diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index d8adea346..fc8322197 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -4,485 +4,163 @@ stages: - push-release - build variables: - GIT_DEPTH: "3" - SIMPLECOV: "true" RUST_BACKTRACE: "1" RUSTFLAGS: "" CARGOFLAGS: "" CI_SERVER_NAME: "GitLab CI" + LIBSSL: "libssl1.0.0 (>=1.0.0)" + CARGO_HOME: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR" cache: key: "$CI_BUILD_STAGE-$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" + paths: + - target untracked: true linux-stable: stage: build image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - rustup default stable - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release --features final $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethkey-cli - - strip target/release/parity - - strip target/release/parity-evm - - strip target/release/ethstore - - strip target/release/ethkey - - export SHA3=$(target/release/parity tools hash target/release/parity) - - md5sum target/release/parity > parity.md5 - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh amd64 - - cp target/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity - - cp target/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm - - cp target/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore - - cp target/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/parity --body target/release/parity - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/"parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" --body "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/"parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu + # ARGUMENTS: 1. BUILD_PLATFORM (target for binaries) 2. PLATFORM (target for cargo) 3. ARC (architecture) 4. & 5. CC & CXX flags + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu amd64 gcc g++ tags: - - rust - rust-stable artifacts: paths: - - target/release/parity - - target/release/parity-evm - - target/release/ethstore - - target/release/ethkey + - parity.zip name: "stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu_parity" -linux-snap: - stage: build - image: parity/snapcraft:gitlab-ci - only: - - snap - - beta - - tags - - triggers - script: - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - cd snap - - rm -rf *snap - - sed -i 's/master/'"$VER"'/g' snapcraft.yaml - - echo "Version:"$VER - - snapcraft - - ls - - cp "parity_"$CI_BUILD"_REF_NAME_amd64.snap" "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" > "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/"parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" --body "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/"parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - tags: - - rust - - rust-stable - artifacts: - paths: - - scripts/parity_*_amd64.snap - name: "stable-x86_64-unknown-snap-gnu_parity" - allow_failure: true linux-stable-debian: stage: build image: parity/rust-debian:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release --features final $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethkey-cli - - strip target/release/parity - - strip target/release/parity-evm - - strip target/release/ethstore - - strip target/release/ethkey - - export SHA3=$(target/release/parity tools hash target/release/parity) - - md5sum target/release/parity > parity.md5 - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh amd64 - - cp target/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity - - cp target/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm - - cp target/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore - - cp target/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu/parity --body target/release/parity - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu/"parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" --body "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu/"parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_amd64.deb.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu + - export LIBSSL="libssl1.1 (>=1.1.0)" + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu amd64 gcc g++ tags: - - rust - rust-debian artifacts: paths: - - target/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "stable-x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu_parity" -linux-beta: - stage: build - image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - only: - - beta - - tags - - stable - - triggers - script: - - rustup default beta - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release $CARGOFLAGS - - strip target/release/parity - tags: - - rust - - rust-beta - artifacts: - paths: - - target/release/parity - name: "beta-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu_parity" - allow_failure: true -linux-nightly: - stage: build - image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - only: - - beta - - tags - - stable - - triggers - script: - - rustup default nightly - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release $CARGOFLAGS - - strip target/release/parity - tags: - - rust - - rust-nightly - artifacts: - paths: - - target/release/parity - name: "nigthly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu_parity" - allow_failure: true linux-centos: stage: build image: parity/rust-centos:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - export CXX="g++" - - export CC="gcc" - - export PLATFORM=x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release --features final $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --release -p ethkey-cli - - strip target/release/parity - - strip target/release/parity-evm - - strip target/release/ethstore - - strip target/release/ethkey - - md5sum target/release/parity > parity.md5 - - md5sum target/release/parity-evm > parity-evm.md5 - - md5sum target/release/ethstore > ethstore.md5 - - md5sum target/release/ethkey > ethkey.md5 - - export SHA3=$(target/release/parity tools hash target/release/parity) - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity --body target/release/parity - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity-evm --body target/release/parity-evm - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/parity-evm.md5 --body parity-evm.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethstore --body target/release/ethstore - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethstore.md5 --body ethstore.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethkey --body target/release/ethkey - - aws s3api put-object --bucket builds-parity --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu/ethkey.md5 --body ethkey.md5 - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64 gcc g++ tags: - - rust - rust-centos artifacts: paths: - - target/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu_parity" linux-i686: stage: build image: parity/rust-i686:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - export HOST_CC=gcc - - export HOST_CXX=g++ - - export COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD) - - export PLATFORM=i686-unknown-linux-gnu - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli - - strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm - - strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore - - strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey - - strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 - - export SHA3=$(target/$PLATFORM/release/parity tools hash target/$PLATFORM/release/parity) - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh i386 - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_i386.deb" --body "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_i386.deb.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_i386.deb.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh i686-unknown-linux-gnu i686-unknown-linux-gnu i386 gcc g++ tags: - - rust - rust-i686 artifacts: paths: - - target/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "i686-unknown-linux-gnu" - allow_failure: true linux-armv7: stage: build image: parity/rust-armv7:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - export CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc - - export CXX=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ - - export HOST_CC=gcc - - export HOST_CXX=g++ - - export PLATFORM=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf - - rm -rf .cargo - - mkdir -p .cargo - - echo "[target.$PLATFORM]" >> .cargo/config - - echo "linker= \"arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config - - cat .cargo/config - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli - - md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 - - export SHA3=$(target/$PLATFORM/release/parity tools hash target/$PLATFORM/release/parity) - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh i386 - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey - - export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h) - - md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh armhf - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" --body "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf armhf arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ tags: - - rust - rust-arm artifacts: paths: - - target/armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "armv7_unknown_linux_gnueabihf_parity" - allow_failure: true linux-arm: stage: build image: parity/rust-arm:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - export CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc - - export CXX=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ - - export HOST_CC=gcc - - export HOST_CXX=g++ - - export PLATFORM=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf - - rm -rf .cargo - - mkdir -p .cargo - - echo "[target.$PLATFORM]" >> .cargo/config - - echo "linker= \"arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config - - cat .cargo/config - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore - - arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey - - export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h) - - md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh armhf - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" --body "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_armhf.deb.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf armhf arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ tags: - - rust - rust-arm artifacts: paths: - - target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf_parity" - allow_failure: true linux-aarch64: stage: build image: parity/rust-arm64:gitlab-ci only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - export CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc - - export CXX=aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ - - export HOST_CC=gcc - - export HOST_CXX=g++ - - export PLATFORM=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu - - rm -rf .cargo - - mkdir -p .cargo - - echo "[target.$PLATFORM]" >> .cargo/config - - echo "linker= \"aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc\"" >> .cargo/config - - cat .cargo/config - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --features final --release $CARGOFLAGS - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli - - cargo build -j $(nproc) --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli - - aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity - - aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm - - aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore - - aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey - - export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h) - - md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 - - sh scripts/deb-build.sh arm64 - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore - - cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey - - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - - dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb" - - md5sum "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb" > "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb.md5" - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb" --body "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb" - - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb.md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_arm64.deb.md5" - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu arm64 aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc aarch64-linux-gnu-g++ tags: - - rust - rust-arm artifacts: paths: - - target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu_parity" +linux-snap: + stage: build + image: parity/snapcraft:gitlab-ci + only: + - stable + - beta + - tags + - triggers + script: + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh x86_64-unknown-snap-gnu x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu amd64 gcc g++ + tags: + - rust-stable + artifacts: + paths: + - scripts/parity_*_amd64.snap + name: "stable-x86_64-unknown-snap-gnu_parity" allow_failure: true darwin: stage: build only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers - script: | - export COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD) - export PLATFORM=x86_64-apple-darwin - rustup default stable - cargo clean - cargo build -j 8 --features final --release #$CARGOFLAGS - cargo build -j 8 --release -p ethstore-cli #$CARGOFLAGS - cargo build -j 8 --release -p ethkey-cli #$CARGOFLAGS - cargo build -j 8 --release -p evmbin #$CARGOFLAGS - rm -rf parity.md5 - md5sum target/release/parity > parity.md5 - export SHA3=$(target/release/parity tools hash target/release/parity) - cd mac - xcodebuild -configuration Release - cd .. - packagesbuild -v mac/Parity.pkgproj - productsign --sign 'Developer ID Installer: PARITY TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (P2PX3JU8FT)' target/release/Parity\ Ethereum.pkg target/release/Parity\ Ethereum-signed.pkg - export VER=$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n") - mv target/release/Parity\ Ethereum-signed.pkg "parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg" - md5sum "parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg" >> "parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg.md5" - aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret - if [[ $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME =~ ^(master|beta|stable|nightly)$ ]]; then export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; else export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; fi - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity --body target/release/parity - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/parity.md5 --body parity.md5 - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg" --body "parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg" - aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM/"parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg.md5" --body "parity-"$VER"-macos-installer.pkg.md5" - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM - curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + script: + - scripts/gitlab-build.sh x86_64-apple-darwin x86_64-apple-darwin macos gcc g++ tags: - osx artifacts: paths: - - target/release/parity + - parity.zip name: "x86_64-apple-darwin_parity" windows: cache: @@ -490,80 +168,32 @@ windows: untracked: true stage: build only: + - stable - beta - tags - - stable - triggers script: - - set PLATFORM=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc - - set INCLUDE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include;C:\vs2015\VC\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10240.0\ucrt - - set LIB=C:\vs2015\VC\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64 - - set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - - set RUSTFLAGS=%RUSTFLAGS% - - rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc - - cargo clean - - cargo build --features final --release #%CARGOFLAGS% - - cargo build --release -p ethstore-cli #%CARGOFLAGS% - - cargo build --release -p ethkey-cli #%CARGOFLAGS% - - cargo build --release -p evmbin #%CARGOFLAGS% - - signtool sign /f %keyfile% /p %certpass% target\release\parity.exe - - target\release\parity.exe tools hash target\release\parity.exe > parity.sha3 - - set /P SHA3= InstallParity.exe.md5 - - zip win-installer.zip InstallParity.exe InstallParity.exe.md5 - - md5sums win-installer.zip > win-installer.zip.md5 - - cd ..\target\release\ - - md5sums parity.exe > parity.exe.md5 - - zip parity.zip parity.exe parity.md5 - - md5sums parity.zip > parity.zip.md5 - - cd ..\.. - - aws configure set aws_access_key_id %s3_key% - - aws configure set aws_secret_access_key %s3_secret% - - echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% - - echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "master" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity - - echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "beta" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity - - echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "stable" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity - - echo %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME% | findstr /R "nightly" >nul 2>&1 && set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published|| set S3_BUCKET=builds-parity - - echo %S3_BUCKET% - - aws s3 rm --recursive s3://%S3_BUCKET%/%CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.exe --body target\release\parity.exe - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.exe.md5 --body target\release\parity.exe.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.zip --body target\release\parity.zip - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/parity.zip.md5 --body target\release\parity.zip.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/InstallParity.exe --body nsis\InstallParity.exe - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/InstallParity.exe.md5 --body nsis\InstallParity.exe.md5 - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/win-installer.zip --body nsis\win-installer.zip - - aws s3api put-object --bucket %S3_BUCKET% --key %CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/win-installer.zip.md5 --body nsis\win-installer.zip.md5 - - curl --data "commit=%CI_BUILD_REF%&sha3=%SHA3%&filename=parity.exe&secret=%RELEASES_SECRET%" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/%CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/%PLATFORM% - - curl --data "commit=%CI_BUILD_REF%&sha3=%SHA3%&filename=parity.exe&secret=%RELEASES_SECRET%" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/%CI_BUILD_REF_NAME%/%PLATFORM% + - sh scripts/gitlab-build.sh x86_64-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-pc-windows-msvc installer "" "" "" tags: - rust-windows artifacts: paths: - - target/release/parity.exe - - target/release/parity.pdb - - nsis/InstallParity.exe + - parity.zip name: "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc_parity" docker-build: stage: build only: + - stable + - beta - tags - triggers before_script: - docker info script: - - if [ "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" == "beta-release" ]; then DOCKER_TAG="latest"; else DOCKER_TAG=$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME; fi + - DOCKER_TAG=$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME - echo "Tag:" $DOCKER_TAG - docker login -u $Docker_Hub_User_Parity -p $Docker_Hub_Pass_Parity - - sh scripts/docker-build.sh $DOCKER_TAG + - scripts/docker-build.sh $DOCKER_TAG - docker logout tags: - docker @@ -572,65 +202,16 @@ test-coverage: only: - master script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - - rm -rf target/* - - rm -rf js/.coverage - - scripts/cov.sh - # - COVERAGE=$(grep -Po 'covered":.*?[^\\]"' target/cov/index.json | grep "[0-9]*\.[0-9]" -o) - # - echo "Coverage:" $COVERAGE + - scripts/gitlab-test.sh test-coverage tags: - kcov allow_failure: true -test-darwin: - stage: test - only: - - triggers - before_script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - - export RUST_FILES_MODIFIED=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $CI_BUILD_REF^ $CI_BUILD_REF | grep -v -e "^js/" -e ^\\. -e ^LICENSE -e ^README.md -e ^appveyor.yml -e ^test.sh -e ^windows/ -e ^scripts/ -e^mac/ -e ^nsis/ | wc -l) - script: - - export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - - if [ $RUST_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping Rust tests since no Rust files modified."; else ./test.sh $CARGOFLAGS; fi - tags: - - osx - allow_failure: true -test-windows: - stage: test - only: - - triggers - before_script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - script: - - set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - - echo cargo test --features json-tests -p rlp -p ethash -p ethcore -p ethcore-bigint -p parity-dapps -p parity-rpc -p ethcore-util -p ethcore-network -p ethcore-io -p ethkey -p ethstore -p ethsync -p ethcore-ipc -p ethcore-ipc-tests -p ethcore-ipc-nano -p parity-rpc-client -p parity %CARGOFLAGS% --verbose --release - tags: - - rust-windows - allow_failure: true test-rust-stable: stage: test image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - before_script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - - export RUST_FILES_MODIFIED=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $CI_BUILD_REF^ $CI_BUILD_REF | grep -v -e ^js -e ^\\. -e ^LICENSE -e ^README.md -e ^test.sh -e ^windows/ -e ^scripts/ -e^mac/ -e ^nsis/ | wc -l) script: - - rustup show - - export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - - if [ $RUST_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping Rust tests since no Rust files modified."; else ./test.sh $CARGOFLAGS; fi - - if [ "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" == "nightly" ]; then sh scripts/aura-test.sh; fi + - scripts/gitlab-test.sh stable tags: - - rust - - rust-stable -js-test: - stage: test - image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - before_script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - - export JS_FILES_MODIFIED=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $CI_BUILD_REF^ $CI_BUILD_REF | grep ^js/ | wc -l) - - if [ $JS_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping JS deps install since no JS files modified."; else ./js/scripts/install-deps.sh;fi - script: - - if [ $JS_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping JS lint since no JS files modified."; else ./js/scripts/lint.sh && ./js/scripts/test.sh && ./js/scripts/build.sh; fi - tags: - - rust - rust-stable test-rust-beta: stage: test @@ -638,15 +219,9 @@ test-rust-beta: - triggers - master image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - before_script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - - export RUST_FILES_MODIFIED=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $CI_BUILD_REF^ $CI_BUILD_REF | grep -v -e ^js -e ^\\. -e ^LICENSE -e ^README.md -e ^appveyor.yml -e ^test.sh -e ^windows/ -e ^scripts/ -e^mac/ -e ^nsis/ | wc -l) script: - - rustup default beta - - export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - - if [ $RUST_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping Rust tests since no Rust files modified."; else ./test.sh $CARGOFLAGS; fi + - scripts/gitlab-test.sh beta tags: - - rust - rust-beta allow_failure: true test-rust-nightly: @@ -655,34 +230,30 @@ test-rust-nightly: - triggers - master image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - before_script: - - git submodule update --init --recursive - - export RUST_FILES_MODIFIED=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $CI_BUILD_REF^ $CI_BUILD_REF | grep -v -e ^js -e ^\\. -e ^LICENSE -e ^README.md -e ^appveyor.yml -e ^test.sh -e ^windows/ -e ^scripts/ -e^mac/ -e ^nsis/ | wc -l) script: - - rustup default nightly - - export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 - - if [ $RUST_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping Rust tests since no Rust files modified."; else ./test.sh $CARGOFLAGS; fi + - scripts/gitlab-test.sh nightly tags: - rust - rust-nightly allow_failure: true +js-test: + stage: test + image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci + script: + - scripts/gitlab-test.sh js-test + tags: + - rust-stable js-release: stage: js-build only: - master - - beta - stable + - beta - tags - triggers image: parity/rust:gitlab-ci - before_script: - - export JS_FILES_MODIFIED=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $CI_BUILD_REF^ $CI_BUILD_REF | grep ^js/ | wc -l) - - echo $JS_FILES_MODIFIED - - if [ $JS_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping JS deps install since no JS files modified."; else ./js/scripts/install-deps.sh;fi script: - - rustup default stable - - echo $JS_FILES_MODIFIED - - if [ $JS_FILES_MODIFIED -eq 0 ]; then echo "Skipping JS rebuild since no JS files modified."; else ./js/scripts/build.sh && ./js/scripts/release.sh; fi + - scripts/gitlab-test.sh js-release tags: - javascript push-release: diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock index 196e56885..63fc69cfc 100644 --- a/Cargo.lock +++ b/Cargo.lock @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ dependencies = [ "bloomable 0.1.0", "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethjson 0.1.0", "hash 0.1.0", "heapsize 0.4.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-ipc-nano 1.8.0", "ethcore-logger 1.8.0", "ethcore-stratum 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethjson 0.1.0", "ethkey 0.2.0", "ethstore 0.1.0", @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ version = "1.8.0" dependencies = [ "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-devtools 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "nanomsg 0.5.1 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/nanomsg.rs.git?branch=parity-1.7)", "semver 0.6.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", ] @@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-ipc 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-codegen 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-nano 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "log 0.3.8 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "nanomsg 0.5.1 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/nanomsg.rs.git?branch=parity-1.7)", "semver 0.6.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-ipc 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-codegen 1.8.0", "ethcore-network 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "evm 0.1.0", "futures 0.1.16 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "hash 0.1.0", @@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-devtools 1.8.0", "ethcore-io 1.8.0", "ethcore-logger 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethcrypto 0.1.0", "ethkey 0.2.0", "hash 0.1.0", @@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-ipc-codegen 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-nano 1.8.0", "ethcore-logger 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethcrypto 0.1.0", "ethkey 0.2.0", "futures 0.1.16 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-ipc-codegen 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-nano 1.8.0", "ethcore-logger 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "hash 0.1.0", "jsonrpc-core 8.0.0 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpc.git?branch=parity-1.8)", "jsonrpc-macros 8.0.0 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpc.git?branch=parity-1.8)", @@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ dependencies = [ [[package]] name = "ethcore-util" -version = "1.8.6" +version = "1.8.7" dependencies = [ "clippy 0.0.103 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "elastic-array 0.9.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-ipc-nano 1.8.0", "ethcore-light 1.8.0", "ethcore-network 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethkey 0.2.0", "hash 0.1.0", "heapsize 0.4.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ dependencies = [ "common-types 0.1.0", "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-logger 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethjson 0.1.0", "evmjit 1.8.0", "hash 0.1.0", @@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore 1.8.0", "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethjson 0.1.0", "evm 0.1.0", "panic_hook 0.1.0", @@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-ipc 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-codegen 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "semver 0.6.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", ] @@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", "ethcore-io 1.8.0", "ethcore-network 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "futures 0.1.16 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0", "log 0.3.8 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ dependencies = [ [[package]] name = "parity" -version = "1.8.6" +version = "1.8.7" dependencies = [ "ansi_term 0.9.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "app_dirs 1.1.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-network 1.8.0", "ethcore-secretstore 1.0.0", "ethcore-stratum 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethkey 0.2.0", "ethsync 1.8.0", "fdlimit 0.1.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -2150,7 +2150,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", "ethcore-devtools 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "fetch 0.1.0", "futures 0.1.16 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "futures-cpupool 0.1.6 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -2212,7 +2212,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethabi 2.0.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "fetch 0.1.0", "futures 0.1.16 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", "hash 0.1.0", @@ -2234,7 +2234,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore 1.8.0", "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "jsonrpc-core 8.0.0 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpc.git?branch=parity-1.8)", "jsonrpc-http-server 8.0.0 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpc.git?branch=parity-1.8)", "multihash 0.6.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", @@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ version = "0.1.0" dependencies = [ "ethcore 1.8.0", "ethcore-io 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethkey 0.2.0", "kvdb 0.1.0", "kvdb-memorydb 0.1.0", @@ -2264,7 +2264,7 @@ name = "parity-machine" version = "0.1.0" dependencies = [ "ethcore-bigint 0.1.3", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", ] [[package]] @@ -2292,7 +2292,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-light 1.8.0", "ethcore-logger 1.8.0", "ethcore-network 1.8.0", - "ethcore-util 1.8.6", + "ethcore-util 1.8.7", "ethcrypto 0.1.0", "ethjson 0.1.0", "ethkey 0.2.0", @@ -2374,7 +2374,7 @@ name = "parity-ui" version = "1.8.0" dependencies = [ "parity-ui-dev 1.8.0", - "parity-ui-precompiled 1.4.0 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/js-precompiled.git?branch=beta)", + "parity-ui-precompiled 1.4.0 (git+https://github.com/paritytech/js-precompiled.git?branch=stable)", "rustc_version 0.1.7 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", ] @@ -2388,7 +2388,7 @@ dependencies = [ [[package]] name = "parity-ui-precompiled" version = "1.4.0" -source = "git+https://github.com/paritytech/js-precompiled.git?branch=beta#26c6b48bfc83bb26445f6d72646773b6d5838fe4" +source = "git+https://github.com/paritytech/js-precompiled.git?branch=stable#bbc5b6c3e3a43ab21b94d37922cdbed766c7b5c8" dependencies = [ "parity-dapps-glue 1.8.0 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)", ] @@ -2403,7 +2403,7 @@ dependencies = [ "ethcore-bytes 0.1.0", "ethcore-ipc 1.8.0", "ethcore-ipc-codegen 1.8.0", - 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verify_external(header, &self.subchain_validators, &*self.step, |_| {}) + verify_external(header, &self.subchain_validators) } fn check_finality_proof(&self, proof: &[u8]) -> Option> { @@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ impl super::EpochVerifier for EpochVerifier { // // `verify_external` checks that signature is correct and author == signer. if header.seal().len() != 2 { return None } - otry!(verify_external(header, &self.subchain_validators, &*self.step, |_| {}).ok()); + otry!(verify_external(header, &self.subchain_validators).ok()); let newly_finalized = otry!(finality_checker.push_hash(header.hash(), header.author().clone()).ok()); finalized.extend(newly_finalized); @@ -327,16 +328,6 @@ impl super::EpochVerifier for EpochVerifier { } } -// Report misbehavior -#[derive(Debug)] -#[allow(dead_code)] -enum Report { - // Malicious behavior - Malicious(Address, BlockNumber, Bytes), - // benign misbehavior - Benign(Address, BlockNumber), -} - fn header_step(header: &Header) -> Result { UntrustedRlp::new(&header.seal().get(0).expect("was either checked with verify_block_basic or is genesis; has 2 fields; qed (Make sure the spec file has a correct genesis seal)")).as_val() } @@ -355,34 +346,35 @@ fn is_step_proposer(validators: &ValidatorSet, bh: &H256, step: usize, address: step_proposer(validators, bh, step) == *address } -fn verify_external(header: &Header, validators: &ValidatorSet, step: &Step, report: F) - -> Result<(), Error> -{ - let header_step = header_step(header)?; - +fn verify_timestamp(step: &Step, header_step: usize) -> Result<(), BlockError> { match step.check_future(header_step) { Err(None) => { - trace!(target: "engine", "verify_block_external: block from the future"); - report(Report::Benign(*header.author(), header.number())); - return Err(BlockError::InvalidSeal.into()) + trace!(target: "engine", "verify_timestamp: block from the future"); + Err(BlockError::InvalidSeal.into()) }, Err(Some(oob)) => { - trace!(target: "engine", "verify_block_external: block too early"); - return Err(BlockError::TemporarilyInvalid(oob).into()) + // NOTE This error might be returned only in early stage of verification (Stage 1). + // Returning it further won't recover the sync process. + trace!(target: "engine", "verify_timestamp: block too early"); + Err(BlockError::TemporarilyInvalid(oob).into()) }, - Ok(_) => { - let proposer_signature = header_signature(header)?; - let correct_proposer = validators.get(header.parent_hash(), header_step); - let is_invalid_proposer = *header.author() != correct_proposer || - !verify_address(&correct_proposer, &proposer_signature, &header.bare_hash())?; + Ok(_) => Ok(()), + } +} - if is_invalid_proposer { - trace!(target: "engine", "verify_block_external: bad proposer for step: {}", header_step); - Err(EngineError::NotProposer(Mismatch { expected: correct_proposer, found: header.author().clone() }))? - } else { - Ok(()) - } - } +fn verify_external(header: &Header, validators: &ValidatorSet) -> Result<(), Error> { + let header_step = header_step(header)?; + + let proposer_signature = header_signature(header)?; + let correct_proposer = validators.get(header.parent_hash(), header_step); + let is_invalid_proposer = *header.author() != correct_proposer || + !verify_address(&correct_proposer, &proposer_signature, &header.bare_hash())?; + + if is_invalid_proposer { + trace!(target: "engine", "verify_block_external: bad proposer for step: {}", header_step); + Err(EngineError::NotProposer(Mismatch { expected: correct_proposer, found: header.author().clone() }))? + } else { + Ok(()) } } @@ -655,26 +647,38 @@ impl Engine for AuthorityRound { /// Check the number of seal fields. fn verify_block_basic(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { if header.number() >= self.validate_score_transition && *header.difficulty() >= U256::from(U128::max_value()) { - Err(From::from(BlockError::DifficultyOutOfBounds( + return Err(From::from(BlockError::DifficultyOutOfBounds( OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(U256::from(U128::max_value())), found: *header.difficulty() } - ))) - } else { - Ok(()) + ))); + } + + // TODO [ToDr] Should this go from epoch manager? + // If yes then probably benign reporting needs to be moved further in the verification. + let set_number = header.number(); + + match verify_timestamp(&*self.step, header_step(header)?) { + Err(BlockError::InvalidSeal) => { + self.validators.report_benign(header.author(), set_number, header.number()); + Err(BlockError::InvalidSeal.into()) + } + Err(e) => Err(e.into()), + Ok(()) => Ok(()), } } /// Do the step and gas limit validation. fn verify_block_family(&self, header: &Header, parent: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { let step = header_step(header)?; - let parent_step = header_step(parent)?; + // TODO [ToDr] Should this go from epoch manager? + let set_number = header.number(); // Ensure header is from the step after parent. if step == parent_step || (header.number() >= self.validate_step_transition && step <= parent_step) { trace!(target: "engine", "Multiple blocks proposed for step {}.", parent_step); - self.validators.report_malicious(header.author(), header.number(), header.number(), Default::default()); + self.validators.report_malicious(header.author(), set_number, header.number(), Default::default()); Err(EngineError::DoubleVote(header.author().clone()))?; } @@ -687,7 +691,7 @@ impl Engine for AuthorityRound { let skipped_primary = step_proposer(&*self.validators, &parent.hash(), s); // Do not report this signer. if skipped_primary != me { - self.validators.report_benign(&skipped_primary, header.number(), header.number()); + self.validators.report_benign(&skipped_primary, set_number, header.number()); } // Stop reporting once validators start repeating. if !reported.insert(skipped_primary) { break; } @@ -702,9 +706,8 @@ impl Engine for AuthorityRound { // fetch correct validator set for current epoch, taking into account // finality of previous transitions. let active_set; - - let (validators, set_number) = if self.immediate_transitions { - (&*self.validators, header.number()) + let validators = if self.immediate_transitions { + &*self.validators } else { // get correct validator set for epoch. let client = match self.client.read().as_ref().and_then(|weak| weak.upgrade()) { @@ -722,21 +725,12 @@ impl Engine for AuthorityRound { } active_set = epoch_manager.validators().clone(); - (&active_set as &_, epoch_manager.epoch_transition_number) - }; - - // always report with "self.validators" so that the report actually gets - // to the contract. - let report = |report| match report { - Report::Benign(address, block_number) => - self.validators.report_benign(&address, set_number, block_number), - Report::Malicious(address, block_number, proof) => - self.validators.report_malicious(&address, set_number, block_number, proof), + &active_set as &_ }; // verify signature against fixed list, but reports should go to the // contract itself. - verify_external(header, validators, &*self.step, report) + verify_external(header, validators) } fn genesis_epoch_data(&self, header: &Header, call: &Call) -> Result, String> { @@ -1059,8 +1053,7 @@ mod tests { assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok()); assert!(engine.verify_block_external(&header).is_ok()); header.set_seal(vec![encode(&5usize).into_vec(), encode(&(&*signature as &[u8])).into_vec()]); - assert!(engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header).is_ok()); - assert!(engine.verify_block_external(&header).is_err()); + assert!(engine.verify_block_basic(&header).is_err()); } #[test] @@ -1200,3 +1193,4 @@ mod tests { AuthorityRound::new(params, machine).unwrap(); } } + diff --git a/ethcore/src/engines/validator_set/contract.rs b/ethcore/src/engines/validator_set/contract.rs index 05b85eba4..35251b47b 100644 --- a/ethcore/src/engines/validator_set/contract.rs +++ b/ethcore/src/engines/validator_set/contract.rs @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ mod tests { header.set_number(2); header.set_parent_hash(client.chain_info().best_block_hash); // `reportBenign` when the designated proposer releases block from the future (bad clock). - assert!(client.engine().verify_block_external(&header).is_err()); + assert!(client.engine().verify_block_basic(&header).is_err()); // Seal a block. client.engine().step(); assert_eq!(client.chain_info().best_block_number, 1); diff --git a/ethcore/src/state/mod.rs b/ethcore/src/state/mod.rs index 96fd46ec5..f5a52eea5 100644 --- a/ethcore/src/state/mod.rs +++ b/ethcore/src/state/mod.rs @@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ mod tests { } #[test] - fn should_not_trace_delegatecall() { + fn should_trace_delegatecall_properly() { init_log(); let mut state = get_temp_state(); @@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ mod tests { }.sign(&secret(), None); state.init_code(&0xa.into(), FromHex::from_hex("6000600060006000600b618000f4").unwrap()).unwrap(); - state.init_code(&0xb.into(), FromHex::from_hex("6000").unwrap()).unwrap(); + state.init_code(&0xb.into(), FromHex::from_hex("60056000526001601ff3").unwrap()).unwrap(); let result = state.apply(&info, &machine, &t, true).unwrap(); let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace { @@ -1444,23 +1444,23 @@ mod tests { call_type: CallType::Call, }), result: trace::Res::Call(trace::CallResult { - gas_used: U256::from(721), // in post-eip150 + gas_used: U256::from(736), // in post-eip150 output: vec![] }), }, FlatTrace { trace_address: vec![0].into_iter().collect(), subtraces: 0, action: trace::Action::Call(trace::Call { - from: "9cce34f7ab185c7aba1b7c8140d620b4bda941d6".into(), - to: 0xa.into(), + from: 0xa.into(), + to: 0xb.into(), value: 0.into(), gas: 32768.into(), input: vec![], call_type: CallType::DelegateCall, }), result: trace::Res::Call(trace::CallResult { - gas_used: 3.into(), - output: vec![], + gas_used: 18.into(), + output: vec![5], }), }]; diff --git a/ethcore/src/trace/types/trace.rs b/ethcore/src/trace/types/trace.rs index 8c48e6a4a..3a20a6745 100644 --- a/ethcore/src/trace/types/trace.rs +++ b/ethcore/src/trace/types/trace.rs @@ -77,13 +77,23 @@ pub struct Call { impl From for Call { fn from(p: ActionParams) -> Self { - Call { - from: p.sender, - to: p.address, - value: p.value.value(), - gas: p.gas, - input: p.data.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new), - call_type: p.call_type, + match p.call_type { + CallType::DelegateCall => Call { + from: p.address, + to: p.code_address, + value: p.value.value(), + gas: p.gas, + input: p.data.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new), + call_type: p.call_type, + }, + _ => Call { + from: p.sender, + to: p.address, + value: p.value.value(), + gas: p.gas, + input: p.data.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new), + call_type: p.call_type, + }, } } } diff --git a/mac/Parity Ethereum.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/mac/Parity Ethereum.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index 913feec70..2e41be637 100644 --- a/mac/Parity Ethereum.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/mac/Parity Ethereum.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ 0ACF9AC71E30FAB600D5C935 /* MainMenu.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0ACF9AC51E30FAB600D5C935 /* MainMenu.xib */; }; 0AE564F11E3CE42C00BD01F7 /* GetBSDProcessList.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0AE564F01E3CE42C00BD01F7 /* GetBSDProcessList.swift */; }; 0AED4DA01E3E22F800BF87C0 /* ethstore in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0AED4D9F1E3E22F800BF87C0 /* ethstore */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; }; + 84CF92B3200E559900AD6E78 /* parity-evm in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 84CF92B2200E559900AD6E78 /* parity-evm */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; }; + 84CF92B6200E56AE00AD6E78 /* ethkey in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 84CF92B5200E56AE00AD6E78 /* ethkey */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (CodeSignOnCopy, ); }; }; /* End PBXBuildFile section */ /* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ @@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ dstPath = ""; dstSubfolderSpec = 6; files = ( + 84CF92B6200E56AE00AD6E78 /* ethkey in CopyFiles */, + 84CF92B3200E559900AD6E78 /* parity-evm in CopyFiles */, 0AED4DA01E3E22F800BF87C0 /* ethstore in CopyFiles */, 0A7A475D1E3D2CDD0093D1AB /* parity in CopyFiles */, ); @@ -38,6 +42,8 @@ 0ACF9AC81E30FAB600D5C935 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; 0AE564F01E3CE42C00BD01F7 /* GetBSDProcessList.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = GetBSDProcessList.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 0AED4D9F1E3E22F800BF87C0 /* ethstore */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; name = ethstore; path = ../target/release/ethstore; sourceTree = ""; }; + 84CF92B2200E559900AD6E78 /* parity-evm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; name = "parity-evm"; path = "../target/release/parity-evm"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 84CF92B5200E56AE00AD6E78 /* ethkey */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; name = ethkey; path = ../target/release/ethkey; sourceTree = ""; }; /* End PBXFileReference section */ /* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ @@ -54,6 +60,8 @@ 0ACF9AB51E30FAB600D5C935 = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + 84CF92B5200E56AE00AD6E78 /* ethkey */, + 84CF92B2200E559900AD6E78 /* parity-evm */, 0AED4D9F1E3E22F800BF87C0 /* ethstore */, 0A7A475C1E3D2CDD0093D1AB /* parity */, 0ACF9AC01E30FAB600D5C935 /* Parity Ethereum */, @@ -110,7 +118,7 @@ isa = PBXProject; attributes = { LastSwiftUpdateCheck = 0800; - LastUpgradeCheck = 0800; + LastUpgradeCheck = 0820; ORGANIZATIONNAME = "Parity Technologies"; TargetAttributes = { 0ACF9ABD1E30FAB600D5C935 = { @@ -192,6 +200,7 @@ CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVES = YES; CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; @@ -241,6 +250,7 @@ CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVES = YES; CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; diff --git a/mac/Parity.pkgproj b/mac/Parity.pkgproj index 2e560fa5e..a7d0be08f 100755 --- a/mac/Parity.pkgproj +++ b/mac/Parity.pkgproj @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ OVERWRITE_PERMISSIONS VERSION - 1.8.6 + 1.8.7 UUID 2DCD5B81-7BAF-4DA1-9251-6274B089FD36 diff --git a/mac/Parity/AppDelegate.swift b/mac/Parity/AppDelegate.swift index c017e79bd..d65c1d601 100644 --- a/mac/Parity/AppDelegate.swift +++ b/mac/Parity/AppDelegate.swift @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. +// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ import Cocoa class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var statusMenu: NSMenu! @IBOutlet weak var startAtLogonMenuItem: NSMenuItem! - + let statusItem = NSStatusBar.system().statusItem(withLength: NSVariableStatusItemLength) var parityPid: Int32? = nil var commandLine: [String] = [] let defaultDefaults = "{\"fat_db\":false,\"mode\":\"passive\",\"mode.alarm\":3600,\"mode.timeout\":300,\"pruning\":\"fast\",\"tracing\":false}" - + func menuAppPath() -> String { return Bundle.main.executablePath! } @@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { return NSRunningApplication.runningApplications(withBundleIdentifier: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!).count > 1 } - + func isParityRunning() -> Bool { if let pid = self.parityPid { return kill(pid, 0) == 0 } return false } - + func killParity() { if let pid = self.parityPid { kill(pid, SIGKILL) } } - + func openUI() { let parity = Process() parity.launchPath = self.parityPath() @@ -61,29 +61,29 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { parity.arguments!.append("ui") parity.launch() } - + func writeConfigFiles() { let basePath = FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first? .appendingPathComponent(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, isDirectory: true) - + if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: basePath!.path) { return } - + do { let defaultsFileDir = basePath?.appendingPathComponent("chains").appendingPathComponent("ethereum") let defaultsFile = defaultsFileDir?.appendingPathComponent("user_defaults") - + try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: (defaultsFileDir?.path)!, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: defaultsFile!.path) { try defaultDefaults.write(to: defaultsFile!, atomically: false, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) } - + let configFile = basePath?.appendingPathComponent("config.toml") } catch {} } - + func autostartEnabled() -> Bool { return itemReferencesInLoginItems().existingReference != nil } @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { } return (nil, nil) } - + func toggleLaunchAtStartup() { let itemReferences = itemReferencesInLoginItems() let shouldBeToggled = (itemReferences.existingReference == nil) @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { func launchParity() { self.commandLine = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst().filter({ $0 != "ui"}) - + let processes = GetBSDProcessList()! let parityProcess = processes.index(where: { var name = $0.kp_proc.p_comm @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { } return str == "parity" }) - + if parityProcess == nil { let parity = Process() let p = self.parityPath() @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { self.parityPid = processes[parityProcess!].kp_proc.p_pid } } - + func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) { if self.isAlreadyRunning() { openUI() @@ -188,12 +188,12 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { self.writeConfigFiles() self.launchParity() - Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true, block: {_ in + Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true, block: {_ in if !self.isParityRunning() { NSApplication.shared().terminate(self) } }) - + let icon = NSImage(named: "statusIcon") icon?.isTemplate = true // best for dark mode statusItem.image = icon @@ -206,19 +206,18 @@ class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { } return true } - + @IBAction func quitClicked(_ sender: NSMenuItem) { self.killParity() NSApplication.shared().terminate(self) } - + @IBAction func openClicked(_ sender: NSMenuItem) { self.openUI() } - + @IBAction func startAtLogonClicked(_ sender: NSMenuItem) { self.toggleLaunchAtStartup() } } - diff --git a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Parity.png b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Parity.png index d54082a9e..a7f085dab 100644 Binary files a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Parity.png and b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Parity.png differ diff --git a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-1.png b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-1.png index 040d444e2..75767ebd7 100644 Binary files a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-1.png and b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-1.png differ diff --git a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-2.png b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-2.png index 3a4d72b29..6a1106f5f 100644 Binary files a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-2.png and b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity-2.png differ diff --git a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity.png b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity.png index 194799988..dfbda8ea3 100644 Binary files a/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity.png and b/mac/Parity/Assets.xcassets/statusIcon.imageset/Parity.png differ diff --git a/mac/Parity/GetBSDProcessList.swift b/mac/Parity/GetBSDProcessList.swift index 6ee1956e7..6737787be 100644 --- a/mac/Parity/GetBSDProcessList.swift +++ b/mac/Parity/GetBSDProcessList.swift @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. +// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ import Foundation import Darwin public func GetBSDProcessList() -> ([kinfo_proc]?) { - + var done = false var result: [kinfo_proc]? var err: Int32 - + repeat { let name = [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0]; let namePointer = name.withUnsafeBufferPointer { UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: $0.baseAddress) } var length: Int = 0 - + err = sysctl(namePointer, u_int(name.count), nil, &length, nil, 0) if err == -1 { err = errno } - + if err == 0 { let count = length / MemoryLayout.stride result = [kinfo_proc](repeating: kinfo_proc(), count: count) @@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ public func GetBSDProcessList() -> ([kinfo_proc]?) { } } } while err == 0 && !done - + return result } diff --git a/mac/Parity/Info.plist b/mac/Parity/Info.plist index dba951778..24cba2646 100644 --- a/mac/Parity/Info.plist +++ b/mac/Parity/Info.plist @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString - 1.8 + 1.9 CFBundleVersion 1 LSApplicationCategoryType diff --git a/mac/install-readme.txt b/mac/install-readme.txt index a68d18ae9..51f0330bb 100644 --- a/mac/install-readme.txt +++ b/mac/install-readme.txt @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ Parity Wallet Welcome to Parity Wallet, your all-in-one Ethereum node and wallet. -WARNING: This installer is **EXPERIMENTAL**. Use it at your own risk. - -If you continue, Parity will be installed as a user service. You will be able to use the Parity Wallet through your browser by using the menu bar icon, following the shortcut in the Launchpad or navigating to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser. +If you continue, Parity will be installed as a user service. You will be able to use the Parity Wallet through your browser by using the menu bar icon, following the shortcut in the Launchpad or navigating to http://localhost:8180/ in your browser. Parity is distributed under the terms of the GPL. diff --git a/mac/uninstall-parity.sh b/mac/uninstall-parity.sh index a1575308b..840dba1f6 100755 --- a/mac/uninstall-parity.sh +++ b/mac/uninstall-parity.sh @@ -9,5 +9,4 @@ fi PLIST=~/Library/LaunchAgents/io.parity.ethereum.plist su $SUDO_USER -c "launchctl stop io.parity.ethereum" su $SUDO_USER -c "launchctl unload $PLIST" -rm -f /usr/local/libexec/parity /usr/local/libexec/uninstall-parity.sh /usr/local/bin/ethstore $PLIST - +rm -f /usr/local/libexec/parity /usr/local/libexec/uninstall-parity.sh /usr/local/bin/ethstore /usr/local/bin/ethkey /usr/local/bin/parity-evm $PLIST diff --git a/nsis/installer.nsi b/nsis/installer.nsi index e018d86ae..fd76012bb 100644 --- a/nsis/installer.nsi +++ b/nsis/installer.nsi @@ -6,17 +6,17 @@ !define SYNC_TERM 0x00100001 !define APPNAME "Parity" -!define COMPANYNAME "Parity" +!define COMPANYNAME "Parity Technologies" !define DESCRIPTION "Fast, light, robust Ethereum implementation" !define VERSIONMAJOR 1 !define VERSIONMINOR 8 -!define VERSIONBUILD 6 +!define VERSIONBUILD 7 !define ARGS "" !define FIRST_START_ARGS "--mode=passive ui" !addplugindir .\ -!define HELPURL "https://github.com/paritytech/parity/wiki" # "Support Information" link +!define HELPURL "https://paritytech.github.io/wiki/" # "Support Information" link !define UPDATEURL "https://github.com/paritytech/parity/releases" # "Product Updates" link !define ABOUTURL "https://github.com/paritytech/parity" # "Publisher" link !define INSTALLSIZE 26120 @@ -88,14 +88,13 @@ section "install" !insertmacro TerminateApp # Files added here should be removed by the uninstaller (see section "uninstall") - file /oname=parity.exe ..\target\release\parity.exe + file /oname=parity.exe ..\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\parity.exe + file /oname=parity-evm.exe ..\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\parity-evm.exe + file /oname=ethstore.exe ..\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\ethstore.exe + file /oname=ethkey.exe ..\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\ethkey.exe file /oname=ptray.exe ..\windows\ptray\x64\Release\ptray.exe file "logo.ico" - file vc_redist.x64.exe - - ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\vc_redist.x64.exe" /passive /norestart' - delete $INSTDIR\vc_redist.x64.exe # Add any other files for the install directory (license files, app data, etc) here # Uninstaller - See function un.onInit and section "uninstall" for configuration @@ -167,6 +166,9 @@ section "uninstall" # Remove files delete $INSTDIR\parity.exe + delete $INSTDIR\parity-evm.exe + delete $INSTDIR\ethstore.exe + delete $INSTDIR\ethkey.exe delete $INSTDIR\ptray.exe delete $INSTDIR\logo.ico @@ -187,4 +189,3 @@ section "uninstall" DeleteRegValue HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "${APPNAME}" DeleteRegValue HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "${APPNAME}" sectionEnd - diff --git a/nsis/logo.ico b/nsis/logo.ico index 337475b70..cda99eef8 100644 Binary files a/nsis/logo.ico and b/nsis/logo.ico differ diff --git a/scripts/cov.sh b/scripts/cov.sh index 9be89a3df..bd733703c 100755 --- a/scripts/cov.sh +++ b/scripts/cov.sh @@ -12,42 +12,21 @@ ### Running coverage set -x - -KCOV=${1:-kcov} - -if ! type $KCOV > /dev/null; then - echo "Install kcov first (details inside this file). Aborting." - exit 1 -fi - -RUSTFLAGS="-C link-dead-code" cargo test --all --exclude parity-ipfs-api --exclude evmjit --no-run || exit $? - - +RUSTFLAGS="-C link-dead-code" cargo test --all --exclude evmjit --no-run || exit $? KCOV_TARGET="target/cov" KCOV_FLAGS="--verify" -EXCLUDE="/usr/lib,\ -/usr/include,\ -$HOME/.cargo,\ -$HOME/.multirust,\ -rocksdb,\ -secp256k1 -" - -rm -rf $KCOV_TARGET +EXCLUDE="/usr/lib,/usr/include,$HOME/.cargo,$HOME/.multirust,rocksdb,secp256k1" mkdir -p $KCOV_TARGET echo "Cover RUST" for FILE in `find target/debug/deps ! -name "*.*"` -do - $KCOV --exclude-pattern $EXCLUDE $KCOV_FLAGS $KCOV_TARGET $FILE -done - -$KCOV --exclude-pattern $EXCLUDE $KCOV_FLAGS $KCOV_TARGET target/debug/parity-* + do + timeout --signal=SIGKILL 5m kcov --exclude-pattern $EXCLUDE $KCOV_FLAGS $KCOV_TARGET $FILE + done +timeout --signal=SIGKILL 5m kcov --exclude-pattern $EXCLUDE $KCOV_FLAGS $KCOV_TARGET target/debug/parity-* echo "Cover JS" cd js npm install&&npm run test:coverage cd .. -codecov bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)&& echo "Uploaded code coverage" - exit 0 diff --git a/scripts/deb-build.sh b/scripts/deb-build.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 5682e2c29..000000000 --- a/scripts/deb-build.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -set -e # fail on any error -set -u # treat unset variables as error -rm -rf deb -#create DEBIAN files -mkdir -p deb/usr/bin/ -mkdir -p deb/DEBIAN -#create copyright, docs, compat -cp LICENSE deb/DEBIAN/copyright -echo "https://github.com/paritytech/parity/wiki" >> deb/DEBIAN/docs -echo "8" >> deb/DEBIAN/compat -#create control file -control=deb/DEBIAN/control -echo "Package: parity" >> $control -version=`grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n"` -echo "Version: $version" >> $control -echo "Source: parity" >> $control -echo "Section: science" >> $control -echo "Priority: extra" >> $control -echo "Maintainer: Parity Technologies " >> $control -echo "Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9)" >> $control -echo "Standards-Version: 3.9.5" >> $control -echo "Homepage: https://parity.io" >> $control -echo "Vcs-Git: git://github.com/paritytech/parity.git" >> $control -echo "Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/paritytech/parity" >> $control -echo "Architecture: $1" >> $control -echo "Depends: libssl1.0.0 (>=1.0.0)" >> $control -echo "Description: Ethereum network client by Parity Technologies" >> $control -size=`du deb/|awk 'END {print $1}'` -echo "Installed-Size: $size" >> $control -#build .deb package - -exit diff --git a/scripts/gitlab-build.sh b/scripts/gitlab-build.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..876658822 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/gitlab-build.sh @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -e # fail on any error +set -u # treat unset variables as error +#ARGUMENTS: 1. BUILD_PLATFORM (target for binaries) 2. PLATFORM (target for cargo) 3. ARC (architecture) 4. & 5. CC & CXX flags +BUILD_PLATFORM=$1 +PLATFORM=$2 +ARC=$3 +CC=$4 +CXX=$5 +VER="$(grep -m 1 version Cargo.toml | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"' | tr -d "\n")" +S3WIN="" +echo "--------------------" +echo "Build for platform: " $BUILD_PLATFORM +echo "Cargo target: " $PLATFORM +echo "CC&CXX flags: " $CC ", " $CXX +echo "Architecture: " $ARC +echo "Libssl version: " $LIBSSL +echo "Parity version: " $VER +echo "Branch: " $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME +echo "--------------------" + +set_env () { + echo "Set ENVIROMENT" + export HOST_CC=gcc + export HOST_CXX=g++ + rm -rf .cargo + mkdir -p .cargo + echo "[target.$PLATFORM]" >> .cargo/config + echo "linker= \"$CC\"" >> .cargo/config + cat .cargo/config +} +set_env_win () { + set PLATFORM=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc + set INCLUDE="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include;C:\vs2015\VC\include;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.10240.0\ucrt" + set LIB="C:\vs2015\VC\lib;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64" + set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 + #export RUSTFLAGS=$RUSTFLAGS + rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc + echo "MsBuild.exe windows\ptray\ptray.vcxproj /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Release" > msbuild.cmd + echo "@ signtool sign /f "\%"1 /p "\%"2 /tr http://timestamp.comodoca.com /du https://parity.io "\%"3" > sign.cmd +} +build () { + echo "Build parity:" + cargo build --target $PLATFORM --features final --release + echo "Build evmbin:" + cargo build --target $PLATFORM --release -p evmbin + echo "Build ethstore-cli:" + cargo build --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethstore-cli + echo "Build ethkey-cli:" + cargo build --target $PLATFORM --release -p ethkey-cli +} +strip_md5 () { + echo "Strip binaries:" + $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/parity + $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm + $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore + $STRIP_BIN -v target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey; + export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h) + echo "Checksum calculation:" + rm -rf *.md5 + export SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity -p %h) + echo "Parity file SHA3:" $SHA3 + md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity > parity.md5 + md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm > parity-evm.md5 + md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore > ethstore.md5 + md5sum target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey > ethkey.md5 +} +make_deb () { + rm -rf deb + echo "create DEBIAN files" + mkdir -p deb/usr/bin/ + mkdir -p deb/DEBIAN + echo "create copyright, docs, compat" + cp LICENSE deb/DEBIAN/copyright + echo "https://github.com/paritytech/parity/wiki" >> deb/DEBIAN/docs + echo "8" >> deb/DEBIAN/compat + echo "create control file" + control=deb/DEBIAN/control + echo "Package: parity" >> $control + echo "Version: $VER" >> $control + echo "Source: parity" >> $control + echo "Section: science" >> $control + echo "Priority: extra" >> $control + echo "Maintainer: Parity Technologies " >> $control + echo "Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9)" >> $control + echo "Standards-Version: 3.9.5" >> $control + echo "Homepage: https://parity.io" >> $control + echo "Vcs-Git: git://github.com/paritytech/parity.git" >> $control + echo "Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/paritytech/parity" >> $control + echo "Architecture: $ARC" >> $control + echo "Depends: $LIBSSL" >> $control + echo "Description: Ethereum network client by Parity Technologies" >> $control + size=`du deb/|awk 'END {print $1}'` + echo "Installed-Size: $size" >> $control + echo "build .deb package" + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity deb/usr/bin/parity + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm deb/usr/bin/parity-evm + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore deb/usr/bin/ethstore + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey deb/usr/bin/ethkey + dpkg-deb -b deb "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".deb" + md5sum "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".deb" > "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".deb.md5" +} +make_rpm () { + rm -rf /install + mkdir -p /install/usr/bin + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity /install/usr/bin + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm /install/usr/bin/parity-evm + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore /install/usr/bin/ethstore + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey /install/usr/bin/ethkey + fpm -s dir -t rpm -n parity -v $VER --epoch 1 --license GPLv3 -d openssl --provides parity --url https://parity.io --vendor "Parity Technologies" -a x86_64 -m "" --description "Ethereum network client by Parity Technologies" -C /install/ + cp "parity-"$VER"-1."$ARC".rpm" "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".rpm" + md5sum "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".rpm" > "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".rpm.md5" +} +make_pkg () { + echo "make PKG" + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity target/release/parity + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm target/release/parity-evm + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore target/release/ethstore + cp target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey target/release/ethkey + cd mac + xcodebuild -configuration Release + cd .. + packagesbuild -v mac/Parity.pkgproj + productsign --sign 'Developer ID Installer: PARITY TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (P2PX3JU8FT)' target/release/Parity\ Ethereum.pkg target/release/Parity\ Ethereum-signed.pkg + mv target/release/Parity\ Ethereum-signed.pkg "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".pkg" + md5sum "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT >> "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC".pkg.md5" +} +make_exe () { + ./sign.cmd $keyfile $certpass "target/$PLATFORM/release/parity.exe" + SHA3=$(rhash --sha3-256 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity.exe -p %h) + echo "Checksum calculation:" + rm -rf *.md5 + echo "Parity file SHA3:" $SHA3 + rhash --md5 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity.exe -p %h > parity.exe.md5 + rhash --md5 target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm.exe -p %h > parity-evm.exe.md5 + rhash --md5 target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore.exe -p %h > ethstore.exe.md5 + rhash --md5 target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey.exe -p %h > ethkey.exe.md5 + ./msbuild.cmd + ./sign.cmd $keyfile $certpass windows/ptray/x64/release/ptray.exe + cd nsis + curl -sL --url "https://github.com/paritytech/win-build/raw/master/vc_redist.x64.exe" -o vc_redist.x64.exe + echo "makensis.exe installer.nsi" > nsis.cmd + ./nsis.cmd + cd .. + cp nsis/installer.exe "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT + ./sign.cmd $keyfile $certpass "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT + rhash --md5 "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT -p %h > "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT".md5" +} +push_binaries () { + echo "Push binaries to AWS S3" + aws configure set aws_access_key_id $s3_key + aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $s3_secret + if [[ "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "master" || "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "beta" || "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "stable" || "$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME" = "nightly" ]]; + then + export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity-published; + else + export S3_BUCKET=builds-parity; + fi + aws s3 rm --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity$S3WIN --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity$S3WIN + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity$S3WIN.md5 --body parity$S3WIN.md5 + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity-evm$S3WIN --body target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm$S3WIN + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/parity-evm$S3WIN.md5 --body parity-evm$S3WIN.md5 + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethstore$S3WIN --body target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore$S3WIN + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethstore$S3WIN.md5 --body ethstore$S3WIN.md5 + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethkey$S3WIN --body target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey$S3WIN + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/ethkey$S3WIN.md5 --body ethkey$S3WIN.md5 + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT --body "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT + aws s3api put-object --bucket $S3_BUCKET --key $CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$BUILD_PLATFORM/"parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT".md5" --body "parity_"$VER"_"$ARC"."$EXT".md5" +} +make_archive () { + echo "add artifacts to archive" + rm -rf parity.zip + zip -r parity.zip target/$PLATFORM/release/parity$S3WIN target/$PLATFORM/release/parity-evm$S3WIN target/$PLATFORM/release/ethstore$S3WIN target/$PLATFORM/release/ethkey$S3WIN parity$S3WIN.md5 parity-evm$S3WIN.md5 ethstore$S3WIN.md5 ethkey$S3WIN.md5 +} +push_release () { + echo "push release" + curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1337/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM + curl --data "commit=$CI_BUILD_REF&sha3=$SHA3&filename=parity&secret=$RELEASES_SECRET" http://update.parity.io:1338/push-build/$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME/$PLATFORM +} +case $BUILD_PLATFORM in + x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) + #set strip bin + STRIP_BIN="strip" + #package extention + EXT="deb" + build + strip_md5 + make_deb + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + x86_64-unknown-debian-gnu) + STRIP_BIN="strip" + EXT="deb" + LIBSSL="libssl1.1 (>=1.1.0)" + echo "Use libssl1.1 (>=1.1.0) for Debian builds" + build + strip_md5 + make_deb + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + x86_64-unknown-centos-gnu) + STRIP_BIN="strip" + EXT="rpm" + build + strip_md5 + make_rpm + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + i686-unknown-linux-gnu) + STRIP_BIN="strip" + EXT="deb" + set_env + build + strip_md5 + make_deb + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) + STRIP_BIN="arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip" + EXT="deb" + set_env + build + strip_md5 + make_deb + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) + STRIP_BIN="arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip" + EXT="deb" + set_env + build + strip_md5 + make_deb + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu) + STRIP_BIN="aarch64-linux-gnu-strip" + EXT="deb" + set_env + build + strip_md5 + make_deb + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + x86_64-apple-darwin) + STRIP_BIN="strip" + PLATFORM="x86_64-apple-darwin" + EXT="pkg" + build + strip_md5 + make_pkg + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release + ;; + x86_64-unknown-snap-gnu) + cd snap + ARC="amd64" + EXT="snap" + rm -rf *snap + sed -i 's/master/'"$VER"'/g' snapcraft.yaml + snapcraft + cp "parity_"$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME"_amd64.snap" "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" + md5sum "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap" > "parity_"$VER"_amd64.snap.md5" + push_binaries + ;; + x86_64-pc-windows-msvc) + set_env_win + EXT="exe" + S3WIN=".exe" + build + make_exe + make_archive + push_binaries + push_release +esac diff --git a/scripts/gitlab-test.sh b/scripts/gitlab-test.sh new file mode 100755 index 000000000..1d7e18806 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/gitlab-test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +#!/bin/bash +#ARGUMENT test for RUST, JS, COVERAGE or JS_RELEASE +set -e # fail on any error +set -u # treat unset variables as error + +export JS_FILES_MODIFIED="$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $GIT_COMPARE...$CI_COMMIT_SHA | grep ^js/ | wc -l)" +export JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED="$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $GIT_COMPARE...$CI_COMMIT_SHA | grep ^js-old/ | wc -l)" +export RUST_FILES_MODIFIED="$(git --no-pager diff --name-only $GIT_COMPARE...$CI_COMMIT_SHA | grep -v -e ^js -e ^\\. -e ^LICENSE -e ^README.md -e ^test.sh -e ^windows/ -e ^scripts/ -e ^mac/ -e ^nsis/ | wc -l)" +echo "RUST_FILES_MODIFIED: $RUST_FILES_MODIFIED" +echo "JS_FILES_MODIFIED: $JS_FILES_MODIFIED" +echo "JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED: $JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED" +if [[ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" = "beta" || "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" = "stable" ]]; then + export GIT_COMPARE=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME; +else + export GIT_COMPARE=master; +fi +echo "RUST_FILES_MODIFIED: $RUST_FILES_MODIFIED" +echo "JS_FILES_MODIFIED: $JS_FILES_MODIFIED" +echo "JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED: $JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED" +TEST_SWITCH=$1 +rust_test () { + git submodule update --init --recursive + rustup show + if [[ "${RUST_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping Rust tests since no Rust files modified."; + else ./test.sh; + fi + if [[ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" == "nightly" ]]; + then sh scripts/aura-test.sh; + fi +} +js_test () { + git submodule update --init --recursive + if [[ "${JS_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS deps install since no JS files modified."; + else ./js/scripts/install-deps.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS (old) deps install since no JS files modified."; + else ./js-old/scripts/install-deps.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS lint since no JS files modified."; + else ./js/scripts/lint.sh && ./js/scripts/test.sh && ./js/scripts/build.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS (old) lint since no JS files modified."; + else ./js-old/scripts/lint.sh && ./js-old/scripts/test.sh && ./js-old/scripts/build.sh; + fi +} +js_release () { + rustup default stable + if [[ "${JS_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS deps install since no JS files modified."; + else ./js/scripts/install-deps.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS rebuild since no JS files modified."; + else ./js/scripts/build.sh && ./js/scripts/push-precompiled.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS (old) deps install since no JS files modified."; + else ./js-old/scripts/install-deps.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping JS (old) rebuild since no JS files modified."; + else ./js-old/scripts/build.sh && ./js-old/scripts/push-precompiled.sh; + fi + if [[ "${JS_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]] && [[ "${JS_OLD_FILES_MODIFIED}" == "0" ]]; + then echo "Skipping Cargo update since no JS files modified."; + else ./js/scripts/push-cargo.sh; + fi +} +coverage_test () { + git submodule update --init --recursive + rm -rf target/* + rm -rf js/.coverage + scripts/cov.sh +} +case $TEST_SWITCH in + stable ) + rustup default stable + rust_test + ;; + beta) + rustup default beta + rust_test + ;; + nightly) + rustup default nightly + rust_test + ;; + js-test) + js_test + ;; + js-release) + js_release + ;; + test-coverage) + coverage_test + ;; +esac diff --git a/scripts/parity.service b/scripts/parity.service index 1af907234..3d1f4a3da 100644 --- a/scripts/parity.service +++ b/scripts/parity.service @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ After=network.target # run as root, set base_path in config.toml ExecStart=/usr/bin/parity --config /etc/parity/config.toml # To run as user, comment out above and uncomment below, fill in user and group -# picks up users default config.toml in $HOME/.local/.share/io.parity.ethereum/ +# picks up users default config.toml in $HOME/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/ # User=username # Group=groupname # ExecStart=/usr/bin/parity diff --git a/scripts/snapcraft.yaml b/scripts/snapcraft.yaml index bd71df3de..d05e6978f 100644 --- a/scripts/snapcraft.yaml +++ b/scripts/snapcraft.yaml @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ parts: parity: source: .. plugin: rust - build-packages: [g++, libudev-dev, libssl-dev, make, pkg-config] \ No newline at end of file + build-packages: [g++, libudev-dev, libssl-dev, make, pkg-config] diff --git a/sync/src/block_sync.rs b/sync/src/block_sync.rs index fbd7eddae..611c71547 100644 --- a/sync/src/block_sync.rs +++ b/sync/src/block_sync.rs @@ -522,6 +522,10 @@ impl BlockDownloader { trace!(target: "sync", "Unknown new block parent, restarting sync"); break; }, + Err(BlockImportError::Block(BlockError::TemporarilyInvalid(_))) => { + debug!(target: "sync", "Block temporarily invalid, restarting sync"); + break; + }, Err(e) => { debug!(target: "sync", "Bad block {:?} : {:?}", h, e); bad = true; diff --git a/util/Cargo.toml b/util/Cargo.toml index ccebc784a..24668b726 100644 --- a/util/Cargo.toml +++ b/util/Cargo.toml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ description = "Ethcore utility library" homepage = "http://parity.io" license = "GPL-3.0" name = "ethcore-util" -version = "1.8.6" +version = "1.8.7" authors = ["Parity Technologies "] build = "build.rs" diff --git a/util/kvdb-rocksdb/src/lib.rs b/util/kvdb-rocksdb/src/lib.rs index 901ed9f80..4dcee3a1a 100644 --- a/util/kvdb-rocksdb/src/lib.rs +++ b/util/kvdb-rocksdb/src/lib.rs @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use std::cmp; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::path::{PathBuf, Path}; -use std::{mem, fs, io}; +use std::{fs, io, mem, result}; use parking_lot::{Mutex, MutexGuard, RwLock}; use rocksdb::{ @@ -256,7 +256,25 @@ pub struct Database { flushing_lock: Mutex, } +#[inline] +fn check_for_corruption>(path: P, res: result::Result) -> result::Result { + if let Err(ref s) = res { + if s.starts_with("Corruption:") { + warn!("DB corrupted: {}. Repair will be triggered on next restart", s); + let _ = fs::File::create(path.as_ref().join(Database::CORRUPTION_FILE_NAME)); + } + } + + res +} + +fn is_corrupted(s: &str) -> bool { + s.starts_with("Corruption:") || s.starts_with("Invalid argument: You have to open all column families") +} + impl Database { + const CORRUPTION_FILE_NAME: &'static str = "CORRUPTED"; + /// Open database with default settings. pub fn open_default(path: &str) -> Result { Database::open(&DatabaseConfig::default(), path) @@ -286,6 +304,14 @@ impl Database { block_opts.set_cache(cache); } + // attempt database repair if it has been previously marked as corrupted + let db_corrupted = Path::new(path).join(Database::CORRUPTION_FILE_NAME); + if db_corrupted.exists() { + warn!("DB has been previously marked as corrupted, attempting repair"); + DB::repair(&opts, path)?; + fs::remove_file(db_corrupted).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; + } + let columns = config.columns.unwrap_or(0) as usize; let mut cf_options = Vec::with_capacity(columns); @@ -305,12 +331,11 @@ impl Database { let mut cfs: Vec = Vec::new(); let db = match config.columns { - Some(columns) => { + Some(_) => { match DB::open_cf(&opts, path, &cfnames, &cf_options) { Ok(db) => { cfs = cfnames.iter().map(|n| db.cf_handle(n) .expect("rocksdb opens a cf_handle for each cfname; qed")).collect(); - assert!(cfs.len() == columns as usize); Ok(db) } Err(_) => { @@ -320,7 +345,7 @@ impl Database { cfs = cfnames.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, n)| db.create_cf(n, &cf_options[i])).collect::>()?; Ok(db) }, - err @ Err(_) => err, + err => err, } } } @@ -330,14 +355,18 @@ impl Database { let db = match db { Ok(db) => db, - Err(ref s) if s.starts_with("Corruption:") => { - info!("{}", s); - info!("Attempting DB repair for {}", path); + Err(ref s) if is_corrupted(s) => { + warn!("DB corrupted: {}, attempting repair", s); DB::repair(&opts, path)?; match cfnames.is_empty() { true => DB::open(&opts, path)?, - false => DB::open_cf(&opts, path, &cfnames, &cf_options)? + false => { + let db = DB::open_cf(&opts, path, &cfnames, &cf_options)?; + cfs = cfnames.iter().map(|n| db.cf_handle(n) + .expect("rocksdb opens a cf_handle for each cfname; qed")).collect(); + db + }, } }, Err(s) => { return Err(s); } @@ -424,7 +453,11 @@ impl Database { } } } - db.write_opt(batch, &self.write_opts)?; + + check_for_corruption( + &self.path, + db.write_opt(batch, &self.write_opts))?; + for column in self.flushing.write().iter_mut() { column.clear(); column.shrink_to_fit(); @@ -470,7 +503,10 @@ impl Database { }, } } - db.write_opt(batch, &self.write_opts) + + check_for_corruption( + &self.path, + db.write_opt(batch, &self.write_opts)).map_err(Into::into) }, None => Err("Database is closed".to_owned()) } diff --git a/windows/ptray/ptray.ico b/windows/ptray/ptray.ico index 337475b70..cda99eef8 100644 Binary files a/windows/ptray/ptray.ico and b/windows/ptray/ptray.ico differ