* eip1559 hard fork activation
* eip1559 hard fork activation 2
* added new transaction type for eip1559
* added base fee field to block header
* fmt fix
* added base fee calculation. added block header validation against base fee
* fmt
* temporarily added modified transaction pool
* tx pool fix of PendingIterator
* tx pool fix of UnorderedIterator
* tx pool added test for set_scoring
* transaction pool changes
* added tests for eip1559 transaction and eip1559 receipt
* added test for eip1559 transaction execution
* block gas limit / block gas target handling
* base fee verification moved out of engine
* calculate_base_fee moved to EthereumMachine
* handling of base_fee_per_gas as part of seal
* handling of base_fee_per_gas changed. Different encoding/decoding of block header
* eip1559 transaction execution - gas price handling
* eip1559 transaction execution - verification, fee burning
* effectiveGasPrice removed from the receipt payload (specs)
* added support for 1559 txs in tx pool verification
* added Aleut test network configuration
* effective_tip_scaled replaced by typed_gas_price
* eip 3198 - Basefee opcode
* rpc - updated structs Block and Header
* rpc changes for 1559
* variable renaming according to spec
* - typed_gas_price renamed to effective_gas_price
- elasticity_multiplier definition moved to update_schedule()
* calculate_base_fee simplified
* Evm environment context temporary fix for gas limit
* fmt fix
* fixed fake_sign::sign_call
* temporary fix for GASLIMIT opcode to provide gas_target actually
* gas_target removed from block header according to spec change: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/3566
* tx pool verification fix
* env_info base fee changed to Option
* fmt fix
* pretty format
* updated ethereum tests
* cache_pending refresh on each update of score
* code review fixes
* fmt fix
* code review fix - changed handling of eip1559_base_fee_max_change_denominator
* code review fix - modification.gas_price
* Skip gas_limit_bump for Aura
* gas_limit calculation changed to target ceil
* gas_limit calculation will target ceil on 1559 activation block
* transaction verification updated according spec: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/3594
* updated json tests
* ethereum json tests fix for base_fee
* Add SealingState; don't prepare block when not ready. (#10529)
* Fix a few typos and unused warnings. #10803
* Configuration map of block reward contract addresses (#10875)
* Step duration map configuration parameter ported from the POA Network fork (#10902)
* Add a 2/3 quorum option to Authority Round. (#10909)
* Additional arithmetic EVM opcode benchmarks (#10916)
* RPC method for clearing the engine signer (#10920)
* authority_round: Fix next_step_time_duration. (#11379)
* Aura: Report malice on sibling blocks from the same validator (#11160)
* TxPermissions ver 3: gas price & data (#11170)
* Add randomness contract support to AuthorityRound. (#10946)
* Set the block gas limit to the value returned by a contract call (#10928)
* AuthorityEngine: Minor cleanups. (#11408)
* Add POSDAO transition and malice report queue. (#11245)
* PoA call validators on_close_block
* Actualize spec files for POA Networks
* Some fixes after merge
* Crypto error desc
* AuRa on_close_block Error::Old fix
Co-authored-by: POA <33550681+poa@users.noreply.github.com>
* Enabling github action tests
* Fix failing tests
* AccessList to Option in json
* failing rust example removed
* AccessList for jsonrpc
* Tx type as sequence, AccessList as type