `额外信息`, // extra information
failed: `部署失败`, // deployment failed
parameters: `s合约参数`, // contract parameter
rejected: `拒绝`// rejected

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@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
export default {
buttons: {
close: `关闭`,//close
done: `关闭`,//close
request: `请求`//request
close: `关闭`, // close
done: `关闭`, // close
request: `请求`// request
summary: {
done: `你已经向水龙头请求Kovan ETH测试币`,//Your Kovan ETH has been requested from the faucet which responded with -
done: `你已经向水龙头请求Kovan ETH测试币`, // Your Kovan ETH has been requested from the faucet which responded with -
info: `如果请求将Kovan ETH测试币存入这个地址你需要确定这个地址在主网络上已经用短信验证过了。 一旦执行水龙头将向当前账户存入Kovan ETH测试币。`
//To request a deposit of Kovan ETH to this address, you need to ensure that the address is sms-verified on the mainnet.Once executed the faucet will deposit Kovan ETH into the current account.
// To request a deposit of Kovan ETH to this address, you need to ensure that the address is sms-verified on the mainnet.Once executed the faucet will deposit Kovan ETH into the current account.
title: `Kovan ETH测试币水龙头`//Kovan ETH Faucet Kovan
title: `Kovan ETH测试币水龙头`// Kovan ETH Faucet Kovan

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@ -16,37 +16,37 @@
export default {
button: {
close: `关闭`,//Close
create: `创建`,//Create
next: `下一步`,//Next
print: `打印词组`,//Print Phrase
skip: `跳过`//Skip
close: `关闭`, // Close
create: `创建`, // Create
next: `下一步`, // Next
print: `打印词组`, // Print Phrase
skip: `跳过`// Skip
completed: {
congrats: `恭喜!你的节点设置已经完成,你现在可以使用应用了。`,
//Congratulations! Your node setup has been completed successfully and you are ready to use the application.
// Congratulations! Your node setup has been completed successfully and you are ready to use the application.
next: `下面你将浏览可用的功能和通用的应用界面让你最快速地使用Parity。`
//Next you will receive a walk-through of the available functions and the general application interface to get you up and running in record time.
// Next you will receive a walk-through of the available functions and the general application interface to get you up and running in record time.
title: {
completed: `完成`,//completed
newAccount: `新账户`,//new account
recovery: `恢复`,//recovery
terms: `条款`,//terms
welcome: `欢迎`//welcome
completed: `完成`, // completed
newAccount: `新账户`, // new account
recovery: `恢复`, // recovery
terms: `条款`, // terms
welcome: `欢迎`// welcome
tnc: {
accept: `我接受这些条款和条件`//I accept these terms and conditions
accept: `我接受这些条款和条件`// I accept these terms and conditions
welcome: {
description: `作为初次安装的一部分下面的几个步骤将指导你如何设置你的Parity和相关账户。我们的目标是使得使用Parity变得尽可能的简单让你成功运行所以请有点耐心。 一旦完成,你将拥有`,
//As part of a new installation, the next few steps will guide you through the process of setting up you Parity instance and your associated accounts.Our aim is to make it as simple as possible and to get you up and running in record-time, so please bear with us.Once completed you will have -
greeting: `欢迎使用Parity这是运行以太坊节点的最快和最简单的方式。`,//Welcome to Parity, the fastest and simplest way to run your node.
next: `点击下一步继续`,//Click Next to continue your journey.
// As part of a new installation, the next few steps will guide you through the process of setting up you Parity instance and your associated accounts.Our aim is to make it as simple as possible and to get you up and running in record-time, so please bear with us.Once completed you will have -
greeting: `欢迎使用Parity这是运行以太坊节点的最快和最简单的方式。`, // Welcome to Parity, the fastest and simplest way to run your node.
next: `点击下一步继续`, // Click Next to continue your journey.
step: {
account: `创建你的第一个Parity账户`,//Created your first Parity account
privacy: `理解你的隐私政策和运作条款`,//Understood our privacy policy & terms of operation
recovery: `有能力可以恢复你的账户`//Have the ability to recover your account
account: `创建你的第一个Parity账户`, // Created your first Parity account
privacy: `理解你的隐私政策和运作条款`, // Understood our privacy policy & terms of operation
recovery: `有能力可以恢复你的账户`// Have the ability to recover your account

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export default {
requestsPage: {
noPending: `没有请求需要你的确认`, // There are no requests requiring your confirmation.
pendingTitle: `待处理请求`, //Pending Requests
pendingTitle: `待处理请求`, // Pending Requests
queueTitle: `本地交易` // Local Transactions
sending: {

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@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
export default {
tooltip: {
overview: `在应用的不同部分和不同界面进行导航,在账户界面、代币界面和分布式应用界面之间切换。`
//navigate between the different parts and views of the application, switching between an account view, token view and distributed application view
// navigate between the different parts and views of the application, switching between an account view, token view and distributed application view

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@ -17,46 +17,46 @@
export default {
advanced: {
data: {
hint: `交易附带数据`,//the data to pass through with the transaction
label: `交易数据`//transaction data
hint: `交易附带数据`, // the data to pass through with the transaction
label: `交易数据`// transaction data
buttons: {
back: `返回`,//Back
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
close: `关闭`,//Close
next: `下一步`,//Next
send: `发送`//Send
back: `返回`, // Back
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
close: `关闭`, // Close
next: `下一步`, // Next
send: `发送`// Send
details: {
advanced: {
label: `高级发送选项`//advanced sending options
label: `高级发送选项`// advanced sending options
amount: {
hint: `发送数额`,//the amount to transfer to the recipient
label: `发送数额{tag}`//amount to transfer (in {tag})
hint: `发送数额`, // the amount to transfer to the recipient
label: `发送数额{tag}`// amount to transfer (in {tag})
fullBalance: {
label: `所有的余额`//full account balance
label: `所有的余额`// full account balance
recipient: {
hint: `收款人地址`,//the recipient address
label: `收款人地址`//recipient address
hint: `收款人地址`, // the recipient address
label: `收款人地址`// recipient address
sender: {
hint: `发送人地址`,//the sender address
label: `发送人地址`//sender address
hint: `发送人地址`, // the sender address
label: `发送人地址`// sender address
total: {
label: `发送数额`//total transaction amount
label: `发送数额`// total transaction amount
wallet: {
confirmation: `这笔交易需要其他人的确认。`,//This transaction needs confirmation from other owners.
operationHash: `操作哈希`//operation hash
confirmation: `这笔交易需要其他人的确认。`, // This transaction needs confirmation from other owners.
operationHash: `操作哈希`// operation hash
warning: {
wallet_spent_limit: `这笔转账的数额超过了每日转账数额上限。此交易需要其他人的确认才可以发送成功。`
//This transaction value is above the remaining daily limit. It will need to be confirmed by other owners.
// This transaction value is above the remaining daily limit. It will need to be confirmed by other owners.

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@ -17,24 +17,24 @@
export default {
condition: {
block: {
hint: `在某个区块高度后发送`,//The minimum block to send from
label: `交易发送区块`//Transaction send block
hint: `在某个区块高度后发送`, // The minimum block to send from
label: `交易发送区块`// Transaction send block
blocknumber: `在某个区块后发送`,//Send after BlockNumber
blocknumber: `在某个区块后发送`, // Send after BlockNumber
date: {
hint: `在某日后发送`,//The minimum date to send from
label: `交易发送日期`//Transaction send date
hint: `在某日后发送`, // The minimum date to send from
label: `交易发送日期`// Transaction send date
datetime: `在某日某时后发送`,//Send after Date & Tim
label: `交易激活的条件`,//Condition where transaction activates
none: `无条件`,//No conditions
datetime: `在某日某时后发送`, // Send after Date & Tim
label: `交易激活的条件`, // Condition where transaction activates
none: `无条件`, // No conditions
time: {
hint: `在某时间后发送`,//The minimum time to send from
label: `交易发送时间`//Transaction send time
hint: `在某时间后发送`, // The minimum time to send from
label: `交易发送时间`// Transaction send time
gas: {
info: `你可以基于最近的交易gas价格的分布选择gas价格。 gas价格越低交易费用越便宜。 gas 价格越高,交易被网络打包的速度越快。`
//You can choose the gas price based on the distribution of recent included transaction gas prices.The lower the gas price is, the cheaper the transaction will be.The higher the gas price is, the faster it should get mined by the network.
// You can choose the gas price based on the distribution of recent included transaction gas prices.The lower the gas price is, the cheaper the transaction will be.The higher the gas price is, the faster it should get mined by the network.

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@ -18,56 +18,56 @@ export default {
actionbar: {
export: {
button: {
export: `导出`//export
export: `导出`// export
import: {
button: {
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
confirm: `确认`,//Confirm
import: `导入`//import
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
confirm: `确认`, // Confirm
import: `导入`// import
confirm: `确认这是你想导入的`,//Confirm that this is what was intended to import.
error: `发生错误:{errorText}`,//An error occured: {errorText}
confirm: `确认这是你想导入的`, // Confirm that this is what was intended to import.
error: `发生错误:{errorText}`, // An error occured: {errorText}
step: {
error: `错误`,//error
select: `选择一个文件`,//select a file
validate: `确认`//validate
error: `错误`, // error
select: `选择一个文件`, // select a file
validate: `确认`// validate
title: `从一个文件导入`//Import from a file
title: `从一个文件导入`// Import from a file
search: {
hint: `输入搜索内容……`//Enter search input...
hint: `输入搜索内容……`// Enter search input...
sort: {
sortBy: `根据{label}排序`,//Sort by {label}
typeDefault: `默认`,//Default
typeEth: `根据以太币数额排序`,//Sort by ETH
typeName: `根据账户名字排序`,//Sort by name
typeTags: `根据标签排序`//Sort by tags
sortBy: `根据{label}排序`, // Sort by {label}
typeDefault: `默认`, // Default
typeEth: `根据以太币数额排序`, // Sort by ETH
typeName: `根据账户名字排序`, // Sort by name
typeTags: `根据标签排序`// Sort by tags
balance: {
none: `这个账户没有余额`//No balances associated with this account
none: `这个账户没有余额`// No balances associated with this account
blockStatus: {
bestBlock: `最新区块{blockNumber}`,//{blockNumber} best block
syncStatus: `currentBlock}/{highestBlock}区块同步`,//{currentBlock}/{highestBlock} syncing{
warpRestore: `{percentage}%恢复`,//{percentage}% warp restore
warpStatus: `, {percentage}%历史`//{percentage}% historic
bestBlock: `最新区块{blockNumber}`, // {blockNumber} best block
syncStatus: `currentBlock}/{highestBlock}区块同步`, // {currentBlock}/{highestBlock} syncing{
warpRestore: `{percentage}%恢复`, // {percentage}% warp restore
warpStatus: `, {percentage}%历史`// {percentage}% historic
confirmDialog: {
no: `不是`,//no
yes: ``//yes
no: `不是`, // no
yes: ``// yes
copyToClipboard: {
copied: `复制{data}到粘贴板`//copied {data} to clipboard
copied: `复制{data}到粘贴板`// copied {data} to clipboard
errors: {
close: `关闭`//close
close: `关闭`// close
fileSelect: {
defaultLabel: `拉一个文件到这里,或者选择一个文件上传`//Drop a file here, or click to select a file to upload
defaultLabel: `拉一个文件到这里,或者选择一个文件上传`// Drop a file here, or click to select a file to upload
gasPriceSelector: {
customTooltip: {
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ export default {
identityName: {
null: ``,//NULL
unnamed: `未命名`//UNNAMED
null: ``, // NULL
unnamed: `未命名`// UNNAMED
methodDecoding: {
condition: {
@ -84,20 +84,20 @@ export default {
time: `, {historic, select, true {Submitted} false {Submission}} at {timestamp}`
deploy: {
address: `在地址上部署一个合约`,//Deployed a contract at address
params: `附带下面的参数:`,//with the following parameters:
willDeploy: `将要部署一个合约`,//Will deploy a contract
withValue: `, 发送{value}`//sending {value}
address: `在地址上部署一个合约`, // Deployed a contract at address
params: `附带下面的参数:`, // with the following parameters:
willDeploy: `将要部署一个合约`, // Will deploy a contract
withValue: `, 发送{value}`// sending {value}
gasUsed: `({gas}gas消耗)`,//{gas} gas used
gasUsed: `({gas}gas消耗)`, // {gas} gas used
gasValues: `{gas} gas ({gasPrice}M/{tag})`,
input: {
data: `数据`,//data
input: `输入`,//input
data: `数据`, // data
input: `输入`, // input
withInput: `with the {inputDesc} {inputValue}`
receive: {
contract: `合约`,//the contract
contract: `合约`, // the contract
info: `{historic, select, true {Received} false {Will receive}} {valueEth} from {aContract}{address}`
signature: {
@ -116,48 +116,48 @@ export default {
passwordStrength: {
label: `密码强度`//password strength
label: `密码强度`// password strength
tooltips: {
button: {
done: `完成`,//Done
next: `下一步`,//Next
skip: `跳过`//Skip
done: `完成`, // Done
next: `下一步`, // Next
skip: `跳过`// Skip
txHash: {
confirmations: `{count} {value, plural, one {confirmation} other {confirmations}}`,
oog: `这笔交易已经耗光了gas。请用更多的gas尝试。`,//The transaction might have gone out of gas. Try again with more gas.
posted: `这笔交易已经被发送到网络,附带哈希是{hashLink}`,//The transaction has been posted to the network with a hash of {hashLink}
waiting: `等待确认`//waiting for confirmations
oog: `这笔交易已经耗光了gas。请用更多的gas尝试。`, // The transaction might have gone out of gas. Try again with more gas.
posted: `这笔交易已经被发送到网络,附带哈希是{hashLink}`, // The transaction has been posted to the network with a hash of {hashLink}
waiting: `等待确认`// waiting for confirmations
vaultSelect: {
hint: `这个账户绑定的保险库是`,//the vault this account is attached to
label: `相关保险库`//associated vault
hint: `这个账户绑定的保险库是`, // the vault this account is attached to
label: `相关保险库`// associated vault
verification: {
gatherData: {
accountHasRequested: {
false: `.你还没有从这个账户请求确认。`,//You did not request verification from this account yet
pending: `检查一下你是否请求了验证……`,//Checking if you requested verification…
true: `你已经从这个账户请求到验证。`//You already requested verification from this account.
false: `.你还没有从这个账户请求确认。`, // You did not request verification from this account yet
pending: `检查一下你是否请求了验证……`, // Checking if you requested verification…
true: `你已经从这个账户请求到验证。`// You already requested verification from this account.
accountIsVerified: {
false: `你的账户还没有被验证。`,//Your account is not verified yet.
pending: `检查一下你的账户是否已经被验证……`,//Checking if your account is verified…
true: `你的账户已经被验证。`//Your account is already verified.
false: `你的账户还没有被验证。`, // Your account is not verified yet.
pending: `检查一下你的账户是否已经被验证……`, // Checking if your account is verified…
true: `你的账户已经被验证。`// Your account is already verified.
fee: `额外的费用是{amount}ETH`,//The additional fee is {amount} ETH.
fee: `额外的费用是{amount}ETH`, // The additional fee is {amount} ETH.
isAbleToRequest: {
pending: `验证你的输入……`//Validating your input…
pending: `验证你的输入……`// Validating your input…
isServerRunning: {
false: `验证服务器没有在运行。`,//The verification server is not running.
pending: `检查一下验证服务器是否在运行……`,//Checking if the verification server is running…
true: `验证服务器正在运行。`//The verification server is running.
false: `验证服务器没有在运行。`, // The verification server is not running.
pending: `检查一下验证服务器是否在运行……`, // Checking if the verification server is running…
true: `验证服务器正在运行。`// The verification server is running.
nofee: `没有额外的费用。`,//There is no additional fee.
termsOfService: `我同意下面的条款和条件。`//I agree to the terms and conditions below.
nofee: `没有额外的费用。`, // There is no additional fee.
termsOfService: `我同意下面的条款和条件。`// I agree to the terms and conditions below.

View File

@ -16,40 +16,40 @@
export default {
busy: `你正在升级到Parity最新版本{newversion}。请等待升级过程完成。`,
//Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} is currently in progress. Please wait until the process completes.
// Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} is currently in progress. Please wait until the process completes.
button: {
close: `关闭`,//close
done: `完成`,//done
upgrade: `现在升级`//upgrade now
close: `关闭`, // close
done: `完成`, // done
upgrade: `现在升级`// upgrade now
completed: `你升级到Parity最新版本{newversion}的操作已经完成。点击“完成”将自动重新加载这个应用。`,
//Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has been successfully completed. Click "done" to automatically reload the application.
// Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has been successfully completed. Click "done" to automatically reload the application.
consensus: {
capable: `你当前的Parity版本能够处理网络请求。`,
//Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
// Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
capableUntil: `你当前的Parity版本能够处理直到第{blockNumber}个区块的网络请求。`,
//Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements until block {blockNumber}
// Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements until block {blockNumber}
incapableSince: `你当前的Parity版本能够处理第{blockNumber}个区块以后的网络请求。`,
//Your current Parity version is incapable of handling the network requirements since block {blockNumber}
// Your current Parity version is incapable of handling the network requirements since block {blockNumber}
unknown: `你当前的Parity版本能够处理网络请求。`
//Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
// Your current Parity version is capable of handling the network requirements.
failed: `升级到Parity最新版本{newversion}遇到错误,升级失败。`,
//Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has failed with an error.
// Your upgrade to Parity {newversion} has failed with an error.
info: {
currentVersion: `你现在正在运行{currentversion}版本。`,//You are currently running {currentversion}
next: `点击“现在升级”开始Parity升级。`,//Proceed with "upgrade now" to start your Parity upgrade.
upgrade: `可以升级到最新版本{newversion}`,//An upgrade to version {newversion} is available
currentVersion: `你现在正在运行{currentversion}版本。`, // You are currently running {currentversion}
next: `点击“现在升级”开始Parity升级。`, // Proceed with "upgrade now" to start your Parity upgrade.
upgrade: `可以升级到最新版本{newversion}`, // An upgrade to version {newversion} is available
welcome: `迎来到Parity升级指南让你享受无缝升级到Parity最新版本的体验。`
//Welcome to the Parity upgrade wizard, allowing you a completely seamless upgrade experience to the next version of Parity.欢
// Welcome to the Parity upgrade wizard, allowing you a completely seamless upgrade experience to the next version of Parity.欢
step: {
completed: `升级完成`,//upgrade completed
error: `错误`,//error
info: `可以升级`,//upgrade available
updating: `升级Parity`//upgrading parity
completed: `升级完成`, // upgrade completed
error: `错误`, // error
info: `可以升级`, // upgrade available
updating: `升级Parity`// upgrading parity
version: {
unknown: `未知`//unknown
unknown: `未知`// unknown

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@ -16,70 +16,70 @@
export default {
button: {
cancel: `取消`,//Cancel
done: `完成`,//Done
next: `下一步`//Next
cancel: `取消`, // Cancel
done: `完成`, // Done
next: `下一步`// Next
code: {
error: `无效验证码`,//invalid code
hint: `输入你收到的验证码。`,//Enter the code you received.
label: `验证码`,//verification code
sent: `验证码被发送到接收者{receiver}.`//The verification code has been sent to {receiver}
error: `无效验证码`, // invalid code
hint: `输入你收到的验证码。`, // Enter the code you received.
label: `验证码`, // verification code
sent: `验证码被发送到接收者{receiver}.`// The verification code has been sent to {receiver}
confirmation: {
authorise: `验证码将被发送到合约。请使用Parity Signer进行授权。`,//The verification code will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
windowOpen: `请保持这个窗口打开状态。`//Please keep this window open.
authorise: `验证码将被发送到合约。请使用Parity Signer进行授权。`, // The verification code will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
windowOpen: `请保持这个窗口打开状态。`// Please keep this window open.
done: {
message: `恭喜,你的账户已经被认证。`//Congratulations, your account is verified!
message: `恭喜,你的账户已经被认证。`// Congratulations, your account is verified!
email: {
enterCode: `输入你从邮箱获得验证码。`//Enter the code you received via e-mail.
enterCode: `输入你从邮箱获得验证码。`// Enter the code you received via e-mail.
gatherData: {
email: {
hint: `验证码将被发送到这个地址`,//the code will be sent to this address
label: `邮箱地址`//e-mail address
hint: `验证码将被发送到这个地址`, // the code will be sent to this address
label: `邮箱地址`// e-mail address
phoneNumber: {
hint: `短信将被发送到这个号码`,//the SMS will be sent to this number
label: `国际格式的手机号码`//phone number in international format
hint: `短信将被发送到这个号码`, // the SMS will be sent to this number
label: `国际格式的手机号码`// phone number in international format
gatherDate: {
email: {
error: `无效邮箱`//invalid e-mail
error: `无效邮箱`// invalid e-mail
phoneNumber: {
error: `无效数字`//invalid number
error: `无效数字`// invalid number
loading: `加载验证数据`,//Loading verification data.
loading: `加载验证数据`, // Loading verification data.
request: {
authorise: `验证请求将被发送到这个合约。请使用Parity Signer进行授权。`,//A verification request will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
requesting: `正在从Parity服务器请求一个验证码等待它被输入到合约。`,//Requesting a code from the Parity server and waiting for the puzzle to be put into the contract.
windowOpen: `请保持窗口为打开状态。`//Please keep this window open.
authorise: `验证请求将被发送到这个合约。请使用Parity Signer进行授权。`, // A verification request will be sent to the contract. Please authorize this using the Parity Signer.
requesting: `正在从Parity服务器请求一个验证码等待它被输入到合约。`, // Requesting a code from the Parity server and waiting for the puzzle to be put into the contract.
windowOpen: `请保持窗口为打开状态。`// Please keep this window open.
sms: {
enterCode: `输入你从短信收到的验证码。`//Enter the code you received via SMS.
enterCode: `输入你从短信收到的验证码。`// Enter the code you received via SMS.
steps: {
code: `输入验证码`,//Enter Code
completed: `完成`,//Completed
confirm: `确认`,//Confirm
data: `输入数据`,//Enter Data
method: `方式`,//Method
request: `请求`//Request
code: `输入验证码`, // Enter Code
completed: `完成`, // Completed
confirm: `确认`, // Confirm
data: `输入数据`, // Enter Data
method: `方式`, // Method
request: `请求`// Request
title: `t验证你的账户`,//verify your accoun
title: `t验证你的账户`, // verify your accoun
types: {
email: {
description: `你所控制的邮箱地址的哈希值将被存储在区块链。`,//The hash of the e-mail address you prove control over will be stored on the blockchain.
label: `邮箱验证`//E-mail Verification
description: `你所控制的邮箱地址的哈希值将被存储在区块链。`, // The hash of the e-mail address you prove control over will be stored on the blockchain.
label: `邮箱验证`// E-mail Verification
sms: {
description: `你所控制的手机号码将被存储在区块链。`,//It will be stored on the blockchain that you control a phone number (not <em>which</em>).
label: `短信验证`//SMS Verification
description: `你所控制的手机号码将被存储在区块链。`, // It will be stored on the blockchain that you control a phone number (not <em>which</em>).
label: `短信验证`// SMS Verification

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@ -16,31 +16,31 @@
export default {
buttons: {
edit: `编辑`,//edit
edit: `编辑`, // edit
forget: `forget`,
settings: `设置`,//settings
transfer: `转账`//transfer
settings: `设置`, // settings
transfer: `转账`// transfer
confirmations: {
buttons: {
confirmAs: `确定为……`,//Confirm As...
revokeAs: `撤回为……`//Revoke As...
confirmAs: `确定为……`, // Confirm As...
revokeAs: `撤回为……`// Revoke As...
none: `现在没有交易需要确认。`,//No transactions needs confirmation right now.
none: `现在没有交易需要确认。`, // No transactions needs confirmation right now.
tooltip: {
confirmed: `被{number}/{required}所有人确认`//Confirmed by {number}/{required} owners
confirmed: `被{number}/{required}所有人确认`// Confirmed by {number}/{required} owners
details: {
requiredOwners: `这个钱包需要至少{owners}所有人验证所有的操作(交易,修改)`,
//This wallet requires at least {owners} to validate any action (transactions, modifications).
// This wallet requires at least {owners} to validate any action (transactions, modifications).
requiredOwnersNumber: `{number} {numberValue, plural, one {owner} other {owners}}`,
spent: `{spent} has been spent today, out of {limit} set as the daily limit, which has been reset on {date}`,
title: `细节`//Details
title: `细节`// Details
title: `钱包管理`,//Wallet Management
title: `钱包管理`, // Wallet Management
transactions: {
none: `没有交易被发送。`,//No transactions has been sent.
title: `交易`//Transactions
none: `没有交易被发送。`, // No transactions has been sent.
title: `交易`// Transactions

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export default {
modifications: {
daylimit: {
hint: `不需要确认即可发送的ETH数量`, // amount of ETH spendable without confirmations
label: `钱包每日限额` //wallet day limit
label: `钱包每日限额` // wallet day limit
fromString: {
label: `修改` // modifications

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export default {
new: `新建Solidity合约`, // New Solidity Contract
parameters: `变量`, // Parameters
saved: `已保存 @ {timestamp}`, // saved @ {timestamp}
selectSolidity: `选择Solidity版本`, //Select a Solidity version
selectSolidity: `选择Solidity版本`, // Select a Solidity version
solidity: `正在加载Solidity {version}` // Loading Solidity {version}
type: {