use util::*; use pod_state::*; use account_diff::*; #[derive(Debug,Clone,PartialEq,Eq)] pub struct StateDiff (BTreeMap); impl StateDiff { /// Calculate and return diff between `pre` state and `post` state. pub fn diff_pod(pre: &PodState, post: &PodState) -> StateDiff { StateDiff(pre.get().keys().merge(post.get().keys()).filter_map(|acc| AccountDiff::diff_pod(pre.get().get(acc), post.get().get(acc)).map(|d|(acc.clone(), d))).collect()) } } impl fmt::Display for StateDiff { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { for (add, acc) in self.0.iter() { try!(write!(f, "{} {}: {}", acc.existance(), add, acc)); } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use common::*; use pod_state::*; use account_diff::*; use pod_account::*; use super::*; #[test] fn create_delete() { let a = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]); assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&a, &PodState::new(map![])), StateDiff(map![ x!(1) => AccountDiff{ balance: Diff::Died(x!(69)), nonce: Diff::Died(x!(0)), code: Diff::Died(vec![]), storage: map![], } ])); assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&PodState::new(map![]), &a), StateDiff(map![ x!(1) => AccountDiff{ balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)), nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)), code: Diff::Born(vec![]), storage: map![], } ])); } #[test] fn create_delete_with_unchanged() { let a = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]); let b = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]), x!(2) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]); assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&a, &b), StateDiff(map![ x!(2) => AccountDiff{ balance: Diff::Born(x!(69)), nonce: Diff::Born(x!(0)), code: Diff::Born(vec![]), storage: map![], } ])); assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&b, &a), StateDiff(map![ x!(2) => AccountDiff{ balance: Diff::Died(x!(69)), nonce: Diff::Died(x!(0)), code: Diff::Died(vec![]), storage: map![], } ])); } #[test] fn change_with_unchanged() { let a = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]), x!(2) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]); let b = PodState::new(map![ x!(1) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(1), vec![], map![]), x!(2) => PodAccount::new(x!(69), x!(0), vec![], map![]) ]); assert_eq!(StateDiff::diff_pod(&a, &b), StateDiff(map![ x!(1) => AccountDiff{ balance: Diff::Same, nonce: Diff::Changed(x!(0), x!(1)), code: Diff::Same, storage: map![], } ])); } }