* Render Dapps via SectionList
* Initial rendering of accounts via SectionList
* Width vars
* Allow classNames in certifications & tags
* Overlay of info on hover
* Adjust hover balances
* Large owner icons (align with vaults)
* Consistent block mined at message
* Attach ParityBackground to html
* Adjust page padding to align
* Lint fixes
* Link to different types of addresses
* Make content parts clickable only (a within a)
* Force Chrome hardware acceleration
* Trust the vendors... don't go crazy with transform :)
* Use faster & default transitions
* Remove extra container (double scrolling)
* Remove unused container style
* Make dapp iframe background white
* Stop event propgation on tag click
* Shorten menu items (accounts)
* Shorten menu items (addresses)
* Shorten menu items (contracts)
* Shorten menu items (account)
* Shorten menu items (address)
* Shorten menu items (contract)
* Auto-focus & perform default action
* Auto-focus & default action
* Auto focus for first fields (create account)
* Clear phrase & auto-focus field
* Auto-focus name fields
* Add autoFocus (Add Address)
* autoFocus address (Add Contract)
* Auto focus name field
* Auto-focus name field for EditMeta
* Auto-focus modifications (WalletSettings)
* Verification auto focus
* typo
* Double-up on keys
* translation stings copied from _default to nl
* First batch of nl translations
* Second batch of nl translations
* Syntax fix
* include new nl translation files to index
* Fix Geth import - actually pass addresses through
* Work from addresses returned via RPC
* Display actual addresses imported (not selected)
* Update tests to cover bug fixed
* Default accounts setting - account provider
* RPC support for default accounts
* Updating JS code
* Rename whitelist to addresses
* Set the defaults using default, allowing for null/full lists
* Update failing tests (after merge)
* Fix merge with wrong rpc call names
* One account needs to be selected
* Add account balance display from ParityBar
* Ellipsis with title
* Balance display in Dapp permissions
* Add balance to vault account selector
* Add key prop to accounts in Vault
* Fix failing test (missing redux prop)
* Explicitly set seconds/milli to 0
* Use condition time & block setters consistently
* Fix failing test
* test for 0 ms & sec
* It cannot hurt, clone date before setting
* Prettier date test constants (OCD)
* Build script to pull i18n into i18n/_default
* Fix header
* Current strings as extracted
* details_windows without prefix
* clean before build
* Alwasy extract babel strings
* clean & run build before extraction
* Update settings messages
* Put back template string (PR comment)
* PR comment cleanups & logging
* Less complicated string type check (PR comment)
* Remove node cache to extract all keys (Thanks @ngotchac)
* Merge in defaults from i18n/en (Comment by @h3ll0fr13nd)
* Unique index keys only
* Update with latest master strings
* _.defaultsDeep (Thanks to @dehurst)
* Use to-source for string formatting
* Sync with toSource output on latest master
* Updated to use/output sorted objects