// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Blockchain block. use std::cmp; use std::sync::Arc; use std::collections::HashSet; use hash::{keccak, KECCAK_NULL_RLP, KECCAK_EMPTY_LIST_RLP}; use triehash::ordered_trie_root; use rlp::{UntrustedRlp, RlpStream, Encodable, Decodable, DecoderError, encode_list}; use ethereum_types::{H256, U256, Address, Bloom}; use bytes::Bytes; use unexpected::{Mismatch, OutOfBounds}; use vm::{EnvInfo, LastHashes}; use engines::EthEngine; use error::{Error, BlockError}; use factory::Factories; use header::Header; use receipt::{Receipt, TransactionOutcome}; use state::State; use state_db::StateDB; use trace::Tracing; use transaction::{UnverifiedTransaction, SignedTransaction, Error as TransactionError}; use verification::PreverifiedBlock; use views::BlockView; /// A block, encoded as it is on the block chain. #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Block { /// The header of this block. pub header: Header, /// The transactions in this block. pub transactions: Vec, /// The uncles of this block. pub uncles: Vec
, } impl Block { /// Returns true if the given bytes form a valid encoding of a block in RLP. pub fn is_good(b: &[u8]) -> bool { UntrustedRlp::new(b).as_val::().is_ok() } /// Get the RLP-encoding of the block with the seal. pub fn rlp_bytes(&self) -> Bytes { let mut block_rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3); block_rlp.append(&self.header); block_rlp.append_list(&self.transactions); block_rlp.append_list(&self.uncles); block_rlp.out() } } impl Decodable for Block { fn decode(rlp: &UntrustedRlp) -> Result { if rlp.as_raw().len() != rlp.payload_info()?.total() { return Err(DecoderError::RlpIsTooBig); } if rlp.item_count()? != 3 { return Err(DecoderError::RlpIncorrectListLen); } Ok(Block { header: rlp.val_at(0)?, transactions: rlp.list_at(1)?, uncles: rlp.list_at(2)?, }) } } /// An internal type for a block's common elements. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ExecutedBlock { header: Header, transactions: Vec, uncles: Vec
, receipts: Vec, transactions_set: HashSet, state: State, traces: Tracing, last_hashes: Arc, } impl ExecutedBlock { /// Create a new block from the given `state`. fn new(state: State, last_hashes: Arc, tracing: bool) -> ExecutedBlock { ExecutedBlock { header: Default::default(), transactions: Default::default(), uncles: Default::default(), receipts: Default::default(), transactions_set: Default::default(), state: state, traces: if tracing { Tracing::enabled() } else { Tracing::Disabled }, last_hashes: last_hashes, } } /// Get the environment info concerning this block. pub fn env_info(&self) -> EnvInfo { // TODO: memoise. EnvInfo { number: self.header.number(), author: self.header.author().clone(), timestamp: self.header.timestamp(), difficulty: self.header.difficulty().clone(), last_hashes: self.last_hashes.clone(), gas_used: self.receipts.last().map_or(U256::zero(), |r| r.gas_used), gas_limit: self.header.gas_limit().clone(), } } /// Get mutable access to a state. pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut State { &mut self.state } /// Get mutable reference to traces. pub fn traces_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Tracing { &mut self.traces } } /// Trait for a object that is a `ExecutedBlock`. pub trait IsBlock { /// Get the `ExecutedBlock` associated with this object. fn block(&self) -> &ExecutedBlock; /// Get the base `Block` object associated with this. fn to_base(&self) -> Block { Block { header: self.header().clone(), transactions: self.transactions().iter().cloned().map(Into::into).collect(), uncles: self.uncles().to_vec(), } } /// Get the header associated with this object's block. fn header(&self) -> &Header { &self.block().header } /// Get the final state associated with this object's block. fn state(&self) -> &State { &self.block().state } /// Get all information on transactions in this block. fn transactions(&self) -> &[SignedTransaction] { &self.block().transactions } /// Get all information on receipts in this block. fn receipts(&self) -> &[Receipt] { &self.block().receipts } /// Get all information concerning transaction tracing in this block. fn traces(&self) -> &Tracing { &self.block().traces } /// Get all uncles in this block. fn uncles(&self) -> &[Header] { &self.block().uncles } /// Get tracing enabled flag for this block. fn tracing_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.block().traces.is_enabled() } } /// Trait for a object that has a state database. pub trait Drain { /// Drop this object and return the underlying database. fn drain(self) -> StateDB; } impl IsBlock for ExecutedBlock { fn block(&self) -> &ExecutedBlock { self } } impl ::parity_machine::LiveBlock for ExecutedBlock { type Header = Header; fn header(&self) -> &Header { &self.header } fn uncles(&self) -> &[Header] { &self.uncles } } impl ::parity_machine::Transactions for ExecutedBlock { type Transaction = SignedTransaction; fn transactions(&self) -> &[SignedTransaction] { &self.transactions } } /// Block that is ready for transactions to be added. /// /// It's a bit like a Vec, except that whenever a transaction is pushed, we execute it and /// maintain the system `state()`. We also archive execution receipts in preparation for later block creation. pub struct OpenBlock<'x> { block: ExecutedBlock, engine: &'x EthEngine, } /// Just like `OpenBlock`, except that we've applied `Engine::on_close_block`, finished up the non-seal header fields, /// and collected the uncles. /// /// There is no function available to push a transaction. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ClosedBlock { block: ExecutedBlock, uncle_bytes: Bytes, unclosed_state: State, } /// Just like `ClosedBlock` except that we can't reopen it and it's faster. /// /// We actually store the post-`Engine::on_close_block` state, unlike in `ClosedBlock` where it's the pre. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LockedBlock { block: ExecutedBlock, uncle_bytes: Bytes, } /// A block that has a valid seal. /// /// The block's header has valid seal arguments. The block cannot be reversed into a `ClosedBlock` or `OpenBlock`. pub struct SealedBlock { block: ExecutedBlock, uncle_bytes: Bytes, } impl<'x> OpenBlock<'x> { /// Create a new `OpenBlock` ready for transaction pushing. pub fn new( engine: &'x EthEngine, factories: Factories, tracing: bool, db: StateDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: Arc, author: Address, gas_range_target: (U256, U256), extra_data: Bytes, is_epoch_begin: bool, ) -> Result { let number = parent.number() + 1; let state = State::from_existing(db, parent.state_root().clone(), engine.account_start_nonce(number), factories)?; let mut r = OpenBlock { block: ExecutedBlock::new(state, last_hashes, tracing), engine: engine, }; r.block.header.set_parent_hash(parent.hash()); r.block.header.set_number(number); r.block.header.set_author(author); r.block.header.set_timestamp(engine.open_block_header_timestamp(parent.timestamp())); r.block.header.set_extra_data(extra_data); let gas_floor_target = cmp::max(gas_range_target.0, engine.params().min_gas_limit); let gas_ceil_target = cmp::max(gas_range_target.1, gas_floor_target); engine.machine().populate_from_parent(&mut r.block.header, parent, gas_floor_target, gas_ceil_target); engine.populate_from_parent(&mut r.block.header, parent); engine.machine().on_new_block(&mut r.block)?; engine.on_new_block(&mut r.block, is_epoch_begin)?; Ok(r) } /// Alter the timestamp of the block. pub fn set_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: u64) { self.block.header.set_timestamp(timestamp); } /// Removes block gas limit. pub fn remove_gas_limit(&mut self) { self.block.header.set_gas_limit(U256::max_value()); } /// Add an uncle to the block, if possible. /// /// NOTE Will check chain constraints and the uncle number but will NOT check /// that the header itself is actually valid. pub fn push_uncle(&mut self, valid_uncle_header: Header) -> Result<(), BlockError> { let max_uncles = self.engine.maximum_uncle_count(self.block.header().number()); if self.block.uncles.len() + 1 > max_uncles { return Err(BlockError::TooManyUncles(OutOfBounds{ min: None, max: Some(max_uncles), found: self.block.uncles.len() + 1, })); } // TODO: check number // TODO: check not a direct ancestor (use last_hashes for that) self.block.uncles.push(valid_uncle_header); Ok(()) } /// Get the environment info concerning this block. pub fn env_info(&self) -> EnvInfo { self.block.env_info() } /// Push a transaction into the block. /// /// If valid, it will be executed, and archived together with the receipt. pub fn push_transaction(&mut self, t: SignedTransaction, h: Option) -> Result<&Receipt, Error> { if self.block.transactions_set.contains(&t.hash()) { return Err(TransactionError::AlreadyImported.into()); } let env_info = self.env_info(); let outcome = self.block.state.apply(&env_info, self.engine.machine(), &t, self.block.traces.is_enabled())?; self.block.transactions_set.insert(h.unwrap_or_else(||t.hash())); self.block.transactions.push(t.into()); if let Tracing::Enabled(ref mut traces) = self.block.traces { traces.push(outcome.trace.into()); } self.block.receipts.push(outcome.receipt); Ok(self.block.receipts.last().expect("receipt just pushed; qed")) } /// Push transactions onto the block. #[cfg(not(feature = "slow-blocks"))] fn push_transactions(&mut self, transactions: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { for t in transactions { self.push_transaction(t, None)?; } Ok(()) } /// Push transactions onto the block. #[cfg(feature = "slow-blocks")] fn push_transactions(&mut self, transactions: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { use std::time; let slow_tx = option_env!("SLOW_TX_DURATION").and_then(|v| v.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(100); for t in transactions { let hash = t.hash(); let start = time::Instant::now(); self.push_transaction(t, None)?; let took = start.elapsed(); let took_ms = took.as_secs() * 1000 + took.subsec_nanos() as u64 / 1000000; if took > time::Duration::from_millis(slow_tx) { warn!("Heavy ({} ms) transaction in block {:?}: {:?}", took_ms, block.header().number(), hash); } debug!(target: "tx", "Transaction {:?} took: {} ms", hash, took_ms); } Ok(()) } /// Populate self from a header. fn populate_from(&mut self, header: &Header) { self.block.header.set_difficulty(*header.difficulty()); self.block.header.set_gas_limit(*header.gas_limit()); self.block.header.set_timestamp(header.timestamp()); self.block.header.set_author(*header.author()); self.block.header.set_uncles_hash(*header.uncles_hash()); self.block.header.set_transactions_root(*header.transactions_root()); // TODO: that's horrible. set only for backwards compatibility if header.extra_data().len() > self.engine.maximum_extra_data_size() { warn!("Couldn't set extradata. Ignoring."); } else { self.block.header.set_extra_data(header.extra_data().clone()); } } /// Turn this into a `ClosedBlock`. pub fn close(self) -> ClosedBlock { let mut s = self; let unclosed_state = s.block.state.clone(); if let Err(e) = s.engine.on_close_block(&mut s.block) { warn!("Encountered error on closing the block: {}", e); } if let Err(e) = s.block.state.commit() { warn!("Encountered error on state commit: {}", e); } s.block.header.set_transactions_root(ordered_trie_root(s.block.transactions.iter().map(|e| e.rlp_bytes()))); let uncle_bytes = encode_list(&s.block.uncles).into_vec(); s.block.header.set_uncles_hash(keccak(&uncle_bytes)); s.block.header.set_state_root(s.block.state.root().clone()); s.block.header.set_receipts_root(ordered_trie_root(s.block.receipts.iter().map(|r| r.rlp_bytes()))); s.block.header.set_log_bloom(s.block.receipts.iter().fold(Bloom::zero(), |mut b, r| { b.accrue_bloom(&r.log_bloom); b })); s.block.header.set_gas_used(s.block.receipts.last().map_or_else(U256::zero, |r| r.gas_used)); ClosedBlock { block: s.block, uncle_bytes, unclosed_state, } } /// Turn this into a `LockedBlock`. pub fn close_and_lock(self) -> LockedBlock { let mut s = self; if let Err(e) = s.engine.on_close_block(&mut s.block) { warn!("Encountered error on closing the block: {}", e); } if let Err(e) = s.block.state.commit() { warn!("Encountered error on state commit: {}", e); } if s.block.header.transactions_root().is_zero() || s.block.header.transactions_root() == &KECCAK_NULL_RLP { s.block.header.set_transactions_root(ordered_trie_root(s.block.transactions.iter().map(|e| e.rlp_bytes()))); } let uncle_bytes = encode_list(&s.block.uncles).into_vec(); if s.block.header.uncles_hash().is_zero() || s.block.header.uncles_hash() == &KECCAK_EMPTY_LIST_RLP { s.block.header.set_uncles_hash(keccak(&uncle_bytes)); } if s.block.header.receipts_root().is_zero() || s.block.header.receipts_root() == &KECCAK_NULL_RLP { s.block.header.set_receipts_root(ordered_trie_root(s.block.receipts.iter().map(|r| r.rlp_bytes()))); } s.block.header.set_state_root(s.block.state.root().clone()); s.block.header.set_log_bloom(s.block.receipts.iter().fold(Bloom::zero(), |mut b, r| { b.accrue_bloom(&r.log_bloom); b })); s.block.header.set_gas_used(s.block.receipts.last().map_or_else(U256::zero, |r| r.gas_used)); LockedBlock { block: s.block, uncle_bytes, } } #[cfg(test)] /// Return mutable block reference. To be used in tests only. pub fn block_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ExecutedBlock { &mut self.block } } impl<'x> IsBlock for OpenBlock<'x> { fn block(&self) -> &ExecutedBlock { &self.block } } impl<'x> IsBlock for ClosedBlock { fn block(&self) -> &ExecutedBlock { &self.block } } impl<'x> IsBlock for LockedBlock { fn block(&self) -> &ExecutedBlock { &self.block } } impl ClosedBlock { /// Get the hash of the header without seal arguments. pub fn hash(&self) -> H256 { self.header().bare_hash() } /// Turn this into a `LockedBlock`, unable to be reopened again. pub fn lock(self) -> LockedBlock { LockedBlock { block: self.block, uncle_bytes: self.uncle_bytes, } } /// Given an engine reference, reopen the `ClosedBlock` into an `OpenBlock`. pub fn reopen(self, engine: &EthEngine) -> OpenBlock { // revert rewards (i.e. set state back at last transaction's state). let mut block = self.block; block.state = self.unclosed_state; OpenBlock { block: block, engine: engine, } } } impl LockedBlock { /// Get the hash of the header without seal arguments. pub fn hash(&self) -> H256 { self.header().bare_hash() } /// Provide a valid seal in order to turn this into a `SealedBlock`. /// /// NOTE: This does not check the validity of `seal` with the engine. pub fn seal(self, engine: &EthEngine, seal: Vec) -> Result { let expected_seal_fields = engine.seal_fields(self.header()); let mut s = self; if seal.len() != expected_seal_fields { return Err(BlockError::InvalidSealArity( Mismatch { expected: expected_seal_fields, found: seal.len() })); } s.block.header.set_seal(seal); s.block.header.compute_hash(); Ok(SealedBlock { block: s.block, uncle_bytes: s.uncle_bytes }) } /// Provide a valid seal in order to turn this into a `SealedBlock`. /// This does check the validity of `seal` with the engine. /// Returns the `ClosedBlock` back again if the seal is no good. pub fn try_seal( self, engine: &EthEngine, seal: Vec, ) -> Result { let mut s = self; s.block.header.set_seal(seal); s.block.header.compute_hash(); // TODO: passing state context to avoid engines owning it? match engine.verify_local_seal(&s.block.header) { Err(e) => Err((e, s)), _ => Ok(SealedBlock { block: s.block, uncle_bytes: s.uncle_bytes }), } } } impl Drain for LockedBlock { /// Drop this object and return the underlieing database. fn drain(self) -> StateDB { self.block.state.drop().1 } } impl SealedBlock { /// Get the RLP-encoding of the block. pub fn rlp_bytes(&self) -> Bytes { let mut block_rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3); block_rlp.append(&self.block.header); block_rlp.append_list(&self.block.transactions); block_rlp.append_raw(&self.uncle_bytes, 1); block_rlp.out() } } impl Drain for SealedBlock { /// Drop this object and return the underlieing database. fn drain(self) -> StateDB { self.block.state.drop().1 } } impl IsBlock for SealedBlock { fn block(&self) -> &ExecutedBlock { &self.block } } /// Enact the block given by block header, transactions and uncles fn enact( header: Header, transactions: Vec, uncles: Vec
, engine: &EthEngine, tracing: bool, db: StateDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: Arc, factories: Factories, is_epoch_begin: bool, strip_receipts: bool, ) -> Result { { if ::log::max_log_level() >= ::log::LogLevel::Trace { let s = State::from_existing(db.boxed_clone(), parent.state_root().clone(), engine.account_start_nonce(parent.number() + 1), factories.clone())?; trace!(target: "enact", "num={}, root={}, author={}, author_balance={}\n", header.number(), s.root(), header.author(), s.balance(&header.author())?); } } let mut b = OpenBlock::new( engine, factories, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, Address::new(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], is_epoch_begin, )?; b.populate_from(&header); b.push_transactions(transactions)?; for u in uncles { b.push_uncle(u)?; } if strip_receipts { for receipt in &mut b.block.receipts { receipt.outcome = TransactionOutcome::Unknown; } } Ok(b.close_and_lock()) } /// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header pub fn enact_verified( block: PreverifiedBlock, engine: &EthEngine, tracing: bool, db: StateDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: Arc, factories: Factories, is_epoch_begin: bool, // Remove state root from transaction receipts to make them EIP-98 compatible. strip_receipts: bool, ) -> Result { let view = BlockView::new(&block.bytes); enact( block.header, block.transactions, view.uncles(), engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories, is_epoch_begin, strip_receipts, ) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use test_helpers::get_temp_state_db; use super::*; use engines::EthEngine; use vm::LastHashes; use error::Error; use header::Header; use factory::Factories; use state_db::StateDB; use views::BlockView; use ethereum_types::Address; use std::sync::Arc; use transaction::SignedTransaction; /// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header fn enact_bytes( block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &EthEngine, tracing: bool, db: StateDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: Arc, factories: Factories, ) -> Result { let block = BlockView::new(block_bytes); let header = block.header(); let transactions: Result, Error> = block .transactions() .into_iter() .map(SignedTransaction::new) .map(|r| r.map_err(Into::into)) .collect(); let transactions = transactions?; { if ::log::max_log_level() >= ::log::LogLevel::Trace { let s = State::from_existing(db.boxed_clone(), parent.state_root().clone(), engine.account_start_nonce(parent.number() + 1), factories.clone())?; trace!(target: "enact", "num={}, root={}, author={}, author_balance={}\n", header.number(), s.root(), header.author(), s.balance(&header.author())?); } } let mut b = OpenBlock::new( engine, factories, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, Address::new(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false, )?; b.populate_from(&header); b.push_transactions(transactions)?; for u in &block.uncles() { b.push_uncle(u.clone())?; } Ok(b.close_and_lock()) } /// Enact the block given by `block_bytes` using `engine` on the database `db` with given `parent` block header. Seal the block aferwards fn enact_and_seal( block_bytes: &[u8], engine: &EthEngine, tracing: bool, db: StateDB, parent: &Header, last_hashes: Arc, factories: Factories, ) -> Result { let header = BlockView::new(block_bytes).header_view(); Ok(enact_bytes(block_bytes, engine, tracing, db, parent, last_hashes, factories)?.seal(engine, header.seal())?) } #[test] fn open_block() { use spec::*; let spec = Spec::new_test(); let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]); let b = OpenBlock::new(&*spec.engine, Default::default(), false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, Address::zero(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap(); let b = b.close_and_lock(); let _ = b.seal(&*spec.engine, vec![]); } #[test] fn enact_block() { use spec::*; let spec = Spec::new_test(); let engine = &*spec.engine; let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]); let b = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), Address::zero(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap() .close_and_lock().seal(engine, vec![]).unwrap(); let orig_bytes = b.rlp_bytes(); let orig_db = b.drain(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let e = enact_and_seal(&orig_bytes, engine, false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, Default::default()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(e.rlp_bytes(), orig_bytes); let db = e.drain(); assert_eq!(orig_db.journal_db().keys(), db.journal_db().keys()); assert!(orig_db.journal_db().keys().iter().filter(|k| orig_db.journal_db().get(k.0) != db.journal_db().get(k.0)).next() == None); } #[test] fn enact_block_with_uncle() { use spec::*; let spec = Spec::new_test(); let engine = &*spec.engine; let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]); let mut open_block = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes.clone(), Address::zero(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap(); let mut uncle1_header = Header::new(); uncle1_header.set_extra_data(b"uncle1".to_vec()); let mut uncle2_header = Header::new(); uncle2_header.set_extra_data(b"uncle2".to_vec()); open_block.push_uncle(uncle1_header).unwrap(); open_block.push_uncle(uncle2_header).unwrap(); let b = open_block.close_and_lock().seal(engine, vec![]).unwrap(); let orig_bytes = b.rlp_bytes(); let orig_db = b.drain(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let e = enact_and_seal(&orig_bytes, engine, false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, Default::default()).unwrap(); let bytes = e.rlp_bytes(); assert_eq!(bytes, orig_bytes); let uncles = BlockView::new(&bytes).uncles(); assert_eq!(uncles[1].extra_data(), b"uncle2"); let db = e.drain(); assert_eq!(orig_db.journal_db().keys(), db.journal_db().keys()); assert!(orig_db.journal_db().keys().iter().filter(|k| orig_db.journal_db().get(k.0) != db.journal_db().get(k.0)).next() == None); } }