Parity as a library (#8412)

* Parity as a library

* Fix concerns

* Allow using a null on_client_restart_cb

* Fix more concerns

* Test the C library in

* Reduce CMake version to 3.5

* Move the clib test before cargo test

* Add println in test
This commit is contained in:
Pierre Krieger 2018-05-09 08:47:21 +02:00 committed by Afri Schoedon
parent 28c731881f
commit ac3de4c5fc
16 changed files with 705 additions and 337 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -1954,7 +1954,6 @@ dependencies = [
"ethcore-private-tx 1.0.0",
"ethcore-secretstore 1.0.0",
"ethcore-service 0.1.0",
"ethcore-stratum 1.12.0",
"ethcore-sync 1.12.0",
"ethcore-transaction 0.1.0",
"ethereum-types 0.3.1 (registry+",
@ -2008,6 +2007,13 @@ dependencies = [
"winapi 0.3.4 (registry+",
name = "parity-clib"
version = "1.12.0"
dependencies = [
"parity 1.12.0",
name = "parity-dapps"
version = "1.12.0"

View File

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ ethcore-miner = { path = "miner" }
ethcore-network = { path = "util/network" }
ethcore-private-tx = { path = "ethcore/private-tx" }
ethcore-service = { path = "ethcore/service" }
ethcore-stratum = { path = "ethcore/stratum" }
ethcore-sync = { path = "ethcore/sync" }
ethcore-transaction = { path = "ethcore/transaction" }
ethereum-types = "0.3"
@ -108,6 +107,9 @@ slow-blocks = ["ethcore/slow-blocks"]
secretstore = ["ethcore-secretstore"]
final = ["parity-version/final"]
path = "parity/"
path = "parity/"
name = "parity"
@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ members = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_executable(parity-example main.cpp)
COMMAND cargo build -p parity-clib # Note: use --release in a real project
add_dependencies(parity-example libparity)
target_link_libraries(parity-example "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../target/debug/")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <parity.h>
void on_restart(void*, const char*, size_t) {}
int main() {
ParityParams cfg = { 0 };
cfg.on_client_restart_cb = on_restart;
const char* args[] = {"--light"};
size_t str_lens[] = {7};
if (parity_config_from_cli(args, str_lens, 1, &cfg.configuration) != 0) {
return 1;
void* parity;
if (parity_start(&cfg, &parity) != 0) {
return 1;
if (parity != NULL) {
return 0;

parity-clib/Cargo.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
description = "C bindings for the Parity Ethereum client"
name = "parity-clib"
version = "1.12.0"
license = "GPL-3.0"
authors = ["Parity Technologies <>"]
name = "parity"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "staticlib"]
parity = { path = "../", default-features = false }
default = []
final = ["parity/final"]

parity-clib/parity.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Copyright 2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
#include <stddef.h>
/// Parameters to pass to `parity_start`.
struct ParityParams {
/// Configuration object, as handled by the `parity_config_*` functions.
/// Note that calling `parity_start` will destroy the configuration object (even on failure).
void *configuration;
/// Callback function to call when the client receives an RPC request to change its chain spec.
/// Will only be called if you enable the `--can-restart` flag.
/// The first parameter of the callback is the value of `on_client_restart_cb_custom`.
/// The second and third parameters of the callback are the string pointer and length.
void (*on_client_restart_cb)(void* custom, const char* new_chain, size_t new_chain_len);
/// Custom parameter passed to the `on_client_restart_cb` callback as first parameter.
void *on_client_restart_cb_custom;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/// Builds a new configuration object by parsing a list of CLI arguments.
/// The first two parameters are string pointers and string lengths. They must have a length equal
/// to `len`. The strings don't need to be zero-terminated.
/// On success, the produced object will be written to the `void*` pointed by `out`.
/// Returns 0 on success, and non-zero on error.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// void* cfg;
/// const char *args[] = {"--light", "--can-restart"};
/// size_t str_lens[] = {7, 13};
/// if (parity_config_from_cli(args, str_lens, 2, &cfg) != 0) {
/// return 1;
/// }
/// ```
int parity_config_from_cli(char const* const* args, size_t const* arg_lens, size_t len, void** out);
/// Destroys a configuration object created earlier.
/// **Important**: You probably don't need to call this function. Calling `parity_start` destroys
/// the configuration object as well (even on failure).
void parity_config_destroy(void* cfg);
/// Starts the parity client in background threads. Returns a pointer to a struct that represents
/// the running client. Can also return NULL if the execution completes instantly.
/// **Important**: The configuration object passed inside `cfg` is destroyed when you
/// call `parity_start` (even on failure).
/// On success, the produced object will be written to the `void*` pointed by `out`.
/// Returns 0 on success, and non-zero on error.
int parity_start(const ParityParams* params, void** out);
/// Destroys the parity client created with `parity_start`.
/// **Warning**: `parity_start` can return NULL if execution finished instantly, in which case you
/// must not call this function.
void parity_destroy(void* parity);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // include guard

parity-clib/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// Copyright 2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Note that all the structs and functions here are documented in `parity.h`, to avoid
//! duplicating documentation.
extern crate parity;
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void, c_int};
use std::panic;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
pub struct ParityParams {
pub configuration: *mut c_void,
pub on_client_restart_cb: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const c_char, usize)>,
pub on_client_restart_cb_custom: *mut c_void,
pub extern fn parity_config_from_cli(args: *const *const c_char, args_lens: *const usize, len: usize, output: *mut *mut c_void) -> c_int {
unsafe {
panic::catch_unwind(|| {
*output = ptr::null_mut();
let args = {
let arg_ptrs = slice::from_raw_parts(args, len);
let arg_lens = slice::from_raw_parts(args_lens, len);
let mut args = Vec::with_capacity(len + 1);
for (&arg, &len) in arg_ptrs.iter().zip(arg_lens.iter()) {
let string = slice::from_raw_parts(arg as *const u8, len);
match String::from_utf8(string.to_owned()) {
Ok(a) => args.push(a),
Err(_) => return 1,
match parity::Configuration::parse_cli(&args) {
Ok(mut cfg) => {
// Always disable the auto-updater when used as a library.
cfg.args.arg_auto_update = "none".to_owned();
let cfg = Box::into_raw(Box::new(cfg));
*output = cfg as *mut _;
Err(_) => {
pub extern fn parity_config_destroy(cfg: *mut c_void) {
unsafe {
let _ = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
let _cfg = Box::from_raw(cfg as *mut parity::Configuration);
pub extern fn parity_start(cfg: *const ParityParams, output: *mut *mut c_void) -> c_int {
unsafe {
panic::catch_unwind(|| {
*output = ptr::null_mut();
let cfg: &ParityParams = &*cfg;
let config = Box::from_raw(cfg.configuration as *mut parity::Configuration);
let on_client_restart_cb = {
struct Cb(Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const c_char, usize)>, *mut c_void);
unsafe impl Send for Cb {}
unsafe impl Sync for Cb {}
impl Cb {
fn call(&self, new_chain: String) {
if let Some(ref cb) = self.0 {
cb(self.1, new_chain.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *const _, new_chain.len())
let cb = Cb(cfg.on_client_restart_cb, cfg.on_client_restart_cb_custom);
move |new_chain: String| {; }
let action = match parity::start(*config, on_client_restart_cb, || {}) {
Ok(action) => action,
Err(_) => return 1,
match action {
parity::ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s)) => { println!("{}", s); 0 },
parity::ExecutionAction::Instant(None) => 0,
parity::ExecutionAction::Running(client) => {
*output = Box::into_raw(Box::<parity::RunningClient>::new(client)) as *mut c_void;
pub extern fn parity_destroy(client: *mut c_void) {
unsafe {
let _ = panic::catch_unwind(|| {
let client = Box::from_raw(client as *mut parity::RunningClient);

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ use params::{SpecType, Pruning, Switch, tracing_switch_to_bool, fatdb_switch_to_
use helpers::{to_client_config, execute_upgrades};
use dir::Directories;
use user_defaults::UserDefaults;
use fdlimit;
use ethcore_private_tx;
use db;
@ -178,8 +177,6 @@ fn execute_import_light(cmd: ImportBlockchain) -> Result<(), String> {
// load user defaults
let user_defaults = UserDefaults::load(&user_defaults_path)?;
// select pruning algorithm
let algorithm = cmd.pruning.to_algorithm(&user_defaults);
@ -327,8 +324,6 @@ fn execute_import(cmd: ImportBlockchain) -> Result<(), String> {
// load user defaults
let mut user_defaults = UserDefaults::load(&user_defaults_path)?;
// select pruning algorithm
let algorithm = cmd.pruning.to_algorithm(&user_defaults);
@ -518,8 +513,6 @@ fn start_client(
// load user defaults
let user_defaults = UserDefaults::load(&user_defaults_path)?;
// select pruning algorithm
let algorithm = pruning.to_algorithm(&user_defaults);

View File

@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ macro_rules! usage {
/// Parsed command line arguments.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Args {

View File

@ -92,23 +92,30 @@ pub struct Execute {
pub cmd: Cmd,
/// Configuration for the Parity client.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Configuration {
/// Arguments to be interpreted.
pub args: Args,
impl Configuration {
pub fn parse<S: AsRef<str>>(command: &[S]) -> Result<Self, ArgsError> {
let args = Args::parse(command)?;
/// Parses a configuration from a list of command line arguments.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let _cfg = parity::Configuration::parse_cli(&["--light", "--chain", "koven"]).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse_cli<S: AsRef<str>>(command: &[S]) -> Result<Self, ArgsError> {
let config = Configuration {
args: args,
args: Args::parse(command)?,
pub fn into_command(self) -> Result<Execute, String> {
pub(crate) fn into_command(self) -> Result<Execute, String> {
let dirs = self.directories();
let pruning = self.args.arg_pruning.parse()?;
let pruning_history = self.args.arg_pruning_history;
@ -1843,7 +1850,7 @@ mod tests {
let filename = tempdir.path().join("peers");
File::create(&filename).unwrap().write_all(b" \n\t\n").unwrap();
let args = vec!["parity", "--reserved-peers", filename.to_str().unwrap()];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
@ -1853,7 +1860,7 @@ mod tests {
let filename = tempdir.path().join("peers_comments");
File::create(&filename).unwrap().write_all(b"# Sample comment\nenode://6f8a80d14311c39f35f516fa664deaaaa13e85b2f7493f37f6144d86991ec012937307647bd3b9a82abe2974e1407241d54947bbb39763a4cac9f77166ad92a0@\n").unwrap();
let args = vec!["parity", "--reserved-peers", filename.to_str().unwrap()];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
let reserved_nodes = conf.init_reserved_nodes();
assert_eq!(reserved_nodes.unwrap().len(), 1);
@ -1862,7 +1869,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_dev_preset() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--config", "dev"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_settings.chain, "dev");
@ -1876,7 +1883,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_mining_preset() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--config", "mining"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_conf.min_peers, 50);
@ -1898,7 +1905,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_non_standard_ports_preset() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--config", "non-standard-ports"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_settings.network_port, 30305);
@ -1911,7 +1918,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_insecure_preset() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--config", "insecure"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.update_policy.require_consensus, false);
@ -1931,7 +1938,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_dev_insecure_preset() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--config", "dev-insecure"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_settings.chain, "dev");
@ -1954,7 +1961,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_override_preset() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--config", "mining", "--min-peers=99"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_conf.min_peers, 99);
@ -2077,7 +2084,7 @@ mod tests {
fn should_respect_only_max_peers_and_default() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--max-peers=50"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_conf.min_peers, 25);
@ -2090,7 +2097,7 @@ mod tests {
fn should_respect_only_max_peers_less_than_default() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--max-peers=5"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_conf.min_peers, 5);
@ -2103,7 +2110,7 @@ mod tests {
fn should_respect_only_min_peers_and_default() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--min-peers=5"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_conf.min_peers, 5);
@ -2116,7 +2123,7 @@ mod tests {
fn should_respect_only_min_peers_and_greater_than_default() {
let args = vec!["parity", "--min-peers=500"];
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap();
let conf = Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap();
match conf.into_command().unwrap().cmd {
Cmd::Run(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.net_conf.min_peers, 500);

parity/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
//! Ethcore client application.
extern crate ansi_term;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate clap;
extern crate dir;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate futures;
extern crate futures_cpupool;
extern crate atty;
extern crate jsonrpc_core;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate number_prefix;
extern crate parking_lot;
extern crate regex;
extern crate rlp;
extern crate rpassword;
extern crate rustc_hex;
extern crate semver;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate toml;
extern crate ethcore;
extern crate ethcore_bytes as bytes;
extern crate ethcore_io as io;
extern crate ethcore_light as light;
extern crate ethcore_logger;
extern crate ethcore_miner as miner;
extern crate ethcore_network as network;
extern crate ethcore_private_tx;
extern crate ethcore_service;
extern crate ethcore_sync as sync;
extern crate ethcore_transaction as transaction;
extern crate ethereum_types;
extern crate ethkey;
extern crate kvdb;
extern crate node_health;
extern crate panic_hook;
extern crate parity_hash_fetch as hash_fetch;
extern crate parity_ipfs_api;
extern crate parity_local_store as local_store;
extern crate parity_reactor;
extern crate parity_rpc;
extern crate parity_updater as updater;
extern crate parity_version;
extern crate parity_whisper;
extern crate path;
extern crate rpc_cli;
extern crate node_filter;
extern crate keccak_hash as hash;
extern crate journaldb;
extern crate registrar;
extern crate log as rlog;
extern crate ethcore_secretstore;
#[cfg(feature = "dapps")]
extern crate parity_dapps;
extern crate pretty_assertions;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi;
extern crate tempdir;
mod account;
mod blockchain;
mod cache;
mod cli;
mod configuration;
mod dapps;
mod export_hardcoded_sync;
mod ipfs;
mod deprecated;
mod helpers;
mod informant;
mod light_helpers;
mod modules;
mod params;
mod presale;
mod rpc;
mod rpc_apis;
mod run;
mod secretstore;
mod signer;
mod snapshot;
mod upgrade;
mod url;
mod user_defaults;
mod whisper;
mod db;
use std::net::{TcpListener};
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::fs::File;
use ansi_term::Style;
use hash::keccak_buffer;
use cli::Args;
use configuration::{Cmd, Execute};
use deprecated::find_deprecated;
use ethcore_logger::{Config as LogConfig, setup_log};
pub use self::configuration::Configuration;
pub use self::run::RunningClient;
fn print_hash_of(maybe_file: Option<String>) -> Result<String, String> {
if let Some(file) = maybe_file {
let mut f = BufReader::new(File::open(&file).map_err(|_| "Unable to open file".to_owned())?);
let hash = keccak_buffer(&mut f).map_err(|_| "Unable to read from file".to_owned())?;
Ok(format!("{:x}", hash))
} else {
Err("Streaming from standard input not yet supported. Specify a file.".to_owned())
/// Action that Parity performed when running `start`.
pub enum ExecutionAction {
/// The execution didn't require starting a node, and thus has finished.
/// Contains the string to print on stdout, if any.
/// The client has started running and must be shut down manually by calling `shutdown`.
/// If you don't call `shutdown()`, execution will continue in the background.
fn execute<Cr, Rr>(command: Execute, on_client_rq: Cr, on_updater_rq: Rr) -> Result<ExecutionAction, String>
where Cr: Fn(String) + 'static + Send,
Rr: Fn() + 'static + Send
// TODO: move this to `main()` and expose in the C API so that users can setup logging the way
// they want
let logger = setup_log(&command.logger).expect("Logger is initialized only once; qed");
match command.cmd {
Cmd::Run(run_cmd) => {
if run_cmd.ui_conf.enabled && !run_cmd.ui_conf.info_page_only {
warn!("{}", Style::new().bold().paint("Parity browser interface is deprecated. It's going to be removed in the next version, use standalone Parity UI instead."));
warn!("{}", Style::new().bold().paint("Standalone Parity UI:"));
if run_cmd.ui && run_cmd.dapps_conf.enabled {
// Check if Parity is already running
let addr = format!("{}:{}", run_cmd.ui_conf.interface, run_cmd.ui_conf.port);
if !TcpListener::bind(&addr as &str).is_ok() {
return open_ui(&run_cmd.ws_conf, &run_cmd.ui_conf, &run_cmd.logger_config).map(|_| ExecutionAction::Instant(None));
// start ui
if run_cmd.ui {
open_ui(&run_cmd.ws_conf, &run_cmd.ui_conf, &run_cmd.logger_config)?;
if let Some(ref dapp) = run_cmd.dapp {
open_dapp(&run_cmd.dapps_conf, &run_cmd.http_conf, dapp)?;
let outcome = run::execute(run_cmd, logger, on_client_rq, on_updater_rq)?;
Cmd::Version => Ok(ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(Args::print_version()))),
Cmd::Hash(maybe_file) => print_hash_of(maybe_file).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::Account(account_cmd) => account::execute(account_cmd).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::ImportPresaleWallet(presale_cmd) => presale::execute(presale_cmd).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::Blockchain(blockchain_cmd) => blockchain::execute(blockchain_cmd).map(|_| ExecutionAction::Instant(None)),
Cmd::SignerToken(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config) => signer::execute(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::SignerSign { id, pwfile, port, authfile } => rpc_cli::signer_sign(id, pwfile, port, authfile).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::SignerList { port, authfile } => rpc_cli::signer_list(port, authfile).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::SignerReject { id, port, authfile } => rpc_cli::signer_reject(id, port, authfile).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::Snapshot(snapshot_cmd) => snapshot::execute(snapshot_cmd).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
Cmd::ExportHardcodedSync(export_hs_cmd) => export_hardcoded_sync::execute(export_hs_cmd).map(|s| ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s))),
/// Starts the parity client.
/// `on_client_rq` is the action to perform when the client receives an RPC request to be restarted
/// with a different chain.
/// `on_updater_rq` is the action to perform when the updater has a new binary to execute.
/// The first parameter is the command line arguments that you would pass when running the parity
/// binary.
/// On error, returns what to print on stderr.
pub fn start<Cr, Rr>(conf: Configuration, on_client_rq: Cr, on_updater_rq: Rr) -> Result<ExecutionAction, String>
where Cr: Fn(String) + 'static + Send,
Rr: Fn() + 'static + Send
let deprecated = find_deprecated(&conf.args);
for d in deprecated {
println!("{}", d);
execute(conf.into_command()?, on_client_rq, on_updater_rq)
fn open_ui(ws_conf: &rpc::WsConfiguration, ui_conf: &rpc::UiConfiguration, logger_config: &LogConfig) -> Result<(), String> {
if !ui_conf.enabled {
return Err("Cannot use UI command with UI turned off.".into())
let token = signer::generate_token_and_url(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config)?;
// Open a browser
url::open(&token.url).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;
// Print a message
println!("{}", token.message);
fn open_dapp(dapps_conf: &dapps::Configuration, rpc_conf: &rpc::HttpConfiguration, dapp: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
if !dapps_conf.enabled {
return Err("Cannot use DAPP command with Dapps turned off.".into())
let url = format!("http://{}:{}/{}/", rpc_conf.interface, rpc_conf.port, dapp);
url::open(&url).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@ -18,187 +18,28 @@
extern crate ansi_term;
extern crate parity;
extern crate ctrlc;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate clap;
extern crate dir;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate fdlimit;
extern crate futures;
extern crate futures_cpupool;
extern crate atty;
extern crate jsonrpc_core;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate number_prefix;
extern crate parking_lot;
extern crate regex;
extern crate rlp;
extern crate rpassword;
extern crate rustc_hex;
extern crate semver;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate toml;
extern crate ethcore;
extern crate ethcore_bytes as bytes;
extern crate ethcore_io as io;
extern crate ethcore_light as light;
extern crate ethcore_logger;
extern crate ethcore_miner as miner;
extern crate ethcore_network as network;
extern crate ethcore_private_tx;
extern crate ethcore_service;
extern crate ethcore_sync as sync;
extern crate ethcore_transaction as transaction;
extern crate ethereum_types;
extern crate ethkey;
extern crate kvdb;
extern crate node_health;
extern crate log;
extern crate panic_hook;
extern crate parity_hash_fetch as hash_fetch;
extern crate parity_ipfs_api;
extern crate parity_local_store as local_store;
extern crate parity_reactor;
extern crate parity_rpc;
extern crate parity_updater as updater;
extern crate parity_version;
extern crate parity_whisper;
extern crate path;
extern crate rpc_cli;
extern crate node_filter;
extern crate keccak_hash as hash;
extern crate journaldb;
extern crate registrar;
extern crate log as rlog;
extern crate ethcore_stratum;
extern crate ethcore_secretstore;
#[cfg(feature = "dapps")]
extern crate parity_dapps;
extern crate pretty_assertions;
extern crate parking_lot;
#[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi;
extern crate tempdir;
mod account;
mod blockchain;
mod cache;
mod cli;
mod configuration;
mod dapps;
mod export_hardcoded_sync;
mod ipfs;
mod deprecated;
mod helpers;
mod informant;
mod light_helpers;
mod modules;
mod params;
mod presale;
mod rpc;
mod rpc_apis;
mod run;
mod secretstore;
mod signer;
mod snapshot;
mod upgrade;
mod url;
mod user_defaults;
mod whisper;
mod db;
mod stratum;
use std::{process, env};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::{self as stdio, BufReader, Read, Write};
use std::io::{self as stdio, Read, Write};
use std::fs::{remove_file, metadata, File, create_dir_all};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use hash::keccak_buffer;
use cli::Args;
use configuration::{Cmd, Execute, Configuration};
use deprecated::find_deprecated;
use ethcore_logger::setup_log;
use std::sync::Arc;
use ctrlc::CtrlC;
use dir::default_hypervisor_path;
fn print_hash_of(maybe_file: Option<String>) -> Result<String, String> {
if let Some(file) = maybe_file {
let mut f = BufReader::new(File::open(&file).map_err(|_| "Unable to open file".to_owned())?);
let hash = keccak_buffer(&mut f).map_err(|_| "Unable to read from file".to_owned())?;
Ok(format!("{:x}", hash))
} else {
Err("Streaming from standard input not yet supported. Specify a file.".to_owned())
enum PostExecutionAction {
fn execute(command: Execute, can_restart: bool) -> Result<PostExecutionAction, String> {
let logger = setup_log(&command.logger).expect("Logger is initialized only once; qed");
match command.cmd {
Cmd::Run(run_cmd) => {
let (restart, spec_name) = run::execute(run_cmd, can_restart, logger)?;
Ok(if restart { PostExecutionAction::Restart(spec_name) } else { PostExecutionAction::Quit })
Cmd::Version => Ok(PostExecutionAction::Print(Args::print_version())),
Cmd::Hash(maybe_file) => print_hash_of(maybe_file).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::Account(account_cmd) => account::execute(account_cmd).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::ImportPresaleWallet(presale_cmd) => presale::execute(presale_cmd).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::Blockchain(blockchain_cmd) => blockchain::execute(blockchain_cmd).map(|_| PostExecutionAction::Quit),
Cmd::SignerToken(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config) => signer::execute(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::SignerSign { id, pwfile, port, authfile } => rpc_cli::signer_sign(id, pwfile, port, authfile).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::SignerList { port, authfile } => rpc_cli::signer_list(port, authfile).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::SignerReject { id, port, authfile } => rpc_cli::signer_reject(id, port, authfile).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::Snapshot(snapshot_cmd) => snapshot::execute(snapshot_cmd).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
Cmd::ExportHardcodedSync(export_hs_cmd) => export_hardcoded_sync::execute(export_hs_cmd).map(|s| PostExecutionAction::Print(s)),
fn start(mut args: Vec<String>) -> Result<PostExecutionAction, String> {
args.insert(0, "parity".to_owned());
let conf = Configuration::parse(&args).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
let can_restart = conf.args.flag_can_restart;
let deprecated = find_deprecated(&conf.args);
for d in deprecated {
println!("{}", d);
let cmd = conf.into_command()?;
execute(cmd, can_restart)
fn stratum_main(_: &mut HashMap<String, fn()>) {}
fn stratum_main(alt_mains: &mut HashMap<String, fn()>) {
alt_mains.insert("stratum".to_owned(), stratum::main);
fn sync_main(_: &mut HashMap<String, fn()>) {}
use fdlimit::raise_fd_limit;
use parity::{start, ExecutionAction};
use parking_lot::{Condvar, Mutex};
fn updates_path(name: &str) -> PathBuf {
let mut dest = PathBuf::from(default_hypervisor_path());
@ -275,48 +116,68 @@ const PLEASE_RESTART_EXIT_CODE: i32 = 69;
// Returns the exit error code.
fn main_direct(force_can_restart: bool) -> i32 {
let mut alt_mains = HashMap::new();
sync_main(&mut alt_mains);
stratum_main(&mut alt_mains);
let res = if let Some(f) = std::env::args().nth(1).and_then(|arg| alt_mains.get(&arg.to_string())) {
} else {
let mut args = std::env::args().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if force_can_restart && !args.iter().any(|arg| arg == "--can-restart") {
if let Some(spec_override) = take_spec_name_override() {
args.retain(|f| f != "--testnet");
args.retain(|f| !f.starts_with("--chain="));
while let Some(pos) = args.iter().position(|a| a == "--chain") {
if args.len() > pos + 1 {
args.remove(pos + 1);
match start(args) {
Ok(result) => match result {
PostExecutionAction::Print(s) => { println!("{}", s); 0 },
PostExecutionAction::Restart(spec_name_override) => {
if let Some(spec_name) = spec_name_override {
PostExecutionAction::Quit => 0,
Err(err) => {
writeln!(&mut stdio::stderr(), "{}", err).expect("StdErr available; qed");
let mut conf = {
let args = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
parity::Configuration::parse_cli(&args).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit())
if let Some(spec_override) = take_spec_name_override() {
conf.args.flag_testnet = false;
conf.args.arg_chain = spec_override;
let can_restart = force_can_restart || conf.args.flag_can_restart;
// increase max number of open files
let exit = Arc::new((Mutex::new((false, None)), Condvar::new()));
let exec = if can_restart {
let e1 = exit.clone();
let e2 = exit.clone();
move |new_chain: String| { *e1.0.lock() = (true, Some(new_chain)); e1.1.notify_all(); },
move || { *e2.0.lock() = (true, None); e2.1.notify_all(); })
} else {
trace!(target: "mode", "Not hypervised: not setting exit handlers.");
start(conf, move |_| {}, move || {})
let res = match exec {
Ok(result) => match result {
ExecutionAction::Instant(Some(s)) => { println!("{}", s); 0 },
ExecutionAction::Instant(None) => 0,
ExecutionAction::Running(client) => {
let e = exit.clone();
move || { e.1.notify_all(); }
// Wait for signal
let mut lock = exit.0.lock();
let _ = exit.1.wait(&mut lock);
match &*lock {
&(true, ref spec_name_override) => {
if let &Some(ref spec_name) = spec_name_override {
_ => 0,
Err(err) => {
writeln!(&mut stdio::stderr(), "{}", err).expect("StdErr available; qed");

View File

@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ use std::fmt;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::thread;
use std::net::{TcpListener};
use ansi_term::{Colour, Style};
use ctrlc::CtrlC;
use ansi_term::Colour;
use ethcore::account_provider::{AccountProvider, AccountProviderSettings};
use ethcore::client::{Client, Mode, DatabaseCompactionProfile, VMType, BlockChainClient, BlockInfo};
use ethcore::ethstore::ethkey;
@ -34,7 +32,6 @@ use ethcore_logger::{Config as LogConfig, RotatingLogger};
use ethcore_service::ClientService;
use sync::{self, SyncConfig};
use miner::work_notify::WorkPoster;
use fdlimit::raise_fd_limit;
use futures_cpupool::CpuPool;
use hash_fetch::{self, fetch};
use informant::{Informant, LightNodeInformantData, FullNodeInformantData};
@ -45,7 +42,6 @@ use node_filter::NodeFilter;
use node_health;
use parity_reactor::EventLoop;
use parity_rpc::{NetworkSettings, informant, is_major_importing};
use parking_lot::{Condvar, Mutex};
use updater::{UpdatePolicy, Updater};
use parity_version::version;
use ethcore_private_tx::{ProviderConfig, EncryptorConfig, SecretStoreEncryptor};
@ -65,7 +61,6 @@ use rpc;
use rpc_apis;
use secretstore;
use signer;
use url;
use db;
// how often to take periodic snapshots.
@ -138,28 +133,6 @@ pub struct RunCmd {
pub no_hardcoded_sync: bool,
pub fn open_ui(ws_conf: &rpc::WsConfiguration, ui_conf: &rpc::UiConfiguration, logger_config: &LogConfig) -> Result<(), String> {
if !ui_conf.enabled {
return Err("Cannot use UI command with UI turned off.".into())
let token = signer::generate_token_and_url(ws_conf, ui_conf, logger_config)?;
// Open a browser
url::open(&token.url).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;
// Print a message
println!("{}", token.message);
pub fn open_dapp(dapps_conf: &dapps::Configuration, rpc_conf: &rpc::HttpConfiguration, dapp: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
if !dapps_conf.enabled {
return Err("Cannot use DAPP command with Dapps turned off.".into())
let url = format!("http://{}:{}/{}/", rpc_conf.interface, rpc_conf.port, dapp);
url::open(&url).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?;
// node info fetcher for the local store.
struct FullNodeInfo {
miner: Option<Arc<Miner>>, // TODO: only TXQ needed, just use that after decoupling.
@ -415,10 +388,12 @@ fn execute_light_impl(cmd: RunCmd, logger: Arc<RotatingLogger>) -> Result<Runnin
service.register_handler(informant.clone()).map_err(|_| "Unable to register informant handler".to_owned())?;
Ok(RunningClient::Light {
keep_alive: Box::new((event_loop, service, ws_server, http_server, ipc_server, ui_server)),
Ok(RunningClient {
inner: RunningClientInner::Light {
keep_alive: Box::new((event_loop, service, ws_server, http_server, ipc_server, ui_server)),
@ -898,26 +873,27 @@ fn execute_impl<Cr, Rr>(cmd: RunCmd, logger: Arc<RotatingLogger>, on_client_rq:
// start ui
if cmd.ui {
open_ui(&cmd.ws_conf, &cmd.ui_conf, &cmd.logger_config)?;
if let Some(dapp) = cmd.dapp {
open_dapp(&cmd.dapps_conf, &cmd.http_conf, &dapp)?;
Ok(RunningClient::Full {
keep_alive: Box::new((watcher, service, updater, ws_server, http_server, ipc_server, ui_server, secretstore_key_server, ipfs_server, event_loop)),
Ok(RunningClient {
inner: RunningClientInner::Full {
keep_alive: Box::new((watcher, service, updater, ws_server, http_server, ipc_server, ui_server, secretstore_key_server, ipfs_server, event_loop)),
enum RunningClient {
/// Parity client currently executing in background threads.
/// Should be destroyed by calling `shutdown()`, otherwise execution will continue in the
/// background.
pub struct RunningClient {
inner: RunningClientInner
enum RunningClientInner {
Light {
informant: Arc<Informant<LightNodeInformantData>>,
client: Arc<LightClient>,
@ -931,9 +907,10 @@ enum RunningClient {
impl RunningClient {
fn shutdown(self) {
match self {
RunningClient::Light { informant, client, keep_alive } => {
/// Shuts down the client.
pub fn shutdown(self) {
match self.inner {
RunningClientInner::Light { informant, client, keep_alive } => {
// Create a weak reference to the client so that we can wait on shutdown
// until it is dropped
let weak_client = Arc::downgrade(&client);
@ -943,7 +920,7 @@ impl RunningClient {
RunningClient::Full { informant, client, keep_alive } => {
RunningClientInner::Full { informant, client, keep_alive } => {
info!("Finishing work, please wait...");
// Create a weak reference to the client so that we can wait on shutdown
// until it is dropped
@ -961,51 +938,24 @@ impl RunningClient {
pub fn execute(cmd: RunCmd, can_restart: bool, logger: Arc<RotatingLogger>) -> Result<(bool, Option<String>), String> {
if cmd.ui_conf.enabled && !cmd.ui_conf.info_page_only {
warn!("{}", Style::new().bold().paint("Parity browser interface is deprecated. It's going to be removed in the next version, use standalone Parity UI instead."));
warn!("{}", Style::new().bold().paint("Standalone Parity UI:"));
if cmd.ui && cmd.dapps_conf.enabled {
// Check if Parity is already running
let addr = format!("{}:{}", cmd.ui_conf.interface, cmd.ui_conf.port);
if !TcpListener::bind(&addr as &str).is_ok() {
return open_ui(&cmd.ws_conf, &cmd.ui_conf, &cmd.logger_config).map(|_| (false, None));
// increase max number of open files
let exit = Arc::new((Mutex::new((false, None)), Condvar::new()));
let running_client = if cmd.light {
execute_light_impl(cmd, logger)?
} else if can_restart {
let e1 = exit.clone();
let e2 = exit.clone();
execute_impl(cmd, logger,
move |new_chain: String| { *e1.0.lock() = (true, Some(new_chain)); e1.1.notify_all(); },
move || { *e2.0.lock() = (true, None); e2.1.notify_all(); })?
/// Executes the given run command.
/// `on_client_rq` is the action to perform when the client receives an RPC request to be restarted
/// with a different chain.
/// `on_updater_rq` is the action to perform when the updater has a new binary to execute.
/// On error, returns what to print on stderr.
pub fn execute<Cr, Rr>(cmd: RunCmd, logger: Arc<RotatingLogger>,
on_client_rq: Cr, on_updater_rq: Rr) -> Result<RunningClient, String>
where Cr: Fn(String) + 'static + Send,
Rr: Fn() + 'static + Send
if cmd.light {
execute_light_impl(cmd, logger)
} else {
trace!(target: "mode", "Not hypervised: not setting exit handlers.");
execute_impl(cmd, logger, move |_| {}, move || {})?
// Handle possible exits
let e = exit.clone();
move || { e.1.notify_all(); }
// Wait for signal
let mut l = exit.0.lock();
let _ = exit.1.wait(&mut l);
execute_impl(cmd, logger, on_client_rq, on_updater_rq)

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ use params::{SpecType, Pruning, Switch, tracing_switch_to_bool, fatdb_switch_to_
use helpers::{to_client_config, execute_upgrades};
use dir::Directories;
use user_defaults::UserDefaults;
use fdlimit;
use ethcore_private_tx;
use db;
@ -149,8 +148,6 @@ impl SnapshotCommand {
// load user defaults
let user_defaults = UserDefaults::load(&user_defaults_path)?;
// select pruning algorithm
let algorithm = self.pruning.to_algorithm(&user_defaults);

View File

@ -80,8 +80,9 @@ pub fn open(url: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub fn open(_url: &str) {
pub fn open(_url: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
// TODO: While it is generally always bad to leave a function implemented, there is not much
// more we can do here. This function will eventually be removed when we compile Parity
// as a library and not as a full binary.

View File

@ -40,8 +40,18 @@ echo "________Validate chainspecs________"
# Running test's
# Running the C example
echo "________Running the C example________"
cd parity-clib-example && \
mkdir -p build && \
cd build && \
cmake .. && \
make && \
./parity-example && \
cd .. && \
rm -rf build && \
cd ..
# Running tests
echo "________Running Parity Full Test Suite________"
cargo test -j 8 $OPTIONS --features "$FEATURES" --all $1