// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { action, computed, observable, transaction } from 'mobx'; import { flatten } from 'lodash'; import * as abis from '~/contracts/abi'; import Contracts from '~/contracts'; import builtinJson from '~/views/Dapps/builtin.json'; import Dapp from './dappStore.js'; import { deleteDapp, registerDapp, updateDapp } from './utils'; import { api, trackRequest } from './parity'; const builtins = builtinJson.filter((app) => app.id); let instance = null; export default class DappsStore { @observable accounts = []; @observable apps = []; @observable contractOwner = null; @observable count = 0; @observable fee = new BigNumber(0); @observable isContractOwner = false; @observable isLoading = true; @observable transactions = {}; _instanceGhh = null; _instanceReg = null; _registry = null; _startTime = Date.now(); constructor () { this._loadDapps(); } static get () { if (!instance) { instance = new DappsStore(); } return instance; } createDappId () { return api.util.sha3(`${this._startTime}_${Date.now()}`); } @computed get ownedCount () { return this.ownDapps.length; } @computed get ownDapps () { return this.apps.filter((app) => app.isOwner); } @computed get otherDapps () { return this.apps.filter((app) => !app.isOwner); } @action sortApps = () => { // Sort dapps per name, then per id const sort = (a, b) => { if (a.name && b.name) { return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); } if (a.name) { return -1; } if (b.name) { return 1; } return a.id - b.id; }; transaction(() => { const ownDapps = this.ownDapps.sort(sort); const otherDapps = this.otherDapps.sort(sort); this.apps = ownDapps.concat(otherDapps); }); } @action setApps = (dapps) => { const filteredDapps = dapps.filter((dapp) => { return new BigNumber(dapp.id).gt(0); }); transaction(() => { this.apps = filteredDapps; this.sortApps(); }); } @action refreshApp = (dappId) => { const dapp = this.apps.find((dapp) => dapp.id === dappId); this._loadDapp(dapp); } @action removeApp = (dappId) => { const dapps = this.apps.filter((dapp) => dapp.id !== dappId); this.setApps(dapps); } @action setAccounts = (accountsInfo) => { transaction(() => { this.accounts = Object .keys(accountsInfo) .map((address) => { const account = accountsInfo[address]; account.address = address; return account; }); }); return this.accounts; } @action setContractOwner = (contractOwner) => { transaction(() => { this.contractOwner = contractOwner; this.isContractOwner = !!this.accounts.find((account) => account.address === contractOwner); }); return contractOwner; } @action setCount = (count) => { this.count = count; return count; } @action setFee = (fee) => { this.fee = fee; return fee; } @action setLoading = (loading) => { this.isLoading = loading; return loading; } @action updateTransaction = (requestId, nextData) => { const prevTransaction = this.transactions[requestId] || { requestId }; const nextTransaction = { ...prevTransaction, hide: false, ...nextData }; this.transactions = { ...this.transactions, [ requestId ]: nextTransaction }; } fetchRegistryData (dapp) { const ownerAddress = (dapp.wip && dapp.wip.owner.address) || dapp.owner.address; this._registry.reverse .call({}, [ ownerAddress ]) .then((name) => { if (!name) { return; } const key = api.util.sha3.text(name); return Promise .all([ this._registry.get.call({}, [ key, 'IMG' ]) .then((bytes) => api.util.bytesToHex(bytes)) .then((hash) => this._instanceGhh.entries.call({}, [ hash ])), this._registry.get.call({}, [ key, 'CONTENT' ]) .then((bytes) => api.util.bytesToHex(bytes)) .then((hash) => this._instanceGhh.entries.call({}, [ hash ])) ]) .then(([ imageGHH, contentGHH ]) => { const imageUrl = imageGHH[0]; const contentUrl = contentGHH[0]; return dapp.update({ image: imageUrl, content: contentUrl }); }); }); } register (dappId) { const dappRegInstance = this._instanceReg; const dappRegFee = this.fee; return registerDapp(dappId, dappRegInstance, dappRegFee) .then((request) => this.trackRequest(request, `Registering ${dappId}`)) .then(() => this._loadDapps()); } delete (dapp) { const dappRegInstance = this._instanceReg; return deleteDapp(dapp, dappRegInstance) .then((request) => this.trackRequest(request, `Deleting ${dapp.id}`)) .then(() => this._loadDapps()); } update (dappId, dappOwner, updates) { const dappRegInstance = this._instanceReg; const ghhRegInstance = this._instanceGhh; const promises = updateDapp(dappId, dappOwner, updates, dappRegInstance, ghhRegInstance); const handledPromises = promises.map((promise) => { return promise .then((requests) => { const requestPromises = flatten([].concat(requests)) .filter((request) => request) .map((request) => this.trackRequest(request.id, request.name)); return Promise.all(requestPromises); }) .catch((error) => { const randomRequestId = api.util.sha3(Date.now()).slice(0, 5); this.updateTransaction(randomRequestId, { start: Date.now(), error }); }); }); return Promise.all(handledPromises) .then(() => this._loadDapps()); } trackRequest (requestId, name) { const statusCallback = (error, data) => { if (error) { return this.updateTransaction(requestId, { error }); } return this.updateTransaction(requestId, data); }; this.updateTransaction(requestId, { name, start: Date.now() }); return trackRequest(requestId, statusCallback); } lookupHash (hash) { return this._retrieveUrl(hash); } _getCount () { return this._instanceReg .count.call() .then((count) => { this.setCount(count.toNumber()); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:getCount', error); }); } _getFee () { return this._instanceReg .fee.call() .then(this.setFee) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:getFee', error); }); } _getOwner () { return this._instanceReg .owner.call() .then(this.setContractOwner) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:getOwner', error); }); } _loadDapps () { return this._loadRegistry() .then(() => Promise.all([ this._attachContracts(), this._loadAccounts() ])) .then(() => Promise.all([ this._getCount(), this._getFee(), this._getOwner() ])) .then(() => { const promises = []; for (let index = 0; index < this.count; index++) { promises.push(this._instanceReg.at.call({}, [index])); } return Promise.all(promises); }) .then((dappsInfo) => { const dapps = dappsInfo.reduce((dapps, [dappId, ownerAddress]) => { const id = api.util.bytesToHex(dappId); const owner = this.accounts.find((account) => account.address === ownerAddress); const isOwner = !!owner; const dapp = { id, owner: owner || { address: ownerAddress }, isOwner }; dapps[id] = dapp; return dapps; }, {}); const promises = Object.values(dapps) // Only show dapps with id and owners .filter((dapp) => dapp.id && dapp.owner && !/^(0x)?0*$/.test(dapp.owner.address)) .map((dapp) => this._loadDapp(dapp)); return Promise.all(promises); }) .then((dapps) => { this.setApps(dapps); this.sortApps(); this.setLoading(false); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:loadDapps', error); }); } _loadDapp = (dappData) => { const { id, owner, isOwner } = dappData; return Promise .all([ this._loadMeta(id, 'CONTENT'), this._loadMeta(id, 'IMG'), this._loadMeta(id, 'MANIFEST') ]) .then(([contentHash, imageHash, manifestHash]) => { return Promise .all([ this._retrieveUrl(contentHash), this._retrieveUrl(imageHash), this._retrieveUrl(manifestHash) ]) .then(([contentUrl, imageUrl, manifestUrl]) => { return this ._loadManifest(id, manifestHash, manifestUrl) .then((manifestContent) => { const content = { hash: contentHash, url: contentUrl }; const image = { hash: imageHash, url: imageUrl }; const manifest = { content: manifestContent, hash: manifestHash, url: manifestUrl }; return { content, image, manifest }; }); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('dappsStore::loadDapp', error); return {}; }) .then((data) => { const { content, image, manifest } = data; const dapp = new Dapp({ contractOwner: this.contractOwner, isContractOwner: this.isContractOwner, id, content, image, manifest, owner, isOwner }); return dapp; }); } _loadMeta (appId, key) { return this._instanceReg .meta.call({}, [appId, key]) .then((meta) => { const hash = api.util.bytesToHex(meta); const bnhash = new BigNumber(hash); return bnhash.gt(0) ? hash : null; }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:loadMeta', error); return null; }); } _loadManifest (appId, manifestHash) { const builtin = builtins.find((app) => app.id === appId); if (builtin) { return Promise.resolve(builtin); } if (!manifestHash) { return Promise.resolve(null); } return fetch(`/api/content/${manifestHash.substr(2)}/`, { redirect: 'follow', mode: 'cors' }) .then((response) => { return response.ok ? response.json() : null; }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:loadManifest', error); return null; }); } _retrieveUrl (urlHash) { if (!urlHash) { return Promise.resolve(null); } return this._instanceGhh .entries.call({}, [urlHash]) .then(([repo, _commit, owner]) => { const bnowner = new BigNumber(owner); if (bnowner.eq(0)) { return null; } const commit = api.util.bytesToHex(_commit); const bncommit = new BigNumber(commit); if (bncommit.eq(0)) { return repo; } else { return `https://codeload.github.com/${repo}/zip/${commit.substr(2)}`; } }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:retriveUrl', error); return null; }); } _loadAccounts () { return api.parity .accountsInfo() .then(this.setAccounts) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:loadAccounts', error); }); } _loadRegistry () { return Contracts.create(api).registry .fetchContract() .then((contract) => { this._registry = contract.instance; }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:loadRegistry', error); }); } _attachContracts () { return Promise .all([ this._registry.getAddress.call({}, [api.util.sha3('dappreg'), 'A']), this._registry.getAddress.call({}, [api.util.sha3('githubhint'), 'A']) ]) .then(([dappregAddress, ghhAddress]) => { console.log(`dappreg was found at ${dappregAddress}`); console.log(`githubhint was found at ${ghhAddress}`); this._contractReg = api.newContract(abis.dappreg, dappregAddress); this._instanceReg = this._contractReg.instance; this._contractGhh = api.newContract(abis.githubhint, ghhAddress); this._instanceGhh = this._contractGhh.instance; }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Store:attachContract', error); }); } }