use util::*; pub const SHA3_EMPTY: H256 = H256( [0xc5, 0xd2, 0x46, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x23, 0x3c, 0x92, 0x7e, 0x7d, 0xb2, 0xdc, 0xc7, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xe5, 0x00, 0xb6, 0x53, 0xca, 0x82, 0x27, 0x3b, 0x7b, 0xfa, 0xd8, 0x04, 0x5d, 0x85, 0xa4, 0x70] ); /// Single account in the system. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Account { // Balance of the account. balance: U256, // Nonce of the account. nonce: U256, // Trie-backed storage. storage_root: H256, // Overlay on trie-backed storage. storage_overlay: RefCell>, // Code hash of the account. If None, means that it's a contract whose code has not yet been set. code_hash: Option, // Code cache of the account. code_cache: Bytes, } impl Account { /// General constructor. pub fn new(balance: U256, nonce: U256, storage: HashMap, code: Bytes) -> Account { Account { balance: balance, nonce: nonce, storage_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP, storage_overlay: RefCell::new(storage), code_hash: Some(code.sha3()), code_cache: code } } /// Create a new account with the given balance. pub fn new_basic(balance: U256, nonce: U256) -> Account { Account { balance: balance, nonce: nonce, storage_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP, storage_overlay: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), code_hash: Some(SHA3_EMPTY), code_cache: vec![], } } /// Create a new account from RLP. pub fn from_rlp(rlp: &[u8]) -> Account { let r: Rlp = Rlp::new(rlp); Account { nonce: r.val_at(0), balance: r.val_at(1), storage_root: r.val_at(2), storage_overlay: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), code_hash: Some(r.val_at(3)), code_cache: vec![], } } /// Create a new contract account. /// NOTE: make sure you use `init_code` on this before `commit`ing. pub fn new_contract(balance: U256) -> Account { Account { balance: balance, nonce: U256::from(0u8), storage_root: SHA3_NULL_RLP, storage_overlay: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()), code_hash: None, code_cache: vec![], } } /// Set this account's code to the given code. /// NOTE: Account should have been created with `new_contract`. pub fn init_code(&mut self, code: Bytes) { assert!(self.code_hash.is_none()); self.code_cache = code; } /// Set (and cache) the contents of the trie's storage at `key` to `value`. pub fn set_storage(&mut self, key: H256, value: H256) { self.storage_overlay.borrow_mut().insert(key, value); } /// Get (and cache) the contents of the trie's storage at `key`. pub fn storage_at(&self, db: &HashDB, key: &H256) -> H256 { self.storage_overlay.borrow_mut().entry(key.clone()).or_insert_with(||{ H256::from_slice(TrieDB::new(db, &self.storage_root).get(key.bytes()).unwrap_or(&[0u8;32][..])) }).clone() } /// return the balance associated with this account. pub fn balance(&self) -> &U256 { &self.balance } /// return the nonce associated with this account. pub fn nonce(&self) -> &U256 { &self.nonce } /// return the code hash associated with this account. pub fn code_hash(&self) -> H256 { self.code_hash.clone().unwrap_or(SHA3_EMPTY) } /// returns the account's code. If `None` then the code cache isn't available - /// get someone who knows to call `note_code`. pub fn code(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> { match self.code_hash { Some(SHA3_EMPTY) | None if self.code_cache.is_empty() => Some(&self.code_cache), Some(_) if !self.code_cache.is_empty() => Some(&self.code_cache), None => Some(&self.code_cache), _ => None, } } /// Provide a byte array which hashes to the `code_hash`. returns the hash as a result. pub fn note_code(&mut self, code: Bytes) -> Result<(), H256> { let h = code.sha3(); match self.code_hash { Some(ref i) if h == *i => { self.code_cache = code; Ok(()) }, _ => Err(h) } } /// Is `code_cache` valid; such that code is going to return Some? pub fn is_cached(&self) -> bool { !self.code_cache.is_empty() || (self.code_cache.is_empty() && self.code_hash == Some(SHA3_EMPTY)) } /// Provide a database to lookup `code_hash`. Should not be called if it is a contract without code. pub fn cache_code(&mut self, db: &HashDB) -> bool { // TODO: fill out self.code_cache; /* return !self.is_cached() || match db.lookup(&self.code_hash.unwrap()) { // why doesn't this work? unwrap causes move?! Some(x) => { self.code_cache = x.to_vec(); true }, _ => { false } }*/ if self.is_cached() { return true; } return if let Some(ref h) = self.code_hash { match db.lookup(&h) { Some(x) => { self.code_cache = x.to_vec(); true }, _ => { false } } } else { false } } /// return the storage root associated with this account. pub fn base_root(&self) -> &H256 { &self.storage_root } /// return the storage root associated with this account or None if it has been altered via the overlay. pub fn storage_root(&self) -> Option<&H256> { if self.storage_overlay.borrow().is_empty() {Some(&self.storage_root)} else {None} } /// rturn the storage overlay. pub fn storage_overlay(&self) -> Ref> { self.storage_overlay.borrow() } /// Increment the nonce of the account by one. pub fn inc_nonce(&mut self) { self.nonce = self.nonce + U256::from(1u8); } /// Increment the nonce of the account by one. pub fn add_balance(&mut self, x: &U256) { self.balance = self.balance + *x; } /// Increment the nonce of the account by one. pub fn sub_balance(&mut self, x: &U256) { self.balance = self.balance - *x; } /// Commit the `storage_overlay` to the backing DB and update `storage_root`. pub fn commit_storage(&mut self, db: &mut HashDB) { let mut t = TrieDBMut::new(db, &mut self.storage_root); for (k, v) in self.storage_overlay.borrow().iter() { // cast key and value to trait type, // so we can call overloaded `to_bytes` method t.insert(k, v); } self.storage_overlay.borrow_mut().clear(); } /// Commit any unsaved code. `code_hash` will always return the hash of the `code_cache` after this. pub fn commit_code(&mut self, db: &mut HashDB) { println!("Commiting code of {:?} - {:?}, {:?}", self, self.code_hash.is_none(), self.code_cache.is_empty()); match (self.code_hash.is_none(), self.code_cache.is_empty()) { (true, true) => self.code_hash = Some(SHA3_EMPTY), (true, false) => { println!("Writing into DB {:?}", self.code_cache); self.code_hash = Some(db.insert(&self.code_cache)); }, (false, _) => {}, } } /// Export to RLP. pub fn rlp(&self) -> Bytes { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(4); stream.append(&self.nonce); stream.append(&self.balance); stream.append(&self.storage_root); stream.append(self.code_hash.as_ref().expect("Cannot form RLP of contract account without code.")); stream.out() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use util::hash::*; use util::bytes::*; use util::rlp::*; use util::uint::*; use util::overlaydb::*; #[test] fn storage_at() { let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp(); let rlp = { let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8)); a.set_storage(H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64)), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64))); a.commit_storage(&mut db); a.init_code(vec![]); a.commit_code(&mut db); a.rlp() }; let a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp); assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "3541f181d6dad5c504371884684d08c29a8bad04926f8ceddf5e279dbc3cc769"); assert_eq!(a.storage_at(&mut db, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64))), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64))); assert_eq!(a.storage_at(&mut db, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x01u64))), H256::new()); } #[test] fn note_code() { let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp(); let rlp = { let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8)); a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]); a.commit_code(&mut db); a.rlp() }; let mut a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp); assert_eq!(a.cache_code(&db), true); let mut a = Account::from_rlp(&rlp); assert_eq!(a.note_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]), Ok(())); } #[test] fn commit_storage() { let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8)); let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp(); a.set_storage(H256::from(&U256::from(0x00u64)), H256::from(&U256::from(0x1234u64))); assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), None); a.commit_storage(&mut db); assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap().hex(), "3541f181d6dad5c504371884684d08c29a8bad04926f8ceddf5e279dbc3cc769"); } #[test] fn commit_code() { let mut a = Account::new_contract(U256::from(69u8)); let mut db = OverlayDB::new_temp(); a.init_code(vec![0x55, 0x44, 0xffu8]); assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY); a.commit_code(&mut db); assert_eq!(a.code_hash().hex(), "af231e631776a517ca23125370d542873eca1fb4d613ed9b5d5335a46ae5b7eb"); } #[test] fn rlpio() { let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new()); let b = Account::from_rlp(&a.rlp()); assert_eq!(a.balance(), b.balance()); assert_eq!(a.nonce(), b.nonce()); assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), b.code_hash()); assert_eq!(a.storage_root(), b.storage_root()); } #[test] fn new_account() { use rustc_serialize::hex::ToHex; let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new()); assert_eq!(a.rlp().to_hex(), "f8448045a056e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421a0c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"); assert_eq!(a.balance(), &U256::from(69u8)); assert_eq!(a.nonce(), &U256::from(0u8)); assert_eq!(a.code_hash(), SHA3_EMPTY); assert_eq!(a.storage_root().unwrap(), &SHA3_NULL_RLP); } #[test] fn create_account() { use rustc_serialize::hex::ToHex; let a = Account::new(U256::from(69u8), U256::from(0u8), HashMap::new(), Bytes::new()); assert_eq!(a.rlp().to_hex(), "f8448045a056e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421a0c5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"); } }