// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . import * as actions from './signerActions'; import { inHex } from '~/api/format/input'; import HardwareStore from '~/mobx/hardwareStore'; import { createSignedTx } from '~/util/qrscan'; import { Signer } from '~/util/signer'; export default class SignerMiddleware { constructor (api) { this._api = api; this._hwstore = HardwareStore.get(api); } toMiddleware () { return (store) => (next) => (action) => { let delegate; switch (action.type) { case 'signerStartConfirmRequest': delegate = this.onConfirmStart; break; case 'signerStartRejectRequest': delegate = this.onRejectStart; break; default: next(action); return; } if (!delegate) { return; } next(action); delegate(store, action); }; } _createConfirmPromiseHandler (store, id) { return (promise) => { return promise .then((txHash) => { if (!txHash) { store.dispatch(actions.errorConfirmRequest({ id, err: 'Unable to confirm.' })); return; } store.dispatch(actions.successConfirmRequest({ id, txHash })); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('confirmRequest', id, error); store.dispatch(actions.errorConfirmRequest({ id, err: error.message })); }); }; } createNoncePromise (transaction) { return !transaction.nonce || transaction.nonce.isZero() ? this._api.parity.nextNonce(transaction.from) : Promise.resolve(transaction.nonce); } confirmLedgerTransaction (store, id, transaction) { return this .createNoncePromise(transaction) .then((nonce) => { transaction.nonce = nonce; return this._hwstore.signLedger(transaction); }) .then((rawTx) => { return this.confirmRawTransaction(store, id, rawTx); }); } confirmRawTransaction (store, id, rawTx) { const handlePromise = this._createConfirmPromiseHandler(store, id); return handlePromise(this._api.signer.confirmRequestRaw(id, rawTx)); } confirmSignedTransaction (store, id, txSigned) { const { netVersion } = store.getState().nodeStatus; const { signature, tx } = txSigned; const { rlp } = createSignedTx(netVersion, signature, tx); return this.confirmRawTransaction(store, id, rlp); } confirmWalletTransaction (store, id, transaction, wallet, password) { const { worker } = store.getState().worker; const signerPromise = worker && worker._worker.state === 'activated' ? worker .postMessage({ action: 'getSignerSeed', data: { wallet, password } }) .then((result) => { const seed = Buffer.from(result.data); return new Signer(seed); }) : Signer.fromJson(wallet, password); // NOTE: Derving the key takes significant amount of time, // make sure to display some kind of "in-progress" state. return Promise .all([ signerPromise, this.createNoncePromise(transaction) ]) .then(([ signer, nonce ]) => { const txData = { to: inHex(transaction.to), nonce: inHex(transaction.nonce.isZero() ? nonce : transaction.nonce), gasPrice: inHex(transaction.gasPrice), gasLimit: inHex(transaction.gas), value: inHex(transaction.value), data: inHex(transaction.data) }; return signer.signTransaction(txData); }) .then((rawTx) => { return this.confirmRawTransaction(store, id, rawTx); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error.message); store.dispatch(actions.errorConfirmRequest({ id, err: error.message })); }); } onConfirmStart = (store, action) => { const { condition, gas = 0, gasPrice = 0, id, password, payload, txSigned, wallet } = action.payload; const handlePromise = this._createConfirmPromiseHandler(store, id); const transaction = payload.sendTransaction || payload.signTransaction; if (transaction) { const hardwareAccount = this._hwstore.wallets[transaction.from]; if (wallet) { return this.confirmWalletTransaction(store, id, transaction, wallet, password); } else if (txSigned) { return this.confirmSignedTransaction(store, id, txSigned); } else if (hardwareAccount) { switch (hardwareAccount.via) { case 'ledger': return this.confirmLedgerTransaction(store, id, transaction); case 'parity': default: break; } } } return handlePromise(this._api.signer.confirmRequest(id, { gas, gasPrice, condition }, password)); } onRejectStart = (store, action) => { const id = action.payload; return this._api.signer .rejectRequest(id) .then(() => { store.dispatch(actions.successRejectRequest({ id })); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('rejectRequest', id, error); store.dispatch(actions.errorRejectRequest({ id, err: error.message })); }); } }