Use JournalDB instead of OverlayDB.
This commit is contained in:
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ mod tests {
fn storage_at() {
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new_temp();
let rlp = {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
a.set_storage(H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64)), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64)));
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ mod tests {
fn note_code() {
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new_temp();
let rlp = {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ mod tests {
fn commit_storage() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new_temp();
a.set_storage(x!(0), x!(0x1234));
assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), None);
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ mod tests {
fn commit_remove_commit_storage() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new_temp();
a.set_storage(x!(0), x!(0x1234));
a.commit_storage(&mut db);
a.set_storage(x!(1), x!(0x1234));
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ mod tests {
fn commit_code() {
let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8));
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new_temp();
a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]);
assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY);
a.commit_code(&mut db);
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ pub struct SealedBlock {
impl<'x, 'y> OpenBlock<'x, 'y> {
/// Create a new OpenBlock ready for transaction pushing.
pub fn new<'a, 'b>(engine: &'a Engine, db: OverlayDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: &'b LastHashes, author: Address, extra_data: Bytes) -> OpenBlock<'a, 'b> {
pub fn new<'a, 'b>(engine: &'a Engine, db: JournalDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: &'b LastHashes, author: Address, extra_data: Bytes) -> OpenBlock<'a, 'b> {
let mut r = OpenBlock {
block: Block::new(State::from_existing(db, parent.state_root().clone(), engine.account_start_nonce())),
engine: engine,
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ impl<'x, 'y> ClosedBlock<'x, 'y> {
pub fn reopen(self) -> OpenBlock<'x, 'y> { self.open_block }
/// Drop this object and return the underlieing database.
pub fn drain(self) -> OverlayDB { self.open_block.block.state.drop().1 }
pub fn drain(self) -> JournalDB { self.open_block.block.state.drop().1 }
impl SealedBlock {
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ impl SealedBlock {
/// Drop this object and return the underlieing database.
pub fn drain(self) -> OverlayDB { self.block.state.drop().1 }
pub fn drain(self) -> JournalDB { self.block.state.drop().1 }
impl IsBlock for SealedBlock {
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ impl IsBlock for SealedBlock {
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header
pub fn enact<'x, 'y>(block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &'x Engine, db: OverlayDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: &'y LastHashes) -> Result<ClosedBlock<'x, 'y>, Error> {
pub fn enact<'x, 'y>(block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &'x Engine, db: JournalDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: &'y LastHashes) -> Result<ClosedBlock<'x, 'y>, Error> {
let header = BlockView::new(block_bytes).header_view();
let s = State::from_existing(db.clone(), parent.state_root().clone(), engine.account_start_nonce());
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ pub fn enact<'x, 'y>(block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &'x Engine, db: OverlayDB, pare
/// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header. Seal the block aferwards
pub fn enact_and_seal(block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &Engine, db: OverlayDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: &LastHashes) -> Result<SealedBlock, Error> {
pub fn enact_and_seal(block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &Engine, db: JournalDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: &LastHashes) -> Result<SealedBlock, Error> {
let header = BlockView::new(block_bytes).header_view();
Ok(try!(try!(enact(block_bytes, engine, db, parent, last_hashes)).seal(header.seal())))
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ fn open_block() {
use spec::*;
let engine = Spec::new_test().to_engine().unwrap();
let genesis_header = engine.spec().genesis_header();
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = JournalDB::new_temp();
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut db);
let last_hashes = vec![genesis_header.hash()];
let b = OpenBlock::new(engine.deref(), db, &genesis_header, &last_hashes, Address::zero(), vec![]);
@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ fn enact_block() {
let engine = Spec::new_test().to_engine().unwrap();
let genesis_header = engine.spec().genesis_header();
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = JournalDB::new_temp();
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut db);
let b = OpenBlock::new(engine.deref(), db, &genesis_header, &vec![genesis_header.hash()], Address::zero(), vec![]).close().seal(vec![]).unwrap();
let orig_bytes = b.rlp_bytes();
let orig_db = b.drain();
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = JournalDB::new_temp();
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut db);
let e = enact_and_seal(&orig_bytes, engine.deref(), db, &genesis_header, &vec![genesis_header.hash()]).unwrap();
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ impl BlockChain {
/// Ensure that the best block does indeed have a state_root in the state DB.
/// If it doesn't, then rewind down until we find one that does and delete data to ensure that
/// later blocks will be reimported.
pub fn ensure_good(&mut self, _state: &OverlayDB) {
pub fn ensure_good(&mut self, _state: &JournalDB) {
@ -104,10 +104,12 @@ pub trait BlockChainClient : Sync + Send {
pub struct Client {
chain: Arc<RwLock<BlockChain>>,
engine: Arc<Box<Engine>>,
state_db: OverlayDB,
state_db: JournalDB,
queue: BlockQueue,
const HISTORY: u64 = 1000;
impl Client {
/// Create a new client with given spec and DB path.
pub fn new(spec: Spec, path: &Path, message_channel: IoChannel<NetSyncMessage> ) -> Result<Client, Error> {
@ -135,11 +137,12 @@ impl Client {
let mut state_path = path.to_path_buf();
let db = DB::open(&opts, state_path.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut state_db = OverlayDB::new(db);
let mut state_db = JournalDB::new(db);
let engine = Arc::new(try!(spec.to_engine()));
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut state_db);
state_db.commit().expect("Error commiting genesis state to state DB");
if engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut state_db) {
state_db.commit(0, &engine.spec().genesis_header().hash(), None).expect("Error commiting genesis state to state DB");
// chain.write().unwrap().ensure_good(&state_db);
@ -196,7 +199,8 @@ impl Client {
self.chain.write().unwrap().insert_block(&bytes); //TODO: err here?
match result.drain().commit() {
let ancient = if header.number() >= HISTORY { Some(header.number() - HISTORY) } else { None };
match result.drain().commit(header.number(), &header.hash(),|n|(n, {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
warn!(target: "client", "State DB commit failed: {:?}", e);
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ fn on_close_block() {
use super::*;
let engine = new_morden().to_engine().unwrap();
let genesis_header = engine.spec().genesis_header();
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = JournalDB::new_temp();
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut db);
let last_hashes = vec![genesis_header.hash()];
let b = OpenBlock::new(engine.deref(), db, &genesis_header, &last_hashes, Address::zero(), vec![]);
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ fn on_close_block_with_uncle() {
use super::*;
let engine = new_morden().to_engine().unwrap();
let genesis_header = engine.spec().genesis_header();
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = JournalDB::new_temp();
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut db);
let last_hashes = vec![genesis_header.hash()];
let mut b = OpenBlock::new(engine.deref(), db, &genesis_header, &last_hashes, Address::zero(), vec![]);
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ mod tests {
fn ensure_db_good() {
let engine = new_morden().to_engine().unwrap();
let genesis_header = engine.spec().genesis_header();
let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp();
let mut db = MemoryDB::new_temp();
engine.spec().ensure_db_good(&mut db);
let s = State::from_existing(db.clone(), genesis_header.state_root.clone(), engine.account_start_nonce());
assert_eq!(s.balance(&address_from_hex("0000000000000000000000000000000000000001")), U256::from(1u64));
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ impl FromJson for Spec {
impl Spec {
/// Ensure that the given state DB has the trie nodes in for the genesis state.
pub fn ensure_db_good(&self, db: &mut HashDB) {
pub fn ensure_db_good(&self, db: &mut HashDB) -> bool {
if !db.contains(&self.state_root()) {
info!("Populating genesis state...");
let mut root = H256::new();
@ -232,7 +232,8 @@ impl Spec {
info!("Genesis state is ready");
} else { false }
/// Create a new Spec from a JSON UTF-8 data resource `data`.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pub type ApplyResult = Result<Receipt, Error>;
/// Representation of the entire state of all accounts in the system.
pub struct State {
db: OverlayDB,
db: JournalDB,
root: H256,
cache: RefCell<HashMap<Address, Option<Account>>>,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ pub struct State {
impl State {
/// Creates new state with empty state root
pub fn new(mut db: OverlayDB, account_start_nonce: U256) -> State {
pub fn new(mut db: JournalDB, account_start_nonce: U256) -> State {
let mut root = H256::new();
// init trie and reset root too null
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ impl State {
/// Creates new state with existing state root
pub fn from_existing(db: OverlayDB, root: H256, account_start_nonce: U256) -> State {
pub fn from_existing(db: JournalDB, root: H256, account_start_nonce: U256) -> State {
// trie should panic! if root does not exist
let _ = SecTrieDB::new(&db, &root);
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ impl State {
/// Create temporary state object
pub fn new_temp() -> State {
Self::new(OverlayDB::new_temp(), U256::from(0u8))
Self::new(JournalDB::new_temp(), U256::from(0u8))
/// Destroy the current object and return root and database.
pub fn drop(self) -> (H256, OverlayDB) {
pub fn drop(self) -> (H256, JournalDB) {
(self.root, self.db)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ impl State {
/// Expose the underlying database; good to use for calling `state.db().commit()`.
pub fn db(&mut self) -> &mut OverlayDB {
pub fn db(&mut self) -> &mut JournalDB {
&mut self.db
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ impl JournalDB {
/// Commit all recent insert operations and historical removals from the old era
/// to the backing database.
pub fn commit(&mut self, now: u64, id: &H256, end: Option<(u64, &H256)>) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
pub fn commit(&mut self, now: u64, id: &H256, end: Option<(u64, H256)>) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
// journal format:
// [era, 0] => [ id, [insert_0, ...], [remove_0, ...] ]
// [era, 1] => [ id, [insert_0, ...], [remove_0, ...] ]
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ impl JournalDB {
})) {
let rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data);
let to_remove: Vec<H256> = rlp.val_at(if *canon_id == rlp.val_at(0) {2} else {1});
let to_remove: Vec<H256> = rlp.val_at(if canon_id == rlp.val_at(0) {2} else {1});
for i in to_remove.iter() {
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ pub use rlp::*;
pub use hashdb::*;
pub use memorydb::*;
pub use overlaydb::*;
pub use journaldb::*;
pub use math::*;
pub use chainfilter::*;
pub use crypto::*;
@ -131,10 +131,15 @@ impl OverlayDB {
/// Get the refs and value of the given key.
fn put_payload(&self, key: &H256, payload: (Bytes, u32)) {
if payload.1 > 0 {
let mut s = RlpStream::new_list(2);
self.backing.put(&key.bytes(), &s.out()).expect("Low-level database error. Some issue with your hard disk?");
} else {
self.backing.delete(&key.bytes()).expect("Low-level database error. Some issue with your hard disk?");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user