//! Transaction Execution environment. use common::*; use state::*; use engine::*; use evm::{self, Factory, Ext}; use externalities::*; use substate::*; /// Returns new address created from address and given nonce. pub fn contract_address(address: &Address, nonce: &U256) -> Address { let mut stream = RlpStream::new_list(2); stream.append(address); stream.append(nonce); From::from(stream.out().sha3()) } /// Transaction execution receipt. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Executed { /// Gas paid up front for execution of transaction. pub gas: U256, /// Gas used during execution of transaction. pub gas_used: U256, /// Gas refunded after the execution of transaction. /// To get gas that was required up front, add `refunded` and `gas_used`. pub refunded: U256, /// Cumulative gas used in current block so far. /// /// `cumulative_gas_used = gas_used(t0) + gas_used(t1) + ... gas_used(tn)` /// /// where `tn` is current transaction. pub cumulative_gas_used: U256, /// Vector of logs generated by transaction. pub logs: Vec, /// Addresses of contracts created during execution of transaction. /// Ordered from earliest creation. /// /// eg. sender creates contract A and A in constructor creates contract B /// /// B creation ends first, and it will be the first element of the vector. pub contracts_created: Vec
} /// Transaction execution result. pub type ExecutionResult = Result; /// Transaction executor. pub struct Executive<'a> { state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, engine: &'a Engine, depth: usize } impl<'a> Executive<'a> { /// Basic constructor. pub fn new(state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, engine: &'a Engine) -> Self { Executive::new_with_depth(state, info, engine, 0) } /// Populates executive from parent properties. Increments executive depth. pub fn from_parent(state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, engine: &'a Engine, depth: usize) -> Self { Executive::new_with_depth(state, info, engine, depth + 1) } /// Helper constructor. Should be used to create `Executive` with desired depth. /// Private. fn new_with_depth(state: &'a mut State, info: &'a EnvInfo, engine: &'a Engine, depth: usize) -> Self { Executive { state: state, info: info, engine: engine, depth: depth } } /// Creates `Externalities` from `Executive`. pub fn to_externalities<'_>(&'_ mut self, params: &'_ ActionParams, substate: &'_ mut Substate, output: OutputPolicy<'_>) -> Externalities { Externalities::new(self.state, self.info, self.engine, self.depth, params, substate, output) } /// This funtion should be used to execute transaction. pub fn transact(&'a mut self, t: &Transaction) -> Result { let sender = try!(t.sender()); let nonce = self.state.nonce(&sender); let schedule = self.engine.schedule(self.info); let base_gas_required = U256::from(t.gas_required(&schedule)); if t.gas < base_gas_required { return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::NotEnoughBaseGas { required: base_gas_required, got: t.gas })); } let init_gas = t.gas - base_gas_required; // validate transaction nonce if t.nonce != nonce { return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected: nonce, got: t.nonce })); } // validate if transaction fits into given block if self.info.gas_used + t.gas > self.info.gas_limit { return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached { gas_limit: self.info.gas_limit, gas_used: self.info.gas_used, gas: t.gas })); } // TODO: we might need bigints here, or at least check overflows. let balance = self.state.balance(&sender); let gas_cost = U512::from(t.gas) * U512::from(t.gas_price); let total_cost = U512::from(t.value) + gas_cost; // avoid unaffordable transactions if U512::from(balance) < total_cost { return Err(From::from(ExecutionError::NotEnoughCash { required: total_cost, got: U512::from(balance) })); } // NOTE: there can be no invalid transactions from this point. self.state.inc_nonce(&sender); self.state.sub_balance(&sender, &U256::from(gas_cost)); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let res = match t.action() { &Action::Create => { let params = ActionParams { address: contract_address(&sender, &nonce), sender: sender.clone(), origin: sender.clone(), gas: init_gas, gas_price: t.gas_price, value: t.value, code: t.data.clone(), data: vec![], }; self.create(¶ms, &mut substate) }, &Action::Call(ref address) => { let params = ActionParams { address: address.clone(), sender: sender.clone(), origin: sender.clone(), gas: init_gas, gas_price: t.gas_price, value: t.value, code: self.state.code(address).unwrap_or(vec![]), data: t.data.clone(), }; // TODO: move output upstream let mut out = vec![]; self.call(¶ms, &mut substate, BytesRef::Flexible(&mut out)) } }; // finalize here! Ok(try!(self.finalize(t, substate, res))) } /// Calls contract function with given contract params. /// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides). /// Modifies the substate and the output. /// Returns either gas_left or `evm::Error`. pub fn call(&mut self, params: &ActionParams, substate: &mut Substate, mut output: BytesRef) -> evm::Result { // backup used in case of running out of gas let backup = self.state.clone(); // at first, transfer value to destination self.state.transfer_balance(¶ms.sender, ¶ms.address, ¶ms.value); if self.engine.is_builtin(¶ms.address) { // if destination is builtin, try to execute it let cost = self.engine.cost_of_builtin(¶ms.address, ¶ms.data); match cost <= params.gas { true => { self.engine.execute_builtin(¶ms.address, ¶ms.data, &mut output); Ok(params.gas - cost) }, // just drain the whole gas false => { self.state.revert(backup); Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) } } } else if params.code.len() > 0 { // if destination is a contract, do normal message call // part of substate that may be reverted let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new(); let res = { let mut ext = self.to_externalities(params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::Return(output)); self.engine.vm_factory().create().exec(¶ms, &mut ext) }; self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate, backup); res } else { // otherwise, nothing Ok(params.gas) } } /// Creates contract with given contract params. /// NOTE. It does not finalize the transaction (doesn't do refunds, nor suicides). /// Modifies the substate. pub fn create(&mut self, params: &ActionParams, substate: &mut Substate) -> evm::Result { // backup used in case of running out of gas let backup = self.state.clone(); // part of substate that may be reverted let mut unconfirmed_substate = Substate::new(); // at first create new contract self.state.new_contract(¶ms.address); // then transfer value to it self.state.transfer_balance(¶ms.sender, ¶ms.address, ¶ms.value); let res = { let mut ext = self.to_externalities(params, &mut unconfirmed_substate, OutputPolicy::InitContract); self.engine.vm_factory().create().exec(¶ms, &mut ext) }; self.enact_result(&res, substate, unconfirmed_substate, backup); res } /// Finalizes the transaction (does refunds and suicides). fn finalize(&mut self, t: &Transaction, substate: Substate, result: evm::Result) -> ExecutionResult { let schedule = self.engine.schedule(self.info); // refunds from SSTORE nonzero -> zero let sstore_refunds = U256::from(schedule.sstore_refund_gas) * substate.refunds_count; // refunds from contract suicides let suicide_refunds = U256::from(schedule.suicide_refund_gas) * U256::from(substate.suicides.len()); // real ammount to refund let gas_left = match &result { &Ok(x) => x, _ => x!(0) }; let refund = cmp::min(sstore_refunds + suicide_refunds, (t.gas - gas_left) / U256::from(2)) + gas_left; let refund_value = refund * t.gas_price; trace!("Refunding sender: sstore0s: {}, suicides: {}, gas_left: {}, refund: {}, refund_value: {}, sender: {}", sstore_refunds, suicide_refunds, gas_left, refund, refund_value, t.sender().unwrap()); self.state.add_balance(&t.sender().unwrap(), &refund_value); // fees earned by author let fees = t.gas - refund; let fees_value = fees * t.gas_price; let author = &self.info.author; self.state.add_balance(author, &fees_value); trace!("Compensating author: fees: {}, fees_value: {}, author: {}", fees, fees_value, author); // perform suicides for address in substate.suicides.iter() { trace!("Killing {}", address); self.state.kill_account(address); } let gas_used = t.gas - gas_left; match result { Err(evm::Error::Internal) => Err(ExecutionError::Internal), // TODO [ToDr] BadJumpDestination @debris - how to handle that? Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) | Err(evm::Error::BadJumpDestination { destination: _ }) | Err(evm::Error::BadInstruction { instruction: _ }) | Err(evm::Error::StackUnderflow {instruction: _, wanted: _, on_stack: _}) | Err(evm::Error::OutOfStack {instruction: _, wanted: _, limit: _}) => { Ok(Executed { gas: t.gas, gas_used: t.gas, refunded: U256::zero(), cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + t.gas, logs: vec![], excepted: true, contracts_created: vec![] }) }, Ok(_) => { Ok(Executed { gas: t.gas, gas_used: gas_used, refunded: refund, cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + gas_used, logs: substate.logs, contracts_created: substate.contracts_created }) }, _err => { Ok(Executed { gas: t.gas, gas_used: t.gas, refunded: U256::zero(), cumulative_gas_used: self.info.gas_used + t.gas, logs: vec![], contracts_created: vec![] }) } } } fn enact_result(&mut self, result: &evm::Result, substate: &mut Substate, un_substate: Substate, backup: State) { // TODO: handle other evm::Errors same as OutOfGas once they are implemented match result { &Err(evm::Error::OutOfGas) | &Err(evm::Error::BadJumpDestination { destination: _ }) | &Err(evm::Error::BadInstruction { instruction: _ }) | &Err(evm::Error::StackUnderflow {instruction: _, wanted: _, on_stack: _}) | &Err(evm::Error::OutOfStack {instruction: _, wanted: _, limit: _}) => { self.state.revert(backup); }, &Ok(_) | &Err(evm::Error::Internal) => substate.accrue(un_substate) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use common::*; use state::*; use ethereum; use engine::*; use spec::*; use evm::Schedule; use substate::*; struct TestEngine { factory: Factory, spec: Spec, max_depth: usize } impl TestEngine { fn new(max_depth: usize, factory: Factory) -> TestEngine { TestEngine { factory: factory, spec: ethereum::new_frontier_test(), max_depth: max_depth } } } impl Engine for TestEngine { fn name(&self) -> &str { "TestEngine" } fn spec(&self) -> &Spec { &self.spec } fn vm_factory(&self) -> &Factory { &self.factory } fn schedule(&self, _env_info: &EnvInfo) -> Schedule { let mut schedule = Schedule::new_frontier(); schedule.max_depth = self.max_depth; schedule } } #[test] fn test_contract_address() { let address = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap(); let expected_address = Address::from_str("3f09c73a5ed19289fb9bdc72f1742566df146f56").unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected_address, contract_address(&address, &U256::from(88))); } // TODO: replace params with transactions! evm_test!{test_sender_balance: test_sender_balance_jit, test_sender_balance_int} fn test_sender_balance(factory: Factory) { let sender = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap(); let address = contract_address(&sender, &U256::zero()); let mut params = ActionParams::new(); params.address = address.clone(); params.sender = sender.clone(); params.gas = U256::from(100_000); params.code = "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(); params.value = U256::from(0x7); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(0x100u64)); let info = EnvInfo::new(); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let gas_left = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.create(¶ms, &mut substate).unwrap() }; assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(79_975)); assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::new()), H256::from(&U256::from(0xf9u64))); assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender), U256::from(0xf9)); assert_eq!(state.balance(&address), U256::from(0x7)); // 0 cause contract hasn't returned assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0); // TODO: just test state root. } evm_test!{test_create_contract: test_create_contract_jit, test_create_contract_int} fn test_create_contract(factory: Factory) { // code: // // 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes? // 60 00 - push 0 // 52 // 60 1d - push 29 // 60 03 - push 3 // 60 17 - push 17 // f0 - create // 60 00 - push 0 // 55 sstore // // other code: // // 60 10 - push 16 // 80 - duplicate first stack item // 60 0c - push 12 // 60 00 - push 0 // 39 - copy current code to memory // 60 00 - push 0 // f3 - return let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0600055".from_hex().unwrap(); let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap(); let address = contract_address(&sender, &U256::zero()); // TODO: add tests for 'callcreate' //let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero()); let mut params = ActionParams::new(); params.address = address.clone(); params.sender = sender.clone(); params.origin = sender.clone(); params.gas = U256::from(100_000); params.code = code.clone(); params.value = U256::from(100); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100)); let info = EnvInfo::new(); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let gas_left = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.create(¶ms, &mut substate).unwrap() }; assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62_976)); // ended with max depth assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0); } evm_test!{test_create_contract_value_too_high: test_create_contract_value_too_high_jit, test_create_contract_value_too_high_int} fn test_create_contract_value_too_high(factory: Factory) { // code: // // 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes? // 60 00 - push 0 // 52 // 60 1d - push 29 // 60 03 - push 3 // 60 e6 - push 230 // f0 - create a contract trying to send 230. // 60 00 - push 0 // 55 sstore // // other code: // // 60 10 - push 16 // 80 - duplicate first stack item // 60 0c - push 12 // 60 00 - push 0 // 39 - copy current code to memory // 60 00 - push 0 // f3 - return let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d600360e6f0600055".from_hex().unwrap(); let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap(); let address = contract_address(&sender, &U256::zero()); // TODO: add tests for 'callcreate' //let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero()); let mut params = ActionParams::new(); params.address = address.clone(); params.sender = sender.clone(); params.origin = sender.clone(); params.gas = U256::from(100_000); params.code = code.clone(); params.value = U256::from(100); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100)); let info = EnvInfo::new(); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let gas_left = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.create(¶ms, &mut substate).unwrap() }; assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(62_976)); assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 0); } evm_test!{test_create_contract_without_max_depth: test_create_contract_without_max_depth_jit, test_create_contract_without_max_depth_int} fn test_create_contract_without_max_depth(factory: Factory) { // code: // // 7c 601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555 - push 29 bytes? // 60 00 - push 0 // 52 // 60 1d - push 29 // 60 03 - push 3 // 60 17 - push 17 // f0 - create // 60 00 - push 0 // 55 sstore // // other code: // // 60 10 - push 16 // 80 - duplicate first stack item // 60 0c - push 12 // 60 00 - push 0 // 39 - copy current code to memory // 60 00 - push 0 // f3 - return let code = "7c601080600c6000396000f3006000355415600957005b60203560003555600052601d60036017f0".from_hex().unwrap(); let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap(); let address = contract_address(&sender, &U256::zero()); let next_address = contract_address(&address, &U256::zero()); let mut params = ActionParams::new(); params.address = address.clone(); params.sender = sender.clone(); params.origin = sender.clone(); params.gas = U256::from(100_000); params.code = code.clone(); params.value = U256::from(100); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100)); let info = EnvInfo::new(); let engine = TestEngine::new(1024, factory); let mut substate = Substate::new(); { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.create(¶ms, &mut substate).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created.len(), 1); assert_eq!(substate.contracts_created[0], next_address); } evm_test!{test_aba_calls: test_aba_calls_jit, test_aba_calls_int} fn test_aba_calls(factory: Factory) { // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 18 - push 18 // 73 945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b5 - push this address // 61 03e8 - push 1000 // f1 - message call // 58 - get PC // 55 - sstore let code_a = "6000600060006000601873945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b56103e8f15855".from_hex().unwrap(); // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 17 - push 17 // 73 0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6 - push this address // 61 0x01f4 - push 500 // f1 - message call // 60 01 - push 1 // 01 - add // 58 - get PC // 55 - sstore let code_b = "60006000600060006017730f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec66101f4f16001015855".from_hex().unwrap(); let address_a = Address::from_str("0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6").unwrap(); let address_b = Address::from_str("945304eb96065b2a98b57a48a06ae28d285a71b5" ).unwrap(); let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap(); let mut params = ActionParams::new(); params.address = address_a.clone(); params.sender = sender.clone(); params.gas = U256::from(100_000); params.code = code_a.clone(); params.value = U256::from(100_000); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.init_code(&address_a, code_a.clone()); state.init_code(&address_b, code_b.clone()); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100_000)); let info = EnvInfo::new(); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let gas_left = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.call(¶ms, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut [])).unwrap() }; assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(73_237)); assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address_a, &H256::from(&U256::from(0x23))), H256::from(&U256::from(1))); } evm_test!{test_recursive_bomb1: test_recursive_bomb1_jit, test_recursive_bomb1_int} fn test_recursive_bomb1(factory: Factory) { // 60 01 - push 1 // 60 00 - push 0 // 54 - sload // 01 - add // 60 00 - push 0 // 55 - sstore // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 60 00 - push 0 // 30 - load address // 60 e0 - push e0 // 5a - get gas // 03 - sub // f1 - message call (self in this case) // 60 01 - push 1 // 55 - sstore let sender = Address::from_str("cd1722f3947def4cf144679da39c4c32bdc35681").unwrap(); let code = "600160005401600055600060006000600060003060e05a03f1600155".from_hex().unwrap(); let address = contract_address(&sender, &U256::zero()); let mut params = ActionParams::new(); params.address = address.clone(); params.gas = U256::from(100_000); params.code = code.clone(); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.init_code(&address, code.clone()); let info = EnvInfo::new(); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let mut substate = Substate::new(); let gas_left = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.call(¶ms, &mut substate, BytesRef::Fixed(&mut [])).unwrap() }; assert_eq!(gas_left, U256::from(59_870)); assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(&U256::zero())), H256::from(&U256::from(1))); assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&address, &H256::from(&U256::one())), H256::from(&U256::from(1))); } evm_test!{test_transact_simple: test_transact_simple_jit, test_transact_simple_int} fn test_transact_simple(factory: Factory) { let mut t = Transaction::new_create(U256::from(17), "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), U256::from(100_000), U256::zero(), U256::zero()); let keypair = KeyPair::create().unwrap(); t.sign(&keypair.secret()); let sender = t.sender().unwrap(); let contract = contract_address(&sender, &U256::zero()); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(18)); let mut info = EnvInfo::new(); info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let executed = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.transact(&t).unwrap() }; assert_eq!(executed.gas, U256::from(100_000)); assert_eq!(executed.gas_used, U256::from(41_301)); assert_eq!(executed.refunded, U256::from(58_699)); assert_eq!(executed.cumulative_gas_used, U256::from(41_301)); assert_eq!(executed.logs.len(), 0); assert_eq!(executed.contracts_created.len(), 0); assert_eq!(state.balance(&sender), U256::from(1)); assert_eq!(state.balance(&contract), U256::from(17)); assert_eq!(state.nonce(&sender), U256::from(1)); assert_eq!(state.storage_at(&contract, &H256::new()), H256::from(&U256::from(1))); } evm_test!{test_transact_invalid_sender: test_transact_invalid_sender_jit, test_transact_invalid_sender_int} fn test_transact_invalid_sender(factory: Factory) { let t = Transaction::new_create(U256::from(17), "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), U256::from(100_000), U256::zero(), U256::zero()); let mut state = State::new_temp(); let mut info = EnvInfo::new(); info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let res = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.transact(&t) }; match res { Err(Error::Util(UtilError::Crypto(CryptoError::InvalidSignature))) => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected invalid signature error.") } } evm_test!{test_transact_invalid_nonce: test_transact_invalid_nonce_jit, test_transact_invalid_nonce_int} fn test_transact_invalid_nonce(factory: Factory) { let mut t = Transaction::new_create(U256::from(17), "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), U256::from(100_000), U256::zero(), U256::one()); let keypair = KeyPair::create().unwrap(); t.sign(&keypair.secret()); let sender = t.sender().unwrap(); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(17)); let mut info = EnvInfo::new(); info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let res = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.transact(&t) }; match res { Err(Error::Execution(ExecutionError::InvalidNonce { expected, got })) if expected == U256::zero() && got == U256::one() => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected invalid nonce error.") } } evm_test!{test_transact_gas_limit_reached: test_transact_gas_limit_reached_jit, test_transact_gas_limit_reached_int} fn test_transact_gas_limit_reached(factory: Factory) { let mut t = Transaction::new_create(U256::from(17), "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), U256::from(80_001), U256::zero(), U256::zero()); let keypair = KeyPair::create().unwrap(); t.sign(&keypair.secret()); let sender = t.sender().unwrap(); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(17)); let mut info = EnvInfo::new(); info.gas_used = U256::from(20_000); info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let res = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.transact(&t) }; match res { Err(Error::Execution(ExecutionError::BlockGasLimitReached { gas_limit, gas_used, gas })) if gas_limit == U256::from(100_000) && gas_used == U256::from(20_000) && gas == U256::from(80_001) => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected block gas limit error.") } } evm_test!{test_not_enough_cash: test_not_enough_cash_jit, test_not_enough_cash_int} fn test_not_enough_cash(factory: Factory) { let mut t = Transaction::new_create(U256::from(18), "3331600055".from_hex().unwrap(), U256::from(100_000), U256::one(), U256::zero()); let keypair = KeyPair::create().unwrap(); t.sign(&keypair.secret()); let sender = t.sender().unwrap(); let mut state = State::new_temp(); state.add_balance(&sender, &U256::from(100_017)); let mut info = EnvInfo::new(); info.gas_limit = U256::from(100_000); let engine = TestEngine::new(0, factory); let res = { let mut ex = Executive::new(&mut state, &info, &engine); ex.transact(&t) }; match res { Err(Error::Execution(ExecutionError::NotEnoughCash { required , got })) if required == U512::from(100_018) && got == U512::from(100_017) => (), _ => assert!(false, "Expected not enough cash error. {:?}", res) } } }