// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use std::path::Path; use std::cmp; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::sync::Arc; use hash::{KECCAK_EMPTY_LIST_RLP}; use ethash::{quick_get_difficulty, slow_hash_block_number, EthashManager, OptimizeFor}; use ethereum_types::{H256, H64, U256, Address}; use unexpected::{OutOfBounds, Mismatch}; use block::*; use error::{BlockError, Error}; use header::{Header, BlockNumber}; use engines::{self, Engine}; use ethjson; use rlp::{self, UntrustedRlp}; use machine::EthereumMachine; use semantic_version::SemanticVersion; /// Number of blocks in an ethash snapshot. // make dependent on difficulty incrment divisor? const SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS: u64 = 5000; /// Maximum number of blocks allowed in an ethash snapshot. const MAX_SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS: u64 = 30000; const DEFAULT_EIP649_DELAY: u64 = 3_000_000; /// Ethash params. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct EthashParams { /// Minimum difficulty. pub minimum_difficulty: U256, /// Difficulty bound divisor. pub difficulty_bound_divisor: U256, /// Difficulty increment divisor. pub difficulty_increment_divisor: u64, /// Metropolis difficulty increment divisor. pub metropolis_difficulty_increment_divisor: u64, /// Block duration. pub duration_limit: u64, /// Homestead transition block number. pub homestead_transition: u64, /// Transition block for a change of difficulty params (currently just bound_divisor). pub difficulty_hardfork_transition: u64, /// Difficulty param after the difficulty transition. pub difficulty_hardfork_bound_divisor: U256, /// Block on which there is no additional difficulty from the exponential bomb. pub bomb_defuse_transition: u64, /// Number of first block where EIP-100 rules begin. pub eip100b_transition: u64, /// Number of first block where ECIP-1010 begins. pub ecip1010_pause_transition: u64, /// Number of first block where ECIP-1010 ends. pub ecip1010_continue_transition: u64, /// Total block number for one ECIP-1017 era. pub ecip1017_era_rounds: u64, /// Number of first block where MCIP-3 begins. pub mcip3_transition: u64, /// MCIP-3 Block reward coin-base for miners. pub mcip3_miner_reward: U256, /// MCIP-3 Block reward ubi-base for basic income. pub mcip3_ubi_reward: U256, /// MCIP-3 contract address for universal basic income. pub mcip3_ubi_contract: Address, /// MCIP-3 Block reward dev-base for dev funds. pub mcip3_dev_reward: U256, /// MCIP-3 contract address for the developer funds. pub mcip3_dev_contract: Address, /// Block reward in base units. pub block_reward: U256, /// EIP-649 transition block. pub eip649_transition: u64, /// EIP-649 bomb delay. pub eip649_delay: u64, /// EIP-649 base reward. pub eip649_reward: Option, /// EXPIP-2 block height pub expip2_transition: u64, /// EXPIP-2 duration limit pub expip2_duration_limit: u64, } impl From for EthashParams { fn from(p: ethjson::spec::EthashParams) -> Self { EthashParams { minimum_difficulty: p.minimum_difficulty.into(), difficulty_bound_divisor: p.difficulty_bound_divisor.into(), difficulty_increment_divisor: p.difficulty_increment_divisor.map_or(10, Into::into), metropolis_difficulty_increment_divisor: p.metropolis_difficulty_increment_divisor.map_or(9, Into::into), duration_limit: p.duration_limit.map_or(0, Into::into), homestead_transition: p.homestead_transition.map_or(0, Into::into), difficulty_hardfork_transition: p.difficulty_hardfork_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), difficulty_hardfork_bound_divisor: p.difficulty_hardfork_bound_divisor.map_or(p.difficulty_bound_divisor.into(), Into::into), bomb_defuse_transition: p.bomb_defuse_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), eip100b_transition: p.eip100b_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), ecip1010_pause_transition: p.ecip1010_pause_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), ecip1010_continue_transition: p.ecip1010_continue_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), ecip1017_era_rounds: p.ecip1017_era_rounds.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), mcip3_transition: p.mcip3_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), mcip3_miner_reward: p.mcip3_miner_reward.map_or_else(Default::default, Into::into), mcip3_ubi_reward: p.mcip3_ubi_reward.map_or(U256::from(0), Into::into), mcip3_ubi_contract: p.mcip3_ubi_contract.map_or_else(Address::new, Into::into), mcip3_dev_reward: p.mcip3_dev_reward.map_or(U256::from(0), Into::into), mcip3_dev_contract: p.mcip3_dev_contract.map_or_else(Address::new, Into::into), block_reward: p.block_reward.map_or_else(Default::default, Into::into), eip649_transition: p.eip649_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), eip649_delay: p.eip649_delay.map_or(DEFAULT_EIP649_DELAY, Into::into), eip649_reward: p.eip649_reward.map(Into::into), expip2_transition: p.expip2_transition.map_or(u64::max_value(), Into::into), expip2_duration_limit: p.expip2_duration_limit.map_or(30, Into::into), } } } /// Engine using Ethash proof-of-work consensus algorithm, suitable for Ethereum /// mainnet chains in the Olympic, Frontier and Homestead eras. pub struct Ethash { ethash_params: EthashParams, pow: EthashManager, machine: EthereumMachine, } impl Ethash { /// Create a new instance of Ethash engine pub fn new>>( cache_dir: &Path, ethash_params: EthashParams, machine: EthereumMachine, optimize_for: T, ) -> Arc { Arc::new(Ethash { ethash_params, machine, pow: EthashManager::new(cache_dir.as_ref(), optimize_for.into()), }) } } // TODO [rphmeier] // // for now, this is different than Ethash's own epochs, and signal // "consensus epochs". // in this sense, `Ethash` is epochless: the same `EpochVerifier` can be used // for any block in the chain. // in the future, we might move the Ethash epoch // caching onto this mechanism as well. impl engines::EpochVerifier for Arc { fn verify_light(&self, _header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(()) } fn verify_heavy(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { self.verify_block_unordered(header) } } impl Engine for Arc { fn name(&self) -> &str { "Ethash" } fn version(&self) -> SemanticVersion { SemanticVersion::new(1, 0, 0) } fn machine(&self) -> &EthereumMachine { &self.machine } // Two fields - nonce and mix. fn seal_fields(&self) -> usize { 2 } /// Additional engine-specific information for the user/developer concerning `header`. fn extra_info(&self, header: &Header) -> BTreeMap { if header.seal().len() == self.seal_fields() { map![ "nonce".to_owned() => format!("0x{}", header.nonce().hex()), "mixHash".to_owned() => format!("0x{}", header.mix_hash().hex()) ] } else { BTreeMap::default() } } fn maximum_uncle_count(&self, _block: BlockNumber) -> usize { 2 } fn populate_from_parent(&self, header: &mut Header, parent: &Header) { let difficulty = self.calculate_difficulty(header, parent); header.set_difficulty(difficulty); } fn on_new_block( &self, _block: &mut ExecutedBlock, _begins_epoch: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { Ok(()) } /// Apply the block reward on finalisation of the block. /// This assumes that all uncles are valid uncles (i.e. of at least one generation before the current). fn on_close_block(&self, block: &mut ExecutedBlock) -> Result<(), Error> { use std::ops::Shr; use parity_machine::{LiveBlock, WithBalances}; let author = *LiveBlock::header(&*block).author(); let number = LiveBlock::header(&*block).number(); // Applies EIP-649 reward. let reward = if number >= self.ethash_params.eip649_transition { self.ethash_params.eip649_reward.unwrap_or(self.ethash_params.block_reward) } else { self.ethash_params.block_reward }; // Applies ECIP-1017 eras. let eras_rounds = self.ethash_params.ecip1017_era_rounds; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, reward, number); let n_uncles = LiveBlock::uncles(&*block).len(); // Bestow block rewards. let mut result_block_reward = reward + reward.shr(5) * U256::from(n_uncles); let mut uncle_rewards = Vec::with_capacity(n_uncles); if number >= self.ethash_params.mcip3_transition { result_block_reward = self.ethash_params.mcip3_miner_reward; let ubi_contract = self.ethash_params.mcip3_ubi_contract; let ubi_reward = self.ethash_params.mcip3_ubi_reward; let dev_contract = self.ethash_params.mcip3_dev_contract; let dev_reward = self.ethash_params.mcip3_dev_reward; self.machine.add_balance(block, &author, &result_block_reward)?; self.machine.add_balance(block, &ubi_contract, &ubi_reward)?; self.machine.add_balance(block, &dev_contract, &dev_reward)?; } else { self.machine.add_balance(block, &author, &result_block_reward)?; } // Bestow uncle rewards. for u in LiveBlock::uncles(&*block) { let uncle_author = u.author(); let result_uncle_reward = if eras == 0 { (reward * U256::from(8 + u.number() - number)).shr(3) } else { reward.shr(5) }; uncle_rewards.push((*uncle_author, result_uncle_reward)); } for &(ref a, ref reward) in &uncle_rewards { self.machine.add_balance(block, a, reward)?; } // Note and trace. self.machine.note_rewards(block, &[(author, result_block_reward)], &uncle_rewards) } fn verify_local_seal(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { self.verify_block_basic(header) .and_then(|_| self.verify_block_unordered(header)) } fn verify_block_basic(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { // check the seal fields. if header.seal().len() != self.seal_fields() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidSealArity( Mismatch { expected: self.seal_fields(), found: header.seal().len() } ))); } UntrustedRlp::new(&header.seal()[0]).as_val::()?; UntrustedRlp::new(&header.seal()[1]).as_val::()?; // TODO: consider removing these lines. let min_difficulty = self.ethash_params.minimum_difficulty; if header.difficulty() < &min_difficulty { return Err(From::from(BlockError::DifficultyOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds { min: Some(min_difficulty), max: None, found: header.difficulty().clone() }))) } let difficulty = Ethash::boundary_to_difficulty(&H256(quick_get_difficulty( &header.bare_hash().0, header.nonce().low_u64(), &header.mix_hash().0 ))); if &difficulty < header.difficulty() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidProofOfWork(OutOfBounds { min: Some(header.difficulty().clone()), max: None, found: difficulty }))); } if header.gas_limit() > &0x7fffffffffffffffu64.into() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidGasLimit(OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(0x7fffffffffffffffu64.into()), found: header.gas_limit().clone() }))); } Ok(()) } fn verify_block_unordered(&self, header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { if header.seal().len() != self.seal_fields() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidSealArity( Mismatch { expected: self.seal_fields(), found: header.seal().len() } ))); } let result = self.pow.compute_light(header.number() as u64, &header.bare_hash().0, header.nonce().low_u64()); let mix = H256(result.mix_hash); let difficulty = Ethash::boundary_to_difficulty(&H256(result.value)); trace!(target: "miner", "num: {}, seed: {}, h: {}, non: {}, mix: {}, res: {}" , header.number() as u64, H256(slow_hash_block_number(header.number() as u64)), header.bare_hash(), header.nonce().low_u64(), H256(result.mix_hash), H256(result.value)); if mix != header.mix_hash() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::MismatchedH256SealElement(Mismatch { expected: mix, found: header.mix_hash() }))); } if &difficulty < header.difficulty() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidProofOfWork(OutOfBounds { min: Some(header.difficulty().clone()), max: None, found: difficulty }))); } Ok(()) } fn verify_block_family(&self, header: &Header, parent: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { // we should not calculate difficulty for genesis blocks if header.number() == 0 { return Err(From::from(BlockError::RidiculousNumber(OutOfBounds { min: Some(1), max: None, found: header.number() }))); } // Check difficulty is correct given the two timestamps. let expected_difficulty = self.calculate_difficulty(header, parent); if header.difficulty() != &expected_difficulty { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidDifficulty(Mismatch { expected: expected_difficulty, found: header.difficulty().clone() }))) } Ok(()) } fn epoch_verifier<'a>(&self, _header: &Header, _proof: &'a [u8]) -> engines::ConstructedVerifier<'a, EthereumMachine> { engines::ConstructedVerifier::Trusted(Box::new(self.clone())) } fn snapshot_components(&self) -> Option> { Some(Box::new(::snapshot::PowSnapshot::new(SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS, MAX_SNAPSHOT_BLOCKS))) } } impl Ethash { fn calculate_difficulty(&self, header: &Header, parent: &Header) -> U256 { const EXP_DIFF_PERIOD: u64 = 100_000; if header.number() == 0 { panic!("Can't calculate genesis block difficulty"); } let parent_has_uncles = parent.uncles_hash() != &KECCAK_EMPTY_LIST_RLP; let min_difficulty = self.ethash_params.minimum_difficulty; let difficulty_hardfork = header.number() >= self.ethash_params.difficulty_hardfork_transition; let difficulty_bound_divisor = if difficulty_hardfork { self.ethash_params.difficulty_hardfork_bound_divisor } else { self.ethash_params.difficulty_bound_divisor }; let expip2_hardfork = header.number() >= self.ethash_params.expip2_transition; let duration_limit = if expip2_hardfork { self.ethash_params.expip2_duration_limit } else { self.ethash_params.duration_limit }; let frontier_limit = self.ethash_params.homestead_transition; let mut target = if header.number() < frontier_limit { if header.timestamp() >= parent.timestamp() + duration_limit { *parent.difficulty() - (*parent.difficulty() / difficulty_bound_divisor) } else { *parent.difficulty() + (*parent.difficulty() / difficulty_bound_divisor) } } else { trace!(target: "ethash", "Calculating difficulty parent.difficulty={}, header.timestamp={}, parent.timestamp={}", parent.difficulty(), header.timestamp(), parent.timestamp()); //block_diff = parent_diff + parent_diff // 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10, -99) let (increment_divisor, threshold) = if header.number() < self.ethash_params.eip100b_transition { (self.ethash_params.difficulty_increment_divisor, 1) } else if parent_has_uncles { (self.ethash_params.metropolis_difficulty_increment_divisor, 2) } else { (self.ethash_params.metropolis_difficulty_increment_divisor, 1) }; let diff_inc = (header.timestamp() - parent.timestamp()) / increment_divisor; if diff_inc <= threshold { *parent.difficulty() + *parent.difficulty() / difficulty_bound_divisor * (threshold - diff_inc).into() } else { let multiplier = cmp::min(diff_inc - threshold, 99).into(); parent.difficulty().saturating_sub( *parent.difficulty() / difficulty_bound_divisor * multiplier ) } }; target = cmp::max(min_difficulty, target); if header.number() < self.ethash_params.bomb_defuse_transition { if header.number() < self.ethash_params.ecip1010_pause_transition { let mut number = header.number(); if number >= self.ethash_params.eip649_transition { number = number.saturating_sub(self.ethash_params.eip649_delay); } let period = (number / EXP_DIFF_PERIOD) as usize; if period > 1 { target = cmp::max(min_difficulty, target + (U256::from(1) << (period - 2))); } } else if header.number() < self.ethash_params.ecip1010_continue_transition { let fixed_difficulty = ((self.ethash_params.ecip1010_pause_transition / EXP_DIFF_PERIOD) - 2) as usize; target = cmp::max(min_difficulty, target + (U256::from(1) << fixed_difficulty)); } else { let period = ((parent.number() + 1) / EXP_DIFF_PERIOD) as usize; let delay = ((self.ethash_params.ecip1010_continue_transition - self.ethash_params.ecip1010_pause_transition) / EXP_DIFF_PERIOD) as usize; target = cmp::max(min_difficulty, target + (U256::from(1) << (period - delay - 2))); } } target } /// Convert an Ethash boundary to its original difficulty. Basically just `f(x) = 2^256 / x`. pub fn boundary_to_difficulty(boundary: &H256) -> U256 { let d = U256::from(*boundary); if d <= U256::one() { U256::max_value() } else { ((U256::one() << 255) / d) << 1 } } /// Convert an Ethash difficulty to the target boundary. Basically just `f(x) = 2^256 / x`. pub fn difficulty_to_boundary(difficulty: &U256) -> H256 { if *difficulty <= U256::one() { U256::max_value().into() } else { (((U256::one() << 255) / *difficulty) << 1).into() } } } impl Header { /// Get the nonce field of the header. pub fn nonce(&self) -> H64 { rlp::decode(&self.seal()[1]) } /// Get the mix hash field of the header. pub fn mix_hash(&self) -> H256 { rlp::decode(&self.seal()[0]) } } fn ecip1017_eras_block_reward(era_rounds: u64, mut reward: U256, block_number:u64) -> (u64, U256) { let eras = if block_number != 0 && block_number % era_rounds == 0 { block_number / era_rounds - 1 } else { block_number / era_rounds }; let mut divi = U256::from(1); for _ in 0..eras { reward = reward * U256::from(4); divi = divi * U256::from(5); } reward = reward / divi; (eras, reward) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use ethereum_types::{H64, H256, U256, Address}; use block::*; use tests::helpers::*; use error::{BlockError, Error}; use header::Header; use spec::Spec; use super::super::{new_morden, new_mcip3_test, new_homestead_test_machine}; use super::{Ethash, EthashParams, ecip1017_eras_block_reward}; use rlp; fn test_spec() -> Spec { new_morden(&::std::env::temp_dir()) } #[test] fn on_close_block() { let spec = test_spec(); let engine = &*spec.engine; let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]); let b = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, Address::zero(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap(); let b = b.close(); assert_eq!(b.state().balance(&Address::zero()).unwrap(), U256::from_str("4563918244f40000").unwrap()); } #[test] fn has_valid_ecip1017_eras_block_reward() { let eras_rounds = 5000000; let start_reward: U256 = "4563918244F40000".parse().unwrap(); let block_number = 0; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, start_reward, block_number); assert_eq!(0, eras); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("4563918244F40000").unwrap(), reward); let block_number = 5000000; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, start_reward, block_number); assert_eq!(0, eras); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("4563918244F40000").unwrap(), reward); let block_number = 10000000; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, start_reward, block_number); assert_eq!(1, eras); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("3782DACE9D900000").unwrap(), reward); let block_number = 20000000; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, start_reward, block_number); assert_eq!(3, eras); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("2386F26FC1000000").unwrap(), reward); let block_number = 80000000; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, start_reward, block_number); assert_eq!(15, eras); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("271000000000000").unwrap(), reward); let block_number = 250000000; let (eras, reward) = ecip1017_eras_block_reward(eras_rounds, start_reward, block_number); assert_eq!(49, eras); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("51212FFBAF0A").unwrap(), reward); } #[test] fn on_close_block_with_uncle() { let spec = test_spec(); let engine = &*spec.engine; let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]); let mut b = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, Address::zero(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap(); let mut uncle = Header::new(); let uncle_author: Address = "ef2d6d194084c2de36e0dabfce45d046b37d1106".into(); uncle.set_author(uncle_author); b.push_uncle(uncle).unwrap(); let b = b.close(); assert_eq!(b.state().balance(&Address::zero()).unwrap(), "478eae0e571ba000".into()); assert_eq!(b.state().balance(&uncle_author).unwrap(), "3cb71f51fc558000".into()); } #[test] fn has_valid_mcip3_era_block_rewards() { let spec = new_mcip3_test(); let engine = &*spec.engine; let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let db = spec.ensure_db_good(get_temp_state_db(), &Default::default()).unwrap(); let last_hashes = Arc::new(vec![genesis_header.hash()]); let b = OpenBlock::new(engine, Default::default(), false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, Address::zero(), (3141562.into(), 31415620.into()), vec![], false).unwrap(); let b = b.close(); let ubi_contract: Address = "00efdd5883ec628983e9063c7d969fe268bbf310".into(); let dev_contract: Address = "00756cf8159095948496617f5fb17ed95059f536".into(); assert_eq!(b.state().balance(&Address::zero()).unwrap(), U256::from_str("d8d726b7177a80000").unwrap()); assert_eq!(b.state().balance(&ubi_contract).unwrap(), U256::from_str("2b5e3af16b1880000").unwrap()); assert_eq!(b.state().balance(&dev_contract).unwrap(), U256::from_str("c249fdd327780000").unwrap()); } #[test] fn has_valid_metadata() { let engine = test_spec().engine; assert!(!engine.name().is_empty()); assert!(engine.version().major >= 1); } #[test] fn can_return_schedule() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let schedule = engine.schedule(10000000); assert!(schedule.stack_limit > 0); let schedule = engine.schedule(100); assert!(!schedule.have_delegate_call); } #[test] fn can_do_seal_verification_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let header: Header = Header::default(); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_basic(&header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::InvalidSealArity(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be block seal-arity mismatch error (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_difficulty_verification_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_seal(vec![rlp::encode(&H256::zero()).into_vec(), rlp::encode(&H64::zero()).into_vec()]); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_basic(&header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::DifficultyOutOfBounds(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be block difficulty error (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_proof_of_work_verification_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_seal(vec![rlp::encode(&H256::zero()).into_vec(), rlp::encode(&H64::zero()).into_vec()]); header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa").unwrap()); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_basic(&header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::InvalidProofOfWork(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be invalid proof of work error (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_seal_unordered_verification_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let header: Header = Header::default(); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_unordered(&header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::InvalidSealArity(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be block seal-arity mismatch error (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_seal256_verification_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_seal(vec![rlp::encode(&H256::zero()).into_vec(), rlp::encode(&H64::zero()).into_vec()]); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_unordered(&header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::MismatchedH256SealElement(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be invalid 256-bit seal fail (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_proof_of_work_unordered_verification_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_seal(vec![rlp::encode(&H256::from("b251bd2e0283d0658f2cadfdc8ca619b5de94eca5742725e2e757dd13ed7503d")).into_vec(), rlp::encode(&H64::zero()).into_vec()]); header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa").unwrap()); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_unordered(&header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::InvalidProofOfWork(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be invalid proof-of-work fail (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_verify_block_family_genesis_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let header: Header = Header::default(); let parent_header: Header = Header::default(); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::RidiculousNumber(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be invalid block number fail (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_verify_block_family_difficulty_fail() { let engine = test_spec().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_number(2); let mut parent_header: Header = Header::default(); parent_header.set_number(1); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_family(&header, &parent_header); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::InvalidDifficulty(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be invalid difficulty fail (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn test_difficulty_to_boundary() { // result of f(0) is undefined, so do not assert the result let _ = Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(&U256::from(0)); assert_eq!(Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(&U256::from(1)), H256::from(U256::max_value())); assert_eq!(Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(&U256::from(2)), H256::from_str("8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000").unwrap()); assert_eq!(Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(&U256::from(4)), H256::from_str("4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000").unwrap()); assert_eq!(Ethash::difficulty_to_boundary(&U256::from(32)), H256::from_str("0800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000").unwrap()); } #[test] fn difficulty_frontier() { let machine = new_homestead_test_machine(); let ethparams = get_default_ethash_params(); let ethash = Ethash::new(&::std::env::temp_dir(), ethparams, machine, None); let mut parent_header = Header::default(); parent_header.set_number(1000000); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("b69de81a22b").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1455404053); let mut header = Header::default(); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(1455404058); let difficulty = ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("b6b4bbd735f").unwrap(), difficulty); } #[test] fn difficulty_homestead() { let machine = new_homestead_test_machine(); let ethparams = get_default_ethash_params(); let ethash = Ethash::new(&::std::env::temp_dir(), ethparams, machine, None); let mut parent_header = Header::default(); parent_header.set_number(1500000); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("1fd0fd70792b").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1463003133); let mut header = Header::default(); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(1463003177); let difficulty = ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header); assert_eq!(U256::from_str("1fc50f118efe").unwrap(), difficulty); } #[test] fn difficulty_classic_bomb_delay() { let machine = new_homestead_test_machine(); let ethparams = EthashParams { ecip1010_pause_transition: 3000000, ..get_default_ethash_params() }; let ethash = Ethash::new(&::std::env::temp_dir(), ethparams, machine, None); let mut parent_header = Header::default(); parent_header.set_number(3500000); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("6F62EAF8D3C").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1452838500); let mut header = Header::default(); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 20); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("6F55FE9B74B").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 5); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("6F71D75632D").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 80); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("6F02746B3A5").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); } #[test] fn test_difficulty_bomb_continue() { let machine = new_homestead_test_machine(); let ethparams = EthashParams { ecip1010_pause_transition: 3000000, ecip1010_continue_transition: 5000000, ..get_default_ethash_params() }; let ethash = Ethash::new(&::std::env::temp_dir(), ethparams, machine, None); let mut parent_header = Header::default(); parent_header.set_number(5000102); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("14944397EE8B").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1513175023); let mut header = Header::default(); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 6); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("1496E6206188").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); parent_header.set_number(5100123); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("14D24B39C7CF").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1514609324); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 41); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("14CA9C5D9227").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); parent_header.set_number(6150001); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("305367B57227").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1529664575); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 105); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("309D09E0C609").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); parent_header.set_number(8000000); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("1180B36D4CE5B6A").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1535431724); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(parent_header.timestamp() + 420); assert_eq!( U256::from_str("5126FFD5BCBB9E7").unwrap(), ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header) ); } #[test] fn difficulty_max_timestamp() { let machine = new_homestead_test_machine(); let ethparams = get_default_ethash_params(); let ethash = Ethash::new(&::std::env::temp_dir(), ethparams, machine, None); let mut parent_header = Header::default(); parent_header.set_number(1000000); parent_header.set_difficulty(U256::from_str("b69de81a22b").unwrap()); parent_header.set_timestamp(1455404053); let mut header = Header::default(); header.set_number(parent_header.number() + 1); header.set_timestamp(u64::max_value()); let difficulty = ethash.calculate_difficulty(&header, &parent_header); assert_eq!(U256::from(12543204905719u64), difficulty); } }