// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . export default { actionbar: { export: { button: { export: `匯出`//export } }, import: { button: { cancel: `取消`,//Cancel confirm: `確認`,//Confirm import: `匯入`//import }, confirm: `確認這是你想匯入的`,//Confirm that this is what was intended to import. error: `發生錯誤:{errorText}`,//An error occured: {errorText} step: { error: `錯誤`,//error select: `選擇一個檔案`,//select a file validate: `確認`//validate }, title: `從一個檔案匯入`//Import from a file }, search: { hint: `輸入搜尋內容……`//Enter search input... }, sort: { sortBy: `根據{label}排序`,//Sort by {label} typeDefault: `預設`,//Default typeEth: `根據以太幣數額排序`,//Sort by ETH typeName: `根據帳戶名字排序`,//Sort by name typeTags: `根據標籤排序`//Sort by tags } }, balance: { none: `這個帳戶沒有餘額`//No balances associated with this account }, blockStatus: { bestBlock: `最新區塊{blockNumber}`,//{blockNumber} best block syncStatus: `currentBlock}/{highestBlock}區塊同步`,//{currentBlock}/{highestBlock} syncing{ warpRestore: `{percentage}%恢復`,//{percentage}% warp restore warpStatus: `, {percentage}%歷史`//{percentage}% historic }, confirmDialog: { no: `不是`,//no yes: `是`//yes }, copyToClipboard: { copied: `複製{data}到貼上板`//copied {data} to clipboard }, errors: { close: `關閉`//close }, fileSelect: { defaultLabel: `拉一個檔案到這裡,或者選擇一個檔案上傳`//Drop a file here, or click to select a file to upload }, gasPriceSelector: { customTooltip: { transactions: `{number} {number, plural, one {transaction} other {transactions}} with gas price set from {minPrice} to {maxPrice}` } }, identityName: { null: `空`,//NULL unnamed: `未命名`//UNNAMED }, methodDecoding: { condition: { block: `, {historic, select, true {Submitted} false {Submission}} at block {blockNumber}`, time: `, {historic, select, true {Submitted} false {Submission}} at {timestamp}` }, deploy: { address: `在地址上部署一個合約`,//Deployed a contract at address params: `附帶下面的引數:`,//with the following parameters: willDeploy: `將要部署一個合約`,//Will deploy a contract withValue: `, 傳送{value}`//sending {value} }, gasUsed: `({gas}gas消耗)`,//{gas} gas used gasValues: `{gas} gas ({gasPrice}M/{tag})`, input: { data: `資料`,//data input: `輸入`,//input withInput: `with the {inputDesc} {inputValue}` }, receive: { contract: `合約`,//the contract info: `{historic, select, true {Received} false {Will receive}} {valueEth} from {aContract}{address}` }, signature: { info: `{historic, select, true {Executed} false {Will execute}} the {method} function on the contract {address} trsansferring {ethValue}{inputLength, plural, zero {,} other {passing the following {inputLength, plural, one {parameter} other {parameters}}}}` }, token: { transfer: `{historic, select, true {Transferred} false {Will transfer}} {value} to {address}` }, transfer: { contract: `the contract`, info: `{historic, select, true {Transferred} false {Will transfer}} {valueEth} to {aContract}{address}` }, txValues: `{historic, select, true {Provided} false {Provides}} {gasProvided}{gasUsed} for a total transaction value of {totalEthValue}`, unknown: { info: `{historic, select, true {Executed} false {Will execute}} the {method} on the contract {address} transferring {ethValue}.` } }, passwordStrength: { label: `密碼強度`//password strength }, tooltips: { button: { done: `完成`,//Done next: `下一步`,//Next skip: `跳過`//Skip } }, txHash: { confirmations: `{count} {value, plural, one {confirmation} other {confirmations}}`, oog: `這筆交易已經耗光了gas。請用更多的gas嘗試。`,//The transaction might have gone out of gas. Try again with more gas. posted: `這筆交易已經被髮送到網路,附帶雜湊是{hashLink}`,//The transaction has been posted to the network with a hash of {hashLink} waiting: `等待確認`//waiting for confirmations }, vaultSelect: { hint: `這個帳戶繫結的保險庫是`,//the vault this account is attached to label: `相關保險庫`//associated vault }, verification: { gatherData: { accountHasRequested: { false: `.你還沒有從這個帳戶請求確認。`,//You did not request verification from this account yet pending: `檢查一下你是否請求了驗證……`,//Checking if you requested verification… true: `你已經從這個帳戶請求到驗證。`//You already requested verification from this account. }, accountIsVerified: { false: `你的帳戶還沒有被驗證。`,//Your account is not verified yet. pending: `檢查一下你的帳戶是否已經被驗證……`,//Checking if your account is verified… true: `你的帳戶已經被驗證。`//Your account is already verified. }, fee: `額外的費用是{amount}ETH`,//The additional fee is {amount} ETH. isAbleToRequest: { pending: `驗證你的輸入……`//Validating your input… }, isServerRunning: { false: `驗證伺服器沒有在執行。`,//The verification server is not running. pending: `檢查一下驗證伺服器是否在執行……`,//Checking if the verification server is running… true: `驗證伺服器正在執行。`//The verification server is running. }, nofee: `沒有額外的費用。`,//There is no additional fee. termsOfService: `我同意下面的條款和條件。`//I agree to the terms and conditions below. } } };