// Copyright 2015, 2016 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! TestNet peer definition. use std::collections::{HashSet, VecDeque}; use std::sync::Arc; use light_sync::*; use tests::helpers::{TestNet, Peer as PeerLike, TestPacket}; use ethcore::client::TestBlockChainClient; use ethcore::spec::Spec; use io::IoChannel; use light::client::Client as LightClient; use light::net::{LightProtocol, IoContext, Capabilities, Params as LightParams}; use light::net::buffer_flow::FlowParams; use network::{NodeId, PeerId}; use util::RwLock; const NETWORK_ID: u64 = 0xcafebabe; struct TestIoContext<'a> { queue: &'a RwLock>, sender: Option, to_disconnect: RwLock>, } impl<'a> IoContext for TestIoContext<'a> { fn send(&self, peer: PeerId, packet_id: u8, packet_body: Vec) { self.queue.write().push_back(TestPacket { data: packet_body, packet_id: packet_id, recipient: peer, }) } fn respond(&self, packet_id: u8, packet_body: Vec) { if let Some(sender) = self.sender { self.send(sender, packet_id, packet_body); } } fn disconnect_peer(&self, peer: PeerId) { self.to_disconnect.write().insert(peer); } fn disable_peer(&self, peer: PeerId) { self.disconnect_peer(peer) } fn protocol_version(&self, _peer: PeerId) -> Option { Some(::light::net::MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION) } fn persistent_peer_id(&self, _peer: PeerId) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } // peer-specific data. enum PeerData { Light(Arc>, Arc), Full(Arc) } // test peer type. // Either a full peer or a LES peer. pub struct Peer { proto: LightProtocol, queue: RwLock>, data: PeerData, } impl Peer { // create a new full-client peer for light client peers to sync to. // buffer flow is made negligible. pub fn new_full(chain: Arc) -> Self { let params = LightParams { network_id: NETWORK_ID, flow_params: FlowParams::free(), capabilities: Capabilities { serve_headers: true, serve_chain_since: None, serve_state_since: None, tx_relay: true, }, }; let proto = LightProtocol::new(chain.clone(), params); Peer { proto: proto, queue: RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()), data: PeerData::Full(chain), } } // create a new light-client peer to sync to full peers. pub fn new_light(chain: Arc) -> Self { let sync = Arc::new(LightSync::new(chain.clone()).unwrap()); let params = LightParams { network_id: NETWORK_ID, flow_params: FlowParams::default(), capabilities: Capabilities { serve_headers: false, serve_chain_since: None, serve_state_since: None, tx_relay: false, }, }; let mut proto = LightProtocol::new(chain.clone(), params); proto.add_handler(sync.clone()); Peer { proto: proto, queue: RwLock::new(VecDeque::new()), data: PeerData::Light(sync, chain), } } // get the chain from the client, asserting that it is a full node. pub fn chain(&self) -> &TestBlockChainClient { match self.data { PeerData::Full(ref chain) => &*chain, _ => panic!("Attempted to access full chain on light peer."), } } // get the light chain from the peer, asserting that it is a light node. pub fn light_chain(&self) -> &LightClient { match self.data { PeerData::Light(_, ref chain) => &*chain, _ => panic!("Attempted to access light chain on full peer."), } } // get a test Io context based on fn io(&self, sender: Option) -> TestIoContext { TestIoContext { queue: &self.queue, sender: sender, to_disconnect: RwLock::new(HashSet::new()), } } } impl PeerLike for Peer { type Message = TestPacket; fn on_connect(&self, other: PeerId) { let io = self.io(Some(other)); self.proto.on_connect(&other, &io); } fn on_disconnect(&self, other: PeerId){ let io = self.io(Some(other)); self.proto.on_disconnect(other, &io); } fn receive_message(&self, from: PeerId, msg: TestPacket) -> HashSet { let io = self.io(Some(from)); self.proto.handle_packet(&io, &from, msg.packet_id, &msg.data); io.to_disconnect.into_inner() } fn pending_message(&self) -> Option { self.queue.write().pop_front() } fn is_done(&self) -> bool { self.queue.read().is_empty() } fn sync_step(&self) { if let PeerData::Light(_, ref client) = self.data { client.flush_queue(); client.import_verified(); } } fn restart_sync(&self) { } } impl TestNet { /// Create a new `TestNet` for testing light synchronization. /// The first parameter is the number of light nodes, /// the second is the number of full nodes. pub fn light(n_light: usize, n_full: usize) -> Self { let mut peers = Vec::with_capacity(n_light + n_full); for _ in 0..n_light { let client = LightClient::new(Default::default(), &Spec::new_test(), IoChannel::disconnected()); peers.push(Arc::new(Peer::new_light(Arc::new(client)))) } for _ in 0..n_full { peers.push(Arc::new(Peer::new_full(Arc::new(TestBlockChainClient::new())))) } TestNet { peers: peers, started: false, disconnect_events: Vec::new(), } } }