# OpenEthereum will try to maintain connection to at least 50 peers.
min_peers = 50
# OpenEthereum will maintain at most 100 peers.
max_peers = 100

# You won't be able to use IPC to interact with OpenEthereum.
disable = true

# Prepare a block to seal even when there are no miners connected.
force_sealing = true
# New pending block will be created for all transactions (both local and external).
reseal_on_txs = "all"
# New pending block will be created only once per 4000 milliseconds.
reseal_min_period = 4000
# OpenEthereum will keep/relay at most 8192 transactions in queue.
tx_queue_size = 8192
tx_queue_per_sender = 128

# If defined will never use more then 1024MB for all caches. (Overrides other cache settings).
cache_size = 1024

# Logging pattern (`<module>=<level>`, e.g. `own_tx=trace`).
logging = "miner=trace,own_tx=trace"