// Copyright 2015, 2016 Ethcore (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . //! A blockchain engine that supports a basic, non-BFT proof-of-authority. use common::*; use util::keys::store::AccountProvider; use block::*; use spec::{CommonParams, Spec}; use engine::*; use evm::Schedule; use ethjson; /// `BasicAuthority` params. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct BasicAuthorityParams { /// Gas limit divisor. pub gas_limit_bound_divisor: U256, /// Block duration. pub duration_limit: u64, /// Valid signatories. pub authorities: HashSet
, } impl From for BasicAuthorityParams { fn from(p: ethjson::spec::BasicAuthorityParams) -> Self { BasicAuthorityParams { gas_limit_bound_divisor: p.gas_limit_bound_divisor.into(), duration_limit: p.duration_limit.into(), authorities: p.authorities.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect::>(), } } } /// Engine using `BasicAuthority` proof-of-work consensus algorithm, suitable for Ethereum /// mainnet chains in the Olympic, Frontier and Homestead eras. pub struct BasicAuthority { params: CommonParams, our_params: BasicAuthorityParams, builtins: BTreeMap, } impl BasicAuthority { /// Create a new instance of BasicAuthority engine pub fn new(params: CommonParams, our_params: BasicAuthorityParams, builtins: BTreeMap) -> Self { BasicAuthority { params: params, our_params: our_params, builtins: builtins, } } } impl Engine for BasicAuthority { fn name(&self) -> &str { "BasicAuthority" } fn version(&self) -> SemanticVersion { SemanticVersion::new(1, 0, 0) } // One field - the signature fn seal_fields(&self) -> usize { 1 } fn params(&self) -> &CommonParams { &self.params } fn builtins(&self) -> &BTreeMap { &self.builtins } /// Additional engine-specific information for the user/developer concerning `header`. fn extra_info(&self, _header: &Header) -> HashMap { hash_map!["signature".to_owned() => "TODO".to_owned()] } fn schedule(&self, _env_info: &EnvInfo) -> Schedule { Schedule::new_homestead() } fn populate_from_parent(&self, header: &mut Header, parent: &Header, gas_floor_target: U256) { header.difficulty = parent.difficulty; header.gas_limit = { let gas_limit = parent.gas_limit; let bound_divisor = self.our_params.gas_limit_bound_divisor; if gas_limit < gas_floor_target { min(gas_floor_target, gas_limit + gas_limit / bound_divisor - x!(1)) } else { max(gas_floor_target, gas_limit - gas_limit / bound_divisor + x!(1)) } }; header.note_dirty(); // info!("ethash: populate_from_parent #{}: difficulty={} and gas_limit={}", header.number, header.difficulty, header.gas_limit); } /// Apply the block reward on finalisation of the block. /// This assumes that all uncles are valid uncles (i.e. of at least one generation before the current). fn on_close_block(&self, _block: &mut ExecutedBlock) {} /// Attempt to seal the block internally. /// /// This operation is synchronous and may (quite reasonably) not be available, in which `false` will /// be returned. fn generate_seal(&self, block: &ExecutedBlock, accounts: Option<&AccountProvider>) -> Option> { if let Some(ap) = accounts { // check to see if author is contained in self.our_params.authorities if self.our_params.authorities.contains(block.header().author()) { if let Ok(secret) = ap.account_secret(block.header().author()) { return Some(block.header().author_seal(&secret)); } else { trace!(target: "basicauthority", "generate_seal: FAIL: accounts secret key unavailable"); } } else { trace!(target: "basicauthority", "generate_seal: FAIL: block author {} isn't one of the authorized accounts {:?}", block.header().author(), self.our_params.authorities); } } else { trace!(target: "basicauthority", "generate_seal: FAIL: accounts not provided"); } None } fn verify_block_basic(&self, header: &Header, _block: Option<&[u8]>) -> result::Result<(), Error> { // check the seal fields. // TODO: pull this out into common code. if header.seal.len() != self.seal_fields() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidSealArity( Mismatch { expected: self.seal_fields(), found: header.seal.len() } ))); } Ok(()) } fn verify_block_unordered(&self, header: &Header, _block: Option<&[u8]>) -> result::Result<(), Error> { // check the signature is legit. let sig = try!(UntrustedRlp::new(&header.seal[0]).as_val::()); let signer = Address::from(try!(ec::recover(&sig, &header.bare_hash())).sha3()); if !self.our_params.authorities.contains(&signer) { return try!(Err(BlockError::InvalidSeal)); } Ok(()) } fn verify_block_family(&self, header: &Header, parent: &Header, _block: Option<&[u8]>) -> result::Result<(), Error> { // we should not calculate difficulty for genesis blocks if header.number() == 0 { return Err(From::from(BlockError::RidiculousNumber(OutOfBounds { min: Some(1), max: None, found: header.number() }))); } // Check difficulty is correct given the two timestamps. if header.difficulty() != parent.difficulty() { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidDifficulty(Mismatch { expected: *parent.difficulty(), found: *header.difficulty() }))) } let gas_limit_divisor = self.our_params.gas_limit_bound_divisor; let min_gas = parent.gas_limit - parent.gas_limit / gas_limit_divisor; let max_gas = parent.gas_limit + parent.gas_limit / gas_limit_divisor; if header.gas_limit <= min_gas || header.gas_limit >= max_gas { return Err(From::from(BlockError::InvalidGasLimit(OutOfBounds { min: Some(min_gas), max: Some(max_gas), found: header.gas_limit }))); } Ok(()) } fn verify_transaction_basic(&self, t: &SignedTransaction, _header: &Header) -> result::Result<(), Error> { try!(t.check_low_s()); Ok(()) } fn verify_transaction(&self, t: &SignedTransaction, _header: &Header) -> Result<(), Error> { t.sender().map(|_|()) // Perform EC recovery and cache sender } } impl Header { /// Get the none field of the header. pub fn signature(&self) -> H520 { decode(&self.seal()[0]) } /// Generate a seal for the block with the given `secret`. pub fn author_seal(&self, secret: &Secret) -> Vec { vec![encode(&ec::sign(secret, &self.bare_hash()).unwrap_or(Signature::new())).to_vec()] } /// Set the nonce and mix hash fields of the header. pub fn sign(&mut self, secret: &Secret) { self.seal = self.author_seal(secret); } } /// Create a new test chain spec with `BasicAuthority` consensus engine. pub fn new_test_authority() -> Spec { Spec::load(include_bytes!("../res/test_authority.json")) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use common::*; use block::*; use tests::helpers::*; use util::keys::{TestAccountProvider, TestAccount}; #[test] fn has_valid_metadata() { let engine = new_test_authority().engine; assert!(!engine.name().is_empty()); assert!(engine.version().major >= 1); } #[test] fn can_return_schedule() { let engine = new_test_authority().engine; let schedule = engine.schedule(&EnvInfo { number: 10000000, author: x!(0), timestamp: 0, difficulty: x!(0), last_hashes: vec![], gas_used: x!(0), gas_limit: x!(0) }); assert!(schedule.stack_limit > 0); } #[test] fn can_do_seal_verification_fail() { let engine = new_test_authority().engine; let header: Header = Header::default(); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_basic(&header, None); match verify_result { Err(Error::Block(BlockError::InvalidSealArity(_))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be block seal-arity mismatch error (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_signature_verification_fail() { let engine = new_test_authority().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_seal(vec![rlp::encode(&Signature::zero()).to_vec()]); let verify_result = engine.verify_block_unordered(&header, None); match verify_result { Err(Error::Util(UtilError::Crypto(CryptoError::InvalidSignature))) => {}, Err(_) => { panic!("should be block difficulty error (got {:?})", verify_result); }, _ => { panic!("Should be error, got Ok"); }, } } #[test] fn can_do_signature_verification() { let secret = "".sha3(); let addr = KeyPair::from_secret("".sha3()).unwrap().address(); let engine = new_test_authority().engine; let mut header: Header = Header::default(); header.set_author(addr); header.sign(&secret); assert!(engine.verify_block_unordered(&header, None).is_ok()); } #[test] fn can_generate_seal() { let addr = KeyPair::from_secret("".sha3()).unwrap().address(); let accounts = hash_map![addr => TestAccount{unlocked: true, password: Default::default(), secret: "".sha3()}]; let tap = TestAccountProvider::new(accounts); let spec = new_test_authority(); let engine = &spec.engine; let genesis_header = spec.genesis_header(); let mut db_result = get_temp_journal_db(); let mut db = db_result.take(); spec.ensure_db_good(db.as_hashdb_mut()); let last_hashes = vec![genesis_header.hash()]; let vm_factory = Default::default(); let b = OpenBlock::new(engine.deref(), &vm_factory, false, db, &genesis_header, last_hashes, addr.clone(), x!(3141562), vec![]); let b = b.close_and_lock(); let seal = engine.generate_seal(b.block(), Some(&tap)).unwrap(); assert!(b.try_seal(engine.deref(), seal).is_ok()); } }