// Copyright 2015-2018 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Identity and keystore for Whisper sessions. //! //! Can handle symmetric and asymmetric keys. //! Symmetric encryption is done via AES-256 in GCM mode. use std::collections::HashMap; use ethereum_types::H256; use ethkey::{KeyPair, Public, Secret}; use mem::Memzero; use rand::{Rng, OsRng}; use rpc::crypto::{AES_KEY_LEN, EncryptionInstance, DecryptionInstance}; /// A symmetric or asymmetric key used for encryption, decryption, and signing /// of payloads. pub enum Key { /// ECIES key pair for Secp2561k curve. Suitable for encryption, decryption, /// and signing. Asymmetric(KeyPair), /// AES-256 GCM mode. Suitable for encryption, decryption, but not signing. Symmetric(Memzero<[u8; AES_KEY_LEN]>), } impl Key { /// Generate a random asymmetric key with the given cryptographic RNG. pub fn new_asymmetric(rng: &mut OsRng) -> Self { match ::ethkey::Generator::generate(rng) { Ok(pair) => Key::Asymmetric(pair), Err(void) => match void {}, } } /// Generate a random symmetric key with the given cryptographic RNG. pub fn new_symmetric(rng: &mut OsRng) -> Self { Key::Symmetric(Memzero::from(rng.gen::<[u8; 32]>())) } /// From secret asymmetric key. Fails if secret is invalid. pub fn from_secret(secret: Secret) -> Option { KeyPair::from_secret(secret).map(Key::Asymmetric).ok() } /// From raw symmetric key. pub fn from_raw_symmetric(key: [u8; AES_KEY_LEN]) -> Self { Key::Symmetric(Memzero::from(key)) } /// Get a handle to the public key if this is an asymmetric key. pub fn public(&self) -> Option<&Public> { match *self { Key::Asymmetric(ref pair) => Some(pair.public()), Key::Symmetric(_) => None, } } /// Get a handle to the secret key if this is an asymmetric key. pub fn secret(&self) -> Option<&Secret> { match *self { Key::Asymmetric(ref pair) => Some(pair.secret()), Key::Symmetric(_) => None, } } /// Get a handle to the symmetric key. pub fn symmetric(&self) -> Option<&[u8; AES_KEY_LEN]> { match *self { Key::Asymmetric(_) => None, Key::Symmetric(ref key) => Some(key), } } } /// Key store. pub struct KeyStore { rng: OsRng, identities: HashMap, } impl KeyStore { /// Create the key store. Returns any error in accessing the system's secure /// RNG. pub fn new() -> Result { Ok(KeyStore { rng: OsRng::new()?, identities: HashMap::new(), }) } /// Import a key, generating a random identity for it. pub fn insert(&mut self, key: Key) -> H256 { let id = self.rng().gen(); self.identities.insert(id, key); id } /// Get a key by ID. pub fn get<'a>(&'a self, id: &H256) -> Option<&'a Key> { self.identities.get(id) } /// Get asymmetric ID's public key. pub fn public<'a>(&'a self, id: &H256) -> Option<&'a Public> { self.get(id).and_then(Key::public) } /// Get asymmetric ID's secret key. pub fn secret<'a>(&'a self, id: &H256) -> Option<&'a Secret> { self.get(id).and_then(Key::secret) } /// Get symmetric ID's key. pub fn symmetric<'a>(&'a self, id: &H256) -> Option<&'a [u8; AES_KEY_LEN]> { self.get(id).and_then(Key::symmetric) } /// Get encryption instance for identity. pub fn encryption_instance(&self, id: &H256) -> Result { self.get(id).ok_or("no such identity").and_then(|key| match *key { Key::Asymmetric(ref pair) => EncryptionInstance::ecies(pair.public().clone()) .map_err(|_| "could not create encryption instance for id"), Key::Symmetric(ref key) => OsRng::new() .map(|mut rng| EncryptionInstance::aes(key.clone(), rng.gen())) .map_err(|_| "unable to get secure randomness") }) } /// Get decryption instance for identity. /// If the identity is known, always succeeds. pub fn decryption_instance(&self, id: &H256) -> Option { self.get(id).map(|key| match *key { Key::Asymmetric(ref pair) => DecryptionInstance::ecies(pair.secret().clone()) .expect("all keys stored are valid; qed"), Key::Symmetric(ref key) => DecryptionInstance::aes(key.clone()), }) } /// Whether the store contains a key by this ID. pub fn contains(&self, id: &H256) -> bool { self.identities.contains_key(id) } /// Remove a key by ID. pub fn remove(&mut self, id: &H256) -> bool { self.identities.remove(id).is_some() } /// Get RNG. pub fn rng(&mut self) -> &mut OsRng { &mut self.rng } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn rejects_invalid_secret() { let bad_secret = ::ethkey::Secret::from([0xff; 32]); assert!(Key::from_secret(bad_secret).is_none()); } #[test] fn generated_key_should_exist() { let mut store = KeyStore::new().unwrap(); let key = Key::new_asymmetric(store.rng()); assert!(key.public().is_some()); assert!(key.secret().is_some()); let id = store.insert(key); assert!(store.contains(&id)); assert!(store.get(&id).is_some()); } }