Merge branch 'master' into sfedgecase
This commit is contained in:
@ -205,6 +205,13 @@ impl AccountProvider {
self.unlock_account(account, password, Unlock::Temp)
/// Checks if given account is unlocked
pub fn is_unlocked<A>(&self, account: A) -> bool where Address: From<A> {
let account = Address::from(account).into();
let unlocked =;
/// Signs the message. Account must be unlocked.
pub fn sign<A, M>(&self, account: A, message: M) -> Result<H520, Error> where Address: From<A>, Message: From<M> {
let account = Address::from(account).into();
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Usage:
ethstore change-pwd <address> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR]
ethstore list [--dir DIR]
ethstore import [--src DIR] [--dir DIR]
ethstore import-wallet <path> <password> [--dir DIR]
ethstore remove <address> <password> [--dir DIR]
ethstore sign <address> <password> <message> [--dir DIR]
ethstore [-h | --help]
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ Commands:
change-pwd Change account password.
list List accounts.
import Import accounts from src.
import-wallet Import presale wallet.
remove Remove account.
sign Sign message.
@ -48,11 +50,11 @@ Commands:
*Encrypt secret with a password and save it in secret store.*
- `<secret>` - ethereum secret, 32 bytes long
- `<password>` - account password, any string
- `<password>` - account password, file path
- `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity
ethstore insert 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5 "this is sparta"
ethstore insert 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5 password.txt
@ -75,12 +77,12 @@ ethstore insert `ethkey generate random -s` "this is sparta"
*Change account password.*
- `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long
- `<old-pwd>` - old account password, any string
- `<new-pwd>` - new account password, any string
- `<old-pwd>` - old account password, file path
- `<new-pwd>` - new account password, file path
- `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity
ethstore change-pwd a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e "this is sparta" "hello world"
ethstore change-pwd a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e old_pwd.txt new_pwd.txt
@ -112,6 +114,10 @@ ethstore list
- `[--src DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: geth
- `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity
ethstore import
0: e6a3d25a7cb7cd21cb720df5b5e8afd154af1bbb
1: 6edddfc6349aff20bc6467ccf276c5b52487f7a8
@ -119,15 +125,32 @@ ethstore list
#### `import-wallet <path> <password> [--dir DIR]`
*Import account from presale wallet.*
- `<path>` - presale wallet path
- `<password>` - account password, file path
- `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity
ethstore import-wallet ethwallet.json password.txt
#### `remove <address> <password> [--dir DIR]`
*Remove account from secret store.*
- `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long
- `<password>` - account password, any string
- `<password>` - account password, file path
- `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity
ethstore remove a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e "hello world"
ethstore remove a8fa5dd30a87bb9e3288d604eb74949c515ab66e password.txt
@ -140,12 +163,12 @@ true
*Sign message with account's secret.*
- `<address>` - ethereum address, 20 bytes long
- `<password>` - account password, any string
- `<password>` - account password, file path
- `<message>` - message to sign, 32 bytes long
- `[--dir DIR]` - secret store directory, It may be either parity, parity-test, geth, geth-test or a path. default: parity
ethstore sign 24edfff680d536a5f6fe862d36df6f8f6f40f115 "this is sparta" 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5
ethstore sign 24edfff680d536a5f6fe862d36df6f8f6f40f115 password.txt 7d29fab185a33e2cd955812397354c472d2b84615b645aa135ff539f6b0d70d5
@ -18,13 +18,14 @@ extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate docopt;
extern crate ethstore;
use std::{env, process};
use std::{env, process, fs};
use std::io::Read;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::str::FromStr;
use docopt::Docopt;
use ethstore::ethkey::{Secret, Address, Message};
use ethstore::dir::{KeyDirectory, ParityDirectory, DiskDirectory, GethDirectory, DirectoryType};
use ethstore::{EthStore, SecretStore, import_accounts, Error};
use ethstore::{EthStore, SecretStore, import_accounts, Error, PresaleWallet};
pub const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
Ethereum key management.
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ Usage:
ethstore change-pwd <address> <old-pwd> <new-pwd> [--dir DIR]
ethstore list [--dir DIR]
ethstore import [--src DIR] [--dir DIR]
ethstore import-wallet <path> <password> [--dir DIR]
ethstore remove <address> <password> [--dir DIR]
ethstore sign <address> <password> <message> [--dir DIR]
ethstore [-h | --help]
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ Commands:
change-pwd Change password.
list List accounts.
import Import accounts from src.
import-wallet Import presale wallet.
remove Remove account.
sign Sign message.
@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ struct Args {
cmd_change_pwd: bool,
cmd_list: bool,
cmd_import: bool,
cmd_import_wallet: bool,
cmd_remove: bool,
cmd_sign: bool,
arg_secret: String,
@ -71,6 +75,7 @@ struct Args {
arg_new_pwd: String,
arg_address: String,
arg_message: String,
arg_path: String,
flag_src: String,
flag_dir: String,
@ -105,6 +110,15 @@ fn format_accounts(accounts: &[Address]) -> String {
fn load_password(path: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
let mut file = try!(fs::File::open(path));
let mut password = String::new();
try!(file.read_to_string(&mut password));
// drop EOF
let _ = password.pop();
fn execute<S, I>(command: I) -> Result<String, Error> where I: IntoIterator<Item=S>, S: AsRef<str> {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|d| d.argv(command).decode())
@ -114,11 +128,14 @@ fn execute<S, I>(command: I) -> Result<String, Error> where I: IntoIterator<Item
return if args.cmd_insert {
let secret = try!(Secret::from_str(&args.arg_secret));
let address = try!(store.insert_account(secret, &args.arg_password));
let password = try!(load_password(&args.arg_password));
let address = try!(store.insert_account(secret, &password));
Ok(format!("{}", address))
} else if args.cmd_change_pwd {
let address = try!(Address::from_str(&args.arg_address));
let ok = store.change_password(&address, &args.arg_old_pwd, &args.arg_new_pwd).is_ok();
let old_pwd = try!(load_password(&args.arg_old_pwd));
let new_pwd = try!(load_password(&args.arg_new_pwd));
let ok = store.change_password(&address, &old_pwd, &new_pwd).is_ok();
Ok(format!("{}", ok))
} else if args.cmd_list {
let accounts = store.accounts();
@ -128,14 +145,22 @@ fn execute<S, I>(command: I) -> Result<String, Error> where I: IntoIterator<Item
let dst = try!(key_dir(&args.flag_dir));
let accounts = try!(import_accounts(src.deref(), dst.deref()));
} else if args.cmd_import_wallet {
let wallet = try!(PresaleWallet::open(&args.arg_path));
let password = try!(load_password(&args.arg_password));
let kp = try!(wallet.decrypt(&password));
let address = try!(store.insert_account(kp.secret().clone(), &password));
Ok(format!("{}", address))
} else if args.cmd_remove {
let address = try!(Address::from_str(&args.arg_address));
let ok = store.remove_account(&address, &args.arg_password).is_ok();
let password = try!(load_password(&args.arg_password));
let ok = store.remove_account(&address, &password).is_ok();
Ok(format!("{}", ok))
} else if args.cmd_sign {
let address = try!(Address::from_str(&args.arg_address));
let message = try!(Message::from_str(&args.arg_message));
let signature = try!(store.sign(&address, &args.arg_password, &message));
let password = try!(load_password(&args.arg_password));
let signature = try!(store.sign(&address, &password, &message));
Ok(format!("{}", signature))
} else {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ impl Keccak256<[u8; 32]> for [u8] {
pub mod aes {
use rcrypto::blockmodes::{CtrMode, CbcDecryptor, PkcsPadding};
use rcrypto::aessafe::{AesSafe128Encryptor, AesSafe128Decryptor};
use rcrypto::symmetriccipher::{Encryptor, Decryptor};
use rcrypto::symmetriccipher::{Encryptor, Decryptor, SymmetricCipherError};
use rcrypto::buffer::{RefReadBuffer, RefWriteBuffer};
/// Encrypt a message
@ -83,9 +83,10 @@ pub mod aes {
/// Decrypt a message using cbc mode
pub fn decrypt_cbc(k: &[u8], iv: &[u8], encrypted: &[u8], dest: &mut [u8]) {
pub fn decrypt_cbc(k: &[u8], iv: &[u8], encrypted: &[u8], dest: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), SymmetricCipherError> {
let mut encryptor = CbcDecryptor::new(AesSafe128Decryptor::new(k), PkcsPadding, iv.to_vec());
encryptor.decrypt(&mut RefReadBuffer::new(encrypted), &mut RefWriteBuffer::new(dest), true).expect("Invalid length or padding");
try!(encryptor.decrypt(&mut RefReadBuffer::new(encrypted), &mut RefWriteBuffer::new(dest), true));
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ impl PresaleWallet {
pbkdf2(&mut h_mac, password.as_bytes(), 2000, &mut derived_key);
let mut key = [0u8; 64];
crypto::aes::decrypt_cbc(&derived_key, &self.iv, &self.ciphertext, &mut key);
try!(crypto::aes::decrypt_cbc(&derived_key, &self.iv, &self.ciphertext, &mut key).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidPassword));
let secret = Secret::from(key.keccak256());
if let Ok(kp) = KeyPair::from_secret(secret) {
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ impl PresaleWallet {
mod tests {
use ethkey::Address;
use super::PresaleWallet;
use json;
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ mod tests {
let wallet = json::PresaleWallet::load(json.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let wallet = PresaleWallet::from(wallet);
let kp = wallet.decrypt("123").unwrap();
assert_eq!(kp.address(), Address::from(wallet.address));
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Usage:
parity daemon <pid-file> [options]
parity account (new | list ) [options]
parity account import <path>... [options]
parity wallet import <path> --password FILE [options]
parity import [ <file> ] [options]
parity export [ <file> ] [options]
parity signer new-token [options]
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ API and Console Options:
--dapps-path PATH Specify directory where dapps should be installed.
[default: $HOME/.parity/dapps]
--signer Enable Trusted Signer WebSocket endpoint used by
--signer-off Disable Trusted Signer WebSocket endpoint used by
Signer UIs.
--signer-port PORT Specify the port of Trusted Signer server
[default: 8180].
@ -223,6 +224,7 @@ Miscellaneous Options:
pub struct Args {
pub cmd_daemon: bool,
pub cmd_account: bool,
pub cmd_wallet: bool,
pub cmd_new: bool,
pub cmd_list: bool,
pub cmd_export: bool,
@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ pub struct Args {
pub flag_dapps_user: Option<String>,
pub flag_dapps_pass: Option<String>,
pub flag_dapps_path: String,
pub flag_signer: bool,
pub flag_signer_off: bool,
pub flag_signer_port: u16,
pub flag_signer_path: String,
pub flag_no_token: bool,
@ -432,10 +432,10 @@ impl Configuration {
pub fn signer_port(&self) -> Option<u16> {
if self.args.flag_signer {
} else {
if self.args.flag_signer_off {
} else {
@ -129,6 +129,11 @@ fn execute(conf: Configuration) {
if conf.args.cmd_wallet {
if conf.args.cmd_export {
@ -187,12 +192,18 @@ fn execute_client(conf: Configuration, spec: Spec, client_config: ClientConfig)
let sync_config = conf.sync_config(&spec);
// Create and display a new token for UIs.
if conf.args.flag_signer && !conf.args.flag_no_token {
if !conf.args.flag_signer_off && !conf.args.flag_no_token {
new_token(conf.directories().signer).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
die!("Error generating token: {:?}", e)
// Display warning about using unlock with signer
if conf.args.flag_signer && conf.args.flag_unlock.is_some() {
warn!("Using Trusted Signer and --unlock is not recommended!");
warn!("NOTE that Signer will not ask you to confirm transactions from unlocked account.");
// Secret Store
let account_service = Arc::new(conf.account_service());
@ -534,6 +545,30 @@ fn execute_account_cli(conf: Configuration) {
fn execute_wallet_cli(conf: Configuration) {
use ethcore::ethstore::{PresaleWallet, SecretStore, EthStore};
use ethcore::ethstore::dir::DiskDirectory;
use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider;
let wallet_path = conf.args.arg_path.first().unwrap();
let filename = conf.args.flag_password.first().unwrap();
let mut file = File::open(filename).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{} Unable to read password file.", filename));
let mut file_content = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut file_content).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("{} Unable to read password file.", filename));
let dir = Box::new(DiskDirectory::create(conf.keys_path()).unwrap());
let iterations = conf.keys_iterations();
let store = AccountProvider::new(Box::new(EthStore::open_with_iterations(dir, iterations).unwrap()));
// remove eof
let pass = &file_content[..file_content.len() - 1];
let wallet = PresaleWallet::open(wallet_path).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("Unable to open presale wallet."));
let kp = wallet.decrypt(pass).unwrap_or_else(|_| die!("Invalid password"));
let address = store.insert_account(kp.secret().clone(), pass).unwrap();
println!("Imported account: {}", address);
fn wait_for_exit(
panic_handler: Arc<PanicHandler>,
_rpc_server: Option<RpcServer>,
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pub fn setup_rpc<T: Extendable>(server: T, deps: Arc<Dependencies>, apis: ApiSet
server.add_delegate(EthFilterClient::new(&deps.client, &deps.miner).to_delegate());
if deps.signer_port.is_some() {
server.add_delegate(EthSigningQueueClient::new(&deps.signer_queue, &deps.client, &deps.miner).to_delegate());
server.add_delegate(EthSigningQueueClient::new(&deps.signer_queue, &deps.client, &deps.miner, &deps.secret_store).to_delegate());
} else {
server.add_delegate(EthSigningUnsafeClient::new(&deps.client, &deps.secret_store, &deps.miner).to_delegate());
@ -43,15 +43,17 @@ fn fill_optional_fields<C, M>(request: &mut TransactionRequest, client: &C, mine
/// Implementation of functions that require signing when no trusted signer is used.
pub struct EthSigningQueueClient<C, M> where C: MiningBlockChainClient, M: MinerService {
queue: Weak<ConfirmationsQueue>,
accounts: Weak<AccountProvider>,
client: Weak<C>,
miner: Weak<M>,
impl<C, M> EthSigningQueueClient<C, M> where C: MiningBlockChainClient, M: MinerService {
/// Creates a new signing queue client given shared signing queue.
pub fn new(queue: &Arc<ConfirmationsQueue>, client: &Arc<C>, miner: &Arc<M>) -> Self {
pub fn new(queue: &Arc<ConfirmationsQueue>, client: &Arc<C>, miner: &Arc<M>, accounts: &Arc<AccountProvider>) -> Self {
EthSigningQueueClient {
queue: Arc::downgrade(queue),
accounts: Arc::downgrade(accounts),
client: Arc::downgrade(client),
miner: Arc::downgrade(miner),
@ -71,9 +73,18 @@ impl<C, M> EthSigning for EthSigningQueueClient<C, M>
fn send_transaction(&self, params: Params) -> Result<Value, Error> {
from_params::<(TransactionRequest, )>(params)
.and_then(|(mut request, )| {
let queue = take_weak!(self.queue);
let accounts = take_weak!(self.accounts);
let (client, miner) = (take_weak!(self.client), take_weak!(self.miner));
if accounts.is_unlocked(request.from) {
let sender = request.from;
return match sign_and_dispatch(&*client, &*miner, request, &*accounts, sender) {
Ok(hash) => to_value(&hash),
_ => to_value(&H256::zero()),
let queue = take_weak!(self.queue);
fill_optional_fields(&mut request, &*client, &*miner);
let id = queue.add_request(request);
let result = id.wait_with_timeout();
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see <>.
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use jsonrpc_core::IoHandler;
use v1::impls::EthSigningQueueClient;
@ -21,12 +22,16 @@ use v1::traits::EthSigning;
use v1::helpers::{ConfirmationsQueue, SigningQueue};
use v1::tests::helpers::TestMinerService;
use util::{Address, FixedHash};
use util::numbers::{Uint, U256};
use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider;
use ethcore::client::TestBlockChainClient;
use ethcore::transaction::{Transaction, Action};
struct EthSigningTester {
pub queue: Arc<ConfirmationsQueue>,
pub client: Arc<TestBlockChainClient>,
pub miner: Arc<TestMinerService>,
pub accounts: Arc<AccountProvider>,
pub io: IoHandler,
@ -35,13 +40,15 @@ impl Default for EthSigningTester {
let queue = Arc::new(ConfirmationsQueue::default());
let client = Arc::new(TestBlockChainClient::default());
let miner = Arc::new(TestMinerService::default());
let accounts = Arc::new(AccountProvider::transient_provider());
let io = IoHandler::new();
io.add_delegate(EthSigningQueueClient::new(&queue, &client, &miner).to_delegate());
io.add_delegate(EthSigningQueueClient::new(&queue, &client, &miner, &accounts).to_delegate());
EthSigningTester {
queue: queue,
client: client,
miner: miner,
accounts: accounts,
io: io,
@ -78,5 +85,41 @@ fn should_add_transaction_to_queue() {
// then
assert_eq!(, Some(response.to_owned()));
assert_eq!(tester.queue.requests().len(), 1);
fn should_dispatch_transaction_if_account_is_unlocked() {
// given
let tester = eth_signing();
let acc = tester.accounts.new_account("test").unwrap();
tester.accounts.unlock_account_permanently(acc, "test".into()).unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
nonce: U256::zero(),
gas_price: U256::from(0x9184e72a000u64),
gas: U256::from(0x76c0),
action: Action::Call(Address::from_str("d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567").unwrap()),
value: U256::from(0x9184e72au64),
data: vec![]
let signature = tester.accounts.sign(acc, t.hash()).unwrap();
let t = t.with_signature(signature);
// when
let request = r#"{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_sendTransaction",
"params": [{
"from": ""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", acc).as_ref() + r#"",
"to": "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567",
"gas": "0x76c0",
"gasPrice": "0x9184e72a000",
"value": "0x9184e72a"
"id": 1
let response = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":""#.to_owned() + format!("0x{:?}", t.hash()).as_ref() + r#"","id":1}"#;
// then
assert_eq!(, Some(response.to_owned()));
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ impl Server {
let config = {
let mut config = ws::Settings::default();
// It's also used for handling min-sysui requests (browser can make many of them in paralel)
config.max_connections = 15;
config.method_strict = true;
// Was shutting down server when suspending on linux:
config.shutdown_on_interrupt = false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user