// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use dir::default_data_path; use ethcore::client::{Client, BlockChainClient, BlockId}; use ethcore::transaction::{Transaction, Action}; use ethsync::LightSync; use futures::{future, IntoFuture, Future}; use jsonrpc_core::BoxFuture; use hash_fetch::fetch::Client as FetchClient; use hash_fetch::urlhint::ContractClient; use helpers::replace_home; use light::client::LightChainClient; use light::on_demand::{self, OnDemand}; use node_health::{SyncStatus, NodeHealth}; use rpc; use rpc_apis::SignerService; use util::Address; use bytes::Bytes; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub struct Configuration { pub enabled: bool, pub dapps_path: PathBuf, pub extra_dapps: Vec<PathBuf>, pub extra_embed_on: Vec<(String, u16)>, pub extra_script_src: Vec<(String, u16)>, } impl Default for Configuration { fn default() -> Self { let data_dir = default_data_path(); Configuration { enabled: true, dapps_path: replace_home(&data_dir, "$BASE/dapps").into(), extra_dapps: vec![], extra_embed_on: vec![], extra_script_src: vec![], } } } impl Configuration { pub fn address(&self, address: Option<::parity_rpc::Host>) -> Option<::parity_rpc::Host> { match self.enabled { true => address, false => None, } } } /// Registrar implementation of the full client. pub struct FullRegistrar { /// Handle to the full client. pub client: Arc<Client>, } impl ContractClient for FullRegistrar { fn registrar(&self) -> Result<Address, String> { self.client.additional_params().get("registrar") .ok_or_else(|| "Registrar not defined.".into()) .and_then(|registrar| { registrar.parse().map_err(|e| format!("Invalid registrar address: {:?}", e)) }) } fn call(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> BoxFuture<Bytes, String> { Box::new(self.client.call_contract(BlockId::Latest, address, data) .into_future()) } } /// Registrar implementation for the light client. pub struct LightRegistrar<T> { /// The light client. pub client: Arc<T>, /// Handle to the on-demand service. pub on_demand: Arc<OnDemand>, /// Handle to the light network service. pub sync: Arc<LightSync>, } impl<T: LightChainClient + 'static> ContractClient for LightRegistrar<T> { fn registrar(&self) -> Result<Address, String> { self.client.engine().additional_params().get("registrar") .ok_or_else(|| "Registrar not defined.".into()) .and_then(|registrar| { registrar.parse().map_err(|e| format!("Invalid registrar address: {:?}", e)) }) } fn call(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> BoxFuture<Bytes, String> { let header = self.client.best_block_header(); let env_info = self.client.env_info(BlockId::Hash(header.hash())) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Cannot fetch env info for header {}", header.hash())); let env_info = match env_info { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => return Box::new(future::err(e)), }; let maybe_future = self.sync.with_context(move |ctx| { self.on_demand .request(ctx, on_demand::request::TransactionProof { tx: Transaction { nonce: self.client.engine().account_start_nonce(header.number()), action: Action::Call(address), gas: 50_000.into(), // should be enough for all registry lookups. TODO: exponential backoff gas_price: 0.into(), value: 0.into(), data: data, }.fake_sign(Address::default()), header: header.into(), env_info: env_info, engine: self.client.engine().clone(), }) .expect("No back-references; therefore all back-refs valid; qed") .then(|res| match res { Ok(Ok(executed)) => Ok(executed.output), Ok(Err(e)) => Err(format!("Failed to execute transaction: {}", e)), Err(_) => Err(format!("On-demand service dropped request unexpectedly.")), }) }); match maybe_future { Some(fut) => Box::new(fut), None => Box::new(future::err("cannot query registry: network disabled".into())), } } } // TODO: light client implementation forwarding to OnDemand and waiting for future // to resolve. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Dependencies { pub node_health: NodeHealth, pub sync_status: Arc<SyncStatus>, pub contract_client: Arc<ContractClient>, pub fetch: FetchClient, pub signer: Arc<SignerService>, pub ui_address: Option<(String, u16)>, } pub fn new(configuration: Configuration, deps: Dependencies) -> Result<Option<Middleware>, String> { if !configuration.enabled { return Ok(None); } server::dapps_middleware( deps, configuration.dapps_path, configuration.extra_dapps, rpc::DAPPS_DOMAIN, configuration.extra_embed_on, configuration.extra_script_src, ).map(Some) } pub fn new_ui(enabled: bool, deps: Dependencies) -> Result<Option<Middleware>, String> { if !enabled { return Ok(None); } server::ui_middleware( deps, rpc::DAPPS_DOMAIN, ).map(Some) } pub use self::server::{Middleware, service}; #[cfg(not(feature = "dapps"))] mod server { use super::Dependencies; use std::sync::Arc; use std::path::PathBuf; use parity_rpc::{hyper, RequestMiddleware, RequestMiddlewareAction}; use rpc_apis; pub struct Middleware; impl RequestMiddleware for Middleware { fn on_request( &self, _req: &hyper::server::Request<hyper::net::HttpStream>, _control: &hyper::Control ) -> RequestMiddlewareAction { unreachable!() } } pub fn dapps_middleware( _deps: Dependencies, _dapps_path: PathBuf, _extra_dapps: Vec<PathBuf>, _dapps_domain: &str, _extra_embed_on: Vec<(String, u16)>, _extra_script_src: Vec<(String, u16)>, ) -> Result<Middleware, String> { Err("Your Parity version has been compiled without WebApps support.".into()) } pub fn ui_middleware( _deps: Dependencies, _dapps_domain: &str, ) -> Result<Middleware, String> { Err("Your Parity version has been compiled without UI support.".into()) } pub fn service(_: &Option<Middleware>) -> Option<Arc<rpc_apis::DappsService>> { None } } #[cfg(feature = "dapps")] mod server { use super::Dependencies; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use rpc_apis; use parity_dapps; pub use parity_dapps::Middleware; pub fn dapps_middleware( deps: Dependencies, dapps_path: PathBuf, extra_dapps: Vec<PathBuf>, dapps_domain: &str, extra_embed_on: Vec<(String, u16)>, extra_script_src: Vec<(String, u16)>, ) -> Result<Middleware, String> { let signer = deps.signer; let web_proxy_tokens = Arc::new(move |token| signer.web_proxy_access_token_domain(&token)); Ok(parity_dapps::Middleware::dapps( deps.fetch.pool(), deps.node_health, deps.ui_address, extra_embed_on, extra_script_src, dapps_path, extra_dapps, dapps_domain, deps.contract_client, deps.sync_status, web_proxy_tokens, deps.fetch, )) } pub fn ui_middleware( deps: Dependencies, dapps_domain: &str, ) -> Result<Middleware, String> { Ok(parity_dapps::Middleware::ui( deps.fetch.pool(), deps.node_health, dapps_domain, deps.contract_client, deps.sync_status, deps.fetch, )) } pub fn service(middleware: &Option<Middleware>) -> Option<Arc<rpc_apis::DappsService>> { middleware.as_ref().map(|m| Arc::new(DappsServiceWrapper { endpoints: m.endpoints().clone(), }) as Arc<rpc_apis::DappsService>) } pub struct DappsServiceWrapper { endpoints: parity_dapps::Endpoints, } impl rpc_apis::DappsService for DappsServiceWrapper { fn list_dapps(&self) -> Vec<rpc_apis::LocalDapp> { self.endpoints.list() .into_iter() .map(|app| rpc_apis::LocalDapp { id: app.id, name: app.name, description: app.description, version: app.version, author: app.author, icon_url: app.icon_url, }) .collect() } fn refresh_local_dapps(&self) -> bool { self.endpoints.refresh_local_dapps(); true } } }