// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use util::*; use ethcore::client::{BlockChainClient, BlockStatus, TreeRoute, BlockChainInfo}; use ethcore::block_queue::BlockQueueInfo; use ethcore::header::{Header as BlockHeader, BlockNumber}; use ethcore::error::*; use io::SyncIo; use chain::{ChainSync}; use ethcore::receipt::Receipt; pub struct TestBlockChainClient { pub blocks: RwLock>, pub numbers: RwLock>, pub genesis_hash: H256, pub last_hash: RwLock, pub difficulty: RwLock, } impl TestBlockChainClient { pub fn new() -> TestBlockChainClient { let mut client = TestBlockChainClient { blocks: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), numbers: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), genesis_hash: H256::new(), last_hash: RwLock::new(H256::new()), difficulty: RwLock::new(From::from(0)), }; client.add_blocks(1, true); // add genesis block client.genesis_hash = client.last_hash.read().unwrap().clone(); client } pub fn add_blocks(&mut self, count: usize, empty: bool) { let len = self.numbers.read().unwrap().len(); for n in len..(len + count) { let mut header = BlockHeader::new(); header.difficulty = From::from(n); header.parent_hash = self.last_hash.read().unwrap().clone(); header.number = n as BlockNumber; let mut uncles = RlpStream::new_list(if empty {0} else {1}); if !empty { let mut uncle_header = BlockHeader::new(); uncle_header.difficulty = From::from(n); uncle_header.parent_hash = self.last_hash.read().unwrap().clone(); uncle_header.number = n as BlockNumber; uncles.append(&uncle_header); header.uncles_hash = uncles.as_raw().sha3(); } let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3); rlp.append(&header); rlp.append_raw(&rlp::NULL_RLP, 1); rlp.append_raw(uncles.as_raw(), 1); self.import_block(rlp.as_raw().to_vec()).unwrap(); } } pub fn block_hash_delta_minus(&mut self, delta: usize) -> H256 { let blocks_read = self.numbers.read().unwrap(); let index = blocks_read.len() - delta; blocks_read[&index].clone() } } impl BlockChainClient for TestBlockChainClient { fn block_total_difficulty(&self, _h: &H256) -> Option { Some(U256::zero()) } fn block_header(&self, h: &H256) -> Option { self.blocks.read().unwrap().get(h).map(|r| Rlp::new(r).at(0).as_raw().to_vec()) } fn block_body(&self, h: &H256) -> Option { self.blocks.read().unwrap().get(h).map(|r| { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2); stream.append_raw(Rlp::new(&r).at(1).as_raw(), 1); stream.append_raw(Rlp::new(&r).at(2).as_raw(), 1); stream.out() }) } fn block(&self, h: &H256) -> Option { self.blocks.read().unwrap().get(h).cloned() } fn block_status(&self, h: &H256) -> BlockStatus { match self.blocks.read().unwrap().get(h) { Some(_) => BlockStatus::InChain, None => BlockStatus::Unknown } } fn block_total_difficulty_at(&self, _number: BlockNumber) -> Option { unimplemented!(); } fn block_header_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option { self.numbers.read().unwrap().get(&(n as usize)).and_then(|h| self.block_header(h)) } fn block_body_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option { self.numbers.read().unwrap().get(&(n as usize)).and_then(|h| self.block_body(h)) } fn block_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> Option { self.numbers.read().unwrap().get(&(n as usize)).map(|h| self.blocks.read().unwrap().get(h).unwrap().clone()) } fn block_status_at(&self, n: BlockNumber) -> BlockStatus { if (n as usize) < self.blocks.read().unwrap().len() { BlockStatus::InChain } else { BlockStatus::Unknown } } // works only if blocks are one after another 1 -> 2 -> 3 fn tree_route(&self, from: &H256, to: &H256) -> Option { Some(TreeRoute { ancestor: H256::new(), index: 0, blocks: { let numbers_read = self.numbers.read().unwrap(); let mut adding = false; let mut blocks = Vec::new(); for (_, hash) in numbers_read.iter().sort_by(|tuple1, tuple2| tuple1.0.cmp(tuple2.0)) { if hash == to { if adding { blocks.push(hash.clone()); } adding = false; break; } if hash == from { adding = true; } if adding { blocks.push(hash.clone()); } } if adding { Vec::new() } else { blocks } } }) } // TODO: returns just hashes instead of node state rlp(?) fn state_data(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option { // starts with 'f' ? if *hash > H256::from("f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") { let mut rlp = RlpStream::new(); rlp.append(&hash.clone()); return Some(rlp.out()); } None } fn block_receipts(&self, hash: &H256) -> Option { // starts with 'f' ? if *hash > H256::from("f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000") { let receipt = Receipt::new( H256::zero(), U256::zero(), vec![]); let mut rlp = RlpStream::new(); rlp.append(&receipt); return Some(rlp.out()); } None } fn import_block(&self, b: Bytes) -> ImportResult { let header = Rlp::new(&b).val_at::(0); let h = header.hash(); let number: usize = header.number as usize; if number > self.blocks.read().unwrap().len() { panic!("Unexpected block number. Expected {}, got {}", self.blocks.read().unwrap().len(), number); } if number > 0 { match self.blocks.read().unwrap().get(&header.parent_hash) { Some(parent) => { let parent = Rlp::new(parent).val_at::(0); if parent.number != (header.number - 1) { panic!("Unexpected block parent"); } }, None => { panic!("Unknown block parent {:?} for block {}", header.parent_hash, number); } } } let len = self.numbers.read().unwrap().len(); if number == len { *self.difficulty.write().unwrap().deref_mut() += header.difficulty; mem::replace(self.last_hash.write().unwrap().deref_mut(), h.clone()); self.blocks.write().unwrap().insert(h.clone(), b); self.numbers.write().unwrap().insert(number, h.clone()); let mut parent_hash = header.parent_hash; if number > 0 { let mut n = number - 1; while n > 0 && self.numbers.read().unwrap()[&n] != parent_hash { *self.numbers.write().unwrap().get_mut(&n).unwrap() = parent_hash.clone(); n -= 1; parent_hash = Rlp::new(&self.blocks.read().unwrap()[&parent_hash]).val_at::(0).parent_hash; } } } else { self.blocks.write().unwrap().insert(h.clone(), b.to_vec()); } Ok(h) } fn queue_info(&self) -> BlockQueueInfo { BlockQueueInfo { verified_queue_size: 0, unverified_queue_size: 0, verifying_queue_size: 0, } } fn clear_queue(&self) { } fn chain_info(&self) -> BlockChainInfo { BlockChainInfo { total_difficulty: *self.difficulty.read().unwrap(), pending_total_difficulty: *self.difficulty.read().unwrap(), genesis_hash: self.genesis_hash.clone(), best_block_hash: self.last_hash.read().unwrap().clone(), best_block_number: self.blocks.read().unwrap().len() as BlockNumber - 1, } } } pub struct TestIo<'p> { pub chain: &'p mut TestBlockChainClient, pub queue: &'p mut VecDeque, pub sender: Option, } impl<'p> TestIo<'p> { pub fn new(chain: &'p mut TestBlockChainClient, queue: &'p mut VecDeque, sender: Option) -> TestIo<'p> { TestIo { chain: chain, queue: queue, sender: sender } } } impl<'p> SyncIo for TestIo<'p> { fn disable_peer(&mut self, _peer_id: PeerId) { } fn disconnect_peer(&mut self, _peer_id: PeerId) { } fn respond(&mut self, packet_id: PacketId, data: Vec) -> Result<(), UtilError> { self.queue.push_back(TestPacket { data: data, packet_id: packet_id, recipient: self.sender.unwrap() }); Ok(()) } fn send(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId, packet_id: PacketId, data: Vec) -> Result<(), UtilError> { self.queue.push_back(TestPacket { data: data, packet_id: packet_id, recipient: peer_id, }); Ok(()) } fn chain(&self) -> &BlockChainClient { self.chain } } pub struct TestPacket { pub data: Bytes, pub packet_id: PacketId, pub recipient: PeerId, } pub struct TestPeer { pub chain: TestBlockChainClient, pub sync: ChainSync, pub queue: VecDeque, } pub struct TestNet { pub peers: Vec, pub started: bool, } impl TestNet { pub fn new(n: usize) -> TestNet { let mut net = TestNet { peers: Vec::new(), started: false, }; for _ in 0..n { net.peers.push(TestPeer { chain: TestBlockChainClient::new(), sync: ChainSync::new(), queue: VecDeque::new(), }); } net } pub fn peer(&self, i: usize) -> &TestPeer { self.peers.get(i).unwrap() } pub fn peer_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut TestPeer { self.peers.get_mut(i).unwrap() } pub fn start(&mut self) { for peer in 0..self.peers.len() { for client in 0..self.peers.len() { if peer != client { let mut p = self.peers.get_mut(peer).unwrap(); p.sync.on_peer_connected(&mut TestIo::new(&mut p.chain, &mut p.queue, Some(client as PeerId)), client as PeerId); } } } } pub fn sync_step(&mut self) { for peer in 0..self.peers.len() { if let Some(packet) = self.peers[peer].queue.pop_front() { let mut p = self.peers.get_mut(packet.recipient).unwrap(); trace!("--- {} -> {} ---", peer, packet.recipient); p.sync.on_packet(&mut TestIo::new(&mut p.chain, &mut p.queue, Some(peer as PeerId)), peer as PeerId, packet.packet_id, &packet.data); trace!("----------------"); } let mut p = self.peers.get_mut(peer).unwrap(); p.sync.maintain_sync(&mut TestIo::new(&mut p.chain, &mut p.queue, None)); } } pub fn sync_step_peer(&mut self, peer_num: usize) { let mut peer = self.peer_mut(peer_num); peer.sync.maintain_sync(&mut TestIo::new(&mut peer.chain, &mut peer.queue, None)); } pub fn restart_peer(&mut self, i: usize) { let peer = self.peer_mut(i); peer.sync.restart(&mut TestIo::new(&mut peer.chain, &mut peer.queue, None)); } pub fn sync(&mut self) -> u32 { self.start(); let mut total_steps = 0; while !self.done() { self.sync_step(); total_steps = total_steps + 1; } total_steps } pub fn sync_steps(&mut self, count: usize) { if !self.started { self.start(); self.started = true; } for _ in 0..count { self.sync_step(); } } pub fn done(&self) -> bool { self.peers.iter().all(|p| p.queue.is_empty()) } pub fn trigger_block_verified(&mut self, peer_id: usize) { let mut peer = self.peer_mut(peer_id); peer.sync.chain_blocks_verified(&mut TestIo::new(&mut peer.chain, &mut peer.queue, None)); } }