Merge pull request #2018 from ethcore/builtin_trait
builtin trait refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,283 +14,350 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use crypto::sha2::Sha256;
use crypto::ripemd160::Ripemd160;
use crypto::sha2::Sha256 as Sha256Digest;
use crypto::ripemd160::Ripemd160 as Ripemd160Digest;
use crypto::digest::Digest;
use util::*;
use ethkey::{Signature, recover};
use ethkey::{Signature, recover as ec_recover};
use ethjson;
/// Definition of a contract whose implementation is built-in.
pub struct Builtin {
/// The gas cost of running this built-in for the given size of input data.
pub cost: Box<Fn(usize) -> U256>, // TODO: U256 should be bignum.
/// Run this built-in function with the input being the first argument and the output
/// being placed into the second.
pub execute: Box<Fn(&[u8], &mut [u8])>,
/// Native implementation of a built-in contract.
pub trait Impl: Send + Sync {
/// execute this built-in on the given input, writing to the given output.
fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], out: &mut [u8]);
// Rust does not mark closurer that do not capture as Sync
// We promise that all builtins are thread safe since they only operate on given input.
unsafe impl Sync for Builtin {}
unsafe impl Send for Builtin {}
/// A gas pricing scheme for built-in contracts.
pub trait Pricer: Send + Sync {
/// The gas cost of running this built-in for the given size of input data.
fn cost(&self, in_size: usize) -> U256;
impl fmt::Debug for Builtin {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "<Builtin>")
/// A linear pricing model. This computes a price using a base cost and a cost per-word.
struct Linear {
base: usize,
word: usize,
impl Pricer for Linear {
fn cost(&self, in_size: usize) -> U256 {
U256::from(self.base) + U256::from(self.word) * U256::from((in_size + 31) / 32)
/// Pricing scheme and execution definition for a built-in contract.
pub struct Builtin {
pricer: Box<Pricer>,
native: Box<Impl>,
impl Builtin {
/// Create a new object from components.
pub fn new(cost: Box<Fn(usize) -> U256>, execute: Box<Fn(&[u8], &mut [u8])>) -> Builtin {
Builtin {cost: cost, execute: execute}
/// Create a new object from a builtin-function name with a linear cost associated with input size.
pub fn from_named_linear(name: &str, base_cost: usize, word_cost: usize) -> Builtin {
let cost = Box::new(move|s: usize| -> U256 {
U256::from(base_cost) + U256::from(word_cost) * U256::from((s + 31) / 32)
Self::new(cost, new_builtin_exec(name))
/// Simple forwarder for cost.
pub fn cost(&self, s: usize) -> U256 { (*self.cost)(s) }
pub fn cost(&self, s: usize) -> U256 { self.pricer.cost(s) }
/// Simple forwarder for execute.
pub fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]) { (*self.execute)(input, output); }
pub fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]) { self.native.execute(input, output) }
impl From<ethjson::spec::Builtin> for Builtin {
fn from(b: ethjson::spec::Builtin) -> Self {
match b.pricing {
let pricer = match b.pricing {
ethjson::spec::Pricing::Linear(linear) => {
Self::from_named_linear(, linear.base, linear.word)
Box::new(Linear {
base: linear.base,
word: linear.word,
Builtin {
pricer: pricer,
native: ethereum_builtin(&,
/// Copy a bunch of bytes to a destination; if the `src` is too small to fill `dest`,
/// leave the rest unchanged.
pub fn copy_to(src: &[u8], dest: &mut[u8]) {
// NICE: optimise
for i in 0..min(src.len(), dest.len()) {
dest[i] = src[i];
// Ethereum builtin creator.
fn ethereum_builtin(name: &str) -> Box<Impl> {
match name {
"identity" => Box::new(Identity) as Box<Impl>,
"ecrecover" => Box::new(EcRecover) as Box<Impl>,
"sha256" => Box::new(Sha256) as Box<Impl>,
"ripemd160" => Box::new(Ripemd160) as Box<Impl>,
_ => panic!("invalid builtin name: {}", name),
/// Create a new builtin executor according to `name`.
/// TODO: turn in to a factory with dynamic registration.
pub fn new_builtin_exec(name: &str) -> Box<Fn(&[u8], &mut [u8])> {
match name {
"identity" => Box::new(move|input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]| {
for i in 0..min(input.len(), output.len()) {
output[i] = input[i];
"ecrecover" => Box::new(move|input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]| {
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct InType {
hash: H256,
v: H256,
r: H256,
s: H256,
let mut it = InType::default();
if it.v == H256::from(&U256::from(27)) || it.v == H256::from(&U256::from(28)) {
let s = Signature::from_rsv(&it.r, &it.s, it.v[31] - 27);
if s.is_valid() {
if let Ok(p) = recover(&s, &it.hash) {
let r = p.as_slice().sha3();
// NICE: optimise and separate out into populate-like function
for i in 0..min(32, output.len()) {
output[i] = if i < 12 {0} else {r[i]};
// Ethereum builtins:
// - The identity function
// - ec recovery
// - sha256
// - ripemd160
struct Identity;
struct EcRecover;
struct Sha256;
struct Ripemd160;
impl Impl for Identity {
fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) {
let len = min(input.len(), output.len());
impl Impl for EcRecover {
fn execute(&self, i: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) {
let len = min(i.len(), 128);
let mut input = [0; 128];
let hash = H256::from_slice(&input[0..32]);
let v = H256::from_slice(&input[32..64]);
let r = H256::from_slice(&input[64..96]);
let s = H256::from_slice(&input[96..128]);
let bit = match v[31] {
27 | 28 if &v.as_slice()[..31] == &[0; 31] => v[31] - 27,
_ => return,
let s = Signature::from_rsv(&r, &s, bit);
if s.is_valid() {
if let Ok(p) = ec_recover(&s, &hash) {
let r = p.as_slice().sha3();
let out_len = min(output.len(), 32);
for x in &mut output[0.. min(12, out_len)] {
*x = 0;
if out_len > 12 {
"sha256" => Box::new(move|input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]| {
let mut sha = Sha256::new();
if output.len() >= 32 {
} else {
let mut ret = H256::new();
copy_to(&ret, output);
"ripemd160" => Box::new(move|input: &[u8], output: &mut[u8]| {
let mut sha = Ripemd160::new();
let mut ret = H256::new();
sha.result(&mut ret.as_slice_mut()[12..32]);
copy_to(&ret, output);
_ => {
panic!("invalid builtin name {}", name);
fn identity() {
let f = new_builtin_exec("identity");
let i = [0u8, 1, 2, 3];
impl Impl for Sha256 {
fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) {
let out_len = min(output.len(), 32);
let mut o2 = [255u8; 2];
f(&i[..], &mut o2[..]);
assert_eq!(i[0..2], o2);
let mut sha = Sha256Digest::new();
let mut o4 = [255u8; 4];
f(&i[..], &mut o4[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o4);
if out_len == 32 {
sha.result(&mut output[0..32]);
} else {
let mut out = [0; 32];
sha.result(&mut out);
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o8[..4]);
assert_eq!([255u8; 4], o8[4..]);
fn sha256() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::FromHex;
let f = new_builtin_exec("sha256");
let i = [0u8; 0];
impl Impl for Ripemd160 {
fn execute(&self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) {
let out_len = min(output.len(), 32);
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855").unwrap())[..]);
let mut sha = Ripemd160Digest::new();
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(&o8[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("e3b0c44298fc1c14").unwrap())[..]);
for x in &mut output[0.. min(12, out_len)] {
*x = 0;
let mut o34 = [255u8; 34];
f(&i[..], &mut o34[..]);
assert_eq!(&o34[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855ffff").unwrap())[..]);
if out_len >= 32 {
sha.result(&mut output[12..32]);
} else if out_len > 12 {
let mut out = [0; 20];
sha.result(&mut out);
fn ripemd160() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::FromHex;
let f = new_builtin_exec("ripemd160");
let i = [0u8; 0];
mod tests {
use super::{Builtin, Linear, ethereum_builtin, Pricer};
use ethjson;
use util::U256;
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000000000009c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31").unwrap())[..]);
fn identity() {
let f = ethereum_builtin("identity");
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(&o8[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000").unwrap())[..]);
let i = [0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let mut o34 = [255u8; 34];
f(&i[..], &mut o34[..]);
assert_eq!(&o34[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000000000009c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31ffff").unwrap())[..]);
let mut o2 = [255u8; 2];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o2[..]);
assert_eq!(i[0..2], o2);
fn ecrecover() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::FromHex;
/*let k = KeyPair::from_secret(b"test".sha3()).unwrap();
let a: Address = From::from(k.public().sha3());
println!("Address: {}", a);
let m = b"hello world".sha3();
println!("Message: {}", m);
let s = k.sign(&m).unwrap();
println!("Signed: {}", s);*/
let mut o4 = [255u8; 4];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o4[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o4);
let f = new_builtin_exec("ecrecover");
let i = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b650acf9d3f5f0a2c799776a1254355d5f4061762a237396a99a0e0e3fc2bcd6729514a0dacb2e623ac4abd157cb18163ff942280db4d5caad66ddf941ba12e03").unwrap();
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o8[..4]);
assert_eq!([255u8; 4], o8[4..]);
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("000000000000000000000000c08b5542d177ac6686946920409741463a15dddb").unwrap())[..]);
fn sha256() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::FromHex;
let f = ethereum_builtin("sha256");
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(&o8[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000").unwrap())[..]);
let i = [0u8; 0];
let mut o34 = [255u8; 34];
f(&i[..], &mut o34[..]);
assert_eq!(&o34[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("000000000000000000000000c08b5542d177ac6686946920409741463a15dddbffff").unwrap())[..]);
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a650acf9d3f5f0a2c799776a1254355d5f4061762a237396a99a0e0e3fc2bcd6729514a0dacb2e623ac4abd157cb18163ff942280db4d5caad66ddf941ba12e03").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(&o8[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("e3b0c44298fc1c14").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let mut o34 = [255u8; 34];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o34[..]);
assert_eq!(&o34[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855ffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
fn ripemd160() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::FromHex;
let f = ethereum_builtin("ripemd160");
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i = [0u8; 0];
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000000000009c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31").unwrap())[..]);
// TODO: Should this (corrupted version of the above) fail rather than returning some address?
/* let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("48173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b650acf9d3f5f0a2c799776a1254355d5f4061762a237396a99a0e0e3fc2bcd6729514a0dacb2e623ac4abd157cb18163ff942280db4d5caad66ddf941ba12e03").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);*/
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(&o8[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000").unwrap())[..]);
fn from_unknown_linear() {
let _ = Builtin::from_named_linear("dw", 10, 20);
let mut o34 = [255u8; 34];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o34[..]);
assert_eq!(&o34[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000000000009c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31ffff").unwrap())[..]);
fn from_named_linear() {
let b = Builtin::from_named_linear("identity", 10, 20);
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(0), U256::from(10));
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(1), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(32), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(33), U256::from(50));
fn ecrecover() {
use rustc_serialize::hex::FromHex;
/*let k = KeyPair::from_secret(b"test".sha3()).unwrap();
let a: Address = From::from(k.public().sha3());
println!("Address: {}", a);
let m = b"hello world".sha3();
println!("Message: {}", m);
let s = k.sign(&m).unwrap();
println!("Signed: {}", s);*/
let i = [0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let mut o = [255u8; 4];
(*b.execute)(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o);
let f = ethereum_builtin("ecrecover");
fn from_json() {
let b = Builtin::from(ethjson::spec::Builtin {
name: "identity".to_owned(),
pricing: ethjson::spec::Pricing::Linear(ethjson::spec::Linear {
base: 10,
word: 20,
let i = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b650acf9d3f5f0a2c799776a1254355d5f4061762a237396a99a0e0e3fc2bcd6729514a0dacb2e623ac4abd157cb18163ff942280db4d5caad66ddf941ba12e03").unwrap();
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(0), U256::from(10));
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(1), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(32), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!((*b.cost)(33), U256::from(50));
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("000000000000000000000000c08b5542d177ac6686946920409741463a15dddb").unwrap())[..]);
let i = [0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let mut o = [255u8; 4];
(*b.execute)(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o);
let mut o8 = [255u8; 8];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o8[..]);
assert_eq!(&o8[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("0000000000000000").unwrap())[..]);
let mut o34 = [255u8; 34];
f.execute(&i[..], &mut o34[..]);
assert_eq!(&o34[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("000000000000000000000000c08b5542d177ac6686946920409741463a15dddbffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a650acf9d3f5f0a2c799776a1254355d5f4061762a237396a99a0e0e3fc2bcd6729514a0dacb2e623ac4abd157cb18163ff942280db4d5caad66ddf941ba12e03").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);
// TODO: Should this (corrupted version of the above) fail rather than returning some address?
/* let i_bad = FromHex::from_hex("48173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001b650acf9d3f5f0a2c799776a1254355d5f4061762a237396a99a0e0e3fc2bcd6729514a0dacb2e623ac4abd157cb18163ff942280db4d5caad66ddf941ba12e03").unwrap();
let mut o = [255u8; 32];
f.execute(&i_bad[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(&o[..], &(FromHex::from_hex("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff").unwrap())[..]);*/
fn from_unknown_linear() {
let _ = ethereum_builtin("foo");
fn from_named_linear() {
let pricer = Box::new(Linear { base: 10, word: 20 });
let b = Builtin {
pricer: pricer as Box<Pricer>,
native: ethereum_builtin("identity"),
assert_eq!(b.cost(0), U256::from(10));
assert_eq!(b.cost(1), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!(b.cost(32), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!(b.cost(33), U256::from(50));
let i = [0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let mut o = [255u8; 4];
b.execute(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o);
fn from_json() {
let b = Builtin::from(ethjson::spec::Builtin {
name: "identity".to_owned(),
pricing: ethjson::spec::Pricing::Linear(ethjson::spec::Linear {
base: 10,
word: 20,
assert_eq!(b.cost(0), U256::from(10));
assert_eq!(b.cost(1), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!(b.cost(32), U256::from(30));
assert_eq!(b.cost(33), U256::from(50));
let i = [0u8, 1, 2, 3];
let mut o = [255u8; 4];
b.execute(&i[..], &mut o[..]);
assert_eq!(i, o);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user