JournalDB with history overlay

This commit is contained in:
arkpar 2016-03-06 17:28:50 +01:00
parent b14b4cfef8
commit d77d9ad9d8
4 changed files with 216 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -190,6 +190,8 @@ pub struct ClientReport {
pub transactions_applied: usize,
/// How much gas has been processed so far.
pub gas_processed: U256,
/// Memory used by state DB
pub state_db_mem: usize,
impl ClientReport {
@ -222,7 +224,7 @@ pub struct Client<V = CanonVerifier> where V: Verifier {
const HISTORY: u64 = 1000;
const CLIENT_DB_VER_STR: &'static str = "4.0";
const CLIENT_DB_VER_STR: &'static str = "5.0";
impl Client<CanonVerifier> {
/// Create a new client with given spec and DB path.
@ -432,7 +434,9 @@ impl<V> Client<V> where V: Verifier {
/// Get the report.
pub fn report(&self) -> ClientReport {
let mut report =;
report.state_db_mem = self.state_db.lock().unwrap().mem_used();
/// Tick the client.

View File

@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ impl Informant {
let sync_info = sync.status();
if let (_, _, &Some(ref last_report)) = (,, {
println!("[ #{} {} ]---[ {} blk/s | {} tx/s | {} gas/s //··· {}/{} peers, #{}, {}+{} queued ···// mem: {} chain, {} queue, {} sync ]",
println!("[ #{} {} ]---[ {} blk/s | {} tx/s | {} gas/s //··· {}/{} peers, #{}, {}+{} queued ···// mem: {} db, {} chain, {} queue, {} sync ]",
(report.blocks_imported - last_report.blocks_imported) / dur,
@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ impl Informant {

View File

@ -35,17 +35,36 @@ use std::env;
/// immediately. Rather some age (based on a linear but arbitrary metric) must pass before
/// the removals actually take effect.
pub struct JournalDB {
overlay: MemoryDB,
transaction_overlay: MemoryDB,
backing: Arc<Database>,
counters: Option<Arc<RwLock<HashMap<H256, i32>>>>,
journal_overlay: Option<Arc<RwLock<JournalOverlay>>>,
struct JournalOverlay {
backing_overlay: MemoryDB,
journal: VecDeque<JournalEntry>
struct JournalEntry {
id: H256,
index: usize,
era: u64,
insertions: Vec<H256>,
deletions: Vec<H256>,
impl HeapSizeOf for JournalEntry {
fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
self.insertions.heap_size_of_children() + self.deletions.heap_size_of_children()
impl Clone for JournalDB {
fn clone(&self) -> JournalDB {
JournalDB {
overlay: MemoryDB::new(),
transaction_overlay: MemoryDB::new(),
backing: self.backing.clone(),
counters: self.counters.clone(),
journal_overlay: self.journal_overlay.clone(),
@ -60,7 +79,6 @@ const DB_VERSION_NO_JOURNAL : u32 = 3 + 256;
const PADDING : [u8; 10] = [ 0u8; 10 ];
impl JournalDB {
/// Create a new instance from file
pub fn new(path: &str) -> JournalDB {
Self::from_prefs(path, true)
@ -86,15 +104,16 @@ impl JournalDB {
with_journal = prefer_journal;
let counters = if with_journal {
let journal_overlay = if with_journal {
} else {
JournalDB {
overlay: MemoryDB::new(),
transaction_overlay: MemoryDB::new(),
backing: Arc::new(backing),
counters: counters,
journal_overlay: journal_overlay,
@ -113,71 +132,48 @@ impl JournalDB {
/// Commit all recent insert operations.
pub fn commit(&mut self, now: u64, id: &H256, end: Option<(u64, H256)>) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
let have_counters = self.counters.is_some();
if have_counters {
self.commit_with_counters(now, id, end)
let have_journal_overlay = self.journal_overlay.is_some();
if have_journal_overlay {
self.commit_with_overlay(now, id, end)
} else {
/// Drain the overlay and place it into a batch for the DB.
fn batch_overlay_insertions(overlay: &mut MemoryDB, batch: &DBTransaction) -> usize {
let mut inserts = 0usize;
let mut deletes = 0usize;
let mut insertions = 0usize;
let mut deletions = 0usize;
for i in overlay.drain().into_iter() {
let (key, (value, rc)) = i;
if rc > 0 {
assert!(rc == 1);
batch.put(&key.bytes(), &value).expect("Low-level database error. Some issue with your hard disk?");
inserts += 1;
insertions += 1;
if rc < 0 {
assert!(rc == -1);
deletes += 1;
deletions += 1;
trace!("commit: Inserted {}, Deleted {} nodes", inserts, deletes);
inserts + deletes
trace!("commit: Inserted {}, Deleted {} nodes", insertions, deletions);
insertions + deletions
/// Just commit the overlay into the backing DB.
fn commit_without_counters(&mut self) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
/// Just commit the transaction overlay into the backing DB.
fn commit_without_overlay(&mut self) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
let batch = DBTransaction::new();
let ret = Self::batch_overlay_insertions(&mut self.overlay, &batch);
let ret = Self::batch_overlay_insertions(&mut self.transaction_overlay, &batch);
Ok(ret as u32)
/// Commit all recent insert operations and historical removals from the old era
/// to the backing database.
fn commit_with_counters(&mut self, now: u64, id: &H256, end: Option<(u64, H256)>) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
// journal format:
// [era, 0] => [ id, [insert_0, ...], [remove_0, ...] ]
// [era, 1] => [ id, [insert_0, ...], [remove_0, ...] ]
// [era, n] => [ ... ]
// TODO: store reclaim_period.
// when we make a new commit, we journal the inserts and removes.
// for each end_era that we journaled that we are no passing by,
// we remove all of its removes assuming it is canonical and all
// of its inserts otherwise.
// We also keep reference counters for each key inserted in the journal to handle
// the following cases where key K must not be deleted from the DB when processing removals :
// Given H is the journal size in eras, 0 <= C <= H.
// Key K is removed in era A(N) and re-inserted in canonical era B(N + C).
// Key K is removed in era A(N) and re-inserted in non-canonical era B`(N + C).
// Key K is added in non-canonical era A'(N) canonical B(N + C).
// The counter is encreased each time a key is inserted in the journal in the commit. The list of insertions
// is saved with the era record. When the era becomes end_era and goes out of journal the counter is decreased
// and the key is safe to delete.
fn commit_with_overlay(&mut self, now: u64, id: &H256, end: Option<(u64, H256)>) -> Result<u32, UtilError> {
// record new commit's details.
trace!("commit: #{} ({}), end era: {:?}", now, id, end);
let mut counters = self.counters.as_ref().unwrap().write().unwrap();
let mut journal_overlay = self.journal_overlay.as_mut().unwrap().write().unwrap();
let batch = DBTransaction::new();
let mut index = 0usize;
@ -204,90 +200,83 @@ impl JournalDB {
let mut r = RlpStream::new_list(3);
let inserts: Vec<H256> = self.overlay.keys().iter().filter(|&(_, &c)| c > 0).map(|(key, _)| key.clone()).collect();
let mut tx = self.transaction_overlay.drain();
let inserted_keys: Vec<_> = tx.iter().filter_map(|(k, &(_, c))| if c > 0 { Some(k.clone()) } else { None }).collect();
let removed_keys: Vec<_> = tx.iter().filter_map(|(k, &(_, c))| if c < 0 { Some(k.clone()) } else { None }).collect();
// Increase counter for each inserted key no matter if the block is canonical or not.
for i in &inserts {
*counters.entry(i.clone()).or_insert(0) += 1;
let removes: Vec<H256> = self.overlay.keys().iter().filter(|&(_, &c)| c < 0).map(|(key, _)| key.clone()).collect();
let insertions = tx.drain().filter_map(|(k, (v, c))| if c > 0 { Some((k, v)) } else { None });
for (k, v) in insertions {
journal_overlay.backing_overlay.emplace(k, v);
try!(batch.put(&last, r.as_raw()));
try!(batch.put(&LATEST_ERA_KEY, &encode(&now)));
journal_overlay.journal.push_back(JournalEntry { id: id.clone(), index: index, era: now, insertions: inserted_keys, deletions: removed_keys });
// apply old commits' details
if let Some((end_era, canon_id)) = end {
let mut index = 0usize;
let mut last;
let mut to_remove: Vec<H256> = Vec::new();
let mut canon_inserts: Vec<H256> = Vec::new();
while let Some(rlp_data) = try!(self.backing.get({
let mut canon_insertions: Vec<(H256, Bytes)> = Vec::new();
let mut canon_deletions: Vec<H256> = Vec::new();
let mut overlay_deletions: Vec<H256> = Vec::new();
while journal_overlay.journal.front().map_or(false, |e| e.era <= end_era) {
let mut journal = journal_overlay.journal.pop_front().unwrap();
//delete the record from the db
let mut r = RlpStream::new_list(3);
last = r.drain();
})) {
let rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data);
let mut inserts: Vec<H256> = rlp.val_at(1);
JournalDB::decrease_counters(&inserts, &mut counters);
// Collect keys to be removed. These are removed keys for canonical block, inserted for non-canonical
if canon_id == rlp.val_at(0) {
let mut canon_deletes: Vec<H256> = rlp.val_at(2);
trace!("Purging nodes deleted from canon: {:?}", canon_deletes);
to_remove.append(&mut canon_deletes);
canon_inserts = inserts;
trace!("commit: Delete journal for time #{}.{}: {}, (canon was {}): +{} -{} entries", end_era, journal.index,, canon_id, journal.insertions.len(), journal.deletions.len());
if canon_id == {
for h in &journal.insertions {
match journal_overlay.backing_overlay.raw(&h) {
Some(&(ref d, rc)) if rc > 0 => canon_insertions.push((h.clone(), d.clone())), //TODO: optimizie this to avoid data copy
_ => ()
else {
trace!("Purging nodes inserted in non-canon: {:?}", inserts);
to_remove.append(&mut inserts);
trace!("commit: Delete journal for time #{}.{}: {}, (canon was {}): {} entries", end_era, index, rlp.val_at::<H256>(0), canon_id, to_remove.len());
index += 1;
canon_deletions = journal.deletions;
let canon_inserts = canon_inserts.drain(..).collect::<HashSet<_>>();
// Purge removed keys if they are not referenced and not re-inserted in the canon commit
let mut deletes = 0;
trace!("Purging filtered nodes: {:?}", to_remove.iter().filter(|h| !counters.contains_key(h) && !canon_inserts.contains(h)).collect::<Vec<_>>());
for h in to_remove.iter().filter(|h| !counters.contains_key(h) && !canon_inserts.contains(h)) {
deletes += 1;
overlay_deletions.append(&mut journal.insertions);
trace!("Total nodes purged: {}", deletes);
if canon_id == {
// apply canon inserts first
for (k, v) in canon_insertions {
try!(batch.put(&k, &v));
// clean the overlay
for k in overlay_deletions {
// apply removes
for k in canon_deletions {
if !journal_overlay.backing_overlay.exists(&k) {
// Commit overlay insertions
let ret = Self::batch_overlay_insertions(&mut self.overlay, &batch);
Ok(ret as u32)
// Decrease counters for given keys. Deletes obsolete counters
fn decrease_counters(keys: &[H256], counters: &mut HashMap<H256, i32>) {
for i in keys.iter() {
let delete_counter = {
let cnt = counters.get_mut(i).expect("Missing key counter");
*cnt -= 1;
*cnt == 0
if delete_counter {
Ok(0 as u32)
fn payload(&self, key: &H256) -> Option<Bytes> {
self.backing.get(&key.bytes()).expect("Low-level database error. Some issue with your hard disk?").map(|v| v.to_vec())
fn read_counters(db: &Database) -> HashMap<H256, i32> {
let mut res = HashMap::new();
fn read_overlay(db: &Database) -> JournalOverlay {
let mut journal = VecDeque::new();
let mut overlay = MemoryDB::new();
let mut count = 0;
if let Some(val) = db.get(&LATEST_ERA_KEY).expect("Low-level database error.") {
let mut era = decode::<u64>(&val);
loop {
@ -300,10 +289,24 @@ impl JournalDB {
}).expect("Low-level database error.") {
let rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data);
let to_add: Vec<H256> = rlp.val_at(1);
for h in to_add {
*res.entry(h).or_insert(0) += 1;
let id: H256 = rlp.val_at(0);
let insertions =;
let deletions: Vec<H256> = rlp.val_at(2);
let mut inserted_keys = Vec::new();
for r in insertions.iter() {
let k: H256 = r.val_at(0);
let v: Bytes = r.val_at(1);
overlay.emplace(k.clone(), v);
count += 1;
journal.push_front(JournalEntry {
id: id,
index: index,
era: era,
insertions: inserted_keys,
deletions: deletions,
index += 1;
if index == 0 || era == 0 {
@ -312,8 +315,19 @@ impl JournalDB {
era -= 1;
trace!("Recovered {} counters", res.len());
trace!("Recovered {} overlay entries, {} journal entries", count, journal.len());
JournalOverlay { backing_overlay: overlay, journal: journal }
/// Returns heap memory size used
pub fn mem_used(&self) -> usize {
let mut mem = self.transaction_overlay.mem_used();
if let Some(ref overlay) = self.journal_overlay.as_ref() {
let overlay =;
mem += overlay.backing_overlay.mem_used();
mem += overlay.journal.heap_size_of_children();
@ -325,7 +339,7 @@ impl HashDB for JournalDB {
ret.insert(h, 1);
for (key, refs) in self.overlay.keys().into_iter() {
for (key, refs) in self.transaction_overlay.keys().into_iter() {
let refs = *ret.get(&key).unwrap_or(&0) + refs;
ret.insert(key, refs);
@ -333,12 +347,18 @@ impl HashDB for JournalDB {
fn lookup(&self, key: &H256) -> Option<&[u8]> {
let k = self.overlay.raw(key);
let k = self.transaction_overlay.raw(key);
match k {
Some(&(ref d, rc)) if rc > 0 => Some(d),
_ => {
let v = self.journal_overlay.as_ref().map_or(None, |ref j||v| v.to_vec()));
match v {
Some(x) => {
Some(&self.transaction_overlay.denote(key, x).0)
_ => {
if let Some(x) = self.payload(key) {
Some(&self.overlay.denote(key, x).0)
Some(&self.transaction_overlay.denote(key, x).0)
else {
@ -346,19 +366,21 @@ impl HashDB for JournalDB {
fn exists(&self, key: &H256) -> bool {
fn insert(&mut self, value: &[u8]) -> H256 {
fn emplace(&mut self, key: H256, value: Bytes) {
self.overlay.emplace(key, value);
self.transaction_overlay.emplace(key, value);
fn kill(&mut self, key: &H256) {
@ -492,11 +514,13 @@ mod tests {
fn reopen() {
let mut dir = ::std::env::temp_dir();
let bar = H256::random();
let foo = {
let mut jdb = JournalDB::new(dir.to_str().unwrap());
// history is 1
let foo = jdb.insert(b"foo");
jdb.emplace(bar.clone(), b"bar".to_vec());
jdb.commit(0, &b"0".sha3(), None).unwrap();
@ -510,8 +534,62 @@ mod tests {
let mut jdb = JournalDB::new(dir.to_str().unwrap());
jdb.commit(2, &b"2".sha3(), Some((1, b"1".sha3()))).unwrap();
fn reopen_remove() {
let mut dir = ::std::env::temp_dir();
let bar = H256::random();
let foo = {
let mut jdb = JournalDB::new(dir.to_str().unwrap());
// history is 1
let foo = jdb.insert(b"foo");
jdb.commit(0, &b"0".sha3(), None).unwrap();
jdb.commit(1, &b"1".sha3(), None).unwrap();
let mut jdb = JournalDB::new(dir.to_str().unwrap());
jdb.commit(2, &b"2".sha3(), Some((1, b"1".sha3()))).unwrap();
jdb.commit(3, &b"3".sha3(), Some((2, b"2".sha3()))).unwrap();
fn reopen_fork() {
let mut dir = ::std::env::temp_dir();
let (foo, bar, baz) = {
let mut jdb = JournalDB::new(dir.to_str().unwrap());
// history is 1
let foo = jdb.insert(b"foo");
let bar = jdb.insert(b"bar");
jdb.commit(0, &b"0".sha3(), None).unwrap();
let baz = jdb.insert(b"baz");
jdb.commit(1, &b"1a".sha3(), Some((0, b"0".sha3()))).unwrap();
jdb.commit(1, &b"1b".sha3(), Some((0, b"0".sha3()))).unwrap();
(foo, bar, baz)
let mut jdb = JournalDB::new(dir.to_str().unwrap());
jdb.commit(2, &b"2b".sha3(), Some((1, b"1b".sha3()))).unwrap();

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use bytes::*;
use rlp::*;
use sha3::*;
use hashdb::*;
use heapsize::*;
use std::mem;
use std::collections::HashMap;
@ -143,6 +144,11 @@ impl MemoryDB {
/// Returns the size of allocated heap memory
pub fn mem_used(&self) -> usize {
static NULL_RLP_STATIC: [u8; 1] = [0x80; 1];