// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Parity. // Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Parity. If not, see . use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::path::{PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Arc, Weak}; use ethcore::client::{BlockId, BlockChainClient, ChainNotify}; use ethsync::{SyncProvider}; use futures::future; use hash_fetch::{self as fetch, HashFetch}; use hash_fetch::fetch::Client as FetchService; use operations::Operations; use parity_reactor::Remote; use path::restrict_permissions_owner; use service::{Service}; use target_info::Target; use types::{ReleaseInfo, OperationsInfo, CapState, VersionInfo, ReleaseTrack}; use bigint::hash::{H160, H256}; use util::Address; use bytes::Bytes; use parking_lot::Mutex; use util::misc; /// Filter for releases. #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum UpdateFilter { /// All releases following the same track. All, /// As with `All`, but only those which are known to be critical. Critical, /// None. None, } /// The policy for auto-updating. #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)] pub struct UpdatePolicy { /// Download potential updates. pub enable_downloading: bool, /// Disable client if we know we're incapable of syncing. pub require_consensus: bool, /// Which of those downloaded should be automatically installed. pub filter: UpdateFilter, /// Which track we should be following. pub track: ReleaseTrack, /// Path for the updates to go. pub path: String, } impl Default for UpdatePolicy { fn default() -> Self { UpdatePolicy { enable_downloading: false, require_consensus: true, filter: UpdateFilter::None, track: ReleaseTrack::Unknown, path: Default::default(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct UpdaterState { latest: Option, fetching: Option, ready: Option, installed: Option, capability: CapState, disabled: bool, } /// Service for checking for updates and determining whether we can achieve consensus. pub struct Updater { // Useful environmental stuff. update_policy: UpdatePolicy, weak_self: Mutex>, client: Weak, sync: Weak, fetcher: Mutex>, operations: Mutex>, exit_handler: Mutex>>, // Our version info (static) this: VersionInfo, // All the other info - this changes so leave it behind a Mutex. state: Mutex, } const CLIENT_ID: &'static str = "parity"; fn platform() -> String { if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { "x86_64-apple-darwin".into() } else if cfg!(windows) { "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc".into() } else if cfg!(target_os = "linux") { format!("{}-unknown-linux-gnu", Target::arch()) } else { misc::platform() } } impl Updater { pub fn new(client: Weak, sync: Weak, update_policy: UpdatePolicy, fetch: FetchService, remote: Remote) -> Arc { let r = Arc::new(Updater { update_policy: update_policy, weak_self: Mutex::new(Default::default()), client: client.clone(), sync: sync.clone(), fetcher: Mutex::new(None), operations: Mutex::new(None), exit_handler: Mutex::new(None), this: VersionInfo::this(), state: Mutex::new(Default::default()), }); *r.fetcher.lock() = Some(fetch::Client::with_fetch(r.clone(), fetch, remote)); *r.weak_self.lock() = Arc::downgrade(&r); r.poll(); r } /// Set a closure to call when we want to restart the client pub fn set_exit_handler(&self, f: F) where F: Fn() + 'static + Send { *self.exit_handler.lock() = Some(Box::new(f)); } fn collect_release_info(operations: &Operations, release_id: &H256) -> Result { let (fork, track, semver, is_critical) = operations.release(CLIENT_ID, release_id)?; let latest_binary = operations.checksum(CLIENT_ID, release_id, &platform())?; Ok(ReleaseInfo { version: VersionInfo::from_raw(semver, track, release_id.clone().into()), is_critical: is_critical, fork: fork as u64, binary: if latest_binary.is_zero() { None } else { Some(latest_binary) }, }) } fn track(&self) -> ReleaseTrack { match self.update_policy.track { ReleaseTrack::Unknown => self.this.track, x => x, } } fn collect_latest(&self) -> Result { if let Some(ref operations) = *self.operations.lock() { let hh: H256 = self.this.hash.into(); trace!(target: "updater", "Looking up this_fork for our release: {}/{:?}", CLIENT_ID, hh); let this_fork = operations.release(CLIENT_ID, &self.this.hash.into()).ok() .and_then(|(fork, track, _, _)| { trace!(target: "updater", "Operations returned fork={}, track={}", fork as u64, track); if track > 0 {Some(fork as u64)} else {None} }); if self.track() == ReleaseTrack::Unknown { return Err(format!("Current executable ({}) is unreleased.", H160::from(self.this.hash))); } let latest_in_track = operations.latest_in_track(CLIENT_ID, self.track().into())?; let in_track = Self::collect_release_info(operations, &latest_in_track)?; let mut in_minor = Some(in_track.clone()); const PROOF: &'static str = "in_minor initialised and assigned with Some; loop breaks if None assigned; qed"; while in_minor.as_ref().expect(PROOF).version.track != self.track() { let track = match in_minor.as_ref().expect(PROOF).version.track { ReleaseTrack::Beta => ReleaseTrack::Stable, ReleaseTrack::Nightly => ReleaseTrack::Beta, _ => { in_minor = None; break; } }; in_minor = Some(Self::collect_release_info(operations, &operations.latest_in_track(CLIENT_ID, track.into())?)?); } Ok(OperationsInfo { fork: operations.latest_fork()? as u64, this_fork: this_fork, track: in_track, minor: in_minor, }) } else { Err("Operations not available".into()) } } fn update_file_name(v: &VersionInfo) -> String { format!("parity-{}.{}.{}-{:?}", v.version.major, v.version.minor, v.version.patch, v.hash) } fn updates_path(&self, name: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut dest = PathBuf::from(self.update_policy.path.clone()); dest.push(name); dest } fn fetch_done(&self, result: Result) { (|| -> Result<(), (String, bool)> { let auto = { let mut s = self.state.lock(); let fetched = s.fetching.take().unwrap(); let dest = self.updates_path(&Self::update_file_name(&fetched.version)); if !dest.exists() { let b = result.map_err(|e| (format!("Unable to fetch update ({}): {:?}", fetched.version, e), false))?; info!(target: "updater", "Fetched latest version ({}) OK to {}", fetched.version, b.display()); fs::create_dir_all(dest.parent().expect("at least one thing pushed; qed")).map_err(|e| (format!("Unable to create updates path: {:?}", e), true))?; fs::copy(&b, &dest).map_err(|e| (format!("Unable to copy update: {:?}", e), true))?; restrict_permissions_owner(&dest, false, true).map_err(|e| (format!("Unable to update permissions: {}", e), true))?; info!(target: "updater", "Installed updated binary to {}", dest.display()); } let auto = match self.update_policy.filter { UpdateFilter::All => true, UpdateFilter::Critical if fetched.is_critical /* TODO: or is on a bad fork */ => true, _ => false, }; s.ready = Some(fetched); auto }; if auto { // will lock self.state, so ensure it's outside of previous block. self.execute_upgrade(); } Ok(()) })().unwrap_or_else(|(e, fatal)| { self.state.lock().disabled = fatal; warn!("{}", e); }); } fn poll(&self) { trace!(target: "updater", "Current release is {} ({:?})", self.this, self.this.hash); // We rely on a secure state. Bail if we're unsure about it. if self.client.upgrade().map_or(true, |s| !s.chain_info().security_level().is_full()) { return; } if self.operations.lock().is_none() { if let Some(ops_addr) = self.client.upgrade().and_then(|c| c.registry_address("operations".into())) { trace!(target: "updater", "Found operations at {}", ops_addr); let client = self.client.clone(); *self.operations.lock() = Some(Operations::new(ops_addr, move |a, d| client.upgrade().ok_or("No client!".into()).and_then(|c| c.call_contract(BlockId::Latest, a, d)))); } else { // No Operations contract - bail. return; } } let current_number = self.client.upgrade().map_or(0, |c| c.block_number(BlockId::Latest).unwrap_or(0)); let mut capability = CapState::Unknown; let latest = self.collect_latest().ok(); if let Some(ref latest) = latest { trace!(target: "updater", "Latest release in our track is v{} it is {}critical ({} binary is {})", latest.track.version, if latest.track.is_critical {""} else {"non-"}, &platform(), if let Some(ref b) = latest.track.binary { format!("{}", b) } else { "unreleased".into() } ); let mut s = self.state.lock(); let running_later = latest.track.version.version < self.version_info().version; let running_latest = latest.track.version.hash == self.version_info().hash; let already_have_latest = s.installed.as_ref().or(s.ready.as_ref()).map_or(false, |t| *t == latest.track); if !s.disabled && self.update_policy.enable_downloading && !running_later && !running_latest && !already_have_latest { if let Some(b) = latest.track.binary { if s.fetching.is_none() { if self.updates_path(&Self::update_file_name(&latest.track.version)).exists() { info!(target: "updater", "Already fetched binary."); s.fetching = Some(latest.track.clone()); drop(s); self.fetch_done(Ok(PathBuf::new())); } else { info!(target: "updater", "Attempting to get parity binary {}", b); s.fetching = Some(latest.track.clone()); drop(s); let weak_self = self.weak_self.lock().clone(); let f = move |r: Result| if let Some(this) = weak_self.upgrade() { this.fetch_done(r) }; self.fetcher.lock().as_ref().expect("Created on `new`; qed").fetch(b, Box::new(f)); } } } } trace!(target: "updater", "Fork: this/current/latest/latest-known: {}/#{}/#{}/#{}", match latest.this_fork { Some(f) => format!("#{}", f), None => "unknown".into(), }, current_number, latest.track.fork, latest.fork); if let Some(this_fork) = latest.this_fork { if this_fork < latest.fork { // We're behind the latest fork. Now is the time to be upgrading; perhaps we're too late... if let Some(c) = self.client.upgrade() { let current_number = c.block_number(BlockId::Latest).unwrap_or(0); if current_number >= latest.fork - 1 { // We're at (or past) the last block we can import. Disable the client. if self.update_policy.require_consensus { c.disable(); } capability = CapState::IncapableSince(latest.fork); } else { capability = CapState::CapableUntil(latest.fork); } } } else { capability = CapState::Capable; } } } let mut s = self.state.lock(); s.latest = latest; s.capability = capability; } } impl ChainNotify for Updater { fn new_blocks(&self, _imported: Vec, _invalid: Vec, _enacted: Vec, _retracted: Vec, _sealed: Vec, _proposed: Vec, _duration: u64) { match (self.client.upgrade(), self.sync.upgrade()) { (Some(ref c), Some(ref s)) if !s.status().is_syncing(c.queue_info()) => self.poll(), _ => {}, } } } impl fetch::urlhint::ContractClient for Updater { fn registrar(&self) -> Result { self.client.upgrade().ok_or_else(|| "Client not available".to_owned())? .registrar_address() .ok_or_else(|| "Registrar not available".into()) } fn call(&self, address: Address, data: Bytes) -> fetch::urlhint::BoxFuture { Box::new(future::done( self.client.upgrade() .ok_or_else(|| "Client not available".into()) .and_then(move |c| c.call_contract(BlockId::Latest, address, data)) )) } } impl Service for Updater { fn capability(&self) -> CapState { self.state.lock().capability } fn upgrade_ready(&self) -> Option { self.state.lock().ready.clone() } fn execute_upgrade(&self) -> bool { (|| -> Result { let mut s = self.state.lock(); if let Some(r) = s.ready.take() { let p = Self::update_file_name(&r.version); let n = self.updates_path("latest"); // TODO: creating then writing is a bit fragile. would be nice to make it atomic. match fs::File::create(&n).and_then(|mut f| f.write_all(p.as_bytes())) { Ok(_) => { info!(target: "updater", "Completed upgrade to {}", &r.version); s.installed = Some(r); if let Some(ref h) = *self.exit_handler.lock() { (*h)(); } else { info!("Update installed; ready for restart."); } Ok(true) } Err(e) => { s.ready = Some(r); Err(format!("Unable to create soft-link for update {:?}", e)) } } } else { warn!(target: "updater", "Execute upgrade called when no upgrade ready."); Ok(false) } })().unwrap_or_else(|e| { warn!("{}", e); false }) } fn version_info(&self) -> VersionInfo { self.this.clone() } fn info(&self) -> Option { self.state.lock().latest.clone() } }