// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Eth rpc implementation. extern crate ethash; use std::io::{Write}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use std::thread; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use time::get_time; use ethsync::{SyncProvider}; use ethcore::miner::{MinerService, ExternalMinerService}; use jsonrpc_core::*; use util::{H256, Address, FixedHash, U256, H64, Uint}; use util::sha3::*; use util::{FromHex, Mutex}; use rlp::{self, UntrustedRlp, View}; use ethcore::account_provider::AccountProvider; use ethcore::client::{MiningBlockChainClient, BlockID, TransactionID, UncleID}; use ethcore::header::{Header as BlockHeader, BlockNumber as EthBlockNumber}; use ethcore::block::IsBlock; use ethcore::views::*; use ethcore::ethereum::Ethash; use ethcore::transaction::{Transaction as EthTransaction, SignedTransaction, Action}; use ethcore::log_entry::LogEntry; use ethcore::filter::Filter as EthcoreFilter; use self::ethash::SeedHashCompute; use v1::traits::Eth; use v1::types::{ Block, BlockTransactions, BlockNumber, Bytes, SyncStatus, SyncInfo, Transaction, CallRequest, Index, Filter, Log, Receipt, Work, H64 as RpcH64, H256 as RpcH256, H160 as RpcH160, U256 as RpcU256, }; use v1::helpers::{CallRequest as CRequest, errors, limit_logs}; use v1::helpers::dispatch::{default_gas_price, dispatch_transaction}; use v1::helpers::auto_args::Trailing; /// Eth RPC options pub struct EthClientOptions { /// Returns receipt from pending blocks pub allow_pending_receipt_query: bool, /// Send additional block number when asking for work pub send_block_number_in_get_work: bool, } impl Default for EthClientOptions { fn default() -> Self { EthClientOptions { allow_pending_receipt_query: true, send_block_number_in_get_work: true, } } } /// Eth rpc implementation. pub struct EthClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient, S: SyncProvider, M: MinerService, EM: ExternalMinerService { client: Weak, sync: Weak, accounts: Weak, miner: Weak, external_miner: Arc, seed_compute: Mutex, options: EthClientOptions, } impl EthClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient, S: SyncProvider, M: MinerService, EM: ExternalMinerService { /// Creates new EthClient. pub fn new(client: &Arc, sync: &Arc, accounts: &Arc, miner: &Arc, em: &Arc, options: EthClientOptions) -> EthClient { EthClient { client: Arc::downgrade(client), sync: Arc::downgrade(sync), miner: Arc::downgrade(miner), accounts: Arc::downgrade(accounts), external_miner: em.clone(), seed_compute: Mutex::new(SeedHashCompute::new()), options: options, } } fn block(&self, id: BlockID, include_txs: bool) -> Result, Error> { let client = take_weak!(self.client); match (client.block(id.clone()), client.block_total_difficulty(id)) { (Some(bytes), Some(total_difficulty)) => { let block_view = BlockView::new(&bytes); let view = block_view.header_view(); let block = Block { hash: Some(view.sha3().into()), size: Some(bytes.len().into()), parent_hash: view.parent_hash().into(), uncles_hash: view.uncles_hash().into(), author: view.author().into(), miner: view.author().into(), state_root: view.state_root().into(), transactions_root: view.transactions_root().into(), receipts_root: view.receipts_root().into(), number: Some(view.number().into()), gas_used: view.gas_used().into(), gas_limit: view.gas_limit().into(), logs_bloom: view.log_bloom().into(), timestamp: view.timestamp().into(), difficulty: view.difficulty().into(), total_difficulty: total_difficulty.into(), seal_fields: view.seal().into_iter().map(|f| rlp::decode(&f)).map(Bytes::new).collect(), uncles: block_view.uncle_hashes().into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), transactions: match include_txs { true => BlockTransactions::Full(block_view.localized_transactions().into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()), false => BlockTransactions::Hashes(block_view.transaction_hashes().into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()), }, extra_data: Bytes::new(view.extra_data()) }; Ok(Some(block)) }, _ => Ok(None) } } fn transaction(&self, id: TransactionID) -> Result, Error> { match take_weak!(self.client).transaction(id) { Some(t) => Ok(Some(Transaction::from(t))), None => Ok(None), } } fn uncle(&self, id: UncleID) -> Result, Error> { let client = take_weak!(self.client); let uncle: BlockHeader = match client.uncle(id) { Some(rlp) => rlp::decode(&rlp), None => { return Ok(None); } }; let parent_difficulty = match client.block_total_difficulty(BlockID::Hash(uncle.parent_hash().clone())) { Some(difficulty) => difficulty, None => { return Ok(None); } }; let block = Block { hash: Some(uncle.hash().into()), size: None, parent_hash: uncle.parent_hash().clone().into(), uncles_hash: uncle.uncles_hash().clone().into(), author: uncle.author().clone().into(), miner: uncle.author().clone().into(), state_root: uncle.state_root().clone().into(), transactions_root: uncle.transactions_root().clone().into(), number: Some(uncle.number().into()), gas_used: uncle.gas_used().clone().into(), gas_limit: uncle.gas_limit().clone().into(), logs_bloom: uncle.log_bloom().clone().into(), timestamp: uncle.timestamp().into(), difficulty: uncle.difficulty().clone().into(), total_difficulty: (uncle.difficulty().clone() + parent_difficulty).into(), receipts_root: uncle.receipts_root().clone().into(), extra_data: uncle.extra_data().clone().into(), seal_fields: uncle.seal().clone().into_iter().map(|f| rlp::decode(&f)).map(Bytes::new).collect(), uncles: vec![], transactions: BlockTransactions::Hashes(vec![]), }; Ok(Some(block)) } fn sign_call(&self, request: CRequest) -> Result { let (client, miner) = (take_weak!(self.client), take_weak!(self.miner)); let from = request.from.unwrap_or(Address::zero()); Ok(EthTransaction { nonce: request.nonce.unwrap_or_else(|| client.latest_nonce(&from)), action: request.to.map_or(Action::Create, Action::Call), gas: request.gas.unwrap_or(U256::from(50_000_000)), gas_price: request.gas_price.unwrap_or_else(|| default_gas_price(&*client, &*miner)), value: request.value.unwrap_or_else(U256::zero), data: request.data.map_or_else(Vec::new, |d| d.to_vec()) }.fake_sign(from)) } } pub fn pending_logs(miner: &M, best_block: EthBlockNumber, filter: &EthcoreFilter) -> Vec where M: MinerService { let receipts = miner.pending_receipts(best_block); let pending_logs = receipts.into_iter() .flat_map(|(hash, r)| r.logs.into_iter().map(|l| (hash.clone(), l)).collect::>()) .collect::>(); let result = pending_logs.into_iter() .filter(|pair| filter.matches(&pair.1)) .map(|pair| { let mut log = Log::from(pair.1); log.transaction_hash = Some(pair.0.into()); log }) .collect(); result } const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_MINE_ON: usize = 4; // because uncles go back 6. impl EthClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient + 'static, S: SyncProvider + 'static, M: MinerService + 'static, EM: ExternalMinerService + 'static { fn active(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { // TODO: only call every 30s at most. take_weak!(self.client).keep_alive(); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(windows)] static SOLC: &'static str = "solc.exe"; #[cfg(not(windows))] static SOLC: &'static str = "solc"; impl Eth for EthClient where C: MiningBlockChainClient + 'static, S: SyncProvider + 'static, M: MinerService + 'static, EM: ExternalMinerService + 'static { fn protocol_version(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let version = take_weak!(self.sync).status().protocol_version.to_owned(); Ok(format!("{}", version)) } fn syncing(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let status = take_weak!(self.sync).status(); if status.is_major_syncing() { let current_block = U256::from(take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number); let highest_block = U256::from(status.highest_block_number.unwrap_or(status.start_block_number)); let info = SyncInfo { starting_block: status.start_block_number.into(), current_block: current_block.into(), highest_block: highest_block.into(), }; Ok(SyncStatus::Info(info)) } else { Ok(SyncStatus::None) } } fn author(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); Ok(RpcH160::from(take_weak!(self.miner).author())) } fn is_mining(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); Ok(take_weak!(self.miner).is_sealing()) } fn hashrate(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); Ok(RpcU256::from(self.external_miner.hashrate())) } fn gas_price(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let (client, miner) = (take_weak!(self.client), take_weak!(self.miner)); Ok(RpcU256::from(default_gas_price(&*client, &*miner))) } fn accounts(&self) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let store = take_weak!(self.accounts); let accounts = try!(store.accounts().map_err(|e| errors::internal("Could not fetch accounts.", e))); Ok(accounts.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()) } fn block_number(&self) -> Result { try!(self.active()); Ok(RpcU256::from(take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number)) } fn balance(&self, address: RpcH160, num: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let address = address.into(); match num.0 { BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(take_weak!(self.miner).balance(&*take_weak!(self.client), &address).into()), id => match take_weak!(self.client).balance(&address, id.into()) { Some(balance) => Ok(balance.into()), None => Err(errors::state_pruned()), } } } fn storage_at(&self, address: RpcH160, pos: RpcU256, num: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let address: Address = RpcH160::into(address); let position: U256 = RpcU256::into(pos); match num.0 { BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(take_weak!(self.miner).storage_at(&*take_weak!(self.client), &address, &H256::from(position)).into()), id => match take_weak!(self.client).storage_at(&address, &H256::from(position), id.into()) { Some(s) => Ok(s.into()), None => Err(errors::state_pruned()), } } } fn transaction_count(&self, address: RpcH160, num: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let address: Address = RpcH160::into(address); match num.0 { BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(take_weak!(self.miner).nonce(&*take_weak!(self.client), &address).into()), id => match take_weak!(self.client).nonce(&address, id.into()) { Some(nonce) => Ok(nonce.into()), None => Err(errors::state_pruned()), } } } fn block_transaction_count_by_hash(&self, hash: RpcH256) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); Ok( take_weak!(self.client).block(BlockID::Hash(hash.into())) .map(|bytes| BlockView::new(&bytes).transactions_count().into()) ) } fn block_transaction_count_by_number(&self, num: BlockNumber) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); match num { BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(Some( take_weak!(self.miner).status().transactions_in_pending_block.into() )), _ => Ok( take_weak!(self.client).block(num.into()) .map(|bytes| BlockView::new(&bytes).transactions_count().into()) ) } } fn block_uncles_count_by_hash(&self, hash: RpcH256) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); Ok( take_weak!(self.client).block(BlockID::Hash(hash.into())) .map(|bytes| BlockView::new(&bytes).uncles_count().into()) ) } fn block_uncles_count_by_number(&self, num: BlockNumber) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); match num { BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(Some(0.into())), _ => Ok( take_weak!(self.client).block(num.into()) .map(|bytes| BlockView::new(&bytes).uncles_count().into()) ), } } fn code_at(&self, address: RpcH160, num: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let address: Address = RpcH160::into(address); match num.0 { BlockNumber::Pending => Ok(take_weak!(self.miner).code(&*take_weak!(self.client), &address).map_or_else(Bytes::default, Bytes::new)), _ => match take_weak!(self.client).code(&address, num.0.into()) { Some(code) => Ok(code.map_or_else(Bytes::default, Bytes::new)), None => Err(errors::state_pruned()), }, } } fn block_by_hash(&self, hash: RpcH256, include_txs: bool) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); self.block(BlockID::Hash(hash.into()), include_txs) } fn block_by_number(&self, num: BlockNumber, include_txs: bool) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); self.block(num.into(), include_txs) } fn transaction_by_hash(&self, hash: RpcH256) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let hash: H256 = hash.into(); let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); let client = take_weak!(self.client); Ok(try!(self.transaction(TransactionID::Hash(hash))).or_else(|| miner.transaction(client.chain_info().best_block_number, &hash).map(Into::into))) } fn transaction_by_block_hash_and_index(&self, hash: RpcH256, index: Index) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); self.transaction(TransactionID::Location(BlockID::Hash(hash.into()), index.value())) } fn transaction_by_block_number_and_index(&self, num: BlockNumber, index: Index) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); self.transaction(TransactionID::Location(num.into(), index.value())) } fn transaction_receipt(&self, hash: RpcH256) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); let best_block = take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number; let hash: H256 = hash.into(); match (miner.pending_receipt(best_block, &hash), self.options.allow_pending_receipt_query) { (Some(receipt), true) => Ok(Some(receipt.into())), _ => { let client = take_weak!(self.client); let receipt = client.transaction_receipt(TransactionID::Hash(hash)); Ok(receipt.map(Into::into)) } } } fn uncle_by_block_hash_and_index(&self, hash: RpcH256, index: Index) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); self.uncle(UncleID { block: BlockID::Hash(hash.into()), position: index.value() }) } fn uncle_by_block_number_and_index(&self, num: BlockNumber, index: Index) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); self.uncle(UncleID { block: num.into(), position: index.value() }) } fn compilers(&self) -> Result, Error> { try!(self.active()); let mut compilers = vec![]; if Command::new(SOLC).output().is_ok() { compilers.push("solidity".to_owned()) } Ok(compilers) } fn logs(&self, filter: Filter) -> Result, Error> { let include_pending = filter.to_block == Some(BlockNumber::Pending); let filter: EthcoreFilter = filter.into(); let mut logs = take_weak!(self.client).logs(filter.clone()) .into_iter() .map(From::from) .collect::>(); if include_pending { let best_block = take_weak!(self.client).chain_info().best_block_number; let pending = pending_logs(&*take_weak!(self.miner), best_block, &filter); logs.extend(pending); } let logs = limit_logs(logs, filter.limit); Ok(logs) } fn work(&self, no_new_work_timeout: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let no_new_work_timeout = no_new_work_timeout.0; let client = take_weak!(self.client); // check if we're still syncing and return empty strings in that case { //TODO: check if initial sync is complete here //let sync = take_weak!(self.sync); if /*sync.status().state != SyncState::Idle ||*/ client.queue_info().total_queue_size() > MAX_QUEUE_SIZE_TO_MINE_ON { trace!(target: "miner", "Syncing. Cannot give any work."); return Err(errors::no_work()); } // Otherwise spin until our submitted block has been included. let timeout = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(1000); while Instant::now() < timeout && client.queue_info().total_queue_size() > 0 { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)); } } let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); if miner.author().is_zero() { warn!(target: "miner", "Cannot give work package - no author is configured. Use --author to configure!"); return Err(errors::no_author()) } miner.map_sealing_work(&*client, |b| { let pow_hash = b.hash(); let target = Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(b.block().header().difficulty()); let seed_hash = self.seed_compute.lock().get_seedhash(b.block().header().number()); if no_new_work_timeout > 0 && b.block().header().timestamp() + no_new_work_timeout < get_time().sec as u64 { Err(errors::no_new_work()) } else if self.options.send_block_number_in_get_work { let block_number = b.block().header().number(); Ok(Work { pow_hash: pow_hash.into(), seed_hash: seed_hash.into(), target: target.into(), number: Some(block_number), }) } else { Ok(Work { pow_hash: pow_hash.into(), seed_hash: seed_hash.into(), target: target.into(), number: None }) } }).unwrap_or(Err(Error::internal_error())) // no work found. } fn submit_work(&self, nonce: RpcH64, pow_hash: RpcH256, mix_hash: RpcH256) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let nonce: H64 = nonce.into(); let pow_hash: H256 = pow_hash.into(); let mix_hash: H256 = mix_hash.into(); trace!(target: "miner", "submit_work: Decoded: nonce={}, pow_hash={}, mix_hash={}", nonce, pow_hash, mix_hash); let miner = take_weak!(self.miner); let client = take_weak!(self.client); let seal = vec![rlp::encode(&mix_hash).to_vec(), rlp::encode(&nonce).to_vec()]; Ok(miner.submit_seal(&*client, pow_hash, seal).is_ok()) } fn submit_hashrate(&self, rate: RpcU256, id: RpcH256) -> Result { try!(self.active()); self.external_miner.submit_hashrate(rate.into(), id.into()); Ok(true) } fn send_raw_transaction(&self, raw: Bytes) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let raw_transaction = raw.to_vec(); match UntrustedRlp::new(&raw_transaction).as_val() { Ok(signed_transaction) => dispatch_transaction(&*take_weak!(self.client), &*take_weak!(self.miner), signed_transaction), Err(_) => Ok(RpcH256::from(H256::from(0))), } } fn call(&self, request: CallRequest, num: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let request = CallRequest::into(request); let signed = try!(self.sign_call(request)); let r = match num.0 { BlockNumber::Pending => take_weak!(self.miner).call(&*take_weak!(self.client), &signed, Default::default()), num => take_weak!(self.client).call(&signed, num.into(), Default::default()), }; match r { Ok(b) => Ok(Bytes(b.output)), Err(e) => Err(errors::from_call_error(e)), } } fn estimate_gas(&self, request: CallRequest, num: Trailing) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let request = CallRequest::into(request); let signed = try!(self.sign_call(request)); let r = match num.0 { BlockNumber::Pending => take_weak!(self.miner).call(&*take_weak!(self.client), &signed, Default::default()), num => take_weak!(self.client).call(&signed, num.into(), Default::default()), }; Ok(RpcU256::from(r.map(|res| res.gas_used + res.refunded).unwrap_or(From::from(0)))) } fn compile_lll(&self, _: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); rpc_unimplemented!() } fn compile_serpent(&self, _: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); rpc_unimplemented!() } fn compile_solidity(&self, code: String) -> Result { try!(self.active()); let maybe_child = Command::new(SOLC) .arg("--bin") .arg("--optimize") .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn(); maybe_child .map_err(errors::compilation) .and_then(|mut child| { try!(child.stdin.as_mut() .expect("we called child.stdin(Stdio::piped()) before spawn; qed") .write_all(code.as_bytes()) .map_err(errors::compilation)); let output = try!(child.wait_with_output().map_err(errors::compilation)); let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); if let Some(hex) = s.lines().skip_while(|ref l| !l.contains("Binary")).skip(1).next() { Ok(Bytes::new(hex.from_hex().unwrap_or(vec![]))) } else { Err(errors::compilation("Unexpected output.")) } }) } }