// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::sync::Arc; use hash::keccak; use ethkey::KeyPair; use io::*; use client::{BlockChainClient, Client, ClientConfig}; use bigint::prelude::U256; use bigint::hash::H256; use util::*; use spec::*; use account_provider::AccountProvider; use state_db::StateDB; use block::{OpenBlock, Drain}; use blockchain::{BlockChain, Config as BlockChainConfig}; use builtin::Builtin; use state::*; use evm::{Schedule, Factory as EvmFactory}; use factory::Factories; use engines::Engine; use ethereum; use ethereum::ethash::EthashParams; use miner::Miner; use header::Header; use transaction::{Action, Transaction, SignedTransaction}; use rlp::{self, RlpStream}; use views::BlockView; #[cfg(feature = "json-tests")] pub enum ChainEra { Frontier, Homestead, Eip150, _Eip161, TransitionTest, } pub struct TestEngine { engine: Arc, max_depth: usize, } impl TestEngine { pub fn new(max_depth: usize) -> TestEngine { TestEngine { engine: ethereum::new_frontier_test().engine, max_depth: max_depth, } } pub fn new_metropolis() -> TestEngine { TestEngine { engine: ethereum::new_metropolis_test().engine, max_depth: 0, } } } impl Engine for TestEngine { fn name(&self) -> &str { "TestEngine" } fn params(&self) -> &CommonParams { self.engine.params() } fn builtins(&self) -> &BTreeMap { self.engine.builtins() } fn schedule(&self, _block_number: u64) -> Schedule { let mut schedule = self.engine.schedule(0); schedule.max_depth = self.max_depth; schedule } } // TODO: move everything over to get_null_spec. pub fn get_test_spec() -> Spec { Spec::new_test() } pub fn create_test_block(header: &Header) -> Bytes { let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3); rlp.append(header); rlp.append_raw(&rlp::EMPTY_LIST_RLP, 1); rlp.append_raw(&rlp::EMPTY_LIST_RLP, 1); rlp.out() } fn create_unverifiable_block_header(order: u32, parent_hash: H256) -> Header { let mut header = Header::new(); header.set_gas_limit(0.into()); header.set_difficulty((order * 100).into()); header.set_timestamp((order * 10) as u64); header.set_number(order as u64); header.set_parent_hash(parent_hash); header.set_state_root(H256::zero()); header } fn create_unverifiable_block_with_extra(order: u32, parent_hash: H256, extra: Option) -> Bytes { let mut header = create_unverifiable_block_header(order, parent_hash); header.set_extra_data(match extra { Some(extra_data) => extra_data, None => { let base = (order & 0x000000ff) as u8; let generated: Vec = vec![base + 1, base + 2, base + 3]; generated } }); create_test_block(&header) } fn create_unverifiable_block(order: u32, parent_hash: H256) -> Bytes { create_test_block(&create_unverifiable_block_header(order, parent_hash)) } pub fn create_test_block_with_data(header: &Header, transactions: &[SignedTransaction], uncles: &[Header]) -> Bytes { let mut rlp = RlpStream::new_list(3); rlp.append(header); rlp.begin_list(transactions.len()); for t in transactions { rlp.append_raw(&rlp::encode(t).into_vec(), 1); } rlp.append_list(&uncles); rlp.out() } pub fn generate_dummy_client(block_number: u32) -> Arc { generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data(Spec::new_test, block_number, 0, &[]) } pub fn generate_dummy_client_with_data(block_number: u32, txs_per_block: usize, tx_gas_prices: &[U256]) -> Arc { generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data(Spec::new_null, block_number, txs_per_block, tx_gas_prices) } pub fn generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_data(get_test_spec: F, block_number: u32, txs_per_block: usize, tx_gas_prices: &[U256]) -> Arc where F: Fn()->Spec { generate_dummy_client_with_spec_accounts_and_data(get_test_spec, None, block_number, txs_per_block, tx_gas_prices) } pub fn generate_dummy_client_with_spec_and_accounts(get_test_spec: F, accounts: Option>) -> Arc where F: Fn()->Spec { generate_dummy_client_with_spec_accounts_and_data(get_test_spec, accounts, 0, 0, &[]) } pub fn generate_dummy_client_with_spec_accounts_and_data(get_test_spec: F, accounts: Option>, block_number: u32, txs_per_block: usize, tx_gas_prices: &[U256]) -> Arc where F: Fn()->Spec { let test_spec = get_test_spec(); let client_db = new_db(); let client = Client::new( ClientConfig::default(), &test_spec, client_db, Arc::new(Miner::with_spec_and_accounts(&test_spec, accounts)), IoChannel::disconnected(), ).unwrap(); let test_engine = &*test_spec.engine; let mut db = test_spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let genesis_header = test_spec.genesis_header(); let mut rolling_timestamp = 40; let mut last_hashes = vec![]; let mut last_header = genesis_header.clone(); let kp = KeyPair::from_secret_slice(&keccak("")).unwrap(); let author = kp.address(); let mut n = 0; for _ in 0..block_number { last_hashes.push(last_header.hash()); // forge block. let mut b = OpenBlock::new( test_engine, Default::default(), false, db, &last_header, Arc::new(last_hashes.clone()), author.clone(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false, ).unwrap(); b.set_difficulty(U256::from(0x20000)); rolling_timestamp += 10; b.set_timestamp(rolling_timestamp); // first block we don't have any balance, so can't send any transactions. for _ in 0..txs_per_block { b.push_transaction(Transaction { nonce: n.into(), gas_price: tx_gas_prices[n % tx_gas_prices.len()], gas: 100000.into(), action: Action::Create, data: vec![], value: U256::zero(), }.sign(kp.secret(), Some(test_spec.chain_id())), None).unwrap(); n += 1; } let b = b.close_and_lock().seal(test_engine, vec![]).unwrap(); if let Err(e) = client.import_block(b.rlp_bytes()) { panic!("error importing block which is valid by definition: {:?}", e); } last_header = BlockView::new(&b.rlp_bytes()).header(); db = b.drain(); } client.flush_queue(); client.import_verified_blocks(); client } pub fn push_blocks_to_client(client: &Arc, timestamp_salt: u64, starting_number: usize, block_number: usize) { let test_spec = get_test_spec(); let test_engine = &test_spec.engine; //let test_engine = test_spec.to_engine().unwrap(); let state_root = test_spec.genesis_header().state_root().clone(); let mut rolling_hash = client.chain_info().best_block_hash; let mut rolling_block_number = starting_number as u64; let mut rolling_timestamp = timestamp_salt + starting_number as u64 * 10; for _ in 0..block_number { let mut header = Header::new(); header.set_gas_limit(test_engine.params().min_gas_limit); header.set_difficulty(U256::from(0x20000)); header.set_timestamp(rolling_timestamp); header.set_number(rolling_block_number); header.set_parent_hash(rolling_hash); header.set_state_root(state_root); rolling_hash = header.hash(); rolling_block_number = rolling_block_number + 1; rolling_timestamp = rolling_timestamp + 10; if let Err(e) = client.import_block(create_test_block(&header)) { panic!("error importing block which is valid by definition: {:?}", e); } } } pub fn get_test_client_with_blocks(blocks: Vec) -> Arc { let test_spec = get_test_spec(); let client_db = new_db(); let client = Client::new( ClientConfig::default(), &test_spec, client_db, Arc::new(Miner::with_spec(&test_spec)), IoChannel::disconnected(), ).unwrap(); for block in &blocks { if client.import_block(block.clone()).is_err() { panic!("panic importing block which is well-formed"); } } client.flush_queue(); client.import_verified_blocks(); client } fn new_db() -> Arc { Arc::new(::util::kvdb::in_memory(::db::NUM_COLUMNS.unwrap_or(0))) } pub fn generate_dummy_blockchain(block_number: u32) -> BlockChain { let db = new_db(); let bc = BlockChain::new(BlockChainConfig::default(), &create_unverifiable_block(0, H256::zero()), db.clone()); let mut batch = db.transaction(); for block_order in 1..block_number { bc.insert_block(&mut batch, &create_unverifiable_block(block_order, bc.best_block_hash()), vec![]); bc.commit(); } db.write(batch).unwrap(); bc } pub fn generate_dummy_blockchain_with_extra(block_number: u32) -> BlockChain { let db = new_db(); let bc = BlockChain::new(BlockChainConfig::default(), &create_unverifiable_block(0, H256::zero()), db.clone()); let mut batch = db.transaction(); for block_order in 1..block_number { bc.insert_block(&mut batch, &create_unverifiable_block_with_extra(block_order, bc.best_block_hash(), None), vec![]); bc.commit(); } db.write(batch).unwrap(); bc } pub fn generate_dummy_empty_blockchain() -> BlockChain { let db = new_db(); let bc = BlockChain::new(BlockChainConfig::default(), &create_unverifiable_block(0, H256::zero()), db.clone()); bc } pub fn get_temp_state() -> State<::state_db::StateDB> { let journal_db = get_temp_state_db(); State::new(journal_db, U256::from(0), Default::default()) } pub fn get_temp_state_with_factory(factory: EvmFactory) -> State<::state_db::StateDB> { let journal_db = get_temp_state_db(); let mut factories = Factories::default(); factories.vm = factory; State::new(journal_db, U256::from(0), factories) } pub fn get_temp_state_db() -> StateDB { let db = new_db(); let journal_db = journaldb::new(db, journaldb::Algorithm::EarlyMerge, ::db::COL_STATE); StateDB::new(journal_db, 5 * 1024 * 1024) } pub fn get_good_dummy_block_seq(count: usize) -> Vec { let test_spec = get_test_spec(); get_good_dummy_block_fork_seq(1, count, &test_spec.genesis_header().hash()) } pub fn get_good_dummy_block_fork_seq(start_number: usize, count: usize, parent_hash: &H256) -> Vec { let test_spec = get_test_spec(); let test_engine = &test_spec.engine; let mut rolling_timestamp = start_number as u64 * 10; let mut parent = *parent_hash; let mut r = Vec::new(); for i in start_number .. start_number + count + 1 { let mut block_header = Header::new(); block_header.set_gas_limit(test_engine.params().min_gas_limit); block_header.set_difficulty(U256::from(i) * U256([0, 1, 0, 0])); block_header.set_timestamp(rolling_timestamp); block_header.set_number(i as u64); block_header.set_parent_hash(parent); block_header.set_state_root(test_spec.genesis_header().state_root().clone()); parent = block_header.hash(); rolling_timestamp = rolling_timestamp + 10; r.push(create_test_block(&block_header)); } r } pub fn get_good_dummy_block_hash() -> (H256, Bytes) { let mut block_header = Header::new(); let test_spec = get_test_spec(); let test_engine = &test_spec.engine; block_header.set_gas_limit(test_engine.params().min_gas_limit); block_header.set_difficulty(U256::from(0x20000)); block_header.set_timestamp(40); block_header.set_number(1); block_header.set_parent_hash(test_spec.genesis_header().hash()); block_header.set_state_root(test_spec.genesis_header().state_root().clone()); (block_header.hash(), create_test_block(&block_header)) } pub fn get_good_dummy_block() -> Bytes { let (_, bytes) = get_good_dummy_block_hash(); bytes } pub fn get_bad_state_dummy_block() -> Bytes { let mut block_header = Header::new(); let test_spec = get_test_spec(); let test_engine = &test_spec.engine; block_header.set_gas_limit(test_engine.params().min_gas_limit); block_header.set_difficulty(U256::from(0x20000)); block_header.set_timestamp(40); block_header.set_number(1); block_header.set_parent_hash(test_spec.genesis_header().hash()); block_header.set_state_root(0xbad.into()); create_test_block(&block_header) } pub fn get_default_ethash_params() -> EthashParams { EthashParams { minimum_difficulty: U256::from(131072), difficulty_bound_divisor: U256::from(2048), difficulty_increment_divisor: 10, metropolis_difficulty_increment_divisor: 9, duration_limit: 13, homestead_transition: 1150000, dao_hardfork_transition: u64::max_value(), dao_hardfork_beneficiary: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001".into(), dao_hardfork_accounts: vec![], difficulty_hardfork_transition: u64::max_value(), difficulty_hardfork_bound_divisor: U256::from(0), bomb_defuse_transition: u64::max_value(), eip100b_transition: u64::max_value(), eip150_transition: u64::max_value(), eip160_transition: u64::max_value(), eip161abc_transition: u64::max_value(), eip161d_transition: u64::max_value(), ecip1010_pause_transition: u64::max_value(), ecip1010_continue_transition: u64::max_value(), ecip1017_era_rounds: u64::max_value(), max_code_size: u64::max_value(), max_gas_limit_transition: u64::max_value(), max_gas_limit: U256::max_value(), min_gas_price_transition: u64::max_value(), min_gas_price: U256::zero(), } }