// Copyright 2015-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity Ethereum. // Parity Ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity Ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity Ethereum. If not, see . /// /// Blockchain downloader /// use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::cmp; use crate::{ blocks::{BlockCollection, SyncBody, SyncHeader}, chain::BlockSet, sync_io::SyncIo }; use ethereum_types::H256; use log::{debug, trace}; use network::{client_version::ClientCapabilities, PeerId}; use rlp::Rlp; use parity_util_mem::MallocSizeOf; use common_types::{ BlockNumber, block_status::BlockStatus, ids::BlockId, errors::{EthcoreError, BlockError, ImportError}, }; const MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST: usize = 128; const MAX_BODIES_TO_REQUEST_LARGE: usize = 128; const MAX_BODIES_TO_REQUEST_SMALL: usize = 32; // Size request for parity clients prior to 2.4.0 const MAX_RECEPITS_TO_REQUEST: usize = 256; const SUBCHAIN_SIZE: u64 = 256; const MAX_ROUND_PARENTS: usize = 16; const MAX_PARALLEL_SUBCHAIN_DOWNLOAD: usize = 5; const MAX_USELESS_HEADERS_PER_ROUND: usize = 3; // logging macros prepend BlockSet context for log filtering macro_rules! trace_sync { ($self:ident, $fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { trace!(target: "sync", concat!("{:?}: ", $fmt), $self.block_set, $($arg)+); }; ($self:ident, $fmt:expr) => { trace!(target: "sync", concat!("{:?}: ", $fmt), $self.block_set); }; } macro_rules! debug_sync { ($self:ident, $fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => { debug!(target: "sync", concat!("{:?}: ", $fmt), $self.block_set, $($arg)+); }; ($self:ident, $fmt:expr) => { debug!(target: "sync", concat!("{:?}: ", $fmt), $self.block_set); }; } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, MallocSizeOf)] /// Downloader state pub enum State { /// No active downloads. Idle, /// Downloading subchain heads ChainHead, /// Downloading blocks Blocks, /// Download is complete Complete, } /// Data that needs to be requested from a peer. pub enum BlockRequest { Headers { start: H256, count: u64, skip: u64, }, Bodies { hashes: Vec, }, Receipts { hashes: Vec, }, } /// Indicates sync action #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum DownloadAction { /// Do nothing None, /// Reset downloads for all peers Reset } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum BlockDownloaderImportError { /// Imported data is rejected as invalid. Peer should be dropped. Invalid, /// Imported data is valid but rejected cause the downloader does not need it. Useless, } impl From for BlockDownloaderImportError { fn from(_: rlp::DecoderError) -> BlockDownloaderImportError { BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid } } /// Block downloader strategy. /// Manages state and block data for a block download process. #[derive(MallocSizeOf)] pub struct BlockDownloader { /// Which set of blocks to download block_set: BlockSet, /// Downloader state state: State, /// Highest block number seen highest_block: Option, /// Downloaded blocks, holds `H`, `B` and `S` blocks: BlockCollection, /// Last imported block number last_imported_block: BlockNumber, /// Last imported block hash last_imported_hash: H256, /// Number of blocks imported this round imported_this_round: Option, /// Block number the last round started with. last_round_start: BlockNumber, last_round_start_hash: H256, /// Block parents imported this round (hash, parent) round_parents: VecDeque<(H256, H256)>, /// Do we need to download block recetips. download_receipts: bool, /// Sync up to the block with this hash. target_hash: Option, /// Probing range for seeking common best block. retract_step: u64, /// consecutive useless headers this round useless_headers_count: usize, } impl BlockDownloader { /// Create a new instance of syncing strategy. /// For BlockSet::NewBlocks this won't reorganize to before the last kept state. pub fn new(block_set: BlockSet, start_hash: &H256, start_number: BlockNumber) -> Self { let sync_receipts = match block_set { BlockSet::NewBlocks => false, BlockSet::OldBlocks => true }; BlockDownloader { block_set, state: State::Idle, highest_block: None, last_imported_block: start_number, last_imported_hash: start_hash.clone(), last_round_start: start_number, last_round_start_hash: start_hash.clone(), blocks: BlockCollection::new(sync_receipts), imported_this_round: None, round_parents: VecDeque::new(), download_receipts: sync_receipts, target_hash: None, retract_step: 1, useless_headers_count: 0, } } /// Reset sync. Clear all local downloaded data. pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.blocks.clear(); self.useless_headers_count = 0; self.state = State::Idle; } /// Mark a block as known in the chain pub fn mark_as_known(&mut self, hash: &H256, number: BlockNumber) { if number >= self.last_imported_block + 1 { self.last_imported_block = number; self.last_imported_hash = hash.clone(); self.imported_this_round = Some(self.imported_this_round.unwrap_or(0) + 1); self.last_round_start = number; self.last_round_start_hash = hash.clone(); } } /// Check if download is complete pub fn is_complete(&self) -> bool { self.state == State::Complete } /// Check if particular block hash is being downloaded pub fn is_downloading(&self, hash: &H256) -> bool { self.blocks.is_downloading(hash) } /// Set starting sync block pub fn set_target(&mut self, hash: &H256) { self.target_hash = Some(hash.clone()); } /// Unmark header as being downloaded. pub fn clear_header_download(&mut self, hash: &H256) { self.blocks.clear_header_download(hash) } /// Unmark block body as being downloaded. pub fn clear_body_download(&mut self, hashes: &[H256]) { self.blocks.clear_body_download(hashes) } /// Unmark block receipt as being downloaded. pub fn clear_receipt_download(&mut self, hashes: &[H256]) { self.blocks.clear_receipt_download(hashes) } /// Reset collection for a new sync round with given subchain block hashes. pub fn reset_to(&mut self, hashes: Vec) { self.reset(); self.blocks.reset_to(hashes); self.state = State::Blocks; } /// Returns best imported block number. pub fn last_imported_block_number(&self) -> BlockNumber { self.last_imported_block } /// Add new block headers. pub fn import_headers(&mut self, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, r: &Rlp, expected_hash: H256) -> Result { let item_count = r.item_count().unwrap_or(0); if self.state == State::Idle { trace_sync!(self, "Ignored unexpected block headers"); return Ok(DownloadAction::None) } if item_count == 0 && (self.state == State::Blocks) { return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } // The request is generated in ::request_blocks. let (max_count, skip) = if self.state == State::ChainHead { (SUBCHAIN_SIZE as usize, (MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST - 2) as u64) } else { (MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST, 0) }; if item_count > max_count { debug!(target: "sync", "Headers response is larger than expected"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } let mut headers = Vec::new(); let mut hashes = Vec::new(); let mut last_header = None; for i in 0..item_count { let info = SyncHeader::from_rlp(r.at(i)?.as_raw().to_vec())?; let number = BlockNumber::from(info.header.number()); let hash = info.header.hash(); let valid_response = match last_header { // First header must match expected hash. None => expected_hash == hash, Some((last_number, last_hash)) => { // Subsequent headers must be spaced by skip interval. let skip_valid = number == last_number + skip + 1; // Consecutive headers must be linked by parent hash. let parent_valid = (number != last_number + 1) || *info.header.parent_hash() == last_hash; skip_valid && parent_valid } }; // Disable the peer for this syncing round if it gives invalid chain if !valid_response { debug!(target: "sync", "Invalid headers response"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } last_header = Some((number, hash)); if self.blocks.contains(&hash) { trace_sync!(self, "Skipping existing block header {} ({:?})", number, hash); continue; } match io.chain().block_status(BlockId::Hash(hash.clone())) { BlockStatus::InChain | BlockStatus::Queued => { match self.state { State::Blocks => trace_sync!(self, "Header already in chain {} ({})", number, hash), _ => trace_sync!(self, "Header already in chain {} ({}), state = {:?}", number, hash, self.state), } headers.push(info); hashes.push(hash); }, BlockStatus::Bad => { return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); }, BlockStatus::Unknown => { headers.push(info); hashes.push(hash); } } } // Update the highest block number seen on the network from the header. if let Some((number, _)) = last_header { if self.highest_block.as_ref().map_or(true, |n| number > *n) { self.highest_block = Some(number); } } match self.state { State::ChainHead => { if !headers.is_empty() { trace_sync!(self, "Received {} subchain heads, proceeding to download", headers.len()); self.blocks.reset_to(hashes); self.state = State::Blocks; return Ok(DownloadAction::Reset); } else { trace_sync!(self, "No useful subchain heads received, expected hash {:?}", expected_hash); let best = io.chain().chain_info().best_block_number; let oldest_reorg = io.chain().pruning_info().earliest_state; let last = self.last_imported_block; match self.block_set { BlockSet::NewBlocks if best > last && (last == 0 || last < oldest_reorg) => { trace_sync!(self, "No common block, disabling peer"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) }, BlockSet::OldBlocks => { trace_sync!(self, "Expected some useful headers for downloading OldBlocks. Try a different peer"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Useless) }, _ => (), } } }, State::Blocks => { let count = headers.len(); // At least one of the headers must advance the subchain. Otherwise they are all useless. if count == 0 { self.useless_headers_count += 1; trace_sync!(self, "No useful headers ({:?} this round), expected hash {:?}", self.useless_headers_count, expected_hash); // only reset download if we have multiple subchain heads, to avoid unnecessary resets // when we are at the head of the chain when we may legitimately receive no useful headers if self.blocks.heads_len() > 1 && self.useless_headers_count >= MAX_USELESS_HEADERS_PER_ROUND { trace_sync!(self, "Received {:?} useless responses this round. Resetting sync", MAX_USELESS_HEADERS_PER_ROUND); self.reset(); } return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Useless); } self.blocks.insert_headers(headers); trace_sync!(self, "Inserted {} headers", count); }, _ => trace_sync!(self, "Unexpected headers({})", headers.len()), } Ok(DownloadAction::None) } /// Called by peer once it has new block bodies pub fn import_bodies(&mut self, r: &Rlp, expected_hashes: &[H256]) -> Result<(), BlockDownloaderImportError> { let item_count = r.item_count().unwrap_or(0); if item_count == 0 { return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Useless); } else if self.state != State::Blocks { trace_sync!(self, "Ignored unexpected block bodies"); } else { let mut bodies = Vec::with_capacity(item_count); for i in 0..item_count { let body = SyncBody::from_rlp(r.at(i)?.as_raw())?; bodies.push(body); } let hashes = self.blocks.insert_bodies(bodies); if hashes.len() != item_count { trace_sync!(self, "Deactivating peer for giving invalid block bodies"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } if !all_expected(hashes.as_slice(), expected_hashes, |&a, &b| a == b) { trace_sync!(self, "Deactivating peer for giving unexpected block bodies"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } } Ok(()) } /// Called by peer once it has new block bodies pub fn import_receipts(&mut self, r: &Rlp, expected_hashes: &[H256]) -> Result<(), BlockDownloaderImportError> { let item_count = r.item_count().unwrap_or(0); if item_count == 0 { return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Useless); } else if self.state != State::Blocks { trace_sync!(self, "Ignored unexpected block receipts"); } else { let mut receipts = Vec::with_capacity(item_count); for i in 0..item_count { let receipt = r.at(i).map_err(|e| { trace_sync!(self, "Error decoding block receipts RLP: {:?}", e); BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid })?; receipts.push(receipt.as_raw().to_vec()); } let hashes = self.blocks.insert_receipts(receipts); if hashes.len() != item_count { trace_sync!(self, "Deactivating peer for giving invalid block receipts"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } if !all_expected(hashes.as_slice(), expected_hashes, |a, b| a.contains(b)) { trace_sync!(self, "Deactivating peer for giving unexpected block receipts"); return Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid); } } Ok(()) } fn start_sync_round(&mut self, io: &mut dyn SyncIo) { self.state = State::ChainHead; trace_sync!(self, "Starting round (last imported count = {:?}, last started = {}, block = {:?}", self.imported_this_round, self.last_round_start, self.last_imported_block); // Check if need to retract to find the common block. The problem is that the peers still return headers by hash even // from the non-canonical part of the tree. So we also retract if nothing has been imported last round. let start = self.last_round_start; let start_hash = self.last_round_start_hash; match self.imported_this_round { Some(n) if n == 0 && start > 0 => { // nothing was imported last round, step back to a previous block // search parent in last round known parents first if let Some(&(_, p)) = self.round_parents.iter().find(|&&(h, _)| h == start_hash) { self.last_imported_block = start - 1; self.last_imported_hash = p.clone(); trace_sync!(self, "Searching common header from the last round {} ({})", self.last_imported_block, self.last_imported_hash); } else { let best = io.chain().chain_info().best_block_number; let oldest_reorg = io.chain().pruning_info().earliest_state; if self.block_set == BlockSet::NewBlocks && best > start && start < oldest_reorg { debug_sync!(self, "Could not revert to previous ancient block, last: {} ({})", start, start_hash); self.reset(); } else { let n = start - cmp::min(self.retract_step, start); self.retract_step *= 2; match io.chain().block_hash(BlockId::Number(n)) { Some(h) => { self.last_imported_block = n; self.last_imported_hash = h; trace_sync!(self, "Searching common header in the blockchain {} ({})", start, self.last_imported_hash); } None => { debug_sync!(self, "Could not revert to previous block, last: {} ({})", start, self.last_imported_hash); self.reset(); } } } } }, _ => { self.retract_step = 1; }, } self.last_round_start = self.last_imported_block; self.last_round_start_hash = self.last_imported_hash; self.imported_this_round = None; } /// Find some headers or blocks to download for a peer. pub fn request_blocks(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, num_active_peers: usize) -> Option { match self.state { State::Idle => { self.start_sync_round(io); if self.state == State::ChainHead { return self.request_blocks(peer_id, io, num_active_peers); } }, State::ChainHead => { if num_active_peers < MAX_PARALLEL_SUBCHAIN_DOWNLOAD { // Request subchain headers trace_sync!(self, "Starting sync with better chain"); // Request MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST - 2 headers apart so that // MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST would include headers for neighbouring subchains return Some(BlockRequest::Headers { start: self.last_imported_hash.clone(), count: SUBCHAIN_SIZE, skip: (MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST - 2) as u64, }); } }, State::Blocks => { // check to see if we need to download any block bodies first let client_version = io.peer_version(peer_id); let number_of_bodies_to_request = if client_version.can_handle_large_requests() { MAX_BODIES_TO_REQUEST_LARGE } else { MAX_BODIES_TO_REQUEST_SMALL }; let needed_bodies = self.blocks.needed_bodies(number_of_bodies_to_request, false); if !needed_bodies.is_empty() { return Some(BlockRequest::Bodies { hashes: needed_bodies, }); } if self.download_receipts { let needed_receipts = self.blocks.needed_receipts(MAX_RECEPITS_TO_REQUEST, false); if !needed_receipts.is_empty() { return Some(BlockRequest::Receipts { hashes: needed_receipts, }); } } // find subchain to download if let Some((h, count)) = self.blocks.needed_headers(MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST, false) { return Some(BlockRequest::Headers { start: h, count: count as u64, skip: 0, }); } }, State::Complete => (), } None } /// Checks if there are blocks fully downloaded that can be imported into the blockchain and does the import. /// Returns DownloadAction::Reset if it is imported all the the blocks it can and all downloading peers should be reset pub fn collect_blocks(&mut self, io: &mut dyn SyncIo, allow_out_of_order: bool) -> DownloadAction { let mut download_action = DownloadAction::None; let mut imported = HashSet::new(); let blocks = self.blocks.drain(); let count = blocks.len(); for block_and_receipts in blocks { let block = block_and_receipts.block; let receipts = block_and_receipts.receipts; let h = block.header.hash(); let number = block.header.number(); let parent = *block.header.parent_hash(); if self.target_hash.as_ref().map_or(false, |t| t == &h) { self.state = State::Complete; trace_sync!(self, "Sync target reached"); return download_action; } let result = if let Some(receipts) = receipts { io.chain().queue_ancient_block(block, receipts) } else { trace_sync!(self, "Importing block #{}/{}", number, h); io.chain().import_block(block) }; match result { Err(EthcoreError::Import(ImportError::AlreadyInChain)) => { let is_canonical = if io.chain().block_hash(BlockId::Number(number)).is_some() { "canoncial" } else { "not canonical" }; trace_sync!(self, "Block #{} is already in chain {:?} – {}", number, h, is_canonical); self.block_imported(&h, number, &parent); }, Err(EthcoreError::Import(ImportError::AlreadyQueued)) => { trace_sync!(self, "Block already queued {:?}", h); // Treat blocks in queue as imported in order not to start retraction too early imported.insert(h.clone()); self.block_imported(&h, number, &parent); }, Ok(_) => { trace_sync!(self, "Block queued {:?}", h); imported.insert(h.clone()); self.block_imported(&h, number, &parent); }, Err(EthcoreError::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(_))) if allow_out_of_order => { break; }, Err(EthcoreError::Block(BlockError::UnknownParent(_))) => { trace_sync!(self, "Unknown new block parent, restarting sync"); break; }, Err(EthcoreError::Block(BlockError::TemporarilyInvalid(_))) => { debug_sync!(self, "Block temporarily invalid: {:?}, restarting sync", h); break; }, Err(EthcoreError::FullQueue(limit)) => { debug_sync!(self, "Block import queue full ({}), restarting sync", limit); download_action = DownloadAction::Reset; break; }, Err(e) => { debug_sync!(self, "Bad block {:?} : {:?}", h, e); download_action = DownloadAction::Reset; break; } } } trace_sync!(self, "Imported {} of {}", imported.len(), count); self.imported_this_round = Some(self.imported_this_round.unwrap_or(0) + imported.len()); if self.blocks.is_empty() { // complete sync round trace_sync!(self, "Sync round complete"); download_action = DownloadAction::Reset; } download_action } fn block_imported(&mut self, hash: &H256, number: BlockNumber, parent: &H256) { self.last_imported_block = number; self.last_imported_hash = hash.clone(); self.round_parents.push_back((hash.clone(), parent.clone())); if self.round_parents.len() > MAX_ROUND_PARENTS { self.round_parents.pop_front(); } } } // Determines if the first argument matches an ordered subset of the second, according to some predicate. fn all_expected(values: &[A], expected_values: &[B], is_expected: F) -> bool where F: Fn(&A, &B) -> bool { let mut expected_iter = expected_values.iter(); values.iter().all(|val1| { while let Some(val2) = expected_iter.next() { if is_expected(val1, val2) { return true; } } false }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{ BlockSet, BlockDownloader, BlockDownloaderImportError, DownloadAction, SyncIo, H256, MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST, MAX_USELESS_HEADERS_PER_ROUND, SUBCHAIN_SIZE, State, Rlp, VecDeque }; use crate::tests::{helpers::TestIo, snapshot::TestSnapshotService}; use ethcore::test_helpers::TestBlockChainClient; use parity_crypto::publickey::{Random, Generator}; use keccak_hash::keccak; use parking_lot::RwLock; use rlp::{encode_list, RlpStream}; use triehash_ethereum::ordered_trie_root; use common_types::{ transaction::{Transaction, SignedTransaction}, header::Header as BlockHeader, }; fn dummy_header(number: u64, parent_hash: H256) -> BlockHeader { let mut header = BlockHeader::new(); header.set_gas_limit(0.into()); header.set_difficulty((number * 100).into()); header.set_timestamp(number * 10); header.set_number(number); header.set_parent_hash(parent_hash); header.set_state_root(H256::zero()); header } fn dummy_signed_tx() -> SignedTransaction { let keypair = Random.generate().unwrap(); Transaction::default().sign(keypair.secret(), None) } fn import_headers(headers: &[BlockHeader], downloader: &mut BlockDownloader, io: &mut dyn SyncIo) -> Result { let mut stream = RlpStream::new(); stream.append_list(headers); let bytes = stream.out(); let rlp = Rlp::new(&bytes); let expected_hash = headers.first().unwrap().hash(); downloader.import_headers(io, &rlp, expected_hash) } fn import_headers_ok(headers: &[BlockHeader], downloader: &mut BlockDownloader, io: &mut dyn SyncIo) { let res = import_headers(headers, downloader, io); assert!(res.is_ok()); } #[test] fn import_headers_in_chain_head_state() { env_logger::try_init().ok(); let spec = spec::new_test(); let genesis_hash = spec.genesis_header().hash(); let mut downloader = BlockDownloader::new(BlockSet::NewBlocks, &genesis_hash, 0); downloader.state = State::ChainHead; let mut chain = TestBlockChainClient::new(); let snapshot_service = TestSnapshotService::new(); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut chain, &snapshot_service, &queue, None, None); // Valid headers sequence. let valid_headers = [ spec.genesis_header(), dummy_header(127, H256::random()), dummy_header(254, H256::random()), ]; let rlp_data = encode_list(&valid_headers); let valid_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &valid_rlp, genesis_hash) { Ok(DownloadAction::Reset) => assert_eq!(downloader.state, State::Blocks), _ => panic!("expected transition to Blocks state"), }; // Headers are rejected because the expected hash does not match. let invalid_start_block_headers = [ dummy_header(0, H256::random()), dummy_header(127, H256::random()), dummy_header(254, H256::random()), ]; let rlp_data = encode_list(&invalid_start_block_headers); let invalid_start_block_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &invalid_start_block_rlp, genesis_hash) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; // Headers are rejected because they are not spaced as expected. let invalid_skip_headers = [ spec.genesis_header(), dummy_header(128, H256::random()), dummy_header(256, H256::random()), ]; let rlp_data = encode_list(&invalid_skip_headers); let invalid_skip_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &invalid_skip_rlp, genesis_hash) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; // Invalid because the packet size is too large. let mut too_many_headers = Vec::with_capacity((SUBCHAIN_SIZE + 1) as usize); too_many_headers.push(spec.genesis_header()); for i in 1..(SUBCHAIN_SIZE + 1) { too_many_headers.push(dummy_header((MAX_HEADERS_TO_REQUEST as u64 - 1) * i, H256::random())); } let rlp_data = encode_list(&too_many_headers); let too_many_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &too_many_rlp, genesis_hash) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; } #[test] fn import_headers_in_blocks_state() { env_logger::try_init().ok(); let mut chain = TestBlockChainClient::new(); let snapshot_service = TestSnapshotService::new(); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut chain, &snapshot_service, &queue, None, None); let mut headers = Vec::with_capacity(3); let parent_hash = H256::random(); headers.push(dummy_header(127, parent_hash)); let parent_hash = headers[0].hash(); headers.push(dummy_header(128, parent_hash)); let parent_hash = headers[1].hash(); headers.push(dummy_header(129, parent_hash)); let mut downloader = BlockDownloader::new(BlockSet::NewBlocks, &H256::random(), 0); downloader.state = State::Blocks; downloader.blocks.reset_to(vec![headers[0].hash()]); let rlp_data = encode_list(&headers); let headers_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &headers_rlp, headers[0].hash()) { Ok(DownloadAction::None) => (), _ => panic!("expected successful import"), }; // Invalidate parent_hash link. headers[2] = dummy_header(129, H256::random()); let rlp_data = encode_list(&headers); let headers_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &headers_rlp, headers[0].hash()) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; // Invalidate header sequence by skipping a header. headers[2] = dummy_header(130, headers[1].hash()); let rlp_data = encode_list(&headers); let headers_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); match downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &headers_rlp, headers[0].hash()) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; } #[test] fn import_bodies() { env_logger::try_init().ok(); let mut chain = TestBlockChainClient::new(); let snapshot_service = TestSnapshotService::new(); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut chain, &snapshot_service, &queue, None, None); // Import block headers. let mut headers = Vec::with_capacity(4); let mut bodies = Vec::with_capacity(4); let mut parent_hash = H256::zero(); for i in 0..4 { // Construct the block body let uncles = if i > 0 { encode_list(&[dummy_header(i - 1, H256::random())]) } else { ::rlp::EMPTY_LIST_RLP.to_vec() }; let txs = encode_list(&[dummy_signed_tx()]); let tx_root = ordered_trie_root(Rlp::new(&txs).iter().map(|r| r.as_raw())); let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(2); rlp.append_raw(&txs, 1); rlp.append_raw(&uncles, 1); bodies.push(rlp.out()); // Construct the block header let mut header = dummy_header(i, parent_hash); header.set_transactions_root(tx_root); header.set_uncles_hash(keccak(&uncles)); parent_hash = header.hash(); headers.push(header); } let mut downloader = BlockDownloader::new(BlockSet::NewBlocks, &headers[0].hash(), 0); downloader.state = State::Blocks; downloader.blocks.reset_to(vec![headers[0].hash()]); // Only import the first three block headers. let rlp_data = encode_list(&headers[0..3]); let headers_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); assert!(downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &headers_rlp, headers[0].hash()).is_ok()); // Import first body successfully. let mut rlp_data = RlpStream::new_list(1); rlp_data.append_raw(&bodies[0], 1); let bodies_rlp = Rlp::new(rlp_data.as_raw()); assert!(downloader.import_bodies(&bodies_rlp, &[headers[0].hash(), headers[1].hash()]).is_ok()); // Import second body successfully. let mut rlp_data = RlpStream::new_list(1); rlp_data.append_raw(&bodies[1], 1); let bodies_rlp = Rlp::new(rlp_data.as_raw()); assert!(downloader.import_bodies(&bodies_rlp, &[headers[0].hash(), headers[1].hash()]).is_ok()); // Import unexpected third body. let mut rlp_data = RlpStream::new_list(1); rlp_data.append_raw(&bodies[2], 1); let bodies_rlp = Rlp::new(rlp_data.as_raw()); match downloader.import_bodies(&bodies_rlp, &[headers[0].hash(), headers[1].hash()]) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; } #[test] fn import_receipts() { env_logger::try_init().ok(); let mut chain = TestBlockChainClient::new(); let snapshot_service = TestSnapshotService::new(); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut chain, &snapshot_service, &queue, None, None); // Import block headers. let mut headers = Vec::with_capacity(4); let mut receipts = Vec::with_capacity(4); let mut parent_hash = H256::zero(); for i in 0..4 { // Construct the receipts. Receipt root for the first two blocks is the same. // // The RLP-encoded integers are clearly not receipts, but the BlockDownloader treats // all receipts as byte blobs, so it does not matter. let receipts_rlp = if i < 2 { encode_list(&[0u32]) } else { encode_list(&[i as u32]) }; let receipts_root = ordered_trie_root(Rlp::new(&receipts_rlp).iter().map(|r| r.as_raw())); receipts.push(receipts_rlp); // Construct the block header. let mut header = dummy_header(i, parent_hash); header.set_receipts_root(receipts_root); parent_hash = header.hash(); headers.push(header); } let mut downloader = BlockDownloader::new(BlockSet::OldBlocks, &headers[0].hash(), 0); downloader.state = State::Blocks; downloader.blocks.reset_to(vec![headers[0].hash()]); // Only import the first three block headers. let rlp_data = encode_list(&headers[0..3]); let headers_rlp = Rlp::new(&rlp_data); assert!(downloader.import_headers(&mut io, &headers_rlp, headers[0].hash()).is_ok()); // Import second and third receipts successfully. let mut rlp_data = RlpStream::new_list(2); rlp_data.append_raw(&receipts[1], 1); rlp_data.append_raw(&receipts[2], 1); let receipts_rlp = Rlp::new(rlp_data.as_raw()); assert!(downloader.import_receipts(&receipts_rlp, &[headers[1].hash(), headers[2].hash()]).is_ok()); // Import unexpected fourth receipt. let mut rlp_data = RlpStream::new_list(1); rlp_data.append_raw(&receipts[3], 1); let bodies_rlp = Rlp::new(rlp_data.as_raw()); match downloader.import_bodies(&bodies_rlp, &[headers[1].hash(), headers[2].hash()]) { Err(BlockDownloaderImportError::Invalid) => (), _ => panic!("expected BlockDownloaderImportError"), }; } #[test] fn reset_after_multiple_sets_of_useless_headers() { env_logger::try_init().ok(); let spec = spec::new_test(); let genesis_hash = spec.genesis_header().hash(); let mut downloader = BlockDownloader::new(BlockSet::NewBlocks, &genesis_hash, 0); downloader.state = State::ChainHead; let mut chain = TestBlockChainClient::new(); let snapshot_service = TestSnapshotService::new(); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut chain, &snapshot_service, &queue, None, None); let heads = [ spec.genesis_header(), dummy_header(127, H256::random()), dummy_header(254, H256::random()), ]; let short_subchain = [dummy_header(1, genesis_hash)]; import_headers_ok(&heads, &mut downloader, &mut io); import_headers_ok(&short_subchain, &mut downloader, &mut io); assert_eq!(downloader.state, State::Blocks); assert!(!downloader.blocks.is_empty()); // simulate receiving useless headers let head = vec![short_subchain.last().unwrap().clone()]; for _ in 0..MAX_USELESS_HEADERS_PER_ROUND { let res = import_headers(&head, &mut downloader, &mut io); assert!(res.is_err()); } assert_eq!(downloader.state, State::Idle); assert!(downloader.blocks.is_empty()); } #[test] fn dont_reset_after_multiple_sets_of_useless_headers_for_chain_head() { env_logger::try_init().ok(); let spec = spec::new_test(); let genesis_hash = spec.genesis_header().hash(); let mut downloader = BlockDownloader::new(BlockSet::NewBlocks, &genesis_hash, 0); downloader.state = State::ChainHead; let mut chain = TestBlockChainClient::new(); let snapshot_service = TestSnapshotService::new(); let queue = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()); let mut io = TestIo::new(&mut chain, &snapshot_service, &queue, None, None); let heads = [ spec.genesis_header() ]; let short_subchain = [dummy_header(1, genesis_hash)]; import_headers_ok(&heads, &mut downloader, &mut io); import_headers_ok(&short_subchain, &mut downloader, &mut io); assert_eq!(downloader.state, State::Blocks); assert!(!downloader.blocks.is_empty()); // simulate receiving useless headers let head = vec![short_subchain.last().unwrap().clone()]; for _ in 0..MAX_USELESS_HEADERS_PER_ROUND { let res = import_headers(&head, &mut downloader, &mut io); assert!(res.is_err()); } // download shouldn't be reset since this is the chain head for a single subchain. // this state usually occurs for NewBlocks when it has reached the chain head. assert_eq!(downloader.state, State::Blocks); assert!(!downloader.blocks.is_empty()); } }