// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Collects votes on hashes at each Message::Round. use std::fmt::Debug; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet, HashMap}; use std::hash::Hash; use ethereum_types::{H256, H520, Address}; use parking_lot:: RwLock; use bytes::Bytes; use rlp::{Encodable, RlpStream}; pub trait Message: Clone + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Encodable + Debug { type Round: Clone + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Default + Debug + Ord; fn signature(&self) -> H520; fn block_hash(&self) -> Option; fn round(&self) -> &Self::Round; fn is_broadcastable(&self) -> bool; } /// Storing all Proposals, Prevotes and Precommits. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct VoteCollector { votes: RwLock>>, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct StepCollector { voted: HashMap, block_votes: HashMap, HashMap>, messages: HashSet, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DoubleVote { author: Address, vote_one: M, vote_two: M, } impl Encodable for DoubleVote { fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) { s.begin_list(2) .append(&self.vote_one) .append(&self.vote_two); } } impl StepCollector { /// Returns Some(&Address) when validator is double voting. fn insert(&mut self, message: M, address: Address) -> Option> { // Do nothing when message was seen. if self.messages.insert(message.clone()) { if let Some(previous) = self.voted.insert(address, message.clone()) { // Bad validator sent a different message. return Some(DoubleVote { author: address, vote_one: previous, vote_two: message }); } else { self .block_votes .entry(message.block_hash()) .or_insert_with(HashMap::new) .insert(message.signature(), address); } } None } /// Count all votes for the given block hash at this round. fn count_block(&self, block_hash: &Option) -> usize { self.block_votes.get(block_hash).map_or(0, HashMap::len) } /// Count all votes collected for the given round. fn count(&self) -> usize { self.block_votes.values().map(HashMap::len).sum() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SealSignatures { pub proposal: H520, pub votes: Vec, } impl PartialEq for SealSignatures { fn eq(&self, other: &SealSignatures) -> bool { self.proposal == other.proposal && self.votes.iter().collect::>() == other.votes.iter().collect::>() } } impl Eq for SealSignatures {} impl Default for VoteCollector { fn default() -> Self { let mut collector = BTreeMap::new(); // Insert dummy entry to fulfill invariant: "only messages newer than the oldest are inserted". collector.insert(Default::default(), Default::default()); VoteCollector { votes: RwLock::new(collector) } } } impl VoteCollector { /// Insert vote if it is newer than the oldest one. pub fn vote(&self, message: M, voter: Address) -> Option> { self .votes .write() .entry(message.round().clone()) .or_insert_with(Default::default) .insert(message, voter) } /// Checks if the message should be ignored. pub fn is_old_or_known(&self, message: &M) -> bool { self .votes .read() .get(&message.round()) .map_or(false, |c| { let is_known = c.messages.contains(message); if is_known { trace!(target: "engine", "Known message: {:?}.", message); } is_known }) || { let guard = self.votes.read(); let is_old = guard.keys().next().map_or(true, |oldest| message.round() <= oldest); if is_old { trace!(target: "engine", "Old message {:?}.", message); } is_old } } /// Throws out messages older than message, leaves message as marker for the oldest. pub fn throw_out_old(&self, vote_round: &M::Round) { let mut guard = self.votes.write(); let new_collector = guard.split_off(vote_round); *guard = new_collector; } /// Collects the signatures for a given round and hash. pub fn round_signatures(&self, round: &M::Round, block_hash: &H256) -> Vec { let guard = self.votes.read(); guard .get(round) .and_then(|c| c.block_votes.get(&Some(*block_hash))) .map(|votes| votes.keys().cloned().collect()) .unwrap_or_else(Vec::new) } /// Count votes which agree with the given message. pub fn count_aligned_votes(&self, message: &M) -> usize { self .votes .read() .get(&message.round()) .map_or(0, |m| m.count_block(&message.block_hash())) } /// Count all votes collected for a given round. pub fn count_round_votes(&self, vote_round: &M::Round) -> usize { self.votes.read().get(vote_round).map_or(0, StepCollector::count) } /// Get all messages older than the round. pub fn get_up_to(&self, round: &M::Round) -> Vec { let guard = self.votes.read(); guard .iter() .take_while(|&(r, _)| r <= round) .map(|(_, c)| c.messages.iter().filter(|m| m.is_broadcastable()).map(|m| ::rlp::encode(m).to_vec()).collect::>()) .fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, mut messages| { acc.append(&mut messages); acc }) } /// Retrieve address from which the message was sent from cache. pub fn get(&self, message: &M) -> Option
{ let guard = self.votes.read(); guard.get(&message.round()).and_then(|c| c.block_votes.get(&message.block_hash())).and_then(|origins| origins.get(&message.signature()).cloned()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use hash::keccak; use ethereum_types::{H160, H256}; use rlp::*; use super::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash, Default)] struct TestMessage { step: TestStep, block_hash: Option, signature: H520, } type TestStep = u64; impl Message for TestMessage { type Round = TestStep; fn signature(&self) -> H520 { self.signature } fn block_hash(&self) -> Option { self.block_hash } fn round(&self) -> &TestStep { &self.step } fn is_broadcastable(&self) -> bool { true } } impl Encodable for TestMessage { fn rlp_append(&self, s: &mut RlpStream) { s.begin_list(3) .append(&self.signature) .append(&self.step) .append(&self.block_hash.unwrap_or_else(H256::zero)); } } fn random_vote(collector: &VoteCollector, signature: H520, step: TestStep, block_hash: Option) -> bool { full_vote(collector, signature, step, block_hash, H160::random()) } fn full_vote(collector: &VoteCollector, signature: H520, step: TestStep, block_hash: Option, address: Address) -> bool { collector.vote(TestMessage { signature: signature, step: step, block_hash: block_hash }, address).is_none() } #[test] fn seal_retrieval() { let collector = VoteCollector::default(); let bh = Some(keccak("1")); let mut signatures = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..5 { signatures.push(H520::random()); } let propose_round = 3; let commit_round = 5; // Wrong round. random_vote(&collector, signatures[4].clone(), 1, bh.clone()); // Good proposal random_vote(&collector, signatures[0].clone(), propose_round.clone(), bh.clone()); // Wrong block proposal. random_vote(&collector, signatures[0].clone(), propose_round.clone(), Some(keccak("0"))); // Wrong block commit. random_vote(&collector, signatures[3].clone(), commit_round.clone(), Some(keccak("0"))); // Wrong round. random_vote(&collector, signatures[0].clone(), 6, bh.clone()); // Wrong round. random_vote(&collector, signatures[0].clone(), 4, bh.clone()); // Relevant commit. random_vote(&collector, signatures[2].clone(), commit_round.clone(), bh.clone()); // Replicated vote. random_vote(&collector, signatures[2].clone(), commit_round.clone(), bh.clone()); // Wrong round. random_vote(&collector, signatures[4].clone(), 6, bh.clone()); // Relevant precommit. random_vote(&collector, signatures[1].clone(), commit_round.clone(), bh.clone()); // Wrong round, same signature. random_vote(&collector, signatures[1].clone(), 7, bh.clone()); assert_eq!(signatures[0..1].to_vec(), collector.round_signatures(&propose_round, &bh.unwrap())); assert_eq!(signatures[1..3].iter().collect::>(), collector.round_signatures(&commit_round, &bh.unwrap()).iter().collect::>()); } #[test] fn count_votes() { let collector = VoteCollector::default(); let round1 = 1; let round3 = 3; // good 1 random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round1, Some(keccak("0"))); random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), 0, Some(keccak("0"))); // good 3 random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round3, Some(keccak("0"))); random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), 2, Some(keccak("0"))); // good prevote random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round1, Some(keccak("1"))); // good prevote let same_sig = H520::random(); random_vote(&collector, same_sig.clone(), round1, Some(keccak("1"))); random_vote(&collector, same_sig, round1, Some(keccak("1"))); // good precommit random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round3, Some(keccak("1"))); // good prevote random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round1, Some(keccak("0"))); random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), 4, Some(keccak("2"))); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&round1), 4); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&round3), 2); let message = TestMessage { signature: H520::default(), step: round1, block_hash: Some(keccak("1")) }; assert_eq!(collector.count_aligned_votes(&message), 2); } #[test] fn remove_old() { let collector = VoteCollector::default(); let vote = |round, hash| { random_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round, hash); }; vote(6, Some(keccak("0"))); vote(3, Some(keccak("0"))); vote(7, Some(keccak("0"))); vote(8, Some(keccak("1"))); vote(1, Some(keccak("1"))); collector.throw_out_old(&7); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&1), 0); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&3), 0); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&6), 0); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&7), 1); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&8), 1); } #[test] fn malicious_authority() { let collector = VoteCollector::default(); let round = 3; // Vote is inserted fine. assert!(full_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round, Some(keccak("0")), Address::default())); // Returns the double voting address. assert!(!full_vote(&collector, H520::random(), round, Some(keccak("1")), Address::default())); assert_eq!(collector.count_round_votes(&round), 1); } }