// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity.
// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity. If not, see .
//! Transaction Execution environment.
use std::cmp;
use std::sync::Arc;
use hash::keccak;
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, U512, Address};
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesRef};
use state::{Backend as StateBackend, State, Substate, CleanupMode};
use machine::EthereumMachine as Machine;
use error::ExecutionError;
use evm::{CallType, Finalize, FinalizationResult};
use vm::{
self, Ext, EnvInfo, CreateContractAddress, ReturnData, CleanDustMode, ActionParams,
ActionValue, Schedule,
use externalities::*;
use trace::{self, Tracer, VMTracer};
use transaction::{Action, SignedTransaction};
use crossbeam;
pub use executed::{Executed, ExecutionResult};
/// Roughly estimate what stack size each level of evm depth will use
/// TODO [todr] We probably need some more sophisticated calculations here (limit on my machine 132)
/// Maybe something like here: `https://github.com/ethereum/libethereum/blob/4db169b8504f2b87f7d5a481819cfb959fc65f6c/libethereum/ExtVM.cpp`
const STACK_SIZE_PER_DEPTH: usize = 24*1024;
/// Returns new address created from address, nonce, and code hash
pub fn contract_address(address_scheme: CreateContractAddress, sender: &Address, nonce: &U256, code: &[u8]) -> (Address, Option) {
use rlp::RlpStream;
match address_scheme {
CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce => {
let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2);
(From::from(keccak(stream.as_raw())), None)
CreateContractAddress::FromCodeHash => {
let code_hash = keccak(code);
let mut buffer = [0xffu8; 20 + 32];
&mut buffer[20..].copy_from_slice(&code_hash[..]);
(From::from(keccak(&buffer[..])), Some(code_hash))
CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndCodeHash => {
let code_hash = keccak(code);
let mut buffer = [0u8; 20 + 32];
&mut buffer[..20].copy_from_slice(&sender[..]);
&mut buffer[20..].copy_from_slice(&code_hash[..]);
(From::from(keccak(&buffer[..])), Some(code_hash))
/// Transaction execution options.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct TransactOptions {
/// Enable call tracing.
pub tracer: T,
/// Enable VM tracing.
pub vm_tracer: V,
/// Check transaction nonce before execution.
pub check_nonce: bool,
/// Records the output from init contract calls.
pub output_from_init_contract: bool,
impl TransactOptions {
/// Create new `TransactOptions` with given tracer and VM tracer.
pub fn new(tracer: T, vm_tracer: V) -> Self {
TransactOptions {
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
/// Disables the nonce check
pub fn dont_check_nonce(mut self) -> Self {
self.check_nonce = false;
/// Saves the output from contract creation.
pub fn save_output_from_contract(mut self) -> Self {
self.output_from_init_contract = true;
impl TransactOptions {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` with default tracing and VM tracing.
pub fn with_tracing_and_vm_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::ExecutiveTracer::default(),
vm_tracer: trace::ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel(),
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
impl TransactOptions {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` with default tracing and no VM tracing.
pub fn with_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::ExecutiveTracer::default(),
vm_tracer: trace::NoopVMTracer,
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
impl TransactOptions {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` with no tracing and default VM tracing.
pub fn with_vm_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::NoopTracer,
vm_tracer: trace::ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel(),
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
impl TransactOptions {
/// Creates new `TransactOptions` without any tracing.
pub fn with_no_tracing() -> Self {
TransactOptions {
tracer: trace::NoopTracer,
vm_tracer: trace::NoopVMTracer,
check_nonce: true,
output_from_init_contract: false,
/// Transaction executor.
pub struct Executive<'a, B: 'a + StateBackend> {
state: &'a mut State,
info: &'a EnvInfo,
machine: &'a Machine,
depth: usize,
static_flag: bool,
impl<'a, B: 'a + StateBackend> Executive<'a, B> {
/// Basic constructor.
pub fn new(state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, machine: &'a Machine) -> Self {
Executive {
state: state,
info: info,
machine: machine,
depth: 0,
static_flag: false,
/// Populates executive from parent properties. Increments executive depth.
pub fn from_parent(state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, machine: &'a Machine, parent_depth: usize, static_flag: bool) -> Self {
Executive {
state: state,
info: info,
machine: machine,
depth: parent_depth + 1,
static_flag: static_flag,
/// Creates `Externalities` from `Executive`.
pub fn as_externalities<'any, T, V>(
&'any mut self,
origin_info: OriginInfo,
substate: &'any mut Substate,
output: OutputPolicy<'any, 'any>,
tracer: &'any mut T,
vm_tracer: &'any mut V,
static_call: bool,
) -> Externalities<'any, T, V, B> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
let is_static = self.static_flag || static_call;
Externalities::new(self.state, self.info, self.machine, self.depth, origin_info, substate, output, tracer, vm_tracer, is_static)
/// This function should be used to execute transaction.
pub fn transact(&'a mut self, t: &SignedTransaction, options: TransactOptions)
-> Result, ExecutionError> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer,
self.transact_with_tracer(t, options.check_nonce, options.output_from_init_contract, options.tracer, options.vm_tracer)
/// Execute a transaction in a "virtual" context.
/// This will ensure the caller has enough balance to execute the desired transaction.
/// Used for extra-block executions for things like consensus contracts and RPCs
pub fn transact_virtual(&'a mut self, t: &SignedTransaction, options: TransactOptions)
-> Result, ExecutionError> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer,
let sender = t.sender();
let balance = self.state.balance(&sender)?;
let needed_balance = t.value.saturating_add(t.gas.saturating_mul(t.gas_price));
if balance < needed_balance {
// give the sender a sufficient balance
self.state.add_balance(&sender, &(needed_balance - balance), CleanupMode::NoEmpty)?;
self.transact(t, options)
/// Execute transaction/call with tracing enabled
fn transact_with_tracer(
&'a mut self,
t: &SignedTransaction,
check_nonce: bool,
output_from_create: bool,
mut tracer: T,
mut vm_tracer: V
) -> Result, ExecutionError> where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
let sender = t.sender();
let nonce = self.state.nonce(&sender)?;
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
let base_gas_required = U256::from(t.gas_required(&schedule));
if t.gas < base_gas_required {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::NotEnoughBaseGas { required: base_gas_required, got: t.gas }));
if !t.is_unsigned() && check_nonce && schedule.kill_dust != CleanDustMode::Off && !self.state.exists(&sender)? {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::SenderMustExist));
let init_gas = t.gas - base_gas_required;
// validate transaction nonce
if check_nonce && t.nonce != nonce {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected: nonce, got: t.nonce }));
// validate if transaction fits into given block
if self.info.gas_used + t.gas > self.info.gas_limit {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached {
gas_limit: self.info.gas_limit,
gas_used: self.info.gas_used,
gas: t.gas
// TODO: we might need bigints here, or at least check overflows.
let balance = self.state.balance(&sender)?;
let gas_cost = t.gas.full_mul(t.gas_price);
let total_cost = U512::from(t.value) + gas_cost;
// avoid unaffordable transactions
let balance512 = U512::from(balance);
if balance512 < total_cost {
return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::NotEnoughCash { required: total_cost, got: balance512 }));
let mut substate = Substate::new();
// NOTE: there can be no invalid transactions from this point.
if !schedule.eip86 || !t.is_unsigned() {
self.state.sub_balance(&sender, &U256::from(gas_cost), &mut substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
let (result, output) = match t.action {
Action::Create => {
let (new_address, code_hash) = contract_address(self.machine.create_address_scheme(self.info.number), &sender, &nonce, &t.data);
let params = ActionParams {
code_address: new_address.clone(),
code_hash: code_hash,
address: new_address,
sender: sender.clone(),
origin: sender.clone(),
gas: init_gas,
gas_price: t.gas_price,
value: ActionValue::Transfer(t.value),
code: Some(Arc::new(t.data.clone())),
data: None,
call_type: CallType::None,
params_type: vm::ParamsType::Embedded,
let mut out = if output_from_create { Some(vec![]) } else { None };
(self.create(params, &mut substate, &mut out, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer), out.unwrap_or_else(Vec::new))
Action::Call(ref address) => {
let params = ActionParams {
code_address: address.clone(),
address: address.clone(),
sender: sender.clone(),
origin: sender.clone(),
gas: init_gas,
gas_price: t.gas_price,
value: ActionValue::Transfer(t.value),
code: self.state.code(address)?,
code_hash: Some(self.state.code_hash(address)?),
data: Some(t.data.clone()),
call_type: CallType::Call,
params_type: vm::ParamsType::Separate,
let mut out = vec![];
(self.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Flexible(&mut out), &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer), out)
// finalize here!
Ok(self.finalize(t, substate, result, output, tracer.drain(), vm_tracer.drain())?)
fn exec_vm(
&mut self,
schedule: Schedule,
params: ActionParams,
unconfirmed_substate: &mut Substate,
output_policy: OutputPolicy,
tracer: &mut T,
vm_tracer: &mut V
) -> vm::Result where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
let depth_threshold = ::io::LOCAL_STACK_SIZE.with(|sz| sz.get() / STACK_SIZE_PER_DEPTH);
let static_call = params.call_type == CallType::StaticCall;
// Ordinary execution - keep VM in same thread
if (self.depth + 1) % depth_threshold != 0 {
let vm_factory = self.state.vm_factory();
let mut ext = self.as_externalities(OriginInfo::from(¶ms), unconfirmed_substate, output_policy, tracer, vm_tracer, static_call);
trace!(target: "executive", "ext.schedule.have_delegate_call: {}", ext.schedule().have_delegate_call);
let mut vm = vm_factory.create(¶ms, &schedule);
return vm.exec(params, &mut ext).finalize(ext);
// Start in new thread to reset stack
// TODO [todr] No thread builder yet, so we need to reset once for a while
// https://github.com/aturon/crossbeam/issues/16
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
let vm_factory = self.state.vm_factory();
let mut ext = self.as_externalities(OriginInfo::from(¶ms), unconfirmed_substate, output_policy, tracer, vm_tracer, static_call);
scope.spawn(move || {
let mut vm = vm_factory.create(¶ms, &schedule);
vm.exec(params, &mut ext).finalize(ext)
/// Calls contract function with given contract params.
/// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides).
/// Modifies the substate and the output.
/// Returns either gas_left or `vm::Error`.
pub fn call(
&mut self,
params: ActionParams,
substate: &mut Substate,
mut output: BytesRef,
tracer: &mut T,
vm_tracer: &mut V
) -> vm::Result where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
trace!("Executive::call(params={:?}) self.env_info={:?}, static={}", params, self.info, self.static_flag);
if (params.call_type == CallType::StaticCall ||
((params.call_type == CallType::Call) &&
&& params.value.value() > 0.into() {
return Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext);
// backup used in case of running out of gas
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
// at first, transfer value to destination
if let ActionValue::Transfer(val) = params.value {
self.state.transfer_balance(¶ms.sender, ¶ms.address, &val, substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
// if destination is builtin, try to execute it
if let Some(builtin) = self.machine.builtin(¶ms.code_address, self.info.number) {
// Engines aren't supposed to return builtins until activation, but
// prefer to fail rather than silently break consensus.
if !builtin.is_active(self.info.number) {
panic!("Consensus failure: engine implementation prematurely enabled built-in at {}", params.code_address);
let default = [];
let data = if let Some(ref d) = params.data { d as &[u8] } else { &default as &[u8] };
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_call(¶ms);
let cost = builtin.cost(data);
if cost <= params.gas {
let mut builtin_out_buffer = Vec::new();
let result = {
let mut builtin_output = BytesRef::Flexible(&mut builtin_out_buffer);
builtin.execute(data, &mut builtin_output)
if let Err(e) = result {
let evm_err: vm::Error = e.into();
tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, vec![], evm_err.clone().into());
} else {
output.write(0, &builtin_out_buffer);
// trace only top level calls to builtins to avoid DDoS attacks
if self.depth == 0 {
let mut trace_output = tracer.prepare_trace_output();
if let Some(out) = trace_output.as_mut() {
*out = output.to_owned();
let out_len = builtin_out_buffer.len();
Ok(FinalizationResult {
gas_left: params.gas - cost,
return_data: ReturnData::new(builtin_out_buffer, 0, out_len),
apply_state: true,
} else {
// just drain the whole gas
tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, vec![], vm::Error::OutOfGas.into());
} else {
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_call(¶ms);
let mut trace_output = tracer.prepare_trace_output();
let mut subtracer = tracer.subtracer();
let gas = params.gas;
if params.code.is_some() {
// part of substate that may be reverted
let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new();
// TODO: make ActionParams pass by ref then avoid copy altogether.
let mut subvmtracer = vm_tracer.prepare_subtrace(params.code.as_ref().expect("scope is conditional on params.code.is_some(); qed"));
let res = {
self.exec_vm(schedule, params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::Return(output, trace_output.as_mut()), &mut subtracer, &mut subvmtracer)
trace!(target: "executive", "res={:?}", res);
let traces = subtracer.drain();
match res {
Ok(ref res) if res.apply_state => tracer.trace_call(
gas - res.gas_left,
Ok(_) => tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, traces, vm::Error::Reverted.into()),
Err(ref e) => tracer.trace_failed_call(trace_info, traces, e.into()),
trace!(target: "executive", "substate={:?}; unconfirmed_substate={:?}\n", substate, unconfirmed_substate);
self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate);
trace!(target: "executive", "enacted: substate={:?}\n", substate);
} else {
// otherwise it's just a basic transaction, only do tracing, if necessary.
tracer.trace_call(trace_info, U256::zero(), trace_output, vec![]);
Ok(FinalizationResult {
gas_left: params.gas,
return_data: ReturnData::empty(),
apply_state: true,
/// Creates contract with given contract params.
/// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides).
/// Modifies the substate.
pub fn create(
&mut self,
params: ActionParams,
substate: &mut Substate,
output: &mut Option,
tracer: &mut T,
vm_tracer: &mut V,
) -> vm::Result where T: Tracer, V: VMTracer {
// EIP-684: If a contract creation is attempted, due to either a creation transaction or the
// CREATE (or future CREATE2) opcode, and the destination address already has either
// nonzero nonce, or nonempty code, then the creation throws immediately, with exactly
// the same behavior as would arise if the first byte in the init code were an invalid
// opcode. This applies retroactively starting from genesis.
if self.state.exists_and_has_code_or_nonce(¶ms.address)? {
return Err(vm::Error::OutOfGas);
trace!("Executive::create(params={:?}) self.env_info={:?}, static={}", params, self.info, self.static_flag);
if params.call_type == CallType::StaticCall || self.static_flag {
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_create(¶ms);
tracer.trace_failed_create(trace_info, vec![], vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext.into());
return Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext);
// backup used in case of running out of gas
// part of substate that may be reverted
let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new();
// create contract and transfer value to it if necessary
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
let nonce_offset = if schedule.no_empty {1} else {0}.into();
let prev_bal = self.state.balance(¶ms.address)?;
if let ActionValue::Transfer(val) = params.value {
self.state.sub_balance(¶ms.sender, &val, &mut substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
self.state.new_contract(¶ms.address, val + prev_bal, nonce_offset);
} else {
self.state.new_contract(¶ms.address, prev_bal, nonce_offset);
let trace_info = tracer.prepare_trace_create(¶ms);
let mut trace_output = tracer.prepare_trace_output();
let mut subtracer = tracer.subtracer();
let gas = params.gas;
let created = params.address.clone();
let mut subvmtracer = vm_tracer.prepare_subtrace(params.code.as_ref().expect("two ways into create (Externalities::create and Executive::transact_with_tracer); both place `Some(...)` `code` in `params`; qed"));
let res = self.exec_vm(
&mut unconfirmed_substate,
&mut subtracer,
&mut subvmtracer
match res {
Ok(ref res) if res.apply_state => tracer.trace_create(
gas - res.gas_left,
trace_output.map(|data| output.as_ref().map(|out| out.to_vec()).unwrap_or(data)),
Ok(_) => tracer.trace_failed_create(trace_info, subtracer.drain(), vm::Error::Reverted.into()),
Err(ref e) => tracer.trace_failed_create(trace_info, subtracer.drain(), e.into())
self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate);
/// Finalizes the transaction (does refunds and suicides).
fn finalize(
&mut self,
t: &SignedTransaction,
mut substate: Substate,
result: vm::Result,
output: Bytes,
trace: Vec,
vm_trace: Option
) -> Result, ExecutionError> {
let schedule = self.machine.schedule(self.info.number);
// refunds from SSTORE nonzero -> zero
let sstore_refunds = U256::from(schedule.sstore_refund_gas) * substate.sstore_clears_count;
// refunds from contract suicides
let suicide_refunds = U256::from(schedule.suicide_refund_gas) * U256::from(substate.suicides.len());
let refunds_bound = sstore_refunds + suicide_refunds;
// real ammount to refund
let gas_left_prerefund = match result { Ok(FinalizationResult{ gas_left, .. }) => gas_left, _ => 0.into() };
let refunded = cmp::min(refunds_bound, (t.gas - gas_left_prerefund) >> 1);
let gas_left = gas_left_prerefund + refunded;
let gas_used = t.gas - gas_left;
let refund_value = gas_left * t.gas_price;
let fees_value = gas_used * t.gas_price;
trace!("exec::finalize: t.gas={}, sstore_refunds={}, suicide_refunds={}, refunds_bound={}, gas_left_prerefund={}, refunded={}, gas_left={}, gas_used={}, refund_value={}, fees_value={}\n",
t.gas, sstore_refunds, suicide_refunds, refunds_bound, gas_left_prerefund, refunded, gas_left, gas_used, refund_value, fees_value);
let sender = t.sender();
trace!("exec::finalize: Refunding refund_value={}, sender={}\n", refund_value, sender);
// Below: NoEmpty is safe since the sender must already be non-null to have sent this transaction
self.state.add_balance(&sender, &refund_value, CleanupMode::NoEmpty)?;
trace!("exec::finalize: Compensating author: fees_value={}, author={}\n", fees_value, &self.info.author);
self.state.add_balance(&self.info.author, &fees_value, substate.to_cleanup_mode(&schedule))?;
// perform suicides
for address in &substate.suicides {
// perform garbage-collection
let min_balance = if schedule.kill_dust != CleanDustMode::Off { Some(U256::from(schedule.tx_gas) * t.gas_price) } else { None };
self.state.kill_garbage(&substate.touched, schedule.kill_empty, &min_balance, schedule.kill_dust == CleanDustMode::WithCodeAndStorage)?;
match result {
Err(vm::Error::Internal(msg)) => Err(ExecutionError::Internal(msg)),
Err(exception) => {
Ok(Executed {
exception: Some(exception),
gas: t.gas,
gas_used: t.gas,
refunded: U256::zero(),
cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + t.gas,
logs: vec![],
contracts_created: vec![],
output: output,
trace: trace,
vm_trace: vm_trace,
state_diff: None,
Ok(r) => {
Ok(Executed {
exception: if r.apply_state { None } else { Some(vm::Error::Reverted) },
gas: t.gas,
gas_used: gas_used,
refunded: refunded,
cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + gas_used,
logs: substate.logs,
contracts_created: substate.contracts_created,
output: output,
trace: trace,
vm_trace: vm_trace,
state_diff: None,
fn enact_result(&mut self, result: &vm::Result, substate: &mut Substate, un_substate: Substate) {
match *result {
| Err(vm::Error::BadJumpDestination {..})
| Err(vm::Error::BadInstruction {.. })
| Err(vm::Error::StackUnderflow {..})
| Err(vm::Error::BuiltIn {..})
| Err(vm::Error::Wasm {..})
| Err(vm::Error::OutOfStack {..})
| Err(vm::Error::MutableCallInStaticContext)
| Err(vm::Error::OutOfBounds)
| Err(vm::Error::Reverted)
| Ok(FinalizationResult { apply_state: false, .. }) => {
Ok(_) | Err(vm::Error::Internal(_)) => {
mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::str::FromStr;
use rustc_hex::FromHex;
use ethkey::{Generator, Random};
use super::*;
use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, U512, Address};
use bytes::BytesRef;
use vm::{ActionParams, ActionValue, CallType, EnvInfo, CreateContractAddress};
use evm::{Factory, VMType};
use error::ExecutionError;
use machine::EthereumMachine;
use state::{Substate, CleanupMode};
use tests::helpers::{get_temp_state_with_factory, get_temp_state};
use trace::trace;
use trace::{FlatTrace, Tracer, NoopTracer, ExecutiveTracer};
use trace::{VMTrace, VMOperation, VMExecutedOperation, MemoryDiff, StorageDiff, VMTracer, NoopVMTracer, ExecutiveVMTracer};
use transaction::{Action, Transaction};
fn make_frontier_machine(max_depth: usize) -> EthereumMachine {
let mut machine = ::ethereum::new_frontier_test_machine();
machine.set_schedule_creation_rules(Box::new(move |s, _| s.max_depth = max_depth));
fn test_contract_address() {
let address = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let expected_address = Address::from_str("3f09c73a5ed19289fb9bdc72f1742566df146f56").unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_address, contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &address, &U256::from(88), &[]).0);
// TODO: replace params with transactions!
evm_test!{test_sender_balance: test_sender_balance_int}
fn test_sender_balance(factory: Factory) {
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new("3331600055".from_hex().unwrap()));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(0x7));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(0x100u64), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(79_975));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::new()).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(0xf9u64)));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender).unwrap(), U256::from(0xf9));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&address).unwrap(), U256::from(0x7));
// 0 cause contract hasn't returned
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0);
// TODO: just test state root.
evm_test!{test_create_contract_out_of_depth: test_create_contract_out_of_depth_int}
fn test_create_contract_out_of_depth(factory: Factory) {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 17 - push 17
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62_976));
// ended with max depth
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0);
// Tracing is not suported in JIT
fn test_call_to_create() {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 17 - push 23
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.code_address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
params.call_type = CallType::Call;
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(5);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = ExecutiveTracer::default();
let mut vm_tracer = ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let output = BytesRef::Fixed(&mut[0u8;0]);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, output, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(44_752));
let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace {
trace_address: Default::default(),
subtraces: 1,
action: trace::Action::Call(trace::Call {
from: "cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681".into(),
to: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 100.into(),
gas: 100000.into(),
input: vec![],
call_type: CallType::Call,
result: trace::Res::Call(trace::CallResult {
gas_used: U256::from(55_248),
output: vec![],
}, FlatTrace {
trace_address: vec![0].into_iter().collect(),
subtraces: 0,
action: trace::Action::Create(trace::Create {
from: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 23.into(),
gas: 67979.into(),
init: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85]
result: trace::Res::Create(trace::CreateResult {
gas_used: U256::from(3224),
address: Address::from_str("c6d80f262ae5e0f164e5fde365044d7ada2bfa34").unwrap(),
code: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53]
assert_eq!(tracer.drain(), expected_trace);
let expected_vm_trace = VMTrace {
parent_step: 0,
code: vec![124, 96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85, 96, 0, 82, 96, 29, 96, 3, 96, 23, 240, 96, 0, 85],
operations: vec![
VMOperation { pc: 0, instruction: 124, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99997.into(), stack_push: vec_into![U256::from_dec_str("2589892687202724018173567190521546555304938078595079151649957320078677").unwrap()], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 30, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99994.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 32, instruction: 82, gas_cost: 6.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99988.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: Some(MemoryDiff { offset: 0, data: vec![0, 0, 0, 96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85] }), store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 33, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99985.into(), stack_push: vec_into![29], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 35, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99982.into(), stack_push: vec_into![3], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 37, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99979.into(), stack_push: vec_into![23], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 39, instruction: 240, gas_cost: 99979.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 64755.into(), stack_push: vec_into![U256::from_dec_str("1135198453258042933984631383966629874710669425204").unwrap()], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 40, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 64752.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 42, instruction: 85, gas_cost: 20000.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 44752.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: None, store_diff: Some(StorageDiff { location: 0.into(), value: U256::from_dec_str("1135198453258042933984631383966629874710669425204").unwrap() }) }) }
subs: vec![
VMTrace {
parent_step: 6,
code: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85],
operations: vec![
VMOperation { pc: 0, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67976.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 2, instruction: 128, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67973.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16, 16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 3, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67970.into(), stack_push: vec_into![12], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 5, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67967.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 7, instruction: 57, gas_cost: 9.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67958.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: Some(MemoryDiff { offset: 0, data: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53] }), store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 8, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67955.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 10, instruction: 243, gas_cost: 0.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 67955.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) }
subs: vec![]
assert_eq!(vm_tracer.drain().unwrap(), expected_vm_trace);
fn test_trace_reverted_create() {
// code:
// 65 60016000fd - push 5 bytes
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52 mstore
// 60 05 - push 5
// 60 1b - push 27
// 60 17 - push 23
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 01
// 60 00
// fd - revert
let code = "6460016000fd6000526005601b6017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.code_address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
params.call_type = CallType::Call;
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = ::ethereum::new_byzantium_test_machine();
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = ExecutiveTracer::default();
let mut vm_tracer = ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let output = BytesRef::Fixed(&mut[0u8;0]);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, output, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62967));
let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace {
trace_address: Default::default(),
subtraces: 1,
action: trace::Action::Call(trace::Call {
from: "cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681".into(),
to: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 100.into(),
gas: 100_000.into(),
input: vec![],
call_type: CallType::Call,
result: trace::Res::Call(trace::CallResult {
gas_used: U256::from(37_033),
output: vec![],
}, FlatTrace {
trace_address: vec![0].into_iter().collect(),
subtraces: 0,
action: trace::Action::Create(trace::Create {
from: "b010143a42d5980c7e5ef0e4a4416dc098a4fed3".into(),
value: 23.into(),
gas: 66_917.into(),
init: vec![0x60, 0x01, 0x60, 0x00, 0xfd]
result: trace::Res::FailedCreate(vm::Error::Reverted.into()),
assert_eq!(tracer.drain(), expected_trace);
fn test_create_contract() {
// Tracing is not supported in JIT
// code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(100.into());
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(5);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut tracer = ExecutiveTracer::default();
let mut vm_tracer = ExecutiveVMTracer::toplevel();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params.clone(), &mut substate, &mut None, &mut tracer, &mut vm_tracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(96_776));
let expected_trace = vec![FlatTrace {
trace_address: Default::default(),
subtraces: 0,
action: trace::Action::Create(trace::Create {
from: params.sender,
value: 100.into(),
gas: params.gas,
init: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85],
result: trace::Res::Create(trace::CreateResult {
gas_used: U256::from(3224),
address: params.address,
code: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53]
assert_eq!(tracer.drain(), expected_trace);
let expected_vm_trace = VMTrace {
parent_step: 0,
code: vec![96, 16, 128, 96, 12, 96, 0, 57, 96, 0, 243, 0, 96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53, 85],
operations: vec![
VMOperation { pc: 0, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99997.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 2, instruction: 128, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99994.into(), stack_push: vec_into![16, 16], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 3, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99991.into(), stack_push: vec_into![12], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 5, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99988.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 7, instruction: 57, gas_cost: 9.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99979.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: Some(MemoryDiff { offset: 0, data: vec![96, 0, 53, 84, 21, 96, 9, 87, 0, 91, 96, 32, 53, 96, 0, 53] }), store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 8, instruction: 96, gas_cost: 3.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99976.into(), stack_push: vec_into![0], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) },
VMOperation { pc: 10, instruction: 243, gas_cost: 0.into(), executed: Some(VMExecutedOperation { gas_used: 99976.into(), stack_push: vec_into![], mem_diff: None, store_diff: None }) }
subs: vec![]
assert_eq!(vm_tracer.drain().unwrap(), expected_vm_trace);
evm_test!{test_create_contract_value_too_high: test_create_contract_value_too_high_int}
fn test_create_contract_value_too_high(factory: Factory) {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 e6 - push 230
// f0 - create a contract trying to send 230.
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d600360e6f0600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62_976));
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0);
evm_test!{test_create_contract_without_max_depth: test_create_contract_without_max_depth_int}
fn test_create_contract_without_max_depth(factory: Factory) {
// code:
// 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes?
// 60 00 - push 0
// 52
// 60 1d - push 29
// 60 03 - push 3
// 60 17 - push 17
// f0 - create
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 sstore
// other code:
// 60 10 - push 16
// 80 - duplicate first stack item
// 60 0c - push 12
// 60 00 - push 0
// 39 - copy current code to memory
// 60 00 - push 0
// f3 - return
let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let next_address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &address, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(1024);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created[0], next_address);
// test is incorrect, mk
// TODO: fix (preferred) or remove
evm_test_ignore!{test_aba_calls: test_aba_calls_int}
fn test_aba_calls(factory: Factory) {
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 18 - push 18
// 73 945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b5 - push this address
// 61 03e8 - push 1000
// f1 - message call
// 58 - get PC
// 55 - sstore
let code_a = "6000600060006000601873945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b56103e8f15855".from_hex().unwrap();
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 17 - push 17
// 73 0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6 - push this address
// 61 0x01f4 - push 500
// f1 - message call
// 60 01 - push 1
// 01 - add
// 58 - get PC
// 55 - sstore
let code_b = "60006000600060006017730f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec66101f4f16001015855".from_hex().unwrap();
let address_a = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let address_b = Address::from_str("945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b5" ).unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address_a.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code_a.clone()));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from(100_000));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.init_code(&address_a, code_a.clone()).unwrap();
state.init_code(&address_b, code_b.clone()).unwrap();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100_000), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut []), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(73_237));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address_a, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x23))).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
// test is incorrect, mk
// TODO: fix (preferred) or remove
evm_test_ignore!{test_recursive_bomb1: test_recursive_bomb1_int}
fn test_recursive_bomb1(factory: Factory) {
// 60 01 - push 1
// 60 00 - push 0
// 54 - sload
// 01 - add
// 60 00 - push 0
// 55 - sstore
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 60 00 - push 0
// 30 - load address
// 60 e0 - push e0
// 5a - get gas
// 03 - sub
// f1 - message call (self in this case)
// 60 01 - push 1
// 55 - sstore
let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let code = "600160005401600055600060006000600060003060e05a03f1600155".from_hex().unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(100_000);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code.clone()));
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.init_code(&address, code).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let FinalizationResult { gas_left, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut []), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(59_870));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(&U256::zero())).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(&U256::one())).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
// test is incorrect, mk
// TODO: fix (preferred) or remove
evm_test_ignore!{test_transact_simple: test_transact_simple_int}
fn test_transact_simple(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(17),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::zero(),
nonce: U256::zero()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let contract = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(18), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let executed = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts).unwrap()
assert_eq!(executed.gas, U256::from(100_000));
assert_eq!(executed.gas_used, U256::from(41_301));
assert_eq!(executed.refunded, U256::from(58_699));
assert_eq!(executed.cumulative_gas_used, U256::from(41_301));
assert_eq!(executed.logs.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(executed.contracts_created.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender).unwrap(), U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(state.balance(&contract).unwrap(), U256::from(17));
assert_eq!(state.nonce(&sender).unwrap(), U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&contract, &H256::new()).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(1)));
evm_test!{test_transact_invalid_nonce: test_transact_invalid_nonce_int}
fn test_transact_invalid_nonce(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(17),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::zero(),
nonce: U256::one()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(17), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let res = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts)
match res {
Err(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected, got })
if expected == U256::zero() && got == U256::one() => (),
_ => assert!(false, "Expected invalid nonce error.")
evm_test!{test_transact_gas_limit_reached: test_transact_gas_limit_reached_int}
fn test_transact_gas_limit_reached(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(17),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(80_001),
gas_price: U256::zero(),
nonce: U256::zero()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(17), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_used = U256::from(20_000);
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let res = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts)
match res {
Err(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached { gas_limit, gas_used, gas })
if gas_limit == U256::from(100_000) && gas_used == U256::from(20_000) && gas == U256::from(80_001) => (),
_ => assert!(false, "Expected block gas limit error.")
evm_test!{test_not_enough_cash: test_not_enough_cash_int}
fn test_not_enough_cash(factory: Factory) {
let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap();
let t = Transaction {
action: Action::Create,
value: U256::from(18),
data: "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(),
gas: U256::from(100_000),
gas_price: U256::one(),
nonce: U256::zero()
}.sign(keypair.secret(), None);
let sender = t.sender();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100_017), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000);
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let res = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
let opts = TransactOptions::with_no_tracing();
ex.transact(&t, opts)
match res {
Err(ExecutionError::NotEnoughCash { required , got })
if required == U512::from(100_018) && got == U512::from(100_017) => (),
_ => assert!(false, "Expected not enough cash error. {:?}", res)
evm_test!{test_keccak: test_keccak_int}
fn test_keccak(factory: Factory) {
let code = "6064640fffffffff20600055".from_hex().unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let address = contract_address(CreateContractAddress::FromSenderAndNonce, &sender, &U256::zero(), &[]).0;
// TODO: add tests for 'callcreate'
//let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero());
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(0x0186a0);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::from_str("0de0b6b3a7640000").unwrap());
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory);
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from_str("152d02c7e14af6800000").unwrap(), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = make_frontier_machine(0);
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let result = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.create(params, &mut substate, &mut None, &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer)
match result {
Err(_) => {},
_ => panic!("Expected OutOfGas"),
evm_test!{test_revert: test_revert_int}
fn test_revert(factory: Factory) {
let contract_address = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
// EIP-140 test case
let code = "6c726576657274656420646174616000557f726576657274206d657373616765000000000000000000000000000000000000600052600e6000fd".from_hex().unwrap();
let returns = "726576657274206d657373616765".from_hex().unwrap();
let mut state = get_temp_state_with_factory(factory.clone());
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from_str("152d02c7e14af68000000").unwrap(), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.address = contract_address.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(20025);
params.code = Some(Arc::new(code));
params.value = ActionValue::Transfer(U256::zero());
let info = EnvInfo::default();
let machine = ::ethereum::new_byzantium_test_machine();
let mut substate = Substate::new();
let mut output = [0u8; 14];
let FinalizationResult { gas_left: result, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut output), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(result, U256::from(1));
assert_eq!(output[..], returns[..]);
assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&contract_address, &H256::from(&U256::zero())).unwrap(), H256::from(&U256::from(0)));
fn wasm_sample_code() -> Arc> {
fn wasm_activated_test() {
let contract_address = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap();
let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap();
let mut state = get_temp_state();
state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(10000000000u64), CleanupMode::NoEmpty).unwrap();
let mut params = ActionParams::default();
params.origin = sender.clone();
params.sender = sender.clone();
params.address = contract_address.clone();
params.gas = U256::from(20025);
params.code = Some(wasm_sample_code());
let mut info = EnvInfo::default();
// 100 > 10
info.number = 100;
// Network with wasm activated at block 10
let machine = ::ethereum::new_kovan_wasm_test_machine();
let mut output = [0u8; 20];
let FinalizationResult { gas_left: result, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params.clone(), &mut Substate::new(), BytesRef::Fixed(&mut output), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(result, U256::from(18433));
// Transaction successfully returned sender
assert_eq!(output[..], sender[..]);
// 1 < 10
info.number = 1;
let mut output = [0u8; 20];
let FinalizationResult { gas_left: result, .. } = {
let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &machine);
ex.call(params, &mut Substate::new(), BytesRef::Fixed(&mut output), &mut NoopTracer, &mut NoopVMTracer).unwrap()
assert_eq!(result, U256::from(20025));
// Since transaction errored due to wasm was not activated, result is just empty
assert_eq!(output[..], [0u8; 20][..]);