diff --git a/util/src/network/ip_utils.rs b/util/src/network/ip_utils.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f94073b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/src/network/ip_utils.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd.
+// This file is part of Parity.
+// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Parity. If not, see .
+// Based on original work by David Levy https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dlevy47/rust-interfaces
+use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6};
+use std::io;
+use igd::{PortMappingProtocol, search_gateway_from_timeout};
+use std::time::Duration;
+use network::node_table::{NodeEndpoint};
+pub enum IpAddr{
+ V4(Ipv4Addr),
+ V6(Ipv6Addr),
+mod getinterfaces {
+ use std::{mem, io, ptr};
+ use libc::{AF_INET, AF_INET6};
+ use libc::{getifaddrs, freeifaddrs, ifaddrs, sockaddr, sockaddr_in, sockaddr_in6};
+ use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
+ use super::IpAddr;
+ fn convert_sockaddr (sa: *mut sockaddr) -> Option {
+ if sa == ptr::null_mut() { return None; }
+ let (addr, _) = match unsafe { *sa }.sa_family as i32 {
+ AF_INET => {
+ let sa: *const sockaddr_in = unsafe { mem::transmute(sa) };
+ let sa = & unsafe { *sa };
+ let (addr, port) = (sa.sin_addr.s_addr, sa.sin_port);
+ (
+ IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(
+ (addr & 0x000000FF) as u8,
+ ((addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) as u8,
+ ((addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) as u8,
+ ((addr & 0xFF000000) >> 24) as u8,
+ )),
+ port
+ )
+ },
+ AF_INET6 => {
+ let sa: *const sockaddr_in6 = unsafe { mem::transmute(sa) };
+ let sa = & unsafe { *sa };
+ let (addr, port) = (sa.sin6_addr.s6_addr, sa.sin6_port);
+ let addr: [u16; 8] = unsafe { mem::transmute(addr) };
+ (
+ IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(
+ addr[0],
+ addr[1],
+ addr[2],
+ addr[3],
+ addr[4],
+ addr[5],
+ addr[6],
+ addr[7],
+ )),
+ port
+ )
+ },
+ _ => return None,
+ };
+ Some(addr)
+ }
+ fn convert_ifaddrs (ifa: *mut ifaddrs) -> Option {
+ let ifa = unsafe { &mut *ifa };
+ convert_sockaddr(ifa.ifa_addr)
+ }
+ pub fn get_all() -> io::Result> {
+ let mut ifap: *mut ifaddrs = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ if unsafe { getifaddrs(&mut ifap as *mut _) } != 0 {
+ return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
+ }
+ let mut ret = Vec::new();
+ let mut cur: *mut ifaddrs = ifap;
+ while cur != ptr::null_mut() {
+ if let Some(ip_addr) = convert_ifaddrs(cur) {
+ ret.push(ip_addr);
+ }
+ //TODO: do something else maybe?
+ cur = unsafe { (*cur).ifa_next };
+ }
+ unsafe { freeifaddrs(ifap) };
+ Ok(ret)
+ }
+fn get_if_addrs() -> io::Result> {
+ getinterfaces::get_all()
+fn get_if_addrs() -> io::Result> {
+ Ok(Vec::new())
+/// Select the best available public address
+pub fn select_public_address(port: u16) -> SocketAddr {
+ match get_if_addrs() {
+ Ok(list) => {
+ //prefer IPV4 bindings
+ for addr in &list { //TODO: use better criteria than just the first in the list
+ match *addr {
+ IpAddr::V4(a) if !a.is_unspecified() && !a.is_loopback() && !a.is_link_local() => {
+ return SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(a, port));
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ }
+ for addr in list {
+ match addr {
+ IpAddr::V6(a) if !a.is_unspecified() && !a.is_loopback() => {
+ return SocketAddr::V6(SocketAddrV6::new(a, port, 0, 0));
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ Err(e) => debug!("Error listing public interfaces: {:?}", e)
+ }
+ SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1), port))
+pub fn map_external_address(local: &NodeEndpoint) -> Option {
+ if let SocketAddr::V4(ref local_addr) = local.address {
+ match search_gateway_from_timeout(local_addr.ip().clone(), Duration::new(5, 0)) {
+ Err(ref err) => debug!("Gateway search error: {}", err),
+ Ok(gateway) => {
+ match gateway.get_external_ip() {
+ Err(ref err) => {
+ debug!("IP request error: {}", err);
+ },
+ Ok(external_addr) => {
+ match gateway.add_any_port(PortMappingProtocol::TCP, SocketAddrV4::new(local_addr.ip().clone(), local_addr.port()), 0, "Parity Node/TCP") {
+ Err(ref err) => {
+ debug!("Port mapping error: {}", err);
+ },
+ Ok(tcp_port) => {
+ match gateway.add_any_port(PortMappingProtocol::UDP, SocketAddrV4::new(local_addr.ip().clone(), local.udp_port), 0, "Parity Node/UDP") {
+ Err(ref err) => {
+ debug!("Port mapping error: {}", err);
+ },
+ Ok(udp_port) => {
+ return Some(NodeEndpoint { address: SocketAddr::V4(SocketAddrV4::new(external_addr, tcp_port)), udp_port: udp_port });
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ None