use heapsize::HeapSizeOf; use rocksdb::{DB, Writable}; use util::uint::*; use util::hash::*; use util::rlp::*; /// Represents index of extra data in database #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum ExtrasIndex { BlockDetails = 0, BlockHash = 1, TransactionAddress = 2, BlockLogBlooms = 3, BlocksBlooms = 4 } /// trait used to write Extras data to db pub trait ExtrasWritable { fn put_extras(&self, hash: &K, value: &T) where T: ExtrasIndexable + Encodable, K: ExtrasSliceConvertable; } /// trait used to read Extras data from db pub trait ExtrasReadable { fn get_extras(&self, hash: &K) -> Option where T: ExtrasIndexable + Decodable, K: ExtrasSliceConvertable; fn extras_exists(&self, hash: &K) -> bool where T: ExtrasIndexable, K: ExtrasSliceConvertable; } impl ExtrasWritable for W where W: Writable { fn put_extras(&self, hash: &K, value: &T) where T: ExtrasIndexable + Encodable, K: ExtrasSliceConvertable { self.put(&hash.to_extras_slice(T::extras_index()), &encode(value)).unwrap() } } impl ExtrasReadable for DB { fn get_extras(&self, hash: &K) -> Option where T: ExtrasIndexable + Decodable, K: ExtrasSliceConvertable { self.get(&hash.to_extras_slice(T::extras_index())).unwrap() .map(|v| decode(&v)) } fn extras_exists(&self, hash: &K) -> bool where T: ExtrasIndexable, K: ExtrasSliceConvertable { self.get(&hash.to_extras_slice(T::extras_index())).unwrap().is_some() } } /// Implementations should convert arbitrary type to database key slice pub trait ExtrasSliceConvertable { fn to_extras_slice(&self, i: ExtrasIndex) -> H264; } impl ExtrasSliceConvertable for H256 { fn to_extras_slice(&self, i: ExtrasIndex) -> H264 { let mut slice = H264::from_slice(self); slice[32] = i as u8; slice } } impl ExtrasSliceConvertable for U256 { fn to_extras_slice(&self, i: ExtrasIndex) -> H264 { H256::from(self).to_extras_slice(i) } } /// Types implementing this trait can be indexed in extras database pub trait ExtrasIndexable { fn extras_index() -> ExtrasIndex; } impl ExtrasIndexable for H256 { fn extras_index() -> ExtrasIndex { ExtrasIndex::BlockHash } } /// Familial details concerning a block #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct BlockDetails { pub number: U256, pub total_difficulty: U256, pub parent: H256, pub children: Vec } impl ExtrasIndexable for BlockDetails { fn extras_index() -> ExtrasIndex { ExtrasIndex::BlockDetails } } impl HeapSizeOf for BlockDetails { fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize { self.children.heap_size_of_children() } } impl Decodable for BlockDetails { fn decode(decoder: &D) -> Result where D: Decoder { let d = try!(decoder.as_list()); let details = BlockDetails { number: try!(Decodable::decode(&d[0])), total_difficulty: try!(Decodable::decode(&d[1])), parent: try!(Decodable::decode(&d[2])), children: try!(Decodable::decode(&d[3])) }; Ok(details) } } impl Encodable for BlockDetails { fn encode(&self, encoder: &mut E) where E: Encoder { encoder.emit_list(| e | { self.number.encode(e); self.total_difficulty.encode(e); self.parent.encode(e); self.children.encode(e); }) } } /// Log blooms of certain block #[derive(Clone)] pub struct BlockLogBlooms { pub blooms: Vec } impl ExtrasIndexable for BlockLogBlooms { fn extras_index() -> ExtrasIndex { ExtrasIndex::BlockLogBlooms } } impl HeapSizeOf for BlockLogBlooms { fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize { self.blooms.heap_size_of_children() } } impl Decodable for BlockLogBlooms { fn decode(decoder: &D) -> Result where D: Decoder { let block_blooms = BlockLogBlooms { blooms: try!(Decodable::decode(decoder)) }; Ok(block_blooms) } } impl Encodable for BlockLogBlooms { fn encode(&self, encoder: &mut E) where E: Encoder { self.blooms.encode(encoder); } } /// Neighboring log blooms on certain level pub struct BlocksBlooms { pub blooms: [H2048; 16] } impl ExtrasIndexable for BlocksBlooms { fn extras_index() -> ExtrasIndex { ExtrasIndex::BlocksBlooms } } impl HeapSizeOf for BlocksBlooms { fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize { 0 } } impl Clone for BlocksBlooms { fn clone(&self) -> Self { let mut blooms: [H2048; 16] = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() }; for i in 0..self.blooms.len() { blooms[i] = self.blooms[i].clone(); } BlocksBlooms { blooms: blooms } } } impl Decodable for BlocksBlooms { fn decode(decoder: &D) -> Result where D: Decoder { let blocks_blooms = BlocksBlooms { blooms: try!(Decodable::decode(decoder)) }; Ok(blocks_blooms) } } impl Encodable for BlocksBlooms { fn encode(&self, encoder: &mut E) where E: Encoder { let blooms_ref: &[H2048] = &self.blooms; blooms_ref.encode(encoder); } } /// Represents address of certain transaction within block #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TransactionAddress { pub block_hash: H256, pub index: u64 } impl ExtrasIndexable for TransactionAddress { fn extras_index() -> ExtrasIndex { ExtrasIndex::TransactionAddress } } impl HeapSizeOf for TransactionAddress { fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize { 0 } } impl Decodable for TransactionAddress { fn decode(decoder: &D) -> Result where D: Decoder { let d = try!(decoder.as_list()); let tx_address = TransactionAddress { block_hash: try!(Decodable::decode(&d[0])), index: try!(Decodable::decode(&d[1])) }; Ok(tx_address) } } impl Encodable for TransactionAddress { fn encode(&self, encoder: &mut E) where E: Encoder { encoder.emit_list(| e | { self.block_hash.encode(e); self.index.encode(e); }) } }