// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! Hyper Server Handler that fetches a file during a request (proxy). use std::fmt; use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; use fetch::{self, Fetch}; use futures::Future; use parity_reactor::Remote; use parking_lot::Mutex; use hyper::{server, Decoder, Encoder, Next, Method, Control}; use hyper::net::HttpStream; use hyper::uri::RequestUri; use hyper::status::StatusCode; use endpoint::EndpointPath; use handlers::{ContentHandler, StreamingHandler}; use page::{LocalPageEndpoint, PageHandlerWaiting}; use {Embeddable}; const FETCH_TIMEOUT: u64 = 300; pub enum ValidatorResponse { Local(LocalPageEndpoint), Streaming(StreamingHandler), } pub trait ContentValidator: Send + 'static { type Error: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display; fn validate_and_install(&self, fetch::Response) -> Result; } enum FetchState { Waiting, NotStarted(String), Error(ContentHandler), InProgress(mpsc::Receiver), Streaming(StreamingHandler), Done(LocalPageEndpoint, Box), } enum WaitResult { Error(ContentHandler), Done(LocalPageEndpoint), NonAwaitable, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct FetchControl { abort: Arc, listeners: Arc)>>>, deadline: Instant, } impl Default for FetchControl { fn default() -> Self { FetchControl { abort: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), listeners: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())), deadline: Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(FETCH_TIMEOUT), } } } impl FetchControl { fn notify WaitResult>(&self, status: F) { let mut listeners = self.listeners.lock(); for (control, sender) in listeners.drain(..) { trace!(target: "dapps", "Resuming request waiting for content..."); if let Err(e) = sender.send(status()) { trace!(target: "dapps", "Waiting listener notification failed: {:?}", e); } else { let _ = control.ready(Next::read()); } } } fn set_status(&self, status: &FetchState) { match *status { FetchState::Error(ref handler) => self.notify(|| WaitResult::Error(handler.clone())), FetchState::Done(ref endpoint, _) => self.notify(|| WaitResult::Done(endpoint.clone())), FetchState::Streaming(_) => self.notify(|| WaitResult::NonAwaitable), FetchState::NotStarted(_) | FetchState::InProgress(_) | FetchState::Waiting => {}, } } pub fn is_deadline_reached(&self) -> bool { self.deadline < Instant::now() } pub fn abort(&self) { self.abort.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst); } pub fn to_async_handler(&self, path: EndpointPath, control: Control) -> Box + Send> { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); self.listeners.lock().push((control, tx)); Box::new(WaitingHandler { receiver: rx, state: FetchState::Waiting, uri: RequestUri::default(), path: path, }) } } pub struct WaitingHandler { receiver: mpsc::Receiver, state: FetchState, uri: RequestUri, path: EndpointPath, } impl server::Handler for WaitingHandler { fn on_request(&mut self, request: server::Request) -> Next { self.uri = request.uri().clone(); Next::wait() } fn on_request_readable(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder) -> Next { let result = self.receiver.try_recv().ok(); self.state = match result { Some(WaitResult::Error(handler)) => FetchState::Error(handler), Some(WaitResult::Done(endpoint)) => { let mut page_handler = endpoint.to_page_handler(self.path.clone()); page_handler.set_uri(&self.uri); FetchState::Done(endpoint, page_handler) }, _ => { warn!("A result for waiting request was not received."); FetchState::Waiting }, }; match self.state { FetchState::Done(_, ref mut handler) => handler.on_request_readable(decoder), FetchState::Streaming(ref mut handler) => handler.on_request_readable(decoder), FetchState::Error(ref mut handler) => handler.on_request_readable(decoder), _ => Next::write(), } } fn on_response(&mut self, res: &mut server::Response) -> Next { match self.state { FetchState::Done(_, ref mut handler) => handler.on_response(res), FetchState::Streaming(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response(res), FetchState::Error(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response(res), _ => Next::end(), } } fn on_response_writable(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder) -> Next { match self.state { FetchState::Done(_, ref mut handler) => handler.on_response_writable(encoder), FetchState::Streaming(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response_writable(encoder), FetchState::Error(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response_writable(encoder), _ => Next::end(), } } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Errors { embeddable_on: Embeddable, } impl Errors { fn download_error(&self, e: E) -> ContentHandler { ContentHandler::error( StatusCode::BadGateway, "Download Error", "There was an error when fetching the content.", Some(&format!("{:?}", e)), self.embeddable_on.clone(), ) } fn invalid_content(&self, e: E) -> ContentHandler { ContentHandler::error( StatusCode::BadGateway, "Invalid Dapp", "Downloaded bundle does not contain a valid content.", Some(&format!("{:?}", e)), self.embeddable_on.clone(), ) } fn timeout_error(&self) -> ContentHandler { ContentHandler::error( StatusCode::GatewayTimeout, "Download Timeout", &format!("Could not fetch content within {} seconds.", FETCH_TIMEOUT), None, self.embeddable_on.clone(), ) } fn method_not_allowed(&self) -> ContentHandler { ContentHandler::error( StatusCode::MethodNotAllowed, "Method Not Allowed", "Only GET requests are allowed.", None, self.embeddable_on.clone(), ) } } pub struct ContentFetcherHandler { fetch_control: FetchControl, control: Control, remote: Remote, status: FetchState, fetch: F, installer: Option, path: EndpointPath, errors: Errors, } impl ContentFetcherHandler { pub fn new( url: String, path: EndpointPath, control: Control, installer: H, embeddable_on: Embeddable, remote: Remote, fetch: F, ) -> Self { ContentFetcherHandler { fetch_control: FetchControl::default(), control, remote, fetch, status: FetchState::NotStarted(url), installer: Some(installer), path, errors: Errors { embeddable_on, }, } } pub fn fetch_control(&self) -> FetchControl { self.fetch_control.clone() } fn fetch_content(&self, uri: RequestUri, url: &str, installer: H) -> mpsc::Receiver { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(); let abort = self.fetch_control.abort.clone(); let path = self.path.clone(); let tx2 = tx.clone(); let control = self.control.clone(); let errors = self.errors.clone(); let future = self.fetch.fetch_with_abort(url, abort.into()).then(move |result| { trace!(target: "dapps", "Fetching content finished. Starting validation: {:?}", result); let new_state = match result { Ok(response) => match installer.validate_and_install(response) { Ok(ValidatorResponse::Local(endpoint)) => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Validation OK. Returning response."); let mut handler = endpoint.to_page_handler(path); handler.set_uri(&uri); FetchState::Done(endpoint, handler) }, Ok(ValidatorResponse::Streaming(handler)) => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Validation OK. Streaming response."); FetchState::Streaming(handler) }, Err(e) => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Error while validating content: {:?}", e); FetchState::Error(errors.invalid_content(e)) }, }, Err(e) => { warn!(target: "dapps", "Unable to fetch content: {:?}", e); FetchState::Error(errors.download_error(e)) }, }; // Content may be resolved when the connection is already dropped. let _ = tx2.send(new_state); // Ignoring control errors let _ = control.ready(Next::read()); Ok(()) as Result<(), ()> }); // make sure to run within fetch thread pool. let future = self.fetch.process(future); // spawn to event loop let control = self.control.clone(); let errors = self.errors.clone(); self.remote.spawn_with_timeout(|| future, Duration::from_secs(FETCH_TIMEOUT), move || { // Notify about the timeout let _ = tx.send(FetchState::Error(errors.timeout_error())); // Ignoring control errors let _ = control.ready(Next::read()); }); rx } } impl server::Handler for ContentFetcherHandler { fn on_request(&mut self, request: server::Request) -> Next { let status = if let FetchState::NotStarted(ref url) = self.status { let uri = request.uri().clone(); let installer = self.installer.take().expect("Installer always set initialy; installer used only in on_request; on_request invoked only once; qed"); Some(match *request.method() { // Start fetching content Method::Get => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Fetching content from: {:?}", url); let receiver = self.fetch_content(uri, url, installer); FetchState::InProgress(receiver) }, // or return error _ => FetchState::Error(self.errors.method_not_allowed()), }) } else { None }; if let Some(status) = status { self.fetch_control.set_status(&status); self.status = status; } Next::read() } fn on_request_readable(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder) -> Next { let (status, next) = match self.status { // Request may time out FetchState::InProgress(_) if self.fetch_control.is_deadline_reached() => { trace!(target: "dapps", "Fetching dapp failed because of timeout."); (Some(FetchState::Error(self.errors.timeout_error())), Next::write()) }, FetchState::InProgress(ref receiver) => { // Check if there is an answer let rec = receiver.try_recv(); match rec { // just return the new state Ok(state) => (Some(state), Next::write()), // wait some more _ => (None, Next::wait()) } }, FetchState::Error(ref mut handler) => (None, handler.on_request_readable(decoder)), _ => (None, Next::write()), }; if let Some(status) = status { self.fetch_control.set_status(&status); self.status = status; } next } fn on_response(&mut self, res: &mut server::Response) -> Next { match self.status { FetchState::Done(_, ref mut handler) => handler.on_response(res), FetchState::Streaming(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response(res), FetchState::Error(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response(res), _ => Next::end(), } } fn on_response_writable(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder) -> Next { match self.status { FetchState::Done(_, ref mut handler) => handler.on_response_writable(encoder), FetchState::Streaming(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response_writable(encoder), FetchState::Error(ref mut handler) => handler.on_response_writable(encoder), _ => Next::end(), } } }