// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { outBlock, outAccountInfo, outAddress, outDate, outNumber, outPeers, outReceipt, outTransaction } from './output'; import { isAddress, isBigNumber, isInstanceOf } from '../../../test/types'; describe('api/format/output', () => { const address = '0x63cf90d3f0410092fc0fca41846f596223979195'; const checksum = '0x63Cf90D3f0410092FC0fca41846f596223979195'; describe('outAccountInfo', () => { it('returns meta objects parsed', () => { expect(outAccountInfo( { '0x63cf90d3f0410092fc0fca41846f596223979195': { name: 'name', uuid: 'uuid', meta: '{"name":"456"}' } } )).to.deep.equal({ '0x63Cf90D3f0410092FC0fca41846f596223979195': { name: 'name', uuid: 'uuid', meta: { name: '456' } } }); }); }); describe('outAddress', () => { it('retuns the address as checksummed', () => { expect(outAddress(address)).to.equal(checksum); }); it('retuns the checksum as checksummed', () => { expect(outAddress(checksum)).to.equal(checksum); }); }); describe('outBlock', () => { ['author', 'miner'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} address as address`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = address; const formatted = outBlock(block)[input]; expect(isAddress(formatted)).to.be.true; expect(formatted).to.equal(checksum); }); }); ['difficulty', 'gasLimit', 'gasUsed', 'number', 'nonce', 'totalDifficulty'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} number as hexnumber`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = 0x123; const formatted = outBlock(block)[input]; expect(isInstanceOf(formatted, BigNumber)).to.be.true; expect(formatted.toString(16)).to.equal('123'); }); }); ['timestamp'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} number as Date`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = 0x57513668; const formatted = outBlock(block)[input]; expect(isInstanceOf(formatted, Date)).to.be.true; expect(formatted.getTime()).to.equal(1464940136000); }); }); it('ignores and passes through unknown keys', () => { expect(outBlock({ someRandom: 'someRandom' })).to.deep.equal({ someRandom: 'someRandom' }); }); it('formats a block with all the info converted', () => { expect( outBlock({ author: address, miner: address, difficulty: '0x100', gasLimit: '0x101', gasUsed: '0x102', number: '0x103', nonce: '0x104', totalDifficulty: '0x105', timestamp: '0x57513668', extraData: 'someExtraStuffInHere' }) ).to.deep.equal({ author: checksum, miner: checksum, difficulty: new BigNumber('0x100'), gasLimit: new BigNumber('0x101'), gasUsed: new BigNumber('0x102'), number: new BigNumber('0x103'), nonce: new BigNumber('0x104'), totalDifficulty: new BigNumber('0x105'), timestamp: new Date('2016-06-03T07:48:56.000Z'), extraData: 'someExtraStuffInHere' }); }); }); describe('outDate', () => { it('converts a second date in unix timestamp', () => { expect(outDate(0x57513668)).to.deep.equal(new Date('2016-06-03T07:48:56.000Z')); }); }); describe('outNumber', () => { it('returns a BigNumber equalling the value', () => { const bn = outNumber('0x123456'); expect(isBigNumber(bn)).to.be.true; expect(bn.eq(0x123456)).to.be.true; }); it('assumes 0 when ivalid input', () => { expect(outNumber().eq(0)).to.be.true; }); }); describe('outPeers', () => { it('converts all internal numbers to BigNumbers', () => { expect(outPeers({ active: 789, connected: '456', max: 0x7b })).to.deep.equal({ active: new BigNumber(789), connected: new BigNumber(456), max: new BigNumber(123) }); }); }); describe('outReceipt', () => { ['contractAddress'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} address as address`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = address; const formatted = outReceipt(block)[input]; expect(isAddress(formatted)).to.be.true; expect(formatted).to.equal(checksum); }); }); ['blockNumber', 'cumulativeGasUsed', 'cumulativeGasUsed', 'gasUsed', 'transactionIndex'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} number as hexnumber`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = 0x123; const formatted = outReceipt(block)[input]; expect(isInstanceOf(formatted, BigNumber)).to.be.true; expect(formatted.toString(16)).to.equal('123'); }); }); it('ignores and passes through unknown keys', () => { expect(outReceipt({ someRandom: 'someRandom' })).to.deep.equal({ someRandom: 'someRandom' }); }); it('formats a receipt with all the info converted', () => { expect( outReceipt({ contractAddress: address, blockNumber: '0x100', cumulativeGasUsed: '0x101', gasUsed: '0x102', transactionIndex: '0x103', extraData: 'someExtraStuffInHere' }) ).to.deep.equal({ contractAddress: checksum, blockNumber: new BigNumber('0x100'), cumulativeGasUsed: new BigNumber('0x101'), gasUsed: new BigNumber('0x102'), transactionIndex: new BigNumber('0x103'), extraData: 'someExtraStuffInHere' }); }); }); describe('outTransaction', () => { ['from', 'to'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} address as address`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = address; const formatted = outTransaction(block)[input]; expect(isAddress(formatted)).to.be.true; expect(formatted).to.equal(checksum); }); }); ['blockNumber', 'gasPrice', 'gas', 'nonce', 'transactionIndex', 'value'].forEach((input) => { it(`formats ${input} number as hexnumber`, () => { const block = {}; block[input] = 0x123; const formatted = outTransaction(block)[input]; expect(isInstanceOf(formatted, BigNumber)).to.be.true; expect(formatted.toString(16)).to.equal('123'); }); }); it('ignores and passes through unknown keys', () => { expect(outTransaction({ someRandom: 'someRandom' })).to.deep.equal({ someRandom: 'someRandom' }); }); it('formats a transaction with all the info converted', () => { expect( outTransaction({ from: address, to: address, blockNumber: '0x100', gasPrice: '0x101', gas: '0x102', nonce: '0x103', transactionIndex: '0x104', value: '0x105', extraData: 'someExtraStuffInHere' }) ).to.deep.equal({ from: checksum, to: checksum, blockNumber: new BigNumber('0x100'), gasPrice: new BigNumber('0x101'), gas: new BigNumber('0x102'), nonce: new BigNumber('0x103'), transactionIndex: new BigNumber('0x104'), value: new BigNumber('0x105'), extraData: 'someExtraStuffInHere' }); }); }); });